2022-01-09 18:31:20 +01:00

354 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

package Prelib;
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH
#migrate some methodes form Prelogic and Premain to here
#defined methodes are available for web-app and backend
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use CGI ':standard';
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::Basework;
use Mod::APIfunc;
use Data::Dumper;
my $cf = new Config;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $bw = new Basework;
my $apif = new APIfunc;
my $q = new CGI;
my @keywords = $q->param;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
return $self;
my $i_rows=0;
my $u_rows=0;
my $d_rows=0;
my $lang = "de";
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $debug=1;
#new node relation with option to create subnode for Servicelog
sub new_relation {
my $self = shift;
my $main_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $ret = "";
my $dbh = "";
#$ret = "failure::temporarily disabled";
#return $ret;
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/new_relation.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| main_id: $main_id | owner: $owner\n" if($debug);
my $prefix_id = "0";
my $working_parent_id = $R::parent_id;
$prefix_id = $1 if($R::main_id =~ /^(\d)/ && $R::main_id >= "100000");
$ret = $lb->checkinput($R::node_name);
return $ret if($ret =~ /failure/);
my $node_name = $q->escapeHTML($R::node_name);
#check multiple node_name
my $subrelnode = $dbt->get_subrelnode($dbh,$working_parent_id,"",$node_name);
if($subrelnode->{node_name} eq "$R::node_name"){
return "failure::Abbruch, der Menuename \"$subrelnode->{node_name}\" ist bereits vorhanden. Bitte eindeutige Menuenamen verwenden.";
$working_parent_id = $R::main_id;
my $new_main_id = $dbt->get_freenode($dbh,$prefix_id);
my $template_id = 0,
my $n_sort = 1;
$template_id = $R::template_id if(looks_like_number($R::template_id));
$n_sort = $R::n_sort if(looks_like_number($R::n_sort));
my $insert = {
main_id => $new_main_id,
parent_id => $working_parent_id,
template_id => $template_id,
content_id => 0,
node_name => $node_name,
n_sort => $n_sort,
lang => "de",
owner => $owner,
change => "now()",
my $rel_id = $dbt->insert_nodeoid($dbh,$insert);
$i_rows = 1 if($rel_id > 0);
print FILE "new_relation with" . Dumper($insert) . "\n" if($debug);
#sub Servicelog for rental bikes
if($template_id == 205){
my $new_submain_id = $dbt->get_freenode($dbh,$prefix_id);
my $new_subtemplate_id = $dbt->get_freetpl($dbh,"400","499");
my $ret_tpl_id = $dbt->copy_template($dbh,"400",$new_subtemplate_id,$owner);
my $insert_sub = {
main_id => $new_submain_id,
parent_id => $new_main_id,
template_id => $new_subtemplate_id,
content_id => 0,
node_name => "$node_name-Servicelog",
n_sort => $n_sort,
lang => "de",
owner => $owner,
change => "now()",
my $subrel_id = $dbt->insert_nodeoid($dbh,$insert_sub);
$i_rows += 1 if($subrel_id > 0);
print FILE "new_subrelation with" . Dumper($insert_sub) . "\nwith template_id=$ret_tpl_id" if($debug);
close(FILE) if($debug);
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node("",$new_main_id);
print "$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows\n";
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
#end new_relation
#save node relation
sub save_relation {
my $self = shift;
my $main_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $dbh = "";
my $update_node = {
table => "nodes",
main_id => "$main_id",
my $update_relation = {
table => "relation",
main_id => "$main_id",
my $subrelnode = $dbt->get_subrelnode($dbh,$main_id,"","");
my $val = $q->param($_);
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
$valxx =~ s/^\s+//; $valxx =~ s/\s+$//;
if(($_ eq "node_name") && $valxx){
#if defined another path
my $node_name = $valxx;
my $node_path = $node_name;
#internal for splitting node_name node_path
($node_name,$node_path) = split(/\|/,$node_name) if($node_name =~ /\|/);
my $return;
$return = $lb->checkinput($node_name);
$return = $lb->checkinput($node_path);
return $return if($return =~ /failure/);
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"node_name='$node_name'");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"node_path='$node_path'");
if($subrelnode->{main_id} && $subrelnode->{template_id} >= 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} <= 499){
my $update_subnode = {
table => "nodes",
main_id => "$subrelnode->{main_id}",
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_subnode,"node_name='$node_name-Servicelog'");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_subnode,"node_path='$node_path-Servicelog'");
if($_ =~ /template_id/ && $valxx){
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_relation,"template_id=$valxx");
if($_ =~ /int|n_sort|owner|node_public/){
$valxx =~ s/,/./;
$valxx = "null" if(!$valxx && $valxx ne "0");#for empty
$valxx = "0" if($valxx eq "0");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_=$valxx") if($valxx =~ /^\d+$|null|0/);
if($_ =~ /txt01/){
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_='$valxx'");
if(! -d "$varenv{data}/$main_id"){
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node("",$main_id);
print "$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows\n";
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
#delete node relation with some ki deleting sub content
sub delete_relation {
my $self = shift;
my $main_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $dbh = "";
my $ret = "";
my $debug=1;
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/delete_relation.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| main_id: $main_id \n" if($debug);
#get all node para
my $noderef = {
main_id => $main_id,
fetch => "one",
my $noderel = $dbt->fetch_rel4tpl4nd($dbh,$noderef);
my $ctref = {
table => "$noderel->{ct_table}",
main_id => $main_id,
fetch => "one",
c_id => ">::0",
my $ct_record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$ctref);
my $collect_rows=0;
if($R::template_id eq "205"){
(my $collect_node,$collect_rows) = $dbt->collect_noderel($dbh,$noderel->{parent_id},$R::template_id);
my $subrelnode = $dbt->get_subrelnode($dbh,$main_id,"","");
#if 1 then deleteable
my $deleteable_subnode = 1;
my $deleteable_node = 1;
my $deleteable_last_node = 1;
if($subrelnode->{template_id} >= 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} <= 499){
$deleteable_subnode = 1;
if($collect_rows <= 1){
$deleteable_last_node = 0;
$deleteable_subnode = 0;
if($ct_record->{c_id} > 0){
$deleteable_node = 0;
print FILE "$deleteable_subnode == 0 || $deleteable_node == 0 --> collect_rows: $collect_rows|c_id: $ct_record->{c_id}\n" if($debug);
if($deleteable_last_node == 0){
$ret = "failure::Abbruch, es muss mindestens eine Mietrad Flotte definiert sein. ($collect_rows on $noderel->{parent_id})";
}elsif($deleteable_subnode == 0 || $deleteable_node == 0){
$ret = "failure::Abbruch, der Ordner enthält Daten. Für die referentielle Integrität ist es notwendig die Ordner Inhalte (content) und/oder Relationen des Ordners zu löschen. ($deleteable_subnode == 0 || $deleteable_node == 0 , $subrelnode->{template_id}, $main_id, $ct_record->{c_id}, $noderel->{ct_table})";
print FILE "delete_relation with $subrelnode->{main_id}, $subrelnode->{template_id}\n" if($debug);
if($deleteable_subnode && $subrelnode->{main_id}){
$dbt->delete_content($dbh,"contentpos","all",$subrelnode->{template_id}) if($subrelnode->{template_id} >= 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} <= 499);
$d_rows += $dbt->delete_noderel($dbh,$subrelnode->{main_id});
$d_rows += $dbt->delete_template($dbh,$subrelnode->{template_id});
$d_rows += $dbt->delete_noderel($dbh,$main_id);
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$noderel->{parent_id});
$uri_path =~ s/\/\w+$//;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
close(FILE) if($debug);
return $ret;
#sharee Bonusnummer with Tarif automatic
sub set_usertarif {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = shift;
my $dbname = shift;
my $adr_bonus = shift;
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/save_account.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*Prelib--> $now_dt| c_id: $adr_bonus->{c_id} \n" if($debug);
my $ret = $adr_bonus->{ret};
my $i = 0;
my $dbh_operator = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbname);#operator connect
if($adr_bonus->{txt15} =~ /\w+/){
my $pref_cc = {
table => "content",
keyfield => "c_id",
fetch => "all",
template_id => "228",
int03 => ">::0",
ct_name => $adr_bonus->{txt15},
my $record_op = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$pref_cc);
my @new_txt30 = ();
foreach my $id (keys (%$record_op)){
print FILE "-1-> txt15: $adr_bonus->{txt15}\n" if($debug);
foreach my $sourcetarif (@{$adr_bonus->{txt30_array}}){
print FILE "-1.2-> activeTarif-source:$sourcetarif | Bonus-source:$record_op->{$id}->{int21} | Bonus-target:$record_op->{$id}->{int22}\n" if($debug);
if($sourcetarif eq $record_op->{$id}->{int22}){
print FILE "-2.1-> still activ Bonusnr ct_name: $record_op->{$id}->{ct_name}\n" if($debug);
$ret = "success::txt15";
}elsif($record_op->{$id}->{int21} eq $sourcetarif && $record_op->{$id}->{int22}){
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_operator,$adr_bonus,"txt15='$adr_bonus->{txt15}'");
print FILE "-2.2-> match-update Bonusnr ct_name: $record_op->{$id}->{ct_name}\n" if($debug);
$ret = "success::txt15";
print FILE "-2.3-> No matching Bonusnr ct_name: $record_op->{$id}->{ct_name}, keeping sourcetarif\n" if($debug);
#$ret = "failure::txt15#top1";
print FILE "-3-> txt30: @new_txt30\n" if($debug);
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_operator,$adr_bonus,"txt30='@new_txt30'");
$ret = "failure::txt30#top2" if(!$adr_bonus->{txt30_array} || $adr_bonus->{txt30_array} !~ /\d/);
print FILE "-4-> update Tarif txt30: @{$adr_bonus->{txt30_array}}\n" if($debug);
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_operator,$adr_bonus,"txt30='@{$adr_bonus->{txt30_array}}'");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_operator,$adr_bonus,"txt15=''");
$ret = "failure::txt30#top3" if(!$adr_bonus->{txt30_array} || $adr_bonus->{txt30_array} !~ /\d/);
#if bonus value doesn't match
if($adr_bonus->{txt15} && $i == 0){
print FILE "-5-> failure txt15: ''\n" if($debug);
$ret = "failure::txt15#top4";
close(FILE) if($debug);
return $ret;