
2.1 KiB


Hint shortcode can be used as hint/alerts/notification block.


{{</* hint type=[note|tip|important|caution|warning] (icon=gdoc_github) (title=GitHub) */>}}
**Markdown content**\
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture.
 Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.
{{</* /hint */>}}


{{< propertylist name=shortcode-hints sort=name order=asc >}}


{{< hint type=note >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}

{{< hint type=tip >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}

{{< hint type=important >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}

{{< hint type=caution >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}

{{< hint type=warning >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.

Romanesque acclimates investiture. {{< /hint >}}

Example with a custom icon and title:

{{< hint type=note icon=gdoc_github title=GitHub >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}