1789 lines
58 KiB
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2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
package Prelib;
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH
#migrate some methodes form Prelogic and Premain to here
#defined methodes are available for web-app and backend
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use CGI ':standard';
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Pg;
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
use Text::CSV_XS;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::Basework;
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
use Mod::Pricing;
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
use Mod::APIsigclient;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
use Data::Dumper;
my $cf = new Config;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $bw = new Basework;
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
my $pri = new Pricing;
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
my $si = new APIsigclient;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
return $self;
my $i_rows=0;
my $u_rows=0;
my $d_rows=0;
my $lang = "de";
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $debug=1;
#payment-type prepaid request
sub prepaid_request {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = shift;
my $ctadr = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my $feedb = {
u_rows => 0,
prepaid_account => "",
prepaid_id => 0,
message => "",
my $pref_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
main_id => 300023,
template_id => 219,#prepaid tpl
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
int10 => "$ctadr->{c_id}",
state => "is::null",
close_time => "is::null",
my $ctt_prepaid = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt_prepaid = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_ctt);
my $ct_id = $dbt->insert_contenttrans($dbh,$ctadr,"300023","219","----","$owner");
$pref_ctt->{c_id} = $ct_id;
$ctt_prepaid = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_ctt) if($pref_ctt->{c_id});
my $pos_id = 0;
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
if($ctt_prepaid->{c_id} > 0){
my $posref = {
table => "contenttrans",
table_pos => "contenttranspos",
fetch => "one",
keyfield => "c_id",
ca_id => "$ctadr->{c_id}",
int02 => "is::null",#0
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$posref);
#pseudo part. not available in content
my $ct = {
c_id => 0,
barcode => 0,
ca_id => $ctadr->{c_id},
ct_id => $ctt_prepaid->{c_id},
int02 => 0,#prepaid price on request is 0
txt01 => 'Prepaid Position',
int16 => 3,#fibumark for prepaid
template_id => 219,
$cttpos->{c_id} = $dbt->insert_pos($dbh,$ctt_prepaid->{c_id},$ct,"",$ctadr,"","","","0",$owner,"");
$dbt->update_one($dbh,{table => 'contenttranspos',c_id => $cttpos->{c_id}},"barcode = $cttpos->{c_id},ct_name = '$cttpos->{c_id}'");
$feedb->{prepaid_account} = $ctt_prepaid->{c_id};
$feedb->{prepaid_id} = $cttpos->{c_id};
return $feedb;
#select rentals for messaging user if bike > 12h ... occupied
sub longterm_occupied {
my $self = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $search = {
table => "contenttranspos",
int10 => 3,
int34 => "null",#if not staff
start_time_interval => "(now() - interval '1 day')",
my $update_pos = {
table => "contenttranspos",
my $dt1 = DateTime->now(time_zone => "Europe/Berlin");
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search,1);
my $longterm_ctadr = {};
my $posting = {
78 => 'email',
36 => 'sms',
24 => 'email',
12 => 'email',
foreach my $pid (sort { $cttpos->{$b}->{end_time} cmp $cttpos->{$a}->{end_time} } keys(%$cttpos)){
if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int10} == 3){
my $dt2 = "";
$dt2 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($cttpos->{$pid}->{start_time});
#foreach $posting {#TODO tests
foreach my $h_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%$posting)){
print "--> hour:$h_id\n";
if($dt1 >= $dt2->add( hours => $h_id )){
if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int33} != $h_id){
$longterm_ctadr = {
hours => $h_id,
posting => $posting->{$h_id},
c_id => $cttpos->{$pid}->{ca_id},
pos_id => $cttpos->{$pid}->{c_id},
bike => $cttpos->{$pid}->{ct_name},
txt01 => $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt08},
txt07 => $cttpos->{$pid}->{phone},
txt08 => $cttpos->{$pid}->{email},
txt11 => $cttpos->{$pid}->{lang},
print $dt1 . ">=" . $dt2->add( hours => $h_id ) . "\n" . Dumper($longterm_ctadr) . "\n";
return $longterm_ctadr;
#insert/save/delete DMS users
sub manage_dmsusers {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $base_edit = shift;
my $u_id = shift;
my $users_dms = shift || {};
my $owner = $users_dms->{u_id} || 0;
my $table = "users";
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $feedb = { message => "", i_rows => 0, u_rows => 0, d_rows => 0 };
my $dbh = "";
my $adref = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "202",
c_id => "$u_id",
my $ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$adref);
#users have to be exist only if DMS activated
my $uref = {
table => "users",
fetch => "one",
u_id => "$u_id",
my $users = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$uref);
#datahash on update
my $dmsusers = {
table => "users",
mtime => "now()",
owner => "$owner",
u_id => "$u_id",
if(ref($users) eq "HASH" && $users->{u_id} && (!$ctadr->{c_id} || $base_edit eq "delete_dmsusers")){
$bw->log("delete DMS user from $varenv->{dbname}",$ctadr->{c_id},"");
$feedb->{d_rows} = $dbt->delete_content($dbh,"users",$u_id);
}elsif(ref($users) eq "HASH" && $users->{u_id} && $ctadr->{c_id} && $ctadr->{c_id} == $users->{u_id} && $base_edit eq "save_dmsusers"){
$bw->log("update DMS user to $varenv->{dbname}",$ctadr->{c_id},"");
my $val = $q->param($_);
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
$valxx =~ s/^\s+//; $valxx =~ s/\s+$//;
if($_ =~ /^int\d+/){
$valxx =~ s/,/./g;
$valxx = 0 if(!looks_like_number($valxx));# set to 0 for using == operator
$feedb->{u_rows} = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$dmsusers,"$_=$valxx");
}elsif($_ =~ /^txt\d+/){
my @val = $q->param($_);
$valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
$feedb->{u_rows} = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$dmsusers,"$_='$valxx'");
}elsif($ctadr->{c_id} && !$users->{u_id} && $base_edit eq "new_dmsusers"){
$bw->log("insert DMS user to $varenv->{dbname}",$ctadr->{c_id},"");
$feedb->{i_rows} = $dbt->insert_users($dbh,$ctadr->{c_id},$owner);
return $feedb;
}#end manage_dmsusers
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
#insert content or contentuser
sub new_content {
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
2023-06-21 20:21:58 +02:00
my $node_meta = shift;
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my $main_id = $node_meta->{main_id};
$main_id = $node_meta->{parent_id} if($R::template_id == 194 && $node_meta->{main_id} >= 400001);
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $pref_cc = {
table => "$R::ct_table",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "$R::template_id",
main_id => "$main_id",
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $cc_part = { c_id => 0 };
$cc_part = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_cc);#get last barcode by order barcode DESC
my $next_barcode = $cc_part->{c_id};
$next_barcode = $cc_part->{barcode} + 1 if($cc_part->{barcode} > 0);
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
my $insert_ctu = {
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
table => "$R::ct_table",
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
itime => 'now()',
mtime => 'now()',
owner => "$users_dms->{u_id}",
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
barcode => "$next_barcode",
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
ct_name => "---",
template_id => "$R::template_id",
main_id => "$main_id",
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
txt12 => "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{oprefix}",
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
my $c_idnew = 0;
2023-06-21 20:21:58 +02:00
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$insert_ctu,"") if($R::ct_table && $R::template_id && $node_meta->{main_id});
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
$feedb->{c_id} = $c_idnew;
$feedb->{i_rows} = $i_rows;
return $feedb;
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
#insert new_trans
sub new_contenttrans {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my $insert_ctt = {
table => "$node_meta->{ct_table}",
itime => 'now()',
mtime => 'now()',
owner => "$users_dms->{u_id}",
ct_name => "---",
template_id => "$node_meta->{template_id}",
main_id => "$node_meta->{main_id}",
txt00 => "$node_meta->{node_name}",
my $c_idnew = 0;
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$insert_ctt,"");
$feedb->{c_id} = $c_idnew;
$feedb->{template_id} = $node_meta->{template_id};
$feedb->{i_rows} = $i_rows;
return $feedb;
}#end new_contenttrans
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
#save content or contentuser
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
sub save_content {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $c_id = shift || "";
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $dbh = "";
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $feedb = { message => "", u_rows => 0 };
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
my $ct = { c_id => $c_id };
my $update_ct = {
table => $node_meta->{ct_table},
owner => $users_dms->{u_id},
mtime => "now()",
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
#my $val = $q->param($_);
#my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
my @val = $q->param($_);
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
#txt24 bike_node/station_group and txt25 bike_group multiple select
if($node_meta->{template_id} == 225 && $_ eq "txt24"){
my %station_filter_hash = ();
my @_valxx_filter = ();
my $node = {
template_id => 205,
parent_id => 200013,
fetch => "all",
keyfield => "main_id",
my $bike_nodes = {};
$bike_nodes = $dbt->fetch_rel4tpl4nd($dbh,$node);
foreach my $bike_node (@val){
foreach my $rid ( keys (%$bike_nodes)){
if($bike_node == $bike_nodes->{$rid}->{main_id} && $bike_nodes->{$rid}->{type_id}){
$station_filter_hash{$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{type_id}} = 1;
foreach my $type_id (keys (%station_filter_hash)){
push (@_valxx_filter, "$type_id");
$update_ct->{txt25} = "@_valxx_filter";
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
}elsif($node_meta->{template_id} == 205 && $_ eq "txt06"){#GPS
if($valxx =~ /^(\d{1,2}\.\d+),\s?(\d{1,2}\.\d+)$/ || !$valxx || $valxx eq "null"){
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", falsches GPS Format. Bitte folgendes Format mit latitude, longitude verwenden. Bsp: 47.927738,7.973855";
}elsif($node_meta->{template_id} == 205 && $_ =~ /byte/){
$update_ct->{$_} = "";
}elsif($valxx !~ /[g-z]/ig && length($valxx) == 32){
$update_ct->{$_} = "\\x$valxx";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", der Token muss 32 HEX Zeichen enthalten";
}elsif($_ =~ /^time\d+/){
$valxx = "00:00" if($valxx !~ /\d{1,2}:\d{2}/);
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
}elsif($_ =~ /date_time\d+/){
my ($date_time,$chck) = $lb->checkdate($valxx);
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", falsche Datum Uhrzeit Format";
2023-06-14 21:48:20 +02:00
}elsif($_ =~ /barcode/){
my $val = $q->param("$_");
$valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
$valxx =~ s/\s//g;
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" && (looks_like_number($valxx) || $valxx == 0) && $R::rel_id && $R::template_id){
my $pref_cc = {
table => "content",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "$R::template_id",
barcode => "$valxx",
rel_id => "!=::$R::rel_id",
my $cc_part = { c_id => 0 };
$cc_part = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_cc);
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler \"$valxx\", die Artikelnummer ist bereits vorhanden";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", hier sind nur numerische Werte erlaubt";
}elsif($_ =~ /^int/){
my $val = $q->param("$_");
$valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
$valxx =~ s/,/./;
$valxx =~ s/\s//g;
if(looks_like_number($valxx) || $valxx == 0){
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
}elsif(!$valxx || $valxx eq "null"){
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
$update_ct->{$_} = "null";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", hier sind nur numerische Werte erlaubt";
}elsif($node_meta->{template_id} == 194 && $_ =~ /txt/ && !$valxx){
$update_ct->{$_} = "null";#important for coalesce select alias lang fallback
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
}elsif($_ =~ /ct_name|txt|state|time/){
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
$feedb->{u_rows} += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ct,$ct);
$dbt->operators_cms($node_meta->{ct_table},$c_id,"update") if($node_meta->{template_id} == 194);
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
return $feedb;
}#end save_content
2023-06-14 21:48:20 +02:00
#move content (mainly for bike flot)
sub move_content {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $c_id = shift || "";
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "", u_rows => 0 };
my $update_relation = {
table => "relation",
rel_id => "$R::rel_id",
if($R::template_id && $node_meta->{template_id} == $R::template_id && $R::rel_id && $R::main_id){
$u_rows += $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_relation,"main_id=$R::main_id");
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$R::main_id);
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?node2edit=editpart\&rel_id=$R::rel_id\&return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Der Artikel konnte nicht verschoben werden.";
return $feedb;
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
#delete content
sub delete_content {
my $self = shift;
my $node_meta = shift || "";
my $c_id = shift || "";
my $users_dms = shift || "";
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { d_rows => 0,message => "" };
$dbt->operators_cms($node_meta->{ct_table},$c_id,"delete") if($node_meta->{template_id} == 194);
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
$feedb->{d_rows} = $dbt->delete_content($dbh,$node_meta->{ct_table},$c_id);
return $feedb;
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
2022-12-16 08:37:05 +01:00
#save invoice address or text
sub save_text2contenttrans {
my $self = shift;
2022-12-19 14:21:53 +01:00
my $q = shift;
2022-12-16 08:37:05 +01:00
my $users_dms = shift;
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
my $c_id = shift || "";
2022-12-16 08:37:05 +01:00
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/save_text2contenttrans.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| c_id:$c_id | u_id:$users_dms->{u_id}\n" if($debug);
print FILE Dumper($q) . "\n" if($debug);
2022-12-16 08:37:05 +01:00
my $ctt = { c_id => $c_id };
my $update_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
owner => $users_dms->{u_id},
mtime => "now()",
my $val = $q->param($_);
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
my @val = $q->param($_);
$valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
#Set formular title if Mahnung
if($_ eq "int06"){
my $s_hash = {};
$s_hash = $dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{warning_state};
if($valxx > 0){
foreach my $s_key (sort keys (%{ $s_hash })) {
if($valxx eq $s_key){
$update_ctt->{txt00} = $s_hash->{$s_key} if($s_hash->{$s_key} =~ /Mahnung/);
$update_ctt->{$_} = "$valxx";
$update_ctt->{txt00} = "Rechnung";
$update_ctt->{$_} = "$valxx";
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
elsif($_ =~ /int|ca_id|time/){
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
$update_ctt->{$_} = "null";
$update_ctt->{$_} = "$valxx";
elsif($_ =~ /txt|state/){
2022-12-16 08:37:05 +01:00
$update_ctt->{$_} = "$valxx";
2023-01-17 20:43:36 +01:00
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
#empty warn_time if warnstate not set
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
#if(!$R::int06 || !$R::warn_time){
# $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_ctt,"warn_time=null",$c_id);
2023-02-10 12:04:30 +01:00
if($R::txt22 && $R::txt22 eq "Zahlungseingang"){
if($R::txt22 && $R::txt22 eq "Zahlung offen"){
2022-12-16 08:37:05 +01:00
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
close(FILE) if($debug);
2022-12-16 08:37:05 +01:00
$feedb->{u_rows} = $u_rows;
return $feedb;
}#end save_text2contenttrans
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
#part or fee to invoice
sub insert_contenttranspos {
my $self = shift;
2022-12-19 14:21:53 +01:00
my $q = shift;
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
my $owner = shift || "";
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
my $dbh = "";
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
my $feedb = { i_rows => 0,
pos_id => 0,
message => "",
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
if((looks_like_number($R::c_id) || looks_like_number($R::json_select)) && looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans)){
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
my $pref = {
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $R::c_id4trans,
"ct.state" => "is::null",
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref);
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
my $pref_cc = {
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
table => "content",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "IN::(224,229)",
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
$pref_cc->{c_id} = $R::c_id if($R::c_id);
$pref_cc->{barcode} = $R::json_select if($R::json_select);
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
my $cc_part = { c_id => 0 };
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
$cc_part = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_cc) if($R::c_id || $R::json_select);
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
my $pref_adr = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
c_id => "$ctt->{int10}",
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
my $ctadr = { c_id => 0 };
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_adr) if($ctt->{int10});
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
$feedb->{pos_id} = $dbt->insert_pos($dbh,$R::c_id4trans,$cc_part,"",$ctadr,"","",$cc_part->{barcode},"0",$owner,"");
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, Artikel nicht vorhanden oder Preis nicht definiert.";
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
if($feedb->{pos_id} > 0){
$feedb->{i_rows} += 1;
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
$feedb->{message} = "Artikel Nr. $cc_part->{barcode} erfolgreich hinzugefügt.";
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, die Rechnung ist bereits gebucht. Das hinzufügen einer weiteren Rechnungsposition wird somit abgelehnt.";
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, es fehlt mindestens ein Key! ($R::c_id && $R::c_id4trans)";
2022-09-20 16:13:45 +02:00
return $feedb;
}#end insert_contenttranspos
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
sub save_contenttranspos {
my $self = shift;
2022-12-19 14:21:53 +01:00
my $q = shift;
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
my $c_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
if($c_id && $R::start_date =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{4}/ && $R::end_date =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{4}/){
my $s_hh = $q->escapeHTML("$R::s_hh") || "0";
my $s_mi = $q->escapeHTML("$R::s_mi") || "0";
my $e_hh = $q->escapeHTML("$R::e_hh") || "0";
my $e_mi = $q->escapeHTML("$R::e_mi") || "0";
$s_hh = "24" if($s_hh > "24");
$e_hh = "24" if($e_hh > "24");
$s_mi = "59" if($s_mi > "59");
$e_mi = "59" if($e_mi > "59");
$s_hh = sprintf('%.2d',$s_hh);
$e_hh = sprintf('%.2d',$e_hh);
$s_mi = sprintf('%.2d',$s_mi);
$e_mi = sprintf('%.2d',$e_mi);
my $start_time="";
my $end_time="";
my $dtnow = DateTime->now( time_zone => "Europe/Berlin" );
my $dt0 = DateTime->now( time_zone => "Europe/Berlin" );
my $dt1 = DateTime->now( time_zone => "Europe/Berlin" );
if($R::start_date =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})/){
$dt0 = DateTime->new(
year => $3,
month => $2,
day => $1,
hour => $s_hh,
minute => $s_mi,
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
$start_time = $dt0->strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
#print $start_time;
if($R::end_date =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})/){
$dt1 = DateTime->new(
year => $3,
month => $2,
day => $1,
hour => $e_hh,
minute => $e_mi,
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
$end_time = $dt1->strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
2023-07-05 06:23:29 +02:00
$bw->log("save_contenttranspos time-check: $c_id && $start_time && $end_time",$c_id,"");
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
if($c_id && $start_time && $end_time && $dt0 < $dtnow && $dt1 < $dtnow){
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
table_pos => "contenttranspos",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "218",#open invoice tpl_id
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
c_id => $c_id,
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
"ct.state" => "is::null",
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
my $ctpos = { c_id => 0 };
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
$ctpos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref);
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
my $pricing = {};
my $counting = {};
my $update_pos = {
table => "contenttranspos",
start_time => "$start_time",
end_time => "$end_time",
int04 => "null",
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
owner_end => $owner,
mtime => "now()",
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
#if sig
if($ctpos->{int11} == 3 && $ctpos->{ca_id}){
#sig booking_request
my $sig_book = {
bikeId => "",
rentalId => "",
if(looks_like_number($R::int10) && $R::int10 == 1){
my $authref = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "202",
c_id => "=::$ctpos->{ca_id}",
my $authraw = {};
$authraw = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$authref);
$sig_book = $si->sig_booking(\%varenv,"reserve_end",$authraw,"",$ctpos);
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_pos,$ctpos);
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, Änderung abgelehnt da Rechnung bereits gebucht";
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
#again to get setted date-times
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
$ctpos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref);
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
#print "$R::start_date $s_hh:$s_mi | $R::start_date $e_hh:$e_mi xxxxxxxxx<br>";exit;
($pricing,$counting) = $pri->counting_rental(\%varenv,$ctpos);
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
$update_pos->{int38} = "$counting->{int38}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int38}));
$update_pos->{int39} = "$counting->{int39}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int39}));
$update_pos->{int40} = "$counting->{int40}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int40}));
$update_pos->{int41} = "$counting->{int41}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int41}));
$update_pos->{int10} = $R::int10 if(looks_like_number($R::int10));
$update_pos->{int20} = $R::int20 if(looks_like_number($R::int20));
$update_pos->{int04} = $R::int04 if(looks_like_number($R::int04));
2022-07-16 16:04:46 +02:00
$update_pos->{int07} = $R::int07 if(looks_like_number($R::int07));
$update_pos->{int08} = $R::int08 if(looks_like_number($R::int08));
2022-06-03 06:21:28 +02:00
$update_pos->{txt01} = $q->escapeHTML($R::txt01) if($R::txt01);
$update_pos->{txt23} = $q->escapeHTML($R::txt23) if($R::txt23);
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
#before update bike content check if realy last rental
my $pref2ck = {
table => "contenttrans",
table_pos => "contenttranspos",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "218",#open invoice tpl_id
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
start_time => ">::$end_time",
2022-07-15 07:11:01 +02:00
barcode => $ctpos->{barcode},
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
"ct.state" => "is::null",
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
my $ctpos2ck = { c_id => 0 };
$ctpos2ck = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref2ck);
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
#update bike content only if there is no later rental start
2023-07-05 06:23:29 +02:00
$bw->log("update bike content only if there is no later rental start: $ctpos->{cc_id} && !$ctpos2ck->{c_id}",$c_id,"");
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
if($ctpos->{cc_id} && !$ctpos2ck->{c_id}){
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
my $ctpref = {
table => "content",
fetch => "one",
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
c_id => $ctpos->{cc_id},
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
my $ctbike = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$ctpref);
$ctpref->{int10} = $R::int10 if(looks_like_number($R::int10));
$ctpref->{int20} = $R::int20 if(looks_like_number($R::int20));
$ctpref->{int04} = $R::int04 if(looks_like_number($R::int04));
$ctpref->{owner} = $owner;
$ctpref->{mtime} = "now()";
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$ctpref,$ctbike);
$feedb->{message} = "Mietdaten gespeichert und Mietrad Stati in Warenstamm übernommen";
$feedb->{message} = "Mietdaten gespeichert. Achtung, Mietrad Stati in Warenstamm NICHT übernommen, da es sich nicht um die letzte Miete handelt";
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_pos,$ctpos);
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
my $ctpref = {
table => "contenttrans",
2022-06-24 14:38:22 +02:00
c_id => $ctpos->{ct_id},
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
start_time => "$start_time",
end_time => "$end_time",
owner => $owner,
mtime => "now()",
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$ctpref,$ctpref);
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, Änderung abgelehnt da Rechnung bereits gebucht";
2023-07-05 06:23:29 +02:00
$bw->log("save_contenttranspos time-check fails by: $c_id && $start_time && $end_time",$c_id,"");
}elsif($R::int02 && $R::int03){
$R::int02 =~ s/,/\./ if($R::int02 =~ /\,/);
$R::int03 =~ s/,/\./ if($R::int03 =~ /\,/);
$R::txt01 = $q->escapeHTML($R::txt01) if($R::txt01);
$R::txt23 = $q->escapeHTML($R::txt23) if($R::txt23);
if($c_id && looks_like_number($R::int02) && looks_like_number($R::int03)){
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
table_pos => "contenttranspos",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "IN::(218,219)",#open invoices and prepaid tpl_id
c_id => $c_id,
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
"ct.state" => "is::null",
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
my $ctpos = { c_id => 0 };
$ctpos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref);
my $update_pos = {
table => "contenttranspos",
int02 => "$R::int02",
int03 => "$R::int03",
txt01 => "$R::txt01",
txt23 => "$R::txt23",
owner => $owner,
mtime => "now()",
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_pos,$ctpos);
#prepaid account Vde management by booking prepaid amount
if($R::tpl_id4trans && $R::tpl_id4trans == 219){
my $update_adr = {
table => "contentadr",
owner => $owner,
mtime => "now()",
c_id => $ctpos->{ca_id},
int12 => "0",
my $ctadr = { c_id => $ctpos->{ca_id} };
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_adr,$ctadr);#check int12=0 update
2022-09-21 19:24:42 +02:00
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, Änderung abgelehnt da Rechnung bereits gebucht";
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, es sind nur numerische Werte erlaubt ($c_id && $R::int02 && $R::int03).";
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, fehlerhafte Eingaben oder Datensatz nicht gefunden!";
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
$feedb->{u_rows} = $u_rows;
return $feedb;
}#end save_contenttranspos
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
sub delete_contenttranspos {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $c_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { d_rows => 0,
message => "",
$feedb->{d_rows} = $dbt->delete_content($dbh,"contenttranspos",$c_id);
return $feedb;
}#end delete_contenttranspos
2022-03-17 20:28:28 +01:00
#set Faktura workflow like Rechnung to Storno
sub set_workflow {
my $self = shift;
2022-12-19 14:21:53 +01:00
my $q = shift;
2022-03-17 20:28:28 +01:00
my $users_dms = shift;
my $c_id = shift;
my $set_main_id = shift || "";
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $dbh = "";
my $node = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$set_main_id);
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $c_id,
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref);
#barcode setting logic reset. keep barcode from orignal for backlinking
#counter invoice subnr
if($ctt->{ct_name} =~ /\d+-\d+/){
my ($ct_name,$subname) = split(/-/,$ctt->{ct_name});
$ctt->{ct_name} = "$ct_name-$subname";
$ctt->{ct_name} = "$ctt->{ct_name}-1";
delete $ctt->{c_id};
delete $ctt->{txt00};
delete $ctt->{state};
delete $ctt->{int01};
delete $ctt->{int14};
delete $ctt->{int15};
2022-03-18 14:51:25 +01:00
delete $ctt->{int16};
delete $ctt->{int18};
2022-03-17 20:28:28 +01:00
delete $ctt->{txt16};
delete $ctt->{txt12};
delete $ctt->{txt21};
delete $ctt->{txt22};
delete $ctt->{txt23};
2022-03-18 14:51:25 +01:00
delete $ctt->{txt25};
2022-03-17 20:28:28 +01:00
delete $ctt->{txt30};
delete $ctt->{itime};
delete $ctt->{mtime};
delete $ctt->{close_time};
delete $ctt->{invoice_time};
delete $ctt->{pay_time};
2023-02-10 12:04:30 +01:00
delete $ctt->{warn_time};
2022-03-17 20:28:28 +01:00
my $insert_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
itime => 'now()',
mtime => 'now()',
owner => "$users_dms->{u_id}",
ct_name => "$ctt->{ct_name}",
txt00 => "$node->{node_name}",
template_id => "218",
main_id => "$node->{main_id}",
my $c_idnew = 0;
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$insert_ctt,"");
$i_rows = 1 if($c_idnew);
#print Dumper($insert_ctt);
#position copy
if($c_idnew > 0){
my ($cttpos,$rows) = $dbt->collect_contentpos($dbh,"contenttrans",$c_id);
2022-10-31 08:11:53 +01:00
foreach my $id (sort { $cttpos->{$a}->{c_id} <=> $cttpos->{$b}->{c_id} } keys(%$cttpos)){
2022-08-17 21:22:57 +02:00
#reverse pos sum for example by Storno
$cttpos->{$id}->{int01} = $cttpos->{$id}->{int01} * -1 if($cttpos->{$id}->{int01} != 0);
2022-10-18 20:15:11 +02:00
$cttpos->{$id}->{int05} = $cttpos->{$id}->{c_id};# set source pos id if sub doc
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt23} = "workflow doc" if($cttpos->{$id}->{int01} == -1);
2022-03-17 20:28:28 +01:00
delete $cttpos->{$id}->{c_id};
delete $cttpos->{$id}->{ct_id};
delete $cttpos->{$id}->{itime};
delete $cttpos->{$id}->{mtime};
my $insert_pos = {
table => "contenttranspos",
ct_id => $c_idnew,
itime => 'now()',
mtime => 'now()',
my $ctpos_id = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$insert_pos,"");
$i_rows += 1 if($ctpos_id > 0);
my $update_users = {
table => "users",
change => "no_time",
u_id => $users_dms->{u_id}
2022-03-17 20:28:28 +01:00
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura?ct_trans=open\&c_id4trans=$c_idnew\&tpl_id4trans=218\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}\&offset=$R::offset\&limit=$R::limit\&return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
2022-03-17 20:28:28 +01:00
}#end set_workflow
2022-10-31 08:11:53 +01:00
#generate invoice from operator accounting
sub set_accounting2invoice {
my $self = shift;
2022-12-19 14:21:53 +01:00
my $q = shift;
2022-10-31 08:11:53 +01:00
my $users_dms = shift;
my $c_id = shift;
my $set_main_id = shift || "";
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $dbh = "";
my $node = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$set_main_id);
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $c_id,
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref);
#barcode setting logic reset. keep barcode from orignal for backlinking
#counter invoice subnr
if($ctt->{ct_name} =~ /\d+-\d+/){
my ($ct_name,$subname) = split(/-/,$ctt->{ct_name});
$ctt->{ct_name} = "$ct_name-$subname";
$ctt->{ct_name} = "$ctt->{ct_name}-1";
delete $ctt->{c_id};
delete $ctt->{txt00};
delete $ctt->{state};
delete $ctt->{itime};
delete $ctt->{mtime};
delete $ctt->{close_time};
delete $ctt->{invoice_time};
delete $ctt->{pay_time};
my $insert_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
itime => 'now()',
mtime => 'now()',
owner => "$users_dms->{u_id}",
ct_name => "$ctt->{ct_name}",
txt00 => "$node->{node_name}",
template_id => "218",
main_id => "$node->{main_id}",
my $c_idnew = 0;
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$insert_ctt,"");
$i_rows = 1 if($c_idnew);
#taking just same (operator_accounting) invoices detected by int10=2
my $update_users = {
table => "users",
change => "no_time",
u_id => $users_dms->{u_id}
2022-10-31 08:11:53 +01:00
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$node->{main_id});
print "$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows\n";
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
}#end set_accounting2invoice
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
#new node relation with option to create subnode for Servicelog
sub new_relation {
my $self = shift;
2022-12-19 14:21:53 +01:00
my $q = shift;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $main_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $ret = "";
my $dbh = "";
#$ret = "failure::temporarily disabled";
#return $ret;
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/new_relation.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| main_id: $main_id | owner: $owner\n" if($debug);
my $prefix_id = "0";
my $working_parent_id = $R::parent_id;
$prefix_id = $1 if($R::main_id =~ /^(\d)/ && $R::main_id >= "100000");
$ret = $lb->checkinput($R::node_name);
return $ret if($ret =~ /failure/);
my $node_name = $q->escapeHTML($R::node_name);
#check multiple node_name
my $subrelnode = $dbt->get_subrelnode($dbh,$working_parent_id,"",$node_name);
if($subrelnode->{node_name} eq "$R::node_name"){
return "failure::Abbruch, der Menuename \"$subrelnode->{node_name}\" ist bereits vorhanden. Bitte eindeutige Menuenamen verwenden.";
$working_parent_id = $R::main_id;
my $new_main_id = $dbt->get_freenode($dbh,$prefix_id);
my $template_id = 0,
my $n_sort = 1;
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $type_id = 300101;
my $energy_id = 0;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
$template_id = $R::template_id if(looks_like_number($R::template_id));
$n_sort = $R::n_sort if(looks_like_number($R::n_sort));
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
$type_id = $R::type_id if(looks_like_number($R::type_id));
$energy_id = $R::energy_id if(looks_like_number($R::energy_id));
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $insert = {
main_id => $new_main_id,
parent_id => $working_parent_id,
template_id => $template_id,
content_id => 0,
node_name => $node_name,
n_sort => $n_sort,
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
type_id => $type_id,
energy_id => $energy_id,
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
owner => $owner,
change => "now()",
my $rel_id = $dbt->insert_nodeoid($dbh,$insert);
$i_rows = 1 if($rel_id > 0);
print FILE "new_relation with" . Dumper($insert) . "\n" if($debug);
#sub Servicelog for rental bikes
if($template_id == 205){
my $new_submain_id = $dbt->get_freenode($dbh,$prefix_id);
2022-04-04 14:57:43 +02:00
my $new_subtemplate_id = $dbt->get_freetpl($dbh,"401","499");
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $ret_tpl_id = $dbt->copy_template($dbh,"400",$new_subtemplate_id,"$node_name Service-Config",$owner);
my $ct_name = "$node_name Service-Config";
$ct_name =~ s/^Flotte //;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $insert_sub = {
main_id => $new_submain_id,
parent_id => $new_main_id,
template_id => $new_subtemplate_id,
content_id => 0,
node_name => "$node_name-Servicelog",
n_sort => $n_sort,
lang => "de",
owner => $owner,
change => "now()",
my $subrel_id = $dbt->insert_nodeoid($dbh,$insert_sub);
$i_rows += 1 if($subrel_id > 0);
print FILE "new_subrelation with" . Dumper($insert_sub) . "\nwith template_id=$ret_tpl_id" if($debug);
close(FILE) if($debug);
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$new_main_id);
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
print "$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?node2edit=edit_relation\&return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows\n";
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
#end new_relation
#save node relation
sub save_relation {
my $self = shift;
2022-07-20 06:54:17 +02:00
my $q = shift;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $main_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
2022-05-18 10:53:29 +02:00
my @keywords = $q->param;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $dbh = "";
my $update_node = {
table => "nodes",
main_id => "$main_id",
my $update_relation = {
table => "relation",
main_id => "$main_id",
my $subrelnode = $dbt->get_subrelnode($dbh,$main_id,"","");
my $val = $q->param($_);
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
$valxx =~ s/^\s+//; $valxx =~ s/\s+$//;
if(($_ eq "node_name") && $valxx){
#if defined another path
my $node_name = $valxx;
my $node_path = $node_name;
#internal for splitting node_name node_path
($node_name,$node_path) = split(/\|/,$node_name) if($node_name =~ /\|/);
my $return;
$return = $lb->checkinput($node_name);
$return = $lb->checkinput($node_path);
return $return if($return =~ /failure/);
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"node_name='$node_name'");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"node_path='$node_path'");
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
if($subrelnode->{main_id} && $subrelnode->{template_id} >= 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} <= 499){
my $update_subnode = {
table => "nodes",
main_id => "$subrelnode->{main_id}",
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_subnode,"node_name='$node_name-Servicelog'");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_subnode,"node_path='$node_path-Servicelog'");
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
}elsif($_ =~ /template_id/ && $valxx){
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_relation,"template_id=$valxx");
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
}elsif($_ =~ /int|n_sort|owner/){
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
$valxx =~ s/,/./;
$valxx = "null" if(!$valxx && $valxx ne "0");#for empty
$valxx = "0" if($valxx eq "0");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_=$valxx") if($valxx =~ /^\d+$|null|0/);
}elsif($_ =~ /type_id|energy_id|archive/ && $valxx){
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_=$valxx");
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
$valxx = "null" if(!$valxx || $valxx eq "null");
}elsif($_ =~ /hotline_email|hotline_phone/){
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_='$valxx'");
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
}elsif($_ =~ /node_public/){
2022-09-28 13:28:45 +02:00
$valxx = "t" if($valxx eq "1" || $valxx eq "t");
$valxx = "f" if(!$valxx || $valxx eq "f");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_='$valxx'");
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
if(! -d "$varenv{data}/$main_id"){
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$main_id);
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?node2edit=edit_relation\&return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
exit 0;
#delete node relation with some ki deleting sub content
sub delete_relation {
my $self = shift;
2022-12-19 14:21:53 +01:00
my $q = shift;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $main_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $dbh = "";
my $ret = "";
my $debug=1;
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/delete_relation.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| main_id: $main_id \n" if($debug);
#get all node para
my $noderef = {
main_id => $main_id,
fetch => "one",
my $noderel = $dbt->fetch_rel4tpl4nd($dbh,$noderef);
my $ctref = {
table => "$noderel->{ct_table}",
main_id => $main_id,
fetch => "one",
c_id => ">::0",
my $ct_record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$ctref);
my $collect_rows=0;
2022-01-27 20:30:35 +01:00
if($noderel->{template_id} == 205){
(my $collect_node,$collect_rows) = $dbt->collect_noderel($dbh,$noderel->{parent_id},$noderel->{template_id});
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $subrelnode = $dbt->get_subrelnode($dbh,$main_id,"","");
#if 1 then deleteable
my $deleteable_subnode = 1;
my $deleteable_node = 1;
my $deleteable_last_node = 1;
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
if($subrelnode->{template_id} > 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} < 499){
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
$deleteable_subnode = 1;
if($collect_rows <= 1){
$deleteable_last_node = 0;
$deleteable_subnode = 0;
if($ct_record->{c_id} > 0){
$deleteable_node = 0;
2022-01-27 20:30:35 +01:00
#print "$deleteable_subnode|$deleteable_node|$deleteable_last_node|$collect_rows";
print FILE "deleteable_subnode:$deleteable_subnode | deleteable_node:$deleteable_node | deleteable_last_node:$deleteable_last_node --> collect_rows: $collect_rows|c_id: $ct_record->{c_id}\n" if($debug);
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
if($deleteable_last_node == 0){
$ret = "failure::Abbruch, es muss mindestens eine Mietrad Flotte definiert sein. ($collect_rows on $noderel->{parent_id})";
}elsif($deleteable_subnode == 0 || $deleteable_node == 0){
$ret = "failure::Abbruch, der Ordner enthält Daten. Für die referentielle Integrität ist es notwendig die Ordner Inhalte (content) und/oder Relationen des Ordners zu löschen. ($deleteable_subnode == 0 || $deleteable_node == 0 , $subrelnode->{template_id}, $main_id, $ct_record->{c_id}, $noderel->{ct_table})";
print FILE "delete_relation with $subrelnode->{main_id}, $subrelnode->{template_id}\n" if($debug);
if($deleteable_subnode && $subrelnode->{main_id}){
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
if($subrelnode->{template_id} > 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} < 499){
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
$d_rows += $dbt->delete_noderel($dbh,$subrelnode->{main_id});
$d_rows += $dbt->delete_template($dbh,$subrelnode->{template_id});
$d_rows += $dbt->delete_noderel($dbh,$main_id);
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$noderel->{parent_id});
$uri_path =~ s/\/\w+$//;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
close(FILE) if($debug);
return $ret;
#sharee Bonusnummer with Tarif automatic
sub set_usertarif {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = shift;
my $dbname = shift;
my $adr_bonus = shift;
2022-01-16 12:17:11 +01:00
my $bonus_collect = shift || {};
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/save_account.log") if($debug);
2022-07-20 06:54:17 +02:00
print FILE "\n*Prelib--> $now_dt| dbname: $dbname | c_id: $adr_bonus->{c_id} | txt15: $adr_bonus->{txt15}\n" if($debug);
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
my $oprefix = $dbt->{operator}->{$dbname}->{oprefix};
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $ret = $adr_bonus->{ret};
my $i = 0;
my $dbh_operator = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbname);#operator connect
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
my $tariff_all = { barcode => 0, int18 => 0};
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
my $tariff = {
table => "content",
fetch => "all",
keyfield => "barcode",
template_id => "210",#Tariff tpl_id
$tariff_all = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$tariff);
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname});
my $adref = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "202",
c_id => "$adr_bonus->{c_id}",
my $adr_primary = { c_id => 0 };
$adr_primary = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_primary,$adref) if($adr_bonus->{c_id});
#collect Tarif with prefix saving on primary
my %prim_tarif_hash = ();
if($adr_primary->{txt30} && $adr_primary->{txt30} =~ /\w\s\w/){
%prim_tarif_hash = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/,$adr_primary->{txt30});
$prim_tarif_hash{$adr_primary->{txt30}} = 1;
#first delete operator tarif in prim_tarif_hash. we will fill up downunder
foreach my $rid (sort { $tariff_all->{$a}->{barcode} <=> $tariff_all->{$b}->{barcode} } keys (%$tariff_all)){
print FILE "--> Cleanup operator specific prim_tarif_hash: $tariff_all->{$rid}->{barcode}\n";
delete $prim_tarif_hash{$oprefix . $tariff_all->{$rid}->{barcode}};
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
if($adr_bonus->{txt15} =~ /\w+/){
2022-07-08 07:32:42 +02:00
my %tarif_hash = ();
2022-01-16 12:17:11 +01:00
my @new_txt30 = ();
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
2022-01-16 12:17:11 +01:00
#collect multiple tarif by bonusnr
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
my $pref_cc = {
table => "content",
keyfield => "c_id",
fetch => "all",
template_id => "228",
int03 => ">::0",
2022-07-20 06:54:17 +02:00
ct_name => "ilike::$adr_bonus->{txt15}",
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2022-07-25 18:01:01 +02:00
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
$bonus_collect = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$pref_cc) if(ref($bonus_collect->{1}) ne "HASH");
2022-07-25 18:01:01 +02:00
foreach my $sourcetarif (@{$adr_bonus->{txt30_array}}){
$tarif_hash{$sourcetarif} = 1;
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
#additional and only! save privat or hidden tarif to primary to get caching
if($tariff_all->{$sourcetarif}->{int18} == 3 || $tariff_all->{$sourcetarif}->{int18} == 4){
$prim_tarif_hash{$oprefix . $sourcetarif} = 1;
2022-07-25 18:01:01 +02:00
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
print FILE "Prelib bonus_collect by request txt15: $adr_bonus->{txt15}\n";
2022-01-16 12:17:11 +01:00
foreach my $id (keys (%$bonus_collect)){
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2022-07-25 18:01:01 +02:00
print FILE "$i)-1-> loop bonus_collect and find $bonus_collect->{$id}->{ct_name} = $adr_bonus->{txt15}\n|==>Take and insert Tarif $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22}\n" if($debug);
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
$tarif_hash{$bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22}} = 1;
#additional and only! save privat or hidden tarif to primary to get caching
if($tariff_all->{$bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22}}->{int18} == 3 || $tariff_all->{$bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22}}->{int18} == 4){
$prim_tarif_hash{$oprefix . $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22}} = 1;
if($bonus_collect->{$id}->{int21} && $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int21} != $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22}){
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
print FILE "$i)-2-> delete if($bonus_collect->{$id}->{int21} && $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int21} != $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22})\n" if($debug);
2022-07-25 18:01:01 +02:00
delete $tarif_hash{$bonus_collect->{$id}->{int21}};
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
delete $prim_tarif_hash{$oprefix . $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int21}};
print FILE "$i)-3-> delete done $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int21}\n" if($debug);
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2022-07-25 18:01:01 +02:00
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2022-07-08 07:32:42 +02:00
@new_txt30 = keys %tarif_hash;
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2022-07-25 18:01:01 +02:00
print FILE "Final -3-> txt30: @new_txt30\n" if($debug);
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_operator,$adr_bonus,"txt30='@new_txt30'");
2022-06-02 10:34:03 +02:00
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_operator,$adr_bonus,"txt15='$adr_bonus->{txt15}'");
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
#collect Tarif with prefix saving on primary
my @prim_txt30 = keys %prim_tarif_hash;
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_primary,$adr_bonus,"txt30='@prim_txt30'");
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
$ret = "failure::txt30#top2" if(!$adr_bonus->{txt30_array} || $adr_bonus->{txt30_array} !~ /\d/);
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
print FILE "-4-> update Tarif txt30: @{$adr_bonus->{txt30_array}}\n" if($debug);
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_operator,$adr_bonus,"txt30='@{$adr_bonus->{txt30_array}}'");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_operator,$adr_bonus,"txt15=''");
2023-03-10 11:35:56 +01:00
#collect Tarif with prefix saving on primary
#delete bonus tarif on primary if not defined by operator
#additional and only! save privat or hidden tarif to primary to get caching
foreach my $rid (sort { $tariff_all->{$a}->{barcode} <=> $tariff_all->{$b}->{barcode} } keys (%$tariff_all)){
if($tariff_all->{$rid}->{barcode} == $_ && ($tariff_all->{$_}->{int18} == 3 || $tariff_all->{$_}->{int18} == 4)){
print FILE "--> Adding private/hidden key on operator to primary: $_\n";
$prim_tarif_hash{$oprefix . $_} = 1;
my @prim_txt30 = keys %prim_tarif_hash;
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_primary,$adr_bonus,"txt30='@prim_txt30'");
2021-12-30 12:05:56 +01:00
$ret = "failure::txt30#top3" if(!$adr_bonus->{txt30_array} || $adr_bonus->{txt30_array} !~ /\d/);
#if bonus value doesn't match
if($adr_bonus->{txt15} && $i == 0){
print FILE "-5-> failure txt15: ''\n" if($debug);
$ret = "failure::txt15#top4";
close(FILE) if($debug);
return $ret;
2022-05-13 10:38:03 +02:00
#save service-config
2022-05-11 08:05:35 +02:00
sub save_service_desc {
my $self = shift;
2022-07-20 06:54:17 +02:00
my $q = shift;
2022-05-11 08:05:35 +02:00
my $users_dms = shift;
2023-06-21 20:21:58 +02:00
my $c_id = shift;
2022-05-11 08:05:35 +02:00
my @keywords = $q->param;
2022-05-13 10:38:03 +02:00
my $dbh = "";
my $c_tplid = {c_id => $c_id};
my $update_ctuser = {
table => "contentuser",
template_id => "199",
mtime => "now()",
owner => "$users_dms->{u_id}",
my $update_template = {
table => "template",
tpl_id => "$c_id",
owner => "$users_dms->{u_id}",
2022-05-11 08:05:35 +02:00
2022-05-13 10:38:03 +02:00
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/save_service_desc.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*Prelib--> $now_dt | ctpl_id $c_id | owner: $users_dms->{u_id}\n" if($debug);
my $tpl_order_desc = "c_id=ID=4=0=0,mtime=Zeitstempel=6=0=0,owner=von=3=0=0,barcode=Rad=3=0=0,txt01=Aufgaben=area5-8=0=0";
2022-05-11 08:05:35 +02:00
my @val = $q->param($_);
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
2022-05-13 10:38:03 +02:00
$valxx =~ s/\s/=/g;
print FILE $_ . ":" . $valxx . "<br>\n";
2022-05-13 20:00:25 +02:00
my $count = 0;
++$count while $valxx =~ /=/g;
return "failure::Abbruch. Die Wartungsnamen dienen als Schlüsselwerte und dürfen somit keine Leer- oder Sonderzeichen enthalten ($valxx). Das Speichern wurde abgebrochen!" if($count > 4);
2022-05-13 10:38:03 +02:00
2022-05-13 20:00:25 +02:00
if($_ =~ /txt\d+/ && $valxx =~ /int\d+=[a-z-]+=checkbox=\d+=\d/i){
2022-05-13 10:38:03 +02:00
$update_ctuser->{$_} = "$valxx";
$tpl_order_desc .= ",$valxx";
2023-02-16 19:52:49 +01:00
$update_ctuser->{$_} = "";
$tpl_order_desc .= "";
2022-05-11 08:05:35 +02:00
2022-05-13 10:38:03 +02:00
print FILE "update contentuser c_id:$c_id\n" . Dumper($update_ctuser) . "\n";
print FILE "update template tpl_id:$c_id\n" . $tpl_order_desc . "\n";
my $rows = 0;
$rows = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctuser,$c_tplid);
$rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_template,"tpl_order='$tpl_order_desc'");
2022-05-11 08:05:35 +02:00
2022-05-13 10:38:03 +02:00
close(FILE) if($debug);
return $rows;
2022-05-11 08:05:35 +02:00
2022-10-11 07:00:25 +02:00
#Operator Accounting
sub operator_accounting {
my $self = shift;
2022-12-19 14:21:53 +01:00
my $q = shift;
2022-10-11 07:00:25 +02:00
my $users_dms = shift;
my $users_sharee = shift;
my $accounting_type = shift || "";
my $ck4ex = shift || "";
my $dbh = "";
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/operator_accounting.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| accounting_type: $accounting_type | owner: $users_dms->{u_id}\n" if($debug);
print FILE "Invoice c_id's ck4ex: $ck4ex\n";
2022-10-11 07:00:25 +02:00
my $accounting_main_id = 300029;
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
my $node_faktura = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura});
my $node = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$accounting_main_id);
my $praefix = "$node->{node_name}-$varenv{praefix}";
my $ret = "";
my $c_idnew = "";
2022-10-18 20:15:11 +02:00
my $opuser = {
table => "contentuser",
fetch => "one",
c_id => 2,
my $ctuser = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$opuser);
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contenttrans($dbh,$ctuser,$accounting_main_id,"208","----",$users_dms->{u_id});
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
2022-10-18 20:15:11 +02:00
print FILE "c_idnew: $c_idnew\n";
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
my $ctt = { c_id => $c_idnew };
my $update_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
int12 => $node->{main_id},
txt00 => $node->{node_name},
mtime => "now()",
owner => $users_dms->{u_id},
2022-10-31 08:11:53 +01:00
my $tplop = $dbt->get_tpl($dbh,"196");#Operator-Faktura
my @tplop_order = split /,/,$tplop->{tpl_order};
my ($key,$val,$size,$unit) = split /=/,$_;
if($key =~ /int(\d+)/){
#take fee values used by creating operator accounting invoice
my $count_key = $1 + 20; to
my $ctt_key = "int" . $count_key;
$update_ctt->{$ctt_key} = $ctuser->{$key} if($ctuser->{$key});
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
2022-10-11 07:00:25 +02:00
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
main_id => $accounting_main_id,
template_id => 208,
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
c_id => $c_idnew,
2022-10-11 07:00:25 +02:00
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref);
$bw->log("operator_accounting used invoice c_id:",$ctt->{c_id},"");
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
$ck4ex =~ s/\s/,/g;
$dbt->update_sql($dbh,"UPDATE contenttrans set int20='$ctt->{c_id}' where c_id IN ($ck4ex)");
2022-10-18 20:15:11 +02:00
print FILE "UPDATE contenttrans set int20='$ctt->{c_id}' where c_id IN ($ck4ex)\n";
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
my $update_users = {
table => "users",
change => "no_time",
u_id => $users_dms->{u_id}
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$node->{main_id});
print "$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows\n";
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
$ret = "failure::Abbruch, es wurden keine Belege selektiert.";
2022-10-18 20:15:11 +02:00
close FILE;
2022-10-14 08:28:51 +02:00
return $ret;
2022-10-11 07:00:25 +02:00
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
#CSV Export
sub export_csv {
my $self = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $ct4rel = shift || {};
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
my $bike_nodes = shift || {};
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $coo = shift || "";
my $time = time;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
my $table = $node_meta->{ct_table} || "content";
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $scol = "c_id";
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
$scol = $users_dms->{"col_sort_$table"};
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my $feedb = { message => "" };
2023-04-12 16:12:19 +02:00
$node_meta->{tpl_order} =~ s/txt06=[\w\s=]+,/byte01=Ilockit Token,/ if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 205);
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
my @tpl_order = split(/,/,$node_meta->{tpl_order});
my $csv_export = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ binary => 1, sep_char => ";", eol => "\r\n" });
my $filename_csv_export = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{oprefix}-$node_meta->{node_name}-Export-$time.csv";
my @header_line = ();
open my $csv, ">", "$varenv{csv}/$filename_csv_export" or die "$filename_csv_export: $!\n";
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$val,$size,$title) = split /=/,$_;
push @header_line, $val;
$csv_export->print($csv, \@header_line);#header
foreach my $id (sort {
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
if($users_dms->{"sort_updown_$table"} eq "down"){
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
if ($scol =~ /barcode|int/) {
$ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol} <=> $ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol}
lc($ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol}) cmp lc($ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol})
if ($scol =~ /barcode|int/) {
$ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol} <=> $ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol}
lc($ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol}) cmp lc($ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol})
} keys(%$ct4rel)){
my @line = ();
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$val,$size,$title) = split /=/,$_;
2023-04-12 16:12:19 +02:00
if($key =~ /byte/){
my $K_int = unpack "H*", $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key};
push @line, $K_int;
2023-11-16 20:11:13 +01:00
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} == 225 && $key eq "txt24"){
my $flotten = "";
foreach my $rid (sort { $bike_nodes->{$a}->{node_name} cmp $bike_nodes->{$b}->{node_name} } keys (%$bike_nodes)){
$flotten .= "$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{node_name}\n" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} =~ /$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{main_id}/);
push @line, $flotten;
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} == 225 && $key eq "txt25"){
my %station_filter_hash = ();
if($ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25} =~ /\d\s\d/){
%station_filter_hash = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/,$ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25});
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25} =~ /(\d+)/){
$station_filter_hash{$1} = 1;
my $station_filter = "";
foreach my $type_id (keys (%station_filter_hash)){
$station_filter .= "$dbt->{copri_conf}->{type_id}->{$type_id}\n";
push @line, $station_filter;
2023-04-12 16:12:19 +02:00
push @line, $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key};
2023-03-05 20:01:47 +01:00
$csv_export->print($csv, \@line);
if( -f "$varenv{basedir}/csv/$filename_csv_export"){
print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">'$varenv{wwwhost}/FileOut?file=$filename_csv_export\&sessionid=$coo');</script>";
$feedb->{message} = "failure:: Der CSV Export von \"$filename_csv_export\" ist fehlgeschlagen.";
return $feedb;
#prepare email standalone for extern email client posting
#partly adapted from mailTransportcms
#attachement breaks, that's because not used
sub prepare_email {
my $self = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $ct_id = shift || "";
my $email_select = shift || "";
my $dbh = "";
my $cms_prim = $varenv->{cms}->{$email_select}->{txt};
#mailxcfg is shareeconf/mailx.cfg <block> selection!
#hash data to send
my $sendref = {
mailxcfg => "mailx_default",
syshost => "$varenv->{syshost}",
mail_from => "",
mail_to => "",
mail_bcc => "",
c_id => 0,
subject => "",
message => "",
signature => "",
attachment => "",
my $fetchctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => "=::$ct_id",
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$fetchctt);
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname},"iso-8859-1");
my $pref_adr = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
c_id => "$ctt->{int10}",
my $ctadr = { c_id => 0 };
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh_primary,$pref_adr);
my $app_name = "Mietrad App";
$app_name = $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{app_name};
my $invoice_name = "";
my $sharee_ticket = "";
if(ref($ctt) eq "HASH" && $ctt->{ct_name}){
$invoice_name = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv{dbname}-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf";
$sendref->{attachment} = "$invoice_name";
$sharee_ticket = "[$varenv{dbname}-$ctt->{ct_name}]";
my $subject = "TeilRad Mietradsystem";#default
$subject = $1 if($cms_prim =~ /--subject--(.*)--subject--/);
$cms_prim =~ s/--subject--$subject--subject--//;
$subject .= " $sharee_ticket" if($sharee_ticket);
$cms_prim =~ s/\n//;
$cms_prim =~ s/\n//;
2022-12-16 08:37:05 +01:00
$sendref->{mail_to} = $ctadr->{txt08};
$sendref->{c_id} = $ctadr->{c_id};
$sendref->{subject} = $subject;
$sendref->{subject} =~ s/::app_name::/$app_name/;
$sendref->{subject} =~ s/Mein // if($sendref->{subject} =~ /^Mein/);
$sendref->{message} = $cms_prim;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::user_name::/$ctadr->{txt01}/;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::app_name::/$app_name/g;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::invoice_name::/$invoice_name/ if($invoice_name);
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::txid::/$ctt->{txt16}/;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::email_temppassword::/\<b\>$ctadr->{txt04}\<\/b\>/g;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::email_ack_digest::/\<b\>$ctadr->{txt34}\<\/b\>/g;#send_emailack
#$sendref->{message} =~ s/\n/\<br \/\>/g;
return $sendref;
}#end prepare_email