mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 03:36:30 +01:00
Faktura refactoring
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 791 additions and 1078 deletions
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ sub booking_request(){
$response_state = "OK, bike " . $bike . " succesfully requested";
$response_text = "Fahrrad Nr. $bike wurde erfolgreich für 15 Min. reserviert";
$response_text = "Rad $bike wurde erfolgreich für 15 Min. reserviert";
$bw->log("booking_request insert contenttranspos pos_id: $pos_id\n","","");
my $update_ctt = {
@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ sub booking_update(){
$record_pos = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$booking_pos) if($bike_id > 0 && $auth->{c_id} > 0);
$booking_values->{response_state} = "Failure 758: Can not find bike " . $q->param('bike') . " rental or reservation";
$booking_values->{response_state} = "Failure 758: Can not find bike " . $q->param('bike') . " rental or reservation on varenv-dbname: $varenv->{dbname}";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Keine Miete oder Reservierung zu Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " gefunden.";
@ -1192,11 +1192,11 @@ sub booking_update(){
$update_cc->{int10} = 1 if($record_cc->{int10} == 2);#only if still requested
$booking_values->{response_state} = "OK: canceled bike " . $q->param('bike');
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " wurde erfolgreich storniert";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " wurde erfolgreich storniert";
$booking_values->{state} = "available";
$booking_values->{response_state} = "Failure 2002: cancel bike " . $q->param('bike') . " fails, bike not requested";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Keine Reservierung zu Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " gefunden.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Keine Reservierung zu Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " gefunden.";
@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ sub booking_update(){
if($rows > 0){
$booking_values->{response_state} = "OK: occupied bike " . $q->param('bike');
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " Miete gestartet. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " Miete gestartet. ";
$update_cc->{int10} = 3;
#$update_cc->{int04} = "null";#Because of servicetool, we hav to be keep the station
@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ sub booking_update(){
if($rows_end > 0){
$update_cc->{int10} = 1;
$booking_values->{response_state} = "OK: available bike " . $q->param('bike');
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Danke! Die Miete Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " wurde beendet.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Danke! Die Miete Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " wurde beendet.";
$geo_debug .= "Matching station: $stations_raw->{$id}->{barcode}|$gps_data->{latitude},$gps_data->{longitude},$latitude_station,$longitude_station --> $gps_data->{geo_distance} Meter\n";
@ -1351,23 +1351,23 @@ sub booking_update(){
}elsif($record_pos->{int11} != 3){
$booking_values->{response_state} = "Failure 2245: No GPS data, state change forbidden.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fehler! Keine GPS Standortdaten, Die Miete Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " kann wegen fehlendem GPS nicht $state_text werden. Bitte aktivieren Sie das GPS.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fehler! Keine GPS Standortdaten, Die Miete Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " kann wegen fehlendem GPS nicht $state_text werden. Bitte aktivieren Sie das GPS.";
$booking_values->{response_state} = "Failure 2246: GPS age with $gps_data->{gps_age_minutes} minutes too old, state change forbidden.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fehler! GPS Daten sind mit $gps_data->{gps_age_minutes} Minuten zu alt. Die Miete Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " kann aufgrund nicht aktueller GPS nicht $state_text werden. Bitte aktivieren Sie das GPS.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fehler! GPS Daten sind mit $gps_data->{gps_age_minutes} Minuten zu alt. Die Miete Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " kann aufgrund nicht aktueller GPS nicht $state_text werden. Bitte aktivieren Sie das GPS.";
#end if($state eq "available" && $record_pos.state eq occupied || $record_pos.lock_state ne locked
}elsif($state_key == 6 && ($record_pos->{int10} == 3 || $record_pos->{int20} != 1)){
$booking_values->{response_state} = "Failure 2012: occupied bike " . $q->param('bike') . " cannot be state $state and $lock_state";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " ist in Benutzung und kann somit nicht storniert werden.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " ist in Benutzung und kann somit nicht storniert werden.";
}elsif($state_key == 3 && $record_pos->{int10} == 1){
$booking_values->{response_state} = "Failure 2016: available bike " . $q->param('bike') . " have to be at first reserved, thats because cannot be $state";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " wurde nicht reserviert und kann somit nicht gemietet werden.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " wurde nicht reserviert und kann somit nicht gemietet werden.";
$booking_values->{response_state} = "Failure 2035: bike " . $q->param('bike') . " state change to state $state and $lock_state not possible.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fehler! Die Miete Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " kann nicht mit dem vorhandenen Status $state_text werden.";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Fehler! Der Mietstatus zu Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " kann mit dem vorhandenen Status \"state:$state and lock_state:$lock_state\" nicht geändert werden.";
@ -1555,21 +1555,21 @@ sub smartlock {
$update_pos->{int22} = $gps_data->{gps_accuracy};
$update_pos->{int23} = "null";# only computed on rental-end
$booking_values->{response_state} = "OK: bike " . $q->param('bike') . " locked confirmed. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Abschließen von Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " bestätigt. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Schloss schließen von Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " bestätigt. ";
}elsif($q->param('lock_state') eq "unlocked"){
$lock_value = 2;
$update_cc->{int20} = "$lock_value";
$update_pos->{int20} = "$lock_value";
$booking_values->{response_state} = "OK: bike " . $q->param('bike') . " unlocked confirmed. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Aufschließen von Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " bestätigt. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Schloss öffnen von Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " bestätigt. ";
}elsif($q->param('lock_state') eq "locking"){
$lock_value = 3;
$update_cc->{int20} = "$lock_value";
$update_pos->{int20} = "$lock_value";
$booking_values->{response_state} = "OK: bike " . $q->param('bike') . " locking in progress. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Abschließen von Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " ist im Prozess. Bitte warten bis das smartlock vollständig geschlossen wurde und das abschließen bestätigt wird. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Schloss schließen von Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " ist im Prozess. Bitte warten bis das smartlock vollständig geschlossen wurde und das Schloss schließen bestätigt wird. ";
if($varenv->{dbname} ne "sharee_lv" && !$record_pos->{int32}){
$bw->log("$varenv->{basedir}/src/scripts/sms_message.pl $varenv->{syshost} locking_progress $auth->{c_id} $record_pos->{c_id}",$record_pos->{c_id},"");
system("$varenv->{basedir}/src/scripts/sms_message.pl $varenv->{syshost} locking_progress $auth->{c_id} $record_pos->{c_id} &");
@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ sub smartlock {
$update_cc->{int20} = "$lock_value";
$update_pos->{int20} = "$lock_value";
$booking_values->{response_state} = "OK: bike " . $q->param('bike') . " unlocking in progress. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Aufschließen von Fahrrad Nr. " . $q->param('bike') . " ist im Prozess. ";
$booking_values->{response_text} = "Schloss öffnen von Rad " . $q->param('bike') . " ist im Prozess. ";
@ -1645,8 +1645,10 @@ sub user_rentals_history(){
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $today = strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time));
my %operator_hash = ();
my $record_all = {};
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
table_pos => "contenttranspos",
@ -1667,7 +1669,6 @@ sub user_rentals_history(){
$pref->{'ct.int14'} = "is::null";
my %operator_hash = ();
if($varenv{dbname} eq $dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname}){
if($auth->{txt17} =~ /\w\s\w/){
@ -1684,6 +1685,7 @@ sub user_rentals_history(){
$record_all = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref);
return ($record_all,\%operator_hash);
}#end user_rental_history
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ elsif($q->param('request') eq "booking_cancel" || $q->param('request') eq "booki
my $booking_values = {};
#update on sig
if($ctpos->{int11} == 3){
if($ctpos->{int11} && $ctpos->{int11} == 3){
if($q->param('state') eq "occupied"){
system("$varenv{basedir}/src/scripts/sig_client.pl '$varenv{syshost}' 'rental' '$authraw->{c_id}' '$ctpos->{txt22}' '$ctpos->{c_id}' &");
@ -521,13 +521,13 @@ elsif($q->param('request') eq "bikes_available"){
$response->{bikes} = $apif->bikes_available($q,\%varenv,\%varenv,$authraw);
#return also bikes_occupied on bikes_available by operator request
if(1==1 && $varenv{syshost} ne "shareeapp-primary" && $dbt->{copri_conf}->{betau_id}->{$authraw->{c_id}}){
#2023-11-13, return also bikes_occupied on bikes_available by operator request
#if(1==1 && $varenv{syshost} ne "shareeapp-primary" && $dbt->{copri_conf}->{betau_id}->{$authraw->{c_id}}){
#return list of occupied/requested bikes
my $record = {};
$record = $apif->user_bikes_occupied($dbh,$authraw,"");
$response->{bikes_occupied} = $apif->rentals(\%varenv,$record,$authraw,"1");#returns JSON rental values
if(ref($response->{bikes}) ne "HASH"){
$response->{response_state} = "Failure 5003: cannot find any user defined bike tariff";
@ -689,21 +689,6 @@ sub collect_post(){
$cp_where .= " and cp.$key $op '$value'";
}elsif($varenv{systype} && $varenv{systype} eq "azn"){
if($key =~ /^ct\.(contentadr_id|owner|barcode|int\d+)$/ && $value){
$ct_where .= " and $key $op $value";
}elsif($key eq "barcode" && $fetch->{fetch} eq "all"){
if($value =~ /\d-\d/){
my ($start_val,$end_val) = split(/-/, $value);
$cp_where .= " and (cp.$key >= $start_val AND cp.$key <= $end_val)";
my $start_val = $value . "01";
my $end_val = $value . "31";
$cp_where .= " and (cp.$key >= $start_val AND cp.$key <= $end_val)";
}elsif($key =~ /^(c_id|ca_id|ct_id|owner|barcode|int\d+)$/ && $value){
$cp_where .= " and cp.$key $op $value";
}elsif($key =~ /^(c_id|ca_id|ct_id|owner|barcode|int\d+)$/ && $value){
if($value eq "null"){
$cp_where .= " and (cp.$key is null OR cp.$key = 0)";
@ -727,8 +712,7 @@ sub collect_post(){
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
#rental pos with capture booking ct.state
#$sql = "SELECT cp.*, ct.state FROM $fetch->{table_pos} cp, $fetch->{table} ct WHERE $cp_where and cp.ct_id=ct.c_id and $poscid IN (SELECT ct.c_id FROM relation rel, $fetch->{table} ct WHERE rel.content_id=ct.c_id and $ct_where) order by cp.mtime ASC";#mtime aufsteigend get last (newest) entry
$sql = "SELECT cp.*, ct.state FROM $fetch->{table_pos} cp, $fetch->{table} ct WHERE $cp_where and cp.ct_id=ct.c_id and $ct_where order by cp.mtime ASC";#mtime aufsteigend get last (newest) entry
$sql = "SELECT cp.*, ct.state FROM $fetch->{table_pos} cp, $fetch->{table} ct WHERE $cp_where and cp.ct_id=ct.c_id and $ct_where order by cp.mtime ASC";#mtime aufsteigend get last (newest) entry
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$bw->log("DBtank collect_post ",$sql,"") if($debug);
@ -799,7 +783,7 @@ sub fetch_record(){
$where .= " and ct.$key $op '$value'";
if($key =~ /^(c_id|ca_id|barcode|int\d+|owner|contentadr_id)$/){
if($key =~ /^(c_id|barcode|int\d+|owner)$/){
if(looks_like_number($value) || $value eq "null"){
if($value eq "null"){
$where .= " and (ct.$key is null OR ct.$key = 0)";
@ -854,7 +838,8 @@ sub fetch_tablerecord(){
my $dbh = shift || $dbh_intern;
my ($fetch) = @_;
my $where = "where 1=1";
my $source = $dbh->get_info( $GetInfoType{SQL_DATABASE_NAME} );
foreach my $key (keys %$fetch){
$fetch->{$key} =~ s/^\s//g;
@ -913,7 +898,9 @@ sub fetch_tablerecord(){
my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $fetch->{table} $where";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $rc = $sth->execute();
#$bw->log("DBtank fetch_tablerecord :",$sql,"") if($debug);
#debug $fetch->{table} eq "contenttranspos" on Failure 758
$bw->log("DBtank fetch_tablerecord source-dbname $source:",$sql,"") if($debug && $fetch->{table} eq "contenttranspos");
my $record = { c_id => 0 };
if($fetch->{fetch} eq "all" && $fetch->{keyfield}){
@ -952,11 +939,16 @@ sub update_one(){
my $rows = 0;
my $where = "";
$where = "where c_id = $c_id";
$where = "where c_id = $update->{c_id}";
if($update->{table} =~ /content/){
$where = "where c_id = $c_id";
$where = "where c_id = $update->{c_id}";
$where = "where barcode = $update->{barcode}";
if($update->{table} eq "users" && $update->{u_id}){
$where = "where u_id = $update->{u_id}";
@ -1023,7 +1015,7 @@ sub update_record(){
$set .= " $key='$value',";
if($key =~ /^(barcode|contentadr_id|int\d+|time\d+|owner|owner_end|start_at\d+|end_at\d+)$/){
if($key =~ /^(barcode|int\d+|time\d+|owner|owner_end|start_at\d+|end_at\d+)$/){
$value =~ s/,/\./ if($value);
if($key =~ /time\d+|start_at\d+|end_at\d+/ && $value && $value =~ /\d+:\d+/){#azn time format
$set .= " $key='$value',";
@ -1129,16 +1121,8 @@ sub insert_contentoid {
foreach my $key (keys(%$insert)){
$insert->{$key} =~ s/^\s//g if($insert->{$key});
$insert->{$key} =~ s/\s$//g if($insert->{$key});
#because of time format without of looks_like_number
if($varenv{systype} && $varenv{systype} eq "azn" && $insert->{table} eq "contenttverpos" && $key =~ /start_at|end_at|int/){
$columns .= "$key,";
if(!$insert->{$key} || $insert->{$key} eq "null"){
$values .= "null,";
$values .= "'$insert->{$key}',";
elsif($key =~ /^c_id|ct_name|barcode|txt|int|time|owner|byte/ && ($insert->{$key} || looks_like_number($insert->{$key}))){
if($key =~ /^c_id|ct_name|barcode|txt|int|time|owner|byte/ && ($insert->{$key} || looks_like_number($insert->{$key}))){
$columns .= "$key,";
if($key =~ /_id|barcode|int|owner/ && !looks_like_number($insert->{$key})){
$values .= "null,";
@ -1212,6 +1196,7 @@ sub collect_transpos {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = shift || $dbh_intern;
my $search = shift;
my $messaging = shift || 0;
$search->{offset} = 0 if(!$search->{offset});
@ -1235,9 +1220,9 @@ sub collect_transpos {
$where .= " and (cp.$key = $search->{$key} OR cp.owner_end = $search->{$key})" if($key eq "owner" && looks_like_number($search->{$key}));
$where .= " and (cp.$key is $search->{$key} OR cp.$key = 0)" if($key eq "int34" && $search->{$key} eq "null");
$where .= " and cp.$key ilike '%$search->{$key}%'" if($key eq "txt23" && $search->{$key});
if($key eq "txt24" && $search->{$key}){
$where .= " and (cp.txt24 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt25 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt26 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt27 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt28 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt29 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%')";
$where .= " and (cp.txt24 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt25 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt26 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt21 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt27 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt28 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%' OR cp.txt29 ilike '%$search->{txt24}%')";
@ -1249,7 +1234,11 @@ sub collect_transpos {
$where .= " ORDER BY cp.c_id DESC LIMIT $search->{limit} OFFSET $search->{offset}" if($search->{limit});
my $sql = "SELECT cp.*,ct.txt07 AS phone,ct.txt08 AS email,ct.txt11 AS lang from $search->{table} cp, contenttrans ct $where";
my $sql = "SELECT cp.* from $search->{table} cp, contenttrans ct $where";
#for system messaging
$sql = "SELECT cp.*,ct.txt07 AS phone,ct.txt08 AS email,ct.txt11 AS lang from $search->{table} cp, contenttrans ct $where";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $rc = $sth->execute();
my $ct = $sth->fetchall_hashref("c_id");
@ -1600,15 +1589,15 @@ sub insert_contenttrans(){
my $ctadr = shift;
my $main_id = shift;
my $tpl_id = shift;
my $invoice_nr = shift || "----";
my $invoice_nr = shift || 0;
my $owner = shift || 0;
my $doc_name = "Rechnung";
$doc_name = "Tagesabschluss" if($tpl_id == 209);
$doc_name = "Prepaid Account" if($tpl_id == 219);
$owner="199" if(!$owner);
#int10 will be substituted by ca_id.
#keep in mind int10 will be mainly used by Prelogic and Printpreview, thats because we save it also
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO contenttrans (ct_name,txt00,ca_id,int10,txt02,txt01,txt03,txt06,txt07,txt08,txt10,txt11,owner,itime) VALUES('$invoice_nr','$doc_name','$ctadr->{c_id}','$ctadr->{c_id}','$ctadr->{txt02}','$ctadr->{txt01}','$ctadr->{txt03}','$ctadr->{txt06}','$ctadr->{txt07}','$ctadr->{txt08}','$ctadr->{txt10}','$ctadr->{txt11}','$owner','now()') RETURNING c_id");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO contenttrans (ct_name,txt00,int10,txt02,txt01,txt03,txt06,txt07,txt08,txt10,txt11,owner,itime) VALUES('$invoice_nr','$doc_name','$ctadr->{c_id}','$ctadr->{txt02}','$ctadr->{txt01}','$ctadr->{txt03}','$ctadr->{txt06}','$ctadr->{txt07}','$ctadr->{txt08}','$ctadr->{txt10}','$ctadr->{txt11}','$owner','now()') RETURNING c_id");
my $rows = $sth->execute();
my $last_id;
@ -1928,4 +1917,21 @@ sub count_content(){
return $rows;
#close transactions by close_trans alias Tagesabschluss
sub update_close_transactions {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = shift || $dbh_intern;
my $close_ref = shift;
#close transactions int11 close_trans reference c_id
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $close_ref->{table} SET close_time='now()',int11=$close_ref->{close_id} where c_id IN (SELECT ct.c_id from $close_ref->{table} ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and (ct.state ~ '[a-z]') and ct.int01 is not null and rel.main_id IN ($close_ref->{source_main_id}) and ct.close_time is null and ct.int14 is null)");
my $rows = $sth->execute();
#move/set to journal
$sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE relation SET main_id=$close_ref->{main_id}, template_id=$close_ref->{template_id} where template_id=$close_ref->{source_template_id} and content_id IN (SELECT ct.c_id from $close_ref->{table} ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and (ct.state ~ '[a-z]') and ct.int01 is not null and rel.main_id IN ($close_ref->{source_main_id}) and ct.int14 is null)");
$rows = $sth->execute();
return $rows;
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Prelogic;
use Lib::Mlogic;
use Mod::Basework;
use Mod::DBtank;
@ -39,13 +38,12 @@ sub handler {
my $cf = new Config;
my $ml = new Mlogic;
my $bw = new Basework;
my $pre = new Prelogic;
my $tk = new Shareework;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $apif = new APIfunc;
my $but = new Buttons;
my $pl = new Prelib;
my $payone = new Payment;
my $pay = new Payment;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $netloc = $q->url(-base=>1);
@ -353,7 +351,7 @@ sub handler {
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int02} == 2 && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int02} == 2){
if($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){
my $delete_key = "delete_adr";
$return = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id ::löschen";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id ::löschen";
}elsif($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "delete_adr"){
$return = $tk->delete_account($R::c_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "save_adr"){
@ -448,16 +446,36 @@ sub handler {
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int03} >= 1 && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int03} >= 1 && $R::ct_trans eq "open"){#DMS Faktura read
$dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_users,"c_id4trans=$R::c_id4trans,tpl_id4trans=$R::tpl_id4trans") if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans));
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_sharee->{c_id},"and cookie='$coo'");
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int03} == 2 && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int03} == 2){#DMS Faktura rw
#DMS Faktura rw
elsif($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int03} == 2 && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int03} == 2){
$dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_users,"c_id4trans=$R::c_id4trans,tpl_id4trans=$R::tpl_id4trans") if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans));
if($R::ct_trans =~ /set_workflow2invoice|set_workflow2storno/){
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_sharee->{c_id},"and cookie='$coo'");
if($R::ct_trans eq "new_trans" && $node_meta->{main_id} && $node_meta->{main_id} >= 200000){
$feedb = $pl->new_contenttrans($q,$users_dms,$node_meta);
$dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_users,"c_id4trans=$feedb->{c_id},tpl_id4trans=$feedb->{template_id}") if(looks_like_number($feedb->{c_id}) && looks_like_number($feedb->{template_id}));
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_sharee->{c_id},"and cookie='$coo'");
elsif($R::ct_trans =~ /set_workflow2invoice|set_workflow2storno/){
$return = $pl->set_workflow($q,$users_dms,$R::c_id4trans,$R::set_main_id4workflow) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::set_main_id4workflow));
}elsif($R::ct_trans =~ /set_accounting2invoice/){
elsif($R::ct_trans =~ /set_accounting2invoice/){
$return = $pl->set_accounting2invoice($q,$users_dms,$R::c_id4trans,$R::set_main_id4workflow) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::set_main_id4workflow));
}elsif($R::ct_trans =~ /save_text|save_adr/){
elsif($R::ct_trans =~ /save_text|save_adr/){
$feedb = $pl->save_text2contenttrans($q,$users_dms,$R::c_id4trans) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans));
elsif($R::c_id && $R::ct_trans eq "remove_chk4rel"){
my $delete_key = "delete_trans";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?ct_trans=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id ::löschen";
elsif($R::c_id && $R::ct_trans eq "delete_trans"){
$feedb = $pl->delete_content($node_meta,$R::c_id);
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_sharee->{c_id},"and cookie='$coo'");
#not used because of attachement
elsif($R::ct_trans =~ /email_generate/ && $R::c_id4trans && $R::email_select){
#my $sendref = $pl->prepare_email(\%varenv,$R::c_id4trans,$R::email_select);
@ -469,18 +487,31 @@ sub handler {
my $ck4ex = "@R::ck4ex" || "";
$return = $pl->operator_accounting($q,$users_dms,$users_sharee,$R::accounting_type,$ck4ex);
#on prepaid account
elsif($R::ct_trans eq "save_pos" && $R::tpl_id4trans == 219 && $R::c_idpos){
#position management in invoices
elsif($R::trans2edit eq "transpos" && $R::select_part){
$feedb = $pl->insert_contenttranspos($q,$users_dms->{u_id});
elsif($R::ct_trans eq "save_pos" && $R::tpl_id4trans =~ /218|219/ && $R::c_idpos){
$feedb = $pl->save_contenttranspos($q,$R::c_idpos,$users_dms->{u_id});
#should do all else invoice text save , without positions and booking payment
elsif($R::ct_trans || $R::set_state || $R::v_abschluss || $R::trans2edit){
if($R::ct_trans !~ /_pos|open/ && looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && !$R::v_abschluss && !$R::trans2edit){
$feedb = $pl->save_text2contenttrans($q,$users_dms,$R::c_id4trans);
#in future the prelogic modul should be disabled at all
$return .= "|";
$return .= $pre->preinit($q,$node_meta,$users_dms);
elsif($R::ct_trans eq "delete_pos" && $R::c_idpos){
$feedb = $pl->delete_contenttranspos($q,$R::c_idpos,$users_dms->{u_id});
elsif($R::set_state && $R::c_id4trans){
$feedb = $pay->book_payment($q,\%varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms);
elsif($R::print_pdfview && $R::c_id4trans){
$feedb = $pay->print_pdf($q,\%varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$feedb);
elsif($R::send_invoice_cms && $R::cms_message_key && $R::c_id4trans){
$feedb = $pay->send_invoice_cms($q,\%varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$feedb);
$feedb = $pay->close_transactions($q,\%varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms);
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura/Verkaufsjournal?redirected=1");
exit 0;
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Faktura\" verweigert.";
@ -495,7 +526,7 @@ sub handler {
#DMS insert part or fee
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttranspos" && $R::insert_contenttranspos){
$feedb = $pl->insert_contenttranspos($q,$R::cc_id,$R::ca_id,$R::ct_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
$feedb = $pl->insert_contenttranspos($q,$users_dms->{u_id});
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_dms->{u_id},"");#just to get update after save
@ -562,7 +593,7 @@ sub handler {
owner => $aowner,
c_id => $users_sharee->{c_id}
my $vde_on_fail = $users_sharee->{int12} || 3;#keep last or set 3
my $vde_on_fail = $users_sharee->{int12} || 1;#keep last or set 1
#SEPA, done in payone Payment
@ -767,7 +798,11 @@ sub handler {
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?cum=2\&sharee_edit=send_email_send_sms$session_and\&$returnwww");#send both
exit 0;
elsif($payable_check && $payable_check == 1){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_2}?cum=2-$payable_check$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
elsif($payable_check && $payable_check == 2){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?cum=2-$payable_check$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
@ -38,17 +38,359 @@ sub new {
return $self;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
ssl_opts => {
SSL_version => 'TLSv12:!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!TLSv1:!TLSv11',
#book_payment is like payone_capture with additional payment-types
sub book_payment {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = {
u_rows => 0,
message => "",
exit_code => 1,
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
open(EMA, ">> $varenv->{logdir}/book_payment.log");
print EMA "\n*** $now_dt invoice pdf print c_id4trans:$R::c_id4trans\n" . Dumper($q) . "\n";
my $pref_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $R::c_id4trans,
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_ctt) if($R::c_id4trans);
my $update_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
mtime => "now()",
owner => $users_dms->{u_id},
my $node_faktura = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura});
#invoice number counter. Take last number from node.invoice_nr and increment it
if($node_faktura->{invoice_nr} > 0 && $ctt->{c_id} && $ctt->{ct_name} !~ /\d/){
my $nextNr = $node_faktura->{invoice_nr};
$update_ctt->{ct_name} = "$nextNr";
$update_ctt->{barcode} = "$nextNr";
my $update_node = {
table => "nodes",
main_id => "$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura}",
change => "no_time",
my $invoice_nr = $node_faktura->{invoice_nr} + 1;
print EMA "Used invoice c_id:$ctt->{c_id} with invoice nr:$ctt->{ct_name} OR nextNr: $update_ctt->{ct_name}\n";
#Set sum values and book payment depending by selected payment-type "state"
if($ctt->{c_id} && !$ctt->{close_time}){
my $pref_adr = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $ctt->{int10},
my $ctadr = { c_id => 0 };
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_adr) if($ctt->{int10});
print EMA "Used adr c_id:$ctadr->{c_id} by ctt.int10: $ctt->{int10}\n";
my $sum_paid = "null";
my $sum_operatorcredit = "null";
my $sumgeb_teil = "null";
my $sumgeb_bank = "null";
my $state = $R::state || "";
$update_ctt->{state} = "$state";
$update_ctt->{int14} = 2;#set OPOS
$sum_paid = $R::sum_paid;
$sum_paid =~ s/,/\./;
$update_ctt->{int01} = $sum_paid;
$ua->agent("sharee payone POST API");
$sum_operatorcredit = $R::sum_operatorcredit;
$sum_operatorcredit =~ s/,/\./;
$update_ctt->{int02} = $sum_operatorcredit;
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
$sumgeb_teil = $R::sumgeb_teil;
$sumgeb_teil =~ s/,/\./;
$update_ctt->{int08} = $sumgeb_teil;
$sumgeb_bank = $R::sumgeb_bank;
$sumgeb_bank =~ s/,/\./;
$update_ctt->{int07} = $sumgeb_bank;
$feedb->{u_rows} = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
#$R::state alias payment-type
if($R::state =~ /payone/){
if($ctadr->{ct_name} =~ /\w{2}-\d+/){
my $payoneret = $self->preauthorizationSEPA_main($varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
sleep 2;
}elsif(length($ctadr->{ct_name}) >= 19){
my $payoneret = $self->preauthorizationCC_main($varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
sleep 2;
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_ctt);#re-read values
#SEPA capture
if($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /SEPA/){#SEPA
my $payoneret = $self->captureSEPA_main($varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
#CC capture
elsif($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /Kreditkarte/){#CC
my $payoneret = $self->captureCC_main($varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Achtung, die payone Vorautorisierung hat keine TXID geliefert. Der Geldeinzug war somit nicht möglich (TXID:$ctt->{txt16} && $R::state).";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Abbruch, payone Geldeinzug nicht ausgeführt weil TXID bereits vorhanden. Hatte der Einzug bereits stattgefunden?";
elsif($ctt->{txt00} eq "Storno" || $state eq "Zahlungsausfall"){
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
$update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()";
$feedb->{u_rows} = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
#delete OPOS at all
elsif($state eq "fehlgeschlagener Einzug"){
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
$update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()";
$feedb->{u_rows} = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
elsif($ctt->{txt00} eq "Rechnung" && $R::sum_paid <= 0){
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
$update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()";
$feedb->{u_rows} = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_ctt);#re-read values
#print pdf and messaging
my $praefix = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv->{praefix}";
my $lang_ctt = $ctt->{txt11} || "de";
$varenv->{cms} = $dbt->fetch_cms($dbh,{ lang => $lang_ctt });
my $sum_paid = $R::sum_paid || 0;
$sum_paid =~ s/,/\./;
#print pdf
$feedb = $self->print_pdf($q,$varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$feedb);
#send_invoice after book payment
if(-f "$varenv->{basedir}/pdfinvoice/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" && (($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::send_invoice && $ctt->{int01} && $ctt->{int01} != 0) || ($R::send_invoice_again))){
my $cms_message_key = "email-invoice";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Achtung, CMS-Text '$cms_message_key' ist nicht vorhanden. Es wurde keine eMail versandt!";
}elsif($sum_paid != $ctt->{int01}){
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Achtung, die Summe der Positionen $sum_paid enstpricht nicht der Rechnung-Summe $ctt->{int01}. Die Rechnung muss vor dem eMail versand erst gebucht werden!";
system("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv->{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$varenv->{syshost}' 'send_invoice' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$cms_message_key' '1'");
print EMA "---> send_invoice $praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf email command: $dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv->{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$varenv->{syshost}' 'send_invoice' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$cms_message_key' '1'\n";
}#end print pdf and messaging
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Buchung abbgebrochen. Die Rechnung ist bereits abgeschlossen oder nicht vorhanden ($ctt->{c_id} > 0 && $ctt->{ct_name} && !$ctt->{close_time})";
close EMA;
return $feedb;
}#end book_payment
#ported from payone_post.pl
#Request "managemandate"
#print pdf
sub print_pdf {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $feedb = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $pref_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $R::c_id4trans,
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_ctt) if($R::c_id4trans);
open(EMA, ">> $varenv->{logdir}/copri-print.log");
my $api_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/apikeys.cfg";
my $aconf = Config::General->new($api_file);
my %apikeyconf = $aconf->getall;
my $mandant_id = 100002;
my $print_return = "";
my $lang_ctt = $ctt->{txt11} || "de";
my $praefix = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv->{praefix}";
my $psize="A4";
my $topdf = "$varenv->{basedir}/src/wkhtmltopdf-amd64";
#without system() because we have to wait until PDF is ready
$print_return = `$topdf --page-size $psize "$varenv->{wwwhost}/Printpreview?printer_id=PDF\&mandant_main_id=$mandant_id\&main_id=$node_meta->{main_id}\&ct_name2print=$ctt->{ct_name}\&c_id4trans=$ctt->{c_id}\&u_id=$users_dms->{u_id}\&pkey=$apikeyconf{pdfprinter}->{pkey}" "$varenv->{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" 2>&1`;
$feedb->{exit_code} = $?;
my $filesize = -s "$varenv->{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf";
print EMA "$topdf --page-size $psize $varenv->{wwwhost}/Printpreview?printer_id=PDF\&mandant_main_id=$mandant_id\&main_id=$node_meta->{main_id}\&ct_name2print=$ctt->{ct_name}\&c_id4trans=$ctt->{c_id}\&u_id=$users_dms->{u_id}\&pkey=$apikeyconf{pdfprinter}->{pkey} $varenv->{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf\nreturn: $print_return\nfilesize: $filesize\nexit_code: $feedb->{exit_code}\n\n";
if( -f "$varenv->{basedir}/pdf/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"){
print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.open('$varenv->{wwwhost}/FileOut?file=$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf');</script>";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::PDF konnte nicht generiert werden, bitte Info an: admin\@sharee.bike\n $varenv->{wwwhost}/pdf/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf";
close EMA;
return $feedb;
}#end print_pdf
#send_invoice_cms for variable ticket-mailing
sub send_invoice_cms {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $feedb = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $pref_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $R::c_id4trans,
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_ctt) if($R::c_id4trans);
my $praefix = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv->{praefix}";
my $lang_ctt = $ctt->{txt11} || "de";
$varenv->{cms} = $dbt->fetch_cms($dbh,{ lang => $lang_ctt });
my $sum_paid = $R::sum_paid || 0;
$sum_paid =~ s/,/\./;
#print pdf
$feedb = $self->print_pdf($q,$varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$feedb);
my $cms_message_key = $R::cms_message_key;
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Achtung, CMS-Text '$cms_message_key' ist nicht vorhanden. Es wurde keine eMail versandt!";
}if($sum_paid != $ctt->{int01}){
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Achtung, die Summe der Positionen $sum_paid enstpricht nicht der Rechnung-Summe $ctt->{int01}. Die Rechnung muss vor dem eMail versand erst gebucht werden!";
my $with_pdf = "";
$with_pdf = 1 if(-f "$varenv->{basedir}/pdfinvoice/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" && $R::print_pdf);
system("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv->{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$varenv->{syshost}' 'send_invoice_cms' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$cms_message_key' '$with_pdf'");
return $feedb;
}#end send_invoice_cms
sub close_transactions {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = {
u_rows => 0,
message => "",
#could be Kunden-Faktura 100002
my $adr_close = {
c_id => 3,
txt01 => '',
txt02 => '',
txt03 => '',
txt06 => '',
txt07 => '',
txt08 => '',
txt10 => '',
txt11 => '',
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
open(EMA, ">> $varenv->{logdir}/close_transactions.log");
print EMA "\n*** $now_dt close_transactions\n" . Dumper($q) . "\n";
my $journal_id = "300011";
my $journal_tpl = "209";
my $ct_id = $dbt->insert_contenttrans($dbh,$adr_close,$journal_id,$journal_tpl,"",$users_dms->{u_id});
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
main_id => $journal_id,
template_id => $journal_tpl,
c_id => $ct_id,
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref) if($pref->{c_id});
my $pref_close = {
table => "contenttrans",
close_id => $ctt->{c_id},
main_id => $journal_id,
template_id => $journal_tpl,
source_main_id => '300008,300009,300011',#Rechnung,Storno,Verkaufsjournal
source_template_id => 218,
$feedb->{u_rows} += $dbt->update_close_transactions($dbh,$pref_close);
close EMA;
return $feedb;
}#end close_transactions
#SEPA request "managemandate"
sub managemandate_main {
my $self = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
@ -95,7 +437,7 @@ sub managemandate_main {
$payoneret = $self->rpc("managemandate",$varenv,$request,$ctadr,$ctt,$owner) if($request);
return $payoneret;
}#end SEPA request "managemandate"
#Request "preauthorizationSEPA"
@ -422,6 +764,13 @@ sub rpc {
my $payoneret = "";
my $dbh = "";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
ssl_opts => {
SSL_version => 'TLSv12:!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!TLSv1:!TLSv11',
$ua->agent("sharee payone POST API");
#payone API URL
my $payoneLive = 1;
my $httpReqServer = "https://api.pay1.de/post-gateway/";
@ -569,7 +918,7 @@ sub rpc {
print FILE "payone RPC end\n\n" if($debug);
close(FILE) if($debug);
#set contentadr owner and mtime only if Vde or payone-return will be set by payone id's
#set contentadr owner and mtime only if vde or payone-return will be set by payone id's
if((($update_adr->{int12} && $update_adr->{int12} > 0) || $update_adr->{txt28}) && ($owner == 178 || $owner == 179)){
$update_adr->{owner} = "$owner";
$update_adr->{mtime} = "now()";
@ -616,12 +965,11 @@ sub pdfmandat {
close EMA;
return "$varenv->{basedir}/pdfinvoice/SEPA-Lastschriftmandat-$varenv->{dbname}-$ctadr->{ct_name}.pdf";
#end ported from payone_post.pl
}#end SEPA PDFGenerator
#jused by payone_cron.pl
sub payone_capture(){
sub payone_capture {
my $self = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $ctf = shift;
@ -632,7 +980,6 @@ sub payone_capture(){
my $lang = "de";
my $mandant_id = 100002;
#my $main_id = 300008;#Rechnung
my $main_id = $ctt->{main_id};
my $retval = "";
my $return_text = "";
@ -649,10 +996,7 @@ sub payone_capture(){
int14 => 2,
my $node_faktura = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura});
my $node = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$main_id);#Rechnung node
if($node_faktura->{invoice_nr} > 0){
if($ctt->{ct_name} !~ /\d/){
my $nextNr = $node_faktura->{invoice_nr};
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ sub prepaid_request {
fetch => "one",
main_id => 300023,
template_id => 219,#prepaid tpl
ca_id => "$ctadr->{c_id}",
int10 => "$ctadr->{c_id}",
state => "is::null",
close_time => "is::null",
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ sub longterm_occupied {
my $dt1 = DateTime->now(time_zone => "Europe/Berlin");
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search);
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search,1);
my $longterm_ctadr = {};
my $posting = {
78 => 'email',
@ -295,6 +295,39 @@ sub new_content {
return $feedb;
#insert new_trans
sub new_contenttrans {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my $insert_ctt = {
table => "$node_meta->{ct_table}",
itime => 'now()',
mtime => 'now()',
owner => "$users_dms->{u_id}",
ct_name => "---",
template_id => "$node_meta->{template_id}",
main_id => "$node_meta->{main_id}",
txt00 => "$node_meta->{node_name}",
my $c_idnew = 0;
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$insert_ctt,"");
$feedb->{c_id} = $c_idnew;
$feedb->{template_id} = $node_meta->{template_id};
$feedb->{i_rows} = $i_rows;
return $feedb;
}#end new_contenttrans
#save content or contentuser
sub save_content {
my $self = shift;
@ -510,7 +543,7 @@ sub save_text2contenttrans {
$update_ctt->{$_} = "$valxx";
elsif($_ =~ /int|time/){
elsif($_ =~ /int|ca_id|time/){
$update_ctt->{$_} = "null";
@ -547,56 +580,53 @@ sub save_text2contenttrans {
sub insert_contenttranspos {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $cc_id = shift || "";#part
my $ca_id = shift || "";#adr
my $ct_id = shift || "";#invoice
my $owner = shift || "";
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my $feedb = { i_rows => 0,
pos_id => 0,
message => "",
if(looks_like_number($cc_id) && looks_like_number($ca_id) && looks_like_number($ct_id)){
if((looks_like_number($R::c_id) || looks_like_number($R::json_select)) && looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans)){
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
table_pos => "contenttranspos",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "218",#Mietjournal tpl_id
ct_id => $ct_id,
"ct.state" => "is::null",
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $R::c_id4trans,
"ct.state" => "is::null",
my $ctpos = { c_id => 0 };
$ctpos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref);
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref);
my $pref_cc = {
table => "content",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "IN::(229)",
c_id => $cc_id,
table => "content",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "IN::(224,229)",
$pref_cc->{c_id} = $R::c_id if($R::c_id);
$pref_cc->{barcode} = $R::json_select if($R::json_select);
my $cc_part = { c_id => 0 };
$cc_part = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_cc);
$cc_part = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_cc) if($R::c_id || $R::json_select);
my $pref_ca = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "202",
c_id => "$ca_id",
my $pref_adr = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
c_id => "$ctt->{int10}",
my $ctadr = { c_id => 0 };
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_ca);
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_adr) if($ctt->{int10});
my $pos_id = 0;
$pos_id = $dbt->insert_pos($dbh,$ct_id,$cc_part,"",$ctadr,"","",$cc_part->{barcode},"0",$owner,"");
$feedb->{pos_id} = $dbt->insert_pos($dbh,$R::c_id4trans,$cc_part,"",$ctadr,"","",$cc_part->{barcode},"0",$owner,"");
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, VK Preis von Artikel Nr. $cc_part->{barcode} nicht definiert.";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, Artikel nicht vorhanden oder Preis nicht definiert.";
if($pos_id > 0){
$i_rows += 1;
if($feedb->{pos_id} > 0){
$feedb->{i_rows} += 1;
$feedb->{message} = "Artikel Nr. $cc_part->{barcode} erfolgreich hinzugefügt.";
@ -604,9 +634,8 @@ sub insert_contenttranspos {
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, die Rechnung ist bereits gebucht. Das hinzufügen einer weiteren Rechnungsposition wird somit abgelehnt.";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, es fehlt mindestens ein Key! ($cc_id && $ca_id && $ct_id)";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Fehler, es fehlt mindestens ein Key! ($R::c_id && $R::c_id4trans)";
$feedb->{u_rows} = $u_rows;
return $feedb;
}#end insert_contenttranspos
@ -849,6 +878,21 @@ sub save_contenttranspos {
return $feedb;
}#end save_contenttranspos
sub delete_contenttranspos {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $c_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { d_rows => 0,
message => "",
$feedb->{d_rows} = $dbt->delete_content($dbh,"contenttranspos",$c_id);
return $feedb;
}#end delete_contenttranspos
#set Faktura workflow like Rechnung to Storno
sub set_workflow {
my $self = shift;
@ -1578,11 +1622,17 @@ sub export_csv {
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $ct4rel = shift || {};
my $bike_nodes = shift || {};
my $coo = shift || "";
my $time = time;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $table = $node_meta->{ct_table} || "content";
my $scol = "c_id";
$scol = $users_dms->{"col_sort_$table"};
my $feedb = { message => "" };
$node_meta->{tpl_order} =~ s/txt06=[\w\s=]+,/byte01=Ilockit Token,/ if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 205);
my @tpl_order = split(/,/,$node_meta->{tpl_order});
@ -1600,7 +1650,7 @@ sub export_csv {
foreach my $id (sort {
if($users_dms->{sort_updown} eq "down"){
if($users_dms->{"sort_updown_$table"} eq "down"){
if ($scol =~ /barcode|int/) {
$ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol} <=> $ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol}
@ -1620,6 +1670,25 @@ sub export_csv {
if($key =~ /byte/){
my $K_int = unpack "H*", $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key};
push @line, $K_int;
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} == 225 && $key eq "txt24"){
my $flotten = "";
foreach my $rid (sort { $bike_nodes->{$a}->{node_name} cmp $bike_nodes->{$b}->{node_name} } keys (%$bike_nodes)){
$flotten .= "$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{node_name}\n" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} =~ /$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{main_id}/);
push @line, $flotten;
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} == 225 && $key eq "txt25"){
my %station_filter_hash = ();
if($ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25} =~ /\d\s\d/){
%station_filter_hash = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/,$ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25});
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{txt25} =~ /(\d+)/){
$station_filter_hash{$1} = 1;
my $station_filter = "";
foreach my $type_id (keys (%station_filter_hash)){
$station_filter .= "$dbt->{copri_conf}->{type_id}->{$type_id}\n";
push @line, $station_filter;
push @line, $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key};
@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
package Prelogic;
#Deprecated module, please use Prelib.pm
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH
#should be refactored
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI ':standard';
use Date::Calc qw(:all);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Pg;
use Data::Dumper;
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::Payment;
use Mod::Pricing;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
return $self;
sub preinit(){
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $cf = new Config;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $but = new Buttons;
my $payone = new Payment;
my $pri = new Pricing;
my %ib = $but->ibuttons();
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $script = $q->script_name();
my $path_info = $q->path_info();
my $path = $path_info;
#with meta_host,
$path = "$script" . "$path_info";
my $lang = "de";
my $c_id = $R::c_id || "0";#c_id aus content
my $time = time();
my $now_date = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime;
my $today = strftime("%d.%m.%Y",localtime(time));
my $today4db = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",localtime(time));
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $day = strftime "%d", localtime;
my $mon = strftime "%m", localtime;
my $year = strftime "%Y", localtime;
my $i_rows=0;
my $u_rows=0;
my $d_rows=0;
my $dbh = "";
my $api_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/apikeys.cfg";
my $aconf = Config::General->new($api_file);
my %apikeyconf = $aconf->getall;
print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| u_id: $users_dms->{u_id}" . Dumper($q) . "\n";
return "failure::Fehler<br /> Die Sitzung wurde unterbrochen.";
if((!looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) || !looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans)) && ($R::ct_trans !~ /delete_trans|new_trans/) && !$R::v_abschluss){
print FILE Dumper($q);
return "failure::Fehler<br /> Daten ID's nicht vollständig (if((!looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) || !looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans)) && ($R::ct_trans !~ /delete_trans|new_trans/) && !$R::v_abschluss))";
#international buttons
my ($key,$val,$ib_key);
while (($key,$val) = each(%ib)) {
$ib_key = $key if($R::ct_trans eq $val);
$ib_key = $R::ct_trans if(!$ib_key);
my ($ct_last,$c_idnew);
my $table = "contenttrans";
my $ctt = $db->get_content1($table,$R::c_id4trans);
my $buchen_mtime = $lb->time4de($ctt->{mtime});
my $mandant_main_id = 100002;
my $parent_trans = $db->get_node3("$mandant_main_id","Faktura","$lang") if($mandant_main_id);
return "failure::Fehler<br /> keine eindeutige Modulzuweisung vorhanden.";
my $rel = $db->get_rel4tpl4nd($parent_trans->{main_id},$lang,$R::c_id4trans);
$rel = $db->get_rel4tpl4nd("",$lang,$R::c_id4trans,$rel->{template_id}) if($R::c_id4trans > "0");
my $ct_name = $q->escapeHTML("$R::ct_name");
my $barcode=0;
my $s_owner_id=0;
if($R::s_start_date_time && $varenv{dataflow} =~ /wiki/){
if($R::s_end_date_time && $varenv{dataflow} =~ /wiki/){
if($R::view_list && $varenv{dataflow} =~ /wiki/){
if($R::ct_trans eq "open"){
$users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::ct_trans eq "close"){
$users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id});
#NEW contenttrans
if($ib_key =~ /^new_/){
$ct_name = "----" if(!$ct_name);
my $foreign_key;
my $sort;
my $main_id = $R::main_id;
if($ib_key =~ /new_trans/){
$table = "contenttrans";
$main_id = $parent_trans->{main_id} if(!$R::main_id);
my $node = $db->get_node4multi($main_id,$lang);
if($table && $main_id){
my $rel = $db->get_rel4tpl($main_id,$lang);
$c_idnew = $db->insert_content2($table,$ct_name,$users_dms->{u_id},"");
$i_rows += 1 if($c_idnew > 0);
my $rel_id = $db->insert_relationlist($table,$rel->{main_id},$lang,$c_idnew,$rel->{tpl_id},$foreign_key);
$rel->{content_id} = $c_idnew; #notwendig bei prozeduralem $R::select_part
$db->update_content4change($table,$c_idnew,"",$node->{main_id},"int12");#zusätzl. Formtyp
return "failure::Fehler, Datensatz kann nicht angelegt werden weil folgende Informationen fehlen: ($main_id)";
###ADD PARTS/DATE TO Transactions
#FIXME, refactorit
if((($ib_key =~ /add_transpos|add_transdate/) || ($R::select_part && ($R::spart_ct_name || $R::json_select))) && (!$ctt->{close_time})){
$table = "contenttranspos";
my $zcolumn = "barcode";
my $zcontent = "$R::spart_ct_name" || "$R::json_select";
#get part for adding and get from_main_id
my $ct_name = "$R::spart_ct_name" || "$R::json_select" || "";#turn-around!§$
my $c_id = "$R::c_id" || "";
my $ct = { c_id => 0 };
$ct = $db->get_ctrel2("content","$ct_name","","$lang","","$c_id","224,229","$zcolumn","$zcontent","");
$ct_name = $ct->{ct_name} if($ct->{ct_name});
$users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id}) if($ib_key =~ /new_/);#nur bei new_ mit save_
if(!$R::c_id4trans && $ib_key !~ /new_transdate/){
return "failure::Zu welchem Vorgang soll die Aktion verknüpft werden? Bitte erst den entsprechenden Vorgang öffnen.";
if($ct->{barcode} && $ct->{barcode} > 0 && $rel->{content_id}){
$ct->{int02} = $ct->{int02} * -1 if($ct->{template_id} == 224 && $ct->{int02} > 0);#Gutscheine
#Add Parts from content to contenttranspos#################
my $pos_id = 0;
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
my $pref_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $R::c_id4trans,
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_ctt);
my $ctadr = { c_id => $ctt->{int10} };
$pos_id = $dbt->insert_pos($dbh,$ctt->{c_id},$ct,"",$ctadr,"","","","0",$users_dms->{u_id},"");
$i_rows += 1 if($pos_id > 0);
return "pos_id=$pos_id";#new return-code to get opened Part-Position in Transposition
return "failure::Die Artikelnummer konnte nicht gefunden werden.<br /> ::$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Waren::Waren verwalten";
#print "@keywords ";
if($ib_key =~ /save/){
$c_id = $R::c_id if($ib_key eq "save");#only in journal edit
my $table = "contenttrans";
if($ib_key eq "save_adr" || $ib_key =~ /save_text/){
$table = "contenttrans";
$c_id = "$R::c_id4trans";
}elsif($ib_key eq "save_pos"){
$table = "contenttranspos";
$c_id = $R::c_idpos || $R::pos_id;
#Miet- bzw. BaseVA- Zeitraum
if($ib_key =~ /save_pos/ && $R::c_idpos && $R::start_date =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{4}/ && $R::end_date =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{4}/){
my $pos_id = $R::c_idpos;
my $start_date = "$3-$2-$1" if($R::start_date =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})/);
my $end_date = "$3-$2-$1" if($R::end_date =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})/);
my $s_hh = $q->escapeHTML("$R::s_hh") || "0";
my $s_mi = $q->escapeHTML("$R::s_mi") || "0";
my $e_hh = $q->escapeHTML("$R::e_hh") || "0";
my $e_mi = $q->escapeHTML("$R::e_mi") || "0";
$s_hh = "24" if($s_hh > "24");
$e_hh = "24" if($e_hh > "24");
$s_mi = "59" if($s_mi > "59");
$e_mi = "59" if($e_mi > "59");
$s_hh = sprintf('%.2d',$s_hh);
$e_hh = sprintf('%.2d',$e_hh);
$s_mi = sprintf('%.2d',$s_mi);
$e_mi = sprintf('%.2d',$e_mi);
my $start_time="";
my $end_time="";
$start_time = "$start_date $s_hh:$s_mi:00" if("$start_date $s_hh:$s_mi" =~ /\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\s\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}/);
$end_time = "$end_date $e_hh:$e_mi:00" if("$end_date $e_hh:$e_mi" =~ /\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\s\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}/);
if($start_time && $end_time){
my $dtnow = DateTime->now( time_zone => "Europe/Berlin" );
my $dt0 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($start_time);
my $dt1 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($end_time);
if($dt0 < $dtnow && $dt1 < $dtnow){
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
table_pos => "contenttranspos",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "218",#Mietjournal tpl_id
c_id => $pos_id,
"ct.close_time" => "is::null",
my $record_pos = {};
my $pricing = {};
my $counting = {};
$record_pos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref);
my $update_pos = {
table => "contenttranspos",
start_time => "$start_time",
end_time => "$end_time",
owner_end => $users_dms->{u_id},
mtime => "now()",
my $rows = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_pos,$record_pos);
#again to get setted date-times
$record_pos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref);
($pricing,$counting) = $pri->counting_rental(\%varenv,$record_pos);
#int03 only used for tarif counting backwards compatibility
#$update_pos->{int03} = "$pricing->{computed_hours}" if(looks_like_number($pricing->{computed_hours}));
$update_pos->{int38} = "$counting->{int38}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int38}));
$update_pos->{int39} = "$counting->{int39}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int39}));
$update_pos->{int40} = "$counting->{int40}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int40}));
$update_pos->{int41} = "$counting->{int41}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int41}));
$update_pos->{int10} = 1;
$update_pos->{int04} = $R::int04 if(looks_like_number($R::int04));
if($R::cc_id =~/^\d+$/){
my $ctpref = {
table => "content",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $R::cc_id,
my $ctbike = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$ctpref);
if($ctbike->{int10} && ($ctbike->{int10} == 2 || $ctbike->{int10} == 3)){
if($R::int04 =~/^\d+$/){
$rows = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_pos,$record_pos);
#hidden select keys to delete first, marked with off_ (Project.pm)
if($_ =~ /off_(txt\d+)/){
my $ct_exist2;
$ct_exist2 = $db->get_content2($table,$ct_name) if($ct_name);
$ct_exist2 = $db->get_content1($table,$c_id) if($c_id);
if($ct_exist2->{ct_name} && ($ct_exist2->{c_id} ne $c_id)){
return "failure::$ct_exist2->{ct_name} - $ct_exist2->{c_id} - $c_id<br /> content name exists";
$users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id});#to get new cal_start
my $j=0;
my $val = $q->param($_);
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
my @val = $q->param($_);
$valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
$_ =~ s/col_//;
$ct_exist2->{$_} =~ s/^\s+//; $ct_exist2->{$_} =~ s/\s+$//;
$valxx =~ s/^\s+//; $valxx =~ s/\s+$//;
$valxx .= ".00" if($valxx =~ /^\d+$/ && $_ =~ /int\d+/);
#print "|$_:$ct_exist2->{$_} -- $valxx|<br>";
if("$ct_exist2->{$_}" ne "$valxx"){
if($_ eq "ct_name" && $valxx && $table){
$u_rows +=$db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,"$_","$valxx");
if($_ =~ /txt21|txt6/ && $table){
}elsif($_ =~ /txt(\d+)$/ && $table){
$valxx = "null" if(!$valxx);#for empty
my $txtxx = $valxx;
$u_rows +=$db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,"$_","$valxx");
if($_ =~ /mtime|warn_time/ && $table){
my $timexx = $valxx;
$u_rows += $db->update_content4change($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$timexx,$_,$users_dms->{u_id}) if($timexx =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{2,4}\s\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}/ || $timexx =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{2,4}$/);
if($_ =~ /state/ && $table){
my $state = $valxx;
$u_rows += $db->update_content4change($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$state,$_,$users_dms->{u_id});
if($_ =~ /(xml_export)/ && $table){#boolean
my $key = $1;
my $value = $valxx || "f";
$u_rows += $db->update_content4change($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$value,$key,$users_dms->{u_id});
if($_ =~ /int(\d+)/ && $table){
$valxx =~ s/,/./;
$valxx =~ s/\.00//;
$valxx = "null" if(!$valxx);#for empty
my $intxx = $valxx;
#Ausgaben trigger
if($ib_key eq "save_pos" && $_ eq "int02" && $intxx =~ /-\d/){
$u_rows += $db->update_content4change($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$intxx,"int02",$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($ib_key eq "save_pos" && $_ eq "int03"){
#Warenbestands trigger
my $op="+";
$op = $1 if($intxx =~ s/(-|\+)//);
if($op =~ /-/){
return "failure::Bitte einen fiktiven Artikel unter \"Ausgaben\" verwenden.";
my $add_menge="0";
#differenz, es wird nur der zuwachs verwendet
$ct_exist2->{$_} = 0 if(!$ct_exist2->{$_});
$add_menge = - $ct_exist2->{$_} + $intxx if($op eq "+");
my $rows = $db->update_content4comp("contenttranspos",$R::ct_name,$R::c_idpos,"$op","$add_menge","");
$u_rows += $db->update_content4comp("content",$R::ct_name,"$R::cc_id","-","$add_menge","","");
$u_rows +=$db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,"$_","$valxx");
#delete ask
if("$ib_key" eq "remove_chk4rel" && $R::main_id && $R::c_id && $R::template_id && $R::rel_id){
my $node_names; my $i=0;
return "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?ct_trans=delete_trans\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id\&rel_id=$R::rel_id ::löschen"
#delete Only relation ... without content
if("$ib_key" eq "delete_rel4ct" && $R::main_id && $R::rel_id){
$d_rows += $db->delete_relation($R::main_id,$lang,$R::rel_id);
$db->cleanup_users($users_dms->{u_id}) if($users_dms->{u_id});
#DELETE abschluss
if($ib_key eq "delete" || $ib_key =~ /delete_tver/){
$table = "contenttrans";
$table = "contenttver" if($ib_key =~ /delete_tver/);
$d_rows += $db->delete_content("$table","$R::c_id");
if($ib_key =~ /delete_trans/){
my $c_id4del = $R::c_id4trans || $R::c_id;
$table = "contenttrans" if($ib_key =~ /delete_trans/);
my $ctt = $db->get_content1("$table","$c_id4del");
$d_rows += $db->delete_content($table,$ctt->{c_id});
print $q->div({-class=>'elementwhite'},"2... redirecting to ... or CLICK ", $q->a({href=>"$varenv{wwwhost}$script$path"},"$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura"));
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura?redirected=1\&return=0-0-0|$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
my $pos_id = $R::c_idpos || $R::pos_id;
if($ib_key =~ /delete_pos/ && $pos_id){
$table = "contenttranspos";
my $cttpos = $db->get_content1($table,$pos_id);
$d_rows += $db->delete_content("$table","$pos_id");
$ct_name = $1 if($R::ct_name =~ /^(\d+)/);
$u_rows += $db->update_content4comp("content",$ct_name,"$cttpos->{cc_id}","+","$cttpos->{int03}","","");
if($R::order_state && $R::c_id4trans){
my $table = "contenttrans";
$u_rows += $db->updater($table,"c_id",$R::c_id4trans,"txt22","$R::txt22",$users_dms->{u_id});
if($R::warning_state && $R::c_id4trans){
my $table = "contenttrans";
$u_rows += $db->updater($table,"c_id",$R::c_id4trans,"txt19","$R::txt19",$users_dms->{u_id});
###SET Relation (like move doc-type)
#executed by Terminal submit-buttons
#2. counter for WaWi and ReNr
if((!$R::close_time && $R::set_main_id) && ($R::set_relation || $R::set_state || $R::open_set_main_id > 300000 || $R::ct_trans =~ /print_pdf/i)){
$R::set_main_id = $R::open_set_main_id;
$users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id});
my $c_id = $R::c_id4trans || "";#Document id
return "failure::Abbruch, die Aktion konnte keinem Dokument zugeordnet werden. Arbeiten Sie mit mehreren Browser-Tabs? Bitte multiple COPRI Tabs schließen und anschließend das Verkauf-Terminal neu öffnen." if(!$c_id);
my $table = "contenttrans";
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
my $rel = $db->get_rel4tpl("",$lang,$R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans);
$ctt = $db->get_content1("contenttrans",$rel->{content_id});
return "failure::Bitte erst einen Formular-Typ wählen" if($R::set_main_id <= "300000");
$u_rows += $db->update_relation2("",$lang,$R::set_main_id,"",$rel->{rel_id}) if(!$R::close_time && $rel->{rel_id});
my $node_faktura = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura});
my $node = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$R::set_main_id);
my $update_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
mtime => "now()",
owner => $users_dms->{u_id},
print FILE "c_id4trans:$R::c_id4trans,tpl_id4trans:$R::tpl_id4trans by condition: ($node_faktura->{invoice_nr} > 0) && $ctt->{ct_name} !~ /\d/)\n old-relation $rel->{main_id} \n new-relation $R::set_main_id\n";
if($node_faktura->{invoice_nr} > 0 && $ctt->{c_id} > 0 && $ctt->{ct_name} !~ /\d/){
my $nextNr = $node_faktura->{invoice_nr};
$update_ctt->{ct_name} = "$nextNr";
$update_ctt->{barcode} = "$nextNr";
my $update_node = {
table => "nodes",
main_id => "$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura}",
change => "no_time",
my $invoice_nr = $node_faktura->{invoice_nr} + 1;
$update_ctt->{int12} = $node->{main_id};
$update_ctt->{txt00} = $node->{node_name};
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
#SET state alias Zahlung buchen
if($R::set_state && !$R::close_time){
my $sum_paid = "null";
my $sum_operatorcredit = "null";
my $sumgeb_teil = "null";
my $sumgeb_bank = "null";
my $state = $R::state || "";
$update_ctt->{state} = "$state";
$update_ctt->{int14} = 2;#set OPOS
if($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::sum_paid){
$sum_paid = $R::sum_paid;
$sum_paid =~ s/,/\./;
$update_ctt->{int01} = $sum_paid;
if($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::sum_operatorcredit){
$sum_operatorcredit = $R::sum_operatorcredit;
$sum_operatorcredit =~ s/,/\./;
$update_ctt->{int02} = $sum_operatorcredit;
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
if($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::sumgeb_teil){
$sumgeb_teil = $R::sumgeb_teil;
$sumgeb_teil =~ s/,/\./;
$update_ctt->{int08} = $sumgeb_teil;
if($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::sumgeb_bank){
$sumgeb_bank = $R::sumgeb_bank;
$sumgeb_bank =~ s/,/\./;
$update_ctt->{int07} = $sumgeb_bank;
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
if($state =~ /payone/){
my $ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$ctt->{int10});
$ctt->{payone_reset} = 0;
#after delete preauth after 0€ capture sets new TXID and increment reference
$ctt->{payone_reset} = $R::payone_reset;
$ctt->{int01} = 0;
$ctt->{sequence} = $ctt->{int18} || 1;
if($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /SEPA/){#SEPA 0
my $payoneret = $payone->captureSEPA_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
if($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /Kreditkarte/){#CC 0
my $payoneret = $payone->captureCC_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
$ctt = $db->get_content1("contenttrans",$ctt->{c_id});
if($state !~ /Zahlungseingang/ && !$ctt->{txt16}){
if($ctadr->{ct_name} =~ /\w{2}-\d+/){
my $payoneret = $payone->preauthorizationSEPA_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
sleep 2;
}elsif(length($ctadr->{ct_name}) >= 19){
my $payoneret = $payone->preauthorizationCC_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
sleep 2;
$ctt = $db->get_content1("contenttrans",$ctt->{c_id});
$ctt->{sequence} = $R::payone_sequence || 1;
#SEPA capture
if($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /SEPA/){#SEPA
my $payoneret = $payone->captureSEPA_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
#CC capture
elsif($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /Kreditkarte/){#CC
my $payoneret = $payone->captureCC_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id});
my $return_text = "payone capture fails, errorcode ($ctadr->{int03} && TXID:$ctt->{txt16} && $R::state).";
$update_ctt->{txt23} = "$now_dt $return_text\n" . $ctt->{txt23};
#return "failure::$return_text";
return "failure::Payone Geldeinzug nicht ausgeführt weil TXID bereits vorhanden. Hatte der Einzug bereits stattgefunden?";
}elsif($ctt->{txt00} eq "Storno" || $state eq "Zahlungsausfall"){
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
$update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()";
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
#delete OPOS at all
}elsif($state eq "fehlgeschlagener Einzug"){
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
$update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()";
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
}elsif($ctt->{txt00} eq "Rechnung" && $R::sum_paid <= 0){
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
$update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()";
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt);
###end SET Relation or state (V Terminal submit's)
my $c_id4print = "";
$c_id4print = $R::c_id4trans if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans));
open(EMA, ">> $varenv{logdir}/copri-print.log");
print EMA "$today4db\n";
my $print_return = "";
my $exit_code = 1;
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
my $pref_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $R::c_id4trans,
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_ctt);
my $lang_ctt = $ctt->{txt11} || "de";#2023-08-10
my $praefix = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv{praefix}";#like Rechnung-sharee_operator
#PDF generate
if($R::ct_trans =~ /print_pdf/ || $R::print_pdf){
my $psize="A4";
my $topdf = "$varenv{basedir}/src/wkhtmltopdf-amd64";
#without system() because we have to wait until PDF is ready
$print_return = `$topdf --page-size $psize "$varenv{wwwhost}$script/Printpreview?printer_id=$R::printer_id\&mandant_main_id=$mandant_main_id\&main_id=$node_meta->{main_id}\&ct_name2print=$ctt->{ct_name}\&c_id4trans=$c_id4print\&u_id=$users_dms->{u_id}\&pkey=$apikeyconf{pdfprinter}->{pkey}" "$varenv{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" 2>&1`;
$exit_code = $?;
my $filesize = -s "$varenv{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf";
print EMA "$topdf --page-size $psize $varenv{wwwhost}$script/Printpreview?printer_id=$R::printer_id\&mandant_main_id=$mandant_main_id\&main_id=$node_meta->{main_id}\&ct_name2print=$ctt->{ct_name}\&c_id4trans=$c_id4print\&u_id=$users_dms->{u_id}\&pkey=$apikeyconf{pdfprinter}->{pkey} $varenv{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf\nreturn: $print_return\nfilesize: $filesize\nexit_code: $exit_code\nset_state: $R::set_state\n";
#no redirect
if($R::ct_trans eq "print_pdf"){
if( -f "$varenv{basedir}/pdf/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"){
print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.open('$varenv{wwwhost}/FileOut?file=$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf');</script>";
return "failure::PDF konnte nicht generiert werden, bitte Info an: admin\@sharee.bike\n $varenv{wwwhost}/pdf/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf";
#PDF will be generated by "print_pdf" in context "buchen"
#"send_invoice_again" will use formarly generated PDF
if(-f "$varenv{basedir}/pdfinvoice/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" && (($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::send_invoice && $ctt->{int01} && $ctt->{int01} != 0) || ($ib_key eq "send_invoice_again"))){
my $sum_paid = $R::sum_paid || 0;
$sum_paid =~ s/,/\./;
my $cms_message_key = "email-invoice";
$varenv{cms} = $dbt->fetch_cms($dbh,{ lang => $lang_ctt });
return "failure::Achtung, CMS-Text '$cms_message_key' ist nicht vorhanden. Es wurde keine eMail versandt!";
if($sum_paid != $ctt->{int01}){
return "failure::Achtung, die Summe der Positionen $sum_paid enstpricht nicht der Rechnung-Summe $ctt->{int01}. Die Rechnung muss vor dem eMail versand erst gebucht werden!";
system("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$varenv{syshost}' 'send_invoice' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$cms_message_key' '1'");
print EMA "---> Prelogic send_invoice $praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf email command: $dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$varenv{syshost}' 'send_invoice' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$cms_message_key' '1'\n";
if($ib_key eq "send_invoice_cms" && $R::cms_message_key){
my $sum_paid = $R::sum_paid || 0;
$sum_paid =~ s/,/\./;
$varenv{cms} = $dbt->fetch_cms($dbh,{ lang => $lang_ctt });
return "failure::Achtung, CMS-Text '$R::cms_message_key' ist nicht vorhanden. Es wurde keine eMail versandt!";
if($sum_paid != $ctt->{int01}){
return "failure::Achtung, die Summe der Positionen $sum_paid enstpricht nicht der Rechnung-Summe $ctt->{int01}. Die Rechnung muss vor dem eMail versand erst gebucht werden!";
my $with_pdf = "";
$with_pdf = 1 if(-f "$varenv{basedir}/pdfinvoice/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" && $R::print_pdf);
system("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$varenv{syshost}' 'send_invoice_cms' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$R::cms_message_key' '$with_pdf'");
print EMA "---> Prelogic send_invoice_cms $praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf email command: $dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$varenv{syshost}' 'send_invoice_cms' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$R::cms_message_key' '$with_pdf'\n";
close EMA;
}#end c_id4print
#SET Tagesabschluss
my $journal_tpl="209";
my $journal_id="300011";
#test node
my $n_exist = $db->get_node4multi($journal_id,$lang);
my $t_exist = $db->get_tpl($journal_tpl);
if(!$n_exist->{n_id} || !$t_exist->{tpl_id}){
return "failure::Die Journal Konfiguration ist fehlerhaft.";
#collect sub-nodes
my $main_ids = "300008,300009,300011";#Rechnung,Storno,Verkaufsjournal
#my $main_ids = "$parent_trans->{main_id},";
#$main_ids .= $db->collect_noderec($parent_trans->{main_id},$lang,"nothing") if($parent_trans->{main_id});
#$main_ids =~ s/,$//;
my $tpl_vk = "218";
my $table = "contenttrans";
my $sum_start = $R::sum_start || "0";
my $sum_kasse = $R::sum_kasse || "0";
$sum_start = $lb->checkint($sum_start);
$sum_kasse = $lb->checkint($sum_kasse);
my $c_id4kasse = "";
my $c_id4abschluss = $db->get_content6("$table","close_time","null","state","Tagesabschluss","int09","$parent_trans->{parent_id}","","","$s_owner_id");
if($c_id4abschluss->{c_id} && $c_id4abschluss->{c_id} > 0){
$c_id4kasse = $c_id4abschluss->{c_id};
$ct_name = "--- auto ct_name = c_id ---";
$c_id4kasse = $db->insert_content2($table,$ct_name,$users_dms->{u_id},"Tagesabschluss");
$i_rows += 1 if($c_id4kasse > 0);
my $rel_id = $db->insert_relationlist($table,$journal_id,$lang,$c_id4kasse,$tpl_vk,"ct_id");
$u_rows += $db->update_kasse($table,$c_id4kasse,$sum_kasse,$sum_start);
if($journal_id && $journal_tpl && $R::close_trans){
my $opos="null";
$u_rows += $db->update_tagesabschluss($table,$c_id4kasse,$journal_id,$journal_tpl,$tpl_vk,$parent_trans->{parent_id},"$main_ids","$s_owner_id","$opos");
print $q->div({-class=>'elementwhite'},"1... redirecting to ... or CLICK ", $q->a({href=>"$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura/Verkaufsjournal"},"$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura/Verkaufsjournal"));
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura/Verkaufsjournal?redirected=1\&return=0-0-0|$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
return "$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows";
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ sub count_freedrental {
open(FILE,">>$varenv->{logdir}/count_freedrental.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*-->$today4db $varenv->{dbname}\n" if($debug);
print FILE Dumper($q) if($debug);
print FILE "--> pos.c_id:$pos->{c_id}, user:$pos->{ca_id}, bike:$pos->{ct_name} rental_minute_all: $pricing->{rentalog}->{rental_minute_all} >= 5\n" if($debug);
print FILE "--> pos.c_id:$pos->{c_id}, ca_id:$ca_id=pos.ca_id:$pos->{ca_id}, bike:$pos->{ct_name} rental_minute_all: $pricing->{rentalog}->{rental_minute_all} >= 5\n" if($debug);
#2023-10-10 changed from 0min to rental_minute_all >= 5min to keep freed time on rentals >=5min
#freed mangement will be only dony on accountable rental
@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ sub count_freedrental {
my $record_pos = { c_id => 0 };
$record_pos = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_pos);
print FILE Dumper($pref_pos) . "\n" if($debug);
foreach my $pid (sort { $record_pos->{$a}->{c_id} <=> $record_pos->{$b}->{c_id} } keys (%$record_pos)){
if($freed_count > $max_freed_count && $pos->{c_id} != $record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id}){
@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ sub count_freedrental {
print FILE "--> NO further freed_time available on c_id=$record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id}\n" if($debug);
print FILE "--> NO freed_count if($freed_count > $max_freed_count && $pos->{c_id} != $record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id})\n" if($debug);
$further_freedtime_available = 0 if($freed_count >= $max_freed_count);
print FILE "if($freed_count >= $max_freed_count && $pos->{c_id} != $record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id})\nfurther_freedtime_available:$further_freedtime_available\n" if($debug);
@ -473,6 +473,14 @@ sub save_account(){
my $vde_on_fail = 0;
$vde_on_fail = 2 if($valxx && $valxx == 1);
$update_adr->{$_} = $vde_on_fail;
}elsif($_ =~ /^int03/){
#on payment-type change set vde=3
if($ctadr->{int03} && $ctadr->{int03} != $valxx){
$update_adr->{$_} = $valxx;
$update_adr->{int12} = 3;
$update_adr->{$_} = $valxx;
}elsif($_ =~ /^int|barcode/){
$update_adr->{$_} = $valxx;
}elsif($_ eq "ct_name" && $R::base_edit){
@ -733,8 +741,7 @@ sub save_transact(){
fetch => "one",
main_id => 300008,
template_id => 218,
ca_id => "$ctadr_operator->{c_id}",
#int10 => "$ctadr_operator->{c_id}",#deprecated
int10 => "$ctadr_operator->{c_id}",
state => "is::null",
close_time => "is::null",
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Tpl::TransPositionen;
use Tpl::TransInvoices;
@ -31,12 +30,10 @@ sub tpl(){
my $varenv = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $return = shift || "";
my $q = new CGI;
my $cf = new Config;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $but = new Buttons;
my $transp = new TransPositionen;
@ -47,47 +44,59 @@ sub tpl(){
my $line_count2 = 0;
my $dbh = "";
#Kunden Faktura ex Firma
#my $ctf = $db->get_content1("contentuser",$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id});
#selects Kunden-Faktura
my $ctf = { c_id => 0 };
my $pref_cu = {
table => "contentuser",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id},
$ctf = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_cu);
$ctf = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_cu) if($pref_cu->{c_id});
my $ctt = { c_id => 0 };
my $pref = {
table => "contenttrans",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "IN::(208,209,218,219)",
template_id => "IN::(208,209,218,219)",
c_id => $users_dms->{c_id4trans},
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref);
$ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref) if($pref->{c_id});
my $praefix = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv->{praefix}";
my $warn_time = $ctt->{warn_time} || "";
$warn_time = $lb->time4de($warn_time,0) if($warn_time);
my $set_main_id = $dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{invoice};
$set_main_id = $ctt->{main_id} if($ctt->{main_id} > "300000");
my $ctadr = { c_id => 0 };
my $rel_adr = { rel_id => 0 };
my $c_idadr = $ctt->{int10} || "";#c_id orig from contentadr
my $c_idadr = $ctt->{ca_id} || $ctt->{int10} || "";#c_id orig from contentadr
my $pref_adr = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
template_id => 202,
c_id => $c_idadr,
#selects Operator-Faktura
if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 208){
$ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentuser","2");
$ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$c_idadr);
$rel_adr = $db->get_rel4tpl("","$lang","$c_idadr","202");
$pref_cu->{c_id} = 2;
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_cu) if($pref_cu->{c_id});
#selects end-customer
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_adr) if($pref_adr->{c_id});
if(("$R::trans2edit" eq "client" && $R::c_idadr) || ($R::ct_trans eq "add_transadr")){
$ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$R::c_idadr);
if($R::trans2edit eq "client" && looks_like_number($R::c_idadr)){
$pref_adr->{c_id} = $R::c_idadr;
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_adr) if($pref_adr->{c_id});
$c_idadr = $ctadr->{c_id};
$ctt->{txt01} = $ctadr->{txt01};
$ctt->{txt03} = $ctadr->{txt03};
$ctt->{txt06} = $ctadr->{txt06};
$ctt->{txt07} = $ctadr->{txt07};
$ctt->{txt08} = $ctadr->{txt08};
$ctt->{txt10} = $ctadr->{txt10};
$ctt->{txt11} = $ctadr->{txt11};
@ -116,10 +125,6 @@ print<<EOF
my $main_id = $ctt->{main_id};
my $set_main_id = $dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{invoice};
print "\n<div style='position:absolute;text-align:left;background-color:white;width:100%;'>\n";
$lb->failure3("Das Formular wurde gelöscht bzw. ist nicht vorhanden");
@ -143,12 +148,12 @@ EOF
$buchen_users = { txt01 => "$channel_map->{$ctt->{owner}}" };
$buchen_users = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$ctt->{owner});
$pref_adr->{c_id} = $ctt->{owner};
$buchen_users = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_adr) if($pref_adr->{c_id});
my $journalhead = "";
$journalhead = "<br /><span style='color:silver;font-size:0.81em;'>Journal</span>" if($ctt->{template_id} == 209);
$set_main_id=$main_id if($ctt->{main_id} > "300000");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'set_main_id', -override=>'1', -value=>"$set_main_id");
print $q->span({-style=>'margin:0em 0.5em 0 0.5em;padding:0.2em 1em;background-color:white;border:solid thin gray;position:absolute;left:3px;'}, "$ctt->{txt00} $varenv->{praefix}-$ctt->{ct_name} $journalhead");
@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ EOF
print $q->hidden(-name=>'main_id', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{main_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'rel_id', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{rel_id}");
}elsif(looks_like_number($ctt->{int01}) && ! -f "$varenv->{basedir}/pdfinvoice/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"){
print $q->span({-style=>'margin:0 0.2em;position:absolute;right:3px;'}, $but->singlesubmit3("ct_trans","print_pdf","","","")),"\n";
print $q->span({-style=>'margin:0 0.2em;position:absolute;right:3px;'}, $but->singlesubmit1("print_pdfview","Print PDF","")),"\n";
print $q->span({-style=>'margin:0 0.2em;padding:0.3em;font-size:0.81em;position:absolute;right:100px;'},$q->a({-class=>"ebutton3",-target=>'_blank', -href=>"$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{copri_wiki}"}, "copri wiki"), "$buchen_users->{txt01} / $invoice_time "),"\n";
print "</div>\n";
@ -211,12 +216,12 @@ EOF
my $top = 30;
foreach my $id (sort { $ctt_rel->{$b}->{c_id} <=> $ctt_rel->{$a}->{c_id} } keys (%$ctt_rel)){
my $toppx = $top . "px";
my $rel_color = "#f7ae37";
$rel_color = "silver" if($ctt->{c_id} == $ctt_rel->{$id}->{c_id});
my $rel_color = "silver";
$rel_color = "#f7ae37" if($ctt->{c_id} == $ctt_rel->{$id}->{c_id});
my $journal = "";
$journal = "<span style='color:silver;background-color:white;'>Journal </span>" if($ctt_rel->{$id}->{template_id} == 209);
my $rel_opos = "";
$rel_opos = "<span style='color:red'>•</span>" if($ctt_rel->{$id}->{int14});
$rel_opos = "<span class='bi bi-record2' style='color:Maroon;'></span>" if($ctt_rel->{$id}->{int14});
print $q->div({-style=>"position:absolute;top:$toppx;right:10px;font-size:0.91em;background-color:$rel_color"}, "$journal ", $q->a({-class=>"linknav",-href=>"/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node}/Faktura/$ctt_rel->{$id}->{node_name}?ct_trans=open\&c_id4trans=$ctt_rel->{$id}->{c_id}\&tpl_id4trans=$ctt_rel->{$id}->{template_id}\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}",-title=>"Faktura Terminal öffnen"},"[ $rel_opos $ctt_rel->{$id}->{txt00} $varenv->{praefix}-$ctt_rel->{$id}->{ct_name} ]")),"\n";
$top += 22;
@ -226,26 +231,25 @@ EOF
#Form for AdressData
#Start form addressdata
print $q->start_form(-name=>'addressform'),"\n";
#Big table
print $q->start_table({-border=>'0', -width=>'100%',-align=>'left', -cellpadding=>'0', -cellspacing=>'0'}),"\n";
print "<tr><td width='50%' style='font-size:1em;'>\n";
print $q->start_table({-class=>'list', -height=>'10em',-border=>'0', -width=>'100%',-align=>'left', -cellpadding=>'3', -cellspacing=>'0'}),"\n";
###Content #Edit Address --> template=Adressenliste
$ctt->{txt01} = $q->unescapeHTML("$ctt->{txt01}");
my $int05 = "";
$int05 = "(manuell)" if($ctt->{int05});
if($users_dms->{u_id} && ($R::trans2edit eq "client" || $R::ct_trans eq "add_transadr")){
#my @_anrede = ("","Frau","Herr","Firma");
if($users_dms->{u_id} && $R::trans2edit eq "client"){
print $q->hidden(-name=>'c_id4trans', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{c_id}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'tpl_id4trans', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{template_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'int10', -override=>'1', -value=>"$c_idadr"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'c_idadr', -override=>'1', -value=>"$c_idadr"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'rel_id', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{rel_id}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'int10', -override=>'1', -value=>"$c_idadr"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'ca_id', -override=>'1', -value=>"$c_idadr"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'txt10', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{txt10}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'txt11', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{txt11}"),"\n";
print $q->Tr(),"\n";
print "<td class='tdescr4' nowrap>";
@ -291,10 +295,10 @@ EOF
#print $q->td({-class=>'tdval4'},"$ctt->{txt02}"),"\n";
if($c_idadr && $rel_adr->{rel_id}){
if($c_idadr && $ctadr->{rel_id}){
my $vde = "";
$vde = " Vde $ctadr->{int12}" if($ctadr->{int12});
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval4',-colspan=>'2'},$q->span({-style=>"background-color:#dcd77f;"},$q->a({-class=>"linknav",-href=>"/DMS/Kunden?node2edit=editpart\&mode=manager\&rel_id=$rel_adr->{rel_id}\&tpl_id=202",-title=>"Kunden Stammdaten öffnen"}," Kunden ID $c_idadr ")), $q->span({-style=>"color:red;padding-left:10px;"}," $vde")),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval4',-colspan=>'2'},$q->span({-style=>"background-color:#dcd77f;"},$q->a({-class=>"linknav",-href=>"/DMS/Kunden?node2edit=editpart\&mode=manager\&rel_id=$ctadr->{rel_id}\&tpl_id=202",-title=>"Kunden Stammdaten öffnen"}," Kunden ID $c_idadr ")), $q->span({-style=>"color:red;padding-left:10px;"}," $vde")),"\n";
$ctt->{txt01} = $lb->newline($ctt->{txt01},"","");
print $q->Tr(),"\n"; $line_count1++;
@ -376,32 +380,29 @@ EOF
print $q->end_table;
print "</td></tr>\n";
print $q->end_form,"\n";
#end form addressdata
###Content #Edit Parts
print "<tr><td colspan='5' style='font-size:1em;'>\n";
#operator invoices else position accounting
if($ctt->{template_id} == 208 || $ctt->{int10} == 2){
$line_count2 = $trin->tpl($varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$set_main_id,$ctt,$return);
$line_count2 = $trin->tpl($varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$ctf,$ctadr,$ctt);
$line_count2 = $transp->tpl($varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$set_main_id,$ctt,$return);
$line_count2 = $transp->tpl($varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$ctf,$ctadr,$ctt);
print "</td></tr>\n";
###end Edit Parts
#Text & Vorbelegungen
my $tplf = $db->get_tpl("201");#Firma tpl
my $tplf = $dbt->get_tpl($dbh,201);#tpl Kunden-Faktura
my @tplf_order = split /,/,$tplf->{tpl_order};
print $q->start_form(),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'c_id4trans', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{c_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'set_main_id', -override=>'1', -value=>"$set_main_id"),"\n";
#Text save area
#Internas und Bearbeitungstatus
@ -476,9 +477,6 @@ EOF
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval5',-style=>'width:90%;',-colspan=>2}, $but->singlesubmit7("ct_trans","save_text","$ib{save_text}","","","autofocus")),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'c_id4trans', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{c_id}"),"\n";
#print $q->hidden(-name=>'set_main_id', -override=>'1', -value=>"$set_main_id"),"\n";
print $q->end_form,"\n";
print $q->end_table,"\n";
@ -308,14 +308,15 @@ sub tpl(){
fetch => "all",
keyfield => "c_id",
template_id => "IN::(209,218)",
#ca_id => "$ctrel->{c_id}",#future change
int10 => "$ctrel->{c_id}",
my $cttrans = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref);
foreach my $id (sort { $cttrans->{$b}->{c_id} <=> $cttrans->{$a}->{c_id} } keys (%$cttrans)){
my $toppx = $top . "px";
print $q->div({-style=>"position:absolute;top:$toppx;right:20px;"}, " TXID $cttrans->{$id}->{txt16} ",$q->span({-style=>"background-color:#f7ae37"},$q->a({-class=>"linknav",-href=>"/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node}/Faktura/$cttrans->{$id}->{node_name}?ct_trans=open\&c_id4trans=$cttrans->{$id}->{c_id}\&tpl_id4trans=$cttrans->{$id}->{template_id}\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}",-title=>"Faktura Terminal öffnen"},"[ $cttrans->{$id}->{node_name} #$cttrans->{$id}->{ct_name} ]"))),"\n";
my $rel_opos = "";
$rel_opos = "<span class='bi bi-record2' style='color:Maroon;'></span>" if($cttrans->{$id}->{int14});
print $q->div({-style=>"position:absolute;top:$toppx;right:20px;"}, " TXID $cttrans->{$id}->{txt16} ",$q->span({-style=>"background-color:#f7ae37"},$q->a({-class=>"linknav",-href=>"/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node}/Faktura/$cttrans->{$id}->{node_name}?ct_trans=open\&c_id4trans=$cttrans->{$id}->{c_id}\&tpl_id4trans=$cttrans->{$id}->{template_id}\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}",-title=>"Faktura Terminal öffnen"},"[ $rel_opos $cttrans->{$id}->{node_name} #$cttrans->{$id}->{ct_name} ]"))),"\n";
$top += 22;
}elsif($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 205){
@ -418,6 +419,12 @@ EOF
#print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms'}, $q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"int09",-default=>"$cttpos->{int09}",-size=>"5",-maxlength=>5), "Text", $q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"txt04",-default=>"$cttpos->{txt04}",-size=>"30",-maxlength=>50)),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms'}, "$cttpos->{int09} ($cttpos->{txt04})"),"\n";
#pos start station
elsif($key eq "int06" && $node_meta->{tpl_id} == 221){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms',-colspan=>'1'},"$des");
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>'1'},"$prefix $cttpos->{int06}");
#pos end station
elsif($key eq "int04" && "$size" eq "select" && $node_meta->{tpl_id} == 221){
my @_valxx = ("null:");
@ -548,7 +555,7 @@ EOF
#only if invoice isn't booked
if($key eq "txt23" && $cttpos->{ca_id} && $cttpos->{ct_id} && !$cttpos->{state}){
print $q->Tr(),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'}, $q->a({-class=>"linknav4",-href=>"/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node}/Waren/Gebühren?ca_id=$cttpos->{ca_id}\&ct_id=$cttpos->{ct_id}\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}",-title=>""},"Gebühr hinzufügen")),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'}, $q->a({-class=>"linknav4",-href=>"/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node}/Waren/Gebühren?c_id4trans=$cttpos->{ct_id}\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}",-title=>""},"Gebühr hinzufügen")),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms'}," "),"\n";
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $lang = "de";
my @tpl_order = ('c_id=ID=5=Datensatz ID (nur intern)','date_time=Mietzeit','txt08=Name=15','int06=Start Station=5','int04=End Station=5','barcode=Bike Nr.=5','int12=Group=select','int10=Rental State=select','int20=Lock State=select','owner=User=select','txt23=Comment=15');
push (@tpl_order, "txt24=debug,log,agent,HW") if($users_dms->{int03} > 1);
push (@tpl_order, "txt24=debug,log,device,HW") if($users_dms->{int03} >= 1);
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my %ib = $but->ibuttons();
@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $c_id = $R::cttpos_id || $R::c_id || "";
$c_id = "" if($R::insert_contenttranspos);
my $cttpos = {};
$R::ct_ct_name =~ s/\#//;
my $search = {
@ -193,6 +194,8 @@ sub tpl(){
if($R::ct_id && looks_like_number($R::ct_id)){
$search->{ct_id} = $R::ct_id;
}elsif($R::c_id4trans && looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans)){
$search->{ct_id} = $R::c_id4trans;
}elsif($c_id && looks_like_number($c_id)){
$search->{cttpos_id} = $c_id;
@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ sub tpl(){
if(!$start_chck && !$end_chck){
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttranspos"){
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search);
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search,0);
}elsif($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttheftpos"){
#7=get_event alarm
#8=get_position after validate
@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $id = $cttpos->{$pid}->{ct_id};
if($ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id} == $cttpos->{$pid}->{ct_id}){
$ct_name = $ct4rel->{$id}->{ct_name};
$opos = "<span style='color:red;'>•</span>" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{int14});
$opos = "<span class='bi bi-record2' style='color:Maroon;'></span>" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{int14});
$ct_txt00 = $ct4rel->{$id}->{txt00};
$ct_txt01 = $ct4rel->{$id}->{txt01};
$ct_phone = $ct4rel->{$id}->{txt07};
@ -415,21 +418,17 @@ sub tpl(){
$pos_details .= $did . " = " . $pos_hash->{$did} . "</br>" if($pos_hash->{$did});
my $pos_id = "ID $cttpos->{$pid}->{c_id}";
my $user_device = "";
my $user_agent = "";
my $charge = "";
$charge .= " → lock-charge $cttpos->{$pid}->{int14} %" if(looks_like_number($cttpos->{$pid}->{int14}));
$charge .= " → bike-charge $cttpos->{$pid}->{int19} %" if(looks_like_number($cttpos->{$pid}->{int19}) && $record_part->{$cttpos->{$pid}->{cc_id}}->{energy_id});
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $dbt->{copri_conf}->{betau_id}->{$users_dms_primary->{u_id}}){
$pos_id = $q->div({-class=>"popup",-onclick=>"toggle_box('$pid')"},"$cttpos->{$pid}->{c_id}", $q->span({-class=>"popuptext",-id=>"$pid"},"$pos_details"));
$user_device = "";
$user_device .= " → endAck" if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int27});
$user_agent = "";
$user_agent .= " → endAck" if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int27});
my $txt26 = $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt26};
$txt26 = substr($cttpos->{$pid}->{txt26},0,25) if(length($cttpos->{$pid}->{txt26}) > 20);
$user_device .= " → $txt26" if($txt26);
my $txt21 = $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt21};
$txt21 = substr($cttpos->{$pid}->{txt21},0,50) . " ..." if(length($cttpos->{$pid}->{txt21}) > 50);
#$user_device .= " → $txt21" if($txt21);
$user_agent .= " → $txt26" if($txt26);
my $bikenr = $cttpos->{$pid}->{barcode} || $cttpos->{$pid}->{ct_name};
@ -476,7 +475,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $debug_log_view = "";
my $debug_log = "appapi-log: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt24} | sigapi-log: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt25} | user-agent: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt26} | app-debug: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt27} | lock-HW: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt28} | response-log: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt29}";
my $debug_log = "appapi-log: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt24} | sigapi-log: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt25} | user-agent: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt26} | user-device: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt21} | app-debug: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt27} | lock-HW: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt28} | response-log: $cttpos->{$pid}->{txt29}";
my $index = index(lc($debug_log), lc($search->{txt24}));
$index -= 20;
$debug_log = "... " . substr($debug_log,$index,100) . " ...";
@ -500,7 +499,7 @@ sub tpl(){
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int03} >= 1){
print $q->div({-style=>'float:left;margin:0.4em 0 0 1em;'}, "→ Faktura", $q->a({-class=>"linknav3",-style=>"$trans_style",-href=>"/DMS/Faktura?ct_trans=open\&c_id4trans=$c_id4trans\&tpl_id4trans=$tpl_id4trans\&owner=$users_dms->{owner}",-title=>"Faktura Terminal öffnen"},"$opos \#$ct_name")),"\n" if($c_id4trans && $tpl_id4trans);
print $q->div({-style=>'float:left;margin-left:1em;'}, "$user_device"),"\n";
print $q->div({-style=>'float:left;margin-left:1em;'}, "$user_agent"),"\n";
}elsif($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttheftpos"){
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ EOF
$ct4rel = $dbt->search_content($dbh,$searchref,$node_meta,$users_dms,"$main_ids","$tplids","$ct_ids",$v_journal,$ck4ex);
$feedb = $pl->export_csv($node_meta,$users_dms,$ct4rel,$coo) if($ck4ex);
$feedb = $pl->export_csv($node_meta,$users_dms,$ct4rel,$bike_nodes,$coo) if($ck4ex);
if($node_meta->{node_name} eq "Faktura" || $tplids =~ /218/){
my $v_journalparts = "";
@ -762,17 +762,27 @@ EOF
$payment_time = $ct4rel->{$id}->{payment_time};
$payment_time = $lb->time4de($payment_time,"1");
$sum_saldo += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int16} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state});
$sum_opos += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{int14} >= 1 && ($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} !~ /ausfall|fehlgeschlagen/i));
$sum_abb += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Abbuchung/);
$sum_ueb += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Überweisung/);
$sum_SEPApayone += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /SEPA.*payone|Zahlungseingang.*payone/);
$sum_CCpayone += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Kreditkarte.*payone/);
$sum_ausfall += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Zahlungsausfall/);
if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Zahlungsausfall/){
$sum_ausfall += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01};
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /fehlgeschlagen/i){
$sum_einzugfail += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01};
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{int14} >= 1){
$sum_opos += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01};
$sum_abb += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Abbuchung/);
$sum_ueb += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Überweisung/);
$sum_SEPApayone += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /SEPA.*payone/);
$sum_CCpayone += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Kreditkarte.*payone/);
$sum_gutschrift += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Gutschrift/);
$sum_einzugfail += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /fehlgeschlagen/i);
$sum_entgelt += $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Entgelt/);
$sum_abr -= $ct4rel->{$id}->{int02} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /Abrechnung/);
$c_id4csv .= "$ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id},";
$ct4rel->{$id}->{ct_name} = $q->unescapeHTML($ct4rel->{$id}->{ct_name}) || "";
$ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id} = $q->unescapeHTML($ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id}) || "";
@ -811,8 +821,8 @@ EOF
print "<td class='tb_inst' style='$set_style' nowrap>\n";
if($table eq "content" && ($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} =~ /229/) && $R::ca_id && $R::ct_id){
print $q->a({-class=>"editnav",-href=>"/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node}/Mietjournal?insert_contenttranspos=1\&cc_id=$ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id}\&ca_id=$R::ca_id\&ct_id=$R::ct_id\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}",-title=>"Gebühr hinzufügen"}, $q->span({-class=>"bi bi-clipboard2-plus", -style=>'font-size:1.5em;'}));
if($table eq "content" && ($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} =~ /229/) && $R::c_id4trans){
print $q->a({-class=>"editnav",-href=>"/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node}/Mietjournal?insert_contenttranspos=1\&c_id=$ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id}\&c_id4trans=$R::c_id4trans\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}",-title=>"Gebühr hinzufügen"}, $q->span({-class=>"bi bi-clipboard2-plus", -style=>'font-size:1.5em;'}));
if($table eq "content" && ($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} =~ /205|225/)){
@ -870,7 +880,7 @@ EOF
if($table eq "contentadr" && ($ct4rel->{$id}->{int12} || !$ct4rel->{$id}->{int04} || !$ct4rel->{$id}->{int13})){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdicon',-style=>"$set_style color:red;"},"•","\n") if($ecol <= "2");
}elsif($table eq "contenttrans" && ($ct4rel->{$id}->{int14} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{int14} >= 1)){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdicon',-style=>"$set_style color:red;"},"•","\n") if($ecol <= "2");
print $q->td({-class=>'tdicon bi bi-record2', -style=>"$set_style;color:Maroon;"},""),"\n" if($ecol <= "2");
}elsif($table eq "content" && $ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} == 227){
my $dir_thumb = "$varenv{data}/$node_meta->{main_id}-thumb/$ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id}";
my @pics = $lb->read_dirfiles($dir_thumb,"\.JPG|\.PNG","file","");
@ -906,7 +916,7 @@ EOF
#$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} = $lb->newline($ct4rel->{$id}->{$key},"","$br4text");
$set_style4nr = $set_style;
$set_style4nr="background-color:#e3dbc9;" if(($key eq "barcode") || ($key eq "int04"));
$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} =~ s/\./,/ if($key =~ /int/);
$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} =~ s/\./,/ if($key =~ /int/ && $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key});
if($key eq "c_id"){
@ -928,7 +938,7 @@ EOF
elsif($key eq "ct_name" && $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}){
if($table =~ /contenttrans|contenttver/){
my $opos = "";
$opos = "<span style='color:red'>•</span>" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{int14});
$opos = "<span class='bi bi-record2' style='color:Maroon;'></span>" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{int14});
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-style=>"font-weight:normal;$set_style4nr", -nowrap=>1},$q->a({-class=>"linknav3",-href=>"?ct_trans=open\&mode=manager\&c_id4trans=$ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id}\&tpl_id4trans=$ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id}\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}\&offset=$searchref->{offset}\&limit=$searchref->{limit}",-title=>"Terminal öffnen"},"$opos $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}"));
}elsif($table =~ /content$|contentadr/){
print $q->td({-class=>"tdint",-style=>"font-weight:normal;$set_style4nr"},$q->a({-class=>"linknav3",-href=>"?node2edit=editpart\&mode=manager\&rel_id=$ct4rel->{$id}->{rel_id}\&offset=$searchref->{offset}\&limit=$searchref->{limit}",-title=>"Terminal öffnen"},"$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}")),"\n";
@ -952,7 +962,7 @@ EOF
foreach my $irid (sort { $ctt_rel->{$b}->{c_id} <=> $ctt_rel->{$a}->{c_id} } keys (%$ctt_rel)){
if($ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id} != $ctt_rel->{$irid}->{c_id}){
my $rel_opos = "";
$rel_opos = "<span style='color:red'>•</span>" if($ctt_rel->{$irid}->{int14});
$rel_opos = "<span class='bi bi-record2' style='color:Maroon;'></span>" if($ctt_rel->{$irid}->{int14});
print $q->a({-class=>"linknav3",-href=>"/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node}/Faktura/$ctt_rel->{$irid}->{node_name}?ct_trans=open\&c_id4trans=$ctt_rel->{$irid}->{c_id}\&tpl_id4trans=$ctt_rel->{$irid}->{template_id}\&owner=$users_dms->{u_id}\&offset=$searchref->{offset}\&limit=$searchref->{limit}",-title=>"Terminal öffnen"},"$rel_opos $ctt_rel->{$irid}->{ct_name}<br />");
@ -1005,7 +1015,7 @@ EOF
$order_state = "$ct4rel->{$id}->{txt22}" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{txt22});
$order_state = "$ct4rel->{$id}->{txt22},<br />" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{txt22} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key});
my $capture_state = "<span>$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}</span>";
$capture_state = "<span style='color:red;'>$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}</span>" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} =~ /payone/ && $ct4rel->{$id}->{int14} >= 1);
$capture_state = "<span style='color:Maroon;'>$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}</span>" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{int14} >= 1);
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},"$order_state $capture_state"),"\n";
}elsif($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} =~ /205|225/ && $key eq "int10"){#bike_state
my $colorize = "";
@ -1059,10 +1069,6 @@ EOF
my $timeview = "";
$timeview = $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} if($ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} && $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key} =~ /\d/);
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},"$timeview"),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /txt01/ && $v_journal){
my $txt01 = "$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}";
$txt01 = "<b>$txt01</b>" if($ct4rel->{$id}->{state} eq "Kassenbestand");
print $q->td({-class=>'tdtxt',-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},"$txt01"),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /txt03/ && $ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} eq "227"){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdtxt',-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},$q->a({-style=>"color:black;",-href=>"$varenv{metahost}/site/$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}", -target=>'_blank',-title=>'anzeigen'},"$ct4rel->{$id}->{$key}")),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /txt00/ && $v_journal){
@ -1166,7 +1172,7 @@ EOF
}#journal offen ende
if(($nr > 0) && ($v_journal || $R::v_abschluss) && !$R::rel_id){
if(($nr > 0) && ($v_journal || $R::close_trans) && !$R::rel_id){
my $m = $k - 4;
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;"},""),"\n";
@ -1225,7 +1231,7 @@ EOF
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-colspan=>"1",-nowrap=>"1"},"$sum_gutschrift €");
if($sum_einzugfail != 0){
$sum_einzugfail *= -1;
#$sum_einzugfail *= -1;
$sum_einzugfail = sprintf('%.2f',$sum_einzugfail);
$sum_success += $sum_einzugfail;
print $q->Tr();
@ -1266,11 +1272,11 @@ EOF
if($v_journal =~ /bericht/ && $j_exist->{main_id}){
if($v_journal eq "Tagesbericht" && $j_exist->{main_id}){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;"},""),"\n";
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;",-class=>'tdsum',-colspan=>"$m"},"Tagesabschluss"),"\n";
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;",-class=>'tdsum',-colspan=>"1",-nowrap=>"1"},$but->checkbox("1","close_trans","","Tagesbericht abschließen und in das Verkaufsjournal senden"),$but->singlesubmit("v_abschluss","Speichern")),"\n";
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;",-class=>'tdsum',-colspan=>"$m"},"Tagesbericht abschließen, Übertrag in das Verkaufsjournal"),"\n";
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;",-class=>'tdsum',-colspan=>"1",-nowrap=>"1"},$but->singlesubmit("close_trans","Speichern")),"\n";
@ -1307,7 +1313,7 @@ EOF
if($table eq "contentadr"){
print $q->div({-style=>'padding:0 20px;font-style:italic;'}, $q->span({-style=>'padding:0.1em 0.8em;',-style=>'color:red;'},"•"), "Der Verleih ist nicht freigeschaltet"),"\n";
}elsif($table eq "contenttrans"){
print $q->div({-style=>'padding:0 20px;font-style:italic;'}, $q->span({-style=>'padding:0.1em 0.8em;',-style=>'color:red;'},"•"), "payone error"),"\n";
print $q->div({-style=>'padding:0 20px;font-style:italic;'}, $q->span({ -class=>'bi bi-record2', -style=>'padding:0.1em 0.8em;color:Maroon;'},""), "OPOS - Offener Posten"),"\n";
}elsif($table eq "content" && $node_meta->{tpl_id} =~ /205|225/){
print $q->div({-style=>'padding:0 20px;font-style:italic;'}, $q->span({-class=>"bi bi-wrench"}), "Service-Wartung"),"\n";
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ use Data::Dumper;
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::APIfunc;
use Mod::Pricing;
@ -36,14 +35,13 @@ sub tpl(){
my $varenv = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $set_main_id = shift;
my $ctf = shift;
my $ctadr = shift;
my $ctt = shift;
my $return = shift || "";
my $q = new CGI;
my $cf = new Config;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $apif = new APIfunc;
my $but = new Buttons;
@ -63,14 +61,6 @@ sub tpl(){
my @tpl_order = ();
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
my $ctf = { c_id => 0 };
my $pref_cu = {
table => "contentuser",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id},
$ctf = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_cu);
my $ctf_operator = { c_id => 0 };
my $pref_cuop = {
table => "contentuser",
@ -103,7 +93,7 @@ sub tpl(){
@tpl_order = ("c_id=ID","int01=Netto Erlös","state=Zahlungsart","int94=Disagio","int95=Transaktion","int96=Zahlungsmeldung","int97=Kreditkarte Zuordnung","int02=Gutschrift");
my $tplf = $dbt->get_tpl($dbh,201);#Kunden-Faktura, ex Firma
my $tplf = $dbt->get_tpl($dbh,201);#Kunden-Faktura Firma
my @tplf_order = split /,/,$tplf->{tpl_order};
print $q->start_table({-class=>'list', -border=>'0', -width=>'100%',-align=>'left', -cellpadding=>'3', -cellspacing=>'0'}),"\n";
@ -301,11 +291,8 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->hidden(-name=>'limit', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::limit") if($R::limit);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'relids', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::relids") if($R::relids);
$set_main_id=$ctt->{main_id} if($ctt->{main_id} && $ctt->{main_id} > "300000");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'set_main_id', -value=>"$set_main_id", -override=>'1');
if($users_dms->{int03} == 2){
if($users_dms->{int03} == 2){
#only if user is also a primary DMS user with invoice rw
print $q->hidden(-name=>'printer_id', -value=>"PDF", -override=>'1');
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname});
@ -345,7 +332,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $send_invoice_checkbox = 0;
#$send_invoice_checkbox = 0 if($ctt->{txt30});
print $q->div({-class=>'element6',-style=>'float:right;'}, $q->b("$ctt->{txt00}"),
": PDF drucken ",$but->checkbox("print_pdf","ct_trans","1","PDF drucken",""),
": PDF drucken ",$but->checkbox("1","print_pdf","1","PDF drucken",""),
" – eMail senden ",$but->checkbox("1","send_invoice","$send_invoice_checkbox","eMail $ctt->{txt00}",""),
" – Zahlungsart ",
@ -366,7 +353,7 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->hidden(-name=>'offset', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::offset") if($R::offset);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'limit', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::limit") if($R::limit);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'relids', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::relids") if($R::relids);
print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"}, "eMail wurde nicht versandt! $ctt->{txt00} eMail ", $but->singlesubmit1("ct_trans","send_invoice_again","send_invoice_again")),"\n" if($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id});
#print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"}, "eMail wurde nicht versandt! $ctt->{txt00} eMail ", $but->singlesubmit1("ct_trans","send_invoice_again","send_invoice_again")),"\n" if($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id});
print $q->end_form;
@ -374,7 +361,14 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->div({-style=>'padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;'}, "Download: ", $q->a({-href=>"$varenv->{wwwhost}/FileOut?file=$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf&sessionid=$coo", -target=>"_blank" , -type=>'application/octet-stream', -style=>'text-decoration:underline;'}), "$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"),"\n";
$db->updater("contenttrans","c_id","$ctt->{content_id}","txt20","$accounting_start - $accounting_end","","","","","no_time") if(!$int05 && $accounting_start && $accounting_end);
if(!$int05 && $accounting_start && $accounting_end){
my $update_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
mtime => "no_time",
c_id => $ctt->{content_id},
$dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_ctt,"txt20='$accounting_start - $accounting_end'");
return $line_count2;
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ use Data::Dumper;
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::APIfunc;
use Mod::Pricing;
@ -36,14 +35,13 @@ sub tpl(){
my $varenv = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $set_main_id = shift;
my $ctf = shift;
my $ctadr = shift;
my $ctt = shift;
my $return = shift || "";
my $q = new CGI;
my $cf = new Config;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $apif = new APIfunc;
my $but = new Buttons;
@ -67,23 +65,36 @@ sub tpl(){
my $c_idpos = $R::c_idpos || $R::pos_id || 0;
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
my $ctf = { c_id => 0 };
my $pref_cu = {
table => "contentuser",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id},
$ctf = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_cu);
my $ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$ctt->{int10});
my $vibuchen_mtime = "(nicht verfügbar, siehe Internas und log)";
my @tpl_order = ("txt01=Beschreibung","ct_name=Nummer","date_time=timerange","int03=Menge (Miet - Gratis Zeit)","int02=Preis","int07=Rabatt","int04=Gesamt");
my $tplf = $db->get_tpl("201");#Kunden-Faktura, ex Firma
my $tplf = $dbt->get_tpl($dbh,201);#Kunden-Faktura Firma
my @tplf_order = split /,/,$tplf->{tpl_order};
($cttpos,$rows) = $dbt->collect_contentpos($dbh,"contenttrans",$ctt->{content_id});
my $station_all = {};
my $pref_st = {
table => "content",
fetch => "all",
keyfield => "c_id",
template_id => 225,
$station_all = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_st);
my @_stationvalxx = ("null:");
foreach my $rid (sort { $station_all->{$a}->{int04} <=> $station_all->{$b}->{int04} } keys (%$station_all)){
push (@_stationvalxx, "$station_all->{$rid}->{int04}:$station_all->{$rid}->{int04} - $station_all->{$rid}->{txt01}");
my @_rentalstate_valxx = ();
foreach my $s_key (sort keys (%{ $dbt->{copri_conf}->{bike_state} })) {
push @_rentalstate_valxx, "$s_key:$dbt->{copri_conf}->{bike_state}->{$s_key}" if($s_key =~ /1|2|3/);
my @_lock_valxx = ();
foreach my $s_key (sort keys (%{ $dbt->{copri_conf}->{lock_state} })) {
push @_lock_valxx, "$s_key:$dbt->{copri_conf}->{lock_state}->{$s_key}";
foreach my $id (keys(%$cttpos)){
if(ref($cttpos->{$id}) eq "HASH"){
@ -131,7 +142,6 @@ EOF
#Parts Header
print $q->start_form(-name=>'spartform');
$c_idpos = $1 if($return && $return =~ /pos_id=(\d+)/);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'trans2edit', -value=>"transpos", -override=>'1'),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'offset', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::offset"),"\n" if($R::offset);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'limit', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::limit"),"\n" if($R::limit);
@ -200,7 +210,6 @@ EOF
my $set_style="";
my $occupied_style = "";
my $time_style = "";
#$occupied_style = "color:#ff1493" if($cttpos->{$id}->{txt10} =~ /occupied|requested|canceled/);
$occupied_style = "color:#ff1493" if($cttpos->{$id}->{int10} == 2 ||$cttpos->{$id}->{int10} == 3 || $cttpos->{$id}->{int10} == 6);
#max. Rechnungspositionen
@ -302,15 +311,10 @@ EOF
my ($e_yy,$e_mo,$e_dd,$e_hh,$e_mi) = $lb->split_date($pricing->{end_time});
print "<td class='tdtxt3' style='$txtstyle $set_style;$occupied_style;'>\n";
print $q->textarea(-class=>'autos',-style=>"border: 1px solid #ededed;",-name=>"$key",-default=>"$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}", -override=>'1',-rows=>"3",-cols=>60, -autofocus=>1),"<br />\n";
print $q->textarea(-class=>'autos',-style=>"border: 1px solid #ededed;",-name=>"$key",-default=>"$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}", -override=>'1',-rows=>"2",-cols=>60, -autofocus=>1),"<br />\n";
#if Traiff Nr.
print $q->span({-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"}, "Tarif: $cttpos->{$id}->{int09} $cttpos->{$id}->{txt04}<br />"), "\n";
print $q->span({-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},
"Endstation: ", $q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"int04",-default=>"$cttpos->{$id}->{int04}",-size=>"5",-maxlength=>40),
"GPS: ", $q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"txt06",-default=>"$cttpos->{$id}->{txt06}",-size=>"30",-maxlength=>40)),"<br />\n";
print $q->span({-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},"Mietzeit: ",
@ -318,7 +322,16 @@ EOF
$q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"s_mi",-default=>"$s_mi",-size=>"1",-maxlength=>2)," → ",
$q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"e_mi",-default=>"$e_mi",-size=>"1",-maxlength=>2)),"<br />\n";
my $end_station = "null";
$end_station = $cttpos->{$id}->{int04} if(looks_like_number($cttpos->{$id}->{int04}));
print $q->span({-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},"Station Start: $cttpos->{$id}->{int06}, End: ",$but->selector_class("int04","eselect","width:250px;","$end_station",@_stationvalxx)),"<br />\n";
#print $q->span({-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},"GPS: $cttpos->{$id}->{txt06}"),"<br />\n";
print $q->span({-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},"Rental State:", $but->selector_class("int10","eselect","",$cttpos->{$id}->{int10},@_rentalstate_valxx));
print $q->span({-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"},"Lock State:",$but->selector_class("int20","eselect","",$cttpos->{$id}->{int20},@_lock_valxx)),"<br />\n";
print $q->span({-style=>"$txtstyle $set_style"}, "Tarif: $cttpos->{$id}->{int09} $cttpos->{$id}->{txt04}"), "<br />\n";
print "<br /><b>Bemerkung (Mietjournal)</b> $cttpos->{$id}->{txt23}\n" if($cttpos->{$id}->{txt23});
@ -424,25 +437,24 @@ EOF
print "<br />\n";
if($cttpos->{$id}->{txt01} || $cttpos->{$id}->{int09}){
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt01} =~ s/fixed/\<span style='color:red'\>fixed\<\/span\>/;
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt01} =~ s/defect/\<span style='color:red'\>defect\<\/span\>/;
my $bike="";
my $tariff = "";
$bike = "$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}" if($cttpos->{$id}->{$key});
$tariff = ", Tarif: $cttpos->{$id}->{int09} $cttpos->{$id}->{txt04}" if($cttpos->{$id}->{txt04});
print $q->span("$bike $tariff<br />"),"\n";
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int06} && $cttpos->{$id}->{int04}){
print $q->span("Start/End Station: $cttpos->{$id}->{int06} / $cttpos->{$id}->{int04}, GPS: $cttpos->{$id}->{txt06}"),"\n";
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt01} =~ s/fixed/\<span style='color:red'\>fixed\<\/span\>/;
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt01} =~ s/defect/\<span style='color:red'\>defect\<\/span\>/;
print $q->span("$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}"),"<br />\n";
if($pricing->{start_time} && $pricing->{end_time}){
my $start_time = $lb->time4de($pricing->{start_time},"1");
my $end_time = $lb->time4de($pricing->{end_time},"1");
print "<br />\n";
print $q->span({-style=>"$time_style"}, "Mietzeit: $start_time → $end_time"),"\n";
print $q->span({-style=>"$time_style"}, "Mietzeit: $start_time → $end_time"),"<br />\n";
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int06} || $cttpos->{$id}->{int04}){
print $q->span("Start/End Station: $cttpos->{$id}->{int06} / $cttpos->{$id}->{int04}"),"<br />\n";
my $tariff = "";
$tariff = "Tarif: $cttpos->{$id}->{int09} $cttpos->{$id}->{txt04}" if($cttpos->{$id}->{txt04});
print $q->span("$tariff"),"<br />\n";
print "<br /><b>Bemerkung (Mietjournal)</b> $cttpos->{$id}->{txt23}\n" if($cttpos->{$id}->{txt23});
print "</td>\n";
}elsif($key =~ /txt/){
@ -534,9 +546,6 @@ EOF
print $q->hidden(-name=>'offset', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::offset"),"\n" if($R::offset);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'limit', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::limit"),"\n" if($R::limit);
$set_main_id=$ctt->{main_id} if($ctt->{main_id} && $ctt->{main_id} > "300000");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'set_main_id', -value=>"$set_main_id", -override=>'1'),"\n";
if($users_dms->{int03} == 2){
#only if user is also a primary DMS user with invoice rw
@ -616,21 +625,9 @@ EOF
#disabled 2022-11-23, needs more testing. Add +10.- on preauth
if(1==2 && $users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id}){
#further payone capture are only allowed if OPOS && sequence && TXID is set
if($ctt->{int14} && $ctt->{int18} && $ctt->{txt16}){
print $q->div({-class=>'element6',-style=>'clear:both;'},"Test. Weitere Payone Einzüge über die vorhandene TXID $ctt->{txt16} (vorautorisiert Summe beachten) durch manuelle inkrement der Sequencenr mit +1", $q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"payone_sequence",-default=>"", -override=>'1',-size=>"1",-maxlength=>1)),"\n";
#Payone reset if OPOS and TXID
if($ctt->{int14} && $ctt->{txt16}){
print $q->div({-class=>'element6',-style=>'clear:both;'},"Test. Payone reset löscht den Vorgang mit der TXID $ctt->{txt16} und versucht einen erneuten Einzug", $but->checkbox("1","payone_reset","0","Payone reset","")),"\n";
print $q->end_form;
#end set_stateform
my $praefix = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv->{praefix}";
print $q->div({-style=>"clear:both;height:0.1px;"},""),"\n";
@ -643,7 +640,7 @@ EOF
print $q->hidden(-name=>'tpl_id4trans', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctt->{template_id}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'offset', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::offset"),"\n" if($R::offset);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'limit', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::limit"),"\n" if($R::limit);
print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"}, "eMail wurde nicht versandt! $ctt->{txt00} eMail ", $but->singlesubmit1("ct_trans","send_invoice_again","")),"\n" if($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id});
#print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"}, "eMail wurde nicht versandt! $ctt->{txt00} eMail ", $but->singlesubmit1("send_invoice_again","eMail nochmals senden","")),"\n" if($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id});
print $q->end_form;
@ -666,13 +663,18 @@ EOF
print $q->hidden(-name=>'limit', -override=>'1', -value=>"$R::limit"),"\n" if($R::limit);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'sum_paid', -override=>'1',-value=>"$sum_paid");
print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"}, "Copri-Ticket-mailing: ", $but->selector_class("cms_message_key","eselect","width:250px;","",@_valxx), "mit PDF", $but->checkbox("1","print_pdf","1","mit PDF",""), $but->singlesubmit1("ct_trans","send_invoice_cms","")),"\n";
print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"}, "Copri-Ticket-mailing: ", $but->selector_class("cms_message_key","eselect","width:250px;","",@_valxx), "mit PDF", $but->checkbox("1","print_pdf","1","mit PDF",""), $but->singlesubmit1("send_invoice_cms","eMail senden","")),"\n";
print $q->end_form;
$db->updater("contenttrans","c_id","$ctt->{content_id}","txt20","$accounting_start - $accounting_end","","","","","no_time") if(!$int05 && $accounting_start && $accounting_end);
$db->updater("contenttrans","c_id","$ctt->{content_id}","int15","$sum_preauth","","","","","no_time") if($sum_preauth || $sum_preauth == 0);
if(!$int05 && $accounting_start && $accounting_end){
my $update_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
mtime => "no_time",
c_id => $ctt->{content_id},
$dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_ctt,"txt20='$accounting_start - $accounting_end'");
return "$line_count2";
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ sub utctime {
#'deviceTime' => '2021-10-14T08:19:35.000+0000',
#'serverTime' => '2021-10-14T07:19:37.000+0000',
$utc_epoch -= 2*60*60;# -2 std (Sommerzeit)
#$utc_epoch -= 1*60*60;# -1 std (Winterzeit)
#$utc_epoch -= 2*60*60;# -2 std (Sommerzeit)
$utc_epoch -= 1*60*60;# -1 std (Winterzeit)
$utc_epoch += $latency;
$time = gmtime($utc_epoch);#epoch
@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ sub get_positions {
if($theftmove_count < 10){
system("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$op_name->{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$op_name->{syshost}' 'send_alarm2hotline' '1' '$c_id' ''");
print FILE "$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$op_name->{syshost}/src/scripts/mailTransportcms.pl '$op_name->{syshost}' 'send_alarm2hotline' '1' '$c_id' ''\n\n";
#only if not requested or occupied
if($op_name->{sms_alert} && $record_cc->{$id}->{int10} !~ /2|3/){
#only if locked
if($op_name->{sms_alert} && $record_cc->{$id}->{int20} == 1){
system("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$op_name->{syshost}/src/scripts/sms_message.pl '$op_name->{syshost}' 'send_alarm2hotline' '' '$c_id'");
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ sub utctime {
my $time = Time::Piece->strptime($date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S");
print FILE "localtime: " . $time->datetime . "\n";#localtime
my $utc_epoch = $time->epoch;
$utc_epoch -= 2*60*60;# -2 std (Sommerzeit)
#$utc_epoch -= 1*60*60;# -1 std (Winterzeit)
#$utc_epoch -= 2*60*60;# -2 std (Sommerzeit)
$utc_epoch -= 1*60*60;# -1 std (Winterzeit)
$utc_epoch += $latency;
$time = gmtime($utc_epoch);#epoch
print FILE "utctime: " . $time->datetime . "\n";#utc zulu date time
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ sub send_occupied2hotline {
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search);
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search,1);
my $bike = "";
foreach my $pid (sort { $cttpos->{$b}->{end_time} cmp $cttpos->{$a}->{end_time} } keys(%$cttpos)){
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ if($todo eq "24h_occupied"){
my $dt1 = DateTime->now(time_zone => "Europe/Berlin");
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search);
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search,1);
foreach my $pid (sort { $cttpos->{$b}->{end_time} cmp $cttpos->{$a}->{end_time} } keys(%$cttpos)){
if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int10} == 3){
@ -347,8 +347,8 @@ sub tplselect(){
require "Mod/Failure.pm";
if(($R::ct_trans !~ /close/) && ($ct_table =~ /contenttrans/) && ($R::ct_trans || $R::trans2edit || $R::ctpos_activ || $R::select_part || $R::set_main_id)){
if(($R::ct_trans !~ /close/) && ($ct_table =~ /contenttrans/) && ($R::ct_trans || $R::trans2edit || $R::select_part || $R::set_main_id || $R::set_state)){
&Modalbox::mobox($varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$feedb_req) if($R::ct_trans ne "delete_trans");
}elsif(($R::ct_trans !~ /close/) && ($ct_table =~ /content$|contentadr|contentuser|contentpos|users$|contenttranspos/ && ($R::ct_trans || $R::rel_edit || $R::base_edit)) || ($R::node2edit && $R::node2edit =~ /edit/)){
&Modalbox3::mobox3($varenv,$node_meta,$users_dms,$feedb_req) if($R::rel_edit !~ /delete|save/ && $R::ct_trans !~ /delete/ && $R::base_edit !~ /delete|save_pos/ && !$R::service_id);
Add table
Reference in a new issue