mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 03:36:30 +01:00
refactoring some methodes
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 567 additions and 2323 deletions
@ -2144,9 +2144,10 @@ sub bikes_all(){
$return->{$id}->{Ilockit_ID} = "$record->{$id}->{txt18}";
if($q->param('authcookie') && $dbt->{merchant_ids}->{$varenv->{merchant_id}}->{id} && $dbt->{merchant_ids}->{$varenv->{merchant_id}}->{id} == 187 && scalar(@{$user_tour} >= 1)){
if(${$user_tour}[0] !~ /KN\d/){
my @service_code = split(/\s/,$record->{$id}->{txt23});
#2023-01-18 temporär deaktiviert
#$return->{$id}->{service_code} = [@service_code];
$return->{$id}->{service_code} = [@service_code];
}elsif($record->{$id}->{int11} eq "3"){
$return->{$id}->{system} = "sigo";
@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ sub handler {
$update_ctt->{int14} = 1;
$update_ctt->{txt28} = "$now_dt $txaction\nSaldo > 0 Meldung\n" . $ctt->{txt28} if($ctt->{txt28} !~ /0 Meldung,/);#only once;
$update_adr->{int12} = "null";
#2023-02-27, because this will be also done by manually user payment (without valid saved payment data)
#$update_adr->{int12} = "null";
$update_ctt->{int14} = "null";
$update_ctt->{txt28} = "$now_dt $txaction\n" . $ctt->{txt28};
@ -159,6 +160,9 @@ sub handler {
#set cardexpiredate
if(($update_adr->{int24} && $update_adr->{int24} > 0 || $ctadr->{int12} ne $update_adr->{int12}) && $ctadr->{c_id} > 0){
#update adr also on primary
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname});
@ -136,21 +136,18 @@ sub sig_available {
$response_out->{$station}->{operator_data} = {
"operator_name" => "",
"operator_hours" => "",
"operator_color" => "",
"operator_logo" => "",
"operator_phone" => "",
"operator_email" => "",
$response_out->{$station}->{operator_data}->{operator_name} = Encode::encode('utf-8', Encode::decode('iso-8859-1',$hotline_data->{txt01})) if($hotline_data->{txt01});
$response_out->{$station}->{operator_data}->{operator_hours} = Encode::encode('utf-8', Encode::decode('iso-8859-1',$hotline_data->{txt84})) if($hotline_data->{txt84});
$response_out->{$station}->{operator_data}->{operator_color} = $hotline_data->{txt85} if($hotline_data->{txt85});
$response_out->{$station}->{operator_data}->{operator_logo} = $hotline_data->{img01} if($hotline_data->{img01});
$response_out->{$station}->{operator_data}->{operator_phone} = $hotline_data->{txt07} if($hotline_data->{txt07});
$response_out->{$station}->{operator_data}->{operator_email} = $hotline_data->{txt08} if($hotline_data->{txt08});
#just like caching
$return2copri->{$station}->{barcode} = $1 if($response_out->{$station}->{station} =~ /(\d+)/);#new on station context
$return2copri->{$station}->{int04} = $1 if($response_out->{$station}->{station} =~ /(\d+)/);
$return2copri->{$station}->{txt12} = "SX";
$return2copri->{$station}->{int06} = $1 if($response_out->{$station}->{gps_radius} =~ /(\d+)/);
$return2copri->{$station}->{int05} = 2;#capacity
$return2copri->{$station}->{int08} = 2;#energy adapter
@ -37,34 +37,6 @@ my $day = strftime "%d", localtime;
my $mon = strftime "%m", localtime;
my $year = strftime "%Y", localtime;
#start- end- date time
sub datetime_defaults(){
my $self = shift;
my ($in_date,$in_time,$lang) = @_;
my $now_date_time = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", localtime;
my $now_date = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime;
my $now_time = strftime "%H:%M", localtime;
if($in_date =~ /(\d{4})-(\d+)-(\d+)/){
$now_date = "$1-$2-$3";
}elsif($in_date =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/){
$now_date = "$3-$2-$1";
my ( $year, $month, $day ) = split( /-/, $now_date );
my ($nyear,$nmonth,$nday) = Add_Delta_YMD($year,$month,$day, 0,0,1);
$nday = "0" . $nday if ( $nday < 10 );
$nmonth = "0" . $nmonth if ( $nmonth < 10 );
my $start_datetime = "$year-$month-$day";
my $end_datetime = "$nyear-$nmonth-$nday";
$start_datetime = "$day.$month.$year" if(lc($lang) eq "de");
$end_datetime = "$nday.$nmonth.$nyear" if(lc($lang) eq "de");
$start_datetime .= " $now_time" if(!$in_time);
$end_datetime .= " $now_time" if(!$in_time);
return ($start_datetime,$end_datetime);
#month map
sub monthmap(){
my @_months = ("Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember");
@ -139,65 +111,4 @@ sub split_date(){
return ($yy,$mo,$dd,$hh,$mi);
#time and date format for DE
sub time4de(){
my $self = shift;
my ($time_db,$hhmi,$decode) = @_;
$time_db =~ s/:\d{2}\..*$// if($time_db);
my ($date,$time) = split(/ /,$time_db);
my ($yy,$mo,$dd) = split(/-/,$date);
my ($hh,$mi) = split(/\:/,$time);
my $date_de = " ";
$date_de = "$dd.$mo.$yy";
$date_de = "$dd.$mo.$yy $hh:$mi" if($hhmi);
#Deutsch (German) ==> 3
$date_de = Date_to_Text_Long($yy,$mo,$dd,3) if($decode eq "Date_to_Text_Long");
$date_de =~ s/M.*rz/März/;
return $date_de;
#Prepares contenttranspos start_time, end_time and count/Menge
sub contenttranspos_dating() {
my $self = shift;
my ($pos_id,$pos_start_time,$pos_end_time,$today4db,$hours) = @_;
my $menge = 0;
$bw->log("sub contenttranspos_dating call from Callib:",\@_,"");
my $start_datetime = $today4db;
my $end_datetime = $today4db;
$start_datetime = "$1-$2-$3 $4:$5" if($pos_start_time =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2})/);
$start_datetime = "$3-$2-$1 $4:$5" if($pos_start_time =~ /(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2})/);
$end_datetime = "$1-$2-$3 $4:$5" if($pos_end_time =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2})/);
$end_datetime = "$3-$2-$1 $4:$5" if($pos_end_time =~ /(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2})/);
if($start_datetime && $end_datetime){
my ($s_yy,$s_mo,$s_dd,$s_hh,$s_mi) = &split_date("",$start_datetime);
my $s_time = Mktime($s_yy,$s_mo,$s_dd,$s_hh,$s_mi,0);
my ($e_yy,$e_mo,$e_dd,$e_hh,$e_mi) = &split_date("",$end_datetime);
#Add 1hour and rebuild end_datetime
my $sec=0;
($e_yy,$e_mo,$e_dd,$e_hh,$e_mi,$sec) = Add_Delta_DHMS($e_yy,$e_mo,$e_dd,$e_hh,$e_mi,0, 0,$hours,0,0) if($hours =~ /^\d+$/);
my $e_time = Mktime($e_yy,$e_mo,$e_dd,$e_hh,$e_mi,0);
$end_datetime = "$e_yy-$e_mo-$e_dd $e_hh:$e_mi";
#$menge not used via Transposition and at last Prelogic.pm,
#we believe setting by manually insert of int03=$menge
#Count Menge in hours
my $diff_time = $e_time - $s_time;
$menge = $diff_time / 3600;#to get hours
my @return_array = ($pos_id,$start_datetime,$end_datetime,$menge);
$bw->log("sub contenttranspos_dating return from Callib:",\@return_array,"");
return ($start_datetime,$end_datetime,$menge);
@ -324,6 +324,19 @@ sub get_tpl {
return $tpl;
#all templates
sub collect_tpl(){
my $self = shift;
my $tpl_ids = shift || "";
my $dbh = shift || $dbh_intern;
my $where = "where tpl_id != 98 and tpl_id != 97";#without meta-Config and EditNode
$where .= " and tpl_id IN ($tpl_ids)" if($tpl_ids);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM template $where");
my $rc = $sth->execute();
my $tpl_all = $sth->fetchall_hashref("tpl_id");
return $tpl_all;
#get uri_path and meta data like tpl_order by menue path
sub get_node_meta {
my $self = shift;
@ -351,7 +364,7 @@ sub get_node_meta {
$where .= ")";
my $sql = "SELECT * FROM nodes n,relation rel, template tpl $where";
my $sql = "SELECT n.owner AS nowner,n.change AS nchange,* FROM nodes n,relation rel, template tpl $where";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $rc = $sth->execute();
my $nrt = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
@ -709,6 +722,7 @@ sub fetch_record(){
my $where = "where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and nd.main_id=rel.main_id";
$where .= "$fetch_sql" if($fetch_sql);#enhancement to get bike_group OR
my $order = "";
$order = "order by ct.barcode DESC" if($fetch->{table} eq "content");
foreach my $key (keys %$fetch){
@ -749,7 +763,7 @@ sub fetch_record(){
if($varenv{systype} && $varenv{systype} eq "azn" && $key =~ /start_time|end_time/){
if($key =~ /start_time/){
$where .= " and (ct.end_time >= '$fetch->{start_time}' AND ct.start_time <= '$fetch->{end_time}')";
$order = " order by ct.start_time DESC";#because to get ct_id for contenttverpos Übertrag
$order = "order by ct.start_time DESC";#because to get ct_id for contenttverpos Übertrag
}elsif($key =~ /close_time$/ && $value){
$where .= " and ct.$key $op $value";
@ -817,7 +831,7 @@ sub fetch_tablerecord(){
$where .= " and $key $op $value";
}elsif($key =~ /time$/ && $value){
$where .= " and $key $op '$value'";
}elsif($key =~ /^(c_id|u_id|ct_id|ca_id|barcode|int\d+|owner|template_id)$/ && (looks_like_number($value) || $value)){
}elsif($key =~ /^(c_id|u_id|ct_id|ca_id|barcode|int\d+|owner|template_id)$/ && (looks_like_number($value) || $value eq "null")){
if($value eq "null"){
$where .= " and ($key is null OR $key = 0)";
}elsif($value eq "nullOR1"){
@ -1356,6 +1370,7 @@ sub copy_template(){
my $dbh = shift || $dbh_intern;
my $master_tpl_id = shift;
my $new_tpl_id = shift;
my $new_tpl_name = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my $columns = "tpl_name,tpl_order,ct_table,tpl_height,tpl_width,bg_color";
@ -1368,12 +1383,55 @@ sub copy_template(){
my $auto_tpl_id = $sth->fetchrow_array();
$bw->log("DBtank copy_template : $rows",$sql,"") if($debug);
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE template set tpl_id=$new_tpl_id, change='now()',owner=$owner where tpl_id=$auto_tpl_id");
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE template set tpl_id=$new_tpl_id, tpl_name='$new_tpl_name', change='now()',owner=$owner where tpl_id=$auto_tpl_id");
$rows = $sth2->execute();
return $new_tpl_id;
#copy content
sub copy_content {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = shift || $dbh_intern;
my $table = shift;
my $sourcec_id = shift;
my $targetc_id = shift;
my $new_ct_name = shift;
my $owner = shift;
my $rows = 0;
my $cref = {
table => $table,
fetch => "one",
c_id => $sourcec_id,
my $record = { c_id => 0 };
$record = $self->fetch_record($dbh,$cref);
if($record->{c_id} > 0){
delete $record->{c_id};
delete $record->{ct_name};
delete $record->{itime};
delete $record->{mtime};
delete $record->{owner};
my $update = {
table => $table,
ct_name => $new_ct_name,
mtime => 'now()',
owner => $owner,
c_id => $targetc_id,
$rows = $self->update_record($dbh,$update,$update);
if($rows != 1){
my $newc_id = $self->insert_contentoid($dbh,$update,"");
$rows = 1 if($newc_id);
#content of txt08 changed to ctadr->{txt01} Name
sub insert_pos(){
@ -1742,4 +1800,38 @@ sub search_content(){
return $search;
#search json for automcomplete
sub search_json(){
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = shift || $dbh_intern;
my $table = shift;
my $search = shift || "";
my $template_id = shift || "";
my $c_id = shift || "";
my $catch_equal = shift || 0;
my $sel = "1=2";
my $sth = "";
my $rows = 0;
if($search =~ /^\d+$/ && $table eq "content"){
$sel = "(ct_name ilike '$search' OR CAST(barcode AS text) like '$search') and c_id != $c_id";
$sel = "(ct_name ilike '$search%' OR CAST(barcode AS text) like '$search%') and c_id != $c_id";
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.ct_name || ' , ' || ct.barcode || ' , ' || ct.txt01 AS value, ct.ct_name AS spart_ct_name, ct.c_id FROM $table ct, relation rel WHERE ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.template_id IN ($template_id) and $sel");
my $rc = $sth->execute();
$rows = $sth->rows;
}elsif($search =~ /\w{3}/ && $table eq "contentadr"){
my $sel = "txt01 ilike '%$search%'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.txt01 || ', ' || ct.c_id AS value, ct.txt01 AS vorname_name, ct.c_id FROM $table ct, relation rel WHERE ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.template_id=$template_id and $sel");
my $rc = $sth->execute();
$rows = $sth->rows;
return ($rows,$sth);
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ sub handler {
}elsif($filesuff =~ /got_last\.csv/i){
}elsif($filesuff =~ /\.csv/i){
}elsif($filesuff =~ /Statistik_\d{4}-\d{2}\.zip/i){
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Prelogic;
use Lib::Mlogic;
use Mod::Basework;
use Mod::Premain;
#use Mod::Premain;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::APIfunc;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ sub handler {
my $ml = new Mlogic;
my $bw = new Basework;
my $pre = new Prelogic;
my $pm = new Premain;
#my $pm = new Premain;
my $tk = new Shareework;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ sub handler {
#create_account. 2. inserts contentadr
my $tinkc_id = $tk->create_account($aowner);
($returnwww,$feedb) = $tk->save_account($tinkc_id,\%varenv,$aowner);
($returnwww,$feedb) = $tk->save_account($q,$tinkc_id,\%varenv,$aowner);
#Like login_sharee, redundant
my $hw_id = unpack ('H*', pack('Nc', time, $$ % 0xff));#old $co
@ -316,66 +316,93 @@ sub handler {
#DMS Kunden rw
if($R::base_edit && $node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentadr"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::c_id with: $R::base_edit","","");
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}",$q,"");
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname});
my $users_dms_primary = { u_id => 0 };
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int02 >= 1");
if($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){
my $delete_key = "delete_content";
$delete_key = "delete_adr";
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int02} == 2 && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int02} == 2){
if($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){
my $delete_key = "delete_adr";
$return = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id ::löschen";
}elsif($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int02} == 2 && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int02} == 2 && $R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "save_adr"){
($returnwww,$feedb) = $tk->save_account($R::c_id,\%varenv,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int02} == 2 && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int02} == 2 && $R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "delete_adr"){
}elsif($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "delete_adr"){
$return = $tk->delete_account($R::c_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "save_adr"){
($returnwww,$feedb) = $tk->save_account($q,$R::c_id,\%varenv,$users_dms->{u_id});
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Kunden Stammdaten\" verweigert.";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Kunden Stammdaten\" verweigert.";
#DMS users accounts
if($R::base_edit && $node_meta->{ct_table} eq "users"){#DMS-Account rw
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table} with: $R::base_edit","","");
if($R::u_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){#users
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}",$q,"");
if($users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int07} == 2){
if($R::u_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){#users
my $delete_key = "delete_dmsusers";
$return = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&u_id=$R::u_id ::löschen";
}elsif($users_dms->{int07} == 2 && ($R::u_id || $R::c_idadr) && $R::base_edit =~ /_dmsusers/){
}elsif(($R::u_id || $R::c_idadr) && $R::base_edit =~ /_dmsusers/){
my $u_id = $1 if($R::u_id && $R::u_id =~ /(\d+)/);
$u_id = $1 if($R::c_idadr && $R::c_idadr =~ /(\d+)/ && $R::base_edit eq "new_dmsusers");
$return = $tk->manage_dmsusers($R::base_edit,$u_id,$users_dms);
$return = $tk->manage_dmsusers($q,$R::base_edit,$u_id,$users_dms);
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"DMS-Account\" verweigert.";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"DMS-Account\" verweigert.";
#DMS Waren || Einstellung/Service* rw
if(($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" || $node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentuser") && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::main_id with: $R::rel_edit","","");
if(($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" && $users_dms->{int01} == 2) || ($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentuser" && $users_dms->{int08} == 2)){
if($R::rel_edit eq "save_relation"){
#DMS Waren
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}",$q,"");
if($users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int01} == 2){
if($R::rel_edit eq "save_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->save_relation($q,$R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "delete_relation"){
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "delete_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->delete_relation($q,$R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "new_relation"){
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "new_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->new_relation($q,$R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "save_ctuser"){
$return = $pl->save_service_desc($q,$R::c_id,$users_dms);
}elsif($R::base_edit eq "new_contentcms"){
$feedb = $pl->new_contentcms($q,$users_dms);
}elsif($R::base_edit eq "save_contentcms"){
}elsif($R::base_edit eq "new_content" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$feedb = $pl->new_content($q,$users_dms);
}elsif($R::base_edit eq "save_content"){
$feedb = $pl->save_content($q,$users_dms,$node_meta,$R::c_id) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id));
$return = $pm->maininit($users_dms);
}elsif($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){
my $delete_key = "delete_content";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id ::löschen";
}elsif($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "delete_content"){
$feedb = $pl->delete_content($node_meta,$R::c_id);
#$return = $pm->maininit($users_dms);
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Waren Stammdaten\" verweigert.";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Waren Stammdaten\" verweigert.";
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentuser"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}",$q,"");
if($users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int08} == 2){
if($R::rel_edit eq "save_ctuser" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->save_service_desc($q,$R::c_id,$users_dms);
}elsif($R::base_edit eq "new_contentcms" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$feedb = $pl->new_content($q,$users_dms);
}elsif($R::base_edit eq "save_contentcms" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$feedb = $pl->save_content($q,$users_dms,$node_meta,$R::c_id) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id));
}elsif($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){
my $delete_key = "delete_contentuser";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id ::löschen";
}elsif($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "delete_contentuser"){
$feedb = $pl->delete_content($node_meta,$R::c_id);
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Einstellung\" verweigert.";
#DMS Faktura
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttrans"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans with: $R::ct_trans","","");
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}",$q,"");
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname});
my $users_dms_primary = { u_id => 0 };
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int03 >= 1");
@ -395,14 +422,15 @@ sub handler {
my $ck4ex = "@R::ck4ex" || "";
$return = $pl->operator_accounting($q,$users_dms,$users_sharee,$R::accounting_type,$ck4ex);
}elsif($R::ct_trans || $R::v_abschluss || $R::trans2edit){
if($R::ct_trans ne "open" && looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && !$R::v_abschluss && !$R::trans2edit){
#should do all else invoice text save , without positions and booking payment
if($R::ct_trans !~ /_pos|open/ && looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && !$R::v_abschluss && !$R::trans2edit){
$feedb = $pl->save_text2contenttrans($q,$users_dms,$R::c_id4trans);
$return .= "|";
$return .= $pre->preinit($users_dms,$lang);#transactions logic
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Faktura\" verweigert.";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Faktura\" verweigert.";
@ -426,11 +454,11 @@ sub handler {
#save_account. 3. updates contentadr
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $R::sharee_edit && $R::sharee_edit =~ /save_account/){
($returnwww,$feedb) = $tk->save_account($users_sharee->{c_id},\%varenv,$aowner);
($returnwww,$feedb) = $tk->save_account($q,$users_sharee->{c_id},\%varenv,$aowner);
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $R::sharee_edit && $R::sharee_edit =~ /save_transact/){
$returnwww = $tk->save_transact($users_sharee->{c_id},$coo,$aowner);
$returnwww = $tk->save_transact($q,$users_sharee->{c_id},$coo,$aowner);
if($returnwww && $returnwww =~ /failure::(.*)/){
@ -484,9 +512,10 @@ sub handler {
$update_adr->{txt23} = "";
$update_adr->{ct_name} = $q->escapeHTML($R::pseudocardpan);
$update_adr->{txt27} = $q->escapeHTML($R::status);
$update_adr->{txt28} = $now_dt . " pseudocardpan\n" . $q->escapeHTML($payone_return);
$update_adr->{txt28} = $now_dt . "\n" . $q->escapeHTML($payone_return);
$update_adr->{int12} = 0 if($users_sharee->{int12} != 2);#Vde hard set by fibu
$update_adr->{int03} = 2;
$update_adr->{int24} = "null";#cpdate reset
$dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_adr,$users_sharee) if($users_sharee->{c_id} > 0);
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$coo,"");
@ -810,7 +839,7 @@ sub handler {
}elsif($return =~ /failure::/){
$feedb->{message} = $return;
if(ref($api_return) eq "HASH" && $api_return->{response_text}){
@ -1,831 +0,0 @@
package Mod::Indextest;
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use CGI::Cookie ();
use CGI ':standard';
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Pg;
use DBI;
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::RequestIO ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
#use Encode;
#use URI::Encode qw(uri_encode uri_decode);
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Prelogic;
use Lib::Mlogic;
use Mod::Basework;
use Mod::Premain;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::APIfunc;
use Mod::Shareework;
use Mod::Prelib;
use Mod::Payment;
use Mod::Modalbox;
use Mod::Modalbox3;
use Data::Dumper;
sub handler {
my $re = shift;
my $q = new CGI();
my $cf = new Config;
my $ml = new Mlogic;
my $bw = new Basework;
my $pre = new Prelogic;
my $pm = new Premain;
my $tk = new Shareework;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $apif = new APIfunc;
my $but = new Buttons;
my $pl = new Prelib;
my $payone = new Payment;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $netloc = $q->url(-base=>1);
my $dbh = "";
my $script = $q->script_name();
my $path = $q->path_info();
$path = "$script" . "$path";
my $refer = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $return = "";
my $returnwww = "";
my $html_charset = "utf-8";
my $user_agent = $q->user_agent();
$path =~ s/\.html//;
#$mode is used to set GUI features like "maintainer" contextmenue
my $modes = $dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{modes};
my $mode = "";
if($R::mode && length($R::mode) >= 5 && $R::mode =~ /($modes)/){
$mode = "$R::mode";
}elsif($path && $path =~ /\/($modes)$/){
$mode = $1;
}elsif($path && $path =~ /\/($modes)\?\w/){
$mode = $1;
#main datadir is main config directive like "shareeapp-kn" and catched by syshost name
if($netloc =~ /:\/\/(sharee\w+-\w+)\.copri/){
#$bw->log("Indexsharee merchant select by netloc:",$netloc,"");
$varenv{syshost} = $1 if( -d "/var/www/copri-bike/$1");
$mode = "manager" if($varenv{syshost} =~ /shareedms-/ && !$mode);
die "no configuration available" if(!$varenv{syshost});
if($varenv{orga} ne "dms" && $path =~ /DMS|Waren|Kunden\/|Einstellung|journal|Faktur/i){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}");
exit 0;
my $lang = "de";
my $dyn_js = "";
my $users_dms = {};
my $users_sharee = {};
my $api_return = {};
print $q->header(-charset=>"$html_charset");
my $coo = $q->cookie('domcookie') || $R::sessionid || "";
#Prio sessionid if also domcookie is set ... and s.u.
if($R::sessionid && $R::sessionid ne $q->cookie('domcookie')){
$coo = $q->param('sessionid');
my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'domcookie',-value => $coo);
print $q->header(-charset=>"$html_charset", -cookie=>$cookie);
(my $aowner,my $return_merchant) = $apif->fetch_merchant($q,\%varenv,$coo,$R::merchant_id);
$varenv{merchant_id} = $return_merchant->{merchant_id};
$bw->log("Indexsharee merchant select used with access_owner $aowner",$varenv{merchant_id},"");
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$coo,"");
#login-screen should only be available if auth_verify fails
if($R::login_sharee || $R::login_dms){
#1. logout
my $hw_id = unpack ('H*', pack('Nc', time, $$ % 0xff));#old $co
#3. authorize
my $author = $apif->authorization($q,$varenv{merchant_id},$hw_id,$aowner);#$co like browser hw_id
#4. verify and get user values
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$author->{authcookie},"",$author->{new_authcoo});
#5. domcookie by authcookie substr (cut first 15 chars), AND also sessionid
if($author->{authcookie} && length($author->{authcookie}) > 30){
# take last 21 chars
$coo = substr $author->{authcookie}, 15;
my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'domcookie',-value => $coo);
print $q->header(-charset=>"$html_charset", -cookie=>$cookie);
#DMS login
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $varenv{orga} eq "dms" && $R::login_dms eq "Login" && $coo && length($coo) > 20){
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_sharee->{c_id});
my $update_users = {
table => "users",
owner => $aowner,
u_id => $users_dms->{u_id}
$dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_users,"cookie='$coo'") if($users_dms->{u_id});
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}$path");
exit 0;
my $session="";
my $session_and="";
if(length($coo) > 20 && !$q->cookie(-name=>'domcookie')){
$session = "?sessionid=$coo";
$session_and = "&sessionid=$coo";
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $varenv{orga} eq "dms" && $coo && length($coo) > 20){
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_sharee->{c_id},"and cookie='$coo'");
#Save anyway on create ... and hopefully delete it later
if($R::sharee_edit && $R::sharee_edit =~ /create_account/ && $R::txt04 && $R::txt04 =~ /\w+/ && $R::txt08 && $R::txt08 =~ /\w+\@\w+/){
#1. logout
#create_account. 2. inserts contentadr
my $tinkc_id = $tk->create_account($aowner);
($returnwww,$return) = $tk->save_account($tinkc_id,\%varenv,$aowner);
#Like login_sharee, redundant
my $hw_id = unpack ('H*', pack('Nc', time, $$ % 0xff));#old $co
#3. authorize
my $author = $apif->authorization($q,$varenv{merchant_id},$hw_id,$aowner);#$co like browser hw_id
#print "3. authorize: " . $author->{authcookie} . " -- " . $q->param('authcookie') . " ++ " . $coo . "<br>";
#4. verify and get user values
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$author->{authcookie},"",$author->{new_authcoo});
#print "4. verifyize: " . $author->{authcookie} . " -- c_id: " . $users_sharee->{c_id} . " ++ " . $coo . "<br>";
#5. domcookie by authcookie substr (cut first 15 chars), AND also sessionid
if($author->{authcookie} && length($author->{authcookie}) > 30){
# take last 21 chars
$coo = substr $author->{authcookie}, 15;
my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'domcookie',-value => $coo);
print $q->header(-charset=>"$html_charset", -cookie=>$cookie);
#print "5. set cookie: " . $author->{authcookie} . " -- " . $q->param('authcookie') . " ++ " . $coo . "<br>";
#2020-07-09 if user-pw authorized, then ignore conflict_ because it matches exist user-data
if($tinkc_id && $returnwww && $returnwww =~ /conflict_txt07|conflict_txt08/){
#delete user-pw conflict registration and going on with existing data
$return = $tk->delete_account($tinkc_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
$apif->authout($q,$coo) if($coo);
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Anmelden?conflict_failure=1");
exit 0;
elsif(length($coo) > 20){
#we need this to get $R::sessionid to FormEdit
#if(length($coo) > 20 && !$q->cookie(-name=>'domcookie')){
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$author->{authcookie},"");
if(($returnwww && $returnwww =~ /failure::(.*)/) || ($users_sharee->{txt31} && $users_sharee->{txt31} =~ /\w/)){
$returnwww =~ s/::/=/g;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1}?sessionid=$coo\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1_5}?sessionid=$coo");
exit 0;
my $payable_check=0;
if($users_sharee->{int03} && $users_sharee->{ct_name} && ($users_sharee->{int03} == 1 && $users_sharee->{ct_name} =~ /\w{2}-\d+/) || ($users_sharee->{int03} == 2 && length($users_sharee->{ct_name}) >= 19)){
# Logout
if($mode =~ /logout/){
if($mode =~ /logout_sharee/){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}");
exit 0;
my $tpl = $dbt->get_tpl($dbh,"302001");#Kundendaten template
$tpl->{tpl_order} .= ",txt04,txt08";
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && (($users_sharee->{int03} != 1 && $users_sharee->{int03} != 2)|| ($users_sharee->{txt31} && $tpl->{tpl_order} =~ /$users_sharee->{txt31}/))){
my $row = $db->updater("contentadr","c_id","$users_sharee->{c_id}","int12","1");#Vde
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1}$session");
exit 0;
}elsif($users_sharee->{c_id} && !$payable_check){
#print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/$varenv{profile}");
#print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/$varenv{start}");
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_2}$session");
exit 0;
}elsif(!$users_sharee->{c_id} || ($users_sharee->{c_id} && $users_sharee->{c_id} !~ /^\d+$/)){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Anmelden?failure=1$session_and");
exit 0;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/$varenv{profile}$session");
exit 0;
my $oncontextmenu="";
$oncontextmenu="return false;";# if($mode =~ /maintainer/);
$oncontextmenu="" if(!$users_dms->{u_id});
#Menu & node_path handling
my ($view,$view_post);
my @viewsel = ("shareestart");
if($path =~ /^\/(.*)/){
@viewsel = split /\//,$1;
if("$path" =~ /\/($modes)$/){
pop @viewsel;
$view_post = $viewsel[-1] || "root";
#$view_post = encode('iso-8859-1',decode('utf-8', $view_post));
$view = $viewsel[0];
my $depth = scalar(@viewsel);
$view = "root" if(!$view);
my $node_meta = $dbt->get_node_meta($dbh,\@viewsel);
#DMS & Tools
if($varenv{orga} eq "dms" && $users_dms->{u_id}){
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_YMD);
my $day = strftime "%d", localtime;
my $mon = strftime "%m", localtime;
my $year = strftime "%Y", localtime;
$users_dms->{cal_start} =~ s/\s.*//;
($year,$mon,$day) = split(/-/,$users_dms->{cal_start}) if($users_dms->{cal_start});
my ($year1,$mon1,$day1) = split(/:/,$R::cal_delta_start);
my ($Dy,$Dm,$Dd) = Add_Delta_YMD($year,$mon,$day, $year1,$mon1,$day1);
my $today4db = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",localtime(time));
#base_edit implements new DMS methodes without Pre* things
#DMS Kunden rw
if($R::base_edit && $node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentadr"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::c_id with: $R::base_edit","","");
if($R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){
my $delete_key = "delete_content";
$delete_key = "delete_adr";
$return = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id ::löschen";
}elsif($users_dms->{int02} == 2 && $R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "save_adr"){
($returnwww,$return) = $tk->save_account($R::c_id,\%varenv,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($users_dms->{int02} == 2 && $R::c_id && $R::base_edit eq "delete_adr"){
$return = $tk->delete_account($R::c_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Kunden Stammdaten\" verweigert.";
#DMS users accounts
if($R::base_edit && $node_meta->{ct_table} eq "users"){#DMS-Account rw
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table} with: $R::base_edit","","");
if($R::u_id && $R::base_edit eq "remove_chk4rel"){#users
my $delete_key = "delete_dmsusers";
$return = "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?base_edit=$delete_key\&exit_box2=1\&u_id=$R::u_id ::löschen";
}elsif($users_dms->{int07} == 2 && ($R::u_id || $R::c_idadr) && $R::base_edit =~ /_dmsusers/){
my $u_id = $1 if($R::u_id && $R::u_id =~ /(\d+)/);
$u_id = $1 if($R::c_idadr && $R::c_idadr =~ /(\d+)/ && $R::base_edit eq "new_dmsusers");
$return = $tk->manage_dmsusers($R::base_edit,$u_id,$users_dms);
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"DMS-Account\" verweigert.";
#DMS Waren || Einstellung/Service* rw
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" || $node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentuser"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::main_id with: $R::rel_edit","","");
if(($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" && $users_dms->{int01} == 2) || ($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentuser" && $users_dms->{int08} == 2)){
if($R::rel_edit eq "save_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->save_relation($R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "delete_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->delete_relation($R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit eq "new_relation" && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pl->new_relation($R::main_id,$users_dms->{u_id});
}elsif($R::rel_edit && $R::main_id && $R::main_id >= 200000){
$return = $pm->maininit($users_dms);
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Waren Stammdaten\" verweigert.";
#DMS Faktura
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contenttrans"){
$bw->log("DMS action from $users_dms->{u_id} on $node_meta->{ct_table}|$R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans with: $R::ct_trans","","");
if($users_dms->{int03} == 1 && $R::ct_trans eq "open"){#DMS Faktura read
$db->update_users4trans($R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans,"",$users_dms->{u_id}) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans));
}elsif($users_dms->{int03} == 2){#DMS Faktura rw
$db->update_users4trans($R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans,"",$users_dms->{u_id}) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans));
if($R::ct_trans =~ /set_workflow2invoice|set_workflow2storno/){
$return = $pl->set_workflow($users_dms,$R::c_id4trans,$R::set_main_id4workflow) if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans) && looks_like_number($R::set_main_id4workflow));
$return .= "|";
$return .= $pre->preinit($users_dms,$lang);#transactions logic
$return = "failure::Abbruch. Schreibender Zugriff \"Faktura\" verweigert.";
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_dms->{u_id},"");#just to get update after save
#none DMS hosts ----------------------------------------------------
}elsif($varenv{orga} ne "dms"){
#save_account. 3. updates contentadr
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $R::sharee_edit && $R::sharee_edit =~ /save_account/){
($returnwww,$return) = $tk->save_account($users_sharee->{c_id},\%varenv,$aowner);
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $R::sharee_edit && $R::sharee_edit =~ /save_transact/){
$returnwww = $tk->save_transact($users_sharee->{c_id},$coo,$aowner);
if($returnwww && $returnwww =~ /failure::(.*)/){
$returnwww =~ s/::/=/g;
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$coo,"");
if($returnwww =~ /txt22|txt23/){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_2}?cum=1$session_and\&$returnwww");
}elsif($returnwww =~ /int03/){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1_5}?cum=1$session_and\&$returnwww");
}elsif($returnwww =~ /txt09|txt16/){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?cum=1$session_and\&$returnwww");
}elsif($returnwww =~ /int01/ && $R::radID){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/?ask_radID=$R::radID\&failure=not-synced$session_and");
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1}?cum=1$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$coo,"");
#Payone Response POST (TransactionStatus)
#payone response ($R::pseudocardpan || $R::status)
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && ($R::pseudocardpan || $R::status)){
my $payone_return;
print FILE "<--- $now_dt from Indexsharee.pm \nPayone return-way by ajaxCall: $R::status\n";
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $val = $q->param($_);
print FILE "$_=$val\n";
#TODO, check errormessages. At first we have do indicate what comes from payone!
$payone_return .= "$_=$val\n";# if($_ =~ /error|message/i);
my $update_adr = {
table => "contentadr",
mtime => "now()",
owner => $aowner,
c_id => $users_sharee->{c_id}
my $vde_on_fail = $users_sharee->{int12} || 3;#keep last or set 3
#SEPA, done in payone Payment
if($R::pseudocardpan && length($R::pseudocardpan) >= 19){#done by payone AJAX return
#if($R::status eq "APPROVED")
$update_adr->{txt22} = "";
$update_adr->{txt23} = "";
$update_adr->{ct_name} = $q->escapeHTML($R::pseudocardpan);
$update_adr->{txt27} = $q->escapeHTML($R::status);
$update_adr->{txt28} = "";
$update_adr->{int12} = 0;
$update_adr->{int03} = 2;
$dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_adr,$users_sharee) if($users_sharee->{c_id} > 0);
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$coo,"");
#define fictiv invoice to get 1 € test
my $epoche = time();
my $ctt = {
c_id => 1,
int01 => 0,#capture amount
int15 => 1,#preauth amount
txt16 => "",
reference => "$users_sharee->{c_id}_$epoche",
payone_reset => ''
my $payone_txid = "";
##preauthorization and/or capture needs to much time, must be done async!
#$payone_txid = $payone->preauthorizationCC_main(\%varenv,$users_sharee,$ctt,$aowner);
#$ctt->{txt16} = "$payone_txid";
#$payone_txid = $payone->captureCC_main(\%varenv,$users_sharee,$ctt,$aowner);
#int12=0 should be set after capture success in payment module
if(($users_sharee->{int04} != 1) && ($users_sharee->{txt08} =~ /\w\@\w/)){
if(($users_sharee->{int13} != 1) && ($users_sharee->{txt07} =~ /\d{9}/ && length($users_sharee->{txt07}) <= 16)){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/$varenv{profile}?$returnwww$session_and");
exit 0;
$update_adr->{txt28} = $q->escapeHTML($payone_return);
$update_adr->{int12} = $vde_on_fail;
$dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_adr,$users_sharee) if($users_sharee->{c_id} > 0);
}#end payone response with pseudocardpan
my $debug=0;
#send confirm codes
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $users_sharee->{txt34} && length($users_sharee->{txt34}) > 20 && $payable_check && $R::sharee_edit && $R::sharee_edit =~ /save_account|send_email|send_sms/){
if(($users_sharee->{int04} != 1 || $R::sharee_edit =~ /send_email/) && ($users_sharee->{txt08} =~ /\w\@\w/)){
if(($users_sharee->{int13} != 1 || $R::sharee_edit =~ /send_sms/) && ($users_sharee->{txt07} =~ /\d{9}/ && length($users_sharee->{txt07}) <= 16)){
}#send confirm code
#email and sms acknowledgments, check and save confirm states
if($R::confirm_userid && $R::confirm_userid =~ /^\d+$/ && ($R::confirm_code && length($R::confirm_code) >= 5 || $R::confirm_smscode && length($R::confirm_smscode) >= 5)){
#keep in mind, for now and just for testing confirm codes are just c_id
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/confirm.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n\n*--> $now_dt done by $0\n" if($debug);
print FILE "confirm_userid:$R::confirm_userid\nconfirm_code:$R::confirm_code\nconfirm_smscode:$R::confirm_smscode\n" if($debug);
$R::confirm_code =~ s/\s//g;
$R::confirm_smscode =~ s/\s//g;
my $confirm_code = $q->escapeHTML($R::confirm_code);
my $confirm_smscode = $q->escapeHTML($R::confirm_smscode);
#confirm email
my $authref = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "202",
c_id => $R::confirm_userid,
txt34 => "ilike::$confirm_code%",
my $confirmed_email = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$authref);
#($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,"",$R::confirm_code);
#save verified email
print FILE "confirmed_email: $confirmed_email->{c_id} update because confirm_code:$confirm_code\n" if($debug);
#after mailAck, delete all douple adr with no mailAck and no invoices
my $ctadr = $db->collect_ct4rel3("contentadr","","","ilike","txt08","$confirmed_email->{txt08}","","","");
foreach my $aid (keys(%$ctadr)){
my $ctctt = $db->get_content6("contenttrans","int10",$ctadr->{$aid}->{c_id});
$db->delete_content("contentadr",$ctadr->{$aid}->{c_id}) if(!$ctctt->{c_id});
print FILE "c_id $ctadr->{$aid}->{c_id} $confirmed_email->{txt08} delete because of dopplel\n" if($debug);
#confirm sms
my $authref = {
table => "contentadr",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "202",
c_id => $R::confirm_userid,
txt34 => "ilike::%$confirm_smscode",
my $confirmed_sms = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$authref);
#($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,"",$R::confirm_smscode);
#save verified telnr
print FILE "confirmed_sms: $confirmed_sms->{c_id} update because confirm_smscode:$confirm_smscode\n" if($debug);
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,"",$users_sharee->{c_id}) if($users_sharee->{c_id});
if($users_sharee->{int12} != 2 && $users_sharee->{int04} && $users_sharee->{int13}){
my $row = $db->updater("contentadr","c_id","$users_sharee->{c_id}","int12","0");#Vde
my $field = "int13";
$field = "int04" if(!$users_sharee->{int04});
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?cum=3$session_and\&failure=$field#top");
exit 0;
print FILE "c_id: $users_sharee->{c_id} empty auth because of no cookie\n" if($debug);
$users_sharee = { c_id => 0 };
close(FILE) if($debug);
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $users_sharee->{int04} && $users_sharee->{int13}){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?confirm_success=1");
exit 0;
}#end confirm
if($R::email && $R::sharee_edit =~ /password_forgotten/){
my $hw_id = unpack ('H*', pack('Nc', time, $$ % 0xff));#old $co
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && ($path =~ /$varenv{mandant}\/$varenv{profile}/ || $path =~ /$varenv{mandant}\/Account/)){
if($R::sharee_edit =~ /save_account/){
$returnwww =~ s/::/=/g if($returnwww && $returnwww =~ /success::\w+/);
if((!$users_sharee->{int14}) || ($users_sharee->{txt31} && $tpl->{tpl_order} =~ /$users_sharee->{txt31}/)){
#failure redirect should do the delete job
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1}?failure=$users_sharee->{txt31}$session_and#top");
exit 0;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1_5}$session");
exit 0;
elsif($payable_check && (!$users_sharee->{int04} || !$users_sharee->{int13})){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?cum=2$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
elsif($users_sharee->{int03} && (($users_sharee->{int03} == 1 && $users_sharee->{ct_name} !~ /\w{2}-\d+/) || ($users_sharee->{int03} == 2 && length($users_sharee->{ct_name}) < 19))){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_2}$session");
exit 0;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?cum=2$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
}elsif($path =~ /$varenv{mandant}\/$varenv{profile}/){
if((!$users_sharee->{int14}) || ($users_sharee->{txt31} && $tpl->{tpl_order} =~ /$users_sharee->{txt31}/)){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1}?failure=$users_sharee->{txt31}$session_and#top");
exit 0;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1_5}$session");
exit 0;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?cum=2$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
}elsif($users_sharee->{c_id} && ($path =~ /$varenv{mandant}\/Anmelden|$varenv{mandant}\/$varenv{profile}/)){
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_1}?cum=2$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$varenv{mandant}/Account/$varenv{accounting_3}?cum=2$session_and\&$returnwww");
exit 0;
my $nodev = $db->get_node("$view_post","$lang");
if($view =~ /Printpreview/){
require "Mod/Printpreview.pm";
exit 0;
elsif($view =~ /PDFGenerator/){
require "Mod/PDFGenerator.pm";
exit 0;
#else global REDIRECT. Availability check for redirect
#elsif(!$nodev->{main_id} || ($nodev->{main_id} == 100 && $R::rel_edit eq "save_content")){
#print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}$session");
#exit 0;
if($R::rel_edit && $R::rel_edit =~ /XLSout/){
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_dms->{u_id});
if(-f "$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/pdf/$users_dms->{owner}-$users_dms->{time4csv}.xls"){
print $q->redirect(-uri=>"$varenv{metahost}/pdf/$users_dms->{owner}-$users_dms->{time4csv}.xls", -type=>"application/octet-stream", -target=>'_blank');
exit 0;
my $dyn_css = "";
my $background = "";
$background = "$varenv{metahost}/img/$varenv{background_image}" if($varenv{background_image});
$dyn_css = "
html,body {
background-repeat: $varenv{background_repeat};
background-position: right bottom;
font-family: $varenv{font_family};
font-size: $varenv{font_size};
line-height: $varenv{line_height};
margin: 0; padding: 0;
my $url = "$varenv{wwwhost}/$path";
#my $onload="onLoad();";
my $onload="";
my $local_style = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareeapp_conf}->{local_style}";
my $jquery = "";#"$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareeapp_conf}->{jquery}";
my $jquery_ui = "";
my $style_jquery_ui = "";
my $js_bootstrap = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareeapp_conf}->{js_bootstrap}";
my $style_bootstrap = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareeapp_conf}->{style_bootstrap}";
my $jquery_resize = "";
if($varenv{wwwhost} =~ /shareedms/){
$local_style = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{local_style}";
$jquery = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{jquery}";
$jquery_ui = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{jquery_ui}";
$style_jquery_ui = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{style_jquery_ui}";
$js_bootstrap = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{js_bootstrap}";
$style_bootstrap = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{style_bootstrap}";
$jquery_resize = "$varenv{metahost}/$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{jquery_resize}";
$dyn_js = "\$(function() {
\$( '#datepicker1' ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', dayNamesMin: ['So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa'], monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember']});
\$( '#datepicker2' ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', dayNamesMin: ['So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa'], monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember']});
\$( '#datepicker3' ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', dayNamesMin: ['So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa'], monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember']});
my $base_uri = "true";
my $title = "$varenv{syshost} ";
$title .= $dbt->{primary}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{pprefix} if($dbt->{primary}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{pprefix});
$title .= $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{project} if($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{project});
$title .= " " . $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{oprefix} if($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{oprefix});
$title .= $dbt->{website}->{$varenv{syshost}}->{project} if($dbt->{website}->{$varenv{syshost}}->{project});
$title .= " DEVEL $varenv{dbname}" if($dbt->{copri_conf}->{stage} eq "test");
my $html5 = $q->start_html(-title=>"$title",
-rel=>'shortcut icon',
'author'=>"Rainer Gümpelein",
'publisher'=>"TeilRad GmbH",
'copyright'=>"TeilRad GmbH",
'description'=>"sharee.bike Mietradmanagementsystem"
-verbatim=>"\@import url(\"$local_style\");",
# CGI.pm doesn't support HTML5 DTD; replace the one it puts in.
$html5 =~ s{<!DOCTYPE.*?>}{<!DOCTYPE html>}s;
$html5 =~ s{<html.*?>}{<html lang='de'>}s;
print $html5;
my $sharee_agb_text = {};
$sharee_agb_text->{ct_name} = "AGB";
$sharee_agb_text->{txt01} = "<iframe src='$varenv{wwwhost}/site/agb.html' style='width:100%;height:8000px;border:none;' scrolling='auto'></iframe>";
my $sharee_privacy_text = {};
$sharee_privacy_text->{ct_name} = "Datenschutzhinweise";
$sharee_privacy_text->{txt01} = "<iframe src='$varenv{wwwhost}/site/privacy_2.html' style='width:100%;height:8000px;border:none;' scrolling='auto'></iframe>";
print <<EOF
<div class="modal fade" id="sharee_agb" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h5 class="modal-title">$sharee_agb_text->{ct_name}</h5>
<button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="text-default">$sharee_agb_text->{txt01}</div>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
<!-- Button trigger modal -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#sharee_agb">
Launch demo modal
print "<script src='$js_bootstrap'></script>\n";
print $q->end_html;
return Apache2::Const::OK;
@ -164,48 +164,6 @@ sub read_dirfiles(){
return @dirfiles;
#return message
sub return_feedback(){
my $self = shift;
my ($return,$kind_of_trans,$owner,$terminal) = @_;
if($owner > 0){
\$( "#retm" ).fadeOut(7000);
$return = $R::return if($R::return);
my ($ret_pm,$ret_pl,$ret_er) = split(/\|/,$return);
my ($i_pm,$s_pm,$d_pm) = split(/-/,$ret_pm);
my ($i_pl,$s_pl,$d_pl) = split(/-/,$ret_pl);
my $pre = "";
$kind_of_trans = "Transaktions" if(!$kind_of_trans);
my $feedb = "";
$feedb = "neue $pre Daten eingefügt" if($i_pm);
$feedb = "insert successfully " if($i_pm && $varenv{html_lang} eq "en");
$feedb = "$pre Daten gespeichert" if($s_pm);
$feedb = "saved successfully" if($s_pm && $varenv{html_lang} eq "en");
$feedb = "$pre Daten gelöscht" if($d_pm);
$feedb = "deleted successfully" if($d_pm && $varenv{html_lang} eq "en");
$feedb = "neue $kind_of_trans Daten eingefügt" if($i_pl);
$feedb = "$kind_of_trans Daten gespeichert" if($s_pl);
$feedb = "$kind_of_trans Daten gelöscht" if($d_pl);
$feedb = "Artikel eingefügt" if($i_pl =~ /ctpos_id=\d+/);
my $debug;
$debug = "($ret_pm|$ret_pl)" if($owner eq "101");
if($return !~ /failure/ && $feedb){
print $q->div({-id=>'retm'},"$feedb $debug"),"\n";
$return = $1 if($return =~ /(failure.*)/);
return $return;
sub quersum(){
@ -556,10 +514,13 @@ sub split_date(){
return ($yy,$mo,$dd,$hh,$mi);
#time and date format for DE (moved partly to Callib)
#time and date format for DE
sub time4de(){
my $self = shift;
my ($time_db,$hhmi,$decode) = @_;
my $time_db = shift;
my $hhmi = shift || "";
my $decode = shift || "";
$time_db =~ s/:\d{2}\..*$// if($time_db);
my ($date,$time) = split(/ /,$time_db);
my ($yy,$mo,$dd) = split(/-/,$date);
@ -52,14 +52,10 @@ sub mobox3(){
my $height = $node_meta->{tpl_height} || "990";
my $width = $node_meta->{tpl_width} || "990";
if($mode eq "maintainer"){
if($R::node2edit eq "edit_relation" || $R::rel_edit =~ /_relation/){
$title = "Node Editor";
$height = "300";
$width = "600";
}elsif($mode eq "supervisor"){
$title = "Datenfeld Eigenschaft bearbeiten";
$height = "450";
$width = "500";
}elsif($R::rel_edit =~ /dialog4menu|dialog4content/){
$title = "Relation Editor";
$height = "300";
@ -122,10 +118,10 @@ EOF
# require "Tpl/APIdialog.pm";
# &APIdialog::tpl($node_meta,$users_dms,$mode,$return);
elsif($R::relate_dialog || $R::rel_edit =~ /dialog4menu|dialog4content/){
require "Mod/RelationEdit.pm";
#elsif($R::relate_dialog || $R::rel_edit =~ /dialog4menu|dialog4content/){
# require "Mod/RelationEdit.pm";
# &RelationEdit::tpl($node_meta,$users_dms,$mode,$return);
elsif(($R::node2edit && $R::node2edit =~ /editpart/) || ($R::base_edit && $R::base_edit !~ /delete/)){
require "Tpl/BaseEdit.pm";
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ use CGI ':standard';
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::Basework;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::Relation;
@ -32,13 +31,10 @@ sub admin_tpl(){
my $return = shift;
my $superu_id = shift || "";
#print Dumper($node_meta);exit;
my $q = new CGI;
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $cf = new Config;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $bw = new Basework;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $but = new Buttons;
@ -49,27 +45,23 @@ sub admin_tpl(){
$path = "$script" . "$path";
my $lang = "de";
#$path =~ s/\/login|\/user|\/manager|\/admin//;
my $coo = $q->cookie(-name=>'domcookie');
my %ib = $but->ibuttons();
my $dbh = "";
my $u_name = $node_meta->{owner};
$u_name = $dbt->sys_username($dbh,$node_meta->{owner});
my $u_name = $node_meta->{nowner};
$u_name = $dbt->sys_username($dbh,$node_meta->{nowner});
my $change = $lb->time4de($node_meta->{change},"1") if($node_meta->{change});
my $change = $lb->time4de($node_meta->{nchange},"1") if($node_meta->{nchange});
my $subid = $1 if($node_meta->{main_id} =~ /^(\d)/);
#Node templates
my $tpl_id = 97;#Standard for CMS
#Selektierbare Tabellen Layout templates
my $tpl_lists4selection;
my $tpl_id = 97;
my $tpl_lists4selection = "";
#if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" || $node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentpos"){
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content"){
$tpl_id = 100;
if($node_meta->{template_id} eq "205"){
#$tpl_id = 102;
$tpl_lists4selection = 205;
}elsif($node_meta->{template_id} eq "225"){
$tpl_lists4selection = 225;
@ -89,31 +81,17 @@ sub admin_tpl(){
$tpl_lists4selection = "401,402,403";
#Defaults to tpl_id=97
my $tpl = $db->get_tpl($tpl_id);
my $tpl = $dbt->get_tpl($dbh,$tpl_id);
my @tpl_order = ("");
@tpl_order = split /,/,$tpl->{tpl_order};
my @_templates;
my $tpl_all = $db->collect_tpl($tpl_lists4selection);
my $tpl_all = $dbt->collect_tpl($tpl_lists4selection);
foreach my $id (sort {$tpl_all->{$a}->{tpl_name} cmp $tpl_all->{$b}->{tpl_name}} keys (%$tpl_all)){
push (@_templates, "$id:$tpl_all->{$id}->{tpl_name}") if($tpl_all->{$id}->{tpl_name} !~ /dummy/);
#reading mounted project data-dir
#Test: mount /dev/sda2 data/Projekte
my @_projectdir;
#my $dir = "$varenv{data}/Projekte";
my $dir = "$varenv{data}/fileserver";
if( -d "$dir"){
opendir(DIR, "$dir");
push (@_projectdir, "$_");
closedir DIR;
#content container
print "<div id='Container_cms'>$superu_id";
@ -122,23 +100,18 @@ sub admin_tpl(){
print $q->hidden(-name=>'parent_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{parent_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'main_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{main_id}");
#print $q->hidden(-name=>'template_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{template_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'mode', -value=>"admin");
print $q->start_table({-style=>'margin-top:6px;', -border=>'0', -width=>'100%', -align=>'left', -cellpadding=>'3', -cellspacing=>'3'});
print $q->Tr();
if(($users_dms->{u_id} > 0) || ($u_group eq "admin")){
print "<td style='background:#a7a18f;margin:1px 0;padding:2px;' colspan='2' nowrap>\n";
#print "<td style='margin:1px 0;padding:0px;' colspan='2' nowrap>\n";
print $but->singlesubmit7("rel_edit","save_relation","$ib{save_relation}","","modal_position(xpos,ypos)");
#look at dialog4menu, it seems better. vise a verse
print $q->span({-style=>'margin:0 0.2em;'}," ");
print $but->singlesubmit7("rel_edit","delete_relation","$ib{delete_relation}","","modal_position(xpos,ypos)");
print $q->span({-style=>'margin:0 0.2em;'}," ");
print $but->singlesubmit7("rel_edit","new_relation","$ib{new_relation}","","modal_position(xpos,ypos)");
#$R::new_submenu = 1 if($subid < 4);
print $q->span({ -style=>'margin:4px 0 0 4px;'},$but->checkbox("1","new_submenu","$R::new_submenu"),"Submenu") if($subid < 3 && $node_meta->{template_id} !~ /205/);#no submenue if bikes);
print $q->span({-style=>'margin-left:5em; font-size:0.91em;'}, "$u_name / $change") if($u_name);
print $but->singlesubmit7("rel_edit","save_relation","$ib{save_relation}","","");
print $q->span({-style=>'margin:0 0.2em;'}," ");
print $but->singlesubmit7("rel_edit","delete_relation","$ib{delete_relation}","","");
print $q->span({-style=>'margin:0 0.2em;'}," ");
print $but->singlesubmit7("rel_edit","new_relation","$ib{new_relation}","","");
print $q->span({ -style=>'margin:4px 0 0 4px;'},$but->checkbox("1","new_submenu","$R::new_submenu"),"Submenu") if($subid < 3 && $node_meta->{template_id} !~ /205/);#no submenue if bikes);
print $q->span({-style=>'margin-left:10em; font-size:0.91em;'}, "$u_name / $change") if($u_name);
print "</td>\n";
print $q->Tr();
@ -153,24 +126,10 @@ sub admin_tpl(){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms'},$but->checkbox("1","$key","$node_meta->{$key}")),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /txt01/ && $isize =~ /select/){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms'},$but->selector("$key","250px","$node_meta->{$key}",@_projectdir)),"\n";
}elsif($key =~ /tpl_name/){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms'},$but->selector("template_id","200px",$node_meta->{template_id},@_templates)),"\n";
}elsif($key eq "txt01" && $isize eq "select"){
my @_valxx = ("");
#foreach my $rid (sort { $bike_nodes->{$a}->{node_name} cmp $bike_nodes->{$b}->{node_name} } keys (%$bike_nodes)){
# push (@_valxx, "$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{main_id}:$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{node_name} - $bike_nodes->{$rid}->{main_id}");
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms',-colspan=>'1'},"$des");
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>'1'},$but->selector_class("$key","eselect","width:250px;",$node_meta->{$key},@_valxx));
}elsif($key =~ /node_name/){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des");
@ -179,16 +138,30 @@ sub admin_tpl(){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des");
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms'},$q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-name=>"$key",-default=>"$node_meta->{$key}",-override=>'1',-size=>"$isize",-maxlength=>120)),"\n";
}elsif($key eq "type_id" && $isize eq "select" && $node_meta->{template_id} eq "205"){
my @s_valxx = ();
my $s_hash = {};
$s_hash = $dbt->{copri_conf}->{type_id};
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms',-colspan=>'1'},"$des");
foreach my $s_key (sort keys (%{ $s_hash })) {
push @s_valxx, "$s_key:$s_hash->{$s_key}";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms'},$but->selector_class("$key","","",$node_meta->{$key},@s_valxx)),"\n";
}elsif($key eq "energy_id" && $isize eq "checkbox"){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms', -colspan=>'1'}, $but->checkbox("1","$key","$node_meta->{$key}")),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>"$key",-override=>1,-value=>"null");
print $q->div({-style=>'text-align:left;margin:0.5em;padding:1em;background-color:white;'},"Im \"admin\" Modus können die Gruppen-Ordner verwaltet werden.<br />--> Dazu erst einen Gruppen-Ordner öffnen!");
print $q->div({-style=>'text-align:left;margin:0.5em;padding:1em;background-color:white;'},"Keine Zugriffsrechte");
print $q->end_table;
my $debug;
my $debug = "";
$debug = "(ct_table: $node_meta->{ct_table} | main_id: $node_meta->{main_id} | tpl_id: $node_meta->{template_id} | type_id: $node_meta->{type_id} | energy_id: $node_meta->{energy_id}" if($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id});
print $q->div({-style=>'position:absolute;bottom:2%;right:2%;z-index:10;font-size:13px;'},"$debug"),"\n";
print "</div>";
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Pg;
use Text::CSV_XS;
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::Libenz;
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $debug=1;
#insert text-cms
sub new_contentcms {
#insert content or contentuser
sub new_content {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
@ -60,17 +60,31 @@ sub new_contentcms {
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my $pref_cc = {
table => "$R::ct_table",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "$R::template_id",
main_id => "$R::main_id",
my $cc_part = { c_id => 0 };
$cc_part = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_cc);#get last barcode by order barcode DESC
my $next_barcode = $cc_part->{c_id};
$next_barcode = $cc_part->{barcode} + 1 if($cc_part->{barcode} > 0);
my $insert_ctu = {
table => "contentuser",
table => "$R::ct_table",
itime => 'now()',
mtime => 'now()',
owner => "$users_dms->{u_id}",
barcode => "$next_barcode",
ct_name => "---",
template_id => "$R::template_id",
main_id => "$R::main_id",
txt12 => "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{oprefix}",
my $c_idnew = 0;
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$insert_ctu,"") if($R::template_id && $R::main_id);
$c_idnew = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$insert_ctu,"") if($R::ct_table && $R::template_id && $R::main_id);
$feedb->{c_id} = $c_idnew;
@ -79,18 +93,17 @@ sub new_contentcms {
return $feedb;
#save contentuser cms and maybe useable at all content*!?
#save content or contentuser
sub save_content {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $c_id = shift || "";
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my $feedb = { message => "", u_rows => 0 };
my $ct = { c_id => $c_id };
my $update_ct = {
@ -100,21 +113,102 @@ sub save_content {
my $val = $q->param($_);
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
#my $val = $q->param($_);
#my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val");
my @val = $q->param($_);
$valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
if($_ =~ /ct_name|txt|int|state|time/){
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
#txt24 bike_node/station_group and txt25 bike_group multiple select
if($node_meta->{template_id} == 225 && $_ eq "txt24"){
my %station_filter_hash = ();
my @_valxx_filter = ();
my $node = {
template_id => 205,
parent_id => 200013,
fetch => "all",
keyfield => "main_id",
my $bike_nodes = {};
$bike_nodes = $dbt->fetch_rel4tpl4nd($dbh,$node);
foreach my $bike_node (@val){
foreach my $rid ( keys (%$bike_nodes)){
if($bike_node == $bike_nodes->{$rid}->{main_id} && $bike_nodes->{$rid}->{type_id}){
$station_filter_hash{$bike_nodes->{$rid}->{type_id}} = 1;
foreach my $type_id (keys (%station_filter_hash)){
push (@_valxx_filter, "$type_id");
$update_ct->{txt25} = "@_valxx_filter";
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
}elsif($node_meta->{template_id} == 205 && $_ eq "txt06"){#GPS
if($valxx =~ /^(\d{1,2}\.\d+),\s?(\d{1,2}\.\d+)$/ || !$valxx || $valxx eq "null"){
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", falsches GPS Format. Bitte folgendes Format mit latitude, longitude verwenden. Bsp: 47.927738,7.973855";
}elsif($node_meta->{template_id} == 205 && $_ =~ /byte/){
$update_ct->{$_} = "";
}elsif($valxx !~ /[g-z]/ig && length($valxx) == 32){
$update_ct->{$_} = "\\x$valxx";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", der Token muss 32 HEX Zeichen enthalten";
}elsif($_ =~ /^time\d+/){
$valxx = "00:00" if($valxx !~ /\d{1,2}:\d{2}/);
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
}elsif($_ =~ /date_time\d+/){
my ($date_time,$chck) = $lb->checkdate($valxx);
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", falsche Datum Uhrzeit Format";
}elsif($_ =~ /^int|barcode/){
if(($valxx && $valxx =~ /\d/) || looks_like_number($valxx)){
$valxx =~ s/,/./;
$valxx =~ s/\s//g;
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", hier sind nur numerische Werte erlaubt";
$update_ct->{$_} = "null";
$feedb->{message} = "failure::Eingabefehler \"$valxx\", hier sind nur numerische Werte erlaubt";
}elsif($_ =~ /ct_name|txt|state|time/){
$update_ct->{$_} = "$valxx";
$u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ct,$ct) if($ct->{c_id});
$feedb->{u_rows} += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ct,$ct);
$feedb->{u_rows} = $u_rows;
return $feedb;
}#end save_content
#delete content
sub delete_content {
my $self = shift;
my $node_meta = shift || "";
my $c_id = shift || "";
my $users_dms = shift;
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { d_rows => 0,message => "" };
$feedb->{d_rows} = $dbt->delete_content($dbh,$node_meta->{ct_table},$c_id);
return $feedb;
#save invoice address or text
sub save_text2contenttrans {
@ -128,6 +222,10 @@ sub save_text2contenttrans {
my $dbh = "";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/save_text2contenttrans.log") if($debug);
print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| c_id:$c_id | u_id:$users_dms->{u_id}\n" if($debug);
print FILE Dumper($q) . "\n" if($debug);
my $ctt = { c_id => $c_id };
my $update_ctt = {
table => "contenttrans",
@ -177,6 +275,7 @@ sub save_text2contenttrans {
close(FILE) if($debug);
$feedb->{u_rows} = $u_rows;
return $feedb;
@ -670,9 +769,12 @@ sub new_relation {
my $new_main_id = $dbt->get_freenode($dbh,$prefix_id);
my $template_id = 0,
my $n_sort = 1;
my $type_id = 300101;
my $energy_id = 0;
$template_id = $R::template_id if(looks_like_number($R::template_id));
$n_sort = $R::n_sort if(looks_like_number($R::n_sort));
$type_id = $R::type_id if(looks_like_number($R::type_id));
$energy_id = $R::energy_id if(looks_like_number($R::energy_id));
my $insert = {
main_id => $new_main_id,
@ -681,7 +783,8 @@ sub new_relation {
content_id => 0,
node_name => $node_name,
n_sort => $n_sort,
lang => "de",
type_id => $type_id,
energy_id => $energy_id,
owner => $owner,
change => "now()",
@ -696,7 +799,10 @@ sub new_relation {
my $new_submain_id = $dbt->get_freenode($dbh,$prefix_id);
my $new_subtemplate_id = $dbt->get_freetpl($dbh,"401","499");
my $ret_tpl_id = $dbt->copy_template($dbh,"400",$new_subtemplate_id,$owner);
my $ret_tpl_id = $dbt->copy_template($dbh,"400",$new_subtemplate_id,"$node_name Service-Config",$owner);
my $ct_name = "$node_name Service-Config";
$ct_name =~ s/^Flotte //;
my $insert_sub = {
main_id => $new_submain_id,
@ -718,7 +824,7 @@ sub new_relation {
close(FILE) if($debug);
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$new_main_id);
print "$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows\n";
print "$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?node2edit=edit_relation\&return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows\n";
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
@ -763,16 +869,6 @@ sub save_relation {
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"node_name='$node_name'");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"node_path='$node_path'");
#type_id and energy_id by node_name pattern match.
#TODO, should be editable by NodeEditor
my $type_id = 300101;#if Lastenrad
$type_id = 300101 if($node_name =~ /E-Lastenrad/);
$type_id = 300103 if($node_name =~ /Stadtrad/);
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"type_id=$type_id");
my $energy_id = 0;
$energy_id = 1 if($node_name =~ /E-/i);
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"energy_id=$energy_id");
if($subrelnode->{main_id} && $subrelnode->{template_id} >= 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} <= 499){
my $update_subnode = {
table => "nodes",
@ -781,24 +877,24 @@ sub save_relation {
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_subnode,"node_name='$node_name-Servicelog'");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_subnode,"node_path='$node_path-Servicelog'");
if($_ =~ /template_id/ && $valxx){
}elsif($_ =~ /template_id/ && $valxx){
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_relation,"template_id=$valxx");
if($_ =~ /int|n_sort|owner/){
}elsif($_ =~ /int|n_sort|owner/){
$valxx =~ s/,/./;
$valxx = "null" if(!$valxx && $valxx ne "0");#for empty
$valxx = "0" if($valxx eq "0");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_=$valxx") if($valxx =~ /^\d+$|null|0/);
if($_ =~ /node_public/){
}elsif($_ eq "type_id" && $valxx){
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"type_id=$valxx");
}elsif($_ eq "energy_id"){
$valxx = "null" if(!$valxx || $valxx eq "null");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"energy_id=$valxx");
}elsif($_ =~ /node_public/){
$valxx = "t" if($valxx eq "1" || $valxx eq "t");
$valxx = "f" if(!$valxx || $valxx eq "f");
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_='$valxx'");
if($_ =~ /txt01/){
$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"$_='$valxx'");
if(! -d "$varenv{data}/$main_id"){
@ -806,8 +902,7 @@ sub save_relation {
my $uri_path = $dbt->recurse_node($dbh,$main_id);
print "$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows\n";
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/$uri_path?node2edit=edit_relation\&return=$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows");
exit 0;
@ -849,8 +944,7 @@ sub delete_relation {
my $deleteable_subnode = 1;
my $deleteable_node = 1;
my $deleteable_last_node = 1;
#TODO, $subrelnode->{template_id} must be unique in Flotte context
if($subrelnode->{template_id} >= 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} <= 499){
if($subrelnode->{template_id} > 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} < 499){
$deleteable_subnode = 1;
if($collect_rows <= 1){
$deleteable_last_node = 0;
@ -873,7 +967,10 @@ sub delete_relation {
print FILE "delete_relation with $subrelnode->{main_id}, $subrelnode->{template_id}\n" if($debug);
if($deleteable_subnode && $subrelnode->{main_id}){
$dbt->delete_content($dbh,"contentpos","all",$subrelnode->{template_id}) if($subrelnode->{template_id} >= 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} <= 499);
if($subrelnode->{template_id} > 400 && $subrelnode->{template_id} < 499){
$d_rows += $dbt->delete_noderel($dbh,$subrelnode->{main_id});
$d_rows += $dbt->delete_template($dbh,$subrelnode->{template_id});
@ -1108,5 +1205,63 @@ sub operator_accounting {
return $ret;
#CSV Export
sub export_csv {
my $self = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $ct4rel = shift || {};
my $coo = shift || "";
my $time = time;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $scol = "c_id";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my @tpl_order = split(/,/,$node_meta->{tpl_order});
my $csv_export = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ binary => 1, sep_char => ";", eol => "\r\n" });
my $filename_csv_export = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{oprefix}-$node_meta->{node_name}-Export-$time.csv";
my @header_line = ();
open my $csv, ">", "$varenv{csv}/$filename_csv_export" or die "$filename_csv_export: $!\n";
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$val,$size,$title) = split /=/,$_;
push @header_line, $val;
$csv_export->print($csv, \@header_line);#header
foreach my $id (sort {
if($users_dms->{sort_updown} eq "down"){
if ($scol =~ /barcode|int/) {
$ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol} <=> $ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol}
lc($ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol}) cmp lc($ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol})
if ($scol =~ /barcode|int/) {
$ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol} <=> $ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol}
lc($ct4rel->{$a}->{$scol}) cmp lc($ct4rel->{$b}->{$scol})
} keys(%$ct4rel)){
my @line = ();
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$val,$size,$title) = split /=/,$_;
push @line, $ct4rel->{$id}->{$key};
$csv_export->print($csv, \@line);
if( -f "$varenv{basedir}/csv/$filename_csv_export"){
print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.open('$varenv{wwwhost}/FileOut?file=$filename_csv_export\&sessionid=$coo');</script>";
$feedb->{message} = "failure:: Der CSV Export von \"$filename_csv_export\" ist fehlgeschlagen.";
return $feedb;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my @viewsel;
my $depth=0;
my $j=0;
my ($m_id,$uri) = $lb->make_uri5($nodes->{$id}->{main_id},$nodes);
my ($m_id,$uri) = "";#$lb->make_uri5($nodes->{$id}->{main_id},$nodes);
if(($uri =~ /\w\/\w/) && ($uri !~ /000 root/)){
@viewsel = split(/\//,$uri) if($uri =~ /^\/(.*)/);
$depth = scalar(@viewsel);
@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ sub create_account(){
#sharee save_account is always done on primary first
sub save_account(){
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $c_id = shift;
my $varmerch = shift || "";
my $owner = shift || 0;
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my $table = "contentadr";
$q = new CGI;
my @keywords = $q->param;
@ -580,12 +580,12 @@ sub save_account(){
#insert/save/delete DMS users
sub manage_dmsusers {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $base_edit = shift;
my $u_id = shift;
my $users_dms = shift || {};
my $owner = $users_dms->{u_id} || 0;
my $table = "users";
$q = new CGI;
my @keywords = $q->param;
@ -647,9 +647,10 @@ sub manage_dmsusers {
#coupon alias Gutschein
sub save_transact(){
my $self = shift;
my ($c_id,$coo,$owner) = @_;
$q = new CGI;
my $q = shift;
my $c_id = shift || "";
my $coo = shift || "";
my $owner = shift || "";
my @keywords = $q->param;
@ -11,26 +11,17 @@ use CGI::Cookie ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK );
use DBI;
use JSON;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Mod::APIfunc;
use Lib::Config;
use Data::Dumper;
sub handler {
my ($r) = @_;
my $q = new CGI;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $apif = new APIfunc;
my $cf = new Config;
my %varenv = $cf->envonline();
my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $lang="de";
my $main_id = $q->param('main_id');
my $table = $q->param('table');
my $search = $q->param('term');
my @keywords = $q->param;
my @query_output = ();
my $debug=1;
@ -40,25 +31,22 @@ sub handler {
my $users_dms = { u_id => 0 };
my $api_return = { authcookie => '' };
($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$coo,"");
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $varenv{orga} eq "dms" && $coo && length($coo) > 20){
if($users_sharee->{c_id} && $coo && length($coo) > 20){
$users_dms = $dbt->select_users($dbh,$users_sharee->{c_id},"and cookie='$coo'");
print $q->header(-type => "application/json", -charset => "utf-8");
open(FILE,">>/var/log/copri-bike/ajax_json.log") if($debug);
print FILE "$now_dt| u_id:$users_dms->{u_id}|$main_id\n" if($debug);
print FILE "$now_dt| u_id:$users_dms->{u_id}|table:$R::table|template_id:$R::template_id\n" if($debug);
if($users_dms->{u_id} && ($users_dms->{int03} == 2 || $users_dms->{int07} == 2)){
my @val = $q->param($_);
my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val");
if($_ eq "c_idadr"){
$search = $valxx;
print FILE "$_: $valxx\n" if($debug);
if($table eq "users" && $R::faksum){
if($R::table eq "users" && $R::faksum){
my $update_users = {
table => "users",
u_id => $users_dms->{u_id},
@ -67,20 +55,24 @@ sub handler {
my $toggle = 1;
$toggle = 0 if($users_dms->{faksum});
}elsif($table eq "content"){
my $sth = $db->search_json("$table","$lang","$search","$main_id");
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){
}elsif($R::table eq "content"){
my ($rows,$sth) = $dbt->search_json($dbh,$R::table,$R::term,$R::template_id,$R::c_id,$R::catch_equal);
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){
push @query_output, $row;
print FILE Dumper(\@query_output) if($debug);
print JSON::to_json(\@query_output);
}elsif($table eq "contentadr"){
my $sth = $db->search_jsonadr("$table","$lang","$search","$main_id","");
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){
print FILE Dumper(\@query_output) if($debug);
print JSON::to_json(\@query_output);
}elsif($R::table eq "contentadr"){
my ($rows,$sth) = $dbt->search_json($dbh,$R::table,$R::term,$R::template_id,"",$R::catch_equal);
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){
push @query_output, $row;
print FILE Dumper(\@query_output) if($debug);
print JSON::to_json(\@query_output);
print FILE Dumper(\@query_output) if($debug);
print JSON::to_json(\@query_output);
close(FILE) if($debug);
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ print<<EOF
\$(function() {
source: '/ajax_json?main_id=$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id}&table=contentadr',
source: '/ajax_json?table=contentadr&template_id=202&catch_equal=0',
minLength: 2,
select: function(event, ui) {
@ -48,9 +48,19 @@ sub tpl(){
my $lang = "de";
my $dbh = "";
my $rel_id = $1 if($R::rel_id && $R::rel_id =~ /(\d+)/);
my $c_id = "";
#helper to get c_id by rel_id
if($R::rel_id && $R::rel_id =~ /(\d+)/){
my $rel_id = $1;
my $ref_helper = {
table => "$node_meta->{ct_table}",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "$node_meta->{tpl_id}",
rel_id => "$rel_id",
my $ctrel_helper = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$ref_helper);
$c_id = $ctrel_helper->{c_id} if($ctrel_helper->{c_id});
$c_id = $1 if($R::c_id && $R::c_id =~ /(\d+)/);
$c_id = $feedb->{c_id} if($feedb->{c_id});
@ -69,30 +79,30 @@ sub tpl(){
my $rental_feed = {};
my $occupied_style = "";
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" && $node_meta->{tpl_id}){
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "content" && $node_meta->{tpl_id} && $c_id){
my $ref = {
table => "$node_meta->{ct_table}",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "$node_meta->{tpl_id}",
rel_id => "$rel_id",
c_id => "$c_id",
$ctrel = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$ref);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'c_id',-override=>'1', -value=>"$ctrel->{c_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'rel_id',-override=>'1', -value=>"$ctrel->{rel_id}");
$edit = "rel_edit";
$edit = "base_edit";
#$relate_key = "relate_dialog4menu";
$move_key = "move_dialog4menu" if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 205);#only Waren
#$move_key = "move_dialog4menu" if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 205);#only Waren
#$copy_key = "copy_content";
$save_key = "save_content";
$edit_template = "$ctrel->{template_id}";
$tpl = $dbt->get_tpl($dbh,$edit_template);
}elsif($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentadr" && $node_meta->{tpl_id}){
}elsif($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentadr" && $node_meta->{tpl_id} && $c_id){
my $ref = {
table => "$node_meta->{ct_table}",
fetch => "one",
template_id => "$node_meta->{tpl_id}",
rel_id => "$rel_id",
c_id => "$c_id",
$ctrel = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$ref);
print $q->hidden(-name=>'c_id',-override=>'1', -value=>"$ctrel->{c_id}");
@ -307,11 +317,11 @@ print<<EOF
\$(function() {
source: '/ajax_json?mandant_id=catch_equal&table=content',
source: '/ajax_json?table=content&template_id=$node_meta->{template_id}&c_id=$ctrel->{c_id}&catch_equal=1',
minLength: 1,
response: function(event, ui) {
if (ui.content.length === 0) {
\$('#log').text(' neu');
\$('#log').text('bereits angelegt!');
@ -553,8 +563,7 @@ EOF
$oprefix = "$dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{oprefix}" if($node_meta->{tpl_id} == 205);
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>1}, "$oprefix", $q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-style=>"width:$w;",-id=>"json_select",-name=>"$key",-value=>"$ctrel->{$key}", -override=>'1',-size=>"25",-maxlength=>50),"");
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-id=>'log'},""),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>1}, "$oprefix", $q->textfield(-class=>'etxt',-style=>"width:$w;",-id=>"json_select",-name=>"$key",-value=>"$ctrel->{$key}", -override=>'1',-size=>"25",-maxlength=>50),$q->span({-id=>'log'},"")),"\n";
elsif($key =~ /int/ && $size =~ /\w\+\w/ && $postdes eq "reverse"){
my ($a,$b) = split /\+/,$size;
@ -776,10 +785,9 @@ EOF
elsif($key =~ /txt/ && $size =~ /area$/){
$ctrel->{$key} = $q->unescapeHTML("$ctrel->{$key}");
$ctrel->{$key} = $lb->newline($ctrel->{$key},"",1);
my $h= 5;# if($size =~ /area(\d+)/);
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms',-colspan=>1},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms', -colspan=>'3'},$q->textarea(-class=>"etxt", -style=>'border: 1px solid silver;',-rows=>"$h",-cols=>'35em;', -name=>"$key", -override=>'1',-default=>"$ctrel->{$key}")),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms', -colspan=>'3'},$q->textarea(-class=>"etxt", -style=>'border: 1px solid silver; height:3em; width:25em;', -name=>"$key", -override=>'1',-default=>"$ctrel->{$key}")),"\n";
elsif($key =~ /txt/ && $size =~ /area(\d+)/){
$ctrel->{$key} = $q->unescapeHTML("$ctrel->{$key}");
@ -832,7 +840,7 @@ EOF
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>'2'},$q->textfield(-class=>'etxt', -style=>"width:$w;",-name=>"$key", -override=>'1', -default=>"$ctrel->{$key}"), $postdes),"\n";
elsif($key =~ /txt/){
elsif($key =~ /txt/ && $key ne "txt12"){
print $q->Tr();
print $q->td({-class=>'left_italic_cms'},"$des"),"\n";
print $q->td({-class=>'content1_cms',-colspan=>'2'},$q->textfield(-class=>'etxt', -style=>"width:$w;",-name=>"$key", -override=>'1', -default=>"$ctrel->{$key}"), $postdes),"\n";
@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ sub tpl(){
my $days4month = Days_in_Month($year,$mon);
$end_date_time = "$days4month.$mon.$year";
$end_date_time = $cb->datetime_defaults($end_date_time,"dummy",$lang);
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ use Encode;
use Lib::Config;
use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::Prelib;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Date::Calc qw(:all);
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my @keywords = $q->param;
my $cf = new Config;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $pl = new Prelib;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $but = new Buttons;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
@ -66,6 +68,7 @@ sub tpl(){
$path = "$script" . "$path_info";
my $feedb = { message => "" };
my $lang = "de";
my $now_db = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S",localtime(time));
my $dbh = "";
@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $ctf = $db->get_content1("contentuser","$dbt->{sharedms_conf}->{parent_id}");
my ($edit,$new_key,$copy_key,$save_key,$delete_key,$c_id4csv);
my $c_id4csv = "";
my $ct4rel = {};
my $ct4rel_parts = {};
my $k=0;
@ -347,17 +350,18 @@ EOF
my $checked = 0;
$checked = 1 if($users_dms->{faksum});
print $q->div({-class=>"copri_header",-style=>"background-color:$node_meta->{bg_color};"},"$path $redirect | ",$q->checkbox(-name=>" ∑ sum ", -title=>'Faktura Positionen summieren ∑ — kostet Zeit', -onclick=>"postave(1)", -checked=>"$checked"),$q->span({-style=>"$header_style"},"$message"));
print $q->div({-class=>"copri_header",-style=>"background-color:$node_meta->{bg_color};"},"$path $redirect | ",$q->checkbox(-name=>" ∑ sum ", -title=>'Faktura Positionen summieren ∑ — kostet Zeit', -onclick=>"postave(1)", -checked=>"$checked"),$q->span({-style=>"$header_style"},"$message")),"\n";
print $q->div({-class=>"copri_header",-style=>"background-color:$node_meta->{bg_color};"},"$path $redirect",$q->span({-style=>"$header_style"},"$message"));
print $q->div({-class=>"copri_header",-style=>"background-color:$node_meta->{bg_color};"},"$path $redirect",$q->span({-style=>"$header_style"},"$message")),"\n";
print $q->start_form(-name=>'searchform');
print $q->hidden(-name=>'offset', -value=>"$searchref->{offset}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'main_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{main_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'mode', -value=>"manager");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'owner', -value=>"$users_dms->{u_id}");
print $q->hidden(-name=>'template_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{template_id}");
print $q->start_form(-name=>'searchform'),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'offset', -value=>"$searchref->{offset}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'main_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{main_id}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'mode', -value=>"manager"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'owner', -value=>"$users_dms->{u_id}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'template_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{template_id}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'ct_table', -value=>"$node_meta->{ct_table}"),"\n";
my $record_st = { c_id => 0 };
if($table eq "content"){
@ -503,6 +507,7 @@ EOF
$ct4rel = $dbt->search_content($dbh,$searchref,$node_meta,$users_dms,"$main_ids","$tplids","$ct_ids",$v_journal,$ck4ex);
$feedb = $pl->export_csv($node_meta,$users_dms,$ct4rel,$coo) if($ck4ex);
if($node_meta->{node_name} eq "Faktura" || $tplids =~ /218/){
my $v_journalparts = "";
@ -553,28 +558,13 @@ EOF
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;"},""),"\n";
print $q->td({-style=>"background-color:silver;$hstyle"},$but->singlesubmit1("detail_search","search","","width:100%;")),"\n";
my $edit="base_edit";
my $new_key="new_content";
my $a_color = $node_meta->{bg_color} || "yellow";
if($table eq "contentadr"){
#contenttrans | contenttver via ct_trans
if($table eq "contenttrans"){
}elsif($table eq "contenttver"){
#if($node_meta->{parent_id} >= "200000" && $node_meta->{template_id} =~ /202|218/){
if($node_meta->{parent_id} >= 200000){
print $q->td({-style=>"width:25px;background-color:$a_color;$hstyle"}, $but->singlesubmit2glyph("$edit","$new_key","$ib{$new_key}","background-color:$a_color;"));
print $q->hidden(-name=>'open_set_main_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{main_id}") if($table =~ /contenttrans/);
@ -695,9 +685,6 @@ EOF
my $i=0;
$i += 2;
print $q->th({-colspan=>2,-style=>'text-align:left;'},$q->a({-class=>'linknav3', href=>"$varenv{metahost}/pdf/$users_dms->{u_id}-$users_dms->{time4csv}.csv"},"CSV")),"\n";
my $sort_up = "up";
my $sort_down = "down";
$sort_up = "<b>$sort_up</b>" if($users_dms->{sort_updown} eq "up");
@ -705,7 +692,7 @@ EOF
print $q->th($q->a({-class=>"sortnav",-href=>"?sort_updown=up\&offset=$searchref->{offset}\&limit=$searchref->{limit}",-title=>'Aufsteigend sortieren'},"$sort_up"),"|",$q->a({-class=>"sortnav",-href=>"?sort_updown=down\&offset=$searchref->{offset}\&limit=$searchref->{limit}",-title=>'Absteigend sortieren'},"$sort_down")),"\n";
print $q->th(""),"\n";
foreach (@tpl_order){
my ($key,$val,$size,$title) = split /=/,$_;
my $sort_title=" $title";
@ -1284,6 +1271,7 @@ EOF
print "</div>";
$return = $feedb->{message} if($feedb->{message});
return $return;
@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ sub tpl(){
my $dbh = "";
my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname});
my $users_dms_primary = { u_id => 0 };
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int02 >= 1");
$users_dms_primary = $dbt->select_users($dbh_primary,$users_dms->{u_id},"and int08 >= 1");
my $rel = {};
my $ct = {};
if($node_meta->{ct_table} eq "contentuser"){
#Firma alias Kunden-Faktura and Operator-Faktura config
if(($node_meta->{template_id} =~ /196|201/) && $users_dms_primary->{int02} >= 1){
if(($node_meta->{template_id} =~ /196|201/) && $users_dms_primary->{int08} >= 1){
$rel = $db->get_rel4tpl($node_meta->{main_id},$lang,"","$node_meta->{template_id}","","",">0");
$ct = $db->get_content1("contentuser",$rel->{content_id});
}elsif($node_meta->{template_id} == 197 && $users_dms->{int08} >= 1){
@ -123,10 +123,11 @@ sub tpl(){
$table = "contentuser";
$searchref->{table_pos} = "";
$searchref->{template_id_pos} = "";
$searchref->{c_id} = ">::400";
$main_ids = $node_meta->{main_id};
$tpl_ids = $node_meta->{tpl_id};
elsif($node_meta->{tpl_id} >= 400 && $node_meta->{tpl_id} < 500){
elsif($node_meta->{tpl_id} > 400 && $node_meta->{tpl_id} <= 499){
$table = "content";
$searchref->{table_pos} = "contentpos";
$searchref->{template_id_pos} = "$node_meta->{tpl_id}";
@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ print<<EOF
\$(function() {
source: '/ajax_json?mandant_id=$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id}&table=contentadr',
source: '/ajax_json?table=contentadr&template_id=202&catch_equal=0',
minLength: 2,
select: function(event, ui) {
@ -238,6 +239,7 @@ EOF
print $q->hidden(-name=>'mode', -value=>"manager"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'owner', -value=>"$users_dms->{u_id}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'template_id', -value=>"$node_meta->{template_id}"),"\n";
print $q->hidden(-name=>'ct_table', -value=>"$node_meta->{ct_table}"),"\n";
my $hstyle = "width:20px;background-color:$node_meta->{bg_color};border-right: solid thin gray;border-bottom: solid thin gray;";
print $q->start_table({ -style=>'clear:both;', -border=>'0', -width=>'100%',-align=>'center', -cellpadding=>'0', -cellspacing=>'0'}),"\n";
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ print<<EOF
\$(function() {
source: '/ajax_json?main_id=$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{parent_id}&table=content',
source: '/ajax_json?table=content&template_id=224,229&catch_equal=0',
minLength: 2,
select: function(event, ui) {
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ use CGI ':standard';
use Mod::DBtank;
use Data::Dumper;
my $q = new CGI;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
@ -24,12 +23,14 @@ sub new {
sub tpl(){
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $mode = shift || "";
my $varenv = shift;
my $users_sharee = shift || "";
my $feedb = shift || "";
my $session="";
my $session_and="";
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ sub tpl(){
print "<div class='container'>\n";
print "<div id='Contenttxt' style='margin-top:20px;padding-bottom:350px;'>\n";
print "</div>\n";
print "</div>\n";
#print "<script src='$varenv->{js_bootstrap}'></script>\n";
@ -66,12 +67,14 @@ sub tpl(){
#2021-05-05 changed to Mlogic
sub tplselect(){
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift || "";
my $mode = shift || "";
my $varenv = shift;
my $users_sharee = shift || "";
my $feedb = shift || "";
my $sort = "";
my $lang = "de";
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI ':standard';
use Config::General;
use Mod::Libenz;
use Mod::DBtank;
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ sub tpl(){
my $return = shift || "";
my $q = new CGI;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $globalconf_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/global.cfg";
@ -48,21 +50,23 @@ sub tpl(){
print $q->div({-class=>'content2'},"Kreditkartendaten werden von uns nicht gespeichert sondern direkt an unseren Zahlungsdienstleister Payone übermittelt. Deshalb sehen Sie hier nur leere Eingabefelder."),"\n";
#print $q->div({-class=>'content2'}, "Zur Validierung Ihrer Zahlungsdaten wird eine 1,- € Testbuchung vorgenommen. Wir werden nach erfolgreicher Abbuchung den Betrag als Mietgutschrift in Ihrem Account hinterlegen."),"\n";
if($users_sharee->{int03} && $users_sharee->{int03} == 2 && $users_sharee->{txt28} && $users_sharee->{txt28} =~ /\w/){
#print $q->div({-class=>'content2', -style=>'color:#c83434;'},"Ihre Zahlungsdaten konnten nicht erfolgreich validiert werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingaben."),"\n";
if($users_sharee->{int03} && $users_sharee->{int03} == 2 && $users_sharee->{txt28} && $users_sharee->{txt28} =~ /pseudocardpan=\d{19}/ && $users_sharee->{txt28} =~ /(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2})/){
my $cc_datetime = $1 || "";
$cc_datetime = $lb->time4de($cc_datetime,"1") if($cc_datetime);
print $q->div({-class=>'content2', -style=>'color:#009899;'},"Am $cc_datetime wurden Ihre Kreditkartendaten von unserem Zahlungsdienstleister Payone erfolgreich angenommen."),"\n";
#print $q->div({-class=>'content2', -style=>'color:#c83434;'},"Ihre Kreditkartendaten konnten nicht erfolgreich validiert werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingaben."),"\n";
my $ccerror="";
#my $ccerror="Entschuldigung, die Zahlungsart Kreditkarten ist im Augenblick nicht verfügbar.";
$ccerror = "Status not APPROVED" if($R::not_approved);
print "<style type='text/css'>div#ccerror {color:#c83434;} </style>";
print $q->div({-id=>'ccerror'},"$ccerror"),"\n";
print "<style type='text/css'>div#ccerror {color:#c83434;} </style>\n";
print "<div id='ccerror'></div>\n";
<style type="text/css" media="screen, projection">
fieldset {
padding: 1em;
border: 1px solid #$bgcolor1;
width: 275px;
@ -237,20 +241,23 @@ var iframes = new Payone.ClientApi.HostedIFrames(config, request);
// PseudoCardPan; then call your function
} else {
\$('#ccerror').html('Die Kreditkartendaten konnten nicht validiert werden.');
//\$('#ccerror').html('Die Kreditkartendaten konnten nicht validiert werden.');
console.debug("not complete");
function checkCallback(response) {
console.debug('xxxxx' + response);
if (response.status === "VALID") {
document.getElementById("pseudocardpan").value = response.pseudocardpan;
document.getElementById("truncatedcardpan").value = response.truncatedcardpan;
\$('#ccerror').html('Die Kreditkartendaten konnten nicht validiert werden.');
//\$('#ccerror').html('Die Kreditkartendaten konnten nicht validiert werden.');
const element = document.getElementById("ccerror");
element.innerHTML = Date() + " Ihre Kreditkartendaten konnten nicht validiert werden.";
console.debug("not complete 2");
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
initMap="47.976634, 7.825490"
@ -91,6 +92,7 @@
initMap="47.976634, 7.825490"
@ -103,9 +105,25 @@
#reverse app merchant_id
#contact TeilRad GmbH to get access to our single-sign-on with sharee.bike App
id = 298
@ -169,6 +187,10 @@
superu_id = "1234567"
logdir = "/var/log/copri4"
basedir = "/var/www/copri4"
300101 = "Lastenräder"
300103 = "Stadträder"
2 = "public"
3 = "private"
@ -211,6 +233,11 @@
1 = "lesen"
2 = "lesen & schreiben"
move_count = 1
speed = 1
meter = 50
jsscript = "js/mobile_script.js"
style_bootstrap_icons = "external/bootstrap-icons-1.10.2/bootstrap-icons.css"
@ -252,7 +279,14 @@
serviceconfig = "300025"
payment_state = "SEPA-Lastschrift (payone)|Kreditkarte (payone)|Überweisung|Gutschrift"
order_state = "|angerufen|eMail gesendet|in Arbeit|cronjob fail"
order_state = "|Zahlungseingang|Zahlung offen|eMail gesendet|in Arbeit|Betrugsfall"
1 = "1. Zahlungserinnerung"
2 = "2. Zahlungserinnerung"
3 = "1. Mahnung"
4 = "2. Mahnung"
5 = "3. Mahnung"
local_style = "css/local_style20221205.css"
jquery = "external/jquery-3.6.1.min.js"
@ -27,14 +27,15 @@ sub new {
sub tpl(){
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $mode = shift || "";
my $varenv = shift;
my $users_sharee = shift || "";
my $feedb = shift || "";
my $q = new CGI;
my $bw = new Basework;
my $lb = new Libenz;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
@ -143,8 +144,8 @@ sub tpl(){
if($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int03} >= 1 && $users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int03} >= 1){
$mod_active .= "|Faktura";
if($users_dms->{u_id} && $users_dms->{int01} >= 2 && ($users_dms->{int07} >= 1 || $users_dms->{int08} >= 1)){
$mod_active .= "|Einstellung";#trust only if parts editable
if($users_dms->{u_id} && ($users_dms->{int07} >= 1 || $users_dms->{int08} >= 1)){
$mod_active .= "|Einstellung";
###Top Menu
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ sub tpl(){
$aclass = "nav-link" if($node->{$id}->{node_name} =~ /Mietjourna|Alarmjournal|Karte/);
$aclass = "nav-link" if($node->{$id}->{node_name} =~ /Mietjourna|Alarmjournal|Karte|App-feedback/ && $mod_active !~ /Kunden/);
if($users_dms->{u_id} && ($users_dms->{int01} == 2 && $node_meta->{ct_table} =~ /content$/) || ($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id})){
my $url = "$topath/maintainer?node2edit=edit_relation\&main_id=$node->{$id}->{main_id}";
my $url = "$topath?node2edit=edit_relation\&main_id=$node->{$id}->{main_id}";
$lmenu0 = $but->event_button("$topath","$node->{$id}->{node_name}","$node->{$id}->{main_id}","$aclass $mclass","","$users_dms->{u_id}","$url");
$lmenu0 = $but->lo_button("$topath","$node->{$id}->{node_name}","$node->{$id}->{main_id}","$aclass $mclass","","$users_dms->{u_id}");
@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ sub tpl(){
print "<li class='nav-item'> $lmenu0 </li><li><hr class='dropdown-divider'></li>\n";
my $lmenu1 = "";
foreach my $id1 (sort {$node1->{$a}->{n_sort} <=> $node1->{$b}->{n_sort}} keys (%$node1)){
#hide Faktura config or be admin
#hide Operator- and Kunden-Faktura config or be primary admin
if(($node1->{$id1}->{template_id} !~ /196|201/) || ($users_dms_primary->{u_id} && $users_dms_primary->{int02} >= 1)){
my $node2 = $db->collect_noderel($node1->{$id1}->{main_id},$lang,$users_dms->{u_id});
$topath = "/$viewsel[0]/$node->{$id}->{node_name}";
@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ sub tpl(){
$mstyle = "color:white;";
if($users_dms->{u_id} && ($users_dms->{int01} == 2 && $node_meta->{ct_table} =~ /content$/) || ($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id})){
my $url = "$topath/$node1->{$id1}->{node_path}/maintainer?node2edit=edit_relation\&main_id=$node1->{$id1}->{main_id}";
my $url = "$topath/$node1->{$id1}->{node_path}?node2edit=edit_relation\&main_id=$node1->{$id1}->{main_id}";
$lmenu1 = $but->event_button("$topath/$node1->{$id1}->{node_path}","$node1->{$id1}->{node_name}","$node1->{$id1}->{main_id}","dropdown-item $mclass","","$users_dms->{u_id}","$url");
$lmenu1 = $but->lo_button("$topath/$node1->{$id1}->{node_path}","$node1->{$id1}->{node_name}","$node1->{$id1}->{main_id}","dropdown-item $mclass","","$users_dms->{u_id}");
@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ sub tpl(){
$mstyle = "color:white;";
if($users_dms->{u_id} && ($users_dms->{int01} == 2 && $node_meta->{ct_table} =~ /content$/) || ($users_dms->{u_id} == $dbt->{copri_conf}->{superu_id})){
my $url = "$topath/$node1->{$id1}->{node_path}/$node2->{$id2}->{node_path}/maintainer?node2edit=edit_relation\&main_id=$node2->{$id2}->{main_id}";
my $url = "$topath/$node1->{$id1}->{node_path}/$node2->{$id2}->{node_path}?node2edit=edit_relation\&main_id=$node2->{$id2}->{main_id}";
$lmenu2 = $but->event_button("$topath/$node1->{$id1}->{node_path}/$node2->{$id2}->{node_path}","$node2->{$id2}->{node_name}","$node2->{$id2}->{main_id}","dropdown-item $mclass","","$users_dms->{u_id}","$url");
$lmenu2 = $but->lo_button("$topath/$node1->{$id1}->{node_path}/$node2->{$id2}->{node_path}","$node2->{$id2}->{node_name}","$node2->{$id2}->{main_id}","dropdown-item $mclass","","$users_dms->{u_id}");
@ -251,7 +252,6 @@ sub tpl(){
print "</ul>\n";
print "</li>\n";
#end submenu
#}elsif($node->{$id}->{node_name} !~ /Einstellung/ || $users_dms->{u_group} =~ /maintainer/){
print "<li class='nav-item'> $lmenu0 </li>\n";
@ -273,7 +273,11 @@ sub tpl(){
$big2menu .= $but->lia_button("$dbt->{website}->{$key}->{operatorWeb}","Web $key","","","color:#$dbt->{website}->{$key}->{bgcolor1};","") if($dbt->{website}->{$key}->{merchant_id});
foreach my $key (sort keys (%{ $dbt->{appsframe} })) {
$big2menu .= $but->lia_button("$dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{primaryApp}?sessionid=$dbt->{appsframe}->{$key}->{merchant_id}","App $key","","","color:#$dbt->{merchant_ids}->{$dbt->{appsframe}->{$key}->{merchant_id}}->{bgcolor1};","");
if($key eq "shareetool"){
$big2menu .= $but->lia_button("$dbt->{appsframe}->{$key}->{uri}?sessionid=$dbt->{appsframe}->{$key}->{merchant_id}","App $key","","","color:#$dbt->{merchant_ids}->{$dbt->{appsframe}->{$key}->{merchant_id}}->{bgcolor1};","");
$big2menu .= $but->lia_button("$dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{primaryApp}?sessionid=$dbt->{appsframe}->{$key}->{merchant_id}","App $key","","","color:#$dbt->{merchant_ids}->{$dbt->{appsframe}->{$key}->{merchant_id}}->{bgcolor1};","");
print $q->div({-style=>'width:100%;margin:0;padding-top:70px;color:white;'}, ""),"\n";
@ -331,7 +335,7 @@ sub tplselect(){
if($return =~ /failure/ || (ref($feedb) eq "HASH" && $feedb->{message} =~ /failure/)){
#$feedb->{message} .= "\n$return" if($return);
$feedb->{message} = "$return" if($return);
require "Mod/Failure.pm";
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use Mod::Buttons;
use Mod::Libenzdb;
use Mod::DBtank;
use Data::Dumper;
my $q = new CGI;
my $db = new Libenzdb;
my $dbt = new DBtank;
my $but = new Buttons;
@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ sub new {
sub tpl(){
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift;
my $mode = shift || "";
my $varenv = shift;
my $users_sharee = shift || "";
my $feedb = shift || "";
my $user_agent = $q->user_agent();
@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ sub tpl(){
require "Tpl/Karte_osm.pm";
if($project ne "Freiburg"){
@ -270,12 +272,14 @@ EOF
#2021-05-05 changed to Mlogic
sub tplselect(){
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $node_meta = shift;
my $users_dms = shift || "";
my $mode = shift || "";
my $varenv = shift;
my $users_sharee = shift || "";
my $feedb = shift || "";
my $lang = "de";
my $tpl_id = $node_meta->{tpl_id};
Add table
Reference in a new issue