2023-11-22 18:20:08 +00:00

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request GET of the available stations depending on the rental bike groups assigned to the registered user.

key Required Format Comment
authcookie + text>=8 unique encrypted key OR merchant_id
station o text station prefix+number

response list of stations by JSON-Objects

key Required Format Comment
state + text>=8 available-state
description o text<=20 short station description
gps + array GPS: latitude, longitude
station + text station prefix_number
station_group + array deprecated, it is substituted by station_type object
gps_radius + text geofencing by meters around station, for bike return.
uri_operator + text URI of operator-server
station_type + object station values (see example). It can be "cargo" and/or "city" bike objects
operator_data o object operator values (see example)
bikes_occupied o object Implicit returns the json object which is defined in "request=user_bikes_occupied"

station_type describes which bike_group are allowed at the station. Groups are identified by ID. The following groups of bicycles are defined:

Defined group ID's bike type
300101 cargo
300103 city
Keep in mind, each ID is preceded by an operator-prefix. Datatype is array, because each station can have more byke_group

Example REST request=stations_available for authorized users


response sharee JSON defaults + response multiple station objects

 "shareejson" : { 
   ***sharee JSON defaults***
 "WUE9301" : {
            "state" : "available",
            "uri_operator" : "https://shareeapp-wue.example.tld",
            "description" : "Cargo and Citybike Station",
            "operator_data" : {
               "operator_hours" : "Montag, Mittwoch, Freitag 9-12 Uhr",
               "operator_logo" : "",
               "operator_name" : "Test GmbH",
               "operator_email" : "hotline@wuerzburg.demo",
               "operator_phone" : "09876-122222",
               "operator_color" : "#009699"
            "station" : "WUE9301",
            "gps" : {
               "latitude" : "47.99814334149303",
               "longitude" : " 7.765779379576922"
            "gps_radius" : "100",
             "station_type" : {
               "cargo" : {
                  "bike_group" : "WUE300101",
                  "bike_count" : "2"
  "WUE9302" : {
  "bikes_occupied" : {}