mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 19:56:29 +01:00
operator faktura config
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 186 additions and 260 deletions
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ div#Oline {
.etxtarea {
min-height: 2em;
min-width: 20em;
border: 0px solid silver;
border: 1px solid silver;
.etxtarea2 {
min-height: 10em;
@ -683,6 +683,14 @@ div#ContentLogin {
border: 0px solid silver;
div#Content4conf {
border: 0px solid yellow;
margin: 0;
padding: 40px 5px 5px 0px;
min-width: 1000px;
div#Content4list {
@ -1120,6 +1120,7 @@ sub collect_transpos {
$search->{offset} = 0 if(!$search->{offset});
my $where = "where cp.ct_id=ct.c_id";
$where .= " and cp.int05 is null";#do not select sub workflow docs like storno
foreach my $key (keys (%$search)){
$search->{$key} =~ s/^\s//g;
$search->{$key} =~ s/\s$//g;
@ -1443,7 +1444,9 @@ sub insert_contenttrans(){
my $c_id = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO relation (ca_id,main_id,content_id,template_id,change) VALUES('$ctadr->{c_id}','$main_id','$c_id','$tpl_id','now()')");
my $foreign_key = "ca_id";
$foreign_key = "cu_id" if($ctadr->{c_id} == 2);#operator-faktura config
my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO relation ($foreign_key,main_id,content_id,template_id,change) VALUES('$ctadr->{c_id}','$main_id','$c_id','$tpl_id','now()')");
return $c_id;
@ -185,15 +185,15 @@ EOF
my $pre = "";
$kind_of_trans = "Transaktions" if(!$kind_of_trans);
my $feedb = "";
$feedb = "neue $pre Daten eingefuegt" if($i_pm);
$feedb = "neue $pre Daten eingefügt" if($i_pm);
$feedb = "insert successfully " if($i_pm && $varenv{html_lang} eq "en");
$feedb = "$pre Daten gespeichert" if($s_pm);
$feedb = "saved successfully" if($s_pm && $varenv{html_lang} eq "en");
$feedb = "$pre Daten geloescht" if($d_pm);
$feedb = "$pre Daten gelöscht" if($d_pm);
$feedb = "deleted successfully" if($d_pm && $varenv{html_lang} eq "en");
$feedb = "neue $kind_of_trans Daten eingefuegt" if($i_pl);
$feedb = "neue $kind_of_trans Daten eingefügt" if($i_pl);
$feedb = "$kind_of_trans Daten gespeichert" if($s_pl);
$feedb = "$kind_of_trans Daten geloescht" if($d_pl);
$feedb = "$kind_of_trans Daten gelöscht" if($d_pl);
$feedb = "Artikel eingefügt" if($i_pl =~ /ctpos_id=\d+/);
my $debug;
$debug = "($ret_pm|$ret_pl)" if($owner eq "101");
@ -1304,7 +1304,6 @@ sub search_jsonadr(){
my $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect();#because of ajax external handle request
my $template_id=200;#$table eq content
$template_id=202 if($table eq "contentadr");
$template_id=203 if($table eq "contentuser");
my $mjkey;
$mjkey = $1 if($retype =~ /combobox_(txt\d+)/);
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ sub admin_tpl(){
print $q->hidden(-name=>'owner', -value=>"$users_dms->{u_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'parent_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{parent_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'main_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{main_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'template_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{template_id}");
#print $q->hidden(-name=>'template_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{template_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'mode', -value=>"admin");
print $q->start_table({-style=>'margin-top:6px;', -border=>'0', -width=>'100%', -align=>'left', -cellpadding=>'3', -cellspacing=>'3'});
@ -409,9 +409,8 @@ sub set_workflow {
foreach my $id (sort { lc($cttpos->{$a}->{sort}) cmp lc($cttpos->{$b}->{sort}) } keys(%$cttpos)){
#reverse pos sum for example by Storno
$cttpos->{$id}->{int01} = $cttpos->{$id}->{int01} * -1 if($cttpos->{$id}->{int01} != 0);
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt23} = "Storno" if($cttpos->{$id}->{int01} == -1);
#$cttpos->{$id}->{int02} = $cttpos->{$id}->{int02} * -1 if($cttpos->{$id}->{int02} != 0);
#$cttpos->{$id}->{int07} = $cttpos->{$id}->{int07} * -1 if($cttpos->{$id}->{int07} != 0 && $cttpos->{$id}->{int08} == 1);#if Rabatt int08 != 1 alias €;
$cttpos->{$id}->{int05} = $cttpos->{$id}->{c_id};# set source pos id if sub doc
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt23} = "workflow doc" if($cttpos->{$id}->{int01} == -1);
delete $cttpos->{$id}->{c_id};
delete $cttpos->{$id}->{ct_id};
@ -827,7 +826,6 @@ sub operator_accounting {
print FILE "Invoice c_id's ck4ex: $ck4ex\n";
close FILE;
my $accounting_main_id = 300029;
my $node_faktura = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura});
@ -835,13 +833,21 @@ sub operator_accounting {
my $praefix = "$node->{node_name}-$varenv{praefix}";
my $ret = "";
my $auth = $users_sharee;#workaround, must be operator addr.
my $c_idnew = "";
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contenttrans($dbh,$auth,$accounting_main_id,"208","----",$users_dms->{u_id});
my $opuser = {
table => "contentuser",
fetch => "one",
c_id => 2,
my $ctuser = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$opuser);
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contenttrans($dbh,$ctuser,$accounting_main_id,"208","----",$users_dms->{u_id});
print FILE "c_idnew: $c_idnew\n";
my $ctt = { c_id => $c_idnew };
my $update_ctt = {
@ -851,6 +857,11 @@ sub operator_accounting {
mtime => "now()",
owner => $users_dms->{u_id},
$update_ctt->{int21} = $ctuser->{int01} if($ctuser->{int01});
$update_ctt->{int22} = $ctuser->{int02} if($ctuser->{int02});
$update_ctt->{int23} = $ctuser->{int03} if($ctuser->{int03});
$update_ctt->{int24} = $ctuser->{int04} if($ctuser->{int04});
$update_ctt->{int25} = $ctuser->{int05} if($ctuser->{int05});
my $pref = {
@ -865,6 +876,7 @@ sub operator_accounting {
$ck4ex =~ s/\s/,/g;
$dbt->update_sql($dbh,"UPDATE contenttrans set int20='$ctt->{c_id}' where c_id IN ($ck4ex)");
print FILE "UPDATE contenttrans set int20='$ctt->{c_id}' where c_id IN ($ck4ex)\n";
if(1==2){#should only be done on buchen
@ -902,6 +914,8 @@ sub operator_accounting {
$ret = "failure::Abbruch, es wurden keine Belege selektiert.";
close FILE;
return $ret;
@ -472,5 +472,45 @@ sub price2calc {
return ($total,$discount);
#computes operator invoices for accounting
sub operator_accounting2calc {
my $self = shift;
my $varenv = shift;
my $ctpos = shift;#client invoices
my $ctf = shift;#Operator-Faktura config
my $tplf = shift;#Operator-Faktura template
my @tplf_order = split /,/,$tplf->{tpl_order};
#returned values
my $oac = {
int01 => 0,
int02 => 0,
int91 => 0,
int92 => 0,
int93 => 0,
my ($key,$val,$size) = split /=/,$_;
if($key =~ /int/){
$oac->{int01} = $oac->{int01} + $ctpos->{int01} if($key eq "int01" && $ctpos->{int01});#invoice capture
if($ctpos->{state} =~ /Lastschrift/){
$oac->{int91} = $oac->{int01} / 100 * $ctf->{$key} * -1 if($key eq "int01");#7,5%
$oac->{int92} = $ctf->{$key} * -1 if($key eq "int04");#Trans
$oac->{int93} = $oac->{int01} / 100 * $ctf->{$key} * -1 if($key eq "int02");#Disagio
if($ctpos->{state} =~ /Kreditkarte/){
$oac->{int91} = $oac->{int01} / 100 * $ctf->{$key} * -1 if($key eq "int01");#7,5%
$oac->{int92} = $ctf->{$key} * -1 if($key eq "int05");#Trans
$oac->{int93} = $oac->{int01} / 100 * $ctf->{$key} * -1 if($key eq "int03");#Disagio
$oac->{int02} = $oac->{int01} + $oac->{int91} + $oac->{int92} + $oac->{int93};#operator accounting
return $oac;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $line_count1 = 0;
my $line_count2 = 0;
#get Firma
#Kunden Faktura ex Firma
my $ctf = $db->get_content1("contentuser",$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id});
#my $rel4tpl = $db->get_rel4tpl("",$lang,$users_dms->{c_id4trans},$node_meta->{tpl_id});
@ -53,16 +53,17 @@ sub tpl(){
my @tpl_order = split /,/,$rel4tpl->{tpl_order};
my $ctx = { c_id => 0 };
my $ctadr = { c_id => 0 };
my $rel_adr = { rel_id => 0 };
$ctx = $db->get_content1("contenttrans",$users_dms->{c_id4trans});
my $c_idadr = $ctx->{int10};#c_id orig from contentadr
my $ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$c_idadr);
my $rel_adr = $db->get_rel4tpl("","$lang","$c_idadr","202");
my $c_idadr = $ctx->{int10} || "";#c_id orig from contentadr
#print "\nc_idadr Got it from contenttrans.int10: $c_idadr\n";
#my $c_kdnr = $ctx->{txt14};
#my $mandat;
#$mandat = " | Mandat $ctx->{txt26}" if($ctx->{txt26});
if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 208){
$ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentuser","2");
$ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$c_idadr);
$rel_adr = $db->get_rel4tpl("","$lang","$c_idadr","202");
my $ctt = $ctx;
if(("$R::trans2edit" eq "client" && $R::c_idadr) || ($R::ct_trans eq "add_transadr")){
@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ EOF
print $q->Tr(),"\n";
if(!$ctx->{close_time} && $node_meta->{template_id} == 218){
print "<td class='tdtxt' style='width:8em;' nowrap>";
print $but->singlesubmit2glyph("trans2edit","client","Kunden bearbeiten","background-color:white;"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'c_id4trans', -override=>'1', -value=>"$ctx->{c_id}"),"\n";
@ -270,12 +271,20 @@ EOF
print "<td width='50%' style='font-size:1em;'>\n";
print $q->start_table({-class=>'list', -border=>'0', -width=>'100%',-align=>'left', -cellpadding=>'0', -cellspacing=>'0'}),"\n";
#payone is working?
#keep in mind
#$ctx is primarly contenttrans
#$ctt = $ctx
#$ctt will partly overwritten by contentadr if address changes
my $pay_sequence = " | sequencenr: $ctt->{int18}" if($ctt->{int18});
if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 208){
my $tplop = $db->get_tpl("196");#Operator-Faktuar
my @tplop_order = split /,/,$tplop->{tpl_order};
my ($key,$val,$size,$unit) = split /=/,$_;
if($key =~ /int/){
$ctadr->{$key} =~ s/\./,/;
print $q->Tr(),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdescr', -style=>'width:50%;'},"$val"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval'},"$ctadr->{$key} $unit"),"\n";
my $pay_sequence = " | sequencenr: $ctt->{int18}" if($ctt->{int18});
my @_paymentstate = split(/\|/,$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{payment_state});
my $kind_of_payment = "fehlt";
$kind_of_payment = "$_paymentstate[0]" if($ctadr->{int03} == 1);
@ -293,14 +302,13 @@ EOF
print $q->td({-class=>'tdescr'},"Payone Referenz"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval'},"$ctt->{txt25}"),"\n";
#check payone status
if($ctt->{txt28} =~ /error/i){
#check payone status
if($ctt->{txt28} =~ /error/i){
print $q->Tr(),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdescr'},"payone error"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval'},"(transaction) $ctt->{txt28}"),"\n";
print $q->end_table;
print "</td></tr>\n";
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ sub tpl(){
#Faktura actions
if($node_meta->{template_id} =~ /208|209|218/){
$main_id = $dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura};
$tplids = "208,218";
$tplids = "208,209,218";
if($node_meta->{node_name} =~ /OPOS/){
@ -766,7 +766,9 @@ sub tpl(){
if($users_dms_primary->{int03} == 2 && $users_dms->{int03} == 2){
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;"}, $q->checkbox(-name=>"ck4ex", -checked=>'', -value=>"$ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id}", -label=>'')),"\n";
my $checked = 0;
$checked = 1 if($ct4rel->{$id}->{template_id} == 209 && $ct4rel->{$id}->{int01} > 0 && $ct4rel->{$id}->{state} =~ /payone/i && !$ct4rel->{$id}->{int14});
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;"}, $q->checkbox(-name=>"ck4ex", -checked=>"$checked", -value=>"$ct4rel->{$id}->{c_id}", -label=>'')),"\n";
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;"}," "),"\n";
@ -48,16 +48,18 @@ sub tpl(){
$path =~ s/\/user|\/manager|\/admin//;
my $lang = "de";
my $dbh = "";
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern("sharee_primary");
my $users_dms_primary = { u_id => 0 };
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int02 >= 1");
my $rel = {};
my $ct = {};
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentuser"){
if(($node_meta->{node_name} eq "Firma") && ($users_dms->{u_id} eq $varenv{superu_id})){
$rel = $db->get_rel4tpl($node_meta->{main_id},$lang,"","201","","",">0");
#Firma alias Kunden-Faktura and Operator-Faktura config
if(($node_meta->{template_id} =~ /196|201/) && $users_dms_primary->{int02} >= 1){
$rel = $db->get_rel4tpl($node_meta->{main_id},$lang,"","$node_meta->{template_id}","","",">0");
$ct = $db->get_content1("contentuser",$rel->{content_id});
}elsif(($node_meta->{node_name} eq "System") && ($users_dms->{u_id} eq $varenv{superu_id})){
$rel = $db->get_rel4tpl($node_meta->{main_id},$lang,"","215","","",">0");
$ct = $db->get_content1("contentuser",$rel->{content_id});
}elsif($node_meta->{node_name} eq "Kontakt-Hotline" && $users_dms->{int08} >= 1){
}elsif($node_meta->{template_id} == 197 && $users_dms->{int08} >= 1){
$rel = $db->get_rel4tpl($node_meta->{main_id},$lang,"","197","","",">0");
$ct = $db->get_content1("contentuser",$rel->{content_id});
@ -68,9 +70,9 @@ sub tpl(){
my $tpl = $db->get_tpl($rel->{template_id});
my @tpl_order = split /,/,$tpl->{tpl_order};
my $u_name = $dbt->sys_username($dbh,$ct->{owner});
$ct->{change} = $lb->time4de($ct->{mtime},"1");
$ct->{mtime} = $lb->time4de($ct->{mtime},"1");
print "<div id='Content4list'>";
print "<div id='Content4conf'>";
print $q->div({-class=>"copri_header",-style=>"background-color:#cccccc;"},"Pfad: $path");
print $q->div({-style=>'background-color:silver;height:10px;'},""),"\n";
print $q->start_form();
@ -91,12 +93,12 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->a({-class=>"editnav",-href=>"$script$path?config2edit=1",-title=>'bearbeiten'}, $q->img({-src=>"$varenv{metahost}/glyphicons/glyphicons-151-edit.png"}));
print "</td>\n";
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:white;padding-right:10px;border-bottom: 1px solid silver;text-align:right;font-size:12px;"}, "$u_name / $ct->{change}");
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:white;padding-right:10px;border-bottom: 1px solid silver;text-align:right;font-size:12px;"}, "$u_name / $ct->{mtime}");
my $i=0;
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$des,$size) = split /=/,$_;
my ($key,$des,$size,$unit) = split /=/,$_;
$size = "60" if($key =~ /ct_name|txt|img/ && !$size);
$ct->{$key} = $q->unescapeHTML("$ct->{$key}");
$des .= " ($key)" if($users_dms->{u_id} eq $varenv{superu_id});
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ sub tpl(){
$ct->{$key} = $lb->newline($ct->{$key},"","1");
if($size eq "area"){
$value = "<textarea class='etxtarea' name='$key' rows=8 cols=60>$ct->{$key}</textarea>";
$value = "<textarea class='etxtarea' name='$key' rows=4 cols=80>$ct->{$key}</textarea>";
}elsif($size =~ /\w\+\w/){
my ($a,$b) = split /\+/,$size;
my $a_checked;
@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'},"$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{title} | $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{oprefix} | $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{database}->{dbname}"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdescr2'},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'}, "$value"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdval2'}, "$value $unit"),"\n";
print $q->end_table;
@ -325,6 +325,7 @@ EOF
my $j = 0;
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$val,$size,$interval) = split /=/,$_;
$val .= " ($key)" if($users_dms->{u_id} eq $varenv{superu_id});
my $divstyle = "";
if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 199 && $val =~ /int\d+/){
@ -51,27 +51,23 @@ sub tpl(){
my %ib = $but->ibuttons();
my $today = strftime "%d.%m.%Y",localtime;
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $dbh = "";
my $channel_map = $dbt->channel_map();
my $coo = $q->cookie(-name=>'domcookie');
my $mapref = {};
my $ct_users = $dbt->users_map($dbh,$mapref);#get serviceAPP and DMS users from contentadr
my $dbh = "";
my $line_count2 = 0;
my $k=0;
my $spart_ct_name = $R::spart_ct_name || "";
my $c_idpos = $R::c_idpos || $R::pos_id || "";
my $ctf = $db->get_content1("contentuser",$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id});
my $ctf = $db->get_content1("contentuser","2");#Operator-Faktura config
my $ctt = $db->get_content1("contenttrans",$rel4tpl->{content_id});
my $ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$ctt->{int10});
my $buchen_mtime = $lb->time4de($ctt->{mtime});
my $vibuchen_mtime = "";
$vibuchen_mtime = "payone post " . $lb->time4de($ctt->{pay_time},1) . " . " if($ctt->{pay_time});
my @tpl_order = ("txt01=Bezeichnung/Leistung","int03=Anzahl","int02=Einzelpreis","int01=Betrag");
my $tplf = $db->get_tpl("201");#Firma tpl
#int9x are not in db
my @tpl_order = ("ct_name=Rechnung","int01=Summe payone Einzug","state=Zahlungsart","int91=TeilRad Gebühren","int92=Disagio","int93=Transaktion","int02=Summe Auszahlung");
my $tplf = $db->get_tpl("196");#Operator-Faktuar
my @tplf_order = split /,/,$tplf->{tpl_order};
my $txt20 = $R::txt20 || $ctt->{txt20} || "";#Leistungsdatum
@ -79,9 +75,10 @@ sub tpl(){
my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 };
my $rows = 0;
#collects invoices
($cttpos,$rows) = $dbt->collect_contenttrans($dbh,$rel4tpl->{content_id});
#TODO collect payment types
#maybe sum payment types
#foreach my $id (keys(%$cttpos)){
# if(ref($cttpos->{$id}) eq "HASH"){
# if($cttpos->{$id}->{int26}){
@ -102,15 +99,14 @@ sub tpl(){
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$val) = split /=/,$_;
$k++ if($val);
$val .= " ($key)" if($users_dms->{u_id} eq $varenv{superu_id});
print $q->th("$val");
print $q->start_form(-name=>'transposform'),"\n";
#Tablecontent (buttons and ct_name(primary key))
#my $scol = "c_id";#changed to itime because of Storno resorts
my $scol = "itime";
my $scol = "c_id";
my $sum_parts19=0;
my $diff19 = 100 + 19;
my $sum_umst19=0;
@ -118,32 +114,14 @@ sub tpl(){
my $accounting_start = "";
my $accounting_end = "";
foreach my $id (sort { $cttpos->{$b}->{$scol} cmp $cttpos->{$a}->{$scol} } keys(%$cttpos)){
foreach my $id (sort { $cttpos->{$b}->{$scol} <=> $cttpos->{$a}->{$scol} } keys(%$cttpos)){
my $gesamt = 0;
my $pricing = {};
my $counting = {};
my $rental_feed = {};
my $oac = $pri->operator_accounting2calc(\%varenv,$cttpos->{$id},$ctf,$tplf);
#$sum_parts19 += $oac->{int01};#payone Einzug
$sum_parts19 += $oac->{int02};#Auszahlung
#$oac->{int01} = $pri->round($oac->{int01});
$oac->{int01} = sprintf('%.2f', $oac->{int01});
#accounting prices
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int35} && $cttpos->{$id}->{start_time} && $cttpos->{$id}->{end_time}){
$cttpos->{$id}->{end_time} = $now_dt if($cttpos->{$id}->{int10} == 3);
($pricing,$counting) = $pri->counting_rental(\%varenv,$cttpos->{$id},"calc_price");
$rental_feed = $pri->fetch_rentalfeed(\%varenv,$cttpos->{$id},$counting);
$sum_parts19 += $pricing->{total_price};
$gesamt = $pri->round($pricing->{total_price});
$gesamt = sprintf('%.2f', $gesamt);
($gesamt,my $rabatt) = $pri->price2calc($cttpos->{$id});
$sum_parts19 += $gesamt;
$gesamt = $pri->round($gesamt);
$gesamt = sprintf('%.2f', $gesamt);
my $set_style="";
my $occupied_style = "";
my $time_style = "";
$occupied_style = "color:#ff1493" if($cttpos->{$id}->{int10} == 2 ||$cttpos->{$id}->{int10} == 3 || $cttpos->{$id}->{int10} == 6);
@ -163,136 +141,32 @@ sub tpl(){
#1. Spalte
print $q->Tr(),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint'},"$cttpos->{$id}->{c_id}"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint'},"$i"),"\n";
#Tablecontent (parameter)
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$val,$inputsize) = split /=/,$_;
my ($key,$val) = split /=/,$_;
$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} = $q->unescapeHTML($cttpos->{$id}->{$key});
$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} = $lb->newline($cttpos->{$id}->{$key},"",$R::trans2edit) if($R::trans2edit);
my $ct_pos = "$cttpos->{$id}->{ct_name}";
my $txtstyle = "text-align:left;min-width:130px;";
my $isize = "30";
$isize = $inputsize if($inputsize);
my $txtstyle = "text-align:left;min-width:100px;";
if($key =~ /int\d+/){
$txtstyle = "text-align:right;min-width:50px;";
$isize = "5";
if($key =~ /ct_name/){
#print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-style=>"min-width:60px;"},"$ct_pos");
my $stamm_style = "background-color:#98c13b;padding:2px;";
my $article = $cttpos->{$id}->{ct_name};
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-style=>"min-width:60px;padding-top:5px;"}, $q->a({-class=>"linknav3",-style=>"$stamm_style",-href=>"/DMS/Waren/?detail_search=1&s_barcode=$cttpos->{$id}->{barcode}",-title=>"Im Warenstamm"},"$article")),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint'},"$article"),"\n";
}elsif($key eq "int26"){
my $co2saving = "";
$co2saving = "Einsparung</br>";
my $co2diff = $pri->co2calc($cttpos->{$id});
my $sprit_price = $pri->sprit2calc($cttpos->{$id});
$co2saving .= "$co2diff kg CO²<br />";
$co2saving .= "$sprit_price EUR<br />";
$cttpos->{$id}->{int26} =~ s/\./,/;
$co2saving .= "bei $cttpos->{$id}->{int26} KM";
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint'},"$co2saving");
print $q->td({-class=>'tdtxt'},"\# $cttpos->{$id}->{ct_name} $cttpos->{$id}->{txt01}"),"\n";
#yes, int03=Menge on parts, int35=unit_price1 on rental
elsif($key =~ /int03/){
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int35} && $cttpos->{$id}->{start_time} && $cttpos->{$id}->{end_time}){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-nowrap=>1},"$pricing->{real_clock} $pricing->{freed_time}"),"\n";
$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} =~ s/\./,/;
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint'},"$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}"),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /int02/){
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int35} && $cttpos->{$id}->{start_time} && $cttpos->{$id}->{end_time}){
print "<td class='tdint'>\n";
foreach my $fid (sort keys(%{ $rental_feed->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements} })){
if(ref($rental_feed->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$fid}) eq "ARRAY"){
print "$rental_feed->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$fid}[0]: $rental_feed->{rental_description}->{tarif_elements}->{$fid}[1]<br />\n";
print "</td>\n";
$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} =~ s/\./,/;
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint'},"$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} €"),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /int04/){
$gesamt =~ s/\./,/;
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-nowrap=>1},"$gesamt €"),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /int07/){
my $proz="";
$proz = "%" if($cttpos->{$id}->{$key} && $cttpos->{$id}->{$key} != 0);
$proz = "€" if($cttpos->{$id}->{$key} && $cttpos->{$id}->{$key} != 0 && $cttpos->{$id}->{int08} && $cttpos->{$id}->{int08} == 1);
$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} =~ s/\./,/;
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-nowrap=>"1"},"$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} $proz"),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /txt01/){
$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} = $q->unescapeHTML("$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}");
$cttpos->{$id}->{$key} = $lb->newline($cttpos->{$id}->{$key},"","");
print "<td class='tdtxt', style='$occupied_style;'>\n";
if($cttpos->{$id}->{barcode} && $cttpos->{$id}->{int09}){#bike with tariff-nr
my $u_name = $cttpos->{$id}->{owner};
my $u_name_end = $cttpos->{$id}->{owner_end};
foreach my $ctu_id (keys (%$ct_users)){
$u_name = $channel_map->{$u_name};
}elsif($cttpos->{$id}->{owner} eq $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{c_id}){
$u_name = $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{txt01};
$u_name_end = $channel_map->{$u_name_end};
}elsif($cttpos->{$id}->{owner_end} eq $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{c_id}){
$u_name_end = $ct_users->{$ctu_id}->{txt01};
if($cttpos->{$id}->{itime} =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2})/){
print $q->span("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{bike_state}->{$cttpos->{$id}->{int10}} → $dbt->{copri_conf}->{lock_state}->{$cttpos->{$id}->{int20}} → $u_name / $u_name_end"),"\n";
my $pos_raw = "";
if($users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{u_id} =~ /1842/){
my $pos_details = "";
foreach my $did (sort keys (%{$pricing->{rentalog}})){
$pos_details .= $did . " = " . $pricing->{rentalog}->{$did} . "</br>" if($pricing->{rentalog}->{$did});
#$pos_details = Dumper($pricing->{rentalog});
$pos_raw = $q->div({-class=>"popup",-onclick=>"toggle_box('$id')"},"$cttpos->{$id}->{c_id}", $q->span({-class=>"popuptext",-id=>"$id"},"$pos_details"));
print "(raw $pos_raw)<br />\n";
print "<br />\n";
if($cttpos->{$id}->{txt01} || $cttpos->{$id}->{int09}){
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt01} =~ s/fixed/\<span style='color:red'\>fixed\<\/span\>/;
$cttpos->{$id}->{txt01} =~ s/defect/\<span style='color:red'\>defect\<\/span\>/;
my $bike="";
my $tariff = "";
$bike = "$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}" if($cttpos->{$id}->{$key});
$tariff = ", Tarif: $cttpos->{$id}->{int09} $cttpos->{$id}->{txt04}" if($cttpos->{$id}->{txt04});
print $q->span("$bike $tariff<br />"),"\n";
if($cttpos->{$id}->{int06} || $cttpos->{$id}->{int04}){
print $q->span("Start/End Station: $cttpos->{$id}->{int06} / $cttpos->{$id}->{int04}, GPS: $cttpos->{$id}->{txt06}"),"\n";
if($cttpos->{$id}->{start_time} && $cttpos->{$id}->{end_time}){
my $start_time = $lb->time4de($cttpos->{$id}->{start_time},"1");
my $end_time = $lb->time4de($cttpos->{$id}->{end_time},"1");
print "<br />\n";
print $q->span({-style=>"$time_style"}, "Mietzeit: $start_time → $end_time"),"\n";
print "</td>\n";
}elsif($key =~ /txt/){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdtxt'},"$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}");
}elsif($key =~ /int/){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-nowrap=>"1"}," \n");
elsif($key =~ /int/){
$oac->{$key} =~ s/\./,/;
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-nowrap=>1},"$oac->{$key} €"),"\n";
}#end view position
elsif($key =~ /state/){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-nowrap=>1},"$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}"),"\n";
elsif($key =~ /txt/){
print $q->td({-class=>'tdtxt'},"$cttpos->{$id}->{$key}"),"\n";
@ -344,7 +218,7 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->Tr("\n");
print $q->td(" ");
if($node_meta->{node_name} !~ /steuerfrei/){
print $q->Tr("\n"); $line_count2++;
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint'},"Nettobetrag:");
print $q->td({-class=>'tdint',-nowrap=>"1"},"$sum_netto19 €");
@ -378,7 +252,7 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->hidden(-name=>'set_main_id', -value=>"$set_main_id", -override=>'1');
if($users_dms->{int03} == 2){
if($users_dms->{int03} == 2){
#only if user is also a primary DMS user with invoice rw
print $q->hidden(-name=>'printer_id', -value=>"PDF", -override=>'1');
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern("sharee_primary");
@ -386,19 +260,8 @@ sub tpl(){
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int03=2");
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int03} == 2 && !$ctt->{close_time}){
my @_paymentstate = split(/\|/,$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{payment_state});
push @_paymentstate, "";
my @_paymentstate = ("","Überweisung");
my $kind_of_payment = "";
if($ctadr->{int03} == 1 && ($ctadr->{ct_name} =~ /PO-\d+/ || $ctadr->{ct_name} =~ /TM-\d+/)){
$kind_of_payment = "$_paymentstate[0]";
undef $_paymentstate[0];
if($ctadr->{int03} == 2 && length($ctadr->{ct_name}) >= 19){
$kind_of_payment = "$_paymentstate[1]";
undef $_paymentstate[1];
$kind_of_payment = "$ctt->{state}" if($ctt->{state} && $ctt->{int01});
@ -410,16 +273,8 @@ sub tpl(){
#further payone capture are only allowed if OPOS && sequence && TXID is set
if($ctt->{int14} && $ctt->{int18} && $ctt->{txt16}){
print $q->div({-class=>'element6',-style=>'clear:both;'},"Weitere Payone Einzüge über die vorhandene TXID $ctt->{txt16} (vorautorisiert Summe beachten) durch manuelle inkrement der Sequencenr mit +1", $q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"payone_sequence",-default=>"", -override=>'1',-size=>"1",-maxlength=>1)),"\n";
#Payone reset if OPOS and TXID
if($ctt->{int14} && $ctt->{txt16}){
print $q->div({-class=>'element6',-style=>'clear:both;'},"Payone reset löscht den Vorgang mit der TXID $ctt->{txt16} und versucht einen erneuten Einzug", $but->checkbox("1","payone_reset","0","Payone reset","")),"\n";
print $q->end_form;
my $praefix = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv{praefix}";
@ -434,28 +289,21 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"}, "eMail wurde nicht versandt! Rechnung eMail ", $but->singlesubmit1("ct_trans","send_invoice_again","send_invoice_again")),"\n" if($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id});
print $q->end_form;
if($ctt->{state} && $ctt->{int01}){
if($ctt->{state} && $ctt->{int01}){
$ctt->{int01} =~ s/\./,/;
my $style = "color:red;" if($ctt->{int01} ne $sum_paid);
my $opos = "";
$opos = "OPOS" if($ctt->{int14} && $ctt->{int14} > 0);
print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"},"<span style='color:red;'>$opos</span> $vibuchen_mtime Gebucht $ctt->{int01} € \"$ctt->{state}\"") if($ctt->{state});
if( -f "$varenv{basedir}/pdfinvoice/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"){
#print $q->div({-style=>"padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;"}, "Download: ", $q->a({-href=>"$varenv{metahost}/pdf/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf", -target=>'_blank'},"$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"));
print $q->div({-style=>'padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;'}, "Download: ", $q->a({-href=>"$varenv{wwwhost}/FileOut?file=$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf&sessionid=$coo", -target=>"_blank" , -type=>'application/octet-stream', -style=>'text-decoration:underline;'}), "Rechnung $ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"),"\n";
if($ctt->{state} && $ctt->{state} =~ /payone/ && $ctt->{txt28} && $ctt->{txt28} =~ /error/i){
print $q->div({-style=>"clear:both;padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;color:red;"}, "Payone error: $ctt->{txt28}"),"\n";
}elsif($ctt->{txt28} =~ /settleaccount=yes/i){
print $q->div({-style=>"clear:both;padding:0.5em;font-size:0.81em;width:98%;text-align:right;color:green;"}, "Payone SEPA-Lastschrifteinzug war erfolgreich"),"\n";
$db->updater("contenttrans","c_id","$rel4tpl->{content_id}","txt20","$accounting_start - $accounting_end","","","","","no_time") if(!$int05 && $accounting_start && $accounting_end);
$db->updater("contenttrans","c_id","$rel4tpl->{content_id}","int15","$sum_preauth","","","","","no_time") if($sum_preauth || $sum_preauth == 0);
return "$line_count2";
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ sub tpl(){
$vibuchen_mtime = "payone post " . $lb->time4de($ctt->{pay_time},1) . " . " if($ctt->{pay_time});
my @tpl_order = ("txt01=Beschreibung","ct_name=Nummer","date_time=timerange","int03=Menge (Miet - Gratis Zeit)","int02=Preis","int07=Rabatt","int04=Gesamt");
my $tplf = $db->get_tpl("201");#Firma tpl
my $tplf = $db->get_tpl("201");#Kunden-Faktura, ex Firma
my @tplf_order = split /,/,$tplf->{tpl_order};
my $txt20 = $R::txt20 || $ctt->{txt20} || "";#Leistungsdatum
@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ my $template_id = 205;
#'quote_char' => "\"",
'escape_char' => undef,
'file' => $csv_file,
'col_names' => ["serialnr","ilockit_id","ilockit_key","c1","c2","c3","c4","c5","c6"]
#'col_names' => ["serialnr","ilockit_id","ilockit_key","c1"]
'col_names' => ["serialnr","ilockit_id","ilockit_key","c1","bikeid","rahmen","stationid","bike_name"]
my $sth = $dbh_csv->prepare("SELECT * FROM ilockitcsv where serialnr like 'C2-%'");
@ -75,12 +76,13 @@ my $template_id = 205;
$csv->{$id}->{ilockit_id} =~ s/\+/\-/;
$csv->{$id}->{c1} =~ s/Rot/red/;$csv->{$id}->{c1} =~ s/Blau/blue/;$csv->{$id}->{c1} =~ s/Gr.+n/green/;
$csv->{$id}->{c2} =~ s/Rot/red/;$csv->{$id}->{c2} =~ s/Blau/blue/;$csv->{$id}->{c2} =~ s/Gr.+n/green/;
$csv->{$id}->{c3} =~ s/Rot/red/;$csv->{$id}->{c3} =~ s/Blau/blue/;$csv->{$id}->{c3} =~ s/Gr.+n/green/;
$csv->{$id}->{c4} =~ s/Rot/red/;$csv->{$id}->{c4} =~ s/Blau/blue/;$csv->{$id}->{c4} =~ s/Gr.+n/green/;
$csv->{$id}->{c5} =~ s/Rot/red/;$csv->{$id}->{c5} =~ s/Blau/blue/;$csv->{$id}->{c5} =~ s/Gr.+n/green/;
$csv->{$id}->{c6} =~ s/Rot/red/;$csv->{$id}->{c6} =~ s/Blau/blue/;$csv->{$id}->{c6} =~ s/Gr.+n/green/;
$csv->{$id}->{c1} =~ s/R/red /g;
$csv->{$id}->{c1} =~ s/B/blue /g;
$csv->{$id}->{c1} =~ s/G/green /g;
$csv->{$id}->{c1} =~ s/\s$//;#empty last space
$csv->{$id}->{bikeid} =~ s/THU//;
$csv->{$id}->{stationid} =~ s/THU//;
print "$i) $csv->{$id}->{serialnr}|\n";
my $ct = &select_content($csv->{$id});
@ -92,15 +94,15 @@ my $template_id = 205;
txt22 => "$csv->{$id}->{serialnr}",
txt18 => "$csv->{$id}->{ilockit_id}",
byte01 => "\\x$csv->{$id}->{ilockit_key}",
int04 => "0",#station Werkstatt
int10 => "5",#defect
barcode => "$csv->{$id}->{bikeid}",
int04 => "$csv->{$id}->{stationid}",#station
txt01 => "$csv->{$id}->{bike_name}",
txt11 => "$csv->{$id}->{rahmen}",
txt23 => "$csv->{$id}->{c1}",
int10 => "1",#available
int20 => "1",#locked
int11 => "2",#Ilockit
int20 => "2",#unlocked
txt01 => "Mietrad neu", #Bezeichnung #TODO
txt04 => "", #Besonderheiten
txt15 => "", #Firmware
txt17 => "", #GUID from APP
txt23 => "$csv->{$id}->{c1} $csv->{$id}->{c2} $csv->{$id}->{c3} $csv->{$id}->{c4} $csv->{$id}->{c5} $csv->{$id}->{c6}",
txt04 => "", #Sonstiges
mtime => "now()",
owner => "1842",
@ -137,6 +137,6 @@ if($todo eq "fraud_rental" && $pos_id){
my $booking = { c_id => 0 };
$booking = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$booking_pos);
@ -200,16 +200,15 @@ sub tpl(){
#1. submenue
#if($subs1 && ($node->{$id}->{node_name} !~ /Einstellung/ || $users_dms->{u_group} =~ /maintainer/)){
#if(ref($node1) eq "HASH"){
print "<li class='nav-item dropdown'>\n";#with integrated event_button
print "<a class='nav-link dropdown-toggle $mclass' href='#' style='' id='navbarDropdown' role='button' data-bs-toggle='dropdown' aria-expanded='false'> $node->{$id}->{node_name} </a>\n";
print "<ul class='dropdown-menu' aria-labelledby='navbarDropdown'>\n";
print "<li class='nav-item'> $lmenu0 </li><li><hr class='dropdown-divider'></li>\n";
my $lmenu1;
my $lmenu1 = "";
foreach my $id1 (sort {$node1->{$a}->{n_sort} <=> $node1->{$b}->{n_sort}} keys (%$node1)){
if($node1->{$id1}->{node_name} !~ /Firma|System/){
#hide Faktura config or be admin
if(($node1->{$id1}->{template_id} !~ /196|201/) || ($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int02} >= 1)){
my $node2 = $db->collect_noderel($node1->{$id1}->{main_id},$lang,$users_dms->{u_id});
$topath = "/$viewsel[0]/$node->{$id}->{node_name}";
$mclass = "";
Add table
Reference in a new issue