mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 11:16:29 +01:00
rental freed_time and some service staff coding
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 91 additions and 47 deletions
@ -975,7 +975,8 @@ sub booking_request(){
#BVB once auto-coupon until 2023-08-31
if($varenv->{dbname} eq "sharee_bvb"){
if(1==2 && $varenv->{dbname} eq "sharee_bvb"){
#BVB 3-Stunden-Freifahrt
my $auto_coupon = "123";
my $pref_co = {
@ -1278,7 +1279,8 @@ sub booking_update(){
#return after booking_update
#in real, we know freed accountable rentals only on rental end's
my $adjust_freedtime = 1;
my ($pricing,$counting) = $pri->counting_rental($varenv,$record_pos);
#int03 only used for tarif counting backwards compatibility
@ -1782,12 +1784,16 @@ sub rentals(){
my $pricing->{$id} = {};
my $counting = {};
#adjusting freed time rental by called bikes_occupied
$pri->count_freedrental("rentals by user_bikes_occupied",\%varenv,$auth->{c_id},$record->{$id});
#further_freedtime_available will be 0 if no further freed_time
my $adjust_freedtime = 1;
my $further_freedtime_available = 1;
$further_freedtime_available = $pri->count_freedrental("rentals by user_bikes_occupied",\%varenv,$auth->{c_id},$record->{$id},$adjust_freedtime);
$return->{$id}->{further_freedtime_available} = "$further_freedtime_available";
($pricing->{$id}, $counting) = $pri->counting_rental(\%varenv,$record->{$id});
$pricing->{$id}->{rentalog} = "";#just for debuggiog, removed to reduce data in json
my $return_feed->{$id} = $pri->fetch_rentalfeed($varenv_prim,\%varenv,$record->{$id},$pricing->{$id});
my $return_feed->{$id} = $pri->fetch_rentalfeed($varenv_prim,\%varenv,$record->{$id},$pricing->{$id},$further_freedtime_available);
$return->{$id} = { %{ $pricing->{$id} }, %{ $return_feed->{$id} } };
my $bike_id = $return->{$id}->{bike};
@ -1877,6 +1883,13 @@ sub bikes_available(){
my $td_template = $dbt->rental_description_template($varenv_prim);
#return list of occupied/requested bikes
my $rentals_record = {};
my $rentals_response = {};
$rentals_record = $self->user_bikes_occupied($dbh,$auth,"");
$rentals_response = $self->rentals($varenv_prim,$rentals_record,$auth,"");#returns JSON rental values
$rentals_response->{further_freedtime_available} = 1 if(!keys (%$rentals_response));
foreach my $id (sort { $record->{$a}->{barcode} <=> $record->{$b}->{barcode} } keys (%$record)){
$return->{$id}->{authed} = "$authed";
$return->{$id}->{station} = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{oprefix}$record->{$id}->{int04}";
@ -1971,9 +1984,11 @@ sub bikes_available(){
$tariff_content->{$tid}->{int17} =~ s/\./,/ if($lang eq "de");
$return->{$id}->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$td} = ["$td_template->{$td}->{int17}","$tariff_content->{$tid}->{int17} € / 24 $varenv_prim->{cms}->{'unit-hour'}->{txt}"];
}elsif($td_template->{$td}->{time02} && $tariff_content->{$tid}->{time02} =~ /[1-9]/){
$time_unit = $dbt->time_format($varenv_prim,$tariff_content->{$tid}->{time02});
$time_unit .= " / $varenv_prim->{cms}->{'unit-day'}->{txt}" if($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{project} ne "Konstanz");
$return->{$id}->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$td} = ["$td_template->{$td}->{time02}","$time_unit"];
if($rentals_response->{further_freedtime_available} == 1 || !$auth->{c_id}){
$time_unit = $dbt->time_format($varenv_prim,$tariff_content->{$tid}->{time02});
$time_unit .= " / $varenv_prim->{cms}->{'unit-day'}->{txt}" if($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{project} ne "Konstanz");
$return->{$id}->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$td} = ["$td_template->{$td}->{time02}","$time_unit"];
}#end new rental_description
@ -2172,7 +2187,7 @@ sub stations_available(){
my $station_bike_node = "";
$station_bike_node = $record_pos->{int12} if(ref($record_pos) eq "HASH" && $record_pos->{int12});
#take start station from pos
#for AA rentals take end- from start-station.
my $aa_station = 0;
$aa_station = $record_pos->{int06} if(ref($record_pos) eq "HASH" && $record_pos->{int06} && $record_pos->{int42});
@ -2185,22 +2200,25 @@ sub stations_available(){
int10 => "1",#1 = "available"
#group_id must have 6 numbers like 300103
my $pref_sql = "";
#select by bike.type_id bike-group on booking update, to get available stations on bike return by filter logic
my $pref_sql = "";
if(ref($record_pos) eq "HASH" && $record_pos->{int29}){
foreach my $type_id (@{$bike_group}){
#service user can redistribute to all
if($auth->{int09} && !$dbt->{copri_conf}->{betau_id}->{$auth->{c_id}}){
$pref_sql = "";
#A-A rental
#on rental-end select only station which is the same as on start and A-A
if($station_group && $type_id =~ /(\d+)/ && $aa_station){
elsif($station_group && $type_id =~ /(\d+)/ && $aa_station){
my $group_id = $1;
if($group_id == $station_group){
$pref_sql = " and ct.int04 = $aa_station and ct.int42=1";
#A-B rental
#on rental-end select only stations which are in ststion_group and be A-B
}elsif($station_group && $type_id =~ /(\d+)/){
elsif($station_group && $type_id =~ /(\d+)/){
my $group_id = $1;
if($group_id == $station_group){
$pref_sql = " and ct.txt25 like '%$group_id%' and (ct.int42=0 OR ct.int42 is null)";
@ -2223,7 +2241,7 @@ sub stations_available(){
$pref_sql = "" if($pref_sql !~ /\d/);
$bw->log("stations_available --> rental station_bike_node:$station_bike_node|rental aa_station:$aa_station|user has access to bike_node:@{$bike_node}|user has access to bike_group:@{$bike_group}|pref_sql:\n",$pref_sql,"");
$bw->log("stations_available --> rental station_bike_node:$station_bike_node|rental aa_station:$aa_station|user has access to bike_node:@{$bike_node}|user has access to bike_group:@{$bike_group}|!$auth->{int09} && !$dbt->{copri_conf}->{betau_id}->{$auth->{c_id}}|pref_sql:\n",$pref_sql,"");
my $record = {};
$record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref,$pref_sql) if(ref($bike_node) eq "ARRAY" && @{$bike_node}[0]);
@ -241,6 +241,8 @@ elsif($q->param('request') eq "booking_request"){
#check count of occcupied/requested bikes
my $record = $apif->user_bikes_occupied($dbh,$authraw,"");
my $max_rental_count = 3;
$max_rental_count = 10 if($authraw->{int09});
my $rental_count=0;
my $still_requested = 0;
foreach my $id (keys(%$record)){
@ -253,10 +255,9 @@ elsif($q->param('request') eq "booking_request"){
#only if not App debuglevel defined
if(!$authraw->{int11} && $rental_count >= 3){
$response->{response_state} = "Failure: booking_request declined. max count of 3 occupied bikes has been reached";
$response->{response_text} = "Die maximale Anzahl von 3 Reservierungen wurde erreicht";
if($rental_count >= $max_rental_count){
$response->{response_state} = "Failure: booking_request declined. max count of $rental_count occupied bikes has been reached";
$response->{response_text} = "Die maximale Anzahl von $rental_count Reservierungen wurde erreicht";
my $gps = "";
my $latitude = "";
@ -1521,8 +1521,10 @@ sub insert_pos(){
my $user_name = $ctadr->{txt01};
$user_name = $ctadr->{txt08} if(!$user_name || $user_name eq "no name");
#int34 is service-staff (no sms message, no aa-station, no max 3 bikes)
my $staff = 0;
$staff = 1 if($ctadr->{int09});#service staff (no sms message)
$staff = 1 if($ctadr->{int09});
my $deviceId = $ct->{int13} || 0;
my $bike_charge = $ct->{int19} || 0;
@ -756,7 +756,8 @@ sub handler {
#redirect used by App user profile button
elsif($session && $users_sharee->{c_id} && ($path =~ /$varenv{mandant}\/Anmelden|$varenv{mandant}\/$varenv{profile}/)){
#elsif($session && $users_sharee->{c_id} && ($path =~ /$varenv{mandant}\/Anmelden|$varenv{mandant}\/$varenv{profile}/)){
elsif(1==1 && $users_sharee->{c_id} && ($path =~ /$varenv{mandant}\/Anmelden|$varenv{mandant}\/$varenv{profile}/)){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1}?cum=4$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ sub count_freedrental {
my $varenv = shift;
my $ca_id = shift || 0;
my $pos = shift || {};
my $adjust_freedtime = shift || 0;
my $further_freedtime_available = 1;
my $freed_count = 0;
my $dbh = "";
my $today4db = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime(time));
@ -64,10 +67,11 @@ sub count_freedrental {
open(FILE,">>$varenv->{logdir}/count_freedrental.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*-->$today4db $varenv->{dbname}\n" if($debug);
print FILE Dumper($q) if($debug);
print FILE "--> pos.c_id:$pos->{c_id}, user:$pos->{ca_id}, bike:$pos->{ct_name} rental_minute_all: $pricing->{rentalog}->{rental_minute_all} > 0\n" if($debug);
print FILE "--> pos.c_id:$pos->{c_id}, user:$pos->{ca_id}, bike:$pos->{ct_name} rental_minute_all: $pricing->{rentalog}->{rental_minute_all} >= 5\n" if($debug);
#2023-10-10 changed from 0min to rental_minute_all >= 5min to keep freed time on rentals >=5min
#freed mangement will be only dony on accountable rental
if($pricing->{rentalog}->{rental_minute_all} > 0 && $ca_id == $pos->{ca_id}){
if($pricing->{rentalog}->{rental_minute_all} >= 5 && $ca_id == $pos->{ca_id}){
my $pref_pos = {
table => "contenttranspos",
fetch => "all",
@ -76,11 +80,11 @@ sub count_freedrental {
time02 => ">::00:00",
#one freed time by parallel rentals
###one freed time by parallel rentals
if($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{project} eq "Konstanz"){
$pref_pos->{int10} = "3";
#one freed time per day
###one freed time per day
my $day = strftime "%d", localtime;
my $mon = strftime "%m", localtime;
@ -88,25 +92,34 @@ sub count_freedrental {
my ($nyear,$nmon,$nday) = Add_Delta_YMD($year,$mon,$day, 0,0,1);
$pref_pos->{time_range} = "((start_time >= '$year-$mon-$day' and start_time < '$nyear-$nmon-$nday' and start_time != end_time) OR int10=3)";
my $record_pos = { c_id => 0 };
$record_pos = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_pos);
foreach my $pid (sort { $record_pos->{$a}->{c_id} <=> $record_pos->{$b}->{c_id} } keys (%$record_pos)){
print FILE "if($freed_count > 1 && $pos->{c_id} != $record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id})\n" if($debug);
if($freed_count > 1 && $pos->{c_id} != $record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id}){
my $pos_ref = {
table => "contenttranspos",
c_id => $record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id},
print FILE "--> delete freed_time on c_id=$record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id} to time02=00:00\n" if($debug);
$further_freedtime_available = 0;
my $pos_ref = {
table => "contenttranspos",
c_id => $record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id},
print FILE "--> delete freed_time on c_id=$record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id} to time02=00:00\n" if($debug);
print FILE "--> NO further freed_time available on c_id=$record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id}\n" if($debug);
$further_freedtime_available = 0 if($freed_count == 1);
print FILE "if($freed_count > 1 && $pos->{c_id} != $record_pos->{$pid}->{c_id})\nfurther_freedtime_available:$further_freedtime_available\n" if($debug);
close(FILE) if($debug);
return $further_freedtime_available;
}#end count_freedrental
@ -115,18 +128,22 @@ sub counting_rental {
my $self = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $ctpos = shift;
my $today4db = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime(time));
#my $today4db = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime(time));
my $timestamp = DateTime->now( time_zone => "Europe/Berlin" );
$timestamp =~ s/T/ /;
my $return = {};
my $counting = { c_id => $ctpos->{c_id} };
my $computed_end_time = $ctpos->{end_time} || $today4db;
$computed_end_time = $today4db if($ctpos->{int10} && $ctpos->{int10} == 3);
my $computed_start_time = $ctpos->{start_time} || $today4db;#should be only used on parts
my $computed_end_time = $ctpos->{end_time} || $timestamp;
$computed_end_time = $timestamp if($ctpos->{int10} && $ctpos->{int10} == 3);
my $computed_start_time = $ctpos->{start_time} || $timestamp;#should be only used on parts
#main counting rental time and convert it to minute
my $dt0 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($computed_start_time);
my $dt1 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($computed_end_time);
#$return->{rentalog}->{dt1} = "bike $ctpos->{ct_name} computed_end_time:$computed_end_time --> " . Dumper($dt1);
my $dur10 = $dt1->subtract_datetime($dt0);
my ($durmonth,$durdd,$durhh,$durmm) = $dur10->in_units( 'months', 'days', 'hours','minutes' );
$durhh = sprintf('%.2d',$durhh);
@ -135,8 +152,10 @@ sub counting_rental {
$real_clock = "$durdd day $durhh:$durmm" if($durdd);
$real_clock = "$durmonth month $durdd day $durhh:$durmm" if($durmonth);
my $computed_clock = $real_clock;
my $dur = $dt0->delta_ms($dt1);
my $rental_minute = $dur->{minutes};
my $dur = {};
$dur = $dt0->delta_ms($dt1);
my $rental_minute = 0;
$rental_minute = $dur->{minutes} if($dur->{minutes});
#if end_station == start_station and rental minutes < 5 minutes, then 0
@ -229,7 +248,7 @@ sub counting_rental {
$counting->{int38} = $rental_unit_rounded;#by time
$used_methode .= " | $rental_unit_rounded rental_unit_rounded * $ctpos->{int35} int35";
#else if price by all unit < max_fee/day
#else if price by all unit < max_fee/day | without int17
$rental_unit = $rental_minute / $tariff_unitbyminute;
$rental_unit = sprintf('%.2f', $rental_unit);
@ -237,7 +256,7 @@ sub counting_rental {
if($rental_unit =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/){
$rental_unit_rounded = $1 + 1 if($2 > 0);
if($ctpos->{int36} == 0 && $ctpos->{int17} && $ctpos->{int17} > 0){
if($ctpos->{int36} == 0){
$counting->{int38} = $rental_unit_rounded;#count by time
$rental_time_price = $rental_unit_rounded * $ctpos->{int35};
$used_methode .= " | $rental_unit_rounded rental_unit_rounded * $ctpos->{int35} int35";
@ -320,6 +339,7 @@ sub fetch_rentalfeed {
my $varenv = shift;
my $ctpos = shift;
my $returned_counting = shift || {};
my $further_freedtime_available = shift || 0;
my $lang = "de";
my $td_template = $dbt->rental_description_template($varenv_prim);
@ -397,9 +417,11 @@ sub fetch_rentalfeed {
$ctpos->{int17} =~ s/\./,/ if($lang eq "de");
$return->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$td} = ["$td_template->{$td}->{int17}","$ctpos->{int17} € / 24 $varenv_prim->{cms}->{'unit-hour'}->{txt}"];
}elsif($td_template->{$td}->{time02} && $ctpos->{time02} =~ /[1-9]/){
$time_unit = $dbt->time_format($varenv_prim,$ctpos->{time02});
$time_unit .= " / $varenv_prim->{cms}->{'unit-day'}->{txt}" if($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{project} ne "Konstanz");
$return->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$td} = ["$td_template->{$td}->{time02}","$time_unit"];
if($further_freedtime_available == 1 || ($ctpos->{int10} == 3 && $ctpos->{time02})){
$time_unit = $dbt->time_format($varenv_prim,$ctpos->{time02});
$time_unit .= " / $varenv_prim->{cms}->{'unit-day'}->{txt}" if($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{project} ne "Konstanz");
$return->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$td} = ["$td_template->{$td}->{time02}","$time_unit"];
}elsif($td_template->{$td}->{xduration} && $returned_counting->{real_clock} && $returned_counting->{real_clock} =~ /[1-9]/){
$time_unit = $dbt->time_format($varenv_prim,$returned_counting->{real_clock});
$return->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$td} = ["$td_template->{$td}->{xduration}","$time_unit"];
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ td {
my $counting = {};
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int35} && $cttpos->{$id}->{start_time} && $cttpos->{$id}->{end_time}){
($pricing,$counting) = $pri->counting_rental(\%varenv,$cttpos->{$id});
$gesamt = $pri->round($pricing->{total_price});
$gesamt = sprintf('%.2f', $gesamt);
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ td {
my $rental_feed = {};
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int35} && $cttpos->{$id}->{start_time} && $cttpos->{$id}->{end_time}){
($pricing,$counting) = $pri->counting_rental($varenv,$cttpos->{$id});
$rental_feed = $pri->fetch_rentalfeed($varenv,$varenv,$cttpos->{$id},$counting);
$rabatt = $pricing->{discount};
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ sub tpl(){
($year_st,$mon_st,$day_st,$hh_st,$mm_st) = $lb->split_date($cttpos->{$pid}->{itime});
$cttpos->{$pid}->{end_time} = $now_dt if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttanspos" && $cttpos->{$pid}->{int10} == 3);
$cttpos->{$pid}->{end_time} = $now_dt if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttranspos" && $cttpos->{$pid}->{int10} == 3);
($year_en,$mon_en,$day_en,$hh_en,$mm_en) = $lb->split_date($cttpos->{$pid}->{end_time});
($year_en,$mon_en,$day_en,$hh_en,$mm_en) = $lb->split_date($cttpos->{$pid}->{itime});
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ EOF
my $rental_feed = {};
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int35} && $cttpos->{$id}->{start_time} && $cttpos->{$id}->{end_time}){
($pricing,$counting) = $pri->counting_rental(\%varenv,$cttpos->{$id});
$rental_feed = $pri->fetch_rentalfeed(\%varenv,\%varenv,$cttpos->{$id},$counting);
Add table
Reference in a new issue