2022-01-09 18:31:20 +01:00

217 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file

package RelationEdit;
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI ':standard';
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
return $self;
sub tpl(){
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $u_group = shift;
my $return = shift;
my $q = new CGI;
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $cf = new Config;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $but = new Buttons;
my %ib = $but->ibuttons();
my $script = $q->script_name();
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $path_info = $q->path_info();
my $path = $path_info;
#with meta_host,
$path = "$script" . "$path_info";
my $lang = "de";
my $ctn;
$ctn = $db->collect_rel4nodes("",$node_meta->{content_id},$node_meta->{template_id});
return "failure::Fehler bei der Auswahluebergabe";
my $bg_color = "gray";
my $table = "content";
my $relate_key;
$relate_key = "move_content" if($R::rel_edit =~ /move_/);
$relate_key = "relate_content" if($R::rel_edit =~ /relate_/);
$relate_key = "copy_content" if($R::rel_edit =~ /copy_/);
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentadr"){
$table = "contentadr";
$relate_key = "move_contentadr" if($R::rel_edit =~ /move_/);
$relate_key = "relate_contentadr" if($R::rel_edit =~ /relate_/);
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttrans"){
$table = "contenttrans";
$relate_key = "move_conttrans" if($R::rel_edit =~ /move_/);
$relate_key = "relate_contenttrans" if($R::rel_edit =~ /relate_/);
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttver"){
$table = "contenttver";
$relate_key = "move_contenttver" if($R::rel_edit =~ /move_/);
$relate_key = "relate_contenttver" if($R::rel_edit =~ /relate_/);
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentnel"){
$table = "contentnel";
$relate_key = "move_contentnel" if($R::rel_edit =~ /move_/);
$relate_key = "relate_contentnel" if($R::rel_edit =~ /relate_/);
#print "$table,$node_meta->{main_id},$lang,$R::rel_id, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
my $ctrel = $db->get_ctrel($table,"",$lang,$R::rel_id);
my $node = $db->get_node4multi($node_meta->{main_id},$lang);
$ctrel->{mtime} = $lb->time4de($ctrel->{mtime},"1") if($ctrel->{mtime});
$ctrel->{rel_id} = 0 if(!$ctrel->{rel_id});
my $ct_users;
$ct_users = $db->collect_users("users") if($u_group eq "manager");#users map
#we mean roots for sub-NodePath selection
my $module;
my @viewsel = split /\//,$1 if($path =~ /^\/(.*)/);
my $depth = scalar(@viewsel);
my $view_root = $viewsel[0] || "root";
$module = $db->get_node("$view_root","$lang","<","200000");
if(!$module->{main_id} && ($path =~ /^\/([\w-\sßäöüÄÖÜ]+)\/([\w-\sßäöüÄÖÜ]+)/)){
$module = $db->get_node2($1,$2,$lang);
my $module_id = "$module->{main_id}" || "100000";
my $selector = "this_is_no_selection";
$selector = $1 if($path =~ /\/(Waren|Kunden|Veranstaltung|Nachrichten)/);
#collect recursive nodes
my $selsize="200px";
#nodes with relation would be better
my $nodes = $db->collect_node4all("","","","100000");
my @_menu_rel;
foreach my $id (sort { lc($nodes->{$a}->{node_name}) cmp lc($nodes->{$b}->{node_name}) } keys (%$nodes)){
my @viewsel;
my $depth=0;
my $j=0;
my ($m_id,$uri) = $lb->make_uri5($nodes->{$id}->{main_id},$nodes);
#print "$module->{node_name}|$selector|$m_id:$uri<br>";
#if(($uri =~ /$module->{node_name}/) && ($uri !~ /000 root/)){
if(($uri =~ /\w\/\w/) && ($uri !~ /000 root/)){
@viewsel = split(/\//,$uri) if($uri =~ /^\/(.*)/);
$depth = scalar(@viewsel);
if($varenv{orga} ne "dms"){
if($depth >= 3){
my $ct4rel = $db->collect_ct4rel("$table",$nodes->{$id}->{main_id},$lang,"","","","","");
foreach my $id (keys(%$ct4rel)){
$j++ if($ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id});
push (@_menu_rel, "$m_id:$uri");
}elsif($varenv{orga} eq "dms"){
#sharee-copri workaround to get only bike menue
if($selector && ($path =~ /\/$selector/) && ($uri =~ /$selector/) && ($node_meta->{template_id} == 205)){#Waren bikes
if($depth >= 2){
my $rel = $db->get_relation($nodes->{$id}->{main_id},$lang,"");
push (@_menu_rel, "$m_id:$uri") if($rel->{template_id} == 205);
my $mcount = scalar(@_menu_rel);
#collect content
my $content = $db->collect_content();
my @_content;
foreach my $id (sort { lc($content->{$a}->{ct_name}) cmp lc($content->{$b}->{ct_name}) } keys (%$content)){
push (@_content, "$id:$content->{$id}->{ct_name}") if($content->{$id}->{ct_name});
print "<div id='Container_cms'>";
my $u_name;
foreach my $ctu_id (keys (%$ct_users)){
if($ctrel->{owner} eq $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{owner}){
$u_name = $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{u_name};
print $q->hidden(-name=>'main_id', -value=>"$ctrel->{main_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'rel_id', -value=>"$ctrel->{rel_id}") if($ctrel->{rel_id});
print $q->hidden(-name=>'template_id', -value=>"$ctrel->{template_id}");
print $q->start_table({-class=>'list', -border=>'0', -width=>'100%', -align=>'left', -cellpadding=>'3', -cellspacing=>'3'});
print $q->Tr();
print "<td style='margin:1px 0;padding:2px;background-color:$bg_color' colspan='2' nowrap>\n";
print $but->singlesubmit7("rel_edit","$relate_key","$ib{$relate_key}");
print "</td>\n";
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-colspan=>'2'},"&nbsp;");
if("$R::relate_dialog" eq "menu" || $R::rel_edit =~ /dialog4menu/){
print $q->hidden(-name=>'set_content_id', -value=>"$ctrel->{content_id}");
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'tdescr2'}, "Content"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'},$q->b("$ctrel->{ct_name} ($ctrel->{txt01})"),"\n");
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'tdescr2'}, "Node"),"\n";
if($mcount > 0 || $varenv{orga} eq "dms"){
if($varenv{wwwhost} =~ /woge|fsd/){#with multiple select
my $height = scalar(@_menu_rel);
my $remain_id;
foreach my $in (keys(%$ctn)){
$remain_id .= "$ctn->{$in}->{main_id},";
$remain_id =~ s/,$//;
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'},$but->selector2("set_main_id","600px","$height",$remain_id,@_menu_rel)),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'},$but->selector("set_main_id","250px",$node_meta->{main_id},@_menu_rel)),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'},"Es ist kein leeres Menue fuer eine Verknuepfung vorhanden."),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'mastermain_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{mastermain_id}") if($node_meta->{mastermain_id});
}elsif("$R::relate_dialog" eq "content" || $R::rel_edit =~ /dialog4content/){
print $q->hidden(-name=>'set_main_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{main_id}");
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'tdescr2'}, "Node"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'},$q->b($node->{node_name}),"\n");
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'tdescr2'}, "Content"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'},$but->selector("set_content_id","250px",$ctrel->{c_id},@_content),"\n");
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-colspan=>'2'},"&nbsp;");
#print $q->Tr();
#print "<td class='element3' colspan='2'>";
#print $q->a({-class=>"linknav2",-href=>'javascript:history.back()'}, "zurück");
#print "</td>\n";
print $q->end_table;
print "</div>\n";