324 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file

package MailTransport;
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH
# new emailing module
#perl -cw src/Mod/
#use lib "/var/www/copri4/shareeapp-operator/src";
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use CGI ':standard';
use IO::All;
use Net::SMTP;
use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 );
use Try::Tiny;
use Config::General;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Mod::Basework;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Data::Dumper;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
return $self;
my $q = new CGI;
my $bw = new Basework;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
#mailxcfg shareeconf/mailx.cfg
#hash data to send
sub sendrefhash {
my $self = shift;
my $sendref = {
mailxcfg => "mailx_default",
syshost => "",
mail_from => "",
mail_to => "",
mail_bcc => "",
c_id => 0,
subject => "",
message => "",
signature => "",
attachment => "",
return $sendref;
sub mail_connect {
my $self = shift;
my $sendref = shift;
my $mailx_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/mailx.cfg";
my $conf = Config::General->new($mailx_file);
my %mailxconf = $conf->getall;
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailxconf{$sendref->{mailxcfg}}->{mail_gateway},
Port => 465,
Hello => '',
Timeout => 30,
Debug => 0,
SSL => 1,
return ($smtp,\%mailxconf);
sub mail_transport(){
my $self = shift;
my $smtp = shift;
my $mailxconf = shift;
my $sendref = shift;
my $ret = 1;
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
open(EMA, ">> $dbt->{copri_conf}->{logdir}/MailTransport.log");
my $mail_from = $sendref->{mail_from} || $mailxconf->{$sendref->{mailxcfg}}->{mail_from};
my $mail_to = $sendref->{mail_to} || $mailxconf->{$sendref->{mailxcfg}}->{mail_to};
my $mail_bcc = $sendref->{mail_bcc} || $mailxconf->{$sendref->{mailxcfg}}->{mail_bcc} || "";
my $subject = $sendref->{subject};
my ($buf, $picture);
my $boundary = 'frontier';
my $pdfpath = "$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$sendref->{syshost}/pdf";
my $attachBinaryFile = "";
my $filesize = 0;
if(-f "$pdfpath/$sendref->{attachment}"){
$filesize = -s "$pdfpath/$sendref->{attachment}";
$attachBinaryFile = "$sendref->{attachment}";
if($dbt->{copri_conf}->{stage} ne "live"){
$mail_to = $mailxconf->{$sendref->{mailxcfg}}->{mail_to};
$subject = "* offline Test * " . $sendref->{subject};
print EMA "\n$now_dt, start mailing to: $mail_to | subject: $subject\n";
print EMA "attachment: $pdfpath/$sendref->{attachment} | filesize: $filesize\n";
my $html = "<html><head><title>$subject</title></head><body style='text-align:left;border:0px solid silver;padding:15px;margin:2%;width:90%;'>\n";
$html .= "<div>$sendref->{message}</div>\n";
$html .= "<div>$sendref->{signature}</div>\n" if($sendref->{signature});
$html .= "</body></html>";
print EMA "Trying send_mail by $0 to $mail_to\n";
print EMA Dumper($sendref);
if(ref($sendref) eq "HASH"){
if ($smtp->to($mail_to)) {
$smtp->bcc($mail_bcc) if($mail_bcc);
$smtp->datasend("To: $mail_to\n");
$smtp->datasend("Bcc: $mail_bcc\n") if($mail_bcc);
$smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");
$smtp->datasend("\t\n") if(!$attachBinaryFile);
$smtp->datasend("MIME-Version: 1.0\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=\"$boundary\"\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 \n\n");
#$smtp->datasend("Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=\"$attachBinaryFile\"\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-Type: application/pdf; name=\"$attachBinaryFile\"\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$attachBinaryFile\"\n");
open(DAT, "$pdfpath/$attachBinaryFile") || die("Could not open $pdfpath/$attachBinaryFile");
local $/=undef;
while (read(DAT, $picture, 4104)) {
$buf = &encode_base64( $picture );
print EMA $smtp->message();
sleep 1;
$ret = $?;
print EMA "done mailing with state: $?\n";
print EMA "\n\n";
close EMA;
$bw->log("done mailing with state:","$ret","");
return $ret;
}#end mail_send
#prepare email by cms markup
sub prepare_content {
my $self = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $sendref = shift;
my $ctadr = shift;
my $uadr = shift;
my $ctt = shift || {};
my $cms_prim = shift || "";
my $with_pdf = shift || "";
my $app_name = shift || "";
if(!$app_name && $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{app_name}){
$app_name = $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{app_name};
$app_name = "Mietrad App";
my $invoice_name = "";
my $invoice_nr = "";
my $total_sum = "";
my $total_price = "";
$total_price = $ctadr->{total_price};
$total_price =~ s/\./,/;
my $sharee_ticket = "";
my $fibu_user = "";
my $prepaid_id = "";
my $payone_link = "";
my $stagemode = $1 if($dbt->{copri_conf}->{stage} =~ /^(\w)/);
if(ref($ctt) eq "HASH" && $ctt->{ct_name}){
$invoice_name = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv->{dbname}-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf";
$sendref->{attachment} = "$invoice_name" if($with_pdf);
$invoice_nr = "$varenv->{dbname}-$ctt->{ct_name}";
$total_sum = "$ctt->{int01}";#invoice sum
$total_sum =~ s/\./,/;
$sharee_ticket = "[$invoice_nr]";
$fibu_user = "\n$ctt->{fibu_user}\n" if($ctt->{fibu_user});
$prepaid_id = $stagemode . $ctt->{ct_id} . "-" . $ctt->{c_id};
$payone_link = $ctt->{txt30};
my $subject = "TeilRad Mietradsystem";#default
$subject = $1 if($cms_prim =~ /--subject--(.*)--subject--/);
$cms_prim =~ s/--subject--$subject--subject--//;
$subject .= " $sharee_ticket" if($sharee_ticket && !$payone_link);
$cms_prim =~ s/\n//;
my $signature = <<EOF
$sendref->{mail_to} = $ctadr->{txt08};
$sendref->{c_id} = $ctadr->{c_id};
$sendref->{subject} = $subject;
$sendref->{subject} =~ s/::app_name::/$app_name/;
$sendref->{subject} =~ s/Mein // if($sendref->{subject} =~ /^Mein/);
$sendref->{subject} =~ s/::bike::/$ctadr->{bike}/g if($ctadr->{bike});
$sendref->{message} = $cms_prim;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::user_name::/$ctadr->{txt01}/g;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::bike::/$ctadr->{bike}/g if($ctadr->{bike});
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::app_name::/$app_name/g;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::invoice_nr::/\<b\>$invoice_nr\<\/b\>/g if($invoice_nr);
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::total_price::/\<b\>$total_price\<\/b\>/g if($total_price);
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::total_sum::/\<b\>$total_sum\<\/b\>/g if($total_sum);
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::invoice_name::/$invoice_name/g if($invoice_name);
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::txid::/$ctt->{txt16}/;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::email_temppassword::/\<b\>$ctadr->{txt04}\<\/b\>/g;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::email_ack_digest::/\<b\>$ctadr->{txt34}\<\/b\>/g;#send_emailack
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::prepaid_id::/\<b\>$prepaid_id\<\/b\>/g;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::payone_link::/\<b\><a href='$payone_link'>$payone_link<\/a>\<\/b\>/g;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/::signature::/$signature/;
$sendref->{message} =~ s/\n/\<br \/\>/g;
return $sendref;
}#end prepare_content
#messanger_divers longterm_occupied
sub mail_hours_occupied {
my $self = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $hours = shift || 0;
my $uadr = shift;
my $contentpos = shift;
my $sendref = $self->sendrefhash();
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname},"iso-8859-1");
my $ctadr = { c_id => 0 };
my $pref_adr = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
c_id => $contentpos->{ca_id},
$ctadr = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh_primary,$pref_adr);
$ctadr->{bike} = $contentpos->{ct_name};
$ctadr->{total_price} = $contentpos->{total_price};
my $lang = $ctadr->{txt11} || $ctadr->{txt10};
$varenv->{cms} = $dbt->fetch_cms($dbh_primary,{ lang => $lang });
my $cms_message_key = "";
$cms_message_key = $dbt->{copri_conf}->{message_rental}->{Email}->{$hours};
$sendref = $self->prepare_content($varenv,$sendref,$ctadr,$uadr,"",$varenv->{cms}->{$cms_message_key}->{txt},"");
my ($smtp,$mailxconf) = $self->mail_connect($sendref);
my $ret = $self->mail_transport($smtp,$mailxconf,$sendref);
return $ret;
#we use just db-selector hashes
sub mail_feedback2garage {
my $self = shift;
my $crecord_content = shift;
my $contentpos = shift;
my $sendref = $self->sendrefhash();
$sendref->{mail_to} = $crecord_content->{fleed_email};
$sendref->{subject} = " App Meldung";
$sendref->{message} = "Es ist folgende App Nachricht zu Mietrad $contentpos->{ct_name} an Station $contentpos->{int04} eingegangen:\n\n$contentpos->{txt01}\n\nFreundliche Grüße,\nIhr Mietradsystem";
$sendref->{message} =~ s/\n/\<br \/\>/g;#TOD prepare_content
my ($smtp,$mailxconf) = $self->mail_connect($sendref);
my $ret = $self->mail_transport($smtp,$mailxconf,$sendref);
return $ret;