mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 19:56:29 +01:00
App-feedback fix
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 40 additions and 18 deletions
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ sub station_information {
$gbfs_station{$station}{capacity} = $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{capacity};
$gbfs_station{$station}{lat} = $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{gps}->{latitude};
$gbfs_station{$station}{lon} = $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{gps}->{longitude};
$gbfs_station{$station}{is_charging_station} = 1 if(grep(/300102/, @{$response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{station_group}}));#E-L
#$gbfs_station{$station}{is_charging_station} = 1 if(grep(/300102/, @{$response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{station_group}}));#E-L
push (@gbfs_stations, $gbfs_station{$station});
@ -309,13 +309,17 @@ sub handler {
#DMS Kunden rw
if($R::base_edit && $node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentadr"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::c_id with: $R::base_edit","","");
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern("sharee_primary");
my $users_dms_primary = { u_id => 0 };
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int02 >= 1");
if($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){
my $delete_key = "delete_content";
$delete_key = "delete_adr";
$return = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id ::löschen";
}elsif($users_dms->{int02} == 2 && $R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "save_adr"){
}elsif($users_dms_primary->{int02} == 2 && $R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "save_adr"){
($returnwww,$return) = $tk->save_account($R::c_id,\%varenv,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($users_dms->{int02} == 2 && $R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "delete_adr"){
}elsif($users_dms_primary->{int02} == 2 && $R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "delete_adr"){
$return = $tk->delete_account($R::c_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Kunden Stammdaten\" verweigert.";
@ -342,14 +346,14 @@ sub handler {
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::main_id with: $R::rel_edit","","");
if(($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" && $users_dms->{int01} == 2) || ($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentuser" && $users_dms->{int08} == 2)){
if($R::rel_edit eq "save_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->save_relation($R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
$return = $pl->save_relation($q,$R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "delete_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->delete_relation($R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "new_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->new_relation($R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "save_ctuser" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
#$return = "failure::under development, $node_meta->{tpl_name}";
$return = $pl->save_service_desc($R::c_id,$users_dms);
$return = $pl->save_service_desc($q,$R::c_id,$users_dms);
}elsif($R::rel_edit && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pm->maininit($users_dms);
@ -361,9 +365,13 @@ sub handler {
#DMS Faktura
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttrans"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans with: $R::ct_trans","","");
if($users_dms->{int03} == 1 && $R::ct_trans eq "open"){#DMS Faktura read
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern("sharee_primary");
my $users_dms_primary = { u_id => 0 };
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int02 >= 1");
if($users_dms_primary->{int03} == 1 && $R::ct_trans eq "open"){#DMS Faktura read
$db->update_users4trans($R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans,"",$users_dms->{u_id}) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans));
}elsif($users_dms->{int03} == 2){#DMS Faktura rw
}elsif($users_dms_primary->{int03} == 2){#DMS Faktura rw
$db->update_users4trans($R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans,"",$users_dms->{u_id}) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans));
if($R::ct_trans =~ /set_workflow2invoice|set_workflow2storno/){
$return = $pl->set_workflow($users_dms,$R::c_id4trans,$R::set_main_id4workflow) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::set_main_id4workflow));
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ sub admin_tpl(){
print $q->end_table;
my $debug;
$debug = "(ct_table: $node_meta->{ct_table} | main_id: $node_meta->{main_id} | tpl_id: $node_meta->{template_id} " if($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id});
$debug = "(ct_table: $node_meta->{ct_table} | main_id: $node_meta->{main_id} | tpl_id: $node_meta->{template_id} | type_id: $node_meta->{type_id} | energy_id: $node_meta->{energy_id}" if($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id});
print $q->div({-style=>'position:absolute;bottom:2%;right:2%;z-index:10;font-size:13px;'},"$debug"),"\n";
print "</div>";
@ -414,6 +414,7 @@ sub new_relation {
#save node relation
sub save_relation {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $main_id = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ sub set_usertarif {
my $bonus_collect = shift || {};
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/save_account.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*Prelib--> $now_dt| c_id: $adr_bonus->{c_id} \n" if($debug);
print FILE "\n*Prelib--> $now_dt| dbname: $dbname | c_id: $adr_bonus->{c_id} | txt15: $adr_bonus->{txt15}\n" if($debug);
my $ret = $adr_bonus->{ret};
my $i = 0;
@ -596,10 +597,10 @@ sub set_usertarif {
fetch => "all",
template_id => "228",
int03 => ">::0",
ct_name => $adr_bonus->{txt15},
ct_name => "ilike::$adr_bonus->{txt15}",
$bonus_collect = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$pref_cc) if(ref($bonus_collect->{1}) ne "HASH");
#print FILE "Prelib bonus_collect:\n" . Dumper($bonus_collect) . "\n";
print FILE "Prelib bonus_collect:\n" . Dumper($bonus_collect) . "\n";
foreach my $id (keys (%$bonus_collect)){
print FILE "-1-> loop bonus_collect and find $bonus_collect->{$id}->{ct_name} = $adr_bonus->{txt15}\n|==>Take and insert Tarif $bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22}\n" if($debug);
$tarif_hash{$bonus_collect->{$id}->{int22}} = 1;
@ -660,6 +661,7 @@ sub set_usertarif {
#save service-config
sub save_service_desc {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $c_id = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my @keywords = $q->param;
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ sub save_account(){
print FILE "Prepare SWK Bonusnr by prefix $valxx" . "\n" if($debug);
#Freischaltcode format can be "CA-Li-hsze789k" or "CA1234567"
if($valxx && ($valxx =~ /^(\w{2,3})-([\w\-]+)/i || $valxx =~ /^(\w{2,3})(\d+)/)){
if($valxx && ($valxx =~ /^(\w{2,3})-([\w\-]+)/i || $valxx =~ /^(\w{2,3})(\d+)/i)){
$valxx =~ s/\s//g;
my $bonus_prefix = uc($1),
my $bonusnr = $2;
@ -405,9 +405,14 @@ sub tpl(){
my $bike_nodes = $dbt->fetch_rel4tpl4nd($dbh,$node);
my $tariff_all = $db->collect_ct4rel("content","300026",$lang,"","","","","210");
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern("sharee_primary");
my $users_dms_primary = { u_id => 0 };
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int02 >= 1");
my $ctrel = {};
#only if permission read
if(($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" && $users_dms->{int01} >= 1) || ($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentadr" && $users_dms->{int02} >= 1) || ($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttrans" && $users_dms->{int03} >= 1)){
if(($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" && $users_dms->{int01} >= 1) || ($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentadr" && $users_dms_primary->{int02} >= 1) || ($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttrans" && $users_dms_primary->{int03} >= 1)){
my $c_id4trans = $R::c_id4trans || "";
#Take only c_id from users if
@ -419,7 +424,7 @@ sub tpl(){
#$ctrel = $db->get_ctrel("contenttrans","",$lang,"",$users_dms->{c_id4trans},$users_dms->{tpl_id4trans});
#without limit it will takes only one dataset
#if(($R::rel_id && $R::rel_id =~ /^\d+$/) || ($c_id4trans && $c_id4trans =~ /^\d+$/)){
#if(($R::rel_id && $R::rel_id =~ /^\d+$/) || ($c_id4trans && $c_id4trans =~ /^\d+$/))
if((($R::rel_id && $R::rel_id =~ /^\d+$/) || ($c_id4trans && $c_id4trans =~ /^\d+$/)) && ($limit > $varenv{limit})){
$ct4rel = $db->collect_cid($table,$lang,$tpl_id,$R::rel_id,$R::barcode,"c_id",$c_id4trans);
@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ sub tpl(){
$table = "contentadr";
$searchref->{table_pos} = "contentadrpos";
$searchref->{template_id_pos} = "$node_meta->{tpl_id}";
$main_ids = $node_meta->{main_id};
$tpl_ids = $node_meta->{tpl_id};
elsif($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 198){
$table = "contentadr";
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ sub tpl(){
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $R::sharee_edit ne "delete_account2" && ($users_sharee->{c_id} eq $varenv->{superu_id} || $dbt->{copri_conf}->{stage} eq "test" || $users_sharee->{txt08} eq "sigo\@sharee.bike")){
my $coo = $q->cookie('domcookie') || $q->param('sessionid') || "";
#my $api_test = "sharee_fr01"; my $bike="FR1538";
my $api_test = "sharee_fr01"; my $bike="FR1005";#E-Lastenrad (bike_group=300101, bike_node=300102)
my $api_test = "sharee_fr01"; my $bike="FR1538";
#my $api_test = "sharee_fr01"; my $bike="FR1005";#E-Lastenrad (bike_group=300101, bike_node=300102)
#my $api_test = "sharee_fr01"; my $bike="FR4781";#Tracking and BVB test
#my $api_test = "sharee_kn"; my $bike="KN205";
#my $api_test = "sharee_wue"; my $bike="WUE5525";
@ -144,11 +144,15 @@ sub tpl(){
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern("sharee_primary");
my $users_dms_primary = { u_id => 0 };
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int02=2");
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int02 >= 1");
#print Dumper($users_dms_primary);
my $mod_active = "$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{mod_active}";
$mod_active .= "|Kunden|Faktura" if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int02} == 2);
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int02} >= 1){
$mod_active .= "|Kunden|Faktura";
$mod_active .= "|App-feedback";
###Top Menu
#bootstrap menue
@ -183,6 +187,7 @@ sub tpl(){
#0. menue
my $aclass = "dropdown-item";
$aclass = "nav-link" if($node->{$id}->{node_name} =~ /Mietjourna|Alarmjournal|Karte/);
$aclass = "nav-link" if($node->{$id}->{node_name} =~ /Mietjourna|Alarmjournal|Karte|App-feedback/ && $mod_active !~ /Kunden/);
if($users_dms->{u_id} && ($users_dms->{int01} == 2 && $node_meta->{ct_table} =~ /content$/) || ($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id})){
my $url = "$topath/maintainer?node2edit=edit_relation\&main_id=$node->{$id}->{main_id}";
$lmenu0 = $but->event_button("$topath","$node->{$id}->{node_name}","$node->{$id}->{main_id}","$aclass $mclass","","$users_dms->{u_id}","$url");
Add table
Reference in a new issue