frisco 13e8c341a1 Daemons now start up correctly on their own.
Volumes can now be mounted, unmounted, and accessed using CIFS, including encrypted volumes.
Streamlined build customization capability, including addition of "scoreboard" file.
Added live-helper scripts to the repository.
2008-07-04 05:33:24 +00:00

183 lines
6 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <>
# License: This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
# of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# this script is part of the building process of the cryptobox
# the "normal" action is necessary for every cryptobox (development & release)
# the "secure" action is mandatory for every release CD
# 2008-06-21 Adapted by James Crofts for use with "live-helper"
set -eu
nvi nano vim vim-common vim-tiny
unzip zip aptitude tasksel locate
ssh elinks curl wget netkit-inetd telnet
exim4-daemon-light exim4-config exim4-base
ppp pppconfig pppoe pppoeconf iptables
subversion w3m wget lynx less screen
info iptables man-db manpages
openssh-server openssh-client"
# remove rc symlinks for these services
SERVICES_OFF="ssh setserial nviboot mountnfs ntpdate"
#We run in a chroot environment, so source files accordingly.
. /usr/lib/cryptobox-cd/etc-scoreboard
function configure_normal()
# the usual stuff - not optimized for security
##### cryptobox settings ######
# start during bootup
sed -i 's/^NO_START=.*$/NO_START=0/' /etc/default/cryptobox-server
# listen to port 80 by default
sed -i 's/^PORT=.*$/PORT=80/' /etc/default/cryptobox-server
# use a separate configuration partition
sed -i 's/^UseConfigPartition.*$/UseConfigPartition = 1/' /etc/cryptobox-server/cryptobox.conf
# all plugins are enabled (especially: "encrypted_webinterface")
sed -i 's#^DisabledPlugins.*$#DisabledPlugins = #' /etc/cryptobox-server/cryptobox.conf
# change the selection of devices, that can be used as the crypto harddisk
sed -i 's#^AllowedDevices.*$#AllowedDevices = /dev/#' /etc/cryptobox-server/cryptobox.conf
############ samba ############
# enable samba startup (disabled before via
echo 'RUN_MODE="daemons"' >/etc/default/samba
# install the samba hook script
cp /usr/share/doc/cryptobox-server/event-scripts/samba /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/samba
chmod +x /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/samba
chown root:root /etc
############ webdav ############
#TODO: FIXME: add apache2 packages; configure port; add webdav link in web frontend
# sed -i 's/^NO_START=.*$/NO_START=0/' /etc/default/apache2
# cp /usr/share/doc/cryptobox-server/event-scripts/apache2_dav /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/apache2_dav
# chmod +x /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/apache2_dav
########### boot up ###########
# turn off creation of "/etc/nologin" (read-only fs)
sed -i '/^DELAYLOGIN=/s/^DELAYLOGIN=.*$/DELAYLOGIN=no/' /etc/default/rcS
# turn off modifying /etc/motd (read-only fs)
sed -i '/^EDITMOTD=/s/^EDITMOTD=.*$/EDITMOTD=no/' /etc/default/rcS
######### shutdown #########
# Remove the prompt to eject CD
rm -r /etc/rc0.d/*casper
rm -r /etc/rc6.d/*casper
######### devices ##########
# create tun device for running under qemu
if [ ! -e "$TUNDEV" ]
then mkdir -p `dirname "$TUNDEV"`
mknod "$TUNDEV" c 10 200
########## sshd ############
if [ -e "/etc/ssh" ]; then
# allow empty passwords for ssh
# the daemon is NOT started automatically, so you have to start it
# manually in case of need - as the root pw is empty and passwd is ro, you
# have to allow empty passwords for this rare case
sed -i 's/^PermitEmptyPass.*$/PermitEmptyPasswords yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# turn off PAM for ssh, as it prevents the use of empty passwords (stange behaviour)
sed -i 's/^UsePAM.*$/UsePAM no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# allow input of password
sed -i 's/^PasswordAuthentication.*$/PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# remove symlinks for unwanted services
for a in $SERVICES_OFF; do
# echo "Turning off service $a ..."
find /etc/rc?.d/ -type l -name "[SK][0-9][0-9]$a" | while read b
do rm "$b"
return 0
function configure_secure()
# remove everything that could weaken security
# configure_normal should be called too!
# disable keyboard login
sed -i '/getty/d' /etc/inittab
# remove unnecessary packages
dpkg --force-all -P $REMOVE_PACKAGES 2>&1 | grep -v "which isn't installed." || true
# maybe an authorized_keys file was created - but it is not dangerous,
# as the openssh package was removed anyway
[ -d /root/.ssh ] && rm -rf /root/.ssh
# disable root account
passwd -l root
############## clean up ################
# remove deb-files, that were left by dfsbuild
# remove packages and package lists
# remove locale files
# remove doc files
# remove man pages
# some vim files stay behind?
rm -rf /opt/packages /var/cache/bootstrap /var/cache/apt/ /var/cache/locate
rm -rf /usr/share/man /usr/share/vim /var/lib/apt /var/cache/debconf /var/cache/man
# remove docs except for the cryptobox's
ls /usr/share/doc | while read dname
do test "$dname" == "cryptobox-server" || rm -rf "/usr/share/doc/$dname"
# remove all locale files and symlinks except for the cryptobox's
(find /usr/share/locale -type f; find /usr/share/locale -type l) | grep -v "cryptobox-server" | while read fname
do rm "$fname"
# remove all empty locale directories
find /usr/share/locale -type d | while read dname
do test -d "$dname" && rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty --parents "$dname"
# change some dir permissions
chmod 660 /var/cache/cryptobox-server/settings/
return 0
################ main ####################
# Allow this script to be run either manually by the
# developer using live-helper's "interactive chroot"
# mode or automatically by "lh_build".
[ $# -gt 0 ] && ACTION=$1
case "$ACTION" in
* )
echo "`basename $0`:warning: CryptoNAS security level\
not specified; defaulting to \"secure\""
#FIXME: Not ideal to unconditionally return "SUCCESS"
exit 0