ezmlm-web und web-splash ausgelagert
This commit is contained in:
65 changed files with 0 additions and 9902 deletions
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
This repository contains the development code of ezmlm-web
* trunk - the development area
* tags - released versions since 2.1
* website - the website for https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/ezmlm-web
* contrib-patches - incoming patches from users (including the ones, that were sent to Guy)
the website of ezmlm-web can be found at:
the original website of ezmlm-web's creator Guy Antony Halse is available at:
send questions and recommondations to ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Source of most patches:
all ezmlm-pm-patchs refer to Mail::Ezmlm -> ignored
1) ezmlm-web-andrew-pam-20030520.txt
- tooltip texts -> this is already fixed
- xhtml-tags in lowercase -> fixed in rev 26
2) ezmlm-web-andrew-pam-20040526.txt
- untaint mail-adresses -> better suited for Mail::Ezmlm -> ignored
3) ezmlm-web-gordon-rowell-20011024.txt
- delete only allowd, if user may create lists -> ignored
4) ezmlm-web-jose-celestino-20020208.txt
- support for newsletters -> ignored (for now)
- domain-based acl -> ignored
- filtered subscribers list for huge lists -> ignored (for now)
############ directory Policy #################
* done - patches that were incorporated
* ignored - patches, that were ignored
* open - these patches are not yet implemented/examined
@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
From xanni@kira.glasswings.com.au Tue May 20 16:09:12 2003
Return-Path: <xanni@kira.glasswings.com.au>
Delivered-To: guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za
Received: (qmail 98840 invoked from network); 20 May 2003 14:09:12 -0000
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for <guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za>; Wed, 21 May 2003 00:09:03 +1000
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for guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za; Wed, 21 May 2003 00:18:02 +1000
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 00:18:01 +1000
From: Andrew Pam <xanni@glasswings.com.au>
To: guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za
Subject: Bug fixes for ezmlm-web
Message-ID: <20030520141801.GM599@kira.glasswings.com.au>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i
Status: RO
Content-Length: 24092
I found the following problems when installing ezmlm-web v2.1:
* Many browsers do not provide any visible display of alt tags, so the
help icons are not usable without some JavaScript
* There were several HTML errors in the output of the script, such as
mismatched tags, misspelled attributes and missing quotes around attributes
* The CGI module now outputs XHTML, which requires that all tags be lowercase
Here is a patch which addresses all these issues:
--- ezmlm-web.cgi Tue Sep 26 06:58:08 2000
+++ /usr/local/bin/ezmlm-web.cgi Wed May 21 00:07:32 2003
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
# ezmlm-web.cgi - version 2.1 - 25/09/2000
+# 20/05/2003 Andrew Pam <xanni@sericyb.com.au>
+# Fixed HTML errors, changed all HTML to lowercase for XHTML
+# Added sub help_icon and sub help_option for non-tooltip browsers
# $Id: ezmlm-web.cgi,v 1.3 2000/09/25 19:58:07 guy Exp $
# Copyright (C) 1999/2000, Guy Antony Halse, All Rights Reserved.
@@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
} else {
- print "<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>$Q::action</H1><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>$LANGUAGE{'nop'}</H2><HR ALIGN=center WIDTH=25%>";
+ print "<h1 align=\"center\">$Q::action</h1><h2 align=\"center\">$LANGUAGE{'nop'}</h2><hr align=\"center\" width=\"25%\">";
# Print HTML footer and exit :) ...
@@ -280,15 +283,15 @@
print $q->startform;
print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'select');
- print '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="10"><TR><TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="2">';
+ print '<center><table border="0" cellpadding="10"><tr><td align="center" valign="top" rowspan="2">';
print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'list', -size=>$scrollsize, -values=>\@lists) if defined(@lists);
- print '</TD><TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">', $LANGUAGE{'chooselistinfo'};
+ print '</td><td align="left" valign="top">', $LANGUAGE{'chooselistinfo'};
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'create'}]"), ' ' if (!defined($opt_c));
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'edit'}]"), ' ' if(defined(@lists));
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'delete'}]") if(defined(@lists));
- print '</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>';
+ print '</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table></center>';
print $q->endform;
@@ -302,9 +305,9 @@
print $q->startform;
print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'confirm_delete');
print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$q->param('list'));
- print '<H2 ALIGN="center">', $LANGUAGE{'confirmdelete'}, ' ', $q->param('list'), '</H3><BR><CENTER>';
+ print '<h2 align="center">', $LANGUAGE{'confirmdelete'}, ' ', $q->param('list'), '</h2><br><center>';
print $q->submit(-name=>'confirm', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'no'}]"), ' ';
- print $q->submit(-name=>'confirm', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'yes'}]"), '</CENTER>';
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'confirm', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'yes'}]"), '</center>';
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -327,28 +330,28 @@
# Print out a form of options ...
- print "<H2 ALIGN=center>$LANGUAGE{'subscribersto'} $Q::list ($listaddress)</H2><HR ALIGN=center WIDTH=25%>";
+ print "<h2 align=\"center\">$LANGUAGE{'subscribersto'} $Q::list ($listaddress)</h2><hr align=\"center\" width=\"25%\">";
print $q->start_multipart_form;
- print '<CENTER><TABLE ALIGN="center" CELLPADDING="10"><TR><TD ROWSPAN="2" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center">';
+ print '<center><table align="center" cellpadding="10"><tr><td rowspan="2" valign="top" align="center">';
print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'edit');
print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$Q::list);
print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'delsubscriber', -size=>$scrollsize, -values=>\@subscribers, -labels=>&pretty_names, -multiple=>'true') if defined(@subscribers);
- print '</TD><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">';
- print ' ', ($#subscribers + 1), ' ', $LANGUAGE{'subscribers'}, '<BR>' if defined(@subscribers);
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'deleteaddress'}]"), '<P>' if defined(@subscribers);
- print $q->textfield(-name=>'addsubscriber', -size=>'40'), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'addaddress'}, '"><BR>';
- print $q->filefield(-name=>'addfile', -size=>20, -maxlength=>100), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'addaddressfile'}, '"><br>' if ($FILE_UPLOAD);
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'addaddress'}]"), '<P>';
- print '<STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'additionalparts'}, ':</STRONG><BR>' if($list->ismodpost || $list->ismodsub || $list->isremote || $list->isdeny || $list->isallow || $list->isdigest);
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'moderators'}]"), '<IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'moderator'}, '"> ' if ($list->ismodpost || $list->ismodsub || $list->isremote);
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'denylist'}]"), '<IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'deny'}, '"> ' if ($list->isdeny);
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'allowlist'}]"), '<IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'allow'}, '"> ' if ($list->isallow);
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'digestsubscribers'}]"), '<IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'digest'}, '"> ' if ($list->isdigest);
- print '<P>';
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'webarchive'}]"), '<IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'webarch'}, '"> ' if(&ezmlmcgirc);
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'configuration'}]"), '<IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'config'}, '"> ';
+ print '</td><td valign="top" align="left">';
+ print ' ', ($#subscribers + 1), ' ', $LANGUAGE{'subscribers'}, '<br>' if defined(@subscribers);
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'deleteaddress'}]"), '<p>' if defined(@subscribers);
+ print $q->textfield(-name=>'addsubscriber', -size=>'40'), help_icon('addaddress'), '<br>';
+ print $q->filefield(-name=>'addfile', -size=>20, -maxlength=>100), help_icon('addaddressfile'), '<br>' if ($FILE_UPLOAD);
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'addaddress'}]"), '<p>';
+ print '<strong>', $LANGUAGE{'additionalparts'}, ':</strong><br>' if($list->ismodpost || $list->ismodsub || $list->isremote || $list->isdeny || $list->isallow || $list->isdigest);
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'moderators'}]"), help_icon('moderator'), ' ' if ($list->ismodpost || $list->ismodsub || $list->isremote);
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'denylist'}]"), help_icon('deny'), ' ' if ($list->isdeny);
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'allowlist'}]"), help_icon('allow'), ' ' if ($list->isallow);
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'digestsubscribers'}]"), help_icon('digest'), ' ' if ($list->isdigest);
+ print '<p>';
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'webarchive'}]"), help_icon('webarch'), ' ' if(&ezmlmcgirc);
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'configuration'}]"), help_icon('config'), ' ';
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'selectlist'}]");
- print '</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>';
+ print '</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table></center>';
print $q->endform;
@@ -534,15 +537,15 @@
my($subpath) = $config =~ m{8\s*'([^']+)'};
my($remotepath) = $config =~ m{9\s*'([^']+)'};
- $moderated = '<BLINK><FONT COLOR=#ff0000>' if ($postpath);
+ $moderated = '<blink><font color="#ff0000">' if ($postpath);
$moderated .= "[$LANGUAGE{'posting'}]" if ($list->ismodpost);
- $moderated .= '</FONT><IMG SRC="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" ALT="Posting Moderators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $postpath . '). You will have to edit them manually."></BLINK>' if ($postpath);
- $moderated .= '<BLINK><FONT COLOR=#ff0000>' if ($subpath);
+ $moderated .= '</font><img src="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" alt="Posting Moderators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $postpath . '). You will have to edit them manually."></blink>' if ($postpath);
+ $moderated .= '<blink><font color="#ff0000">' if ($subpath);
$moderated .= " [$LANGUAGE{'subscription'}]" if($list->ismodsub);
- $moderated .= '</FONT><IMG SRC="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" ALT="Subscriber Moderators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $subpath . '). You will have to edit them manually"></BLINK>' if ($subpath);
- $moderated .= '<BLINK><FONT COLOR=#ff0000>' if ($remotepath);
+ $moderated .= '</font><img src="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" alt="Subscriber Moderators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $subpath . '). You will have to edit them manually"></blink>' if ($subpath);
+ $moderated .= '<blink><font color="#ff0000">' if ($remotepath);
$moderated .= " [$LANGUAGE{'remoteadmin'}]" if($list->isremote);
- $moderated .= '</FONT><IMG SRC="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" ALT="Remote Administrators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $remotepath . '). You will have to edit them manually"></BLINK>' if ($remotepath);
+ $moderated .= '</font><img src="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" alt="Remote Administrators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $remotepath . '). You will have to edit them manually"></blink>' if ($remotepath);
@@ -557,20 +560,20 @@
# Print out a form of options ...
- print "<H2 ALIGN=center>$type $LANGUAGE{'for'} $listaddress</H2><HR ALIGN=center WIDTH=25%>";
- print "<CENTER>$moderated</CENTER><P>" if(defined($moderated));
+ print "<h2 align=\"center\">$type $LANGUAGE{'for'} $listaddress</h2><hr align=\"center\" width=\"25%\">";
+ print "<center>$moderated</center><p>" if(defined($moderated));
print $q->start_multipart_form;
- print '<CENTER><TABLE ALIGN="center" CELLPADDING="10"><TR><TD ROWSPAN="2" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center">';
+ print '<center><table align="center" cellpadding="10"><tr><td rowspan="2" valign="top" align="center">';
print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>$part);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$Q::list), "\n";
print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'delsubscriber', -size=>$scrollsize, -values=>\@subscribers, -multiple=>'true', -labels=>&pretty_names) if defined(@subscribers);
- print '</TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">';
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'deleteaddress'}]"), '<P>' if defined(@subscribers);
- print $q->textfield(-name=>'addsubscriber', -size=>'40'), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'addaddress'}, '"><BR>';
- print $q->filefield(-name=>'addfile', -size=>20, -maxlength=>100), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'addaddressfile'}, '"><br>' if ($FILE_UPLOAD);
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'addaddress'}]"), '<P>';
+ print '</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="left">';
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'deleteaddress'}]"), '<p>' if defined(@subscribers);
+ print $q->textfield(-name=>'addsubscriber', -size=>'40'), help_icon('addaddreess'), '<br>';
+ print $q->filefield(-name=>'addfile', -size=>20, -maxlength=>100), help_icon('addaddressfile'), '<br>' if ($FILE_UPLOAD);
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'addaddress'}]"), '<p>';
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'subscribers'}]");
- print '</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>';
+ print '</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table></center>';
print $q->endform;
@@ -598,27 +601,26 @@
# Print a form of options ...
- print '<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>', $LANGUAGE{'createnew'}, '</H2><HR ALIGN=center WIDTH=25%>';
+ print '<h2 align="center">', $LANGUAGE{'createnew'}, '</h2><hr align="center" width="25%">';
print $q->startform;
print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -value=>'create');
- print '<BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'listname'}, ': </STRONG></BIG>', $q->textfield(-name=>'list', -size=>'20'), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'listname'}, '"><P>';
- print '<BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'listaddress'}, ': </STRONG></BIG>';
+ print '<big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listname'}, ': </strong></big>', $q->textfield(-name=>'list', -size=>'20'), help_icon('listname'), '<p>';
+ print '<big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listaddress'}, ': </strong></big>';
print $q->textfield(-name=>'inlocal', -default=>$username, -size=>'10');
- print ' <BIG><STRONG>@</STRONG></BIG> ', $q->textfield(-name=>'inhost', -default=>$hostname, -size=>'30'), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'listadd'}, '"><P>';
+ print ' <big><strong>@</strong></big> ', $q->textfield(-name=>'inhost', -default=>$hostname, -size=>'30'), help_icon('listadd'), '<p>';
- print '<P><BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'listoptions'}, ':</STRONG></BIG>';
+ print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listoptions'}, ':</strong></big>';
# Allow creation of mysql table if the module allows it
if($Mail::Ezmlm::MYSQL_BASE) {
- print '<P> ', $q->checkbox(-name=>'sql', -label=>$LANGUAGE{'mysqlcreate'}, -on=>1);
- print ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'mysqlcreate'}, '">';
+ print '<p> ', $q->checkbox(-name=>'sql', -label=>$LANGUAGE{'mysqlcreate'}, -on=>1), help_icon('mysqlcreate');
- print '<P><BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'allowedtoedit'}, ': </STRONG></BIG>',
- $q->textfield(-name=>'webusers', -value=>$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}||'ALL', -size=>'30'), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'webusers'}, '">',
- '<BR><FONT SIZE="-1">', $HELPER{'allowedit'}, '</FONT>'
+ print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'allowedtoedit'}, ': </strong></big>',
+ $q->textfield(-name=>'webusers', -value=>$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}||'ALL', -size=>'30'), help_icon('webusers'),
+ '<br><font size="-1">', $HELPER{'allowedit'}, '</font>'
if(-e "$LIST_DIR/webusers");
print '<P>', $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'createlist'}]"), ' ';
@@ -647,7 +649,7 @@
# Sanity Checks ...
return 1 if ($listname eq '' || $qmail eq '');
if(-e ("$LIST_DIR/$listname/lock") || -e ("$HOME_DIR/.qmail-$qmail")) {
- print "<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>List '$listname' already exists :(</H1>";
+ print "<h1 align=\"center\">List '$listname' already exists :(</h1>";
return 1;
@@ -710,13 +712,13 @@
# Print a form of options ...
- print '<H2 ALIGN="center">', $LANGUAGE{'editconfiguration'}, '</H2><HR ALIGN=center WIDTH=25%>';
+ print '<h2 align="center">', $LANGUAGE{'editconfiguration'}, '</h2><hr align="center" width="25%">';
print $q->startform;
print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -value=>'configuration');
print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -value=>$listname);
- print '<BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'listname'}, ": <EM>$listname</EM><BR>";
- print "$LANGUAGE{'listaddress'}: <EM>$listaddress</EM></STRONG></BIG><P>";
- print '<BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'listoptions'}, ':</BIG></STRONG><BR>';
+ print '<big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listname'}, ": <em>$listname</em><br>";
+ print "$LANGUAGE{'listaddress'}: <em>$listaddress</em></strong></big><p>";
+ print '<big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listoptions'}, ':</big></strong><br>';
# Print a list of options, selecting the ones that apply to this list ...
@@ -727,10 +729,10 @@
$mimeremove = $list->getpart('mimeremove');
$prefix = $list->getpart('prefix');
- print '<P><BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'prefix'}, ': </STRONG></BIG>', $q->textfield(-name=>'prefix', -default=>$prefix, -size=>12), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'prefix'}, '">' if defined($prefix);
- print '<P><BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'headerremove'}, ':</BIG></STRONG> <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'headerremove'}, '"><BR>', $q->textarea(-name=>'headerremove', -default=>$headerremove, -rows=>5, -columns=>70);
- print '<P><BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'headeradd'}, ':</BIG></STRONG> <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'headeradd'}, '"><BR>', $q->textarea(-name=>'headeradd', -default=>$headeradd, -rows=>5, -columns=>70);
- print '<P><BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'mimeremove'}, ':</BIG></STRONG> <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'mimeremove'}, '"><BR>', $q->textarea(-name=>'mimeremove', -default=>$mimeremove, -rows=>5, -columns=>70) if defined($mimeremove);
+ print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'prefix'}, ': </strong></big>', $q->textfield(-name=>'prefix', -default=>$prefix, -size=>12), help_icon('prefix') if defined($prefix);
+ print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'headerremove'}, ':</big></strong> ', help_icon('headerremove'), '<br>', $q->textarea(-name=>'headerremove', -default=>$headerremove, -rows=>5, -columns=>70);
+ print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'headeradd'}, ':</big></strong> ', help_icon('headeradd'), '<br>', $q->textarea(-name=>'headeradd', -default=>$headeradd, -rows=>5, -columns=>70);
+ print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'mimeremove'}, ':</big></strong> ', help_icon('mimeremove'), '<br>', $q->textarea(-name=>'mimeremove', -default=>$mimeremove, -rows=>5, -columns=>70) if defined($mimeremove);
if(open(WEBUSER, "<$LIST_DIR/webusers")) {
@@ -740,13 +742,13 @@
close WEBUSER;
$webusers ||= $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} || 'ALL';
- print '<P><BIG><STRONG>', $LANGUAGE{'allowedtoedit'}, ': </STRONG></BIG>',
- $q->textfield(-name=>'webusers', -value=>$webusers, -size=>'30'), ' <IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" ALT="', $HELPER{'webusers'}, '">',
- '<BR><FONT SIZE="-1">', $HELPER{'allowedit'}, '</FONT>';
+ print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'allowedtoedit'}, ': </strong></big>',
+ $q->textfield(-name=>'webusers', -value=>$webusers, -size=>'30'), help_icon('webusers'),
+ '<br><font size="-1">', $HELPER{'allowedit'}, '</font>';
- print '<P>', $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'updateconfiguration'}]"), ' ';
+ print '<p>', $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'updateconfiguration'}]"), ' ';
print $q->reset(-value=>"[$BUTTON{'resetform'}]"), ' ';
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'cancel'}]"), ' ';
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'edittexts'}]");
@@ -841,12 +843,12 @@
print $q->startform;
print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'list_text');
print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$q->param('list'));
- print '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="10" ALIGN="center"><TR><TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="2">';
+ print '<center><table border="0" cellpadding="10" align="center"><tr><td align="center" valign="top" rowspan="2">';
print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'file', -values=>\@files);
- print '</TD><TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top">';
+ print '</td><td align="center" valign="top">';
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'editfile'}]"), ' ';
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'cancel'}]");
- print '<P>', $LANGUAGE{'edittextinfo'}, '</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>';
+ print '<p>', $LANGUAGE{'edittextinfo'}, '</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table></center>';
print $q->endform;
@@ -862,20 +864,20 @@
# Print a form ...
- print '<H2 ALIGN="CENTER">', $LANGUAGE{'editingfile'}, ': ', $Q::file, '</H2>';
- print '<CENTER><TABLE ALIGN="center" CELLPADDING="5"><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="2">';
+ print '<h2 align="center">', $LANGUAGE{'editingfile'}, ': ', $Q::file, '</h2>';
+ print '<center><table align="center" cellpadding="5"><tr><td valign="top" rowspan="2">';
print $q->startform;
print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'edit_text');
print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$q->param('list'));
print $q->hidden(-name=>'file', -default=>$q->param('file'));
print $q->textarea(-name=>'content', -default=>$content, -rows=>'25', -columns=>'72');
- print '</TD><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">';
+ print '</td><td valign="top" align="left">';
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'savefile'}]"), ' ';
print $q->reset(-value=>"[$BUTTON{'resetform'}]"), ' ';
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'cancel'}]");
- print '<P>', $LANGUAGE{'editfileinfo'};
+ print '<p>', $LANGUAGE{'editfileinfo'};
print $q->endform;
- print '</TD></TR><TR><TD> <TD></TR></TABLE><CENTER>'
+ print '</td></tr><tr><td> <td></tr></table><center>'
@@ -915,37 +917,35 @@
my($i, $j);
print "<!-- $opts -->";
- print '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="3"><TR><TD>';
+ print '<table border="0" cellpadding="3"><tr><td>';
foreach $i (grep {/\D/} keys %EZMLM_LABELS) {
if ($opts =~ /^\w*$i\w*\s*/) {
print $q->checkbox(-name=>$i, -value=>$i, -label=>$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[0], -on=>'1');
} else {
print $q->checkbox(-name=>$i, -value=>$i, -label=>$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[0]);
- print '<IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" BORDER="0" ALT="', $EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[1] , '">';
- print '</TD>'; $j++;
+ print help_option($i), '</td>'; $j++;
if ($j >= 3) {
- $j = 0; print '</TR><TR>';
+ $j = 0; print '</tr><tr>';
- print '<TD>';
+ print '<td>';
- print '</TD></TR></TABLE>';
+ print '</td></tr></table>';
- print '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELPADDING="3">';
+ print '<table border="0" cellpadding="3">';
foreach $i (grep {/\d/} keys %EZMLM_LABELS) {
- print '<TR><TD>';
+ print '<tr><td>';
if ($opts =~ /$i (?:'(.+?)')/) {
print $q->checkbox(-name=>$i, -value=>$i, -label=>$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[0], -on=>'1');
} else {
print $q->checkbox(-name=>$i, -value=>$i, -label=>$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[0]);
- print '<IMG SRC="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" BORDER="0" ALT="', $EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[1] , '">';
- print '</TD><TD>';
+ print help_option($i), '</td><td>';
print $q->textfield(-name=>"$i-value", -value=>$1||$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[2], -size=>30);
- print '</TD></TR>';
+ print '</td></tr>';
- print '</TABLE>';
+ print '</table>';
@@ -976,6 +976,7 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub rmtree {
# A subroutine to recursively delete a directory (like rm -f).
# Based on the one in the perl cookbook :)
@@ -995,6 +996,28 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub help_icon($) {
+ # Generate HTML for help icons
+ # Written 20 May 2003 by Andrew Pam <xanni@sericyb.com.au>
+ my $msg = $HELPER{$_[0]};
+ return '<img src="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" alt="' . $msg .
+ '" onClick="alert(\'' . $msg . '\');">';
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub help_option($) {
+ # Generate HTML for option help icons
+ # Written 20 May 2003 by Andrew Pam <xanni@sericyb.com.au>
+ my $msg = $EZMLM_LABELS{$_[0]}[1];
+ return '<img src="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" border="0" alt="' . $msg .
+ '" onClick="alert(\'' . $msg . '\');">';
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub handle_errors {
Hope that helps,
Andrew Pam
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://www.xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
http://www.glasswings.com.au/ Technology Manager, Glass Wings
http://www.sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
From ledjon@ledjon.com Fri Mar 12 00:03:27 2004
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From: "Jon Coulter" <ledjon@ledjon.com>
To: <guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za>
Subject: Mail::Ezmlm Patch
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 17:03:24 -0500
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Your (quite wonderful) Mail::Ezmlm perl module has a bug in that I patched
some time ago for my own use, so I figured I'd go ahead and send it along to
Basically it does something to the effect of 'return @array || undef' which
forces a scalar return (making it return @array as the number of items in
the array, rather then the items themselves)
This just replaces it with a trinary operator.
Feel free to use or ignore it at your own will. Thanks.
Jon Coulter
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*** /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mail/Ezmlm.pm~ Wed Jul 16 00:44:01 =
--- /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mail/Ezmlm.pm Wed Jul 16 00:54:22 2003=0A=
*** 245,251 ****=0A=
if($?) {=0A=
$self->_seterror($?, 'error during ezmlm-list in =
subscribers()'); =0A=
! return @subscribers || undef;=0A=
} else {=0A=
return @subscribers; =0A=
--- 245,251 ----=0A=
if($?) {=0A=
$self->_seterror($?, 'error during ezmlm-list in =
subscribers()'); =0A=
! return (scalar @subscribers ? @subscribers : undef);=0A=
} else {=0A=
return @subscribers; =0A=
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
From lbraeuer@mpex.net Fri Mar 5 17:03:07 2004
Return-Path: <lbraeuer@mpex.net>
Delivered-To: guy-ezmlm@rucus.net
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Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 16:03:05 +0100
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To: guy-ezmlm@rucus.net
Subject: Bug + fix in ezmlm.pm 0.04
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Addition: Just found out, that there's the same bug on line 138!
Hi Guy!
I just posted this on cpan, but I also wanted to let you know:
Subject: Problem with dash in owner or sender address
In Ezmlm.pm 0.04 on line 85 the options are split at every dash ("-\w+"). So when trying to supply
an owner or sender address containing a dash i.e. someone@some-domain.com this domain is splitted in
two parts ("someone@some" and "-domain.com") causing this error: "ezmlm-make: fatal: dir and dot
must start with slash". This occurs because "-domain.com" is interpreted as an option which is of
course wrong.
This problem can be solved by adding a \s right in front of the -\w+ on line 85 of the module:
--- foreach (split(/["'](.+?)["']|(-\w+)/, $commandline)) {
+++ foreach (split(/["'](.+?)["']|(\s-\w+)/, $commandline)) {
This assures, that an option is split and not every occurence of a dash, even in a domain.
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
From sbeck@gossamer-threads.com Sat Oct 9 00:36:20 2004
Return-Path: <sbeck@gossamer-threads.com>
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Subject: Mail::Ezmlm tainting
From: Scott Beck <sbeck@gossamer-threads.com>
To: Guy Antony Halse <guy-ezmlm@rucus.net>
Content-Type: text/plain
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Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 15:36:09 -0700
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I just ran into a taint problem with Mail::Ezmlm on one of our servers.
In Mail/Ezmlm.pm you have a sub _checkaddress which validates an email
address that is passed off to system, however to just verify the address
is not enough for perl's -T tests. You must reassign it to a capture
from a regex. Here is a version of the function that fixes this (a
little hacky).
sub _checkaddress {
my($self, $address) = @_;
return 1 unless defined($address);
return 0 unless($address =~ /^(\S+\@\S+\.\S+)$/);
$_[1] = $1;
return 1;
-------------------- Gossamer Threads Inc. ----------------------
Scott Beck Email: scott@gossamer-threads.com
Lead Software Developer Phone: (604) 687-5804
http://www.gossamer-threads.com Fax: (604) 687-5806
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
From matt@tnpi.biz Mon Nov 15 21:21:15 2004
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From: Matt Simerson <matt@tnpi.biz>
Subject: Mail::Ezmlm patch submission
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 14:21:02 -0500
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.619)
Status: RO
Content-Length: 6582
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Hey Guy,
First, thanks a bunch for writing Mail::Ezmlm, it's quite useful. :-)
I've used it to write a CGI interface to Ezmlm for a client. It's not a
very complex thing, it just creates a web page where the client logs in
and then has the choice to list the subscribers for a list, batch add a
list of subscribers, or mass delete a list.
It's posted here if you're interested in seeing it:
You can log in using the domain "example.com" and the password
Anyhow, the only problem I've had with Mail::Ezmlm is that when I run
my script suid as the user that owns the mailing list, mod_perl whines
about the data because it's tainted. So, I've made a few minor
alterations to untaint the data. My approach is rather basic and could
be improved upon but it works quite well and is slightly more secure
than what's being used at present. I'd appreciate if you'd review the
patch and apply it or something similar which achieves the same result.
The patch is against v 1.9 of Mail::Ezmlm.
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--- Ezmlm.pm.orig Sat Nov 13 13:38:59 2004
+++ Ezmlm.pm Mon Nov 15 13:44:35 2004
@@ -236,6 +236,16 @@
my($self, $part) = @_;
($self->_seterror(-1, 'must setlist() before returning subscribers()') && return undef) unless(defined($self->{'LIST_NAME'}));
+ # additions by matt simerson (matt@tnpi.biz) to pass mod_perl security (taint) checks
+ $ENV{"PATH"} = "";
+ if ( $self->{'LIST_NAME'} =~ /([\w\-\/.]*)/ ) {
+ $self->{'LIST_NAME'} = $1;
+ } else {
+ warn "TAINTED DATA IN LIST_NAME: $self->{'LIST_NAME'}\n";
+ };
+ # end additions
if(defined($part) && $part) {
($self->_seterror(-1, "$part part of $self->{'LIST_NAME'} does not appear to exist in subscribers()") && return undef) unless(-e "$self->{'LIST_NAME'}/$part");
@subscribers = map { s/[\r\n]// && $_ } sort `$EZMLM_BASE/ezmlm-list $self->{'LIST_NAME'}/$part`;
@@ -270,6 +280,19 @@
} else {
foreach $address (@addresses) {
next unless $self->_checkaddress($address);
+ # matt adds
+ $ENV{"PATH"} = ""; # taint checks
+ if ( $self->{'LIST_NAME'} =~ /([\w\-\/.]*)/ ) {
+ $self->{'LIST_NAME'} = $1;
+ } else {
+ warn "TAINTED DATA IN LIST_NAME: $self->{'LIST_NAME'}\n";
+ };
+ if ( $address =~ /(.*)/ ) { $address = $1 };
+ # end matt adds
system("$EZMLM_BASE/ezmlm-sub", $self->{'LIST_NAME'}, $address) == 0 ||
($self->_seterror($?) && return undef);
@@ -322,6 +345,16 @@
} else {
foreach $address (@addresses) {
$ENV{'SENDER'} = $address;
+ # matt adds
+ $ENV{"PATH"} = ""; # taint checks
+ if ( $self->{'LIST_NAME'} =~ /([\w\-\/.]*)/ ) {
+ $self->{'LIST_NAME'} = $1;
+ } else {
+ warn "TAINTED DATA IN LIST_NAME: $self->{'LIST_NAME'}\n";
+ };
+ # end matt adds
undef($issub) if ((system("$EZMLM_BASE/ezmlm-issubn", $self->{'LIST_NAME'}) / 256) != 0)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;
Matt Simerson http://matt.simerson.net
The Network People Inc. http://www.tnpi.biz
The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.
- Alfred Adler
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
From xanni@urYod.glasswings.com.au Wed May 26 10:27:04 2004
Return-Path: <xanni@urYod.glasswings.com.au>
Delivered-To: guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za
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by mail018.syd.optusnet.com.au (8.11.6p2/8.11.6) with ESMTP id i4Q8QmD27299
for <guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za>; Wed, 26 May 2004 18:26:49 +1000
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for guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za; Wed, 26 May 2004 18:26:47 +1000
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 18:26:47 +1000
From: Andrew Pam <xanni@glasswings.com.au>
To: guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za
Subject: Another ezmlm-web patch
Message-ID: <20040526082647.GN1975@urYod.glasswings.com.au>
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Status: RO
Content-Length: 1682
Hello! I recently upgraded my system from Red Hat Linux 7.3 to
Fedora Core 1 which in turn resulted in upgrading my perl to 5.8.3.
This revealed a nasty security bug in Mail::Ezmlm which of course affects
ezmlm-web.cgi and is detected by perl when running SUID. Mail::Ezmlm
passes email addresses to the ezmlm tools on the command line using the
"system" perl function, but doesn't check that the email addresses are
free of dangerous characters. Here's a patch to ezmlm-web.cgi to make
it check for valid characters before calling Mail::Ezmlm:
--- ezmlm-web.cgi.orig 2000-09-26 06:58:08.000000000 +1100
+++ ezmlm-web.cgi 2004-05-26 17:54:30.000000000 +1000
@@ -477,7 +477,14 @@
untie %pretty;
- if ($list->sub($add->address(), $part) != 1) {
+# Modified 2004-05-26 by Andrew Pam <xanni@sericyb.com.au>
+# Untaint the address because $list->sub will pass it to ezmlm-sub
+# on the command line!
+# Note this may not handle some less common email address formats
+ my($addr) = $add->address() =~ /([\w\.\=]+\@[\w\.\=]+)/
+ or die "Illegal character in address '" . $add->address() ."'";
+# if ($list->sub($add->address(), $part) != 1) {
+ if ($list->sub($addr, $part) != 1) {
die "Unable to subscribe to list: $!";
Of course arguably Mail::Ezmlm should really be doing this.
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://www.xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
http://www.glasswings.com.au/ Technology Manager, Glass Wings
http://www.sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
From gordonr@e-smith.com Wed Oct 24 08:10:56 2001
Return-Path: <gordonr@e-smith.com>
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MBOX-Line: From gordonr@e-smith.com Wed Oct 24 16:10:53 2001
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:10:53 +1000
From: Gordon Rowell <gordonr@e-smith.com>
To: Guy Antony Halse <guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za>
Subject: ezmlm-web 2.1 patch - if you can't create lists, you can't delete them
Message-ID: <20011024161053.U8219@e-smith.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Organization: Mitel Networks Corporation
Status: RO
Content-Length: 1758
Lines: 40
Hi Guy,
I'm in process of integrating ezmlm-web with our SME Server V5 product - see
www.e-smith.{com,org}. I did a quick and dirty proof of concept contrib to
integrate ezmlm, and am now revising it around ezmlm-web - great stuff.
It fits in very well with our manager. I have a small shim to create
and delete lists which ensures that the list is known to our account
namespace. I wanted to ensure that people couldn't delete lists without
our manager knowing about it. The patch below also disables list deletion
if you have disabled list creation. You may want another switch, but
overloading opt_c seemed right to me.
BTW: I am also making use of Mail::Ezmlm, which is great, so you're not the
only one who thinks it's a good idea :-)
Also, I'll be building an RPM out of ezmlm-web which I'll make available
once I've done it.
Gordon Rowell gordonr@e-smith.com
VP Engineering
Network Server Solutions Group http://www.e-smith.com
Mitel Networks Corporation http://www.mitel.com
---CUT HERE------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------CUT HERE---
[gordonr@sao]$ diff -u ezmlm-web.cgi.orig ezmlm-web.cgi
--- ezmlm-web.cgi.orig Tue Sep 26 06:58:08 2000
+++ ezmlm-web.cgi Wed Oct 24 16:05:08 2001
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'create'}]"), ' ' if (!defined($opt_c));
print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'edit'}]"), ' ' if(defined(@lists));
- print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'delete'}]") if(defined(@lists));
+ print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'delete'}]") if ((!defined($opt_c)) && (defined(@lists)));
print '</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>';
print $q->endform;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
$Id: CHANGES,v 1.2 2000/09/25 17:54:06 guy Exp $
REVISION HISTORY - ezmlm-web.cgi
Version 0.1 - 10/04/98 (Not Released)
* University Vac - I was bored and started to play. The first version just
let people play with the subscribers list. No moderators, no nothing.
Version 0.2 - 13/04/98 (Not Released)
* Allow list creation
* Allowed users to edit moderators
Version 0.3 - 15/04/98
* Allow list deletion (for balin@moria.org)
* Made changes to allow it to run on RedHat 4.2 as well as FreeBSD 3.0
* Fixed some minor bugs (cosmetic irritaions really) that people noticed
* Sorted subscribers list into alphabetical order.
* Added command line switch to change list directory (for nxsy@moria.org)
* Wrote some documentation ...
Version 0.4 - 28/04/98
* Fixed up virtual domain (inlocal) stuff as spotted by bryan@rucus
* Allowed the list directory to be automatically created if necessary.
Version 0.5 - 12/05/98 (Not Released)
* More bug fixes. Mainly for mathew@graham.
Version 1.0 - 01/08/98
* Complete re-write to convert to perl5 and CGI.pm
* Removed a lot of dependancy on the OS. Use builtin functions instead :)
* Added support for ezmlm-idx
* Added a lot more command line option support (-adfgiklmnpqsrstux5)
* Added support for digests and digest subscribers
* Added support for blacklists
* Allowed users to edit the config of existing lists
* Allowed the user to edit headeradd and headerremove as well as mimeremove
* Allowed user to edit any of the files in DIR/text
* Revised interface to make it more user-friendly and ergonomic.
* Changed the background colour for Kether (clb@rucus) *gryn*
* Removed a big bug in the delete_list function that had gone unnoticed.
Version 1.0.1 - 10/08/98
* Fixed a bug in the way 1.0 re-configured virtual hosts (bryan@rucus)
* Made the script read the /var/qmail/control files instead of explicitly
setting variables (for david@summersoft)
Version 1.0.2 - 28/08/98
* Fixed the bug introduced in v1.0.1 :( (keith@rucus)
* Fixed the way we recreate config files (noticed by Glen Stewart)
* Made the script check return values of system calls properly
* Fixed some of the taint checking stuff ... reports less in the logs now.
Version 1.0.3 - 03/10/98
* Fixed the alias-alias-alias-list bug in inlocal (bryan@rucus)
* Added a bit of online help
* Fixed the & in list owner (bryan@rucus)
* Added multi-level access to lists (based on idea by Glen Stewart)
Version 2.0 - 01/01/00
* Rewrote most of the code to take advantage of Mail::Ezmlm
* Made the webuser file more functional (users can alter it)
* Now handles all current, and future command line options
* Changed the colours :)
* Added support for ezmlm-cgi web archives
* Made it -w and use strict clean
* Moved all user config to a separate file
* Fixed the way we worked out list config - now complete
* Allowed a user specific config over-ride ``ezmlmwebrc''
* Allowed the printing of `nice' usernames (for Rhodes CS Dept)
* Took account of non-standard paths for moderators
* Removed all system() and `` calls from ezmlm-web.cgi
* Made `look and feel' virtually all user configurable
* Added a lot more context sensitive help
* Made ezmlm-web 99% language configurable - but no other templates yet :(
* Added support for creating databases
Version 2.1 - 25/09/00
* Fixed the multiple delete thing - finally!
* Fixed the '-' in username problem - The '-' in hostnames problem is fixed
in the new version of Mail::Ezmlm
* Fixed the '_' in list names problem
* Added support for file uploads of email addresses (multiple subscribe)
* Made error handling more friendly
@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
$Id: README,v 1.2 2000/09/25 17:57:21 guy Exp $
| ezmlm-web-2.1 |
I. Copyright Stuff
II. Some Background
III. Requirements
IV. Files
V. Installation
VI. Notes
VII. Multi-level list access
VIII. Language Portability
IX. Bugs && Bug Reports
X. Acknowledgements
XI. Availability
I. Copyright Stuff - essentially the FreeBSD licence ...
ezmlm-web - version 2.1 - 25/09/2000
Copyright (C) 1998, Guy Antony Halse, All Rights Reserved.
Please send bug reports and comments to guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither name Guy Antony Halse nor the names of any contributors may be used
to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.
II. Some Background
The need for ezmlm-web arose from the fact that we host many student
societies on our system. These societies usually have a virtual host for web
and email, which is administered by a computer rep from the society. These
computer reps often have little or no knowledge of Unix and so we needed a
user friendly system that would let the create and maintain mailing lists
(such as members@foo.soc.ru.ac.za, committee@foo.soc.ru.ac.za, etc).
Since I am never keen to re-invent the wheel, I had a look at Steve Peterson's
script (http://virtation.com/qmail/ml-sub), which allows people to subscribe
and unsubscribe from mailing lists using a form->email gateway. This is fine
for putting on a web page saying "here come and join our mailing list", but
doesn't really allow you to administrate a list.
Security of mailing lists was a concern, as we really didn't want
unauthorised people to be able to alter some users list. Ezmlm-web itself
implements no security checks (apart from un-tainting input) and so relies
on the web server to do this (re-inventing the wheel again :). We use an
Apache webserver, so one can control access to a directory using a .htaccess
file or in the access.conf file. ApacheWeek have a good article on doing
this at http://www.apacheweek.com/features/userauth. I also give examples
later in this document.
This version of ezmlm-web (2.0) is based to a large extent on previous
versions that I have developed. It has however been totally re-written to
make use of the Mail::Ezmlm perl module I wrote. At the same time it was
updated and extended to include the new features of ezmlm-idx. It includes
many new features that have been suggested to me over the last few months,
and hopefully is now useful to a much larger group of people.
III. Requirements
This version of ezmlm-web requires the following;
* qmail v1.03
* ezmlm v0.53 (idx v0.40)
* Perl v5.004 and the following modules;
+ Mail::Ezmlm v0.03
+ Mail::Address v1.15
+ CGI v2.6
+ CGI::Carp v1.06
+ DB_File v1.65
+ Getopt::Std v4.1
+ File::Find v?
+ File::Copy v2.02
The version number indicates the version of the module that ezmlm-web was
developed with. Earlier versions may work, but then they haven't been
tested. Have a look on http://www.CPAN.org/, http://www.qmail.org/, and
http://www.ezmlm.org/ for anything you are missing.
IV. Files
In this distribution you should find 8 files;
README This file. Provides some background information, notes on
installation, etc. Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
CHANGES The change history. Not needed to run ezmlm-web
TODO This file is a list of things I intend doing in future
versions of ezmlm-web. That is if there are any future
versions :) Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
ezmlm-web.cgi The ezmlm-web script proper. This program requires that
you have perl5 installed on your machine and that your web
server is capable of running CGI scripts.
index.c A C wrapper to allow ezmlm-web.cgi to run suid. Not
strictly necessary if your setup allows perl scripts to
run suid, but I prefer using wrappers anyway. It needs to
be edited and compiled to suit your system. Not needed to
run ezmlm-web.
htaccess.sample A sample Apache .htaccess file for controlling access to
the mailing lists. If you use another web server, you will
have to work this bit out for yourself.
webusers.sample A sample webusers file for multi-level access control.
V. Installation
1. Copy ezmlm-web.cgi to some publically readable directory. It does not
have to be in a path accessible to your web server, but any user with a
mailing list must be able to run it (Check the read and execute rights
on both the file and directory). We put our copy in
/usr/local/bin ...
3. Edit the ezmlmwebrc file and alter the variables at the top to suit
your particular system. In particular, you will probably have to change
the $ENV{'PATH'} variable. Be particularly careful about what you set
as the path. Too much is a security risk and too little will cause the
script to malfunction. Version 2.0 requires that the following programs
be accessible in your path; mv, rm
Also be careful about the $LIST_DIR variable. This script assumes that
all users store their mailing lists in the same sub directory of the
home directory (eg ~/lists). You can override this for an individual
user by recompiling the C wrapper to call ezmlm-web.cgi with a -d
Other configurable options are documented in the ezmlmwebrc file
itself. I have tried to keep the amount of information that you need to
supply to a minimum and also make reasonable guesses about default
4. Edit the index.c file and change the path to the path of your copy
of ezmlm-web.cgi. Then compile this file. You can do this by issuing
the command; gcc -o index.cgi index.c
5. For every user/virtual host that needs to manage mailing lists, you
need to create a SUID (user not root!!) copy of index.cgi (see
chmod(1) for details). These need to reside somewhere accessible by
the web server. I suggest that you put them in a sub directory (see
about security) of each user/virtual host's home directory (eg
/home/luser/public_html/ezmlm for Apache on Redhat).
The copies don't actually have to be called index.cgi, but it is nice
for web servers that can resolve a cgi script as an index page (see the
srm.conf file in Apache). It is important to make sure that whichever
directory you choose to put them can i: Execute CGI Scripts and ii: Be
access controlled (here I mean both web and user access) by some method
(eg .htaccess, access.conf for Apache).
6. Install some method of securing access to the page. The following
information is applicable to Apache web servers ... Detailed
information on user authentication can be obtained from the Apache
documentation (http://www.apache.org) and ApacheWeek
6.1 Ensure that your Apache setup will allow .htaccess file to control
access in the directory that contains. This is controlled by the
AllowOverride tag in access.conf. (Also ensure you have the
necessary Apache modules installed)
6.2 Create a htpasswd file. This is done using the htpasswd command that
comes with Apache. Its command line syntax is;
htpasswd [-c] passwordfile username
You need to put the passwordfile somewhere that is not accessible by
people through the web, and create an entry for each user you want
to have access ... See the ApacheWeek article for more details.
6.3 Create a .htaccess file in the directory that contains index.cgi.
Note that using Apache's built in access control, you can only control
access to directories, not individual files, hence the need for a
sub-directory in step 5.
The format of the .htaccess file should be along the lines of this;
AuthName EZ Mailing List Manager
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/passwordfile
require valid-user # or require user username
Again, see the ApacheWeek article for details.
7. Test the installation through the web. You should be asked for a
username and password (supplied in 6.2) and then be presented with a
screen entitled EZ Mailing List Manger. You can then try to create and
edit mailing lists ... Have Fun :)
VI. Notes
* There is a function to delete mailing lists, but I really don't like the
idea. The only reason I put it in is that bvi@rucus asked for it.
If you set $UNSAFE_RD = 0 (the default) in the config section, the
ezmlm-web won't actually delete the list. In this case it moves the <list>
to .<list> and all the associated .qmail files to a sub-directory called
deleted.qmail/ (In the users home directory. This is by far a safer way
(since you can restore lists) and therefore I recommend it.
* The HTML interface has been tested using Nutscrape, Internet Exploder, and
Lynx. If anyone uses anything else and has problems, please let me know.
* I suggest that you make use of custom ezmlmwebrc files rather than using
the -d command line switches - it makes fault diagnosis easier ...
* Please see the section on languages below.
VII. Multi-Level Access
Ezmlm-web has a multi-level access system. This depends on a file called
webusers being present in $LIST_DIR. If the file is not present, then any
valid user has access to all lists. If, however, this file exists a number
of constraints come into place.
- The webusers file is scanned for either the list name (case insensitive) or
an ALL (case sensitive) entry.
- The list entry (or ALL) is scanned for the current user (as set in
$REMOTE_USER) or an ALL entry.
- If any valid match is made, then the user is allowed to edit the list.
Otherwise the user is politely told to go away ;-)
If list creation is allowed and the webusers file exists, then the person who
creates the list is the default owner. As of yet there is no way to add users
through the web interface, but I intend to do this eventually.
The format of a webusers file is as follows;
list1: user1, user2, user3
ALL: user1, user2
list2: ALL
ie; listname colon (:) and a comma (,) separated list of users. Spaces are
ignored but each list must appear on a new line.
Once this file exists, the ezmlm-web script will allow the list users to
configure their access lists along with any other options.
Oh, and BTW, list creation through the web can now be disabled. The way to do
this is to compile the wrapper calling ezmlm-web.cgi with a -c switch. See the
example index.c file for more details.
VIII. Language Portablity
One of the great new features of version 2.0 is that it is essentially
language independant (okay, not quite, but is 99% of the way there). Most of
the fixed strings, help, etc is defined in the RC file and thus can be
altered to suite a particular locale, language or even your own taste.
If anyone gets round to writing full templates for languages I would
appreciate it if you would do two things;
Firstly, make them public and announce them on the ezmlm@lists.cr.yp.to
mailing list so that others may benefit.
Secondly, please mail me a copy (guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za) so that I may use
them in any future releases of ezmlm-web.
IX. Bugs && Bug Reports
I don't know of any bugs, but then this is a rewrite and a first release. It
has been tested reasonably well, but not exhaustively. I know it works on
FreeBSD 4.0-STABLE, FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE, RedHat 5.1 and Redhat 6.0 all using
an Apache web server, but I would be interested to know whether it works on
other OSs and with other web servers. This version is far less dependent on
the OS than previous versions so I don't see any reason why it shouldn't.
Please mail bug reports and comments to guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za
X. Acknowledgements
* Keith Burdis (keith@rucus.ru.ac.za) - For constantly bugging me and
ensuring that I actually got round to writing some code :)
* Bryan Kilian (bryan@rucus.ru.ac.za) and the administrators of the
Litestep mailing list - For helping beta test and putting up with me
pestering them.
* Several societies at Rhodes. For switching to my web interface and so
unknowingly helping to beta test it.
* Barry Irwin (bvi@moria.org) - For trusting me and moving the Grahamstown
Foundation over to qmail and ezmlm - yet another beta tester :-)
* David Summers (david@summersoft.fay.ar.us) - For some ideas. And for
offering to make up an RPM version. I hope the offer still exists for
version 2.0 :-)
* Glen Stewart (glen_stewart@associate.com) - For a multitude of ideas.
* Fred Lindberg (lindberg@id.wustl.edu) for his useful posts to the
mailing list, suggestions, help, etc
* Galen Johnson (gjohnson@totalsports.net) - For some ideas on bugfixes.
XI. Availability
The latest version of ezmlm-web will always be available on;
More information on ezmlm-web and developments to ezmlm-web can be found at;
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
$Id: TODO,v 1.3 2000/09/25 19:58:02 guy Exp $
TODO - ezmlm-web 2.1
- More Documentation
- Maybe allowing user specific overides on the -c option.
- Some nice install method. But then I use FreeBSD and ported it
so that might just count as my nice install method :)
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
$Id: UPGRADING,v 1.1 2000/09/25 19:24:20 guy Exp $
UPGRADING ezmlm-web 2.0 to ezmlm-web 2.1
There are no major changes that need to be made in order to upgrade. All
that is necessary is to add two new lines to your ezmlmwebrc ... In the top
section of the file add
and in the %HELPER section, you need to add
addaddressfile => 'or you may enter the filename of a plain text file containing multiple RFC822 email addresses, one per line',
(or just copy the new ezmlmwebrc :)
Have a look for these two lines in the new ezmlmwebrc included in this
distribution if you are unsure of how/where to put these.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
# $Id: ezmlmwebrc,v 1.5 2000/09/25 18:25:26 guy Exp $
# Configuration file for ezmlm-web 2.1
# ===========================================================================
# This file is not just an ordinary configuration file - it contains valid
# perl statements that are executed just like any other perl script. When
# editing this file, be careful that it is still valid perl when you have
# finished (perl -w ezmlmwebrc ;-)
# It is divided into to logical parts. The first part configures the way
# ezmlm-web runs, and the second changes the language, etc of ezmlm-web. You
# can not arbitarilly exclude any statement, since the script doesn't define
# any defaults of its own. You could, however, always split this file up and
# include the parts with
# require('/path/to/other/part');
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Where do we store lists on this server ... Try "$HOME_DIR/lists".
# This directory will automatically be created if needed.
$LIST_DIR = "$HOME_DIR/lists";
# Safe list deletion?
# 0 = move list to .list and the .qmails to deleted.qmail/. Recoverable :)
# 1 = allow user to delete list completely. No backup, therefore no recovery.
# Who is the alias user on this system (usually alias ;)
$ALIAS_USER = 'alias';
# Where do the qmail control files live on this system ...
$QMAIL_BASE = $Mail::Ezmlm::QMAIL_BASE . '/control';
# The url to our web interface - so we can use ezmlm-cgi if necessary
$EZMLM_CGI_URL = 'http://some.server.that.has/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi';
# Where our ezcgirc file lives (probably /etc/ezmlm/ezcgirc)
$EZMLM_CGI_RC = '/etc/ezmlm/ezcgirc';
# Do we want to allow ``pretty'' names - ie more human readable ones
# This will slow ezmlm-web down a bit for large lists
# Do we want to allow the users to be allowed to upload a file containing
# lists of email addresses to subscribe?
# What switches to we want ezmlm-web to have on as default. The ezmlm-make
# defaults are aBDFGHIJKLMNOpQRSTUWX (small means enabled, CAPITALS mean
# disabled). The defaults below should be reasonable - I use them ;)
# Where do we find the nice little help icon - by default HELP_ICON_URL
# points to resources on http://rucus.ru.ac.za/. This will work, but we
# would appreciate it if you changed this to a local site.
$HELP_ICON_URL = 'http://rucus.ru.ac.za/icons/small/unknown.gif';
# Header for every page (.= concatinates)
# Footer for every page (.= concatinates)
$HTML_FOOTER .= '<FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/#ezmlm-web" TARGET="_blank">ezmlm-web</A> (v2.1) A web interface to <A HREF="http://www.ezmlm.org/" TARGET="_blank">ezmlm</A></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>';
# What colour do we want the background to be?
$HTML_BGCOLOR = '#000080';
# What colour do we want text?
$HTML_TEXT = '#000000';
# What color do we want links?
$HTML_LINK = '#3333ff';
# What color to we want visited links?
$HTML_VLINK = '#8888ff';
# What is the title of this document?
$HTML_TITLE = 'E Z Mailing List Manager';
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The meanings of the various ezmlm-make command line switches. The default
# ones match the ezmlm-idx 0.4 default ezmlmrc ... Alter them to suit your
# own ezmlmrc. Removing options from this list makes them unavailable
# through ezmlm-web - this could be useful for things like -w
# option => ['Short Name',
# 'Long Help Description'],
a => ['Archived',
'Ezmlm will archive new messages'],
b => ['Block archive',
'Only moderators are allowed to access the archive'],
# c => config. This is implicity called, so is not defined here
d => ['Digest',
'Set up a digest list to disseminate digest of the list messages'],
# e => edit. Also implicity called, so not defined here
f => ['Prefix',
'Outgoing subject will be prefixed with the list name'],
g => ['Guard Archive',
'Archive access requests from unrecognized SENDERs will be rejected'],
h => ['Help subscription',
'Subscriptions do not require confirmation'],
i => ['Indexed',
'Indexed for WWW archive access'],
j => ['Jump off',
'Unsubscribe does not require confirmation'],
k => ['Kill',
'Posts from addresses in dir/deny/ are rejected'],
l => ['Subscriber List',
'Remote administrators can request a subscriber list'],
m => ['Message Moderation',
'All incoming messages are moderated'],
n => ['Text Editing',
'Allow remote administrators to edit files in dir/text/'],
o => ['Others rejected',
'Posts from addresses other than moderators are rejected'],
p => ['Public',
'List will respond to administrative requests and archive retrieval'],
q => ['Service Request Address',
'Process commands sent in the subject to local-request@host'],
r => ['Remote Admin',
'Enable remote adminstration of the list'],
s => ['Subscription Moderation',
'Subscriptions to the main list and digest will be moderated'],
t => ['Trailer',
'Add a trailer to outgoing messages'],
u => ['User Posts Only',
'Posts from unrecognized SENDER addresses will be rejected'],
# v => version. I doubt you will really need this ;-)
w => ['Remove Warn',
'Remove the ezmlm-warn(1) invocations from the list setup. It is assumed that ezmlm-warn(1) is run by other means'],
x => ['Extra',
'Strip certain mimetypes, etc'],
# y => not used
# z => not used
# These all take an extra argument, which is the default value to use
0 => ['Sublist',
'Make the list a sublist of list mainlist@host',
# 1 => not used
# 2 => not used
3 => ['From Address',
'Replace the "From:" header of the message with "From: fromarg"',
4 => ['Digest Options',
'Switches for ezmlm-tstdig(1)',
'-t24 -m30 -k64'],
5 => ['List Owner',
'The email address of the list owner',
6 => ['SQL Database',
'SQL database connect information. Requires SQL support',
7 => ['Message Moderation Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
8 => ['Subscription Moderation Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
9 => ['Remote Admin Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
# This list defines most of the context sensitive help in ezmlm-web. What
# isn't defined here is the options, which are defined above ... You can
# alter these if you feel something else would make more sense to your users
# Just be careful of what can fit on a screen!
# These should be self explainitory
addaddress => 'You may enter any RFC822 compliant email address here, including the comment part. For example; J Random User <jru@on.web.za>',
addaddressfile => 'or you may enter the filename of a plain text file containing multiple RFC822 email addresses, one per line',
moderator => 'Moderators: people who control who may subscribe or post to a list',
deny => 'Deny: A list of addresses that are _never_ allowed to mail the list',
allow => 'Allow: A list of address that are allowed to mail the list even if the configuration otherwise restricts it',
digest => 'Digest: People who will recieve a digest of all messages on the list',
webarch => 'View the web based archive of this list',
config => 'This lets you alter the way the list is set up',
listname => 'This is the name of the list as displayed on the Select Lists screen. It is also the name of the subdirectory that contains the list',
listadd => 'This is the email address of the list. Note that the defaults come from your qmail config. You should just update the local part (before the @)',
webusers => 'NB! At this stage, any users specified here must exist. User creation may be added in future versions',
prefix => 'Text to add to the subject line of all outgoing messages',
headerremove => 'This is a list of headers to remove from all outgoing mail',
headeradd => 'This is a list of headers to add to all outging mail',
mimeremove => 'All messages whose Content-Type matches these mime types will be bounced back to sender',
allowedit => 'Comma separated list of usernames, or <CODE>ALL</CODE> (all valid users)',
mysqlcreate => 'This will create the necessary MySQL tables if the list configuration above requires it'
# This defines the captions of each of the buttons in ezmlm-web, and allows
# you to configure them for your own language or taste. Since these are used
# by the switching algorithm it is important that every button has a unique
# caption - ie we can't have two 'Edit' buttons doing different things.
# These MUST all be unique!
create => 'Create',
createlist => 'Create List',
edit => 'Edit',
delete => 'Delete',
deleteaddress => 'Delete Address',
addaddress => 'Add Address',
moderators => 'Moderators',
denylist => 'Deny List',
allowlist => 'Allow List',
digestsubscribers => 'Digest Subscribers',
configuration => 'Configuration',
yes => 'Yes',
no => 'No',
updateconfiguration => 'Update Configuration',
edittexts => 'Edit Texts',
editfile => 'Edit File',
savefile => 'Save File',
webarchive => 'Web Archive',
selectlist => 'Select List',
subscribers => 'Subscribers',
cancel => 'Cancel',
resetform => 'Reset Form',
# This defines the fixed text strings that are used in ezmlm-web. By editing
# these along with the button labels and help texts, you can convert ezmlm-web
# to another language :-) If anyone gets arround to doing complete templates
# for other languages I would appreciate a copy so that I can include it in
# future releases of ezmlm-web.
nop => 'Action not yet implemented',
chooselistinfo => "<UL><LI>Choose a mailing list from the selection box or click on [$BUTTON{'create'}].<LI>Click on the [$BUTTON{'edit'}] button if you want to edit the selected list.<LI>Click on the [$BUTTON{'delete'}] button if you want to delete the selected list.</UL>",
confirmdelete => 'Confirm deletion of', # list name
subscribersto => 'Subscribers to', # list name
subscribers => 'subscribers',
additionalparts => 'Additional list parts',
posting => 'Posting',
subscription => 'Subscription',
remoteadmin => 'Remote Admin',
for => 'for', # as in; moderators for blahlist
createnew => 'Create a New List',
listname => 'List Name',
listaddress => 'List Address',
listoptions => 'List Options',
allowedtoedit => 'Users allowed to edit this list',
editconfiguration => 'Edit the List Configuration',
prefix => 'Subject prefex for outgoing messages',
headerremove => 'Headers to strip from all outgoing mail',
headeradd => 'Headers to add to all outgoing mail',
mimeremove => 'Mime types to strip from all outgoing mail',
edittextinfo => "The box on the left contains a list of files available in the<BR>DIR/text directory. These files are sent out in response to specfic user request, or as part of all outgoing messages<P>To edit a file, select its name from the box. Then click on the [$BUTTON{'editfile'}] button.<P>Press [$BUTTON{'cancel'}] when you have finished editing.",
editingfile => 'Editing File',
editfileinfo => '<BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-manage</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> The list name<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> The subscription address<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> The address a subscriber must reply to<P><BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-store</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> The list name<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> The acceptance address<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> The rejection address</UL>',
mysqlcreate => 'Create the MySQL database tables if necessary',
# === Configuration file ends ===
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#$Id: htaccess.sample,v 1.1 2000/01/29 11:35:40 guy Exp $
#order deny,allow
#deny from all
#allow from .ru.ac.za
AuthName "EZ Mailing List Manager
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/ezmlm/.htusers
require valid-user
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: index.c,v 1.2 2000/09/25 18:14:12 guy Exp $ */
#include <stdio.h>
/* C wrapper to allow ezmlm-web.cgi to run suid */
/* Copyright (C) 1999/2000, Guy Antony Halse, All Rights Reserved */
/* See the README file in this distribution for copyright information */
int main(void) {
/* Change this path to wherever you decided to put ezmlm-web.cgi */
/* Note that you could also use the following to allow a specific user
to store their mailing lists in a different directory defined by
/tmp/ezmlm-web-demo ... This over-rides the default . */
/* Look at the exec(3) man page if you don't understand how the arguments
list below works */
char *switches[] = { "ezmlm-web.cgi", "-d", "/tmp/ezmlm-web-demo", NULL };
execv("/usr/local/bin/ezmlm-web.cgi", switches);
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
comm: guy, arb
users: arb
members: ALL
ALL: root
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
$Id: CHANGES,v 1.2 2000/09/25 17:54:06 guy Exp $
REVISION HISTORY - ezmlm-web.cgi
Version 0.1 - 10/04/98 (Not Released)
* University Vac - I was bored and started to play. The first version just
let people play with the subscribers list. No moderators, no nothing.
Version 0.2 - 13/04/98 (Not Released)
* Allow list creation
* Allowed users to edit moderators
Version 0.3 - 15/04/98
* Allow list deletion (for balin@moria.org)
* Made changes to allow it to run on RedHat 4.2 as well as FreeBSD 3.0
* Fixed some minor bugs (cosmetic irritaions really) that people noticed
* Sorted subscribers list into alphabetical order.
* Added command line switch to change list directory (for nxsy@moria.org)
* Wrote some documentation ...
Version 0.4 - 28/04/98
* Fixed up virtual domain (inlocal) stuff as spotted by bryan@rucus
* Allowed the list directory to be automatically created if necessary.
Version 0.5 - 12/05/98 (Not Released)
* More bug fixes. Mainly for mathew@graham.
Version 1.0 - 01/08/98
* Complete re-write to convert to perl5 and CGI.pm
* Removed a lot of dependancy on the OS. Use builtin functions instead :)
* Added support for ezmlm-idx
* Added a lot more command line option support (-adfgiklmnpqsrstux5)
* Added support for digests and digest subscribers
* Added support for blacklists
* Allowed users to edit the config of existing lists
* Allowed the user to edit headeradd and headerremove as well as mimeremove
* Allowed user to edit any of the files in DIR/text
* Revised interface to make it more user-friendly and ergonomic.
* Changed the background colour for Kether (clb@rucus) *gryn*
* Removed a big bug in the delete_list function that had gone unnoticed.
Version 1.0.1 - 10/08/98
* Fixed a bug in the way 1.0 re-configured virtual hosts (bryan@rucus)
* Made the script read the /var/qmail/control files instead of explicitly
setting variables (for david@summersoft)
Version 1.0.2 - 28/08/98
* Fixed the bug introduced in v1.0.1 :( (keith@rucus)
* Fixed the way we recreate config files (noticed by Glen Stewart)
* Made the script check return values of system calls properly
* Fixed some of the taint checking stuff ... reports less in the logs now.
Version 1.0.3 - 03/10/98
* Fixed the alias-alias-alias-list bug in inlocal (bryan@rucus)
* Added a bit of online help
* Fixed the & in list owner (bryan@rucus)
* Added multi-level access to lists (based on idea by Glen Stewart)
Version 2.0 - 01/01/00
* Rewrote most of the code to take advantage of Mail::Ezmlm
* Made the webuser file more functional (users can alter it)
* Now handles all current, and future command line options
* Changed the colours :)
* Added support for ezmlm-cgi web archives
* Made it -w and use strict clean
* Moved all user config to a separate file
* Fixed the way we worked out list config - now complete
* Allowed a user specific config over-ride ``ezmlmwebrc''
* Allowed the printing of `nice' usernames (for Rhodes CS Dept)
* Took account of non-standard paths for moderators
* Removed all system() and `` calls from ezmlm-web.cgi
* Made `look and feel' virtually all user configurable
* Added a lot more context sensitive help
* Made ezmlm-web 99% language configurable - but no other templates yet :(
* Added support for creating databases
Version 2.1 - 25/09/00
* Fixed the multiple delete thing - finally!
* Fixed the '-' in username problem - The '-' in hostnames problem is fixed
in the new version of Mail::Ezmlm
* Fixed the '_' in list names problem
* Added support for file uploads of email addresses (multiple subscribe)
* Made error handling more friendly
Version 2.2 - 26/01/02005
* German translation of the web interface - more translations can be added easily
* changed "ALT"-tags to "TITLE" - most browsers will display the tooltip texts now
* fixed security problems (permissions were not thoroughly check)
* user-based permission for creating lists (can be set in webusersrc)
* the location of the webusers file is now an option in ezmlmwebrc
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
The following notes will guide you through the installation of ezmlm-web:
0. IMPORTANT: you need the perl module Mail::Ezmlm and others to use
ezmlm-web! The file README contains the list of necessary modules.
1. Get ezmlm-web and extract the archive:
tar xzf ezmlm-web-2.2.tar.gz
2. Copy ezmlm-web.cgi to some publically readable directory. It does not
have to be in a path accessible to your web server, but any user with a
mailing list must be able to run it (Check the read and execute rights
on both the file and directory). We put our copy in "/usr/local/bin".
At the top of ezmlm-web.gi you can will probably have to change the
$ENV{'PATH'} variable. Be careful about what you set as the path. Too
much is a security risk and too little will cause the script to
malfunction. Version 2.0 requires that the following programs be
accessible in your path: mv, rm
3. Edit the ezmlmwebrc file and alter the variables to suit your
particular system.
Be careful about the $LIST_DIR variable. This script assumes that all
users store their mailing lists in the same sub directory of the home
directory (eg ~/lists). You can override this for an individual user
by recompiling the C wrapper to call ezmlm-web.cgi with a -d option.
Other configurable options are documented in the ezmlmwebrc file
itself. I have tried to keep the amount of information that you need to
supply to a minimum and also make reasonable guesses about default
Finally, copy the ezmlmwebrc file and the "lang" directory to one of
the following places:
- /etc/ezmlm
- the home directory of the user that runs ezmlm-web.cgi
- the directory, that contains your ezmlm-web.cgi file
4. Edit the index.c file and change the path to the path of your copy
of ezmlm-web.cgi. Then compile this file. You can do this by issuing
the command; gcc -o index.cgi index.c
5. For every user/virtual host that needs to manage mailing lists, you
need to create a SUID (user not root!!) copy of index.cgi (see
chmod(1) for details). These need to reside somewhere accessible by
the web server. I suggest that you put them in a sub directory (see
about security) of each user/virtual host's home directory (eg
/home/luser/public_html/ezmlm for Apache on Redhat).
The copies don't actually have to be called index.cgi, but it is nice
for web servers that can resolve a cgi script as an index page (see the
srm.conf file in Apache). It is important to make sure that whichever
directory you choose to put them can i: Execute CGI Scripts and ii: Be
access controlled (here I mean both web and user access) by some method
(eg .htaccess, access.conf for Apache).
6. Install some method of securing access to the page. The following
information is applicable to Apache web servers ... Detailed
information on user authentication can be obtained from the Apache
documentation (http://www.apache.org) and ApacheWeek
6.1 Ensure that your Apache setup will allow .htaccess file to control
access in the directory that contains. This is controlled by the
AllowOverride tag in access.conf. (Also ensure you have the
necessary Apache modules installed)
6.2 Create a htpasswd file. This is done using the htpasswd command that
comes with Apache. Its command line syntax is;
htpasswd [-c] passwordfile username
You need to put the passwordfile somewhere that is not accessible by
people through the web, and create an entry for each user you want
to have access ... See the ApacheWeek article for more details.
6.3 Create a .htaccess file in the directory that contains index.cgi.
Note that using Apache's built in access control, you can only control
access to directories, not individual files, hence the need for a
sub-directory in step 5.
The format of the .htaccess file should be along the lines of this;
AuthName EZ Mailing List Manager
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/passwordfile
require valid-user # or require user username
Again, see the ApacheWeek article for details.
7. Test the installation through the web. You should be asked for a
username and password (supplied in 6.2) and then be presented with a
screen entitled EZ Mailing List Manger. You can then try to create and
edit mailing lists ... Have Fun :)
If you have any problems, then you can:
- take a look at https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/ezmlm-web
- send me an email: ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de
@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
$Id: README,v 1.2 2000/09/25 17:57:21 guy Exp $
| ezmlm-web-2.2 |
If you only want to know how to install ezmlm-web, then you should
I. Copyright Stuff
II. Some Background
III. Requirements
IV. Files
V. Notes
VI. Multi-level list access
VII. Language Portability
VIII. Bugs && Bug Reports
XI. Acknowledgements
X. Availability
I. Copyright Stuff - essentially the FreeBSD licence ...
ezmlm-web - version 2.2 - 26/01/02005
Copyright (C) 1998, Guy Antony Halse, All Rights Reserved.
Please send bug reports and comments to guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither name Guy Antony Halse nor the names of any contributors may be used
to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.
II. Some Background
The need for ezmlm-web arose from the fact that we host many student
societies on our system. These societies usually have a virtual host for web
and email, which is administered by a computer rep from the society. These
computer reps often have little or no knowledge of Unix and so we needed a
user friendly system that would let the create and maintain mailing lists
(such as members@foo.soc.ru.ac.za, committee@foo.soc.ru.ac.za, etc).
Since I am never keen to re-invent the wheel, I had a look at Steve Peterson's
script (http://virtation.com/qmail/ml-sub), which allows people to subscribe
and unsubscribe from mailing lists using a form->email gateway. This is fine
for putting on a web page saying "here come and join our mailing list", but
doesn't really allow you to administrate a list.
Security of mailing lists was a concern, as we really didn't want
unauthorised people to be able to alter some users list. Ezmlm-web itself
implements no security checks (apart from un-tainting input) and so relies
on the web server to do this (re-inventing the wheel again :). We use an
Apache webserver, so one can control access to a directory using a .htaccess
file or in the access.conf file. ApacheWeek have a good article on doing
this at http://www.apacheweek.com/features/userauth. I also give examples
later in this document.
This version of ezmlm-web is based to a large extent on previous
versions that I have developed. It has however been totally re-written to
make use of the Mail::Ezmlm perl module I wrote. At the same time it was
updated and extended to include the new features of ezmlm-idx. It includes
many new features that have been suggested to me over the last few months,
and hopefully is now useful to a much larger group of people.
Since 02005 ezmlm-web is maintained by Lars Kruse (ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de).
Only minor improvements had to be implemented to keep the already fully
functional ezmlm-web up to date.
III. Requirements
This version of ezmlm-web requires the following;
* qmail v1.03
* ezmlm v0.53 (idx v0.40)
* Perl v5.004 and the following modules;
+ Mail::Ezmlm v0.03
+ Mail::Address v1.15
+ CGI v2.6
+ CGI::Carp v1.06
+ DB_File v1.65
+ Getopt::Std v4.1
+ File::Find v?
+ File::Copy v2.02
The version number indicates the version of the module that ezmlm-web was
developed with. Earlier versions may work, but then they haven't been
tested. Have a look on http://www.CPAN.org/, http://www.qmail.org/, and
http://www.ezmlm.org/ for anything you are missing.
IV. Files
In this distribution you should find 8 files;
README This file. Provides some background information.
Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
INSTALL Notes on installation. Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
CHANGES The change history. Not needed to run ezmlm-web
TODO This file is a list of things I intend doing in future
versions of ezmlm-web. Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
ezmlm-web.cgi The ezmlm-web script proper. This program requires that
you have perl5 installed on your machine and that your web
server is capable of running CGI scripts.
index.c A C wrapper to allow ezmlm-web.cgi to run suid. Not
strictly necessary if your setup allows perl scripts to
run suid, but I prefer using wrappers anyway. It needs to
be edited and compiled to suit your system. Not needed to
run ezmlm-web.
ezmlmwebrc This is the configuration file for ezmlm-web. All options
are explained in this example file. You will need this
file to run ezmlm-web.
htaccess.sample A sample Apache .htaccess file for controlling access to
the mailing lists. If you use another web server, you will
have to work this bit out for yourself.
webusers.sample A sample webusers file for multi-level access control.
The directory "lang" contains the language files. You will need at least the
one, that you have choosen in "ezmlmwebrc" by the option "HTML_LANGUAGE".
V. Notes
* There is a function to delete mailing lists, but I really don't like the
idea. The only reason I put it in is that bvi@rucus asked for it.
If you set $UNSAFE_RD = 0 (the default) in the config section, the
ezmlm-web won't actually delete the list. In this case it moves the <list>
to .<list> and all the associated .qmail files to a sub-directory called
deleted.qmail/ (In the users home directory. This is by far a safer way
(since you can restore lists) and therefore I recommend it.
* The HTML interface has been tested using Nutscrape, Internet Exploder, and
Lynx. If anyone uses anything else and has problems, please let me know.
* I suggest that you make use of custom ezmlmwebrc files rather than using
the -d command line switches - it makes fault diagnosis easier ...
* Please see the section on languages below.
VI. Multi-Level Access
Ezmlm-web has a multi-level access system. This depends on a file called
webusers being present in $LIST_DIR. If the file is not present, then any
valid user has access to all lists. If, however, this file exists a number
of constraints come into place.
- The webusers file is scanned for either the list name (case insensitive) or
an ALL (case sensitive) entry.
- The list entry (or ALL) is scanned for the current user (as set in
$REMOTE_USER) or an ALL entry.
- If any valid match is made, then the user is allowed to edit the list.
Otherwise the user is politely told to go away ;-)
If list creation is allowed and the webusers file exists, then the person who
creates the list is the default owner. As of yet there is no way to create users
through the web interface, but I intend to do this eventually.
The format of a webusers file is as follows;
list1: user1, user2, user3
ALL: user1, user2
list2: ALL
ie; listname colon (:) and a comma (,) separated list of users. Spaces are
ignored but each list must appear on a new line.
Once this file exists, the ezmlm-web script will allow the list users to
configure their access lists along with any other options.
You can permit some users to create lists by adding a line similar to the
following to your webusers file:
ALLOW_CREATE: user2, user3
If there is no line starting with "ALLOW_CREATE:" in the webusers file, then
no one will be allowed to create lists. This behaviour is new for ezmlm-web
since version 2.2. To stay compatible to old installations, the commandline
option "-c" for ezmlm-web.cgi will still allow everyone to create lists. The
use of this option is deprecated, since the line "ALLOW_CREATE: ALL" provides
the same effect in a cleaner way.
VII. Language Portablity
One of the great new features of version 2.0 is that it is essentially
language independant (okay, not quite, but is 99% of the way there). Most of
the fixed strings, help, etc is defined in the files of lang directory.
Of course you can change them or create a new translation.
The language can be selected in ezmlmwebrc with the "HTML_LANGUAGE" option.
If anyone gets round to writing full templates for languages I would
appreciate it if you would do two things;
Firstly, make them public and announce them on the ezmlm@lists.cr.yp.to
mailing list so that others may benefit.
Secondly, please mail me a copy (ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de) so that I may use
them in any future releases of ezmlm-web.
VIII. Bugs && Bug Reports
I don't know of any bugs, but then this is a rewrite and a first release. It
has been tested reasonably well, but not exhaustively. I know it works on
FreeBSD 4.0-STABLE, FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE, RedHat 5.1 and Redhat 6.0 all using
an Apache web server, but I would be interested to know whether it works on
other OSs and with other web servers. This version is far less dependent on
the OS than previous versions so I don't see any reason why it shouldn't.
Please mail bug reports and comments to ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de.
IX. Acknowledgements
* Guy Antony Halse (guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za) - He created ezmlm-web,
maintained it till 02005 and wrote nearly every line of code!
* Keith Burdis (keith@rucus.ru.ac.za) - For constantly bugging me and
ensuring that I actually got round to writing some code :)
* Bryan Kilian (bryan@rucus.ru.ac.za) and the administrators of the
Litestep mailing list - For helping beta test and putting up with me
pestering them.
* Several societies at Rhodes. For switching to my web interface and so
unknowingly helping to beta test it.
* Barry Irwin (bvi@moria.org) - For trusting me and moving the Grahamstown
Foundation over to qmail and ezmlm - yet another beta tester :-)
* David Summers (david@summersoft.fay.ar.us) - For some ideas. And for
offering to make up an RPM version. I hope the offer still exists for
version 2.0 :-)
* Glen Stewart (glen_stewart@associate.com) - For a multitude of ideas.
* Fred Lindberg (lindberg@id.wustl.edu) for his useful posts to the
mailing list, suggestions, help, etc
* Galen Johnson (gjohnson@totalsports.net) - For some ideas on bugfixes.
X. Availability
More information on ezmlm-web and developments to ezmlm-web can be found at:
The website of Guy Antony Halse (the author of ezmlm-web) is still at:
The old ftp-archive of ezmlm-web is still available on:
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
$Id: TODO,v 1.3 2000/09/25 19:58:02 guy Exp $
TODO - ezmlm-web 2.2
- More Documentation
- Some nice install method. But then I use FreeBSD and ported it
so that might just count as my nice install method :)
- Option for a css-stylesheet
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
$Id: UPGRADING,v 1.1 2000/09/25 19:24:20 guy Exp $
UPGRADING ezmlm-web 2.1 to ezmlm-web 2.2
1) Creating of new lists is now controlled by a line in the webusers file instead
of a commandline switch for ezmlm-web.cgi.
necessary changes:
- optional: remove switch "-c" when calling ezmlm-web.cgi (take a look at index.c)
- optional: add a line like "ALLOW_CREATE: john, myra" to the webusers file
2) The location of the webusers file is now defined in ezmlmwebrc. (default: $LIST_DIR/webusers)
necessary changes:
- optional: add a line like "$WEBUSERS_FILE = /home/ml/webusers" to ezmlmwebrc
3) A german translation is available.
- optional: include "lang/de.pm" in ezmlmwebrc (there you can also remove the english definitions)
or copy the new ezmlmwebrc :)
UPGRADING ezmlm-web 2.0 to ezmlm-web 2.1
There are no major changes that need to be made in order to upgrade. All
that is necessary is to add two new lines to your ezmlmwebrc ... In the top
section of the file add
and in the %HELPER section, you need to add
addaddressfile => 'or you may enter the filename of a plain text file containing multiple RFC822 email addresses, one per line',
(or just copy the new ezmlmwebrc :)
Have a look for these two lines in the new ezmlmwebrc included in this
distribution if you are unsure of how/where to put these.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
# $Id: ezmlmwebrc,v 1.5 2000/09/25 18:25:26 guy Exp $
# Configuration file for ezmlm-web 2.2
# ===========================================================================
# This file is not just an ordinary configuration file - it contains valid
# perl statements that are executed just like any other perl script. When
# editing this file, be careful that it is still valid perl when you have
# finished (perl -w ezmlmwebrc ;-)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Where do we store lists on this server ... Try "$HOME_DIR/lists".
# This directory will automatically be created if needed.
$LIST_DIR = "$HOME_DIR/lists";
# Where is the webusers file for access-permissions
# defaults to "$LIST_DIR/webusers"
$WEBUSERS_FILE = "$LIST_DIR/webusers";
# Safe list deletion?
# 0 = move list to .list and the .qmails to deleted.qmail/. Recoverable :)
# 1 = allow user to delete list completely. No backup, therefore no recovery.
# Who is the alias user on this system (usually alias ;)
$ALIAS_USER = 'alias';
# Where do the qmail control files live on this system ...
$QMAIL_BASE = $Mail::Ezmlm::QMAIL_BASE . '/control';
# The url to our web interface - so we can use ezmlm-cgi if necessary
$EZMLM_CGI_URL = 'http://some.server.that.has/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi';
# Where our ezcgirc file lives (probably /etc/ezmlm/ezcgirc)
$EZMLM_CGI_RC = '/etc/ezmlm/ezcgirc';
# Do we want to allow ``pretty'' names - ie more human readable ones
# This will slow ezmlm-web down a bit for large lists
# Do we want to allow the users to be allowed to upload a file containing
# lists of email addresses to subscribe?
# What switches to we want ezmlm-web to have on as default. The ezmlm-make
# defaults are aBDFGHIJKLMNOpQRSTUWX (small means enabled, CAPITALS mean
# disabled). The defaults below should be reasonable - I use them ;)
# Where do we find the nice little help icon - by default HELP_ICON_URL
# points to resources on http://rucus.ru.ac.za/. This will work, but we
# would appreciate it if you changed this to a local site.
$HELP_ICON_URL = 'http://rucus.ru.ac.za/icons/small/unknown.gif';
# Header for every page (.= concatinates)
# Footer for every page (.= concatinates)
$HTML_FOOTER .= '<FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/ezmlm-web" TARGET="_blank">ezmlm-web</A> (v2.2) A web interface to <A HREF="http://www.ezmlm.org/" TARGET="_blank">ezmlm</A></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>';
# What colour do we want the background to be?
$HTML_BGCOLOR = '#000080';
# What colour do we want text?
$HTML_TEXT = '#000000';
# What color do we want links?
$HTML_LINK = '#3333ff';
# What color to we want visited links?
$HTML_VLINK = '#8888ff';
# What is the title of this document?
$HTML_TITLE = 'E Z Mailing List Manager';
# choose a language (en|de)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# include language-specific definitions
require('./lang/' . $HTML_LANGUAGE . '.pm');
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#$Id: htaccess.sample,v 1.1 2000/01/29 11:35:40 guy Exp $
#order deny,allow
#deny from all
#allow from .ru.ac.za
AuthName "EZ Mailing List Manager
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/ezmlm/.htusers
require valid-user
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: index.c,v 1.2 2000/09/25 18:14:12 guy Exp $ */
#include <stdio.h>
/* C wrapper to allow ezmlm-web.cgi to run suid */
/* Copyright (C) 1999/2000, Guy Antony Halse, All Rights Reserved */
/* See the README file in this distribution for copyright information */
int main(void) {
/* Change this path to wherever you decided to put ezmlm-web.cgi */
/* Note that you could also use the following to allow a specific user
to store their mailing lists in a different directory defined by
/tmp/ezmlm-web-demo ... This over-rides the default . */
/* Look at the exec(3) man page if you don't understand how the arguments
list below works */
char *switches[] = { "ezmlm-web.cgi", "-d", "/tmp/ezmlm-web-demo", NULL };
execv("/usr/local/bin/ezmlm-web.cgi", switches);
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
# language-specific definitions for ezmlm-web
# in english
# The meanings of the various ezmlm-make command line switches. The default
# ones match the ezmlm-idx 0.4 default ezmlmrc ... Alter them to suit your
# own ezmlmrc. Removing options from this list makes them unavailable
# through ezmlm-web - this could be useful for things like -w
# option => ['Short Name',
# 'Long Help Description'],
a => ['archivieren',
'Ezmlm wird neue Nachrichten zum Archiv hinzufügen'],
b => ['Archiv nur für ModeratorInnen',
'Nur ModeratorInnen haben Zugriff zum Archiv'],
# c => config. This is implicity called, so is not defined here
d => ['Zusammenfassungen',
'Erstelle eine Mailing-Liste, an die regelmäßige Zusammenfassungen versandt werden'],
# e => edit. Also implicity called, so not defined here
f => ['Listenname als Präfix in Betreff einfügen',
'In die versandten Mails wird in der Betreff-Zeile ein Präfix eingefügt'],
g => ['Archiv nur für Mitglieder',
'Nur TeilnehmerInnen der Liste erhalten Zugriff zum Archiv'],
h => ['abonnieren ohne Bestätigung',
'Das Abonnieren der Liste erfordert keine Bestätigung durch die neue AbonnentIn'],
i => ['Web-Index erstellen',
'Den Zugriff auf das Archiv per Webinterface erlauben'],
j => ['abmelden ohne Bestätigung',
'Das Abbestellen der Liste erfordert keine Bestätigung durch die ehemalige AbonnentIn'],
k => ['Beachte Ausschlussliste',
'Einsendungen von Abonnenten, die inm deny-Verzeichnis enthalten sind, werden abgelehnt'],
l => ['Abonnenten-Auflistung für AdministratorInnen',
'Die AdministratorInnen können eine Liste aller AbonnentInnen anfordern'],
m => ['Moderation aktivieren',
'Alle eingehenden Nachrichten müssen durch eine ModeratorIn bestätigt werden'],
n => ['Anpassung der Textbausteine erlauben',
'Administratoren dürfen die Standard-Textbausteine im Unterverzeichnis text/ verändern'],
o => ['Nur ModeratorInnen dürfen einsenden',
'Nur eingehende Nachrichten von den ModeratorInnen werden akzeptiert'],
p => ['Öffentlich',
'Die öffentliche Einschreibung und Archiv-Anforderung ist erlaubt'],
q => ['Verarbeite Anforderungen',
'Mails an liste-request@domain werden verarbeitet'],
r => ['Administration per Mail erlauben',
'Die Verwaltung der Liste durch Mails der AdministratorInnen ist erlaubt'],
s => ['Abonnierung durch ModeratorIn bestätigen',
'Die Einschreibungen in die Liste und die Zusammenfassungs-Liste werden moderiert'],
t => ['Infotext an Mails anhängen',
'An alle ausgehenden Mails wird ein Anhang angefügt'],
u => ['Nur Abonnenten dürfen einsenden',
'Einsendungen von nicht-eingeschriebenen Mail-Adressen werden abgewiesen'],
# v => version. I doubt you will really need this ;-)
w => ['Warnung deaktivieren',
'Entferne den Aufruf von ezmlm-warn aus der Listen-Konfiguration - es wird angenommen, dass ezmlm-warn auf einem anderem Wege gestartet wird'],
x => ['Filtere Anhänge und Kopfzeilen',
'Mails mit den angegebenen Anhangs-Typen werden abgewiesen - die angegebenen Kopfzeilen werden aus den ausgehenden Mails entfernt'],
# y => not used
# z => not used
# These all take an extra argument, which is the default value to use
0 => ['Unterlisten',
'Diese Liste soll eine Unterliste einer anderen Hauptliste sein',
# 1 => not used
# 2 => not used
3 => ['Absender',
'Ersetze den Absender der ausgehenden Mails durch diese Adresse',
4 => ['Zusammenfassungseinstellungen',
'Einstellungen for ezmlm-tstdig (nach "t" Stunden oder "m" Nachrichten oder "k" Kilobyte',
'-t24 -m30 -k64'],
5 => ['Adresse des Verantwortlichen der Liste',
'Mail-Adresse des Listen-Eigentümers',
6 => ['SQL-Datenbank',
'SQL-Datenbank-Zugangsinformationen (erfordert SQL-Unterstützung)',
7 => ['Listen-Moderations-Verzeichnis',
'Falls die Liste moderiert wird, ist der vollständige Verzeichnispfad zur Moderationsdatenbank erforderlich',
8 => ['Einschreibungs-Moderations-Verzeichnis',
'Falls die Einschreibung in die Liste moderiert wird, ist der vollständige Verzeichnispfad zur Einschreibungs-Moderationsdatenbank erforderlich',
9 => ['Administrations-Verzeichnis',
'Falls die Liste per Mail administriert wird, ist der vollständige Verzeichnispfad zur Administrationsdatenbank erforderlich',
# This list defines most of the context sensitive help in ezmlm-web. What
# isn't defined here is the options, which are defined above ... You can
# alter these if you feel something else would make more sense to your users
# Just be careful of what can fit on a screen!
# These should be self explainitory
addaddress => 'Eine Mail-Adresse - auch in der Form \'Max Meier <max@meier.de>\'',
addaddressfile => 'alternativ ist auch eine Datei mit je einer Adresse pro Zeile möglich',
moderator => 'ModeratorInnen kontrollen, welche Mails weitegeleitet und welche AbonnentInnen akzeptiert werden',
deny => 'Ausschluss: die Mail-Adressen, die NIE an die Liste schreiben dürfen',
allow => 'Zulassung: die Mail-Adressen, die immer an die Liste schreiben dürfen',
digest => 'Zusammenfassung: diese Leute werden regeläßige Zusammenfassungen der Mailingliste erhalten',
webarch => 'Gehe zum Web-Archiv der Mailingliste',
config => 'Einstellungen zur Mailingliste',
listname => 'Dies ist der eindeutige Name der Mailingliste',
listadd => 'Die Adresse der Mailingliste - nur der lokale Teil kann geändert werden',
webusers => 'unfertig: derzeit können Listen-Administratoren nur manuell festgelegt werden',
prefix => 'Präfix der Betreffzeile',
headerremove => 'Diese Kopfzeilen werden aus den ausgehenden Mails entfernt',
headeradd => 'Diese Kopfzeilen werden zu jeder ausgehenden Mail hinzugefügt',
mimeremove => 'Alle Mails, die die genannten Anhangs-Typen beinhalten, werden abgewiesen',
allowedit => 'Komma-getrennte Liste von (existierenden) Nutzern oder <CODE>ALL</CODE>',
mysqlcreate => 'Anlegen der konfigurierten MySQL-Datenbank'
# This defines the captions of each of the buttons in ezmlm-web, and allows
# you to configure them for your own language or taste. Since these are used
# by the switching algorithm it is important that every button has a unique
# caption - ie we can't have two 'Edit' buttons doing different things.
# These MUST all be unique!
create => 'Anlegen',
createlist => 'Liste anlegen',
edit => 'Bearbeiten',
delete => 'Entfernen',
deleteaddress => 'Entferne Adresse',
addaddress => 'Füge Adresse hinzu',
moderators => 'ModeratorInnen',
denylist => 'Ausschlussliste',
allowlist => 'Zulassungsliste',
digestsubscribers => 'Abonnenten der Zusammenfassungen',
configuration => 'Konfiguration',
yes => 'Ja',
no => 'Nein',
updateconfiguration => 'Speichere Konfiguration',
edittexts => 'Bearbeite Texte',
editfile => 'Bearbeite Datei',
savefile => 'Speichere Datei',
webarchive => 'Web-Archiv',
selectlist => 'Listenauswahl',
subscribers => 'AbonnentInnen',
cancel => 'Abbruch',
resetform => 'Reset',
# This defines the fixed text strings that are used in ezmlm-web. By editing
# these along with the button labels and help texts, you can convert ezmlm-web
# to another language :-) If anyone gets arround to doing complete templates
# for other languages I would appreciate a copy so that I can include it in
# future releases of ezmlm-web.
nop => 'Diese Funktionalität ist noch nicht umgesetzt worden',
chooselistinfo => "<UL><LI>Markiere eine Liste in der Auswahlbox oder klicke auf [$BUTTON{'create'}].<LI>Klicke auf den [$BUTTON{'edit'}]-Schalter, falls du die markierte Liste bearbeiten möchtest.<LI>Klicke auf den [$BUTTON{'delete'}]-Schalter, falls du die markierte Liste löschen möchtest.</UL>",
confirmdelete => 'Bestätige die Löschung von ', # list name
subscribersto => 'Abonnenten von', # list name
subscribers => 'Abonnenten',
additionalparts => 'Weitere Listen-Bestandteile',
posting => 'Einsendungen',
subscription => 'Einschreibung',
remoteadmin => 'Entfernte AdministratorIn',
for => 'für', # as in; moderators for blahlist
createnew => 'Lege eine neue Liste an',
listname => 'Name der Liste',
listaddress => 'Adresse der Liste',
listoptions => 'Einstellungen der Liste',
allowedtoedit => 'Nutzer, die diese Liste bearbeiten dürfen',
editconfiguration => 'Einstellungen ändern',
prefix => 'Präfix der Betreff-Zeile ausgehender Nachrichten',
headerremove => 'zu entfernende Kopfzeilen',
headeradd => 'einzufügende Kopfzeilen',
mimeremove => 'abzuweisende Anhangs-Typen',
edittextinfo => "Das Auswahlfeld links enthält die Dateien des <BR>Verzeichnisses DIR/text/. Diese Dateien werden als Antwort auf spezifische Nutzer-Anfragen oder als Teil aller ausgehenden Nachrichten versandt.<P>Um diese Dateien zu verändern, wähle ihren Namen im Auswahlfeld an. Anschlißend klicke auf den [$BUTTON{'editfile'}] Schalter.<P>Betätige [$BUTTON{'cancel'}] um die Veränderung abzubrechen.",
editingfile => 'Bearbeite Datei',
editfileinfo => '<BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-manage</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> Der Name der Liste<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> Die Anmeldungs-Adresse<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> Die Bestätigungs-Adresse<P><BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-store</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> Der Name der Liste<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> Die Zusage-Adresse<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> Die Ablehungs-Adresse</UL>',
mysqlcreate => 'Lege die MySQL-Datenbank an, falls erforderlich',
# === Configuration file ends ===
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
# language-specific definitions for ezmlm-web
# in english
# The meanings of the various ezmlm-make command line switches. The default
# ones match the ezmlm-idx 0.4 default ezmlmrc ... Alter them to suit your
# own ezmlmrc. Removing options from this list makes them unavailable
# through ezmlm-web - this could be useful for things like -w
# option => ['Short Name',
# 'Long Help Description'],
a => ['Archived',
'Ezmlm will archive new messages'],
b => ['Block archive',
'Only moderators are allowed to access the archive'],
# c => config. This is implicity called, so is not defined here
d => ['Digest',
'Set up a digest list to disseminate digest of the list messages'],
# e => edit. Also implicity called, so not defined here
f => ['Prefix',
'Outgoing subject will be prefixed with the list name'],
g => ['Guard Archive',
'Archive access requests from unrecognized SENDERs will be rejected'],
h => ['Help subscription',
'Subscriptions do not require confirmation'],
i => ['Indexed',
'Indexed for WWW archive access'],
j => ['Jump off',
'Unsubscribe does not require confirmation'],
k => ['Kill',
'Posts from addresses in dir/deny/ are rejected'],
l => ['Subscriber List',
'Remote administrators can request a subscriber list'],
m => ['Message Moderation',
'All incoming messages are moderated'],
n => ['Text Editing',
'Allow remote administrators to edit files in dir/text/'],
o => ['Others rejected',
'Posts from addresses other than moderators are rejected'],
p => ['Public',
'List will respond to administrative requests and archive retrieval'],
q => ['Service Request Address',
'Process commands sent in the subject to local-request@host'],
r => ['Remote Admin',
'Enable remote adminstration of the list'],
s => ['Subscription Moderation',
'Subscriptions to the main list and digest will be moderated'],
t => ['Trailer',
'Add a trailer to outgoing messages'],
u => ['User Posts Only',
'Posts from unrecognized SENDER addresses will be rejected'],
# v => version. I doubt you will really need this ;-)
w => ['Remove Warn',
'Remove the ezmlm-warn(1) invocations from the list setup. It is assumed that ezmlm-warn(1) is run by other means'],
x => ['Extra',
'Strip certain mimetypes, etc'],
# y => not used
# z => not used
# These all take an extra argument, which is the default value to use
0 => ['Sublist',
'Make the list a sublist of list mainlist@host',
# 1 => not used
# 2 => not used
3 => ['From Address',
'Replace the "From:" header of the message with "From: fromarg"',
4 => ['Digest Options',
'Switches for ezmlm-tstdig(1)',
'-t24 -m30 -k64'],
5 => ['List Owner',
'The email address of the list owner',
6 => ['SQL Database',
'SQL database connect information. Requires SQL support',
7 => ['Message Moderation Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
8 => ['Subscription Moderation Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
9 => ['Remote Admin Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
# This list defines most of the context sensitive help in ezmlm-web. What
# isn't defined here is the options, which are defined above ... You can
# alter these if you feel something else would make more sense to your users
# Just be careful of what can fit on a screen!
# These should be self explainitory
addaddress => 'You may enter any RFC822 compliant email address here, including the comment part. For example; J Random User <jru@on.web.za>',
addaddressfile => 'or you may enter the filename of a plain text file containing multiple RFC822 email addresses, one per line',
moderator => 'Moderators: people who control who may subscribe or post to a list',
deny => 'Deny: A list of addresses that are _never_ allowed to mail the list',
allow => 'Allow: A list of address that are allowed to mail the list even if the configuration otherwise restricts it',
digest => 'Digest: People who will recieve a digest of all messages on the list',
webarch => 'View the web based archive of this list',
config => 'This lets you alter the way the list is set up',
listname => 'This is the name of the list as displayed on the Select Lists screen. It is also the name of the subdirectory that contains the list',
listadd => 'This is the email address of the list. Note that the defaults come from your qmail config. You should just update the local part (before the @)',
webusers => 'NB! At this stage, any users specified here must exist. User creation may be added in future versions',
prefix => 'Text to add to the subject line of all outgoing messages',
headerremove => 'This is a list of headers to remove from all outgoing mail',
headeradd => 'This is a list of headers to add to all outging mail',
mimeremove => 'All messages whose Content-Type matches these mime types will be bounced back to sender',
allowedit => 'Comma separated list of usernames, or <CODE>ALL</CODE> (all valid users)',
mysqlcreate => 'This will create the necessary MySQL tables if the list configuration above requires it'
# This defines the captions of each of the buttons in ezmlm-web, and allows
# you to configure them for your own language or taste. Since these are used
# by the switching algorithm it is important that every button has a unique
# caption - ie we can't have two 'Edit' buttons doing different things.
# These MUST all be unique!
create => 'Create',
createlist => 'Create List',
edit => 'Edit',
delete => 'Delete',
deleteaddress => 'Delete Address',
addaddress => 'Add Address',
moderators => 'Moderators',
denylist => 'Deny List',
allowlist => 'Allow List',
digestsubscribers => 'Digest Subscribers',
configuration => 'Configuration',
yes => 'Yes',
no => 'No',
updateconfiguration => 'Update Configuration',
edittexts => 'Edit Texts',
editfile => 'Edit File',
savefile => 'Save File',
webarchive => 'Web Archive',
selectlist => 'Select List',
subscribers => 'Subscribers',
cancel => 'Cancel',
resetform => 'Reset Form',
# This defines the fixed text strings that are used in ezmlm-web. By editing
# these along with the button labels and help texts, you can convert ezmlm-web
# to another language :-) If anyone gets arround to doing complete templates
# for other languages I would appreciate a copy so that I can include it in
# future releases of ezmlm-web.
nop => 'Action not yet implemented',
chooselistinfo => "<UL><LI>Choose a mailing list from the selection box or click on [$BUTTON{'create'}].<LI>Click on the [$BUTTON{'edit'}] button if you want to edit the selected list.<LI>Click on the [$BUTTON{'delete'}] button if you want to delete the selected list.</UL>",
confirmdelete => 'Confirm deletion of', # list name
subscribersto => 'Subscribers to', # list name
subscribers => 'subscribers',
additionalparts => 'Additional list parts',
posting => 'Posting',
subscription => 'Subscription',
remoteadmin => 'Remote Admin',
for => 'for', # as in; moderators for blahlist
createnew => 'Create a New List',
listname => 'List Name',
listaddress => 'List Address',
listoptions => 'List Options',
allowedtoedit => 'Users allowed to edit this list',
editconfiguration => 'Edit the List Configuration',
prefix => 'Subject prefex for outgoing messages',
headerremove => 'Headers to strip from all outgoing mail',
headeradd => 'Headers to add to all outgoing mail',
mimeremove => 'Mime types to strip from all outgoing mail',
edittextinfo => "The box on the left contains a list of files available in the<BR>DIR/text directory. These files are sent out in response to specfic user request, or as part of all outgoing messages<P>To edit a file, select its name from the box. Then click on the [$BUTTON{'editfile'}] button.<P>Press [$BUTTON{'cancel'}] when you have finished editing.",
editingfile => 'Editing File',
editfileinfo => '<BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-manage</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> The list name<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> The subscription address<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> The address a subscriber must reply to<P><BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-store</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> The list name<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> The acceptance address<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> The rejection address</UL>',
mysqlcreate => 'Create the MySQL database tables if necessary',
# === Configuration file ends ===
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
comm: guy, arb
users: arb
members: ALL
ALL: root
ALLOW_CREATE: root, guy
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
$Id: CHANGES,v 1.2 2000/09/25 17:54:06 guy Exp $
REVISION HISTORY - ezmlm-web.cgi
Version 0.1 - 10/04/98 (Not Released)
* University Vac - I was bored and started to play. The first version just
let people play with the subscribers list. No moderators, no nothing.
Version 0.2 - 13/04/98 (Not Released)
* Allow list creation
* Allowed users to edit moderators
Version 0.3 - 15/04/98
* Allow list deletion (for balin@moria.org)
* Made changes to allow it to run on RedHat 4.2 as well as FreeBSD 3.0
* Fixed some minor bugs (cosmetic irritaions really) that people noticed
* Sorted subscribers list into alphabetical order.
* Added command line switch to change list directory (for nxsy@moria.org)
* Wrote some documentation ...
Version 0.4 - 28/04/98
* Fixed up virtual domain (inlocal) stuff as spotted by bryan@rucus
* Allowed the list directory to be automatically created if necessary.
Version 0.5 - 12/05/98 (Not Released)
* More bug fixes. Mainly for mathew@graham.
Version 1.0 - 01/08/98
* Complete re-write to convert to perl5 and CGI.pm
* Removed a lot of dependancy on the OS. Use builtin functions instead :)
* Added support for ezmlm-idx
* Added a lot more command line option support (-adfgiklmnpqsrstux5)
* Added support for digests and digest subscribers
* Added support for blacklists
* Allowed users to edit the config of existing lists
* Allowed the user to edit headeradd and headerremove as well as mimeremove
* Allowed user to edit any of the files in DIR/text
* Revised interface to make it more user-friendly and ergonomic.
* Changed the background colour for Kether (clb@rucus) *gryn*
* Removed a big bug in the delete_list function that had gone unnoticed.
Version 1.0.1 - 10/08/98
* Fixed a bug in the way 1.0 re-configured virtual hosts (bryan@rucus)
* Made the script read the /var/qmail/control files instead of explicitly
setting variables (for david@summersoft)
Version 1.0.2 - 28/08/98
* Fixed the bug introduced in v1.0.1 :( (keith@rucus)
* Fixed the way we recreate config files (noticed by Glen Stewart)
* Made the script check return values of system calls properly
* Fixed some of the taint checking stuff ... reports less in the logs now.
Version 1.0.3 - 03/10/98
* Fixed the alias-alias-alias-list bug in inlocal (bryan@rucus)
* Added a bit of online help
* Fixed the & in list owner (bryan@rucus)
* Added multi-level access to lists (based on idea by Glen Stewart)
Version 2.0 - 01/01/00
* Rewrote most of the code to take advantage of Mail::Ezmlm
* Made the webuser file more functional (users can alter it)
* Now handles all current, and future command line options
* Changed the colours :)
* Added support for ezmlm-cgi web archives
* Made it -w and use strict clean
* Moved all user config to a separate file
* Fixed the way we worked out list config - now complete
* Allowed a user specific config over-ride ``ezmlmwebrc''
* Allowed the printing of `nice' usernames (for Rhodes CS Dept)
* Took account of non-standard paths for moderators
* Removed all system() and `` calls from ezmlm-web.cgi
* Made `look and feel' virtually all user configurable
* Added a lot more context sensitive help
* Made ezmlm-web 99% language configurable - but no other templates yet :(
* Added support for creating databases
Version 2.1 - 25/09/00
* Fixed the multiple delete thing - finally!
* Fixed the '-' in username problem - The '-' in hostnames problem is fixed
in the new version of Mail::Ezmlm
* Fixed the '_' in list names problem
* Added support for file uploads of email addresses (multiple subscribe)
* Made error handling more friendly
Version 2.2 - 26/01/02005
* German translation of the web interface - more translations can be added easily
* changed "ALT"-tags to "TITLE" - most browsers will display the tooltip texts now
* fixed security problems (permissions were not thoroughly checked)
* user-based permission for creating lists (can be set in webusersrc)
* the location of the webusers file is now an option in ezmlmwebrc
Version 2.3 - ??/04/02005
* css styles are used instead of tables
* permission check for upload of files fixed
* removed some taint errors
* file upload typo fixed
* update of webusers file fixed
* moderator unsubscribe fixed
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
The following notes will guide you through the installation of ezmlm-web:
0. IMPORTANT: you need the perl module Mail::Ezmlm and others to use
ezmlm-web! The file README contains the list of necessary modules.
1. Get ezmlm-web and extract the archive:
tar xzf ezmlm-web-2.2.tar.gz
2. Copy ezmlm-web.cgi to some publically readable directory. It does not
have to be in a path accessible to your web server, but any user with a
mailing list must be able to run it (Check the read and execute rights
on both the file and directory). We put our copy in "/usr/local/bin".
At the top of ezmlm-web.gi you can will probably have to change the
$ENV{'PATH'} variable. Be careful about what you set as the path. Too
much is a security risk and too little will cause the script to
malfunction. Version 2.0 requires that the following programs be
accessible in your path: mv, rm
3. Edit the ezmlmwebrc file and alter the variables to suit your
particular system.
Be careful about the $LIST_DIR variable. This script assumes that all
users store their mailing lists in the same sub directory of the home
directory (eg ~/lists). You can override this for an individual user
by recompiling the C wrapper to call ezmlm-web.cgi with a -d option.
Other configurable options are documented in the ezmlmwebrc file
itself. I have tried to keep the amount of information that you need to
supply to a minimum and also make reasonable guesses about default
Finally, copy the ezmlmwebrc file and the "lang" directory to one of
the following places:
- /etc/ezmlm
- the home directory of the user that runs ezmlm-web.cgi
- the directory, that contains your ezmlm-web.cgi file
4. Edit the index.c file and change the path to the path of your copy
of ezmlm-web.cgi. Then compile this file. You can do this by issuing
the command; gcc -o index.cgi index.c
5. For every user/virtual host that needs to manage mailing lists, you
need to create a SUID (user not root!!) copy of index.cgi (see
chmod(1) for details). These need to reside somewhere accessible by
the web server. I suggest that you put them in a sub directory (see
about security) of each user/virtual host's home directory (eg
/home/luser/public_html/ezmlm for Apache on Redhat).
The copies don't actually have to be called index.cgi, but it is nice
for web servers that can resolve a cgi script as an index page (see the
srm.conf file in Apache). It is important to make sure that whichever
directory you choose to put them can i: Execute CGI Scripts and ii: Be
access controlled (here I mean both web and user access) by some method
(eg .htaccess, access.conf for Apache).
6. Install some method of securing access to the page. The following
information is applicable to Apache web servers ... Detailed
information on user authentication can be obtained from the Apache
documentation (http://www.apache.org) and ApacheWeek
6.1 Ensure that your Apache setup will allow .htaccess file to control
access in the directory that contains. This is controlled by the
AllowOverride tag in access.conf. (Also ensure you have the
necessary Apache modules installed)
6.2 Create a htpasswd file. This is done using the htpasswd command that
comes with Apache. Its command line syntax is;
htpasswd [-c] passwordfile username
You need to put the passwordfile somewhere that is not accessible by
people through the web, and create an entry for each user you want
to have access ... See the ApacheWeek article for more details.
6.3 Create a .htaccess file in the directory that contains index.cgi.
Note that using Apache's built in access control, you can only control
access to directories, not individual files, hence the need for a
sub-directory in step 5.
The format of the .htaccess file should be along the lines of this;
AuthName EZ Mailing List Manager
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/passwordfile
require valid-user # or require user username
Again, see the ApacheWeek article for details.
7. Test the installation through the web. You should be asked for a
username and password (supplied in 6.2) and then be presented with a
screen entitled EZ Mailing List Manger. You can then try to create and
edit mailing lists ... Have Fun :)
If you have any problems, then you can:
- take a look at https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/ezmlm-web
- send me an email: ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de
@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
$Id: README,v 1.2 2000/09/25 17:57:21 guy Exp $
| ezmlm-web-2.2 |
If you only want to know how to install ezmlm-web, then you should
I. Copyright Stuff
II. Some Background
III. Requirements
IV. Files
V. Notes
VI. Multi-level list access
VII. Language Portability
VIII. Bugs && Bug Reports
XI. Acknowledgements
X. Availability
I. Copyright Stuff - essentially the FreeBSD licence ...
ezmlm-web - version 2.2 - 26/01/02005
Copyright (C) 1998, Guy Antony Halse, All Rights Reserved.
Please send bug reports and comments to guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither name Guy Antony Halse nor the names of any contributors may be used
to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.
II. Some Background
The need for ezmlm-web arose from the fact that we host many student
societies on our system. These societies usually have a virtual host for web
and email, which is administered by a computer rep from the society. These
computer reps often have little or no knowledge of Unix and so we needed a
user friendly system that would let the create and maintain mailing lists
(such as members@foo.soc.ru.ac.za, committee@foo.soc.ru.ac.za, etc).
Since I am never keen to re-invent the wheel, I had a look at Steve Peterson's
script (http://virtation.com/qmail/ml-sub), which allows people to subscribe
and unsubscribe from mailing lists using a form->email gateway. This is fine
for putting on a web page saying "here come and join our mailing list", but
doesn't really allow you to administrate a list.
Security of mailing lists was a concern, as we really didn't want
unauthorised people to be able to alter some users list. Ezmlm-web itself
implements no security checks (apart from un-tainting input) and so relies
on the web server to do this (re-inventing the wheel again :). We use an
Apache webserver, so one can control access to a directory using a .htaccess
file or in the access.conf file. ApacheWeek have a good article on doing
this at http://www.apacheweek.com/features/userauth. I also give examples
later in this document.
This version of ezmlm-web is based to a large extent on previous
versions that I have developed. It has however been totally re-written to
make use of the Mail::Ezmlm perl module I wrote. At the same time it was
updated and extended to include the new features of ezmlm-idx. It includes
many new features that have been suggested to me over the last few months,
and hopefully is now useful to a much larger group of people.
Since 02005 ezmlm-web is maintained by Lars Kruse (ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de).
Only minor improvements had to be implemented to keep the already fully
functional ezmlm-web up to date.
III. Requirements
This version of ezmlm-web requires the following;
* qmail v1.03
* ezmlm v0.53 (idx v0.40)
* Perl v5.004 and the following modules;
+ Mail::Ezmlm v0.03
+ Mail::Address v1.15
+ CGI v2.6
+ CGI::Carp v1.06
+ DB_File v1.65
+ Getopt::Std v4.1
+ File::Find v?
+ File::Copy v2.02
The version number indicates the version of the module that ezmlm-web was
developed with. Earlier versions may work, but then they haven't been
tested. Have a look on http://www.CPAN.org/, http://www.qmail.org/, and
http://www.ezmlm.org/ for anything you are missing.
IV. Files
In this distribution you should find 8 files;
README This file. Provides some background information.
Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
INSTALL Notes on installation. Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
CHANGES The change history. Not needed to run ezmlm-web
TODO This file is a list of things I intend doing in future
versions of ezmlm-web. Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
ezmlm-web.cgi The ezmlm-web script proper. This program requires that
you have perl5 installed on your machine and that your web
server is capable of running CGI scripts.
index.c A C wrapper to allow ezmlm-web.cgi to run suid. Not
strictly necessary if your setup allows perl scripts to
run suid, but I prefer using wrappers anyway. It needs to
be edited and compiled to suit your system. Not needed to
run ezmlm-web.
ezmlmwebrc This is the configuration file for ezmlm-web. All options
are explained in this example file. You will need this
file to run ezmlm-web.
htaccess.sample A sample Apache .htaccess file for controlling access to
the mailing lists. If you use another web server, you will
have to work this bit out for yourself.
webusers.sample A sample webusers file for multi-level access control.
The directory "lang" contains the language files. You will need at least the
one, that you have choosen in "ezmlmwebrc" by the option "HTML_LANGUAGE".
V. Notes
* There is a function to delete mailing lists, but I really don't like the
idea. The only reason I put it in is that bvi@rucus asked for it.
If you set $UNSAFE_RD = 0 (the default) in the config section, the
ezmlm-web won't actually delete the list. In this case it moves the <list>
to .<list> and all the associated .qmail files to a sub-directory called
deleted.qmail/ (In the users home directory. This is by far a safer way
(since you can restore lists) and therefore I recommend it.
* The HTML interface has been tested using Nutscrape, Internet Exploder, and
Lynx. If anyone uses anything else and has problems, please let me know.
* I suggest that you make use of custom ezmlmwebrc files rather than using
the -d command line switches - it makes fault diagnosis easier ...
* Please see the section on languages below.
VI. Multi-Level Access
Ezmlm-web has a multi-level access system. This depends on a file called
webusers being present in $LIST_DIR. If the file is not present, then any
valid user has access to all lists. If, however, this file exists a number
of constraints come into place.
- The webusers file is scanned for either the list name (case insensitive) or
an ALL (case sensitive) entry.
- The list entry (or ALL) is scanned for the current user (as set in
$REMOTE_USER) or an ALL entry.
- If any valid match is made, then the user is allowed to edit the list.
Otherwise the user is politely told to go away ;-)
If list creation is allowed and the webusers file exists, then the person who
creates the list is the default owner. As of yet there is no way to create users
through the web interface, but I intend to do this eventually.
The format of a webusers file is as follows;
list1: user1, user2, user3
ALL: user1, user2
list2: ALL
ie; listname colon (:) and a comma (,) separated list of users. Spaces are
ignored but each list must appear on a new line.
Once this file exists, the ezmlm-web script will allow the list users to
configure their access lists along with any other options.
You can permit some users to create lists by adding a line similar to the
following to your webusers file:
ALLOW_CREATE: user2, user3
If there is no line starting with "ALLOW_CREATE:" in the webusers file, then
no one will be allowed to create lists. This behaviour is new for ezmlm-web
since version 2.2. To stay compatible to old installations, the commandline
option "-c" for ezmlm-web.cgi will still allow everyone to create lists. The
use of this option is deprecated, since the line "ALLOW_CREATE: ALL" provides
the same effect in a cleaner way.
VII. Language Portablity
One of the great new features of version 2.0 is that it is essentially
language independant (okay, not quite, but is 99% of the way there). Most of
the fixed strings, help, etc is defined in the files of lang directory.
Of course you can change them or create a new translation.
The language can be selected in ezmlmwebrc with the "HTML_LANGUAGE" option.
If anyone gets round to writing full templates for languages I would
appreciate it if you would do two things;
Firstly, make them public and announce them on the ezmlm@lists.cr.yp.to
mailing list so that others may benefit.
Secondly, please mail me a copy (ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de) so that I may use
them in any future releases of ezmlm-web.
VIII. Bugs && Bug Reports
I don't know of any bugs, but then this is a rewrite and a first release. It
has been tested reasonably well, but not exhaustively. I know it works on
FreeBSD 4.0-STABLE, FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE, RedHat 5.1 and Redhat 6.0 all using
an Apache web server, but I would be interested to know whether it works on
other OSs and with other web servers. This version is far less dependent on
the OS than previous versions so I don't see any reason why it shouldn't.
Please mail bug reports and comments to ezmlm-web@sumpfralle.de.
IX. Acknowledgements
* Guy Antony Halse (guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za) - He created ezmlm-web,
maintained it till 02005 and wrote nearly every line of code!
* Keith Burdis (keith@rucus.ru.ac.za) - For constantly bugging me and
ensuring that I actually got round to writing some code :)
* Bryan Kilian (bryan@rucus.ru.ac.za) and the administrators of the
Litestep mailing list - For helping beta test and putting up with me
pestering them.
* Several societies at Rhodes. For switching to my web interface and so
unknowingly helping to beta test it.
* Barry Irwin (bvi@moria.org) - For trusting me and moving the Grahamstown
Foundation over to qmail and ezmlm - yet another beta tester :-)
* David Summers (david@summersoft.fay.ar.us) - For some ideas. And for
offering to make up an RPM version. I hope the offer still exists for
version 2.0 :-)
* Glen Stewart (glen_stewart@associate.com) - For a multitude of ideas.
* Fred Lindberg (lindberg@id.wustl.edu) for his useful posts to the
mailing list, suggestions, help, etc
* Galen Johnson (gjohnson@totalsports.net) - For some ideas on bugfixes.
X. Availability
More information on ezmlm-web and developments to ezmlm-web can be found at:
The website of Guy Antony Halse (the author of ezmlm-web) is still at:
The old ftp-archive of ezmlm-web is still available on:
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
$Id: TODO,v 1.3 2000/09/25 19:58:02 guy Exp $
TODO - ezmlm-web 2.3
- mention in INSTALL, that a missing webusers-file deactivates access control
- more documentation
- webusers is not mentioned in INSTALL
- change ./lang/ to /usr/local/share/ezmlm-web/lang
- move unknown.gif to systemausfall.org
- some nice install method
- easy-mode? - maybe with typical profiles - or: separation basic / expert
- check and improve DEFAULT_HOST
- check virtual user testing
- implement ldap authorisation
- check: the textfields for paths are filled with the first set value
- line 472 - replace "return" by "if"-construct
- option for a css-stylesheet
- migrate header and footer in ezmlmwebrc to css
- improve css-design
- "prefix"-option should be next to its text field (as with all paths)
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
$Id: UPGRADING,v 1.1 2000/09/25 19:24:20 guy Exp $
UPGRADING ezmlm-web 2.1 to ezmlm-web 2.2
1) Creating of new lists is now controlled by a line in the webusers file instead
of a commandline switch for ezmlm-web.cgi.
necessary changes:
- optional: remove switch "-c" when calling ezmlm-web.cgi (take a look at index.c)
- optional: add a line like "ALLOW_CREATE: john, myra" to the webusers file
2) The location of the webusers file is now defined in ezmlmwebrc. (default: $LIST_DIR/webusers)
necessary changes:
- optional: add a line like "$WEBUSERS_FILE = /home/ml/webusers" to ezmlmwebrc
3) A german translation is available.
- optional: include "lang/de.pm" in ezmlmwebrc (there you can also remove the english definitions)
or copy the new ezmlmwebrc :)
UPGRADING ezmlm-web 2.0 to ezmlm-web 2.1
There are no major changes that need to be made in order to upgrade. All
that is necessary is to add two new lines to your ezmlmwebrc ... In the top
section of the file add
and in the %HELPER section, you need to add
addaddressfile => 'or you may enter the filename of a plain text file containing multiple RFC822 email addresses, one per line',
(or just copy the new ezmlmwebrc :)
Have a look for these two lines in the new ezmlmwebrc included in this
distribution if you are unsure of how/where to put these.
@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
body {
background-color: #000080;
color: #000000;
h1 {
text-align: center;
h2 {
text-align: center;
a {
color: #3333ff;
a:visited {
color: #8888ff;
/*********************** general **************************
used classes for containers:
title - heading of most pages (except main)
list - list of subscribers/mailinglists/moderators/...
add_remove - buttons and fields to manipulate such lists
info - explanations
question - buttons to answer a question
options - various possibilities (buttons)
input - group of form fields
container - includes all other containers on a page
low-level classes (for "span"):
and a special div:
div.container {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
div.add_remove span.button {
width: auto;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: auto;
div.add_remove span.formfield {
width: auto;
margin: 0px;
margin-right: auto;
padding: 0px;
div.add_remove span.formfield:before {
content: attr("<br>");
div.list {
margin: 1%;
margin-right: 3%;
text-align: center;
float: left;
margin-bottom: auto;
div.question {
text-align: center;
p.warning {
text-decoration: blink;
color: #ff0000;
text-align: center;
span.help {
font-size: small;
span.button {
margin-left: 3px;
margin-right: 3px;
span.formfield {
margin-right: auto;
/************************ main page ***********************
name of container: main
available classes: list info add_remove
/******************* confirm delete page *******************
name of container: delete
available classes: title button
/************************* edit page ***********************
name of container: edit
availbale classes: title list add_remove options
/********* allow/deny/moderators/digests page **************
name of container: parts
available classes: title info list add_remove
/******************* create list page **********************
name of container: create
available classes: title input question
#create div.input span.formfield {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: large;
margin-left: 0px;
margin-right: auto;
/********************* config page *************************
name of container: config
available classes: title info input question
#config div.info {
font-size: large;
font-weight: bold;
#config div.input span.formfield {
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 0px;
margin-right: auto;
/******************** textfiles ****************************
name of container: textfiles
available classes: list info question
/******************** edittext *****************************
name of container: edittext
available classes: title input info question
#edittext div.input {
/**************** error messages **************************/
div.error {
width: 99%;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
background-color: #e0e0ff;
div.error h2 {
color: #ff0000;
div.error p.msg {
font-weight: bold;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
# $Id: ezmlmwebrc,v 1.5 2000/09/25 18:25:26 guy Exp $
# Configuration file for ezmlm-web 2.2
# ===========================================================================
# This file is not just an ordinary configuration file - it contains valid
# perl statements that are executed just like any other perl script. When
# editing this file, be careful that it is still valid perl when you have
# finished (perl -w ezmlmwebrc ;-)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Where do we store lists on this server ... Try "$HOME_DIR/lists".
# This directory will automatically be created if needed.
$LIST_DIR = "$HOME_DIR/lists";
# Where is the webusers file for access-permissions
# defaults to "$LIST_DIR/webusers"
$WEBUSERS_FILE = "$LIST_DIR/webusers";
# Safe list deletion?
# 0 = move list to .list and the .qmails to deleted.qmail/. Recoverable :)
# 1 = allow user to delete list completely. No backup, therefore no recovery.
# Who is the alias user on this system (usually alias ;)
$ALIAS_USER = 'alias';
# Where do the qmail control files live on this system ...
$QMAIL_BASE = $Mail::Ezmlm::QMAIL_BASE . '/control';
# The url to our web interface - so we can use ezmlm-cgi if necessary
$EZMLM_CGI_URL = 'http://some.server.that.has/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi';
# Where our ezcgirc file lives (probably /etc/ezmlm/ezcgirc)
$EZMLM_CGI_RC = '/etc/ezmlm/ezcgirc';
# Do we want to allow ``pretty'' names - ie more human readable ones
# This will slow ezmlm-web down a bit for large lists
# Do we want to allow the users to be allowed to upload a file containing
# lists of email addresses to subscribe?
# What switches to we want ezmlm-web to have on as default. The ezmlm-make
# defaults are aBDFGHIJKLMNOpQRSTUWX (small means enabled, CAPITALS mean
# disabled). The defaults below should be reasonable - I use them ;)
# Where do we find the nice little help icon - by default HELP_ICON_URL
# points to resources on http://rucus.ru.ac.za/. This will work, but we
# would appreciate it if you changed this to a local site.
$HELP_ICON_URL = 'http://rucus.ru.ac.za/icons/small/unknown.gif';
# Header for every page (.= concatinates)
# Footer for every page (.= concatinates)
$HTML_FOOTER .= '<FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/ezmlm-web" TARGET="_blank">ezmlm-web</A> (v2.2) A web interface to <A HREF="http://www.ezmlm.org/" TARGET="_blank">ezmlm</A></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>';
# NEW:
# html properties (e.g. color, background-color) can be defined in a
# stylesheet (see HTML_CSS_FILE) since version 2.3
# What is the title of this document?
$HTML_TITLE = 'E Z Mailing List Manager';
# Optional: use a cascading style sheet (css)
$HTML_CSS_FILE = "css/default.css";
# choose a language (en|de)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# include language-specific definitions
require('./lang/' . $HTML_LANGUAGE . '.pm');
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#$Id: htaccess.sample,v 1.1 2000/01/29 11:35:40 guy Exp $
#order deny,allow
#deny from all
#allow from .ru.ac.za
AuthName "EZ Mailing List Manager
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/ezmlm/.htusers
require valid-user
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: index.c,v 1.2 2000/09/25 18:14:12 guy Exp $ */
#include <stdio.h>
/* C wrapper to allow ezmlm-web.cgi to run suid */
/* Copyright (C) 1999/2000, Guy Antony Halse, All Rights Reserved */
/* See the README file in this distribution for copyright information */
int main(void) {
/* Change this path to wherever you decided to put ezmlm-web.cgi */
/* Note that you could also use the following to allow a specific user
to store their mailing lists in a different directory defined by
/tmp/ezmlm-web-demo ... This over-rides the default . */
/* Look at the exec(3) man page if you don't understand how the arguments
list below works */
char *switches[] = { "ezmlm-web.cgi", "-d", "/tmp/ezmlm-web-demo", NULL };
execv("/usr/local/bin/ezmlm-web.cgi", switches);
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
# language-specific definitions for ezmlm-web
# in english
# The meanings of the various ezmlm-make command line switches. The default
# ones match the ezmlm-idx 0.4 default ezmlmrc ... Alter them to suit your
# own ezmlmrc. Removing options from this list makes them unavailable
# through ezmlm-web - this could be useful for things like -w
# option => ['Short Name',
# 'Long Help Description'],
a => ['archivieren',
'Ezmlm wird neue Nachrichten zum Archiv hinzufuegen'],
b => ['Archiv nur fuer ModeratorInnen',
'Nur ModeratorInnen haben Zugriff zum Archiv'],
# c => config. This is implicity called, so is not defined here
d => ['Zusammenfassungen',
'Erstelle eine Mailing-Liste, an die regelmaessige Zusammenfassungen versandt werden'],
# e => edit. Also implicity called, so not defined here
f => ['Listenname als Praefix in Betreff einfuegen',
'In die versandten Mails wird in der Betreff-Zeile ein Praefix eingefuegt'],
g => ['Archiv nur fuer Mitglieder',
'Nur TeilnehmerInnen der Liste erhalten Zugriff zum Archiv'],
h => ['einschreiben ohne Bestaetigung',
'Das Abonnieren der Liste erfordert keine Bestaetigung durch die neue AbonnentIn'],
i => ['Web-Index erstellen',
'Den Zugriff auf das Archiv per Webinterface erlauben'],
j => ['abmelden ohne Bestaetigung',
'Das Abbestellen der Liste erfordert keine Bestaetigung durch die ehemalige AbonnentIn'],
k => ['Beachte Ausschlussliste',
'Einsendungen von Abonnenten, die inm deny-Verzeichnis enthalten sind, werden abgelehnt'],
l => ['Abonnenten-Auflistung fuer AdministratorInnen',
'Die AdministratorInnen koennen eine Liste aller AbonnentInnen anfordern'],
m => ['Moderation aktivieren',
'Alle eingehenden Nachrichten muessen durch eine ModeratorIn bestaetigt werden'],
n => ['Anpassung der Textbausteine erlauben',
'Administratoren duerfen die Standard-Textbausteine per Mail veraendern'],
o => ['Nur ModeratorInnen duerfen einsenden',
'Nur eingehende Nachrichten von den ModeratorInnen werden akzeptiert'],
p => ['oeffentlich',
'Die oeffentliche Einschreibung und Archiv-Anforderung ist erlaubt'],
q => ['Verarbeite Anforderungen',
'Mails an liste-request@domain werden verarbeitet'],
r => ['Administration per Mail erlauben',
'Die Verwaltung der Liste durch Mails der AdministratorInnen ist erlaubt'],
s => ['Einschreibung durch ModeratorIn bestaetigen',
'Die Einschreibungen in die Liste und die Zusammenfassungs-Liste werden moderiert'],
t => ['Infotext an Mails anhaengen',
'An alle ausgehenden Mails wird ein Anhang angefuegt (siehe Datei "text/trailer")'],
u => ['Nur Abonnenten duerfen einsenden',
'Einsendungen von nicht-eingeschriebenen Mail-Adressen werden abgewiesen'],
# v => version. I doubt you will really need this ;-)
w => ['Warnung deaktivieren',
'Entferne den Aufruf von ezmlm-warn aus der Listen-Konfiguration - es wird angenommen, dass ezmlm-warn auf einem anderem Wege gestartet wird'],
x => ['Filtere Anhaenge und Kopfzeilen',
'Mails mit den angegebenen Anhangs-Typen werden abgewiesen - die angegebenen Kopfzeilen werden aus den ausgehenden Mails entfernt'],
# y => not used
# z => not used
# These all take an extra argument, which is the default value to use
0 => ['Unterlisten',
'Diese Liste soll eine Unterliste einer anderen Hauptliste sein',
# 1 => not used
# 2 => not used
3 => ['Absender',
'Ersetze den Absender der ausgehenden Mails durch diese Adresse',
4 => ['Zusammenfassungseinstellungen',
'Einstellungen for ezmlm-tstdig (nach "t" Stunden oder "m" Nachrichten oder "k" Kilobyte',
'-t24 -m30 -k64'],
5 => ['Adresse des Verantwortlichen der Liste',
'Mail-Adresse des Listen-Eigentuemers',
6 => ['SQL-Datenbank',
'SQL-Datenbank-Zugangsinformationen (erfordert SQL-Unterstuetzung)',
7 => ['Listen-Moderations-Verzeichnis',
'alternatives Verzeichnis zur Moderationsdatenbank',
8 => ['Einschreibungs-Moderations-Verzeichnis',
'alternatives Verzeichnis zur Einschreibungs-Moderationsdatenbank',
9 => ['Administrations-Verzeichnis',
'alternatives Verzeichnis zur Administrationsdatenbank',
# This list defines most of the context sensitive help in ezmlm-web. What
# isn't defined here is the options, which are defined above ... You can
# alter these if you feel something else would make more sense to your users
# Just be careful of what can fit on a screen!
# These should be self explainitory
addaddress => 'Eine Mail-Adresse - auch in der Form \'Max Meier <max@meier.de>\'',
addaddressfile => 'alternativ ist auch eine Datei mit je einer Adresse pro Zeile moeglich',
moderator => 'ModeratorInnen kontrollen, welche Mails weitegeleitet und welche AbonnentInnen akzeptiert werden',
deny => 'Ausschluss: die Mail-Adressen, die NIE an die Liste schreiben duerfen',
allow => 'Zulassung: die Mail-Adressen, die immer an die Liste schreiben duerfen',
digest => 'Zusammenfassung: diese Leute werden regelaessge Zusammenfassungen der Mailingliste erhalten',
webarch => 'Gehe zum Web-Archiv der Mailingliste',
config => 'Einstellungen zur Mailingliste',
listname => 'Dies ist der eindeutige Name der Mailingliste',
listadd => 'Die Adresse der Mailingliste - nur der lokale Teil kann geaendert werden',
webusers => 'unfertig: derzeit koennen Listen-Administratoren nur manuell festgelegt werden',
prefix => 'Praefix der Betreffzeile',
headerremove => 'Diese Kopfzeilen werden aus den ausgehenden Mails entfernt',
headeradd => 'Diese Kopfzeilen werden zu jeder ausgehenden Mail hinzugefuegt',
mimeremove => 'Alle Mails, die die genannten Anhangs-Typen beinhalten, werden abgewiesen',
allowedit => 'Komma-getrennte Liste von (existierenden) Nutzern oder <CODE>ALL</CODE>',
mysqlcreate => 'Anlegen der konfigurierten MySQL-Datenbank'
# This defines the captions of each of the buttons in ezmlm-web, and allows
# you to configure them for your own language or taste. Since these are used
# by the switching algorithm it is important that every button has a unique
# caption - ie we can't have two 'Edit' buttons doing different things.
# These MUST all be unique!
create => 'Anlegen',
createlist => 'Liste anlegen',
edit => 'Bearbeiten',
delete => 'Entfernen',
deleteaddress => 'Entferne Adresse',
addaddress => 'Fuege Adresse hinzu',
moderators => 'ModeratorInnen',
denylist => 'Ausschlussliste',
allowlist => 'Zulassungsliste',
digestsubscribers => 'Abonnenten der Zusammenfassungen',
configuration => 'Konfiguration',
yes => 'Ja',
no => 'Nein',
updateconfiguration => 'Speichere Konfiguration',
edittexts => 'Bearbeite Texte',
editfile => 'Bearbeite Datei',
savefile => 'Speichere Datei',
webarchive => 'Web-Archiv',
selectlist => 'Listenauswahl',
subscribers => 'AbonnentInnen',
cancel => 'Abbruch',
resetform => 'Reset',
# This defines the fixed text strings that are used in ezmlm-web. By editing
# these along with the button labels and help texts, you can convert ezmlm-web
# to another language :-) If anyone gets arround to doing complete templates
# for other languages I would appreciate a copy so that I can include it in
# future releases of ezmlm-web.
nop => 'Diese Funktionalitaet ist noch nicht umgesetzt worden',
chooselistinfo => "<UL><LI>Markiere eine Liste in der Auswahlbox oder klicke auf [$BUTTON{'create'}].<LI>Klicke auf den [$BUTTON{'edit'}]-Schalter, falls du die markierte Liste bearbeiten moechtest.<LI>Klicke auf den [$BUTTON{'delete'}]-Schalter, falls du die markierte Liste loeschen moechtest.</UL>",
confirmdelete => 'Bestaetige die Loeschung von ', # list name
subscribersto => 'Abonnenten von', # list name
subscribers => 'Abonnenten',
additionalparts => 'Weitere Optionen',
posting => 'Einsendungen',
subscription => 'Einschreibung',
remoteadmin => 'Entfernte AdministratorIn',
for => 'fuer', # as in; moderators for blahlist
createnew => 'Lege eine neue Liste an',
listname => 'Name der Liste',
listaddress => 'Adresse der Liste',
listoptions => 'Einstellungen der Liste',
allowedtoedit => 'Nutzer, die diese Liste bearbeiten duerfen',
editconfiguration => 'Einstellungen aendern',
prefix => 'Praefix der Betreff-Zeile ausgehender Nachrichten',
headerremove => 'zu entfernende Kopfzeilen',
headeradd => 'einzufuegende Kopfzeilen',
mimeremove => 'abzuweisende Anhangs-Typen',
edittextinfo => "Das Auswahlfeld links enthaelt die Dateien des <BR>Verzeichnisses DIR/text/. Diese Dateien werden als Antwort auf spezifische Nutzer-Anfragen oder als Teil aller ausgehenden Nachrichten versandt.<P>Um diese Dateien zu veraendern, waehle ihren Namen im Auswahlfeld an. Anschliessend klicke auf den [$BUTTON{'editfile'}] Schalter.<P>BetäAege [$BUTTON{'cancel'}] um die Veraenderung zu beenden.",
editingfile => 'Bearbeite Datei',
editfileinfo => '<BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-manage</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> Der Name der Liste<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> Die Anmeldungs-Adresse<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> Die Bestaetigungs-Adresse<P><BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-store</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> Der Name der Liste<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> Die Zusage-Adresse<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> Die Ablehungs-Adresse</UL>',
mysqlcreate => 'Lege die MySQL-Datenbank an, falls erforderlich',
# === Configuration file ends ===
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
# language-specific definitions for ezmlm-web
# in english
# The meanings of the various ezmlm-make command line switches. The default
# ones match the ezmlm-idx 0.4 default ezmlmrc ... Alter them to suit your
# own ezmlmrc. Removing options from this list makes them unavailable
# through ezmlm-web - this could be useful for things like -w
# option => ['Short Name',
# 'Long Help Description'],
a => ['Archived',
'Ezmlm will archive new messages'],
b => ['Block archive',
'Only moderators are allowed to access the archive'],
# c => config. This is implicity called, so is not defined here
d => ['Digest',
'Set up a digest list to disseminate digest of the list messages'],
# e => edit. Also implicity called, so not defined here
f => ['Prefix',
'Outgoing subject will be prefixed with the list name'],
g => ['Guard Archive',
'Archive access requests from unrecognized SENDERs will be rejected'],
h => ['Help subscription',
'Subscriptions do not require confirmation'],
i => ['Indexed',
'Indexed for WWW archive access'],
j => ['Jump off',
'Unsubscribe does not require confirmation'],
k => ['Kill',
'Posts from addresses in dir/deny/ are rejected'],
l => ['Subscriber List',
'Remote administrators can request a subscriber list'],
m => ['Message Moderation',
'All incoming messages are moderated'],
n => ['Text Editing',
'Allow remote administrators to edit files in dir/text/'],
o => ['Others rejected',
'Posts from addresses other than moderators are rejected'],
p => ['Public',
'List will respond to administrative requests and archive retrieval'],
q => ['Service Request Address',
'Process commands sent in the subject to local-request@host'],
r => ['Remote Admin',
'Enable remote adminstration of the list'],
s => ['Subscription Moderation',
'Subscriptions to the main list and digest will be moderated'],
t => ['Trailer',
'Add a trailer to outgoing messages'],
u => ['User Posts Only',
'Posts from unrecognized SENDER addresses will be rejected'],
# v => version. I doubt you will really need this ;-)
w => ['Remove Warn',
'Remove the ezmlm-warn(1) invocations from the list setup. It is assumed that ezmlm-warn(1) is run by other means'],
x => ['Extra',
'Strip certain mimetypes, etc'],
# y => not used
# z => not used
# These all take an extra argument, which is the default value to use
0 => ['Sublist',
'Make the list a sublist of list mainlist@host',
# 1 => not used
# 2 => not used
3 => ['From Address',
'Replace the "From:" header of the message with "From: fromarg"',
4 => ['Digest Options',
'Switches for ezmlm-tstdig(1)',
'-t24 -m30 -k64'],
5 => ['List Owner',
'The email address of the list owner',
6 => ['SQL Database',
'SQL database connect information. Requires SQL support',
7 => ['Message Moderation Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
8 => ['Subscription Moderation Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
9 => ['Remote Admin Path',
'Make /path the path to the database for message moderators, if the list is set up for message moderation',
# This list defines most of the context sensitive help in ezmlm-web. What
# isn't defined here is the options, which are defined above ... You can
# alter these if you feel something else would make more sense to your users
# Just be careful of what can fit on a screen!
# These should be self explainitory
addaddress => 'You may enter any RFC822 compliant email address here, including the comment part. For example; J Random User <jru@on.web.za>',
addaddressfile => 'or you may enter the filename of a plain text file containing multiple RFC822 email addresses, one per line',
moderator => 'Moderators: people who control who may subscribe or post to a list',
deny => 'Deny: A list of addresses that are _never_ allowed to mail the list',
allow => 'Allow: A list of address that are allowed to mail the list even if the configuration otherwise restricts it',
digest => 'Digest: People who will recieve a digest of all messages on the list',
webarch => 'View the web based archive of this list',
config => 'This lets you alter the way the list is set up',
listname => 'This is the name of the list as displayed on the Select Lists screen. It is also the name of the subdirectory that contains the list',
listadd => 'This is the email address of the list. Note that the defaults come from your qmail config. You should just update the local part (before the @)',
webusers => 'NB! At this stage, any users specified here must exist. User creation may be added in future versions',
prefix => 'Text to add to the subject line of all outgoing messages',
headerremove => 'This is a list of headers to remove from all outgoing mail',
headeradd => 'This is a list of headers to add to all outging mail',
mimeremove => 'All messages whose Content-Type matches these mime types will be bounced back to sender',
allowedit => 'Comma separated list of usernames, or <CODE>ALL</CODE> (all valid users)',
mysqlcreate => 'This will create the necessary MySQL tables if the list configuration above requires it'
# This defines the captions of each of the buttons in ezmlm-web, and allows
# you to configure them for your own language or taste. Since these are used
# by the switching algorithm it is important that every button has a unique
# caption - ie we can't have two 'Edit' buttons doing different things.
# These MUST all be unique!
create => 'Create',
createlist => 'Create List',
edit => 'Edit',
delete => 'Delete',
deleteaddress => 'Delete Address',
addaddress => 'Add Address',
moderators => 'Moderators',
denylist => 'Deny List',
allowlist => 'Allow List',
digestsubscribers => 'Digest Subscribers',
configuration => 'Configuration',
yes => 'Yes',
no => 'No',
updateconfiguration => 'Update Configuration',
edittexts => 'Edit Texts',
editfile => 'Edit File',
savefile => 'Save File',
webarchive => 'Web Archive',
selectlist => 'Select List',
subscribers => 'Subscribers',
cancel => 'Cancel',
resetform => 'Reset Form',
# This defines the fixed text strings that are used in ezmlm-web. By editing
# these along with the button labels and help texts, you can convert ezmlm-web
# to another language :-) If anyone gets arround to doing complete templates
# for other languages I would appreciate a copy so that I can include it in
# future releases of ezmlm-web.
nop => 'Action not yet implemented',
chooselistinfo => "<UL><LI>Choose a mailing list from the selection box or click on [$BUTTON{'create'}].<LI>Click on the [$BUTTON{'edit'}] button if you want to edit the selected list.<LI>Click on the [$BUTTON{'delete'}] button if you want to delete the selected list.</UL>",
confirmdelete => 'Confirm deletion of', # list name
subscribersto => 'Subscribers to', # list name
subscribers => 'subscribers',
additionalparts => 'Additional list parts',
posting => 'Posting',
subscription => 'Subscription',
remoteadmin => 'Remote Admin',
for => 'for', # as in; moderators for blahlist
createnew => 'Create a New List',
listname => 'List Name',
listaddress => 'List Address',
listoptions => 'List Options',
allowedtoedit => 'Users allowed to edit this list',
editconfiguration => 'Edit the List Configuration',
prefix => 'Subject prefex for outgoing messages',
headerremove => 'Headers to strip from all outgoing mail',
headeradd => 'Headers to add to all outgoing mail',
mimeremove => 'Mime types to strip from all outgoing mail',
edittextinfo => "The box on the left contains a list of files available in the<BR>DIR/text directory. These files are sent out in response to specfic user request, or as part of all outgoing messages<P>To edit a file, select its name from the box. Then click on the [$BUTTON{'editfile'}] button.<P>Press [$BUTTON{'cancel'}] when you have finished editing.",
editingfile => 'Editing File',
editfileinfo => '<BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-manage</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> The list name<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> The subscription address<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> The address a subscriber must reply to<P><BIG><STRONG>ezmlm-store</STRONG></BIG><BR><TT><STRONG><#l#></STRONG></TT> The list name<BR><TT><STRONG><#A#></STRONG></TT> The acceptance address<BR><TT><STRONG><#R#></STRONG></TT> The rejection address</UL>',
mysqlcreate => 'Create the MySQL database tables if necessary',
# === Configuration file ends ===
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
comm: guy, arb
users: arb
members: ALL
ALL: root
ALLOW_CREATE: root, guy
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="ezmlm-web.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<meta name="description" content="ezmlm-web ezmlm web interface administration mailing lists mailinglists access control acl" />
<title>ezmlm-web - administration interface for ezmlm</title>
<div id="container">
<div id="oben">
<div id="perm-nav"><a href="https://systemausfall.org">systemausfall.org</a></div>
<h1 class="oben">ezmlm-web</h1>
<div id="nav-bar">
<div class="nav-group">
<div class="lid">ezmlm-web</div>
<li><a href="download/">download</a></li>
<li><a href="http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/">original project</a></li>
<div class="nav-group">
<div class="lid">ezmlm</div>
<li><a href="http://ezmlm.org">ezmlm website</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.de.ezmlm.org/ezmlm/archive/">ezmlm mailing list archive</a></li>
<div class="nav-group">
<div class="lid">qmail</div>
<li><a href="http://cr.yp.to/qmail.html">DJB's qmail</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.lifewithqmail.org/">life with qmail</a></li>
<div id="info-title">a web interface for mailing lists' administration</div>
<div id="content">
<div id="news">
<font class="title">02005/01/26 - <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> <a href="download/ezmlm-web-2.2.tar.gz" title="download ezmlm-web 2.2">Version 2.2 released</a></font>
<ul class="changes">
<li>german translation</li>
<li>security fixes</li>
<li>create-permissions per user</li>
<font class="title">02005/01/24 - the work of <a href="http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/">Guy Antony Halse</a> will be continued ... here</font>
<div class="push">
<p><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> is a web interface for the administration of <a href="http://ezmlm.org">ezmlm</a> mailing lists. It allows complete control over their configuration by using a web browser. User-based access control relieves administrators from the burden of managing all their mailing lists on their own.</p>
<div class="push">
<p>The original author of <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> is Guy Antony Halse. He maintained it up to
version 2.1. By then it was functionally complete and convenient.</p>
<p>Since September 02000 no new releases were published.</p>
<p>In January 02005 Guy allowed me to continue the project. I will try to incorporate the suggestions
that were sent to Guy so far. Additional security improvements and translations will be integrated.</p>
<p>Your suggestions are welcome and will improve <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> whenever possible.</p>
<div class="push">
<h2>How can <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> help you?</h2>
<p><font class="ez"><a href="http://www.ezmlm.org">ezmlm</a></font> uses a mainly
command line interface for the creation and maintainence
of mailing lists. While this is very convenient for the average systems
administrator who is used to such interfaces, it restrains him from transferring
administrative work to users who want to manage a community on their own.</p>
<p><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> is an attempt to hide the complexities of managing a mailing list
behind and intuative, easy to use web based interface. The idea behind this
is threefold. Firstly just about everyone these days can use a web browser,
or can learn very quickly. Secondly it provides almost complete platform
independence on the client side - there are GUI web browsers available for
every major modern operating system. Thirdly, and perhaps more importantly,
it makes easy remote administration a real possibility.</p>
<p><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> allows the user to easily add and remove
mailing list subscribers, create and delete mailing lists as well as alter
the configuration of existing mailing lists. Almost every aspect of the
mailing list is controlable through the web front end, allowing the list
user to do most things without the assistance of the systems administrators.</p>
<div class="push">
Some of the important features that <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> offers are;
<li><font class="feature">Full Virtual Host Support</font>
- <font class="hint"><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> hides the complexities of setting up virtually hosted mailing lists from your users.</font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Multi-Level Access</font>
- <font class="hint">You can control who has access to different mailing lists.</font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Name Association</font>
- <font class="hint">You can enter any RFC 822 email address, and it will display the nice name while refering to the email address.</font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Configurable Interface</font>
- <font class="hint">Most of the "look & feel" of <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> is configured through templates, allowing you to easily co-ordinate it with your existing website.</font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Language Independence</font>
- <font class="hint"><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> can be easily reconfigured for different locales and languages. For now you can only choose between english and german - your contribution for other languages is welcome.</font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Context Sensitive Help</font>
- <font class="hint">Context sensitive help is provided throughout <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> in the form of image <tt>TITLE</tt> tags, which serve as tooltips.</font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Full support for all command line options</font>
- <font class="hint"><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> has been updated to take advantage of all the command line features of ezmlm-idx 0.40. And should be compatible with any further releases :-)</font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Browser Independence</font>
- <font class="hint"><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> has been tested with <a href="http://mozilla.org">Mozilla</a> 1.73, <a href="http://mozilla.org">Firefox</a> 1.0, <a href="http://www.netscape.com/">Netscape Navigator</a> 4.7, <a href="http://lynx.browser.org/">Lynx</a> 2.8.3, <a href="http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/eng">w3m</a> 0.1.11-pre and <a href="http://www.microsoft.com">Internet Explorer</a> 5.0</font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Platform Independence</font>
- <font class="hint"><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> should run on any platform that can run <a href="http://www.ezmlm.org/">ezmlm</a> and <a href="http://www.perl.org/">Perl</a></font></li>
<li><font class="feature">Multiple Subscribes/Unsubscribes</font>
- <font class="hint"><font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> supports file uploads for bulk subscription of email addresses, and multiple selects for bulk deletes.</font></li>
<div class="push">
<p> A full list of requirements is available in the <a href="http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/ezmlm-web-2.1/README">README</a>
file in the distribution.</p>
<p>Basically, however, you require the following on your
<li><a href="http://www.qmail.org">Qmail</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.ezmlm.org">ezmlm</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.perl.org">Perl 5</a></li>
<li>+ a few <a href="http://www.cpan.org">perl modules</a> <font class="hint">(including the <a href="http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/#Mail::Ezmlm">Mail::Ezmlm</a> module from the author of <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font>)</font></li>
<li>and a webserver such as <a href="http://www.apache.org">Apache</a></li>
<div class="push">
<h2>How you can contribute</h2>
<p>You can help to improve <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> in many ways. Some of them are:</p>
<li>translate it to another language (this takes about an hour) - for now english and german are available</li>
<li>create a nice stylesheet to improve its appearance</li>
<li>send me patches you would like to see incorporated</li>
<li>tell me if you find evidences of my poor english tongue on this page</li>
<p>If you are interested in the development code of <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font>, then you may
anonymously checkout the subversion repository at
<a href="https://svn.systemausfall.org/svn/admin-tools/ezmlm-web">
<div class="push">
<h2>Some final words ...</h2>
<p>As I am no native english speaker, I will gladly accept every hint to improve the appearance of this website.</p>
<p>Nearly every line of <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font> was written by <a href="http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/">Guy Antony Halse</a> - thanks a lot for this work!</p>
<p>If you have any suggestions regarding <font class="ez">ezmlm-web</font>, please send a mail to <font class="mail">ezmlm-web[AT]sumpfralle.de</font>.</p>
</div> <!-- content -->
<div id="footer">ezmlm-web was developed by <a href="http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/">Guy Antony Halse</a></div>
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
1. creating the ipkg package
1.1 install ipkg-utils
- get it: ftp://ftp.handhelds.org/packages/ipkg-utils/
- unpack it
- make
- make install
Strangely the script ipkg-buildpackage does not get installed. You have to copy it manually
to /usr/local/bin/.
There is a problem with the choice of the archiver:
- tar
- ar
ipkg-build (which is called by ipkg-buildpackage) uses "ar" by default, but most busybox
installations do not include this archiver.
To change the default archiver for ipkg-build you could pass the option "-c" to it.
As it is called by ipkg-buildpackage you have to change this by hand:
- look for a line that starts with "ipkg-build " near to the end of ipkg-buildpackage
- insert "-c" after "ipkg-build"
1.2 create control files for the package
for detailed instructions see "http://handhelds.org/moin/moin.cgi/BuildingIpkgs"
(note: the directory "CONTROL" can be "ipkg" too)
1.3 package the software
fakeroot SOURCE_DIR ipkg-buildpackage
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Version 0.2.1
* traffic counter added
--- 18. May 02005 - Lars Kruse ---
Version 0.2
* counter for returned packets added
* enhanced installation and removal
* DEBUG mode
--- 18. May 02005 - Lars Kruse ---
Version 0.1
* basic functionality provided
--- 17. May 02005 - Lars Kruse ---
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
1. Licence
These shell scripts are licenced under the GPL Version 2.0
(or higher at your option). Details can be found in the file
COPYING or at http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html.
2. Overview
web-splash manipulates some iptables rules to redirect the
first web access of a client to a page you choose. This can
be used for open wireless networks that want to inform
anonymous users about the policy of the net.
Further http (and other) requests will be forwarded. You may
also restrict access to some services, if you want.
web-splash does also give you information about the traffic
consumption of every user. This can be used to limit the
traffic volume or speed with packages like "fairspeed"
3. How does it work?
- clients retrieve an IP by your dhcp server
- of course, your router should be their default gateway
- the clients are allowed to use nameservice
- only DNS requests get forwarded while the client is not
- the first request on port 80 (http) will get redirected
to the router itself
- each the index.html of the webserver's root and the
error-404-document should contain an http-refresh tag
leading to /www/cgi-bin/web-splash.cgi
- this cgi will register the client (that means: add a
iptable rule to allow forwarding for this client) and
show the page, that is set by the "SPLASH_DOCUMENT"
variable in /etc/web-splash.conf
- FUTURE: there will be a script that unregisters clients
after a specified idle time (so they will get redirected
to the login page again)
4. Installation
You may install web-splash with the ipkg package manager or
4.1 with ipkg
The package can be installed with the ipkg package management
(it was developd for embeded devices).
With ipkg you may just type:
ipkg install web-splash_???.ipk
Now you should take a look at /etc/web-splash.conf.
If you use thttpd as your webserver, then you should restart
it. Otherwise it will not see the new default page for a
404-error. This will be explained later in this document ...
4.2 manuallly
If you do use a distribution that does not include ipkg, then
you may install it manually.
1.) unpack the sources
tar xzf web-splash_???.tar.gz
2.) config file
cp web-splash.conf /etc
3.) functions "library"
cp web-splash-function.sh /usr/lib
4.) main script
cp web-splash.sh /usr/bin
5.) cgi script
cp web-splash.cgi /www/cgi-bin
6.) default web site
cp -r splash-site /www/web-splash
If you used different locations for these files, then
you need to change the settings in /etc/web-splash.conf too.
5. webserver configuration
It is necessary, that your webserver redirects all request to
the cgi of web-splash. This can be done by using an alias
directive (if your webserver supports this) or defining a
custom error-404-document in your webserver (thttpd can do this).
For thttpd your configuration is already complete if you
installed web-splash as described before.
6. splash page
Surely you want to replace the default page that was installed
with your own text (or change the SPLASH_DOCUMENT setting in
This page could show some information that your users should
get before using the internet.
7. support open networks!
web-splash was designed for open (wireless) networks.
I hope that this software ease the work of their administrator's
to spread the word ...
(see http://freenetworks.org)
8. contact
Send me an email if you have questions or suggestions:
the project's homepage:
the subversion repository:
the bug tracker:
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- add some useful links to the splash-site
- add some information (aka documentation) to the splash-site
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Package: web-splash
Priority: optional
Version: 0.2.1
Architecture: mipsel
Maintainer: Lars Kruse <devel@sumpfralle.de>
Section: net
Source: https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/web-splash
Depends: grep, sed, iptables
Description: web-splash helps you administering an open access point
Users who want to access the internet with your access point will
at first retrieve a webpage that informs them about the net.
After viewing this page they are allowed to use the net for as long
as you define.
This allows you (the administrator) to inform the users about the free
service they use.
It is recommended to use this package with thttpd or any other webserver
that allows you to define a custom error-404-page or a webserver that
supports aliases with regular expression matching.
The package web-limit can be used with web-splash to define a traffic
limitation and decrease the available bandwith depending on the remaining
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
echo "Starting web-splash ..."
/etc/init.d/S89web-splash start
echo "Maybe you should:"
echo " 1) restart your webserver (thttpd needs this to see the new error-404-document)"
echo " 2) change the hostname in /www/index.html to the IP or name of the router"
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
if [ -e /www/index.html.orig ]
then echo
echo "Restoring original /www/index.html.orig to /www/index.html"
mv /www/index.html.orig /www/index.html
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
if [ -e /www/index.html ]
then echo
echo "Renaming /www/index.html to /www/index.html.orig"
mv /www/index.html /www/index.html.orig
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
echo "Stopping web-splash ..."
/etc/init.d/S89web-splash stop || true
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# DESTDIR should be defined
DESTDIR ?= /tmp/web-splash
@echo "done"
@# config files
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc
@cp web-splash.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc
@# web site
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/www/web-splash
@cp splash-site/* $(DESTDIR)/www/web-splash/
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/www/cgi-bin
@cp web-splash.cgi $(DESTDIR)/www/cgi-bin/
@ln -s web-splash/index.html $(DESTDIR)/www/index.html
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/www/errors
@ln -s ../index.html $(DESTDIR)/www/errors/err404.html
@# install binaries
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib
@cp web-splash-functions.inc $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
@cp web-splash.sh $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
@# startup script
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d
@echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/usr/bin/web-splash.sh start" >$(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/S89web-splash
@chmod +x $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/S89web-splash
@echo "done"
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://wrt/cgi-bin/web-splash.cgi">
<!-- the name of the host part of the URL does not really matter if you do not
use relative links within the SPLASH_DOCUMENT page
maybe you want to put the name (or IP) of your router here -->
<title>Umleitung des offenen Netzes</title>
<p>If you do not get redirected, then please follow this <a href="http://wrt/cgi-bin/web-splash.cgi">link</a> to enable internet access.</p>
<p>Falls du nicht automatisch weitergeleitet wurdest, dann folge diesem <a href="http://wrt/cgi-bin/web-splash.cgi">Link</a>, um deine Internetverbindung freizuschalten.</p>
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<TITLE>Willkommen im Offenen Netz</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Deine Verbindung ins Internet wurde freigeschaltet ...</H1>
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
# this skript is GPL software (http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html)
# suggestions and questions to: devel@sumpfralle.de
# homepage: https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/web-splash
# this file will be sourced by web-splash.sh
# remove the rules from PREROUTING
$IPT -t nat -F $CHAIN_REDIRECT 2>/dev/null && $IPT -t nat -D PREROUTING -i $IF_SRC -j $CHAIN_REDIRECT
$IPT -t nat -F $CHAIN_SERVICES 2>/dev/null && $IPT -t nat -D PREROUTING -i $IF_SRC -j $CHAIN_SERVICES
# remove the rule from FORWARD
# empty and remove chains if they exist (from POSTROUTING)
do $IPT -t nat -F $a 2>/dev/null && $IPT -t nat -X $a
# empty and remove chains if they exist (from FORWARD)
for a in $CHAIN_RETURN
do $IPT -F $a 2>/dev/null && $IPT -X $a
# create chains (in nat table)
do $IPT -t nat -N $a
# create chains (in filter table)
for a in $CHAIN_RETURN
do $IPT -N $a
# all packets from the specified interface go to the web-splash-chains first
# "-I" means insert before every other chain -> inserting reverse ordered
# add a "counting" chain for return packets
# it does nothing - except providing a counter for returned bytes
# rules for CHAIN_REDIRECT
$IPT -t nat -A $CHAIN_REDIRECT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination $INTERN_IP
$IPT -t nat -A $CHAIN_REDIRECT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
# all registered senders are simply accepted
# allowed packets (services like dns, dhcp and ssh (to the router only))
$IPT -t nat -A $CHAIN_SERVICES -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
$IPT -t nat -A $CHAIN_SERVICES -p udp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT
$IPT -t nat -A $CHAIN_SERVICES -p tcp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT
$IPT -t nat -A $CHAIN_SERVICES -p tcp -d $INTERN_IP --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
# user defined "privileged" source IPs
for a in $ALLOW_IP_LIST
do $IPT -t nat -A $CHAIN_SERVICES -s $a -j ACCEPT
# user defined forbidden source IPs
for a in $DENY_IP_LIST
# prints out all active forwarding IPs
$IPT -t nat -L "$CHAIN_FORWARD_CHECK" -vnx | sed "1,2d; s/ */ /g" | cut -d " " -f 9
# get all active forward chains
# remove the first two lines
# remove multiple spaces
# take only the IP
# add a new allowed IP
if get_IP_list | grep -q "^$1$"
then echo "die IP $1 war bereits freigeschaltet!"
else eval `echo "$RULE_ADD" | sed "s/_IP_/$1/g"`
# remove the specified IP
if get_IP_list | grep -q "^$1$"
then eval `echo "$RULE_DEL" | sed "s/_IP_/$1/g"`
else echo "die IP $1 war nicht freigeschaltet!"
# remove inactive IPs from the forwarding list
local IP
get_IPs | while read IP
do [ `get_IP_traffic $IP` -gt 0 ] && unregister_IP "$IP"
local IP="$1"
local out_traffic="`$IPT -t nat -L \"$CHAIN_FORWARD_CHECK\" -vnx | sed '1,2d; s/ */ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 3,9 | grep \" $IP$\" | cut -d ' ' -f 1`"
local in_traffic="`$IPT -L \"$CHAIN_RETURN\" -vnx | sed '1,2d; s/ */ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 3,9 | grep \" $IP$\" | cut -d ' ' -f 1`"
if [ -n "$in_traffic" -a -n "$out_traffic" ]
then echo $((in_traffic+out_traffic))
else echo 0
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# this skript is GPL software (http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html)
# suggestions and questions to: devel@sumpfralle.de
# homepage: https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/web-splash
. /etc/web-splash.conf
echo "Content-type: text/html"
"$SPLASH_BIN/web-splash.sh" register "$REMOTE_ADDR"
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# this file is not parsed, but simply sourced
# web-splash is GPL software (http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html)
# suggestions and questions to: devel@sumpfralle.de
# homepage: https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/web-splash
# the source interface (only these packets will be filtered)
# intern IP address auf the network, where web-splash will be used
# name of the local file that should be displayed by the cgi
# allowed and denied IPs - separated by spaces
# templates for the rules to manage forwarding rules (_IP_ will be substituted by the host's IP)
# the first line adds the PREROUTING-ACCEPT rule
# the second line adds the counter rule
# the iptables chain, that contains all forwarded ips
# the iptables action for bad packets (e.g. DROP or REJECT)
# the location of the iptables program
[ ! -x "$IPT" ] && IPT=/usr/sbin/iptables
# path to the web-splash scripts
# activate DEBUG mode 0/1 (only for testing - it produces ugly output)
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# this skript is GPL software (http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html)
# suggestions and questions to: devel@sumpfralle.de
# homepage: https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/web-splash
set -ue
. /etc/web-splash.conf
. "$SPLASH_LIB/web-splash-functions.inc"
# check for DEBUG mode
[ "$SPLASH_DEBUG" -eq 1 ] && set -x
[ $# -gt 0 ] && ACTION="$1"
case "$ACTION" in
start|restart )
stop )
register )
[ $# -gt 2 ] && echo "[WEB_SPLASH] too many parameters: only one IP address is allowed" && exit 1
[ $# -lt 2 ] && echo "[WEB_SPLASH] you have to specify an IP address" && exit 2
register_IP "$2"
unregister )
[ $# -gt 2 ] && echo "[WEB_SPLASH] too many parameters: only one IP address is allowed" && exit 1
[ $# -lt 2 ] && echo "[WEB_SPLASH] you have to specify an IP address" && exit 2
unregister_IP "$2"
update )
traffic )
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
then get_IP_list | while read IP
do echo "$IP `get_IP_traffic \"$IP\"`"
else IP="$2"
get_IP_traffic "$IP"
* )
echo "Syntax: $0 {start|stop|restart|register|unregister|update|traffic}"
Add table
Reference in a new issue