mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 19:26:28 +01:00
station tour, operator hotline and 24h SMS
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 170 additions and 106 deletions
@ -204,43 +204,6 @@ sub service_work_search(){
return $pos_record;
#service pre-collect all or with bike/station ID
#obsolte and should be deleted
sub service_work_select(){
my $self = shift;
my $bike = shift || "";
my $station = shift || "";
my $interval = shift || 0;
my $content_template_id = shift || 0;
my $dt1 = DateTime->now;
my $return={};
my $bike_id = $1 if($bike =~ /(\d+)/);
my $station_id = $1 if($station =~ /(\d+)/);
my $pref = {
table => "content",
table_pos => "contentpos",
fetch => "all",
catch => "content_contentpos",
keyfield => "c_id",
template_id => "$content_template_id",
$pref->{barcode} = "=::" . $bike_id;
$pref->{int04} = "=::" . $station_id;
$pref = { %$pref, mtime => ">=::(now() - interval '$interval day')" } if($interval > 0);
my $pos_record = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref);
return $pos_record;
}#end service_work_select
#service_select by service_id=service-c_id
sub service_select {
my $self = shift;
@ -762,7 +725,7 @@ sub service_work {
$return->{$article}->{$key_change}->{interval} = "$interval";
$return->{$article}->{$key_change}->{time_over} = "$time_over";
$return->{$article}->{$key_change}->{service_type} = "$service_type";
$return->{$article}->{$key_change}->{work_val} = "$pos_record->{$id}->{$key}";
$return->{$article}->{$key_change}->{work_val} .= "$pos_record->{$id}->{$key}\n";
$return->{$article}->{$key_change}->{mtime} = "$pos_record->{$id}->{mtime}";
$return->{$article}->{$key_change}->{user_name} = "$u_name";
$return->{$article}->{$key_change}->{owner} = "$pos_record->{$id}->{owner}";
@ -1665,34 +1628,13 @@ sub stations_available(){
$pref_sql = "" if($pref_sql !~ /\d/);
my $record = {};
#on servicetool only stations on user_tour
if($q->param('authcookie') && $dbt->{merchant_ids}->{$varenv->{merchant_id}}->{id} && $dbt->{merchant_ids}->{$varenv->{merchant_id}}->{id} == 187){
if(scalar(@{$user_tour}) >= 1){
$pref_sql .= " AND (";
if($_ =~ /(\d+)/){
$pref_sql .= " ct.int07=$1 OR";
$pref_sql =~ s/OR$//;
$pref_sql .= ")";
$record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref,$pref_sql) if(ref($bike_group) eq "ARRAY" && @{$bike_group}[0]);
$record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref,$pref_sql) if(ref($bike_group) eq "ARRAY" && @{$bike_group}[0]);
$record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref,$pref_sql) if(ref($bike_group) eq "ARRAY" && @{$bike_group}[0]);
my $op_return = {};
foreach my $id (sort { $record->{$a}->{barcode} <=> $record->{$b}->{barcode} } keys (%$record)){
$return->{$id}->{authed} = "$authed";
$return->{$id}->{station} = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{oprefix}$record->{$id}->{int04}";
$return->{$id}->{service_tour} = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{oprefix}$record->{$id}->{int07}";
$return->{$id}->{service_tour} = "";
$return->{$id}->{uri_operator} = "$varenv->{wwwhost}";
($return->{$id}->{gps}->{latitude},$return->{$id}->{gps}->{longitude}) = split(/,/,$record->{$id}->{txt06});
#$return->{$id}->{description} = "$record->{$id}->{txt01}";
@ -1735,7 +1677,7 @@ sub stations_available(){
}#end stations_available
#stations_all (should only called by shareetool)
sub stations_all(){
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift || "";
@ -1779,6 +1721,9 @@ sub stations_all(){
$pref_sql = "" if($pref_sql !~ /\d/);
my $record = {};
my $op_return = {};
my %user_tour = ();
#on servicetool only stations on user_tour
$bw->log("stations user_tour by merchant id $dbt->{merchant_ids}->{$varenv->{merchant_id}}->{id} on $varenv->{dbname}",$user_tour,"");
@ -1788,20 +1733,19 @@ sub stations_all(){
$pref_sql .= " AND (";
if($_ =~ /(\d+)/){
$pref_sql .= " ct.int07=$1 OR";
#$pref_sql .= " ct.int07=$1 OR";
$user_tour{$1} = 1;
$pref_sql .= " ct.txt07 like '%$1%' OR";
$pref_sql =~ s/OR$//;
$pref_sql .= ")";
$record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref,$pref_sql) if(ref($bike_group) eq "ARRAY" && @{$bike_group}[0]);
#stations_all only if authenticated
#$record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref,$pref_sql) if(ref($bike_group) eq "ARRAY" && @{$bike_group}[0]);
my $op_return = {};
#only nececarry if amount of available bikes lower then bike_soll (like konrad)
#my $bike_ist_factor = 1;
#$bike_ist_factor = $self->bikes_soll($record,$bikes_on_station);
@ -1813,11 +1757,25 @@ sub stations_all(){
#$bike_soll =~ s/\.\d+//;#rounded integer
$return->{$id}->{authed} = "$authed";
$return->{$id}->{station} = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{oprefix}$record->{$id}->{int04}";
$return->{$id}->{service_tour} = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{oprefix}$record->{$id}->{int07}";
$return->{$id}->{service_tour} = "";
$return->{$id}->{service_tour} = "";
#hashed because of one station can have multi station tour
#there is a restriction in servicetool because of service_tour assignment (can keep only one value)
#keep in mind to select only users user_tour which in service_tour,
#because there can only one station assignmemt. Should be array, also in shareetool!
my %station_tour = ();
if($record->{$id}->{txt07} && $record->{$id}->{txt07} =~ /\d\s\d/){
%station_tour = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/,$record->{$id}->{txt07});
$station_tour{$record->{$id}->{txt07}} = 1;
#if multi station tour defined then last numerical will assigend
foreach my $stour (sort { $a <=> $b }keys (%user_tour)){
$return->{$id}->{service_tour} = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{oprefix}$stour";
$return->{$id}->{uri_operator} = "$varenv->{wwwhost}";
($return->{$id}->{gps}->{latitude},$return->{$id}->{gps}->{longitude}) = split(/,/,$record->{$id}->{txt06});
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ elsif($q->param('request') eq "bikes_all"){
foreach my $id (keys(%{$response_work->{$biselect}})){
#time_over && (service_type || Aufgaben)
if(($response_work->{$biselect}->{$id}->{time_over} == 1 && $response_work->{$biselect}->{$id}->{service_type} >= 1) || ($id eq "txt01" && $response_work->{$biselect}->{$id}->{work_val})){
@ -1052,15 +1052,22 @@ sub collect_transpos {
$search->{offset} = 0 if(!$search->{offset});
my $updown = "ASC";
$updown = "DESC" if($search->{cal_sort_updown} eq "down");
$updown = "DESC" if($search->{cal_sort_updown} && $search->{cal_sort_updown} eq "down");
my $where = "where cp.ct_id=ct.c_id";
foreach my $key (%$search){
$search->{$key} =~ s/\s//g;
foreach my $key (keys (%$search)){
$search->{$key} =~ s/\s//g if($key ne "start_time_interval");
$where .= " and cp.c_id = $search->{$key}" if($key eq "cttpos_id" && $search->{$key});
$where .= " and cp.end_time >= '$search->{$key}'" if($key eq "start_date_time");
$where .= " and cp.end_time <= '$search->{$key}'" if($key eq "end_date_time");
$where .= " and cp.start_time <= '$search->{$key}'" if($key eq "end_date_time");
if($key eq "start_time_interval"){
$where .= " and cp.start_time <= $search->{$key}";
if($key eq "start_date_time"){
$where .= " and cp.end_time >= '$search->{$key}'";
if($key eq "end_date_time"){
$where .= " and cp.end_time <= '$search->{$key}'";
$where .= " and cp.start_time <= '$search->{$key}'";
$where .= " and cp.$key ilike '%$search->{$key}%'" if($key eq "txt08" && $search->{$key});
$where .= " and (cp.int04 = $search->{$key} OR cp.int06 = $search->{$key})" if($key eq "int04" && looks_like_number($search->{$key}));
$where .= " and cp.ct_name = '$search->{$key}'" if($key eq "cp_ct_name" && $search->{$key});
@ -1072,11 +1079,13 @@ sub collect_transpos {
$where .= " and cp.$key = $search->{$key}" if($key eq "int12" && looks_like_number($search->{$key}));#bike_group
$where .= " and cp.$key = $search->{$key}" if($key eq "owner" && looks_like_number($search->{$key}));
$where .= " ORDER BY cp.end_time $updown LIMIT $search->{limit} OFFSET $search->{offset}" if($search->{limit});
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cp.* from $search->{table} cp, contenttrans ct $where");
my $sql = "SELECT cp.*,ct.txt07 AS phone from $search->{table} cp, contenttrans ct $where";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $rc = $sth->execute();
my $ct = $sth->fetchall_hashref("c_id");
$bw->log("collect_transpos",$sql,"") if($debug);
return $ct;
@ -1088,10 +1097,10 @@ sub collect_theftpos {
$search->{offset} = 0 if(!$search->{offset});
my $updown = "ASC";
$updown = "DESC" if($search->{cal_sort_updown} eq "down");
$updown = "DESC" if($search->{cal_sort_updown} && $search->{cal_sort_updown} eq "down");
my $where = "where 1=1";
foreach my $key (%$search){
foreach my $key (keys (%$search)){
$search->{$key} =~ s/\s//g;
$where .= " and cp.c_id = $search->{$key}" if($key eq "cttpos_id" && $search->{$key});
$where .= " and cp.end_time >= '$search->{$key}'" if($key eq "start_date_time");
@ -532,6 +532,13 @@ print ATTR "next: $next\n" if($debug);
$valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
$u_rows += $db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,$_,$valxx,$users_dms->{u_id});
#txt07 station user_tour multiple select
elsif($tpl->{tpl_id} == 225 && $_ eq "txt07"){
my @val = $q->param($_);
#@txt18 = grep {!/null/} @txt18;
$valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
$u_rows += $db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,$_,$valxx,$users_dms->{u_id});
#txt24 bike_group/station_group multiple select
elsif($tpl->{tpl_id} == 225 && $_ eq "txt24"){
my @val = $q->param($_);
@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ sub sms_ack_digest {
#used for sending message if lock_state=locking and after 45 sec no lock_state=locked
sub sms_message {
my $self = shift;
my $todo = shift;
my $hotline = shift;
my $sms_to = shift;
my $bike = shift;
@ -120,7 +122,20 @@ sub sms_message {
$sms_tosub =~ s/^0/\+49/;
$sms_to = $sms_tosub;
$sms_message .= "Ihre Miete von $bike wurde nicht beendet! Ihre kostenpflichtige Miete läuft weiter! Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Schloss geschlossen ist. Hotline 0761-45370099";
if($todo eq "locking_progress"){
$sms_message .= "Ihre Miete von $bike wurde nicht beendet! Ihre kostenpflichtige Miete läuft weiter! Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Schloss geschlossen ist. $hotline";
if($todo eq "24h_occupied"){
$sms_message .= "Zur Info! Sie haben $bike seit 24 Stunden kostenpflichtig gemietet!. $hotline";
if($todo eq "48h_occupied"){
$sms_message .= "Zur Info! Sie haben $bike seit 48 Stunden kostenpflichtig gemietet!. $hotline";
if($todo eq "72h_occupied"){
$sms_message .= "Zur Info! Sie haben $bike seit 72 Stunden kostenpflichtig gemietet!. $hotline";
my $message = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8',"$sms_message"));
@ -134,6 +149,7 @@ sub sms_message {
print FILE "---> request:\n" . Dumper($request);
#my $ret_json = "";#$self->get_sms_gtx($request);#for testing without send
my $ret_json = $self->get_sms_gtx($request);
eval {
@ -362,12 +362,6 @@ EOF
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms',-colspan=>'1'},"$des");
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>'1'},$but->selector_class("$key","eselect","width:350px;",$ctrel->{$key},@_valxx));
elsif($key =~ /int07/ && "$size" eq "select" && $node_meta->{tpl_id} == 225){#Station Service Tour
my $selsize="50px";
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>'2'},$but->selector("$key","$selsize",$ctrel->{$key},@_service_valxx));
elsif($key =~ /int10/ && "$size" eq "select" && ($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 205 || $node_meta->{tpl_id} == 225)){#bike_state
my @_lock_valxx = ();
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{ $dbt->{copri_conf}->{bike_state} }) {
@ -466,13 +460,19 @@ EOF
elsif($key =~ /txt/ && "$size" =~ /select/){
if($size =~ /_multiple/){
if($key =~ /txt18/ && $node_meta->{tpl_id} eq "202"){ #service_tour alias user_tour
if($key =~ /txt18/ && $node_meta->{tpl_id} eq "202"){ #user defined service_tour alias user_tour
my $height = scalar(@_service_valxx);
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms',-style=>'vertical-align:top;',-colspan=>'1'},"$des");
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>'1'},$but->selector2("$key","50px;","$height",$ctrel->{$key},@_service_valxx));
elsif($key =~ /txt24/ && $node_meta->{tpl_id} == 225){ #sharee station_group (bikenode.main_ids)
elsif($key =~ /txt07/ && $node_meta->{tpl_id} eq "225"){ # station defined Service Tour
my $height = scalar(@_service_valxx);
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms',-style=>'vertical-align:top;',-colspan=>'1'},"$des");
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>'1'},$but->selector2("$key","50px;","$height",$ctrel->{$key},@_service_valxx));
elsif($key =~ /txt24/ && $node_meta->{tpl_id} == 225){ #Station on station_group (bikenode.main_ids)
my @_valxx = ("");
foreach my $rid (sort { $bike_nodes->{$a}->{node_name} cmp $bike_nodes->{$b}->{node_name} } keys (%$bike_nodes)){
push (@_valxx, "$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{main_id}:$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{node_name} - $bike_nodes->{$rid}->{main_id}");
@ -353,20 +353,21 @@ sub tpl(){
$end_time = $lb->time4de($cttpos->{$pid}->{end_time},1);
my $u_name = $cttpos->{$pid}->{owner};
my $u_name_end = $cttpos->{$pid}->{owner_end};
my $u_name = $cttpos->{$pid}->{owner} || "";
my $u_name_end = $cttpos->{$pid}->{owner_end} || "";
foreach my $ctu_id (keys (%$ct_users)){
if($u_name && $channel_map->{$u_name}){
$u_name = $channel_map->{$u_name};
}elsif($cttpos->{$pid}->{owner} eq $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{c_id}){
$u_name = $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{txt01};
if($u_name_end && $channel_map->{$u_name_end}){
$u_name_end = $channel_map->{$u_name_end};
}elsif($cttpos->{$pid}->{owner_end} eq $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{c_id}){
$u_name_end = $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{txt01};
$u_name_end = "-" if(!$u_name_end);
@ -389,8 +390,8 @@ sub tpl(){
$txt21 = substr($cttpos->{$pid}->{txt21},0,50) . " ..." if(length($cttpos->{$pid}->{txt21}) > 50);
$user_device = "";
$user_device .= " → lock charge $cttpos->{$pid}->{int14} %" if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int14});
$user_device .= " → agent $txt26" if($txt26);
$user_device .= " → device $txt21" if($txt21);
$user_device .= " → $txt26" if($txt26);
$user_device .= " → $txt21" if($txt21);
my $bikenr = "$cttpos->{$pid}->{barcode}";
@ -407,6 +408,10 @@ sub tpl(){
$lock_state = "locked" if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int20} == 1);
$lock_state = "<span style='color:#c63e3e;'>unlocked</span>" if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int20} == 2);
$lock_state = "<span style='color:#c63e3e;'>locking in progress</span>" if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int20} == 3);
if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int20} ne $ct4rel_ware->{$cttpos->{$pid}->{cc_id}}->{int20}){
$lock_state = "<span style='border: 1px solid #c63e3e;'>$dbt->{copri_conf}->{lock_state}->{$cttpos->{$pid}->{int20}}</span>";
my $track_info = "";
my $co2saving = "";
@ -423,7 +428,7 @@ sub tpl(){
$end_station = $q->a({-class=>"linknav3",-style=>"",-href=>"/DMS/Waren/?detail_search=1&s_int04=$cttpos->{$pid}->{int04}",-title=>"Rad Warenstamm nach Station filtern"},"$cttpos->{$pid}->{int04}") if($ct4rel_ware->{$cttpos->{$pid}->{cc_id}}->{rel_id});
my $kunde = $q->a({-class=>"linknav3",-style=>"$ware_style",-href=>"/DMS/Kunden/?detail_search=1&s_c_id=$cttpos->{$pid}->{ca_id}",-title=>"Kunde im Kundenstamm"},"$cttpos->{$pid}->{txt08} ($cttpos->{$pid}->{ca_id})");#2021-05-24 saves kd name
print $q->div({-style=>'float:left;margin-left:1em;font-size:0.91em;'}, "$i) <span style='$time_style'> $start_time – $end_time</span> → $kunde → Start Station $start_station → End Station $end_station → Rad $bikenr $status $lock_state $track_info → $u_name $pos_id"),"\n";
print $q->div({-style=>'float:left;margin-left:1em;font-size:0.91em;'}, "$i) <span style='$time_style'> $start_time – $end_time</span> → $kunde → Start Station $start_station → End Station $end_station → Rad $bikenr $status $lock_state $track_info → $u_name/$u_name_end $pos_id"),"\n";
print $q->div({-style=>'float:left;margin-left:1em;font-size:0.91em;'}, "→ Faktura", $q->a({-class=>"linknav3",-style=>"$trans_style",-href=>"/DMS/Faktura?ct_trans=open\&c_id4trans=$c_id4trans\&tpl_id4trans=$tpl_id4trans\&kind_of_trans=Faktura\&owner=$users_dms->{owner}",-title=>"Faktura Terminal öffnen"},"\#$ct_name")),"\n" if($c_id4trans && $tpl_id4trans);
print $q->div({-style=>'float:left;margin-left:1em;font-size:0.91em;'}, "$user_device"),"\n";
@ -596,9 +596,10 @@ sub tpl(){
$s_hash = $dbt->{copri_conf}->{station_state} if($tpl_id == 225 && $key eq "int10");
$s_hash = $dbt->{copri_conf}->{lock_system} if($tpl_id == 205 && $key eq "int11");
$s_hash = $dbt->{copri_conf}->{sharing_type} if($tpl_id == 210 && $key eq "int18");
$s_hash = { 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4 } if($tpl_id == 225 && $key eq "int07");
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{ $s_hash }) {
push @s_valxx, "$key:$value";#[2:unlocked]
$s_hash = { 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4 } if($tpl_id == 225 && $key eq "txt07");
#while (my ($key, $value) = each %{ $s_hash }) {
foreach my $s_key (sort keys (%{ $s_hash })) {
push @s_valxx, "$s_key:$s_hash->{$s_key}";#[2:unlocked]
print $q->td({-class=>'search_line'},$but->selector_class("s_$key","","",$s_val,@s_valxx)),"\n";
@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH
#SMS message if 24h,48h,72h occupied
#sudo su www-data -c "./src/scripts/sms_message.pl shareedms-fr01 '24h_occupied' '' ''"
#SMS message locking_progress after 45sec
#sudo su www-data -c "./src/scripts/sms_message.pl shareeapp-operator locking_progress '0179xxxx372' $pos_id"
use vars qw($syshost);
@ -16,6 +21,10 @@ use lib "/var/www/copri-bike/$syshost/src";
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Pg;
use Data::Dumper;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::SMSTransport;
@ -23,11 +32,70 @@ my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $smstrans = new SMSTransport;
my $todo = $ARGV[1] || die 'todo not defined';
my $phone = $ARGV[2] || die 'phone not defined';
my $pos_id = $ARGV[3] || die 'no booking id available';
my $phone = $ARGV[2] || "";
my $pos_id = $ARGV[3] || "";
my $dbh = "";
if($todo eq "locking_progress"){
#operator contact
my $pref_cc = {
table => "contentuser",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "197",
c_id => 1,
my $record_cc = { c_id => 0 };
$record_cc = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_cc);
my $hotline = "";
$record_cc->{txt07} =~ s/\s//g;
$hotline = "Hotline $record_cc->{txt01} $record_cc->{txt07}";
#SMS message if 24h,48h,72h occupied
if($todo eq "24h_occupied"){
#select booking pos if state=occupied and start_time > 24h
my $search = {
table => "contenttranspos",
int10 => 3,
start_time_interval => "(now() - interval '1 day')",
my $dt1 = DateTime->now(time_zone => "Europe/Berlin");
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
$cttpos = $dbt->collect_transpos($dbh,$search);
foreach my $pid (sort { $cttpos->{$b}->{end_time} cmp $cttpos->{$a}->{end_time} } keys(%$cttpos)){
if($cttpos->{$pid}->{int10} == 3){
my $dt2 = "";
$dt2 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($cttpos->{$pid}->{start_time});
my $dt2_24h_occupied = $dt2->add( days => 1 );
$dt2 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($cttpos->{$pid}->{start_time});
my $dt2_48h_occupied = $dt2->add( days => 2 );
$dt2 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($cttpos->{$pid}->{start_time});
my $dt2_72h_occupied = $dt2->add( days => 3 );
#print $dt1 . ">=" . $dt2_72h_occupied . "|" . $dt1 . ">=" . $dt2_48h_occupied . "|" . $dt1 . ">=" . $dt2_24h_occupied . "\n";
if($dt1 >= $dt2_72h_occupied){
$todo = "72h_occupied";
$smstrans->sms_message($dt1 >= $dt2_72h_occupied,$todo,$hotline,$cttpos->{$pid}->{phone},$cttpos->{$pid}->{ct_name});
print $dt1 . ">=" . $dt2_72h_occupied . "|$todo,$hotline,$cttpos->{$pid}->{phone},$cttpos->{$pid}->{ct_name}\n";
}elsif($dt1 >= $dt2_48h_occupied){
$todo = "48h_occupied";
print $dt1 . ">=" . $dt2_48h_occupied . "|$todo,$hotline,$cttpos->{$pid}->{phone},$cttpos->{$pid}->{ct_name}\n";
}elsif($dt1 >= $dt2_24h_occupied){
$todo = "24h_occupied";
print $dt1 . ">=" . $dt2_24h_occupied . "|$todo,$hotline,$cttpos->{$pid}->{phone},$cttpos->{$pid}->{ct_name}\n";
sleep 1;
#SMS message locking_progress after 45sec
if($todo eq "locking_progress" && $phone && $pos_id){
sleep 45;
#select booking pos if lock_state=locking still set
my $booking_pos = {
@ -39,7 +107,6 @@ if($todo eq "locking_progress"){
my $booking = { c_id => 0 };
$booking = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$booking_pos);
if($booking->{int20} == 3){
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $project = "all";
$project = "Freiburg" if($varenv->{syshost} eq "shareeweb-sharee");
$project = "Bayern" if($varenv->{syshost} eq "shareeweb-bayern");
$project = "Konstanz" if($varenv->{syshost} eq "shareeweb-konstanz");
Add table
Reference in a new issue