frisco ec818dbbc3 Created new branch for Debian Live live-cd build system development. This
commit includes the default configuration files, which don't work with Debian 
2008-06-09 00:10:03 +00:00

114 lines
5.8 KiB

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<div><h1 id="FrequentlyAskedQuestions">Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
We answer some common questions her. Add a comment or mail us if you have questions, that might be interesting for others, too.
<li><a href="faq.html#IsuccessfullyopenedavolumeHowcanIaccessthedatanow">I successfully opened a volume. How can I access the data now?</a></li>
<li><a href="faq.html#RecentlyIpartitionedmyharddiskNowIcanopenthevolumewithoutapasswordIsntitencryptedanymore">Recently I partitioned my harddisk. Now I can open the volume without a password. Isn't it encrypted any more?</a></li>
<li><a href="faq.html#HowcanIrestrictaccesstocertaindata">How can I restrict access to certain data?</a></li>
<li><a href="faq.html#ThereisausermanageravailableinthepreferencessectionWhatisitgoodfor">There is a user manager available in the preferences section. What is it good for?</a></li>
<li><a href="faq.html#HowdoIusetheserverpackagefromtheDebianrepository">How do I use the server package from the Debian repository?</a></li>
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<h2 id="IsuccessfullyopenedavolumeHowcanIaccessthedatanow">I successfully opened a volume. How can I access the data now?</h2>
<ul><li>CryptoBox live-CD: browse the network neighborhood for the CryptoBox (in M$ Windows), scan the network (with KDE or Gnome). If you like terminals use <i>smbmount</i> or <i>mount -t smbfs</i> to access the network share.
</li></ul><ul><li>CryptoBox-Server: you should ask your administrator, which way is the best to access the mounted volume. In case you are the administrator, then you should take a look at the configuration file for the <i>!MountDir</i> setting. Publish this directory via your favourite fileserver (e.g. samba, webdav, nfs, ftp, ...) and tell your users how to reach it.
</li></ul><h2 id="RecentlyIpartitionedmyharddiskNowIcanopenthevolumewithoutapasswordIsntitencryptedanymore">Recently I partitioned my harddisk. Now I can open the volume without a password. Isn't it encrypted any more?</h2>
The partition manager creates non-encrypted volumes by default. If you want to enable encryption for a volume, then you have to format it. Be aware that this will erase all data of the volume.
<h2 id="HowcanIrestrictaccesstocertaindata">How can I restrict access to certain data?</h2>
The CryptoBox does not support user and access management for now. Everyone in your local network can access all open volumes for reading and writing. This behavior is based on the assumption, that there are no evil guys in your local network. Please take care for this!
For the next major release (v0.4) we plan to implement user and access management.
<h2 id="ThereisausermanageravailableinthepreferencessectionWhatisitgoodfor">There is a user manager available in the preferences section. What is it good for?</h2>
It's aimed for administrative tasks of the CryptoBox. Administrators can disable functions of the CryptoBox for other users (e.g. disabling the shutdown function). This way the webinterface can be customized to the needs of the users. The default admin password is <i>admin</i>, change that immediately!
Users who just want to open and close volumes do not need an administrative account.
<h2 id="HowdoIusetheserverpackagefromtheDebianrepository">How do I use the server package from the Debian repository?</h2>
The CryptoBox server package is not part of the official Debian repository (at least for now). But you can use our repository for installation.
<ol><li>Add the following to your &#34;/etc/apt/sources.list&#34;:
<pre class="wiki">deb unstable main
<pre class="wiki">apt-get update &amp;&amp; apt-get install cryptobox-server
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Go back to <a href="Crypto0.html">user documentation overview</a> or to the <a class="ext-link" title="" href="">CryptoBox Homepage</a>.
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