
188 lines
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import goban,helper,database,login,gnugo
import string
from cherrypy import cpg
from cherrypy.lib import httptools
def is_my_turn(req,form,gobandict):
gets request and util.FiedStorage form.
check wether or not the current this is the players turn.
return true or false.
me = form["username"]
player1 = gobandict["player1"]
player2 = gobandict["player2"]
play = gobandict["play"]
if ((player1 == me) and (play == "white")) or ((player2 == me) and (play == "black")):
return True
2005-10-11 23:48:50 +02:00
return False
def create_gobandict(req,form,gamename):
gets a gamename
loads sgf, transforms it to dict, writes stuff like player names to dict
returns dict
#read goban sgf from database
mygame = database.GobanTable.byName(gamename)
sgf = mygame.sgf
gobandict = gnugo.parse_static_gnugo_sgf(sgf)
gobandict["player1"] = mygame.player1
gobandict["player2"] = mygame.player2
gobandict["turn_number"] = mygame.turn_number
gobandict["name"] = mygame.name
gobandict["sgf"] = sgf
return gobandict
def main(req,form):
display selected goban and manage user input.
gamename = form["game"]
gamename = ""
if gamename != "":
data = ""
gobandict = create_gobandict(req,form,gamename)
#check if user has already clicked onto a field:
click_on_field = False
for item in form.keys():
if string.find(item,").x") > 0:
click_on_field = True
if click_on_field:
#if yes: is this the user's turn? then process form.
if is_my_turn(req,form,gobandict):
helper.debug(req,form,"its my turn , i am going to process the form: --")
retstring = goban.process_form(req,form,gobandict)
if retstring != "":
helper.debug(req,form,"playgame.main says: "+str(retstring))
#reload gobandict, it has been changed.
gobandict = create_gobandict(req,form,gamename)
helper.debug(req,form,"it's not my turn.")
data += """<br>Turn number: %s. %s plays.\n
""" % (str(gobandict["turn_number"]), (string.capitalize(gobandict["play"])))
#check whether its our turn
#if yes: print 'your move' and display goban and process move
#if not: print '...s move' and display goban.
if is_my_turn(req,form,gobandict):
data += "<br>It's your turn.<br>\n"
data += "<br>This is not your turn. You have to wait for the move of the other player.<br>\n"
#print goban
data += goban.display_goban(gobandict,req,form)
data += login.navigation_bar(req,form)
data += helper.footer(req,form,1)
req.write('Error: You have to select a game to play it!')
class PlayGame:
displays a game and processes user input.
def index(self,game,coord=None):
username = cpg.request.sessionMap["username"]
myuser = database.Users.byUsername(username)
sessionid = cpg.request.sessionMap["_sessionId"]
print game
if myuser.sessionid == sessionid:
if coord != None:
return coord
return self.display_goban(game)
def display_goban(self,gamename):
gets: dictionary containing the layout of the used goban.
returns: string containing the HTML code for a clickable goban.
data = helper.header()
data += '<div id="board">'
hoshis19x19 = [(4,4),(4,10),(4,16),(10,4),(10,10),(10,16),(16,4),(16,10),(16,16)]
hoshis13x13 = [(4,4),(4,10),(7,7),(10,4),(10,10)]
hoshis9x9 = [(3,3),(3,7),(5,5),(7,3),(7,7)]
#TODO: check form[game] before the following asignment
mygame = database.GobanTable.get(gamename)
sgf = mygame.sgf
gobandict = gnugo.parse_static_gnugo_sgf(sgf)
size = mygame.size
for x in range(1,size+1):
for y in range(1,size+1):
# check for white or black stone
if gobandict[(x,y)] == 1:
stone = "_white"
elif gobandict[(x,y)] == 2:
stone = "_black"
stone = ""
sx = str(x)
sy = str(y)
# check position:
if (x == 1) and (y == 1): # upper left
#data += '<input type=image class="goban" src="/img/topleftline'+stone+'.png" name="coord" value="('+sx+','+sy+')"\n>'
data += '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/topleftline%s.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
elif (x == 1) and (y == size): # upper right
data += '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/toprightline%s.png"\n></a><br>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
elif (x == size) and (y == size): # lower right
data += '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/bottomrightline%s.png"\n></a><br>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
elif (x == size) and (y == 1): # lower left
data += '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/bottomleftline%s.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
elif (y == 1): #left line
data += '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/leftline%s.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
elif (x == 1): # top line
data += '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/topline%s.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
elif (y == size): # right line
data += '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/rightline%s.png"\n></a><br>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
elif (x == size): #bottom line
data += '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/bottomline%s.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
else: # hoshi or empty inner field
defaultfield = '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/centerline%s.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename,stone)
#too lazy to make special images for hoshi fields with stones:
if gobandict[(x,y)] == 1:
hoshifield = '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/centerline_white.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename)
elif gobandict[(x,y)] == 2:
hoshifield = '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/centerline_black.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename)
else: #empty hoshi
hoshifield = '<a href="/playgame/?coord=%s,%s&game=%s"><img src="/img/hoshi.png"\n></a>' % (sx,sy,gamename)
if size == 19: # 9 hoshis
if (x,y) in hoshis19x19:
data += hoshifield
data += defaultfield
elif size == 13:
if (x,y) in hoshis13x13:
data += hoshifield
data += defaultfield
elif size == 9:
if (x,y) in hoshis9x9:
data += hoshifield
data += defaultfield
data += '</div>'
data += helper.footer()
return data
index.exposed = True