
89 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import gnuPlotData
class PyGnuplotAssistant:
'this class handles the gui for PGAss'
import os
import myGnuPlot
import time
#-- import threading
#-- t = threading.Thread(target = myGnuPlot.myGnuPlot)
#xyz = os.popen("gnuplot","w")
# debug >=1 will print messages on console
x = myGnuPlot.MyGnuPlot(debug=1)
pd = gnuPlotData.PlotData()
def __init__(self, gtkext):
# gtk is given, it has to be known in the whole class
self.gtk = gtkext
# define which gladefile to use for frontend
gladefile = ""
self.pga =
# set button handlers
actions = { "on_bu_ok_clicked": self.clicked_ok,
"on_bu_ok_enter": self.enter_ok,
"on_bu_test_clicked": self.clicked_test,
"on_bu_test_enter": self.enter_test,
"on_bu_cancel_enter": self.enter_cancel,
"on_bu_cancel_leave": self.leave_cancel,
"on_bu_cancel_clicked": (self.gtk.mainquit) }
# connect the actions to the events
self.pga.signal_autoconnect (actions)
def __del__(self):
# this is unnecesseray
#### implementation of actions
def enter_cancel(self, widget):
self.pga.get_widget("tf_status").set_text("noooo, don't do it")
def leave_cancel(self, widget):
self.pga.get_widget("tf_status").set_text("do never ever try this again")
def enter_ok(self, widget):
self.pga.get_widget("tf_status").set_text("save settings to file")
def enter_test(self, widget):
self.pga.get_widget("tf_status").set_text("start gnuplot with saved properties")
def clicked_test(self, widget):
self.pga.get_widget("tf_status").set_text("check if gnuplot is installed")
filename = self.pga.get_widget("tf_filename").get_text()
'''"load '"+ filename +"'"+ '\n')
self.pga.get_widget("tf_status").set_text("check if gnuplot is installed")
a =
print "gnuplot ausgabe: %s" %a
self.pga.get_widget("tf_status").set_text("you should see a popup window")
def clicked_ok(self, widget):
#read the fields and save them
## important values
self.pga.get_widget("tf_status").set_text("saved to file")
title = self.pga.get_widget("tf_title").get_text()
datastyle = self.pga.get_widget("cb_datastyle").get_text()
seconds = self.pga.get_widget("sb_seconds").get_text()
filename = self.pga.get_widget("tf_filename").get_text()
readdata = self.pga.get_widget("tf_readdata").get_text()
labelx = self.pga.get_widget("tf_labelx").get_text()
labely = self.pga.get_widget("tf_labely").get_text()
## checkbox values
reread = self.pga.get_widget("cb_reread").get_active()
autoscale = self.pga.get_widget("cb_autoscale").get_active()
grid = self.pga.get_widget("cb_grid").get_active()
key = self.pga.get_widget("cb_key").get_active()
logx = self.pga.get_widget("cb_logx").get_active()
logy = self.pga.get_widget("cb_logy").get_active()
# pass them to PlotData !order is important!
self.pd.set_important_values(title, datastyle, seconds, filename, readdata, labelx, labely)
self.pd.set_checkbox_values(reread, autoscale, grid, key, logx, logy)
writeresult = self.pd.write_tofile()