2006-06-13 00:32:48 +00:00

143 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
import filmListXML
class MyFilms:
Container for filmdata.
This is 'des Pudels Kern' - the core object, around which the hole
code is designed :>
It also handles to/from xml conversion
xmlfile = ""
filmlist = ""
def __init__(self):
### hier landen alle daten in leicht bearbeitbarer form
# key 0 dient als platzhalter und zum abchecken der richtigen reihenfolge
self.filmlist = {0:["title","language","codec","cd","comments"]}
def setXMLFile(self, xmlfile):
Set file from which to read or write to.
@param String xmlfile : Name for file that is used for xml reading/writing
self.xmlfile = xmlfile
def fillfromXML(self):
Fill dictionary 'filmlist' using an external method.
filmtool = filmListXML.FilmListXML()
# damit wird self.filmlist gefuellt (da self uebergeben wurde)
filmtool.readInXML(self, self.xmlfile, printer=0)
def saveXMLfromJoerchs(self, htmlfile, debug=0):
Read Joerchs -> convert to xml -> save xml -> read xml into 'filmlist'
After all, 'filmlist' is hopefully filled with the films from
Joerchs html file.
'hopefully' because if an error occurs, you are really out of luck.
(es ging irgendwo irgendwas irgendwie schief ;)
In most cases you have to edit the html file yourself.
Fortunately you the get the content read so far. If there
seems anything corrupt delete/change the correspondig part in the
html file and try again. This sucks but it's not worth more
effort ;)
TODO: write more general code, that reads other html files as well
@return String :
self.filmlist = {0:["title","language","codec","cd","comments"]}
filmtool = filmListXML.FilmListXML()
debugout = filmtool.convertJoerchs2XML(self, htmlfile, debug)
#gegen korrupte htmls hilft folgender output
if debug>0:
temp = debugout
debugout = "\thtmlfilmlist:"
for i in temp:
debugout += "\n"+str(i)
#check it out
#uebergibt wieder 'self', was gut gefuellt zurueck kommen sollte
filmtool.readInXML(self, self.xmlfile, printer=0)
return str(debugout)
def saveToXMLFile(self):
Give self to external method which saves 'filmlist' in a xml
filmsafe = filmListXML.FilmListXML()
filmsafe.myFilmsToXMLFile(self, self.xmlfile)
def getFilm(self, id):
Return one film of 'filmlist'.
@param Int id : Number for the requested film
@return List/String : List of one film's data / errormessage
if self.filmlist.has_key(id):
return self.filmlist[id]
return "no film found with id: %s" % id
def addFilm(self, data):
Add a new film to 'filmlist'
@param List data : Data of one film
filmadd = filmListXML.FilmListXML()
# naechst groesste id finden
id = max(self.filmlist.keys())+1
self.filmlist[id] = data
def changeFilm(self, id):
Overwrite the film responding to the given id
(Is now obsolete: was used for module tests..)
@param Int id : Number for the requested Film
if self.filmlist.has_key(id):
filmadd = filmListXML.FilmListXML()
title = raw_input("name eingeben: ")
lang = raw_input("sprache eingeben: ")
codec = raw_input("codec eingeben: ")
cd = raw_input("cds eingeben: ")
comment = raw_input("comment eingeben: ")
self.filmlist[id] = [title,lang,codec,cd,comment]
print "no film found with id: %s" % id
if __name__ == "__main__":
###local testing
xmlfile = "myFilms.xml"
mf = MyFilms(xmlfile)
#foo = mf.getFilm(666)
#print "%s" % foo
list = ["foo","asd","123","bar","bla"]