
1374 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
import os
2010-04-25 23:51:23 +02:00
# the basedir is the parent dir of the location of this script
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.path.pardir)))
# add the project directory to the python search path
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
import sys
2010-04-25 23:51:23 +02:00
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "src"))
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
import tools
import bobo
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
import forms
import sqlobject
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
import genshi.filters
import genshi.input
import genshi.template
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
import genshi
import formencode
import webob
import csv
import ConfigParser
import datetime
import mimetypes
import uuid
import re
import smtplib
import email.mime.text
import email.utils
import hashlib
import twitter
import urllib2
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "wortschlucker.conf")
""" *** Initialization *** """
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
db_uri = config.get("database", "uri")
connection = sqlobject.connectionForURI(db_uri)
sqlobject.sqlhub.processConnection = connection
loader = genshi.template.TemplateLoader(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates'), auto_reload=False)
2013-02-23 16:18:33 +01:00
spam_blacklist = [item.strip() for item in config.get("spam", "blacklist").splitlines() if item.strip()]
BLOG_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "blog")
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
"base_url": "/", # the trailing slash is necessary
"show_navbar": True,
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
"errors": {},
"authlevel": "public", #authentiction level of template: one of "public" (e.g. frontpage), "poll_public" (e.g. poll_details),"poll_admin" (poll_admin_details","admin" (admin interface)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
# used as the default setting for expose/close dates
DATE_FORMAT = "%d.%m.%Y"
EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"
EXPORT_FILENAME_TEMPLATE = "%%(prefix)s_%%(title)s_%s.csv" %"%Y-%m-%d")
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
DEFAULT_DATE = + datetime.timedelta(days=DEFAULT_DAYS_AHEAD)
URL_DOMAIN_REGEX = r"(\A|\s|\()([a-zA-Z_\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4})(/|\)|\s|\Z)"
URL_PROTOCOL_REGEX = r"(\A|\s|\()(https?://[\w/\?\.\#=;,_\-\~&]*)(\)|\s|\Z)"
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
"show_all_submissions": (bool, True),
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
"show_statistics": (bool, True),
"public": (bool, False),
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
"expose_date": (datetime.datetime, DEFAULT_DATE),
"close_date": (datetime.datetime, DEFAULT_DATE),
2012-06-08 16:34:00 +02:00
"vote_enabled": (bool, False),
"vote_closed": (bool, False),
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
"brainstorm": {},
"cards": {"show_all_submissions": False},
"feedback": {"show_all_submissions": False},
"evaluation": {"show_all_submissions": False},
"notes": {"show_statistics": False},
"shopping": {"show_statistics": False},
"clipboard": {"show_statistics": False},
"namefinder": {},
class ContentSubmission(sqlobject.SQLObject):
submitter = sqlobject.UnicodeCol()
content = sqlobject.UnicodeCol()
poll_id = sqlobject.ForeignKey("Poll", cascade=True)
timestamp_creation = sqlobject.DateTimeCol(
def get_creation_time_string(self):
return str(self.timestamp_creation)
def get_markup_content(self):
mark_links = get_markup_with_links(self.content)
markup = genshi.input.HTML(mark_links) | genshi.filters.HTMLSanitizer()
# the markup is now marked as "safe" -> genshi will output it literally
return markup
def get_delete_url(self, absolute=False):
return self.poll_id.get_admin_url(absolute=absolute,
suffix="/delete/%s" % self.get_obfuscated_digest())
2012-06-08 16:34:00 +02:00
def get_obfuscated_digest(self):
return hashlib.md5(str(
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
class VoteOrder(sqlobject.SQLObject):
submitter = sqlobject.UnicodeCol()
content_submission_id = sqlobject.ForeignKey("ContentSubmission")
priority = sqlobject.IntCol()
class Profile(sqlobject.SQLObject):
email = sqlobject.UnicodeCol(unique=True)
hash_key = sqlobject.StringCol(unique=True)
def get_user_polls(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._get_generic_polls(False, *args, **kwargs)
def get_admin_polls(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._get_generic_polls(True, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_generic_polls(self, is_admin, old_to_new=True):
polls = [user_poll.poll for user_poll in ProfilePolls.selectBy(, is_admin=is_admin)]
polls.sort(key=lambda poll: poll.timestamp_creation,
reverse=not old_to_new)
return polls
def get_url(self, absolute=False):
return get_url_string("%s%s/%s" % (BASE_DICT["base_url"], "profile", self.hash_key), absolute)
class ProfilePolls(sqlobject.SQLObject):
user = sqlobject.ForeignKey("Profile", cascade=True)
poll = sqlobject.ForeignKey("Poll", cascade=True)
is_admin = sqlobject.BoolCol()
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
class PollSetting(sqlobject.SQLObject):
poll_id = sqlobject.ForeignKey("Poll", cascade=True)
key = sqlobject.UnicodeCol()
value = sqlobject.UnicodeCol()
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
class PollRelation(sqlobject.SQLObject):
first = sqlobject.ForeignKey("Poll", cascade=True)
second = sqlobject.ForeignKey("Poll", cascade=True)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
class Poll(sqlobject.SQLObject):
author = sqlobject.UnicodeCol()
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
hash_key = sqlobject.StringCol()
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
admin_hash_key = sqlobject.StringCol()
title = sqlobject.UnicodeCol()
description = sqlobject.UnicodeCol()
timestamp_creation = sqlobject.DateTimeCol(
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
def get_related_polls(self):
""" get all directly and indirectly connected polls up to a certain
return PollMesh(self).get_related_polls()
def get_related_polls_direct(self):
""" get all directly connected polls """
related = []
related.extend([poll.second for poll in PollRelation.selectBy(])
related.extend([poll.first for poll in PollRelation.selectBy(])
return related
def get_description_markup(self):
mark_links = get_markup_with_links(self.description)
markup = genshi.input.HTML(mark_links) | genshi.filters.HTMLSanitizer()
# the markup is now marked as "safe" -> genshi will output it literally
return markup
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
def get_settings(self):
current_dict = {}
for setting in PollSetting.selectBy(
if setting.key in POLL_SETTINGS.keys():
current_dict[setting.key] = validate_poll_setting(setting.key, setting.value)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
for key, meta_info in POLL_SETTINGS.items():
if not key in current_dict.keys():
current_dict[key] = meta_info[1]
return current_dict
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
def get_settings_strings(self):
settings = self.get_settings()
result = {}
for key, value in settings.items():
result[key] = get_poll_setting_string(key, value)
return result
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
def change_setting(self, key, value):
validated_value = validate_poll_setting(key, value)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
if not validated_value is None:
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
validated_value = get_poll_setting_string(key, validated_value)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
poll_setting = PollSetting.selectBy(, key=key)
if poll_setting.count() == 1:
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
poll_setting[0].value = validated_value
elif poll_setting.count() == 0:
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
PollSetting(, key=key, value=validated_value)
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
if (key == 'public') and (value > 0):
def get_ordered_submissions(self, submitter):
votes = []
for submission in ContentSubmission.selectBy(
votes.sort(key=lambda item: item.priority)
return [order.content_submission_id for order in votes]
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
def announce_via_twitter(self):
complete_url = self.get_url(absolute=True)
title = "%s %s %s" % (config.get('misc', 'twitter_alert_prefix'),
self.title[:79], complete_url)
# the following line is quick and dirty fix for the unicode bug twitter exception.
# of course it would be better to preserve the umlauts somehow...
title = title.encode('ascii','ignore')
twitter_key = config.get('misc', 'twitter_consumer_key')
twitter_secret = config.get('misc', 'twitter_consumer_secret')
twitter_access_key = config.get('misc', 'twitter_access_token_key')
twitter_access_secret = config.get('misc', 'twitter_access_token_secret')
except ConfigParser.Error:
# a config setting seems to be missing (e.g. in a dev environment)
publish_twitter_alert(title, twitter_key, twitter_secret, twitter_access_key, twitter_access_secret)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
def get_num_of_votes(self):
submitters = []
for submission in ContentSubmission.selectBy(
for vote in VoteOrder.selectBy(content_submission_id=submission):
if not vote.submitter in submitters:
return len(submitters)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
def get_num_of_submitters(self):
all_submitters = [submission.submitter for submission in ContentSubmission.selectBy(]
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
unique_submitters = []
for submitter in all_submitters:
if not submitter in unique_submitters:
return len(unique_submitters)
def get_num_of_submissions(self):
return ContentSubmission.selectBy(
def get_submissions(self):
return ContentSubmission.selectBy("timestamp_creation")
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
def get_url(self, absolute=False):
return get_url_string("%s%s" % (BASE_DICT["base_url"], self.hash_key), absolute)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
def get_submit_url(self, absolute=False):
return get_url_string("%s%s/submit" % (BASE_DICT["base_url"], self.hash_key), absolute)
2012-06-08 15:01:26 +02:00
def get_vote_url(self, absolute=False):
return get_url_string("%s%s/vote" % (BASE_DICT["base_url"], self.hash_key), absolute)
2012-06-08 15:01:26 +02:00
def get_admin_url(self, absolute=False, suffix=""):
return get_url_string("%s%s%s" % (BASE_DICT["base_url"], self.admin_hash_key, suffix), absolute)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
def get_edit_url(self, absolute=False):
return get_url_string("%s%s/admin" % (BASE_DICT["base_url"], self.admin_hash_key), absolute)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
def get_delete_url(self, absolute=False):
return get_url_string("%s%s/delete" % (BASE_DICT["base_url"], self.admin_hash_key), absolute)
2010-04-15 12:58:36 +02:00
2012-06-08 16:34:00 +02:00
def get_vote_enable_url(self, absolute=False):
return get_url_string("%s%s/vote_enable" % (BASE_DICT["base_url"], self.admin_hash_key), absolute)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
def get_creation_time_string(self):
return str(self.timestamp_creation)
2012-06-08 16:34:00 +02:00
def is_vote_enabled(self):
return self.get_settings()["vote_enabled"]
def is_vote_finished(self, submitter):
return len(self.get_ordered_submissions(submitter)) > 0
def get_submissions_visibility(self):
settings = self.get_settings()
return bool(settings["show_all_submissions"] or (settings["expose_date"] and \
(settings["expose_date"].date() <=
def is_closed(self):
return bool(self.get_settings()["close_date"] and \
(self.get_settings()["close_date"].date() <
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
class PollMesh:
""" generate a mesh of directly or indirectly related polls
Basically this is just a recursive search for unique related polls that are
connected to the base poll with less than (e.g.) five nodes in between.
def __init__(self, poll, depth=5):
self.related = []
# start to collect the related polls immediately
self.__collect_related_polls(poll, depth)
def __collect_related_polls(self, current_poll, current_depth):
""" recursive scanning for unique related polls up to a certain distance
related = current_poll.get_related_polls_direct()
new_queue = [poll for poll in related if not poll in self.related]
if current_depth > 0:
for poll in new_queue:
self.__collect_related_polls(poll, current_depth - 1)
def get_related_polls(self):
return self.related
def get_markup_with_links(text):
def get_link_markup(match):
prefix, url, suffix = match.groups()
# only take the TLD part of the url
short_name = url.split("/")[2]
2012-03-31 13:41:54 +02:00
return """%s<a href="%s" rel="nofollow">%s</a>%s""" % (prefix, url, short_name, suffix)
def expand_protocol(match):
prefix, url, suffix = match.groups()
if url.lower().startswith("www") or suffix.startswith("/"):
# just prepend "http://"
return prefix + "http://" + url + suffix
return prefix + url + suffix
# surround all urls with html markup
2012-03-31 13:41:54 +02:00
text = genshi.escape(text)
text = re.sub(URL_DOMAIN_REGEX, expand_protocol, text)
text = re.sub(URL_PROTOCOL_REGEX, get_link_markup, text)
return get_markup_with_formatted_linebreaks(text, "<br />")
def has_links(text):
if, text) or, text):
return True
return False
def get_markup_with_formatted_linebreaks(text, break_char):
text = text.replace("\r\n", "\n")
text = text.replace("\r", "\n")
text = text.replace("\n", break_char)
return text
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
def get_poll_setting_string(key, value):
if not key in POLL_SETTINGS.keys():
return ""
setting_type = POLL_SETTINGS[key][0]
if setting_type in (basestring, unicode, str):
return value
elif setting_type == bool:
return str(value)
elif setting_type == datetime.datetime:
# unset dates are None
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
if value is None:
return ""
elif value == "":
# value for "forever"
return ""
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
return value.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)
return str(value)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
def validate_poll_setting(key, value):
if not key in POLL_SETTINGS.keys():
return None
setting_type = POLL_SETTINGS[key][0]
if setting_type in (basestring, unicode, str):
return value
elif setting_type == bool:
if value is None:
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
return False
elif isinstance(value, bool):
return value
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
text = value.lower()
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
if text in ("0", "false", "no", "off", "disabled", ""):
return False
elif text in ("1", "true", "yes", "on", "enabled"):
return True
return None
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
elif setting_type == datetime.datetime:
if value is None:
# default: one week later
value = + datetime.timedelta(days=DEFAULT_DAYS_AHEAD)
elif type(value) == datetime.datetime:
elif value == "":
# this is the value for "forever"
return ""
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, DATE_FORMAT)
except ValueError:
value = None
return value
elif setting_type == int:
if value is None:
value = 0
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
value = None
return value
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
# all other types (e.g. int, float, ...)
return setting_type(value)
except ValueError:
return None
def send_profile_mail(user):
data = {}
for key, default in (("host", "localhost"), ("port", 25),
("use_ssl", False), ("from", None),
("subject", None), ("body", None)):
data[key] = config.get("mail", key, raw=True)
except ConfigParser.Error, err_msg:
if default is None:
# fail!
open("/tmp/test.out", "w").write(str(err_msg))
return False
data[key] = default
data["port"] = int(data["port"])
if data["use_ssl"]:
provider = smtplib.SMTP_SSL
provider = smtplib.SMTP
input_data = {"profile_url": user.get_url(absolute=True)}
content = data["body"] % input_data
# empty lines can't be parsed via ConfigParser
# re.sub in Python 2.5 does not understand "flags" -> compile first
dot_line_regex = re.compile("^\.$", flags=re.MULTILINE)
content = dot_line_regex.sub("", content)
message = email.mime.text.MIMEText(content)
message["Subject"] = data["subject"]
message["From"] = data["from"]
message["To"] =
message["Date"] = email.utils.formatdate()
server = provider(data["host"], data["port"])
server.sendmail(data["from"], [], message.as_string())
except smtplib.SMTPException:
return False
return True
def get_default_values(request, **kwargs):
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
value_dict = dict(BASE_DICT)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
value_dict[key] = value
# add configuration settings
enable_users = config.get("users", "enabled")
except ConfigParser.Error:
enable_users = False
value_dict["enable_users"] = enable_users
enable_voting = config.get("voting", "enabled")
except ConfigParser.Error:
enable_voting = False
value_dict["enable_voting"] = enable_voting
# read the user's hash key from the cookie
if enable_users and ("user_hash_key" in request.cookies):
value_dict["user_hash_key"] = str(request.cookies["user_hash_key"])
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
return value_dict
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
def get_url_string(url, absolute=False):
""" return the URL as it is or turn it into an absolute URL
@value url: the given URL
@type url: str
@value absolute: should the URL be absolute or relative?
@type absolute: bool
@returns: the relative or absolute URL
@rtype: str
if absolute:
return config.get('hosting', 'full_base_url') + url
return url
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
def render(filename, input_data=None, **values):
stream = loader.load(filename).generate(**values)
if not input_data is None:
stream |= genshi.filters.HTMLFormFiller(data=input_data)
#return stream.render("html", doctype="html")
response = webob.Response(content_type="text/html", charset="utf8")
if "user_hash_key" in values:
response.set_cookie("user_hash_key", values["user_hash_key"],
max_age=365, path="/")
response.body = stream.render("html", doctype="html")
return response
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
def get_poll_id(hash_key):
if isinstance(hash_key, unicode):
hash_key = str(hash_key)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return None
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
polls = Poll.selectBy(hash_key=hash_key)
if polls.count() == 1:
return polls[0].id
return None
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
def get_poll_admin_id(hash_key):
if isinstance(hash_key, unicode):
hash_key = str(hash_key)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return None
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
polls = Poll.selectBy(admin_hash_key=hash_key)
if polls.count() == 1:
return polls[0].id
return None
def extract_poll_id(text, admin=False):
""" The text may be an admin hash or the admin link of a poll """
if admin:
get_func = get_poll_admin_id
get_func = get_poll_id
result = get_func(text)
if result is None:
extracted_text = re.findall(r"[a-z0-9]+", text)
# we assume that the hash is at the end of the string
for found in extracted_text:
guess = get_func(found)
if not guess is None:
return guess
return None
return result
def get_new_hash_key(length=16, charset=None):
""" returns a quite random hash key with the specified length """
if charset is None:
charset = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def get_hash_string(length):
base = uuid.uuid4().int
result = []
while len(result) < length:
value = base % len(charset)
base //= len(charset)
return "".join(result)
# repeat the hash generation until a new value is found
hash_key = get_hash_string(length)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
while (not get_poll_id(hash_key) is None) or (not get_poll_admin_id(hash_key) is None):
hash_key = get_hash_string(length)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
return hash_key
def publish_twitter_alert(text, key, secret,access_key,access_secret):
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key= key, consumer_secret = secret, access_token_key=access_key, access_token_secret= access_secret)
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
except urllib2.HTTPError,e:
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
# twitter error, most likely because of a duplicate message
# or maybe an authentication failure
print e.code
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print e.reason
def is_spam_submitter_name(name, errors_dict):
lower_text = re.sub("[^a-z]", "", name)
upper_text = re.sub("[^A-Z]", "", name)
if (len(lower_text) + len(upper_text) == len(name)) and \
(len(lower_text) > 3) and (len(upper_text) > 3) and \
(len(name) >= 8) and (not name.startswith(upper_text)):
errors_dict["submitter"] = "Spam-Verdacht: bitte den Namen korrigieren"
return True
if check_spam_content(name) == True:
return True
return False
2013-02-23 14:00:19 +01:00
def count_urls(text):
hits = re.findall(r"(\swww\.|http://|https://)", text)
return len(hits)
def check_spam_content(text):
if"(<a\s|\shref=|</a>)", text.lower()):
return True
if count_urls(text) > 2:
return True
2013-02-23 16:18:33 +01:00
for keyword in spam_blacklist:
if keyword.lower() in text.lower():
return True
return False
def user_logout(bobo_request):
# default start page
response = show_frontpage(bobo_request)
# clear the cookie
return response
def resend_user_key(bobo_request, email=None, submit=None, email_sent=None):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
if not value_dict["enable_users"]:
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
value_dict["email_sent"] = False
value_dict["user_new"] = False
data = {"email": email}
if not submit:
return render("user_key.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
# find the user's data (if it exists)
data = forms.ProfileForm.to_python(data)
except formencode.Invalid, errors_packed:
errors = errors_packed.unpack_errors()
users = Profile.selectBy(email=email)
if users.count():
user = users[0]
value_dict["user"] = user
value_dict["email_sent"] = True
value_dict["email_ok"] = send_profile_mail(user)
return render("user_key.html", **value_dict)
errors = {}
errors["email"] = u"Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist nicht registriert. Möchtest du ein neues Profil anlegen?"
value_dict["user_new"] = True
value_dict["errors"] = errors
return render("user_key.html", input_data={"email": email},
def manage_link_in_profile(user, link, add, value_dict):
poll = None
for is_admin in (False, True):
poll_id = extract_poll_id(link, admin=is_admin)
if poll_id:
poll = Poll.get(poll_id)
if poll:
connected = ProfilePolls.selectBy(poll=poll, user=user,
if is_admin:
value_dict["profile_manage_poll_hash"] = poll.admin_hash_key
value_dict["profile_manage_poll_hash"] = poll.hash_key
if add and not connected.count():
ProfilePolls(poll=poll, user=user, is_admin=is_admin)
value_dict["poll_remember"] = poll
return True
elif not add and connected.count():
value_dict["poll_forget"] = poll
return True
return False
return False
def user_create(bobo_request, email=None, submit=None, add_link=None):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
if not value_dict["enable_users"]:
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
value_dict["user_new"] = True
data = {"email": email, "add_link": add_link}
if not submit:
return render("user_key.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
# create a new user (if email is valid)
data = forms.ProfileForm.to_python(data)
except formencode.Invalid, errors_packed:
errors = errors_packed.unpack_errors()
users = Profile.selectBy(email=email)
if users.count():
# the mail address is already registered
errors = {}
errors["email"] = u"Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits registriert. Sollen die Zugangsdaten erneut an die Adresse versandt werden?"
value_dict["errors"] = errors
value_dict["user_new"] = False
return render("user_key.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
# create a new user
hash_key = get_new_hash_key()
new_user = Profile(hash_key=hash_key, email=email)
value_dict["user"] = new_user
value_dict["email_sent"] = True
value_dict["email_ok"] = send_profile_mail(new_user)
return render("user_details.html", **value_dict)
def show_user(bobo_request, hash_key=None, add_link=None, del_link=None):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
if not value_dict["enable_users"]:
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
if hash_key:
# overwrite the cookie-based value, if a profile is explicitely given
user_hash_key = hash_key
elif "user_hash_key" in value_dict:
user_hash_key = value_dict["user_hash_key"]
user_hash_key = None
if user_hash_key:
# sqlobject fails to handle unicode values -> convert to string
user_hash_key = str(user_hash_key)
users = Profile.selectBy(hash_key=user_hash_key)
if not user_hash_key or not users.count():
# TODO: store add/del link -> render instead of redirect
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"] + "profile/new")
user = users[0]
value_dict["user"] = user
value_dict["user_hash_key"] = user_hash_key
if add_link:
manage_link_in_profile(user, add_link, True, value_dict)
elif del_link:
manage_link_in_profile(user, del_link, False, value_dict)
return render("user_details.html", **value_dict)
2010-05-06 13:39:25 +02:00
2010-05-06 13:39:25 +02:00
def new_poll(bobo_request, submit=None, cancel=None, author=None, title=None,
description=None, template=None, hide_errors=False):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
data = {"author": author, "title": title, "description": description,
"template": template}
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
if cancel:
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
elif not submit:
# show the "new poll" form
return render("poll_new.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
# create the new poll (if it is valid)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
errors = {}
data = forms.PollForm.to_python(data)
except formencode.Invalid, errors_packed:
errors = errors_packed.unpack_errors()
if check_spam_content(title):
errors["title"] = u"Dieser Titel wirkt spam-verdächtig."
if description and check_spam_content(description):
errors["description"] = u"Der Beschreibungstext wirkt spam-verdächtig."
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
if errors:
if not hide_errors:
value_dict["errors"] = errors
return render("poll_new.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
# get the template settings
poll_settings = POLL_SETTINGS.copy()
if template in POLL_SETTING_TEMPLATES.keys():
template_settings = POLL_SETTING_TEMPLATES[template].copy()
template_settings = POLL_SETTING_TEMPLATES["brainstorm"]
for key, value in template_settings.items():
poll_settings[key] = value
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
# create the new poll
hash_key = get_new_hash_key()
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
admin_hash_key = get_new_hash_key()
new_poll = Poll(hash_key=hash_key, admin_hash_key=admin_hash_key,
author=data["author"], title=data["title"],
# apply the template settings
for key, value in template_settings.items():
new_poll.change_setting(key, value)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
return bobo.redirect(new_poll.get_admin_url())
def show_login(bobo_request):
""" shows a form for logging in and creating an account"""
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
return render("login.html", **value_dict)
def show_newprofile(bobo_request):
""" Show polls and account data of this user and allows for changing the password. """
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
return render("profile.html", **value_dict)
def vote_result(bobo_request, hash_key=None):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
value_dict["errors"] = {}
data = {}
poll_id = get_poll_id(hash_key)
preorder = ["Paintball", "Billard", "Eislaufen", "Kegeln", "Kneipengang", "Karaoke", "Tischtennis", "Bowling", "Geek-out", "Go-Kart", "Dart"]
if not poll_id is None:
poll = Poll.get(poll_id)
voters = []
for submission in ContentSubmission.selectBy(
for vote in VoteOrder.selectBy(content_submission_id=submission):
if not vote.submitter in voters:
lines = []
for voter in voters:
sorting = poll.get_ordered_submissions(voter)
items = [str(preorder.index(submission.content) + 1) for submission in sorting]
lines.append(" ".join(items))
return os.linesep.join(lines)
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
def vote_submission_order(bobo_request, hash_key=None, submitter=None,
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
value_dict["errors"] = {}
value_dict["authlevel"] = "poll_public"
data = {}
if submitter and not is_spam_submitter_name(submitter, value_dict["errors"]):
data["submitter"] = submitter.strip()
if not vote_order:
vote_order = ""
data["vote_order"] = vote_order
poll_id = get_poll_id(hash_key)
if not poll_id is None:
poll = Poll.get(poll_id)
value_dict["poll"] = poll
# populate the "vote_order" list (to keep the order intact)
digest_dict = {}
for submission in ContentSubmission.selectBy(
digest_dict[submission.get_obfuscated_digest()] = submission
value_dict["vote_order"] = [digest_dict[content_hash]
for content_hash in vote_order.split()]
data = forms.VoteSubmissionOrderForm.to_python(data)
except formencode.Invalid, errors_packed:
# merge errors with previous ones - but never overwrite existing ones
errors = errors_packed.unpack_errors()
value_dict["errors"] = errors
if value_dict["errors"] or poll.is_closed() or \
not poll.is_vote_enabled():
# ignore silently
elif poll.is_vote_finished(submitter):
# there is already a vote stored for that submitter name
value_dict["errors"]["submit"] = \
"Fehler: deine Wahl wurde bereits gespeichert."
# store this order of items
vote_order = vote_order.split()
for index, digest in enumerate(vote_order):
if digest in digest_dict:
VoteOrder(submitter=submitter, priority=index,
value_dict["submitter"] = submitter
return render("poll_details.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
2010-05-06 13:39:25 +02:00
def submit_content(bobo_request, hash_key=None, submitter=None, content=None):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
value_dict["errors"] = {}
value_dict["authlevel"] = "poll_public"
data = {}
if content and check_spam_content(content):
value_dict["errors"]["content"] = \
2013-02-23 16:18:33 +01:00
"Spam-Verdacht: der Inhalt darf keine HTML-Tags, nicht " + \
"zuviele Links und keine spam-typischen Worte enthalten"
data["content"] = content
if submitter and (not is_spam_submitter_name(submitter, value_dict["errors"])):
data["submitter"] = submitter
poll_id = get_poll_id(hash_key)
if not poll_id is None:
poll = Poll.get(poll_id)
value_dict["poll"] = poll
data = forms.SubmitForm.to_python(data)
except formencode.Invalid, errors_packed:
# merge errors with previous ones - but never overwrite existing ones
errors = errors_packed.unpack_errors()
value_dict["errors"] = errors
if value_dict["errors"] or poll.is_closed():
return render("poll_details.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
# create the new submission content
data["poll_id"] =
# remove "content" for the next input
del data["content"]
return render("poll_details.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
2010-05-06 13:39:25 +02:00
def delete_poll(bobo_request, admin_hash_key=None):
2010-04-15 12:58:36 +02:00
admin_poll_id = get_poll_admin_id(admin_hash_key)
if not admin_poll_id is None:
poll = Poll.get(admin_poll_id)
2010-04-15 12:58:36 +02:00
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
2012-06-08 16:34:00 +02:00
def vote_enable_poll(bobo_request, admin_hash_key=None, vote_select=None):
# vote_select: on/off
admin_poll_id = get_poll_admin_id(admin_hash_key)
if not admin_poll_id is None:
poll = Poll.get(admin_poll_id)
2012-06-08 16:34:00 +02:00
poll.change_setting("vote_enabled", vote_select == "on")
return bobo.redirect(poll.get_admin_url())
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
def delete_submission(bobo_request, admin_hash_key=None, submission_id_digest=None):
admin_poll_id = get_poll_admin_id(admin_hash_key)
if (not admin_poll_id is None) and (not submission_id_digest is None):
poll = Poll.get(admin_poll_id)
# This loop is slightly expensive, but it does not expose the overall
# count of submissions (via the id).
for submission in ContentSubmission.selectBy(
if submission.get_obfuscated_digest() == submission_id_digest:
return bobo.redirect(poll.get_admin_url())
def export_poll(bobo_request, admin_hash_key=None):
""" Return a download file in csv format (date, author, text).
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
poll_id = get_poll_admin_id(admin_hash_key)
if poll_id is None:
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
poll = Poll.get(poll_id)
response = webob.Response(content_type="text/csv", charset=EXPORT_CHARSET)
# common (excel-based) CSV format with semicolons instead of commas
writer = csv.writer(response.body_file)
submissions = list(poll.get_submissions())
for submission in submissions:
timestamp = submission.timestamp_creation.strftime(EXPORT_DATE_FORMAT)
author = submission.submitter.encode(EXPORT_ENCODING, "ignore")
content = get_markup_with_formatted_linebreaks(submission.content, os.linesep)
items = [timestamp, author, content]
for index in range(len(items)):
items[index] = items[index].encode(EXPORT_ENCODING, "ignore")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# any other conversion error
export_prefix = config.get("misc", "export_prefix")
except ConfigParser.Error:
export_prefix = "wortschlucker"
filename = EXPORT_FILENAME_TEMPLATE % {"title": poll.title, "prefix": export_prefix}
filename = filename.replace(" ", "_")
filename = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]", "", filename)
response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename
return response
2010-05-06 13:39:25 +02:00
def admin_poll(bobo_request, cancel=False, submit=None, admin_hash_key=None, author=None,
title=None, description=None, settings=None,
setting_expose_date=None, setting_expose_date_forever=None,
setting_close_date=None, setting_close_date_forever=None):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
data = {"author": author, "title": title, "description": description, "template": ""}
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
poll_id = get_poll_admin_id(admin_hash_key)
if poll_id is None:
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
poll = Poll.get(poll_id)
value_dict["poll"] = poll
value_dict["authlevel"] = "poll_admin"
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
# cancel: return to (non-edit) admin page
if cancel:
return bobo.redirect(poll.get_admin_url())
if author is None:
data["author"] =
if title is None:
data["title"] = poll.title
if description is None:
data["description"] = poll.description
if setting_expose_date_forever is None:
if setting_expose_date is None:
setting_expose_date = poll.get_settings_strings()["expose_date"]
setting_expose_date = ""
if setting_close_date_forever is None:
if setting_close_date is None:
setting_close_date = poll.get_settings_strings()["close_date"]
setting_close_date = ""
poll_settings = poll.get_settings()
# update the settings only after a submit (otherwise we clear all current settings)
if submit:
# override with the given settings (taken from the form input with the prefix "setting_")
if settings is None:
settings = []
elif not isinstance(settings, list):
settings = [settings]
# it is a list - everything is fine
for setting_key in poll_settings.keys():
poll_settings[setting_key] = setting_key in settings
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
# collect all errors
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
errors = {}
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
# add boolean "settings" after forms validation - since there is no destination type
data["settings"] = [key for key, value in poll_settings.items() if value is True]
for key, value in (("expose_date", setting_expose_date), ("close_date", setting_close_date)):
validated_value = validate_poll_setting(key, value)
if value == "":
data["setting_%s_forever" % key] = "yes"
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
data["setting_%s" % key] = value
data["setting_%s_forever" % key] = "no"
if validated_value is None:
# keep the entered value and report an error
errors[key] = u"Ungültiges Datum"
data["setting_%s" % key] = value
data["setting_%s" % key] = get_poll_setting_string(key, validated_value)
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
# use the validator to check for possible errors
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
if submit:
# check for errors only if the content is submitted (not just rendered)
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
data = forms.PollSettingsForm.to_python(data)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
except formencode.Invalid, errors_packed:
errors = errors_packed.unpack_errors()
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
# store the new settings
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
if errors:
value_dict["errors"] = errors
2010-05-06 23:33:55 +02:00
return render("poll_admin_edit.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
if submit:
# update core attributes of the existing poll = data["author"]
poll.title = data["title"]
poll.description = data["description"]
current_settings = poll.get_settings()
# update settings
for key, value in poll_settings.items():
2010-05-08 02:25:51 +02:00
if (POLL_SETTINGS[key][0] == bool) and (current_settings[key] != value):
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
poll.change_setting(key, value)
poll.change_setting("expose_date", data["setting_expose_date"])
poll.change_setting("close_date", data["setting_close_date"])
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
return bobo.redirect(poll.get_admin_url())
2010-05-06 23:33:55 +02:00
return render("poll_admin_edit.html", input_data=data, **value_dict)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
def update_blog_entry_values(bobo_request, blog_id, value_dict):
blog_info = get_blog_info(bobo_request, blog_id)
if blog_info is None:
return False
value_dict["title"] = blog_info[0]
value_dict["date"] = blog_info[1]
value_dict["link"] = blog_info[2]
value_dict["body"] = blog_info[3]
return True
def get_blog_info(bobo_request, blog_id):
blog_file = os.path.join(BLOG_DIR, blog_id)
input = open(blog_file)
title = input.readline()
body =
except IOError:
return None
date = "%s.%s.%s %s:%s" % (blog_id[6:8], blog_id[4:6], blog_id[0:4],
blog_id[8:10], blog_id[10:12])
link = "%sblog/%s" % (get_default_values(bobo_request)["base_url"], blog_id)
body = tools.creole2html(body.decode("utf-8"))
return title, date, link, body
def get_blog_ids():
def add_files_to_list(file_list, dirname, fnames):
for fname in fnames:
if re.match(r"^[0-9]{12}$", fname) \
and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, fname)):
# remove all entries (e.g. sub-directories)
while len(fnames) > 0:
del fnames[0]
file_list = []
os.path.walk(BLOG_DIR, add_files_to_list, file_list)
2010-06-11 11:49:47 +02:00
file_list.sort(reverse = True)
return file_list
def serve_blog(bobo_request, blog_id=None):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
if blog_id and re.match(r"^[0-9]{12}$", blog_id):
# the blog_id should consist of 12 digits
if update_blog_entry_values(bobo_request, blog_id, value_dict):
return render("blog_entry.html", **value_dict)
# if anything fails: render the blog list
2010-05-31 14:13:38 +02:00
blog_list = []
# add all valid blog infos to the list
for blog_id in get_blog_ids():
blog_info = get_blog_info(bobo_request, blog_id)
2010-05-31 14:13:38 +02:00
if not blog_info is None:
value_dict["blog_list"] = blog_list
return render("blog_list.html", **value_dict)
def show_poll_list(bobo_request, render_file, page_size, page=None, sort_by="time",
filter_private=True, value_dict=None):
if value_dict is None:
value_dict = {}
true_string = get_poll_setting_string("public", True)
if filter_private:
polls =
PollSetting.q.key == "public",
PollSetting.q.value == true_string,
PollSetting.q.poll_id ==
poll_count = polls.count()
if sort_by == "submissions":
# Nach Anzahl der Kommentare filtern
# das rohe SQL geht so: select FROM poll LEFT JOIN content_submission ON = content_submission.poll_id_id GROUP BY content_submission.poll_id_id, ORDER BY count( desc;
# das liefert absteigend nach Beitragsmenge sortiert die polls zurueck. Allerdings fehlen aktuell noch die polls ohne Beitraege.
# fiese rohe SQL-Anfrage machen, weil mir das mit sqlobject zu kompliziert ist
rawpolls = connection.queryAll("""select FROM poll LEFT JOIN content_submission ON = content_submission.poll_id_id GROUP BY content_submission.poll_id_id, ORDER BY count( desc;""")
polls = []
# jetzt noch aus den ids wieder eine SelectReturn-Liste machen:
for id in rawpolls:
else: #sort_by == time
polls =
polls = polls.orderBy("-timestamp_creation")
poll_count = polls.count()
if page is None:
page = 1
page = int(page)
except ValueError:
page = 1
# "page" should at least be 1 - zero shows an empty list
page = max(1, page)
start = (page - 1) * page_size
if start >= poll_count:
start = poll_count - page_size
page = (poll_count + page_size - 1) / page_size
end = start + page_size - 1
value_dict["polls"] = polls[start : end + 1]
# show a link for the next page, if more polls are available
value_dict["show_next_link"] = (end + 1 < poll_count)
value_dict["show_previous_link"] = (start > 0)
value_dict["page"] = page
value_dict["page_size"] = page_size
return render(render_file, **value_dict)
def render_poll_admin(bobo_request, poll, add_related, del_related, count, page, show_delete):
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
errors = {}
if not add_related is None:
other_poll_id = extract_poll_id(add_related, admin=True)
if other_poll_id ==
errors["related"] = u"Wortschlucker kann nicht mit sich selbst verknüpft werden"
elif other_poll_id is None:
errors["related"] = u"Wortschlucker nicht gefunden"
related_polls = poll.get_related_polls()
if other_poll_id in [ for one_poll in related_polls]:
errors["related"] = u"Dieser Wortschlucker wurde bereits verknüpft"
PollRelation(, second=other_poll_id)
if not del_related is None:
other_poll_id = extract_poll_id(del_related, admin=True)
if other_poll_id is None:
errors["related"] = u"Wortschlucker nicht gefunden"
related_polls = poll.get_related_polls()
if not other_poll_id in [ for one_poll in related_polls]:
errors["related"] = u"Dieser Wortschlucker war nicht verknüpft"
# delete all relations between these two polls
PollRelation.deleteBy(, second=other_poll_id)
value_dict["poll"] = poll
value_dict["page"] = page
value_dict["count"] = count
value_dict["show_delete"] = show_delete
value_dict["errors"] = errors
value_dict["authlevel"] = "poll_admin"
return render("poll_admin_details.html", **value_dict)
def admin_maintenance(age_days=60, keyword="viagra", keyword_submission="viagra", method=None):
if method == "Remove old":
age_days = int(age_days)
now =
oldest = now - datetime.timedelta(days=age_days)
for poll in < oldest):
if poll.get_num_of_submissions() == 0:
elif method == "Remove poll by keyword" and keyword:
keyword = keyword.lower()
for poll in
if (keyword in poll.title.lower()) or (keyword in poll.description.lower()):
2013-02-23 14:00:19 +01:00
elif method == "Remove submission by keyword" and keyword_submission:
keyword = keyword_submission.lower()
for submission in
if keyword in submission.content.lower():
2013-02-23 14:00:19 +01:00
return bobo.redirect("../admin")
def show_spam_test_page(bobo_request, last_days=14):
last_days = int(last_days)
except ValueError:
last_days = 7
now =
oldest = now - datetime.timedelta(days=last_days)
cs = ContentSubmission
submissions = [item for item in >= oldest).orderBy("-timestamp_creation") if has_links(item.content)]
return render("admin_spam_test.html", submissions=submissions,
last_days=last_days, **get_default_values(bobo_request))
def show_admin_page(bobo_request, page=None, page_size=50,sort_by="time"):
page_size = int(page_size)
except ValueError:
page_size = 50
value_dict = {}
value_dict["poll_table"] = Poll
value_dict["submission_table"] = ContentSubmission
return show_poll_list(bobo_request, "admin.html", page_size, sort_by=sort_by, page=page,
filter_private=False, value_dict=value_dict)
def show_frontpage(bobo_request, page=None):
return show_poll_list(bobo_request, "frontpage.html", 20, page=page)
def base():
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
2010-05-06 13:39:25 +02:00
def show_one_poll(bobo_request, poll_hash_for_admin=None, poll_hash=None,
add_related=None, del_related=None, delete_multiple=None,
delete_submission_id_list=None, count=50, page=1, show_delete=False):
if poll_hash_for_admin:
# shortcut for admins
admin_poll_id = get_poll_id(poll_hash_for_admin)
if admin_poll_id:
poll_hash = Poll.get(admin_poll_id).admin_hash_key
count = int(count)
except ValueError:
2012-06-01 11:48:37 +02:00
count = 50
count = max(1, min(count, 1000))
page = int(page)
except ValueError:
page = 1
page = max(1, page)
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
poll_id = get_poll_id(poll_hash)
if not poll_id is None:
poll = Poll.get(poll_id)
2012-06-01 11:48:37 +02:00
page = min(page, 1 + (poll.get_num_of_submissions() - 1) / count)
value_dict["poll"] = poll
value_dict["page"] = page
value_dict["count"] = count
value_dict["authlevel"] = "poll_public"
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
return render("poll_details.html", **value_dict)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
admin_poll_id = get_poll_admin_id(poll_hash)
if not admin_poll_id is None:
if delete_multiple and delete_submission_id_list:
if not isinstance(delete_submission_id_list, list):
delete_submission_id_list = [delete_submission_id_list]
for delete_id in delete_submission_id_list:
return render_poll_admin(bobo_request, Poll.get(admin_poll_id), add_related, del_related, count, page, bool(show_delete))
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
return bobo.redirect(BASE_DICT["base_url"])
2010-05-30 17:43:42 +02:00
def show_static_nodes(bobo_request, pagename=None):
""" meant for serving hand-changed, automatically styled content. """
value_dict = get_default_values(bobo_request)
return render("nodes/"+pagename, **value_dict)
def get_static_file(filename):
""" deliver a static file - this function is used internally """
response = webob.Response()
content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
if content_type is not None:
response.content_type = content_type
response.body = open(filename).read()
except IOError:
raise bobo.NotFound
return response
2010-04-14 20:03:44 +02:00
def static_files(p1=None, p2=None, p3=None):
""" deliver files up to three levels below /media/ """
pathlist = [p1, p2, p3]
pathname = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "templates", "media")
for subdir in pathlist:
if not subdir is None:
pathname = os.path.join(pathname, subdir)
return get_static_file(pathname)
for table in (Poll, ContentSubmission, VoteOrder, PollSetting, PollRelation, Profile, ProfilePolls):
if not table.tableExists():
# how to add new columns to the database:
# * uncomment the line below and change it according to your needs
# * run this script once (manually)
# * disable the line below
# * add the column specification to the object definition
# -> done!
#Poll.sqlmeta.addColumn(sqlobject.BoolCol("vote_open", default=False), changeSchema=True)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00
# this line allows to use wortschlucker with mod_wsgi
# see:
# see:
application = bobo.Application(bobo_resources=__name__)
2010-04-15 12:32:45 +02:00