2005-01-26 01:26:27 +00:00

187 lines
10 KiB

# language-specific definitions for ezmlm-web
# in english
# The meanings of the various ezmlm-make command line switches. The default
# ones match the ezmlm-idx 0.4 default ezmlmrc ... Alter them to suit your
# own ezmlmrc. Removing options from this list makes them unavailable
# through ezmlm-web - this could be useful for things like -w
# option => ['Short Name',
# 'Long Help Description'],
a => ['Archived',
'Ezmlm will archive new messages'],
b => ['Block archive',
'Only moderators are allowed to access the archive'],
# c => config. This is implicity called, so is not defined here
d => ['Digest',
'Set up a digest list to disseminate digest of the list messages'],
# e => edit. Also implicity called, so not defined here
f => ['Prefix',
'Outgoing subject will be prefixed with the list name'],
g => ['Guard Archive',
'Archive access requests from unrecognized SENDERs will be rejected'],
h => ['Help subscription',
'Subscriptions do not require confirmation'],
i => ['Indexed',
'Indexed for WWW archive access'],
j => ['Jump off',
'Unsubscribe does not require confirmation'],
k => ['Kill',
'Posts from addresses in dir/deny/ are rejected'],
l => ['Subscriber List',
'Remote administrators can request a subscriber list'],
m => ['Message Moderation',
'All incoming messages are moderated'],
n => ['Text Editing',
'Allow remote administrators to edit files in dir/text/'],
o => ['Others rejected',
'Posts from addresses other than moderators are rejected'],
p => ['Public',
'List will respond to administrative requests and archive retrieval'],
q => ['Service Request Address',
'Process commands sent in the subject to local-request@host'],
r => ['Remote Admin',
'Enable remote adminstration of the list'],
s => ['Subscription Moderation',
'Subscriptions to the main list and digest will be moderated'],
t => ['Trailer',
'Add a trailer to outgoing messages'],
u => ['User Posts Only',
'Posts from unrecognized SENDER addresses will be rejected'],
# v => version. I doubt you will really need this ;-)
w => ['Remove Warn',
'Remove the ezmlm-warn(1) invocations from the list setup. It is assumed that ezmlm-warn(1) is run by other means'],
x => ['Extra',
'Strip certain mimetypes, etc'],
# y => not used
# z => not used
# These all take an extra argument, which is the default value to use
0 => ['Sublist',
'Make the list a sublist of list mainlist@host',
# 1 => not used
# 2 => not used
3 => ['From Address',
'Replace the "From:" header of the message with "From: fromarg"',
4 => ['Digest Options',
'Switches for ezmlm-tstdig(1)',
'-t24 -m30 -k64'],
5 => ['List Owner',
'The email address of the list owner',
6 => ['SQL Database',
'SQL database connect information. Requires SQL support',
7 => ['Message Moderation Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
8 => ['Subscription Moderation Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
9 => ['Remote Admin Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
# This list defines most of the context sensitive help in ezmlm-web. What
# isn't defined here is the options, which are defined above ... You can
# alter these if you feel something else would make more sense to your users
# Just be careful of what can fit on a screen!
# These should be self explainitory
addaddress => 'You may enter any RFC822 compliant email address here, including the comment part. For example; J Random User <>',
addaddressfile => 'or you may enter the filename of a plain text file containing multiple RFC822 email addresses, one per line',
moderator => 'Moderators: people who control who may subscribe or post to a list',
deny => 'Deny: A list of addresses that are _never_ allowed to mail the list',
allow => 'Allow: A list of address that are allowed to mail the list even if the configuration otherwise restricts it',
digest => 'Digest: People who will recieve a digest of all messages on the list',
webarch => 'View the web based archive of this list',
config => 'This lets you alter the way the list is set up',
listname => 'This is the name of the list as displayed on the Select Lists screen. It is also the name of the subdirectory that contains the list',
listadd => 'This is the email address of the list. Note that the defaults come from your qmail config. You should just update the local part (before the @)',
webusers => 'NB! At this stage, any users specified here must exist. User creation may be added in future versions',
prefix => 'Text to add to the subject line of all outgoing messages',
headerremove => 'This is a list of headers to remove from all outgoing mail',
headeradd => 'This is a list of headers to add to all outging mail',
mimeremove => 'All messages whose Content-Type matches these mime types will be bounced back to sender',
allowedit => 'Comma separated list of usernames, or <CODE>ALL</CODE> (all valid users)',
mysqlcreate => 'This will create the necessary MySQL tables if the list configuration above requires it'
# This defines the captions of each of the buttons in ezmlm-web, and allows
# you to configure them for your own language or taste. Since these are used
# by the switching algorithm it is important that every button has a unique
# caption - ie we can't have two 'Edit' buttons doing different things.
# These MUST all be unique!
create => 'Create',
createlist => 'Create List',
edit => 'Edit',
delete => 'Delete',
deleteaddress => 'Delete Address',
addaddress => 'Add Address',
moderators => 'Moderators',
denylist => 'Deny List',
allowlist => 'Allow List',
digestsubscribers => 'Digest Subscribers',
configuration => 'Configuration',
yes => 'Yes',
no => 'No',
updateconfiguration => 'Update Configuration',
edittexts => 'Edit Texts',
editfile => 'Edit File',
savefile => 'Save File',
webarchive => 'Web Archive',
selectlist => 'Select List',
subscribers => 'Subscribers',
cancel => 'Cancel',
resetform => 'Reset Form',
# This defines the fixed text strings that are used in ezmlm-web. By editing
# these along with the button labels and help texts, you can convert ezmlm-web
# to another language :-) If anyone gets arround to doing complete templates
# for other languages I would appreciate a copy so that I can include it in
# future releases of ezmlm-web.
nop => 'Action not yet implemented',
chooselistinfo => "<UL><LI>Choose a mailing list from the selection box or click on [$BUTTON{'create'}].<LI>Click on the [$BUTTON{'edit'}] button if you want to edit the selected list.<LI>Click on the [$BUTTON{'delete'}] button if you want to delete the selected list.</UL>",
confirmdelete => 'Confirm deletion of', # list name
subscribersto => 'Subscribers to', # list name
subscribers => 'subscribers',
additionalparts => 'Additional list parts',
posting => 'Posting',
subscription => 'Subscription',
remoteadmin => 'Remote Admin',
for => 'for', # as in; moderators for blahlist
createnew => 'Create a New List',
listname => 'List Name',
listaddress => 'List Address',
listoptions => 'List Options',
allowedtoedit => 'Users allowed to edit this list',
editconfiguration => 'Edit the List Configuration',
prefix => 'Subject prefex for outgoing messages',
headerremove => 'Headers to strip from all outgoing mail',
headeradd => 'Headers to add to all outgoing mail',
mimeremove => 'Mime types to strip from all outgoing mail',
edittextinfo => "The box on the left contains a list of files available in the<BR>DIR/text directory. These files are sent out in response to specfic user request, or as part of all outgoing messages<P>To edit a file, select its name from the box. Then click on the [$BUTTON{'editfile'}] button.<P>Press [$BUTTON{'cancel'}] when you have finished editing.",
editingfile => 'Editing File',
editfileinfo => '<BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-manage</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG>&lt;#l#&gt;</STRONG></TT> The list name<BR><TT><STRONG>&lt;#A#&gt;</STRONG></TT> The subscription address<BR><TT><STRONG>&lt;#R#&gt;</STRONG></TT> The address a subscriber must reply to<P><BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-store</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG>&lt;#l#&gt;</STRONG></TT> The list name<BR><TT><STRONG>&lt;#A#&gt;</STRONG></TT> The acceptance address<BR><TT><STRONG>&lt;#R#&gt;</STRONG></TT> The rejection address</UL>',
mysqlcreate => 'Create the MySQL database tables if necessary',
# === Configuration file ends ===