2008-08-23 13:11:19 +00:00

388 lines
13 KiB

* $Id: helpers.js 366 2007-11-24 02:27:32Z wingedfox $
* $HeadURL: $
* File contains differrent helper functions
* @author Ilya Lebedev <>
* @license LGPL
* @version $Rev: 366 $
// Variable/property checks
* Checks if property is undefined
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isUndefined (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return (typeof prop == 'undefined');
* Checks if property is function
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isFunction (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return (typeof prop == 'function');
* Checks if property is string
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isString (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return (typeof prop == 'string');
* Checks if property is number
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isNumber (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return (typeof prop == 'number');
* Checks if property is the calculable number
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isNumeric (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return (isNumber(prop)||isString(prop))&&!isNaN(parseInt(prop))&&isFinite(parseInt(prop));
* Checks if property is array
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isArray (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return (prop instanceof Array);
* Checks if property is regexp
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isRegExp (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return (prop instanceof RegExp);
* Checks if property is a boolean value
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isBoolean (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return ('boolean' == typeof prop);
* Checks if property is a scalar value (value that could be used as the hash key)
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isScalar (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
return isNumeric(prop)||isString(prop)||isBoolean(prop);
* Checks if property is empty
* @param {Object} prop value to check
* @return {Boolean} true if matched
* @scope public
function isEmpty (prop /* :Object */) /* :Boolean */ {
if (isBoolean(prop)) return false;
if (isRegExp(prop) && new RegExp("").toString() == prop.toString()) return true;
if (isString(prop) || isNumber(prop)) return !prop;
if (Boolean(prop)&&false != prop) {
for (var i in prop) if(prop.hasOwnProperty(i)) return false
return true;
// File paths functions
* used to glue path's
* @param {String} number of strings
* @return {String} glued path
* @scope public
function gluePath () /* :String */ {
var aL=arguments.length, i=aL-2, s = arguments[aL-1];
s = ((!isString(arguments[i])&&!isNumber(arguments[i]))||isEmpty(arguments[i])
return s?s.replace(/\/*\x00+\/*/g,"/"):"";
* return full path to the script
* @param {String} sname script name
* @return {String, Null} mixed string full path or null
* @scope public
function findPath (sname /* :String */) /* :String */{
var h =document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML
,sr=new RegExp('<scr'+'ipt[^>]+?src\s*=\s*["\']?([^>]+?/)'+sname+'[^>]*>.?</scr'+'ipt>','i')
,m =h.match(sr);
if (m) {
* we've matched the full path
if (m[1].match(/^((https?|file)\:\/{2,}|\w:[\\])/)) return m[1];
* we've matched absolute path from the site root
if (m[1].indexOf("/")==0) return m[1];
b = document.getElementsByTagName('base');
if (b[0] && b[0].href) return b[0].href+m[1];
* return matching part of the document location and path to js file
return (document.location.href.match(/(.*[\/\\])/)[0]+m[1]).replace(/^\/+/,"");
return null;
* return parsed query string for the specified script name
* @param {String} sname script name
* @return {String, Null} mixed string full path or null
* @scope public
function getScriptQuery (sname) {
var h =document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML
,sr=new RegExp('<scr'+'ipt[^>]+?src\s*[^>]+?/'+sname+'([^#"\']*).+?</scr'+'ipt>','i')
,m = h.match(sr);
if (m) return parseQuery(m[1].replace(/^[^?]*\?([^#]+)/,"$1"));
return {};
* Function parses supplied query string and returns the hash with the values
* Multiple values are stored in the array
* @param {String} q query string
* @return {Object}
* @scope public
function parseQuery (q) {
if ('string'!=typeof q || q.length<2) return {};
q = q.split(/&amp;|&/g);
for (var z=0,qL=q.length,rs={},kv,rkv;z<qL;z++) {
* convert PHP and Perl-styled hashes to JS has keys
rkv = rs[kv[0]];
* replace all + with spaces, unescape skips this part
kv[1]=unescape(kv[1]?kv[1].replace("+"," "):"");
if (rkv)
if ('array'==typeof(rkv))rs[kv[0]][rs[kv[0]].length]=kv[1];
else rs[kv[0]]=[rs[kv[0]],kv[1]];
else rs[kv[0]]=kv[1];
return rs
// Misc helpers
* Method is used to convert table into the array
* @param {String, HTMLTableElement, HTMLTBodyElement, HTMLTHeadElement, HTMLTFootElement} id
* @param {Number} ci column indexes to put in the array
* @param {String} section optional section type
* @param {Object} subsection optional subsection index
* @return {NULL, Array}
* @scope public
function table2array (id, ci, section, subsection) {
if (isString(id)) id = document.getElementById(id);
if (!id || !DOM.hasTagName(id, ['table','tbody,','thead','tfoot'])) return null;
if (!isEmpty(section) && (!isString(section) || !(id = id.getElementsByTagName(section)))) return null;
if (!isEmpty(subsection) && (!isNumber(subsection) || subsection<0 || !(id = id[subsection]))) return null;
if (isUndefined(id.rows)) return null;
var res = []
,span = document.createElement('span')
,ts = null
,ce = null
for (var i=0, rL=id.rows.length; i<rL; i++) {
var tr = [];
if (isArray(ci)) {
for (var z=0, cL=ci.length; z<cL; z++) {
ce = id.rows[i].cells[ci[z]];
if (ce) {
span.innerHTML = ce.innerText?ce.innerText:ce.innerHTML.replace(/<script\s+(.|\r?\n)*?<\/script>|<[^>]*>/g,"");
tr[tr.length] = span.firstChild?span.firstChild.nodeValue.trim(" \xA0"):"";
} else {
tr[tr.length] = "";
} else {
for (var z=0, tL=id.rows[i].cells.length; z<tL; z++) {
cd = id.rows[i].cells[z];
span.innerHTML = ce.innerText?ce.innerText:ce.innerHTML.replace(/<script\s+(.|\r?\n)*?<\/script>|<[^>]*>/g,"");
tr[tr.length] = span.firstChild?span.firstChild.nodeValue.trim(" \xA0"):"";
if (!isEmpty(tr)) res[res.length] = tr;
return res;
* Creates element all-at-once
* @param {String} tag name
* @param {Object} p element properties { 'class' : 'className',
* 'style' : { 'property' : value, ... },
* 'event' : { 'eventType' : handler, ... },
* 'child' : [ child1, child2, ...],
* 'param' : { 'property' : value, ... },
* @return {HTMLElement} created element or null
* @scope public
document.createElementExt = function (tag /* :String */, p /* :Object */ ) /* :HTMLElement */{
var L, i, k, el = document.createElement(tag);
if (!el) return null;
for (i in p) {
if (!p.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
switch (i) {
case "class" : el.setAttribute('className',p[i]); el.setAttribute('class',p[i]); break;
case "style" : for (k in p[i]) { if (!p[i].hasOwnProperty(k)) continue;[k] = p[i][k]; } break;
case "event" : for (k in p[i]) { if (!p[i].hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; el.attachEvent(k,p[i][k]); } break;
case "child" : L = p[i].length; for (k = 0; k<L; k++) el.appendChild(p[i][k]); break;
case "param" : for (k in p[i]) { if (!p[i].hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; try { el[k] = p[i][k] } catch(e) {} } break;
return el;
* simple setInterval/setTimout wrappers
* @param {Function} f function to be launched
* @param {Number} i interval
* @param {Array} o optional function parameters to be applied
* @return {Number} interval id
* @scope public
function playInterval (f /* :Function */, i /* :Number */, o /* :Array */) /* :Number */ { return setInterval(function(){(o instanceof Array)?f.apply(this,o),o)},i) }
function playTimeout (f /* :Function */, i /* :Number */, o /* :Array */) /* :Number */ { return setTimeout(function(){(o instanceof Array)?f.apply(this,o),o)},i) }
* Clone object
* @param optional object to clone
* @return cloned object
* @access public
function cloneObject (obj) {
if (isScalar(obj) || isFunction(obj) || null == obj) return obj;
try { var newObject = new obj.constructor(); } catch(e) {return null;}
if (isArray(newObject)) {
for (var i=0,oL=obj.length;i<oL;i++) {
newObject[i] = cloneObject(obj[i]);
} else {
for (var i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
newObject[i] = cloneObject(obj[i]);
return newObject;
* Merges multiple objects to one
* @param {Object} obj1 original object
* @param {Object} obj2 update object
* @param {Object} objN update object
* @return {Object}
* @access public
function mergeObject () {
var res = {}
for (var z=0,aL=arguments.length;z<aL;z++) {
obj = arguments[z];
for (var i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
oi = obj[i];
if (null == oi) {
if (!res.hasOwnProperty(i)) res[i] = oi;
} else if (isArray(oi)) {
if (isArray(res[i]))
res[i] = res[i].concat(oi).unique();
res[i] = oi.slice(0);
} else if (isScalar(oi) || isFunction(oi)) {
res[i] = oi;
} else {
if (res.hasOwnProperty(i))
res[i] = mergeObject(res[i],oi)
res[i] = cloneObject(oi);
return res;
// Loaders
* Method to load stylesheets
* @param {String} sn path to stylesheet
* @return {HTMLLinkElement} reference to the corresponding link
function loadStyleSheet (sn) {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
,links = head.getElementsByTagName('link')
,ll = links.length
while (--ll>-1) {
cl = links[ll];
if (!cl.rel || cl.rel.toLowerCase() != 'stylesheet' || cl.src != sn) continue;
return cl;
var link = document.createElementExt('link',{'param': { 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'type': 'text/css', 'href': sn}})
return link;