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<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="LabVIEW Simulation Module" displayname="LabVIEW Simulation Module">
<nierror code="-2355">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The value of the Decimation parameter for the Collector function must be greater than or equal to 1.
<nierror code="-2354">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The number of elements in the input array does not equal the number of columns in the gain matrix.
<nierror code="-2353">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You cannot change the maximum delay while the simulation is running.
<nierror code="-2352">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: For fixed step-size ODE solvers, the delay must be less than or equal to the specified maximum delay.
<nierror code="-2351">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The specified parameter is a vector. Enter a vector value.
<nierror code="-2350">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The specified parameter is a scalar. Enter a scalar value.
<nierror code="-2349">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The parameter name is not in the specified parameter list.
<nierror code="-2348">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given State Derivatives are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2347">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Outputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2346">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Inputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2345">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given States are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2344">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Outputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2343">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given Inputs are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2342">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The given States are incompatible with the specified subsystem.
<nierror code="-2341">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Simulation initial time cannot be greater than or equal to the final time.
<nierror code="-2340">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Linearizer detected an error while computing the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2339">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver could not factor the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2338">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver could not compute the Jacobian Matrix.
<nierror code="-2337">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You can linearize only simulation subsystems.
<nierror code="-2336">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation diagram returned NaN to the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2335">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation diagram returned an overflow to the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2334">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: An overflow occurred in the ODE solver.
<nierror code="-2333">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The time step must be between the minimum and maximum time steps.
<nierror code="-2332">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The minimum time step must be less than or equal to the maximum time step.
<nierror code="-2331">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The absolute tolerance and relative tolerance cannot both be zero.
<nierror code="-2330">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The discrete time step is not an integer multiple of the time step.
<nierror code="-2329">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation time step cannot be zero.
<nierror code="-2328">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Invalid use of the Linearize Subsystem dialog box. The Linearize Subsystem dialog box must be used only on subsystem VIs.
<nierror code="-2327">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You can use the Linearize Subsystem dialog box only if you have created a VI under My Computer in the Project Explorer.
<nierror code="-2325">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver Newton Iteration did not converge at the minimum time step.
<nierror code="-2324">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The ODE solver cannot meet the error tolerance using the minimum time step.
<nierror code="-2323">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The simulation time step is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2322">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Execution Mode is not consistent with the specified discrete integration method.
<nierror code="-2321">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The sample rate divisor is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2320">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: This intermediate solver evaluation should not have been executed.
<nierror code="-2319">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The dimensions of the arrays for the Lookup Table are inconsistent.
<nierror code="-2318">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The dimensions of the parameter vectors of this function do not match.
<nierror code="-2317">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The Execution Mode is not consistent with the specified discrete integration method.
<nierror code="-2316">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The order of the numerator must be greater than the order of the denominator.
<nierror code="-2315">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: You must match complex entries in the Zero-Pole-Gain function with a complex conjugate.
<nierror code="-2314">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The order of the numerator and the order of the denominator are inconsistent.
<nierror code="-2313">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The size of the initial condition vector is incorrect for the MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2312">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The size of the input vector is incorrect for the MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2311">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The system model order has changed from the previous iteration of the Simulation Loop.
<nierror code="-2310">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Ill-conditioned MIMO system.
<nierror code="-2309">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The period is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2308">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The duty cycle is out of range.
<nierror code="-2307">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Evaluating a single-step solver on a minor substep.
<nierror code="-2306">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The frequency is negative or zero.
<nierror code="-2305">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The target time is less than or equal to the simulation initial time.
<nierror code="-2304">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The upper limit is less than the lower limit.
<nierror code="-2303">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The switch on point is less than the switch off point.
<nierror code="-2302">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: The quantization interval is less than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-2301">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Failed to translate expression.
<nierror code="-2300">
LabVIEW Simulation Module: Invalid SimX node reference.