Disk format, shutdown, restart now work---is anything still broken??

Re-enabled apache2 install; not yet configured properly.
Builder is now able to provide /etc/modules and /etc/network/interfaces
This commit is contained in:
frisco 2008-07-12 03:27:05 +00:00
parent 9141c377d0
commit 8a9d8a7b57
6 changed files with 62 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -25,9 +25,12 @@ I'm keeping the folders from the legacy CryptoNAS build system around
until I'm sure we don't need them. Don't be confused by their continued
presence in the "deb-live" SVN branch.
config/chroot_local-includes/usr/lib/cryptobox-cd/etc.d/modules and
will now be used at boot time if they exist.
get "shutdown/reboot from web interface" working
get (configuration partition) formatting to work
check against validation scripts
check that "secure" build works
set up a firewall in the "secure" build
@ -42,11 +45,17 @@ integrate with cryptobox-server 4.0
for release version, try to isolate which parts of debian "standard" packages
are really needed to avoid errors and which are extraneous
custom splash screen for syslinux
stream music
check filesystems periodically
make drive identification more user-friendly (not just "/dev/foo")
"install to hard disk or similar device" function (not high priority)
get COW working
Short term goals (next couple of commits):
Short term goals:
add explanatory text to etc-scoreboard file
do any more files need copyright notices?
set up reasonable defaults in cnas-default-settings (use gedit with multiple separate windows)

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@ -56,14 +56,26 @@ function configure_normal()
# install the samba hook script
cp /usr/share/doc/cryptobox-server/event-scripts/samba /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/samba
chmod +x /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/samba
chown root:root /etc
############ dir perms ########
# For security reasons, many CryptoNAS scripts will refuse
# to run if their parent directories have unsafe permissions.
# The files in config/chroot_local-includes are, by default,
# owned by the user who did the SVN checkout. Therefore
# reset the important directories there to being owned by root.
# Debian Policy specifies that local users and package-created
# users have different uid ranges, so the set of files with
# unrecognized uid's should be the same as the set of files added
# by "config/chroot_local-includes/".
# Note that we are doing this at build time, not run time!
# Only fix files that are neither setuid nor setgid:
chown root:root `find / -xdev -nouser ! -perm -4000 ! -perm -2000`
############ webdav ############
#TODO: FIXME: add apache2 packages; configure port; add webdav link in web frontend
# sed -i 's/^NO_START=.*$/NO_START=0/' /etc/default/apache2
# cp /usr/share/doc/cryptobox-server/event-scripts/apache2_dav /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/apache2_dav
# chmod +x /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/apache2_dav
#TODO: FIXME: configure port; add webdav link in web frontend
sed -i 's/^NO_START=.*$/NO_START=0/' /etc/default/apache2
cp /usr/share/doc/cryptobox-server/event-scripts/apache2_dav /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/apache2_dav
chmod +x /etc/cryptobox-server/events.d/apache2_dav
########### boot up ###########

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@ -59,10 +59,9 @@ log_begin_msg "$DESCRIPTION"
. ${CNAS_ROOT_DIR}/usr/lib/cryptobox-cd/etc-scoreboard
# "/" must be writeable only by root, or else the CryptoNAS-Samba
# hook scripts will refuse to run for security reasons.
# "/" must be writeable only by root, or else some CryptoNAS
# scripts will refuse to run for security reasons.
chmod go-w ${CNAS_ROOT_DIR}
#chmod 755 ${CNAS_ROOT_DIR}
sed -i 's/^id:.*$/id:3:initdefault:/' ${CNAS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/inittab
# add tmpfs entry for mount parent
@ -71,9 +70,22 @@ test -e ${CNAS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/fstab && sed -i '#/var/cache/cryptobox-server/mnt#d
# add new line
echo "tmpfs /var/cache/cryptobox-server/mnt tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> ${CNAS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/fstab
#Set up /etc/modules with user-provided contents
if [ -f "$MODULES" ]
cp $MODULES ${CNAS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/modules
#Set up /etc/network/interfaces with user-provided contents
if [ -f "$INTERFACES" ]
cp $INTERFACES ${CNAS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/network/interfaces
#"hard" and "secure" are synonyms, so test for both of them
if [ ${CNAS_HARDNESS} -eq "hard" -o ${CNAS_HARDNESS} -eq "secure" ]
if [ ${CNAS_HARDNESS} = "hard" -o ${CNAS_HARDNESS} = "secure" ]
#FIXME: Since we're now doing this important step at runtime,

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ sysutils
#Apache was breaking the build before work started on the Debian Live changeover. FIXME: re-integrate

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@ -4,5 +4,9 @@
#to be working yet. As a workaround, download the cryptobox-server
#package from a repository or `apt-cacher' installation:
deb http://systemausfall.org/toolforge/debian unstable main
#Use apt-cacher to reduce load on the server. Be sure to add:
# deb http://systemausfall.org/toolforge/debian unstable main
#to /etc/apt/sources.list on the computer used for your build.
deb unstable main

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@ -157,3 +157,12 @@ LH_BINARY_IMAGES="usb-hdd"
#FIXME: add to etc.d/network/interfaces
#\tauto lo eth0
#\tiface lo inet loopback
#\tiface eth0 inet static