example for labview/comedi live-cd added

This commit is contained in:
lars 2006-02-10 10:41:51 +00:00
parent 3592b46cb0
commit 0c9416c116
96 changed files with 10361 additions and 38 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
dpkg-query -W --showformat ='${Installed-Size} ${Package} ${Status} \n' | grep -v deinstall | cut -c 2- | sort -n

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
rm bootfs/index*.html

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
KVERSION=$(readlink /boot/vmlinuz)
# configure grub
[ -d /boot/grub ] || mkdir -p /boot/grub
echo "
timeout 3
title Silicann - ein neuronales Netz
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-${KVERSION} root=/dev/hdc
initrd /boot/initrd-${KVERSION}
" >/boot/grub/menu.lst
# configure mkinitrd
sed -i 's/^ROOT=.*$/ROOT=iso9660/' /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf
sed -i 's/^MODULES=.*$/MODULES=dep/' /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf
# create initrd
mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd-${KVERSION} ${KVERSION}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
KVERSION=$(readlink /boot/vmlinuz)
if [ -e /usr/local/lib/libcomedi.so ]
then echo " comedi is already installed"
else old_pwd=$(pwd)
cd /opt
tar xzf src/comedi-*.tar.gz
tar xzf src/comedilib-*.tar.gz
# install comedi
# install comedilib
# refresh module dependencies
cd /opt/comedi-*
./configure --with-linuxdir=/usr/src/linux --with-kernel-release=${KVERSION} --disable-pcmcia && \
make && \
make install && \
cd /opt/comedilib-* && \
./configure && \
make && \
make install && \
cd "$old_pwd"
# update module dependencies
KVERSION=$(readlink /boot/vmlinuz)
depmod -a "$KVERSION"
# update init-links for module loading
update-rc.d comedi defaults
# update library dependencies
# if something fails, then the marker file /usr/local/lib/libcomedi.so is not created

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# install all debian packages from /packages
for a in /packages/*.deb
do dpkg -i "$a"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# liblvrt (LabView runtime engine) expects libOSMesa.so.4, but requires symbols from libOSMesa.so.6
# so we just install v6 and add some links
ln -sfn libOSMesa32.so.6 /usr/lib/libOSMesa.so.4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# this is necessary to load the comedi_parport module properly
# as (at least) linux 2.6.13 does not really unload parport
echo "install parport /bin/true" >/etc/modprobe.d/skip_parport

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# put your favourite window manager here
# this one does not work - S00knoppix-autoconfig will always overwrite it
# echo "$STARTUP_WM" >/etc/sysconfig/desktop
# this one does work - uuuugly!
if grep -q '^\[ -n "$DESKTOP" \] || DESKTOP=' "$FILE"
then sed -i "/^\[ -n \"\$DESKTOP\" \] || DESKTOP=/s/DESKTOP=\".*$/DESKTOP=\"$STARTUP_WM\"/g" "$FILE"
else echo " setting of default window manager not found in $FILE"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# run a program as soon, as the window manager is ready
# AND do not open the knoppix info page with a browser
# first: turn off info page autostart
sed -i '/^ln .*Autostart/showindex.desktop/s/^/#/' /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession
# now select "our" autostart program
# do it for different window managers
################ icewm ###################
# does not really work
) >"$FILE"
chmod +x "$FILE"
################ kde ###################
# works
echo "[Desktop Entry]"
echo "Name=Silimann9 - Demo"
echo "Exec=$STARTUP_PROG"
echo "Type=Application"
echo "Icon=html"
echo "Terminal=0"
) >"$FILE"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,367 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# Provides: comedi
# Required-Start:
# Should-Start: haldaemon
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Description: Start Name Service Cache Daemon
set -u
set -e
#set -x
COM_CAL="/usr/local/bin/comedi_calibrate --calibrate"
#OPTIONS="--read-buffer 32 --write-buffer 32"
# modules to load - one module (with parameters) per line
COMEDI_MODULES="comedi_parport 0x378"
# erstmal deaktivieren
# cb_pcidda
# ni_pcimio
# comedi_test"
# parport wird extra geladen, da es einen Parameter braucht
[ $# -gt 0 ] && ACTION="$1"
case "$ACTION" in
stop )
if lsmod | grep -q comedi
then echo "Comedi is active ..."
else echo "Comedi is not active ..."
exit 3
echo -e "$COMEDI_MODULES" | while read mod opt; do $MODPR -r $mod; done
$MODPR -r comedi
echo "Comedi-Module wurden entfernt"
restart|start )
lsmod | grep -q comedi && "$0" stop
$MODPR -r lp parport_pc ppdev parport || true
sleep 1
echo "Install comedi modules ..."
echo -e "$COMEDI_MODULES" | while read mod opt
do echo -n "Configuring /dev/comedi$devnum as $mod ..."
# create device nod if necessary
[ -e "/dev/comedi$devnum" ] || mknod "/dev/comedi$devnum" c 98 "$devnum"
$MODPR $mod || true
sleep 1
if $COM_CON /dev/comedi$devnum $mod $opt
then chgrp users /dev/comedi$devnum
chmod 660 /dev/comedi$devnum
echo -e "\t OK"
else echo -e "\t Failure!"
while [ $devnum -lt $maxC ]
do $COM_CAL -f /dev/comedi$devnum || true
# errors may occour, if the device can not be calibrated (e.g. parport) ...
status )
lsmod | grep -q comedi && exit 0
exit 1
* )
echo "Syntax: $0 { start | stop | restart | status }"
exit 1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="Analysis" displayname="Analysis">
<nierror code="-23096">
Analysis: Too many decimal points.
<nierror code="-23095">
Analysis: Not a valid function.
<nierror code="-23094">
Analysis: Incomplete function expression.
<nierror code="-23093">
Analysis: Incomplete expression.
<nierror code="-23092">
Analysis: Variables output problem.
<nierror code="-23091">
Analysis: Inconsistency in variables or numbers.
<nierror code="-23090">
Analysis: Contains more than one variable.
<nierror code="-23089">
Analysis: Contains variables.
<nierror code="-23088">
Analysis: Wrong variable name.
<nierror code="-23087">
Analysis: Wrong letter.
<nierror code="-23086">
Analysis: Wrong function call.
<nierror code="-23085">
Analysis: Wrong number format.
<nierror code="-23084">
Analysis: Wrong decimal point.
<nierror code="-23083">
Analysis: Bracket problem at the end.
<nierror code="-23082">
Analysis: Bracket problem at the beginning.
<nierror code="-23081">
Analysis: Bracket problem.
<nierror code="-23055">
Analysis: Argument out of range [0,1).
<nierror code="-23054">
Analysis: Non-unique variables.
<nierror code="-23053">
Analysis: Signal length not a power of two and >= 4.
<nierror code="-23052">
Analysis: Signal length not a prime and >= 5.
<nierror code="-23051">
Analysis: Signal length not a power of two.
<nierror code="-23050">
Analysis: Signal length not a multiple of number.
<nierror code="-23049">
Analysis: Invalid window length.
<nierror code="-23048">
Analysis: Invalid time increment.
<nierror code="-23047">
Analysis: Argument out of range [0,100].
<nierror code="-23046">
Analysis: Empty array.
<nierror code="-23045">
Analysis: n < k
<nierror code="-23044">
Analysis: Argument out of range [0,1].
<nierror code="-23043">
Analysis: Argument out of range (0,1].
<nierror code="-23042">
Analysis: Negative argument.
<nierror code="-23041">
Analysis: Not exactly two variables.
<nierror code="-23040">
Analysis: Derivative out of range.
<nierror code="-23039">
Analysis: Parameter problem.
<nierror code="-23038">
Analysis: No variables in expression.
<nierror code="-23037">
Analysis: Not exactly two functions.
<nierror code="-23036">
Analysis: Different parameters.
<nierror code="-23035">
Analysis: Nonpositive number.
<nierror code="-23034">
Analysis: Ill conditioned system
<nierror code="-23033">
Analysis: Vectors have different dimensions or empty vectors.
<nierror code="-23032">
Analysis: Maximum does not exist.
<nierror code="-23031">
Analysis: No valid point.
<nierror code="-23030">
Analysis: m >= n >= 0 is violated or the matrix of derivatives has the wrong dimension.
<nierror code="-23029">
Analysis: The Levenberg Marquardt VI has failed.
<nierror code="-23028">
Analysis: Wrong model equation.
<nierror code="-23027">
Analysis: Not exactly one variable.
<nierror code="-23026">
Analysis: No optimum found.
<nierror code="-23025">
Analysis: Invalid triplet (a,b,c).
<nierror code="-23024">
Analysis: No root found.
<nierror code="-23023">
Analysis: Wrong dimension of start.
<nierror code="-23022">
Analysis: Nonpositive accuracy or nonpositive delta x(h).
<nierror code="-23021">
Analysis: Both function values have the same sign.
<nierror code="-23020">
Analysis: Left point greater than right point.
<nierror code="-23019">
Analysis: Right point is a root.
<nierror code="-23018">
Analysis: Left point is a root.
<nierror code="-23017">
Analysis: Multiple roots.
<nierror code="-23016">
Analysis: Singular eigenvector matrix.
<nierror code="-23015">
Analysis: Empty X0.
<nierror code="-23014">
Analysis: A and X0 have different dimensions.
<nierror code="-23013">
Analysis: Matrix vector conflict.
<nierror code="-23012">
Analysis: Nonpositive accuracy.
<nierror code="-23011">
Analysis: Nonpositive step rate.
<nierror code="-23010">
Analysis: Wrong input, Cash Karp method.
<nierror code="-23009">
Analysis: Wrong input, Runge Kutta method.
<nierror code="-23008">
Analysis: Wrong input, Euler method.
<nierror code="-23007">
Analysis: Not a graphs file.
<nierror code="-23006">
Analysis: Not a valid path.
<nierror code="-23005">
Analysis: Negative distance.
<nierror code="-23004">
Analysis: Number of color palettes out of range.
<nierror code="-23003">
Analysis: Number of contours out of range.
<nierror code="-23002">
Analysis: Discrepancy between function, variables and coordinates.
<nierror code="-23001">
Analysis: Syntax error of parser.
<nierror code="-23000">
Analysis: The starting error codes of engineering math.
<nierror code="-20999">
Analysis: Serious algorithm failure. Call National Instruments support.
<nierror code="-20699">
Analysis: The format of the data file for the wavelet filter bank is invalid.
<nierror code="-20698">
Analysis: Cannot open the data file for the wavelet filter bank.
<nierror code="-20697">
Analysis: The wavelet packet session or handle must refer to a full tree.
<nierror code="-20696">
Analysis: The wavelet packet handle or session is invalid or the data space it refers to does not contain the necessary information.
<nierror code="-20695">
Analysis: Invalid dimensions of the wavelet coefficients.
<nierror code="-20694">
Analysis: Invalid optional parameter to find the optimal path.
<nierror code="-20693">
Analysis: The trend level must be no less than zero and no greater than 1.0.
<nierror code="-20692">
Analysis: The time step must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20691">
Analysis: The node must be a terminal node.
<nierror code="-20690">
Analysis: The node must not be a terminal node.
<nierror code="-20689">
Analysis: The path or node string must contain only "0" or "1".
<nierror code="-20688">
Analysis: The lengths of the analysis filters or synthesis filters must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20687">
Analysis: The refinement level for computing the mother wavelet must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20686">
Analysis: Shift must be 0 or 1.
<nierror code="-20685">
Analysis: Shift must be no less than zero and less than the decimation factor or interpolation factor.
<nierror code="-20684">
Analysis: The interpolation factor must be greater than or equal to two.
<nierror code="-20683">
Analysis: The decimation factor must be greater than or equal to two.
<nierror code="-20682">
Analysis: The scale of the wavelet decomposition must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20681">
Analysis: The selection of the wavelet type is invalid.
<nierror code="-20665">
Analysis: The largest order must be greater than the initial order and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
<nierror code="-20664">
Analysis: The initial order must be no less than 1.
<nierror code="-20663">
Analysis: The AR order must be greater than or equal to the number of complex sinusoids.
<nierror code="-20662">
Analysis: The number of complex sinusoids must be greater than zero and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
<nierror code="-20661">
Analysis: The order for the AR model must be greater than zero and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
<nierror code="-20644">
Analysis: The index of the 2D array stored in the refnum is out of range.
<nierror code="-20643">
Analysis: The refnum does not support this operation.
<nierror code="-20642">
Analysis: The refnum is invalid.
<nierror code="-20641">
Analysis: Failure to create the refnum.
<nierror code="-20630">
Analysis: The parameters of the frequency information are invalid for further computation.
<nierror code="-20629">
Analysis: The parameters of the window information are invalid for further computation.
<nierror code="-20628">
Analysis: The dimensions of the kernel must be greater than zero and power of two values. The column size of the kernel must be 2^(ceil(log2(Ls-1))), where Ls is the length of the input signal.
<nierror code="-20627">
Analysis: The variance of the Gaussian window must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20626">
Analysis: The size of the window must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20625">
Analysis: The number of terms must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20624">
Analysis: The oversampling rate must be greater than or equal to one.
<nierror code="-20623">
Analysis: The order must be greater than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-20622">
Analysis: The time interval must be a power of two.
<nierror code="-20621">
Analysis: The time interval must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20604">
Analysis: The selection for the enumerated data type parameter is invalid.
<nierror code="-20603">
Analysis: The number of frequency bins must be greater than zero and a power of two.
<nierror code="-20602">
Analysis: The sample rate must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20601">
Analysis: The input signal is empty.
<nierror code="-20511">
Analysis: CVI Could not create the required mutex.
<nierror code="-20510">
Analysis: CVI Could not find specified function in the DLL
<nierror code="-20509">
Analysis: CVI Could not load Spectral Measurement Toolset DLL
<nierror code="-20508">
Analysis: Invalid SMT session handle.
<nierror code="-20507">
Analysis: Incorrect averaging type specified.
<nierror code="-20506">
Analysis: Incorrect type of the input spectrum data.
<nierror code="-20505">
Analysis: You must specify either FFT bins or RBW.
<nierror code="-20504">
Analysis: Sampling frequency should be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20503">
Analysis: The internal buffer is overflowed by input data.
<nierror code="-20502">
Analysis: FFT size must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20501">
Analysis: The zoom factor must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20337">
Analysis: The specified time stamp is after the end of the limit.
<nierror code="-20336">
Analysis: Values of the X array contained in the Limit Specification cluster are not monotonically increasing.
<nierror code="-20335">
Analysis: Waveforms are not contiguous.
<nierror code="-20334">
Analysis: Cannot align waveforms because their time stamps are separated by more than 10 times the duration of the longest waveform.
<nierror code="-20333">
Analysis: Cannot align two waveforms with same dt if their samples are not clocked in-phase.
<nierror code="-20332">
Analysis: Internal error: The number of threads attribute is less than zero. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20331">
Analysis: Internal error: The parameter struct pointer is Null, possibly because of changes to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20330">
Analysis: Internal error: The cursor struct pointer is Null, possibly because of a change to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20329">
Analysis: Internal error: The result pointer is Null, possibly because of changes to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20328">
Analysis: Failure initializing a critical section in measurement code, possibly due to low memory. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20327">
Analysis: An exception occurred in the measurement code, possibly due to low memory. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20326">
Analysis: Internal error: Invalid measurement ID number. Contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20325">
Analysis: Internal error: Two measurements share the same ID number. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20324">
Analysis: The edge number, pulse number, or cycle parameter value must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20323">
Analysis: Internal error: The attribute number does not refer to a valid parameter. Check the input parameters reference levels, percent level settings, and state settings.
<nierror code="-20322">
Analysis: Internal Error: The measurement session handle is invalid. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20321">
Analysis: Internal error: The requested measurement is not available. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20320">
Analysis: The period of the waveform is too short to perform the measurement.
<nierror code="-20319">
Analysis: The result is not a number (NaN) or infinite.
<nierror code="-20318">
Analysis: The histogram size parameter value is less than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-20317">
Analysis: The slew rate is infinite because the rise or fall time is zero.
<nierror code="-20316">
Analysis: Illegal percent method parameter. Check the method enum input.
<nierror code="-20315">
Analysis: The waveform dt parameter is <= 0.
<nierror code="-20314">
Analysis: Illegal reference level units parameter. Check the ref units text ring input.
<nierror code="-20313">
Analysis: Reference levels must satisfy: low ref <= mid ref <= high ref.
<nierror code="-20312">
Analysis: The input waveform size is zero.
<nierror code="-20311">
Analysis: Insufficient memory available for waveform measurement.
<nierror code="-20310">
Analysis: The waveform did not have enough edges to perform this measurement. An edge is defined as a crossing of both the low and high reference levels. Check the signal length, reference levels, and ref level units.
<nierror code="-20309">
Analysis: The amplitude of the waveform is zero, so the histogram method cannot be used.
<nierror code="-20308">
Analysis: The waveform did not cross the mid reference level enough times to perform this measurement. Check the signal length, reference levels, and ref level units.
<nierror code="-20307">
Analysis: Frequency not a multiple of (Sampling Rate)/Samples.
<nierror code="-20306">
Analysis: The two time signal waveforms contain different dt.
<nierror code="-20305">
Analysis: The two time signal waveforms contain different number of data points.
<nierror code="-20304">
Analysis: At least one of the time signal waveforms does not contain the correct dt to continue the averaging process.
<nierror code="-20303">
Analysis: At least one of the time signal waveforms does not contain the correct number of data points to continue the averaging process.
<nierror code="-20302">
Analysis: The time signal waveform does not contain the correct dt to continue the averaging process.
<nierror code="-20301">
Analysis: The time signal waveform does not contain the correct number of data points to continue the averaging process.
<nierror code="-20207">
Analysis: The upper limit is less than the lower limit.
<nierror code="-20206">
Analysis: Shifts: n is negative.
<nierror code="-20205">
Analysis: The sample length is less than the window length.
<nierror code="-20204">
Analysis: The window length is not positive.
<nierror code="-20203">
Analysis: The time increment is not positive.
<nierror code="-20202">
Analysis: The sample length is negative.
<nierror code="-20201">
Analysis: The sample length is not positive.
<nierror code="-20141">
Analysis: The input must be non-zero.
<nierror code="-20140">
Analysis: The input must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20117">
Analysis: Loss of Significance
<nierror code="-20116">
Analysis: Feasible solution not found.
<nierror code="-20115">
Analysis: The FFT size must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20114">
Analysis: The start value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is greater than the end value.
<nierror code="-20113">
Analysis: The end value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is a root.
<nierror code="-20112">
Analysis: The start value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is a root.
<nierror code="-20111">
Analysis: The input polynomial coefficients are all zeros.
<nierror code="-20104">
Analysis: Input parameters have at least one NaN element.
<nierror code="-20103">
Analysis: The order must be greater than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-20102">
Analysis: The shifts must meet: |shifts| < samples.
<nierror code="-20101">
Analysis: Parameter must meet the condition Top > Base
<nierror code="-20099">
Analysis: The AR order must be greater than or equal to the number of complex sinusoids.
<nierror code="-20098">
Analysis: The AR order must not be greater than two-thirds of the number of samples.
<nierror code="-20097">
Analysis: The number of complex sinusoids must not be greater than two thirds of the number of samples.
<nierror code="-20096">
Analysis: The AR order must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20095">
Analysis: The number of complex sinusoids must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20094">
Analysis: The size of the initial or final condition array is not correct.
<nierror code="-20093">
Analysis: df must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20092">
Analysis: The dual function does not exist.
<nierror code="-20091">
Analysis: The Gabor coefficient array does not have the correct dimension.
<nierror code="-20090">
Analysis: The order of the Gabor spectrogram must be >=0.
<nierror code="-20089">
Analysis: The oversampling rate, N / dM, must be >=1.
<nierror code="-20088">
Analysis: The length of the analysis or synthesis window must be evenly divisible by the number of frequency bins, N, which must be a power of 2.
<nierror code="-20087">
Analysis: The length of the analysis or synthesis window must be evenly divisible by the Gabor time sampling interval, dM.
<nierror code="-20086">
Analysis: Window length must be > 2 and a power of 2.
<nierror code="-20085">
Analysis: The size of the input array and its Hilbert transform must be equal.
<nierror code="-20084">
Analysis: Time increment must not be greater than (window length)/4.
<nierror code="-20083">
Analysis: Window length must be > 4 and a power of 2.
<nierror code="-20082">
Analysis: Time increment must not be greater than dM.
<nierror code="-20081">
Analysis: dN or time interval must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20080">
Analysis: Time increment must be greater than the (window length)/16
<nierror code="-20079">
Analysis: The seed is invalid.
<nierror code="-20078">
Analysis: This functionality is not supported on this platform.
<nierror code="-20077">
Analysis: The time points are not in ascending order.
<nierror code="-20076">
Analysis: The resample point cannot be calculated with the signal behind that of the input.
<nierror code="-20075">
Analysis: The filter buffer overflows.
<nierror code="-20074">
Analysis: Reordering eigenvalues changed some complex ones.
<nierror code="-20073">
Analysis: The eigenvalues cannot be reordered because some of them are too close.
<nierror code="-20072">
Analysis: The logarithm of the input matrix cannot be computed.
<nierror code="-20071">
Analysis: The input matrix is not positive definite.
<nierror code="-20070">
Analysis: Matrices must have the same size.
<nierror code="-20069">
Analysis: The number of samples must be greater than or equal to four.
<nierror code="-20068">
Analysis: Input parameters has at least one element that is Inf, NaN, DBL_MAX, or DBL_MIN
<nierror code="-20067">
Analysis: The input fundamental frequency or sampling rate is equal to zero.
<nierror code="-20066">
Analysis: The information in IIR filter structure is not correct.
<nierror code="-20065">
Analysis: The elements in the vector can not be all zero.
<nierror code="-20064">
Analysis: The internal memory state of this function was not initialized correctly.
<nierror code="-20063">
Analysis: The coefficients of the polynomial are invalid.
<nierror code="-20062">
Analysis: The maximum number of iterations was exceeded.
<nierror code="-20061">
Analysis: The selection is invalid.
<nierror code="-20060">
Analysis: Divide by zero error.
<nierror code="-20059">
Analysis: Negative number error
<nierror code="-20058">
Analysis: Invalid number of dimensions or dependent variables
<nierror code="-20057">
Analysis: The parameter to the beta function should be 0 < p < 1
<nierror code="-20056">
Analysis: The contingency table has a negative number.
<nierror code="-20055">
Analysis: The number of categories or samples must be greater than one.
<nierror code="-20054">
Analysis: The probability must be greater than or equal to zero and less than one.
<nierror code="-20053">
Analysis: The probability must be between zero and one.
<nierror code="-20052">
Analysis: The degree of freedom must be greater than zero and less than the length of the input sequence.
<nierror code="-20051">
Analysis: All values in the first column of X matrix must be one.
<nierror code="-20050">
Analysis: The interpolating function has a pole at the requested value.
<nierror code="-20049">
Analysis: The x-values must be distinct.
<nierror code="-20048">
Analysis: The Random Effect model was requested when the Fixed Effect model is required.
<nierror code="-20047">
Analysis: The data is unbalanced. All cells must contain the same number of observations.
<nierror code="-20046">
Analysis: There is an overflow in the calculation.
<nierror code="-20045">
Analysis: The total number of data points must be equal to the product of levels/each factor * observations/cell.
<nierror code="-20044">
Analysis: Zero observations were made at some level of a factor.
<nierror code="-20043">
Analysis: The level of factors is outside the allowable range of some data.
<nierror code="-20042">
Analysis: The number of levels is out of range.
<nierror code="-20041">
Analysis: The system of equations cannot be solved because the input matrix is singular.
<nierror code="-20040">
Analysis: The input matrix must be a square matrix.
<nierror code="-20039">
Analysis: The number of columns in the first matrix is not equal to the number of rows in the second matrix or vector.
<nierror code="-20038">
Analysis: The number of intervals must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20037">
Analysis: The number of data points in the Y Values array must be greater than the order.
<nierror code="-20036">
Analysis: The elements of the Y Values array must be nonzero and either all positive or all negative.
<nierror code="-20035">
Analysis: The standard deviation must be greater than zero for normalization.
<nierror code="-20034">
Analysis: The number of coefficients must be even for this filter.
<nierror code="-20033">
Analysis: The number of coefficients must be odd for this filter.
<nierror code="-20032">
Analysis: The rank of the filter must meet: 1 <= (2*rank + 1) <= size.
<nierror code="-20031">
Analysis: The filter cannot be designed with the specified input values.
<nierror code="-20030">
Analysis: The leakage coefficient, leak, and step-size parameter, u, must meet: 0 <= leak <= u.
<nierror code="-20029">
Analysis: The step-size, u, must meet: 0 <= u <= 0.1.
<nierror code="-20028">
Analysis: The attenuation value must be greater than the ripple amplitude.
<nierror code="-20027">
Analysis: The final value must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20026">
Analysis: The width must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20025">
Analysis: The attenuation must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20024">
Analysis: The ripple amplitude must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20023">
Analysis: The following conditions must be met: 0 < f_low <= f_high <= fs/2.
<nierror code="-20022">
Analysis: The decimating factor must meet: 0 < decimating factor <= samples.
<nierror code="-20021">
Analysis: The order must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20020">
Analysis: The cut-off frequency, fc, must meet: 0 <= fc <= fs/2.
<nierror code="-20019">
Analysis: The upper value must be >= the lower value.
<nierror code="-20018">
Analysis: The following condition must be met: 0 <= (index + length) < samples.
<nierror code="-20017">
Analysis: The following condition must be met: 0 <= index < samples.
<nierror code="-20016">
Analysis: dt must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20015">
Analysis: dt must be >= 0.
<nierror code="-20014">
Analysis: The following conditions must be met: 0 <= (delay + width) < samples.
<nierror code="-20013">
Analysis: The width must meet: 0 < width < samples.
<nierror code="-20012">
Analysis: The number of cycles must be > 0 and <= the number of samples.
<nierror code="-20011">
Analysis: The duty cycle must be equal to or fall between 0 and 100: 0 <= duty cycle <= 100.
<nierror code="-20010">
Analysis: The maximum allowable transform size has been exceeded.
<nierror code="-20009">
Analysis: The size of the input array must be a power of two: size = 2^m, 0 < m < 23.
<nierror code="-20008">
Analysis: The input arrays do not contain the correct number of data values for this function.
<nierror code="-20007">
Analysis: The number of samples must be >= 3.
<nierror code="-20006">
Analysis: The number of samples must be >= 2.
<nierror code="-20005">
Analysis: The number of samples must be greater than or equal to 1.
<nierror code="-20004">
Analysis: The number of samples must be >= 0.
<nierror code="-20003">
Analysis: The number of samples must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20002">
Analysis: The input sequences must be the same size.
<nierror code="-20001">
Analysis: There is not enough memory to perform the specified routine.
<nierror code="20001">
Analysis: The matrix is rank deficient.
<nierror code="20002">
Analysis: The number of samples must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="20003">
Analysis: The matrix is singular.
<nierror code="20004">
Analysis: Matrices or vectors do not have the same size.
<nierror code="20005">
Analysis: LabVIEW cannot reorder the generalized eigenvalues.
<nierror code="20006">
Analysis: The computation result might be inaccurate.
<nierror code="20010">
Analysis: The sizes of the input arrays do not meet the specified conditions.
<nierror code="20011">
Analysis: The input standard deviation is invalid.
<nierror code="20012">
Analysis: The input polynomial is empty.
<nierror code="20020">
Analysis: Some frequencies violate Nyquist criteria.
<nierror code="20030">
Analysis: The input matrix has at least one element with a value of Inf or NaN.
<nierror code="20307">
Analysis: Frequency was coerced to the nearest multiple of (sampling rate)/samples.
<nierror code="20334">
Analysis: Waveforms are not overlapping.
<nierror code="20351">
Analysis: The averaging process was automatically restarted to respond to a change in the averaging parameters.
<nierror code="20352">
Analysis: Current and previous waveforms are not contiguous.
<nierror code="20353">
Analysis: Current and previous dt not equal.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="IAK_SHARED" displayname="IAK_SHARED">
<nierror code="-1967362047">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7001) Installed library is the wrong version.
<nierror code="-1967362046">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7002) Client attempted to call a function on an unregistered library.
<nierror code="-1967362045">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7003) Operation timed out.
<nierror code="-1967362044">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7004) Syntax error.
<nierror code="-1967362043">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7005) Stack overflowed.
<nierror code="-1967362042">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7006) Unable to start service.
<nierror code="-1967362041">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7007) Out of range.
<nierror code="-1967362040">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7008) Object not found.
<nierror code="-1967362039">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7009) Object already exists.
<nierror code="-1967362038">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700A) Not found.
<nierror code="-1967362037">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700B) Object or collection is not empty.
<nierror code="-1967362036">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700C) Client attempted to call a registration function more than once.
<nierror code="-1967362035">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700D) Invalid result type.
<nierror code="-1967362034">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700E) Invalid operation.
<nierror code="-1967362033">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700F) Invalid argument(s).
<nierror code="-1967362032">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7010) Initialization failed.
<nierror code="-1967362031">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7011) Write file operation failed.
<nierror code="-1967362030">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7012) Read file operation failed.
<nierror code="-1967362029">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7013) End of file.
<nierror code="-1967362028">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7014) Failed to de-serialize.
<nierror code="-1967362027">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7015) Unable to complete request. Connection failed.
<nierror code="-1967362026">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7016) Operation cancelled.
<nierror code="-1967362025">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7017) Buffer overflowed.
<nierror code="-1967362024">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7018) Attempt to advertise service to Logos Classified Ads failed.
<nierror code="-1967362023">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7019) Access denied.
<nierror code="-1967362022">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701A) Buffer underflowed.
<nierror code="-1967362021">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701B) File already exists.
<nierror code="-1967362020">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701C) The provided refnum is invalid.
<nierror code="-1967362019">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701D) A null refnum was provided as input.
<nierror code="-1967362016">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7020) Unexpected OS exception occurred.
<nierror code="-1967362015">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7021) Failed to load library.
<nierror code="-1967362014">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7022) Class not found.
<nierror code="-1967362013">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7023) No known value.
<nierror code="-1967362012">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7024) Invalid locale.
<nierror code="-1967362000">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7030) Invalid UTF8 encoding sequence.
<nierror code="-1967361999">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7031) Citadel ran out of shared memory.
<nierror code="-1967361998">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7032) Badly formatted GUID string.
<nierror code="-1967361997">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7033) Bad Type
<nierror code="-1967345663">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB001) Generic security error.
<nierror code="-1967345662">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB002) Version is not supported by peer.
<nierror code="-1967345661">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB003) Account is locked.
<nierror code="-1967345660">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB004) Logos session timed out or is locked out by other users.
<nierror code="-1967345659">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB005) The specified user does not exist.
<nierror code="-1967345658">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB006) The specified group does not exist.
<nierror code="-1967345657">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB007) Duplicate name.
<nierror code="-1967345656">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB008) Message is corrupted.
<nierror code="-1967345655">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB009) The domain server failed to complete a function.
<nierror code="-1967345654">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00A) Cannot delete built-in principals.
<nierror code="-1967345653">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00B) Invalid password.
<nierror code="-1967345652">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00C) Not a local computer.
<nierror code="-1967345651">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00D) Not an administrator.
<nierror code="-1967345650">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00E) Domain is not defined.
<nierror code="-1967345649">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00F) Domain already exists.
<nierror code="-1967345648">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB010) Password is too short or too long.
<nierror code="-1967345647">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB011) Machine is denied access.
<nierror code="-1967345646">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB012) Requested data denied.
<nierror code="-1967345632">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB020) Cannot lock account.
<nierror code="-1967345631">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB021) Network connection timed out.
<nierror code="-1967345630">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB022) File corrupted.
<nierror code="-1967345629">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB023) Network is disconnected.
<nierror code="-1967345628">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB024) Requested data not found.
<nierror code="-1967345627">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB025) Operation cancelled by user.
<nierror code="-1967345626">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB026) Attempt to advertise service to Logos Classified Ads failed.
<nierror code="-1967345616">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB030) Message size less than one block.
<nierror code="-1967345615">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB031) Failed to generate random number.
<nierror code="-1967345614">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB032) Passwords do not match.
<nierror code="-1967345612">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB034) Password too short.
<nierror code="-1967345611">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB035) Password too long.
<nierror code="-1967345610">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB036) Domain already added.
<nierror code="-1967345609">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB037) No more principals.

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
qCý{›é^sog-bŸmªY…¹‡ ±ï8#( 6@¢y@˳§ài˜Y¤|ñŠÛ¢ï:òXm

View file

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="LabVIEW Simulation Module" displayname="LabVIEW Simulation Module">
<nierror code="-2355">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The value of the Decimation parameter for the Collector function must be greater than or equal to 1.
<nierror code="-2354">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The number of elements in the input array does not equal the number of columns in the gain matrix.
<nierror code="-2353">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You cannot change the maximum delay while the simulation is running.
<nierror code="-2352">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: For fixed step-size ODE solvers, the delay must be less than or equal to the specified maximum delay.
<nierror code="-2351">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The specified parameter is a vector. Enter a vector value.
<nierror code="-2350">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The specified parameter is a scalar. Enter a scalar value.
<nierror code="-2349">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The parameter name is not in the specified parameter list.
<nierror code="-2348">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given State Derivatives are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2347">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Outputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2346">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Inputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2345">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given States are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2344">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Outputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2343">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Inputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2342">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given States are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2341">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Simulation initial time cannot be greater than or equal to the final time.
<nierror code="-2340">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Linearizer detected an error while computing the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2339">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver could not factor the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2338">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver could not compute the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2337">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You can linearize only simulation subsystems.
<nierror code="-2336">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation diagram returned NaN to the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2335">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation diagram returned an overflow to the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2334">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: An overflow occurred in the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2333">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The time step must be between the minimum and maximum time steps.
<nierror code="-2332">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The minimum time step must be less than or equal to the maximum time step.
<nierror code="-2331">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The absolute tolerance and relative tolerance cannot both be zero.
<nierror code="-2330">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The discrete time step is not an integer multiple of the time step.
<nierror code="-2329">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation time step cannot be zero.
<nierror code="-2328">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Invalid use of the Linearize Subsystem dialog box. The Linearize Subsystem dialog box must be used only on subsystem VIs.
<nierror code="-2327">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You can use the Linearize Subsystem dialog box only if you have created a VI under My Computer in the Project Explorer.
<nierror code="-2325">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver Newton Iteration did not converge at the minimum time step.
<nierror code="-2324">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver cannot meet the error tolerance using the minimum time step.
<nierror code="-2323">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation time step is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2322">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Execution Mode is not consistent with the specified discrete integration method.
<nierror code="-2321">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The sample rate divisor is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2320">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: This intermediate solver evaluation should not have been executed.
<nierror code="-2319">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The dimensions of the arrays for the Lookup Table are inconsistent.
<nierror code="-2318">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The dimensions of the parameter vectors of this function do not match.
<nierror code="-2317">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Execution Mode is not consistent with the specified discrete integration method.
<nierror code="-2316">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The order of the numerator must be greater than the order of the denominator.
<nierror code="-2315">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You must match complex entries in the Zero-Pole-Gain function with a complex conjugate.
<nierror code="-2314">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The order of the numerator and the order of the denominator are inconsistent.
<nierror code="-2313">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The size of the initial condition vector is incorrect for the MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2312">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The size of the input vector is incorrect for the MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2311">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The system model order has changed from the previous iteration of the Simulation Loop.
<nierror code="-2310">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Ill-conditioned MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2309">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The period is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2308">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The duty cycle is out of range.
<nierror code="-2307">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Evaluating a single-step solver on a minor substep.
<nierror code="-2306">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The frequency is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2305">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The target time is less than or equal to the simulation initial time.
<nierror code="-2304">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The upper limit is less than the lower limit.
<nierror code="-2303">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The switch on point is less than the switch off point.
<nierror code="-2302">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The quantization interval is less than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-2301">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Failed to translate expression.
<nierror code="-2300">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Invalid SimX node reference.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="Measure" displayname="Measure">
<nierror code="-200991">
Measure: Task cannot be stopped, because at least one installed event handler has not been removed.
Remove all installed event handlers by calling
CNiDAQmxEvent::RemoveEventHandler or CNiDAQmxEvent::RemoveAllEventHandlers. See the documentation for more information.
<nierror code="-2101">
Measure: An analog output channel string represents multiple analog output channels. Measure requires that each analog output channel string contain only one analog output channel.
<nierror code="-2004">
Measure: Excel is out of memory. Use a smaller range.
<nierror code="-2003">
Measure: The range that is specified in the task's configuration is not valid.
<nierror code="-2002">
Measure: The worksheet that is specified in the task's configuration does not exist.
<nierror code="-2001">
Measure: Unable to find task.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="NI-488" displayname="NI-488">
<nierror code="0">
NI-488: Error connecting to driver or device.
<nierror code="1">
NI-488: Command requires GPIB Controller to be Controller-In-Charge.
<nierror code="2">
NI-488: No Listeners on the GPIB.
<nierror code="3">
NI-488: GPIB Controller not addressed correctly.
<nierror code="4">
NI-488: Invalid argument or arguments to function call.
<nierror code="5">
NI-488: Command requires GPIB Controller to be System Controller.
<nierror code="6">
NI-488: I/O operation aborted.
<nierror code="7">
NI-488: Nonexistent GPIB interface.
<nierror code="8">
NI-488: DMA hardware error detected.
<nierror code="9">
NI-488: DMA hardware uP bus timeout.
<nierror code="10">
NI-488: Asynchronous I/O operation in progress.
<nierror code="11">
NI-488: No capability for operation.
<nierror code="12">
NI-488: File system operation error.
<nierror code="13">
NI-488: Shareable board exclusively owned.
<nierror code="14">
NI-488: GPIB bus error.
<nierror code="15">
NI-488: Serial poll byte queue overflow.
<nierror code="16">
NI-488: SRQ stuck in ON position.
<nierror code="17">
NI-488: Unrecognized command.
<nierror code="19">
NI-488: Board not present.
<nierror code="20">
NI-488: Table error.
<nierror code="30">
NI-488: No GPIB address input.
<nierror code="31">
NI-488: No string input (write).
<nierror code="32">
NI-488: No count input (read).
<nierror code="40">
NI-488: Out of memory (MacBus read or write).
<nierror code="41">
NI-488: Insufficient memory (MacBus read or write).

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="NI-Reports" displayname="NI-Reports">
<nierror code="-41006">
NI-Reports: This type of report is not supported on this platform.
<nierror code="-41005">
NI-Reports: Invalid margins.
<nierror code="-41004">
NI-Reports: Print error
<nierror code="-41003">
NI-Reports: File open error.
<nierror code="-41002">
NI-Reports: Invalid printer name
<nierror code="-41001">
NI-Reports: Out of memory.
<nierror code="-41000">
NI-Reports: An unknown error has occurred.
<nierror code="41000">
NI-Reports: (Hex 0xA028) Function not valid with current report type.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="VISA" displayname="VISA">
<nierror code="-1073807360">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0000) Unknown system error (miscellaneous error).
<nierror code="-1073807346">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF000E) The given session or object reference is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807345">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF000F) Specified type of lock cannot be obtained, or specified operation cannot be performed, because the resource is locked.
<nierror code="-1073807344">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0010) Invalid expression specified for search.
<nierror code="-1073807343">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system.
<nierror code="-1073807342">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0012) Invalid resource reference specified. Parsing error.
<nierror code="-1073807341">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0013) Invalid access mode.
<nierror code="-1073807339">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
<nierror code="-1073807338">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0016) The VISA driver failed to properly close the session or object reference.
<nierror code="-1073807333">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF001B) Specified degree is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807332">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF001C) Specified job identifier is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807331">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF001D) The specified attribute is not defined or supported by the referenced resource.
<nierror code="-1073807330">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF001E) The specified state of the attribute is not valid, or is not supported as defined by the resource.
<nierror code="-1073807329">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF001F) The specified attribute is read-only.
<nierror code="-1073807328">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0020) The specified type of lock is not supported by this resource.
<nierror code="-1073807327">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0021) The access key to the specified resource is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807322">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0026) Specified event type is not supported by the resource.
<nierror code="-1073807321">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0027) Invalid mechanism specified.
<nierror code="-1073807320">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0028) A handler was not installed.
<nierror code="-1073807319">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0029) The given handler reference is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807318">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF002A) Specified event context is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807315">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF002D) The event queue for the specified type has overflowed. This is usually due to previous events not having been closed.
<nierror code="-1073807313">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF002F) You must be enabled for events of the specified type in order to receive them.
<nierror code="-1073807312">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0030) User abort occurred during transfer.
<nierror code="-1073807308">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0034) Violation of raw write protocol occurred during transfer.
<nierror code="-1073807307">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0035) Violation of raw read protocol occurred during transfer.
<nierror code="-1073807306">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0036) Device reported an output protocol error during transfer.
<nierror code="-1073807305">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0037) Device reported an input protocol error during transfer.
<nierror code="-1073807304">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0038) Bus error occurred during transfer.
<nierror code="-1073807303">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0039) Unable to queue the asynchronous operation because there is already an operation in progress.
<nierror code="-1073807302">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF003A) Unable to start operation because setup is invalid (due to attributes being set to an inconsistent state).
<nierror code="-1073807301">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF003B) Unable to queue the asynchronous operation.
<nierror code="-1073807300">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF003C) Insufficient system resources to perform necessary memory allocation.
<nierror code="-1073807299">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF003D) Invalid buffer mask specified.
<nierror code="-1073807298">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF003E) Could not perform operation because of I/O error.
<nierror code="-1073807297">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF003F) A format specifier in the format string is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807295">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0041) A format specifier in the format string is not supported.
<nierror code="-1073807294">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0042) The specified trigger line is currently in use.
<nierror code="-1073807290">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0046) The specified mode is not supported by this VISA implementation.
<nierror code="-1073807286">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF004A) Service request has not been received for the session.
<nierror code="-1073807282">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF004E) Invalid address space specified.
<nierror code="-1073807279">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0051) Invalid offset specified.
<nierror code="-1073807278">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0052) Invalid access width specified.
<nierror code="-1073807276">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0054) Specified offset is not accessible from this hardware.
<nierror code="-1073807275">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0055) Cannot support source and destination widths that are different.
<nierror code="-1073807273">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0057) The specified session is not currently mapped.
<nierror code="-1073807271">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0059) A previous response is still pending, causing a multiple query error.
<nierror code="-1073807265">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF005F) No listeners condition is detected (both NRFD and NDAC are deasserted).
<nierror code="-1073807264">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0060) The interface associated with this session is not currently the controller in charge.
<nierror code="-1073807263">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0061) The interface associated with this session is not the system controller.
<nierror code="-1073807257">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0067) The given session or object reference does not support this operation.
<nierror code="-1073807256">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0068) An interrupt is still pending from a previous call.
<nierror code="-1073807254">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF006A) A parity error occurred during transfer.
<nierror code="-1073807253">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF006B) A framing error occurred during transfer.
<nierror code="-1073807252">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF006C) An overrun error occurred during transfer. A character was not read from the hardware before the next character arrived.
<nierror code="-1073807250">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF006E) The path from trigSrc to trigDest is not currently mapped.
<nierror code="-1073807248">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0070) The specified offset is not properly aligned for the access width of the operation.
<nierror code="-1073807247">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0071) A specified user buffer is not valid or cannot be accessed for the required size.
<nierror code="-1073807246">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0072) The resource is valid, but VISA cannot currently access it.
<nierror code="-1073807242">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0076) Specified width is not supported by this hardware.
<nierror code="-1073807240">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0078) The value of some parameter (which parameter is not known) is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807239">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0079) The protocol specified is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807237">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF007B) Invalid size of window specified.
<nierror code="-1073807232">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0080) The specified session currently contains a mapped window.
<nierror code="-1073807231">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0081) The given operation is not implemented.
<nierror code="-1073807229">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0083) Invalid length specified.
<nierror code="-1073807215">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0091) Invalid mode specified.
<nierror code="-1073807204">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF009C) The current session did not have a lock on the resource.
<nierror code="-1073807202">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF009E) A code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded.
<nierror code="-1073807201">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF009F) The interface cannot generate an interrupt on the requested level or with the requested statusID value.
<nierror code="-1073807200">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A0) The value specified by the line parameter is invalid.
<nierror code="-1073807199">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A1) An error occurred while trying to open the specified file. Possible reasons include an invalid path or lack of access rights.
<nierror code="-1073807198">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A2) An error occurred while performing I/O on the specified file.
<nierror code="-1073807197">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A3) One of the specified lines, trigSrc or trigDest, is not supported by this VISA implementation, or the combination of lines is not a valid mapping.
<nierror code="-1073807196">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A4) The specified mechanism is not supported for the given event type.
<nierror code="-1073807195">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A5) The interface type is valid, but the specified interface number is not configured.
<nierror code="-1073807194">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A6) The connection for the given session has been lost.
<nierror code="-1073807193">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A7) The remote machine does not exist or is not accepting any connections. If the NI-VISA server is installed and running on the remote machine, it might have an incompatible version or might be listening on a different port.
<nierror code="-1073807192">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A8) Access to the resource or remote machine is denied. This is due to lack of sufficient privileges for the current user or machine.
<nierror code="0">
VISA: (Hex 0x0) Operation completed successfully.
<nierror code="1073676290">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0002) Specified event is already enabled for at least one of the specified mechanisms.
<nierror code="1073676291">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0003) Specified event is already disabled for at least one of the specified mechanisms.
<nierror code="1073676292">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0004) Operation completed successfully, but queue was already empty.
<nierror code="1073676293">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0005) The specified termination character was read.
<nierror code="1073676294">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0006) The number of bytes transferred is equal to the requested input count. More data might be available.
<nierror code="1073676300">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF000C) VISA received more event information of the specified type than the configured queue size could hold.
<nierror code="1073676407">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0077) The specified configuration either does not exist or could not be loaded. VISA-specified defaults will be used.
<nierror code="1073676413">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF007D) Session opened successfully, but the device at the specified address is not responding.
<nierror code="1073676414">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF007E) The path from trigSrc to trigDest is already mapped.
<nierror code="1073676416">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0080) Wait terminated successfully on receipt of an event notification. There is at least one more event occurrence of the type specified by inEventType available for this session.
<nierror code="1073676418">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0082) The specified object reference is uninitialized.
<nierror code="1073676420">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0084) Although the specified state of the attribute is valid, it is not supported by this resource implementation.
<nierror code="1073676421">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0085) The status code passed to the operation could not be interpreted.
<nierror code="1073676424">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0088) The specified I/O buffer is not supported.
<nierror code="1073676440">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0098) Event handled successfully. Do not invoke any other handlers on this session for this event.
<nierror code="1073676441">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0099) Operation completed successfully, and this session has nested shared locks.
<nierror code="1073676442">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF009A) Operation completed successfully, and this session has nested exclusive locks.
<nierror code="1073676443">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF009B) Operation completed successfully, but the operation was actually synchronous rather than asynchronous.
<nierror code="1073676457">
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF00A9) The operation succeeded, but a lower level driver did not implement the extended functionality.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="Analysis" displayname="Analysis">
<nierror code="-23096">
Analysis: Too many decimal points.
<nierror code="-23095">
Analysis: Not a valid function.
<nierror code="-23094">
Analysis: Incomplete function expression.
<nierror code="-23093">
Analysis: Incomplete expression.
<nierror code="-23092">
Analysis: Variables output problem.
<nierror code="-23091">
Analysis: Inconsistency in variables or numbers.
<nierror code="-23090">
Analysis: Contains more than one variable.
<nierror code="-23089">
Analysis: Contains variables.
<nierror code="-23088">
Analysis: Wrong variable name.
<nierror code="-23087">
Analysis: Wrong letter.
<nierror code="-23086">
Analysis: Wrong function call.
<nierror code="-23085">
Analysis: Wrong number format.
<nierror code="-23084">
Analysis: Wrong decimal point.
<nierror code="-23083">
Analysis: Bracket problem at the end.
<nierror code="-23082">
Analysis: Bracket problem at the beginning.
<nierror code="-23081">
Analysis: Bracket problem.
<nierror code="-23055">
Analysis: Argument out of range [0,1).
<nierror code="-23054">
Analysis: Non-unique variables.
<nierror code="-23053">
Analysis: Signal length not a power of two and >= 4.
<nierror code="-23052">
Analysis: Signal length not a prime and >= 5.
<nierror code="-23051">
Analysis: Signal length not a power of two.
<nierror code="-23050">
Analysis: Signal length not a multiple of number.
<nierror code="-23049">
Analysis: Invalid window length.
<nierror code="-23048">
Analysis: Invalid time increment.
<nierror code="-23047">
Analysis: Argument out of range [0,100].
<nierror code="-23046">
Analysis: Empty array.
<nierror code="-23045">
Analysis: n < k
<nierror code="-23044">
Analysis: Argument out of range [0,1].
<nierror code="-23043">
Analysis: Argument out of range (0,1].
<nierror code="-23042">
Analysis: Negative argument.
<nierror code="-23041">
Analysis: Not exactly two variables.
<nierror code="-23040">
Analysis: Derivative out of range.
<nierror code="-23039">
Analysis: Parameter problem.
<nierror code="-23038">
Analysis: No variables in expression.
<nierror code="-23037">
Analysis: Not exactly two functions.
<nierror code="-23036">
Analysis: Different parameters.
<nierror code="-23035">
Analysis: Nonpositive number.
<nierror code="-23034">
Analysis: Ill conditioned system
<nierror code="-23033">
Analysis: Vectors have different dimensions or empty vectors.
<nierror code="-23032">
Analysis: Maximum does not exist.
<nierror code="-23031">
Analysis: No valid point.
<nierror code="-23030">
Analysis: m >= n >= 0 is violated or the matrix of derivatives has the wrong dimension.
<nierror code="-23029">
Analysis: The Levenberg Marquardt VI has failed.
<nierror code="-23028">
Analysis: Wrong model equation.
<nierror code="-23027">
Analysis: Not exactly one variable.
<nierror code="-23026">
Analysis: No optimum found.
<nierror code="-23025">
Analysis: Invalid triplet (a,b,c).
<nierror code="-23024">
Analysis: No root found.
<nierror code="-23023">
Analysis: Wrong dimension of start.
<nierror code="-23022">
Analysis: Nonpositive accuracy or nonpositive delta x(h).
<nierror code="-23021">
Analysis: Both function values have the same sign.
<nierror code="-23020">
Analysis: Left point greater than right point.
<nierror code="-23019">
Analysis: Right point is a root.
<nierror code="-23018">
Analysis: Left point is a root.
<nierror code="-23017">
Analysis: Multiple roots.
<nierror code="-23016">
Analysis: Singular eigenvector matrix.
<nierror code="-23015">
Analysis: Empty X0.
<nierror code="-23014">
Analysis: A and X0 have different dimensions.
<nierror code="-23013">
Analysis: Matrix vector conflict.
<nierror code="-23012">
Analysis: Nonpositive accuracy.
<nierror code="-23011">
Analysis: Nonpositive step rate.
<nierror code="-23010">
Analysis: Wrong input, Cash Karp method.
<nierror code="-23009">
Analysis: Wrong input, Runge Kutta method.
<nierror code="-23008">
Analysis: Wrong input, Euler method.
<nierror code="-23007">
Analysis: Not a graphs file.
<nierror code="-23006">
Analysis: Not a valid path.
<nierror code="-23005">
Analysis: Negative distance.
<nierror code="-23004">
Analysis: Number of color palettes out of range.
<nierror code="-23003">
Analysis: Number of contours out of range.
<nierror code="-23002">
Analysis: Discrepancy between function, variables and coordinates.
<nierror code="-23001">
Analysis: Syntax error of parser.
<nierror code="-23000">
Analysis: The starting error codes of engineering math.
<nierror code="-20999">
Analysis: Serious algorithm failure. Call National Instruments support.
<nierror code="-20699">
Analysis: The format of the data file for the wavelet filter bank is invalid.
<nierror code="-20698">
Analysis: Cannot open the data file for the wavelet filter bank.
<nierror code="-20697">
Analysis: The wavelet packet session or handle must refer to a full tree.
<nierror code="-20696">
Analysis: The wavelet packet handle or session is invalid or the data space it refers to does not contain the necessary information.
<nierror code="-20695">
Analysis: Invalid dimensions of the wavelet coefficients.
<nierror code="-20694">
Analysis: Invalid optional parameter to find the optimal path.
<nierror code="-20693">
Analysis: The trend level must be no less than zero and no greater than 1.0.
<nierror code="-20692">
Analysis: The time step must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20691">
Analysis: The node must be a terminal node.
<nierror code="-20690">
Analysis: The node must not be a terminal node.
<nierror code="-20689">
Analysis: The path or node string must contain only "0" or "1".
<nierror code="-20688">
Analysis: The lengths of the analysis filters or synthesis filters must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20687">
Analysis: The refinement level for computing the mother wavelet must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20686">
Analysis: Shift must be 0 or 1.
<nierror code="-20685">
Analysis: Shift must be no less than zero and less than the decimation factor or interpolation factor.
<nierror code="-20684">
Analysis: The interpolation factor must be greater than or equal to two.
<nierror code="-20683">
Analysis: The decimation factor must be greater than or equal to two.
<nierror code="-20682">
Analysis: The scale of the wavelet decomposition must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20681">
Analysis: The selection of the wavelet type is invalid.
<nierror code="-20665">
Analysis: The largest order must be greater than the initial order and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
<nierror code="-20664">
Analysis: The initial order must be no less than 1.
<nierror code="-20663">
Analysis: The AR order must be greater than or equal to the number of complex sinusoids.
<nierror code="-20662">
Analysis: The number of complex sinusoids must be greater than zero and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
<nierror code="-20661">
Analysis: The order for the AR model must be greater than zero and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
<nierror code="-20644">
Analysis: The index of the 2D array stored in the refnum is out of range.
<nierror code="-20643">
Analysis: The refnum does not support this operation.
<nierror code="-20642">
Analysis: The refnum is invalid.
<nierror code="-20641">
Analysis: Failure to create the refnum.
<nierror code="-20630">
Analysis: The parameters of the frequency information are invalid for further computation.
<nierror code="-20629">
Analysis: The parameters of the window information are invalid for further computation.
<nierror code="-20628">
Analysis: The dimensions of the kernel must be greater than zero and power of two values. The column size of the kernel must be 2^(ceil(log2(Ls-1))), where Ls is the length of the input signal.
<nierror code="-20627">
Analysis: The variance of the Gaussian window must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20626">
Analysis: The size of the window must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20625">
Analysis: The number of terms must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20624">
Analysis: The oversampling rate must be greater than or equal to one.
<nierror code="-20623">
Analysis: The order must be greater than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-20622">
Analysis: The time interval must be a power of two.
<nierror code="-20621">
Analysis: The time interval must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20604">
Analysis: The selection for the enumerated data type parameter is invalid.
<nierror code="-20603">
Analysis: The number of frequency bins must be greater than zero and a power of two.
<nierror code="-20602">
Analysis: The sample rate must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20601">
Analysis: The input signal is empty.
<nierror code="-20511">
Analysis: CVI Could not create the required mutex.
<nierror code="-20510">
Analysis: CVI Could not find specified function in the DLL
<nierror code="-20509">
Analysis: CVI Could not load Spectral Measurement Toolset DLL
<nierror code="-20508">
Analysis: Invalid SMT session handle.
<nierror code="-20507">
Analysis: Incorrect averaging type specified.
<nierror code="-20506">
Analysis: Incorrect type of the input spectrum data.
<nierror code="-20505">
Analysis: You must specify either FFT bins or RBW.
<nierror code="-20504">
Analysis: Sampling frequency should be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20503">
Analysis: The internal buffer is overflowed by input data.
<nierror code="-20502">
Analysis: FFT size must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20501">
Analysis: The zoom factor must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20337">
Analysis: The specified time stamp is after the end of the limit.
<nierror code="-20336">
Analysis: Values of the X array contained in the Limit Specification cluster are not monotonically increasing.
<nierror code="-20335">
Analysis: Waveforms are not contiguous.
<nierror code="-20334">
Analysis: Cannot align waveforms because their time stamps are separated by more than 10 times the duration of the longest waveform.
<nierror code="-20333">
Analysis: Cannot align two waveforms with same dt if their samples are not clocked in-phase.
<nierror code="-20332">
Analysis: Internal error: The number of threads attribute is less than zero. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20331">
Analysis: Internal error: The parameter struct pointer is Null, possibly because of changes to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20330">
Analysis: Internal error: The cursor struct pointer is Null, possibly because of a change to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20329">
Analysis: Internal error: The result pointer is Null, possibly because of changes to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20328">
Analysis: Failure initializing a critical section in measurement code, possibly due to low memory. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20327">
Analysis: An exception occurred in the measurement code, possibly due to low memory. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20326">
Analysis: Internal error: Invalid measurement ID number. Contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20325">
Analysis: Internal error: Two measurements share the same ID number. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20324">
Analysis: The edge number, pulse number, or cycle parameter value must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20323">
Analysis: Internal error: The attribute number does not refer to a valid parameter. Check the input parameters reference levels, percent level settings, and state settings.
<nierror code="-20322">
Analysis: Internal Error: The measurement session handle is invalid. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20321">
Analysis: Internal error: The requested measurement is not available. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
<nierror code="-20320">
Analysis: The period of the waveform is too short to perform the measurement.
<nierror code="-20319">
Analysis: The result is not a number (NaN) or infinite.
<nierror code="-20318">
Analysis: The histogram size parameter value is less than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-20317">
Analysis: The slew rate is infinite because the rise or fall time is zero.
<nierror code="-20316">
Analysis: Illegal percent method parameter. Check the method enum input.
<nierror code="-20315">
Analysis: The waveform dt parameter is <= 0.
<nierror code="-20314">
Analysis: Illegal reference level units parameter. Check the ref units text ring input.
<nierror code="-20313">
Analysis: Reference levels must satisfy: low ref <= mid ref <= high ref.
<nierror code="-20312">
Analysis: The input waveform size is zero.
<nierror code="-20311">
Analysis: Insufficient memory available for waveform measurement.
<nierror code="-20310">
Analysis: The waveform did not have enough edges to perform this measurement. An edge is defined as a crossing of both the low and high reference levels. Check the signal length, reference levels, and ref level units.
<nierror code="-20309">
Analysis: The amplitude of the waveform is zero, so the histogram method cannot be used.
<nierror code="-20308">
Analysis: The waveform did not cross the mid reference level enough times to perform this measurement. Check the signal length, reference levels, and ref level units.
<nierror code="-20307">
Analysis: Frequency not a multiple of (Sampling Rate)/Samples.
<nierror code="-20306">
Analysis: The two time signal waveforms contain different dt.
<nierror code="-20305">
Analysis: The two time signal waveforms contain different number of data points.
<nierror code="-20304">
Analysis: At least one of the time signal waveforms does not contain the correct dt to continue the averaging process.
<nierror code="-20303">
Analysis: At least one of the time signal waveforms does not contain the correct number of data points to continue the averaging process.
<nierror code="-20302">
Analysis: The time signal waveform does not contain the correct dt to continue the averaging process.
<nierror code="-20301">
Analysis: The time signal waveform does not contain the correct number of data points to continue the averaging process.
<nierror code="-20207">
Analysis: The upper limit is less than the lower limit.
<nierror code="-20206">
Analysis: Shifts: n is negative.
<nierror code="-20205">
Analysis: The sample length is less than the window length.
<nierror code="-20204">
Analysis: The window length is not positive.
<nierror code="-20203">
Analysis: The time increment is not positive.
<nierror code="-20202">
Analysis: The sample length is negative.
<nierror code="-20201">
Analysis: The sample length is not positive.
<nierror code="-20141">
Analysis: The input must be non-zero.
<nierror code="-20140">
Analysis: The input must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20117">
Analysis: Loss of Significance
<nierror code="-20116">
Analysis: Feasible solution not found.
<nierror code="-20115">
Analysis: The FFT size must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20114">
Analysis: The start value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is greater than the end value.
<nierror code="-20113">
Analysis: The end value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is a root.
<nierror code="-20112">
Analysis: The start value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is a root.
<nierror code="-20111">
Analysis: The input polynomial coefficients are all zeros.
<nierror code="-20104">
Analysis: Input parameters have at least one NaN element.
<nierror code="-20103">
Analysis: The order must be greater than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-20102">
Analysis: The shifts must meet: |shifts| < samples.
<nierror code="-20101">
Analysis: Parameter must meet the condition Top > Base
<nierror code="-20099">
Analysis: The AR order must be greater than or equal to the number of complex sinusoids.
<nierror code="-20098">
Analysis: The AR order must not be greater than two-thirds of the number of samples.
<nierror code="-20097">
Analysis: The number of complex sinusoids must not be greater than two thirds of the number of samples.
<nierror code="-20096">
Analysis: The AR order must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20095">
Analysis: The number of complex sinusoids must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20094">
Analysis: The size of the initial or final condition array is not correct.
<nierror code="-20093">
Analysis: df must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20092">
Analysis: The dual function does not exist.
<nierror code="-20091">
Analysis: The Gabor coefficient array does not have the correct dimension.
<nierror code="-20090">
Analysis: The order of the Gabor spectrogram must be >=0.
<nierror code="-20089">
Analysis: The oversampling rate, N / dM, must be >=1.
<nierror code="-20088">
Analysis: The length of the analysis or synthesis window must be evenly divisible by the number of frequency bins, N, which must be a power of 2.
<nierror code="-20087">
Analysis: The length of the analysis or synthesis window must be evenly divisible by the Gabor time sampling interval, dM.
<nierror code="-20086">
Analysis: Window length must be > 2 and a power of 2.
<nierror code="-20085">
Analysis: The size of the input array and its Hilbert transform must be equal.
<nierror code="-20084">
Analysis: Time increment must not be greater than (window length)/4.
<nierror code="-20083">
Analysis: Window length must be > 4 and a power of 2.
<nierror code="-20082">
Analysis: Time increment must not be greater than dM.
<nierror code="-20081">
Analysis: dN or time interval must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="-20080">
Analysis: Time increment must be greater than the (window length)/16
<nierror code="-20079">
Analysis: The seed is invalid.
<nierror code="-20078">
Analysis: This functionality is not supported on this platform.
<nierror code="-20077">
Analysis: The time points are not in ascending order.
<nierror code="-20076">
Analysis: The resample point cannot be calculated with the signal behind that of the input.
<nierror code="-20075">
Analysis: The filter buffer overflows.
<nierror code="-20074">
Analysis: Reordering eigenvalues changed some complex ones.
<nierror code="-20073">
Analysis: The eigenvalues cannot be reordered because some of them are too close.
<nierror code="-20072">
Analysis: The logarithm of the input matrix cannot be computed.
<nierror code="-20071">
Analysis: The input matrix is not positive definite.
<nierror code="-20070">
Analysis: Matrices must have the same size.
<nierror code="-20069">
Analysis: The number of samples must be greater than or equal to four.
<nierror code="-20068">
Analysis: Input parameters has at least one element that is Inf, NaN, DBL_MAX, or DBL_MIN
<nierror code="-20067">
Analysis: The input fundamental frequency or sampling rate is equal to zero.
<nierror code="-20066">
Analysis: The information in IIR filter structure is not correct.
<nierror code="-20065">
Analysis: The elements in the vector can not be all zero.
<nierror code="-20064">
Analysis: The internal memory state of this function was not initialized correctly.
<nierror code="-20063">
Analysis: The coefficients of the polynomial are invalid.
<nierror code="-20062">
Analysis: The maximum number of iterations was exceeded.
<nierror code="-20061">
Analysis: The selection is invalid.
<nierror code="-20060">
Analysis: Divide by zero error.
<nierror code="-20059">
Analysis: Negative number error
<nierror code="-20058">
Analysis: Invalid number of dimensions or dependent variables
<nierror code="-20057">
Analysis: The parameter to the beta function should be 0 < p < 1
<nierror code="-20056">
Analysis: The contingency table has a negative number.
<nierror code="-20055">
Analysis: The number of categories or samples must be greater than one.
<nierror code="-20054">
Analysis: The probability must be greater than or equal to zero and less than one.
<nierror code="-20053">
Analysis: The probability must be between zero and one.
<nierror code="-20052">
Analysis: The degree of freedom must be greater than zero and less than the length of the input sequence.
<nierror code="-20051">
Analysis: All values in the first column of X matrix must be one.
<nierror code="-20050">
Analysis: The interpolating function has a pole at the requested value.
<nierror code="-20049">
Analysis: The x-values must be distinct.
<nierror code="-20048">
Analysis: The Random Effect model was requested when the Fixed Effect model is required.
<nierror code="-20047">
Analysis: The data is unbalanced. All cells must contain the same number of observations.
<nierror code="-20046">
Analysis: There is an overflow in the calculation.
<nierror code="-20045">
Analysis: The total number of data points must be equal to the product of levels/each factor * observations/cell.
<nierror code="-20044">
Analysis: Zero observations were made at some level of a factor.
<nierror code="-20043">
Analysis: The level of factors is outside the allowable range of some data.
<nierror code="-20042">
Analysis: The number of levels is out of range.
<nierror code="-20041">
Analysis: The system of equations cannot be solved because the input matrix is singular.
<nierror code="-20040">
Analysis: The input matrix must be a square matrix.
<nierror code="-20039">
Analysis: The number of columns in the first matrix is not equal to the number of rows in the second matrix or vector.
<nierror code="-20038">
Analysis: The number of intervals must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20037">
Analysis: The number of data points in the Y Values array must be greater than the order.
<nierror code="-20036">
Analysis: The elements of the Y Values array must be nonzero and either all positive or all negative.
<nierror code="-20035">
Analysis: The standard deviation must be greater than zero for normalization.
<nierror code="-20034">
Analysis: The number of coefficients must be even for this filter.
<nierror code="-20033">
Analysis: The number of coefficients must be odd for this filter.
<nierror code="-20032">
Analysis: The rank of the filter must meet: 1 <= (2*rank + 1) <= size.
<nierror code="-20031">
Analysis: The filter cannot be designed with the specified input values.
<nierror code="-20030">
Analysis: The leakage coefficient, leak, and step-size parameter, u, must meet: 0 <= leak <= u.
<nierror code="-20029">
Analysis: The step-size, u, must meet: 0 <= u <= 0.1.
<nierror code="-20028">
Analysis: The attenuation value must be greater than the ripple amplitude.
<nierror code="-20027">
Analysis: The final value must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20026">
Analysis: The width must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20025">
Analysis: The attenuation must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20024">
Analysis: The ripple amplitude must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20023">
Analysis: The following conditions must be met: 0 < f_low <= f_high <= fs/2.
<nierror code="-20022">
Analysis: The decimating factor must meet: 0 < decimating factor <= samples.
<nierror code="-20021">
Analysis: The order must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20020">
Analysis: The cut-off frequency, fc, must meet: 0 <= fc <= fs/2.
<nierror code="-20019">
Analysis: The upper value must be >= the lower value.
<nierror code="-20018">
Analysis: The following condition must be met: 0 <= (index + length) < samples.
<nierror code="-20017">
Analysis: The following condition must be met: 0 <= index < samples.
<nierror code="-20016">
Analysis: dt must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20015">
Analysis: dt must be >= 0.
<nierror code="-20014">
Analysis: The following conditions must be met: 0 <= (delay + width) < samples.
<nierror code="-20013">
Analysis: The width must meet: 0 < width < samples.
<nierror code="-20012">
Analysis: The number of cycles must be > 0 and <= the number of samples.
<nierror code="-20011">
Analysis: The duty cycle must be equal to or fall between 0 and 100: 0 <= duty cycle <= 100.
<nierror code="-20010">
Analysis: The maximum allowable transform size has been exceeded.
<nierror code="-20009">
Analysis: The size of the input array must be a power of two: size = 2^m, 0 < m < 23.
<nierror code="-20008">
Analysis: The input arrays do not contain the correct number of data values for this function.
<nierror code="-20007">
Analysis: The number of samples must be >= 3.
<nierror code="-20006">
Analysis: The number of samples must be >= 2.
<nierror code="-20005">
Analysis: The number of samples must be greater than or equal to 1.
<nierror code="-20004">
Analysis: The number of samples must be >= 0.
<nierror code="-20003">
Analysis: The number of samples must be > 0.
<nierror code="-20002">
Analysis: The input sequences must be the same size.
<nierror code="-20001">
Analysis: There is not enough memory to perform the specified routine.
<nierror code="20001">
Analysis: The matrix is rank deficient.
<nierror code="20002">
Analysis: The number of samples must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="20003">
Analysis: The matrix is singular.
<nierror code="20004">
Analysis: Matrices or vectors do not have the same size.
<nierror code="20005">
Analysis: LabVIEW cannot reorder the generalized eigenvalues.
<nierror code="20006">
Analysis: The computation result might be inaccurate.
<nierror code="20010">
Analysis: The sizes of the input arrays do not meet the specified conditions.
<nierror code="20011">
Analysis: The input standard deviation is invalid.
<nierror code="20012">
Analysis: The input polynomial is empty.
<nierror code="20020">
Analysis: Some frequencies violate Nyquist criteria.
<nierror code="20030">
Analysis: The input matrix has at least one element with a value of Inf or NaN.
<nierror code="20307">
Analysis: Frequency was coerced to the nearest multiple of (sampling rate)/samples.
<nierror code="20334">
Analysis: Waveforms are not overlapping.
<nierror code="20351">
Analysis: The averaging process was automatically restarted to respond to a change in the averaging parameters.
<nierror code="20352">
Analysis: Current and previous waveforms are not contiguous.
<nierror code="20353">
Analysis: Current and previous dt not equal.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="IAK_SHARED" displayname="IAK_SHARED">
<nierror code="-1967362047">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7001) Installed library is the wrong version.
<nierror code="-1967362046">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7002) Client attempted to call a function on an unregistered library.
<nierror code="-1967362045">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7003) Operation timed out.
<nierror code="-1967362044">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7004) Syntax error.
<nierror code="-1967362043">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7005) Stack overflowed.
<nierror code="-1967362042">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7006) Unable to start service.
<nierror code="-1967362041">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7007) Out of range.
<nierror code="-1967362040">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7008) Object not found.
<nierror code="-1967362039">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7009) Object already exists.
<nierror code="-1967362038">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700A) Not found.
<nierror code="-1967362037">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700B) Object or collection is not empty.
<nierror code="-1967362036">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700C) Client attempted to call a registration function more than once.
<nierror code="-1967362035">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700D) Invalid result type.
<nierror code="-1967362034">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700E) Invalid operation.
<nierror code="-1967362033">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700F) Invalid argument(s).
<nierror code="-1967362032">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7010) Initialization failed.
<nierror code="-1967362031">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7011) Write file operation failed.
<nierror code="-1967362030">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7012) Read file operation failed.
<nierror code="-1967362029">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7013) End of file.
<nierror code="-1967362028">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7014) Failed to de-serialize.
<nierror code="-1967362027">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7015) Unable to complete request. Connection failed.
<nierror code="-1967362026">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7016) Operation cancelled.
<nierror code="-1967362025">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7017) Buffer overflowed.
<nierror code="-1967362024">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7018) Attempt to advertise service to Logos Classified Ads failed.
<nierror code="-1967362023">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7019) Access denied.
<nierror code="-1967362022">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701A) Buffer underflowed.
<nierror code="-1967362021">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701B) File already exists.
<nierror code="-1967362020">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701C) The provided refnum is invalid.
<nierror code="-1967362019">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701D) A null refnum was provided as input.
<nierror code="-1967362016">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7020) Unexpected OS exception occurred.
<nierror code="-1967362015">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7021) Failed to load library.
<nierror code="-1967362014">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7022) Class not found.
<nierror code="-1967362013">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7023) No known value.
<nierror code="-1967362012">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7024) Invalid locale.
<nierror code="-1967362000">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7030) Invalid UTF8 encoding sequence.
<nierror code="-1967361999">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7031) Citadel ran out of shared memory.
<nierror code="-1967361998">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7032) Badly formatted GUID string.
<nierror code="-1967361997">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7033) Bad Type
<nierror code="-1967345663">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB001) Generic security error.
<nierror code="-1967345662">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB002) Version is not supported by peer.
<nierror code="-1967345661">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB003) Account is locked.
<nierror code="-1967345660">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB004) Logos session timed out or is locked out by other users.
<nierror code="-1967345659">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB005) The specified user does not exist.
<nierror code="-1967345658">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB006) The specified group does not exist.
<nierror code="-1967345657">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB007) Duplicate name.
<nierror code="-1967345656">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB008) Message is corrupted.
<nierror code="-1967345655">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB009) The domain server failed to complete a function.
<nierror code="-1967345654">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00A) Cannot delete built-in principals.
<nierror code="-1967345653">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00B) Invalid password.
<nierror code="-1967345652">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00C) Not a local computer.
<nierror code="-1967345651">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00D) Not an administrator.
<nierror code="-1967345650">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00E) Domain is not defined.
<nierror code="-1967345649">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00F) Domain already exists.
<nierror code="-1967345648">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB010) Password is too short or too long.
<nierror code="-1967345647">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB011) Machine is denied access.
<nierror code="-1967345646">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB012) Requested data denied.
<nierror code="-1967345632">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB020) Cannot lock account.
<nierror code="-1967345631">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB021) Network connection timed out.
<nierror code="-1967345630">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB022) File corrupted.
<nierror code="-1967345629">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB023) Network is disconnected.
<nierror code="-1967345628">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB024) Requested data not found.
<nierror code="-1967345627">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB025) Operation cancelled by user.
<nierror code="-1967345626">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB026) Attempt to advertise service to Logos Classified Ads failed.
<nierror code="-1967345616">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB030) Message size less than one block.
<nierror code="-1967345615">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB031) Failed to generate random number.
<nierror code="-1967345614">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB032) Passwords do not match.
<nierror code="-1967345612">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB034) Password too short.
<nierror code="-1967345611">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB035) Password too long.
<nierror code="-1967345610">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB036) Domain already added.
<nierror code="-1967345609">
IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB037) No more principals.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="LabVIEW Simulation Module" displayname="LabVIEW Simulation Module">
<nierror code="-2355">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The value of the Decimation parameter for the Collector function must be greater than or equal to 1.
<nierror code="-2354">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The number of elements in the input array does not equal the number of columns in the gain matrix.
<nierror code="-2353">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You cannot change the maximum delay while the simulation is running.
<nierror code="-2352">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: For fixed step-size ODE solvers, the delay must be less than or equal to the specified maximum delay.
<nierror code="-2351">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The specified parameter is a vector. Enter a vector value.
<nierror code="-2350">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The specified parameter is a scalar. Enter a scalar value.
<nierror code="-2349">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The parameter name is not in the specified parameter list.
<nierror code="-2348">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given State Derivatives are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2347">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Outputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2346">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Inputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2345">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given States are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2344">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Outputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2343">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Inputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2342">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given States are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2341">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Simulation initial time cannot be greater than or equal to the final time.
<nierror code="-2340">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Linearizer detected an error while computing the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2339">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver could not factor the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2338">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver could not compute the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2337">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You can linearize only simulation subsystems.
<nierror code="-2336">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation diagram returned NaN to the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2335">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation diagram returned an overflow to the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2334">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: An overflow occurred in the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2333">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The time step must be between the minimum and maximum time steps.
<nierror code="-2332">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The minimum time step must be less than or equal to the maximum time step.
<nierror code="-2331">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The absolute tolerance and relative tolerance cannot both be zero.
<nierror code="-2330">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The discrete time step is not an integer multiple of the time step.
<nierror code="-2329">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation time step cannot be zero.
<nierror code="-2328">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Invalid use of the Linearize Subsystem dialog box. The Linearize Subsystem dialog box must be used only on subsystem VIs.
<nierror code="-2327">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You can use the Linearize Subsystem dialog box only if you have created a VI under My Computer in the Project Explorer.
<nierror code="-2325">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver Newton Iteration did not converge at the minimum time step.
<nierror code="-2324">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver cannot meet the error tolerance using the minimum time step.
<nierror code="-2323">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation time step is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2322">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Execution Mode is not consistent with the specified discrete integration method.
<nierror code="-2321">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The sample rate divisor is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2320">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: This intermediate solver evaluation should not have been executed.
<nierror code="-2319">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The dimensions of the arrays for the Lookup Table are inconsistent.
<nierror code="-2318">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The dimensions of the parameter vectors of this function do not match.
<nierror code="-2317">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Execution Mode is not consistent with the specified discrete integration method.
<nierror code="-2316">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The order of the numerator must be greater than the order of the denominator.
<nierror code="-2315">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You must match complex entries in the Zero-Pole-Gain function with a complex conjugate.
<nierror code="-2314">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The order of the numerator and the order of the denominator are inconsistent.
<nierror code="-2313">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The size of the initial condition vector is incorrect for the MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2312">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The size of the input vector is incorrect for the MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2311">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The system model order has changed from the previous iteration of the Simulation Loop.
<nierror code="-2310">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Ill-conditioned MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2309">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The period is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2308">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The duty cycle is out of range.
<nierror code="-2307">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Evaluating a single-step solver on a minor substep.
<nierror code="-2306">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The frequency is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2305">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The target time is less than or equal to the simulation initial time.
<nierror code="-2304">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The upper limit is less than the lower limit.
<nierror code="-2303">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The switch on point is less than the switch off point.
<nierror code="-2302">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The quantization interval is less than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-2301">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Failed to translate expression.
<nierror code="-2300">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Invalid SimX node reference.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="Measure" displayname="Measure">
<nierror code="-200991">
Measure: Task cannot be stopped, because at least one installed event handler has not been removed.
Remove all installed event handlers by calling
CNiDAQmxEvent::RemoveEventHandler or CNiDAQmxEvent::RemoveAllEventHandlers. See the documentation for more information.
<nierror code="-2101">
Measure: An analog output channel string represents multiple analog output channels. Measure requires that each analog output channel string contain only one analog output channel.
<nierror code="-2004">
Measure: Excel is out of memory. Use a smaller range.
<nierror code="-2003">
Measure: The range that is specified in the task's configuration is not valid.
<nierror code="-2002">
Measure: The worksheet that is specified in the task's configuration does not exist.
<nierror code="-2001">
Measure: Unable to find task.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="NI-Reports" displayname="NI-Reports">
<nierror code="-41006">
NI-Reports: This type of report is not supported on this platform.
<nierror code="-41005">
NI-Reports: Invalid margins.
<nierror code="-41004">
NI-Reports: Print error
<nierror code="-41003">
NI-Reports: File open error.
<nierror code="-41002">
NI-Reports: Invalid printer name
<nierror code="-41001">
NI-Reports: Out of memory.
<nierror code="-41000">
NI-Reports: An unknown error has occurred.
<nierror code="41000">
NI-Reports: (Hex 0xA028) Function not valid with current report type.

View file

@ -2,19 +2,22 @@
# #
set -ue set -ue
#set -x
#################### some settings ###################### #################### some settings ######################
# the base directory of your local development files # the base directory of your local development files
ROOT_DIR=$(dirname "$0") ROOT_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)
# the user may define a different location for the local configuration by setting "LOCAL_CONF_DIR" # the user may define a different location for the local configuration by setting "LOCAL_CONF_DIR"
# otherwise use the default (local.conf.d) # otherwise use the default (local.conf.d)
@ -23,13 +26,19 @@ BOOT_DIR=$BUILD_DIR/bootfs
IMAGE_FILE=$BUILD_DIR/remastered.iso IMAGE_FILE=$IMAGE_DIR/remastered.iso
################# quite constant things ################# ################# quite constant things #################
# the relative name of the image file on the cd # the relative name of the image file on the cd
# isofs options
MKISOFS_OPTIONS="-allow-multidot -U -D -iso-level 3 -b lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 1 -boot-info-table -pad -R"
################### general functions ################### ################### general functions ###################
# maybe this could be useful later # maybe this could be useful later
@ -107,10 +116,10 @@ function master_backup()
local boot_parent=$(dirname "$BOOT_DIR") local boot_parent=$(dirname "$BOOT_DIR")
local boot_entry=$(basename "$BOOT_DIR") local boot_entry=$(basename "$BOOT_DIR")
[ -e "$BACKUP_DIR" ] || mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR" [ -e "$BACKUP_DIR" ] || mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR"
echo "Creating archive of the root filesystem (this may take _very_ long) ..."
tar czf "$BACKUP_DIR/rootfs.tar.gz" -C "$root_parent" "$root_entry"
echo "Creating archive of the boot filesystem ..." echo "Creating archive of the boot filesystem ..."
tar czf "$BACKUP_DIR/bootfs.tar.gz" -C "$boot_parent" "$boot_entry" tar czf "$BACKUP_DIR/bootfs.tar.gz" -C "$boot_parent" "$boot_entry"
echo "Creating archive of the root filesystem (this may take _very_ long) ..."
tar czf "$BACKUP_DIR/rootfs.tar.gz" -C "$root_parent" "$root_entry"
} }
@ -144,7 +153,17 @@ function master_restore()
} }
umount_procfs() function remove_packages()
local pkg_list=$(find "$PKG_REMOVE_LIST_DIR" -type f | while read a
do grep -v "^#" "$a" | tr "\n" " "
[ -z "$pkg_list" ] && return
echo "dpkg --force-all -P $pkg_list 2>&1 | grep -v 'which isn.t installed.'" | chroot_image
function umount_procfs()
{ {
# check for a mounted procfs # check for a mounted procfs
mount | grep -q " $ROOT_DIR/proc " && umount "$ROOT_DIR/proc" mount | grep -q " $ROOT_DIR/proc " && umount "$ROOT_DIR/proc"
@ -152,32 +171,49 @@ umount_procfs()
} }
function create_iso() # execute the content of stdin within the chroot environment
# runs an interactive shell, if stdin is empty
function chroot_image()
mount -t proc proc "$ROOT_DIR/proc"
# ignore errors
set +e
local action=$@
[ -z "$action" ] && action=/bin/bash
LANG=C TERM=linux chroot "$ROOT_DIR" $action
set -e
umount "$ROOT_DIR/proc"
function create_iso_root()
{ {
umount_procfs umount_procfs
echo "Creating the iso ..." echo "Creating the iso ..."
#kisofs -b lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 1 -boot-info-table -R -U -V "silicann_compressed_livecd" --publisher "Silicann GmbH" -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad -o "$IMAGE_FILE" "$ROOT_DIR"
} }
function configure() function configure()
{ {
if [ ! -e "$IMAGE_DIR" ]; then if [ ! -e "$ROOT_DIR" ]; then
echo -e "Directory \"$IMAGE_DIR\" not found!" echo -e "Directory \"$ROOT_DIR\" not found!"
echo -e "Did you run \"$0 dfsbuild\"?" echo -e "Did you run \"$0 init\"?"
exit 1 exit 1
fi fi
echo "Copying files to the box ..." echo "Copying files ..."
[ -e "$TMP_DIR" ] && rm -rf "$TMP_DIR" # svn export --force "$TEMPLATE_DIR/." "$ROOT_DIR"
# svn export --force "$TEMPLATE_DIR/." "$IMAGE_DIR"
# only ignore the owner attribut # only ignore the owner attribut
cp -r --preserve=mode,timestamps,links "$TEMPLATE_DIR/." "$IMAGE_DIR" 2>&1 | indentation cp -r --preserve=mode,timestamps,links "$TEMPLATE_DIR/." "$ROOT_DIR" 2>&1 | indentation
echo "Configuring the cryptobox ..." echo "Configuring ..."
find "$SCRIPTS_DIR" -L -type f | sort | while read scriptname # filter hidden files - they are usually vi-swap-files :)
find -L "$SCRIPTS_DIR" -type f | grep -v "/\." | sort | while read scriptname
do echo "Executing $scriptname ..." do echo "Executing $scriptname ..."
chroot_image "$scriptname" 2>&1 | indentation cat "$scriptname" | chroot_image
done done
} }
@ -185,24 +221,33 @@ function configure()
function blanknburn_cdrw() function blanknburn_cdrw()
{ {
cdrecord -v dev=$CDWRITER blank=fast cdrecord -v dev=$CDWRITER blank=fast
cdrecord -v dev=$CDWRITER "$IMAGE_FILE" cdrecord -v dev=$CDWRITER "$IMAGEZ_FILE"
} }
################ do it! ######################
[ $# -eq 0 ] && echo "[`basename $0`] - no arguments supplied - maybe you want to use '--help'"
function initialization()
# initialize local directories (easier for users) # initialize local directories (easier for users)
do if [ ! -e "$a" ] do if [ ! -e "$a" ]
then echo "Creating directory '$a' ... " then echo "Creating directory '$a' ... "
mkdir -p "$a" mkdir -p "$a"
fi fi
done done
# check for uid=0 (necessary for all operations) }
[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ] && echo "this script ($0) has to be called as root" >&2 && exit 1
################ do it! ######################
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
then echo "[`basename $0`] - no arguments supplied - maybe you want to use '--help'" >&2
exit 1
# check for uid=0 (necessary for all operations except for qemu)
[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 -a "$*" != "qemuz" ] && echo "this script ($0) has to be called as root" >&2 && exit 1
while [ $# -gt 0 ] while [ $# -gt 0 ]
do case "$1" in do case "$1" in
@ -215,29 +260,50 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]
restore ) restore )
master_restore master_restore
;; ;;
config ) packages )
configure_cb normal remove_packages
;; ;;
iso ) config )
create_iso configure
compress )
[ -e "$IMAGE_FILE" ] || "$0" iso-root
cat "$IMAGE_FILE" | chroot_image /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs --best - 65536 >"$BOOT_DIR/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX"
iso-boot )
[ -e "$BOOT_DIR/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX" ] || "$0" compress
mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "silicann_livecd" --publisher "Silicann GmbH" -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -c KNOPPIX/boot.cat -hide-rr-moved -o "$IMAGEZ_FILE" "$BOOT_DIR"
chroot )
iso-root )
qemu )
qemu -cdrom "$IMAGE_FILE" -nics 0
qemuz )
qemu -cdrom "$IMAGEZ_FILE" -nics 0
;; ;;
burn ) burn )
blanknburn_cdrw blanknburn_cdrw
;; ;;
release ) release )
$0 init config iso "$0" init packages config iso-root compress iso-boot
md5sum $IMAGE_FILE > ${IMAGE_FILE}.md5sum md5sum "$IMAGEZ_FILE" > "${IMAGE_FILE}.md5sum"
sha1sum $IMAGE_FILE > ${IMAGE_FILE}.sha1sum sha1sum "$IMAGEZ_FILE" > "${IMAGE_FILE}.sha1sum"
;; ;;
help|--help ) help|--help )
echo "Syntax: `basename $0` ( release | init | config | iso | burn | help )" echo "Syntax: `basename $0` ( release | init | backup | packages | config | iso-root | iso-boot | compress | burn | help )"
echo " (you may specify more than one action)" echo " (you may specify more than one action)"
echo echo
;; ;;
* ) * )
echo -e "unknown action: $1" echo -e "unknown action: $1"
echo echo
$0 help "$0" help
exit 1 exit 1
;; ;;
esac esac