Slovenian translations contributed by Clavdia Horvat

This commit is contained in:
lars 2007-05-16 04:45:55 +00:00
parent 2b585fb7d9
commit afeb200651

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ezmlm-web 3.2\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-11 00:27+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-10 20:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-14 15:02+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: tenzin <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -906,87 +906,87 @@ msgstr "Dolžina ključa (byti)"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeyExpires
msgid "Expiration time (years)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Potek časa (leta)"
#: Lang.Misc.Never
msgid "never"
msgstr ""
msgstr "nikoli"
#: Lang.Misc.NoDomainsAvailable
msgid "No domains are available."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ni razpoložljivih domen"
#: Lang.Misc.CopyLinesEnabled
msgid "Add some lines of every original message to automatic replies"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Samodejnim odgovorom dodaj vrstice vsakega prvotnega sporočila "
#: Lang.Misc.CopyLinesNumber
msgid "number of lines"
msgstr ""
msgstr "število vrstic"
#: Lang.Misc.Interfaces.easy
msgid "basic"
msgstr ""
msgstr "osnovno"
#: Lang.Misc.Interfaces.normal
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
msgstr "privzeto"
msgid "expert"
msgstr ""
msgstr "napredno"
#: Lang.Misc.MailAddress
msgid "Mail address"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Poštni naslov"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeAction
msgid "Event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dogodek"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActionDetails
msgid "Details"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Podrobnosti"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.remove
msgid "removed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "odstranjeno"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.add
msgid "added"
msgstr ""
msgstr "dodano"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.manual
msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ročno"
msgid "automatical"
msgstr ""
msgstr "samodejno"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.unknown
msgid "unknown"
msgstr ""
msgstr "neznano"
#: Lang.Misc.Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
msgstr "datum"
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigAdmin
msgid "Remote administrators are (by default) also moderators for subscription and for posting. They may have the permission to (un)subscribe users and to change the text files of the list by sending emails to the mailing list software."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Skrbniki na daljavo so (privzeto) tudi moderatorji za vpisovanje in objave. Imajo dovoljenje za vpis ali izpis uporabnikov in dovoljenje za spreminjanje besedilnih datotek seznama, s pošiljanjem elektronske pošte to the mailing list software"
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigArchive
msgid "The mailing list archive can be accessed by mail. Additionally you will want to create a list archive, if you plan to publish it (e.g. with ezmlm-www)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Arhiv poštnega seznama je dostopen preko pošte. Če nameravate objaviti seznam, boste verjetno želeli ustvariti seznam arhiva (e.g. z ezmlm-www)."
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigProcess
msgid "Modify some message properties, before they are distributed to the subscribers."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Prilagodi lastnosti sporočila preden bo dostavljeno tistim, ki so na seznamu. "
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigMain
msgid "Here you find some settings, that did not fit into any other category."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tu najdete nastavitve, ki niso bile primerne za ostale kategorije"
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigPosting
msgid "The posting configuration determines, who is allowed to send messages to the list and how these mails will be processed."
@ -994,23 +994,23 @@ msgstr ""
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigSub
msgid "Here you may define, who is allowed to subscribe to the list and you can set some details of the subscription process."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tu lahko določite kdo se lahko prijavi na seznam in nastavite podrobnosti procesa vpisovanja - subskripcije. "
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigAll
msgid "This is the complete list of all available properties of the list. Usually it should be easier to use the topic-based configuration pages, but - of course - this is your choice."
msgstr ""
msgstr "To je ves seznam vseh razpoložljivih lastnosti seznama. Pravzaprav bi bilo enostavneje uporabiti topic-based configuration pages, - izbira je seveda vaša."
#: Lang.Introduction.ListDelete
msgid "This mailinglist and everything inside of it will be removed completely."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ta poštni seznam z vso vsebino, bo popolnoma izbrisan"
#: Lang.Introduction.AllowList
msgid "Members of the allow list will not receive outgoing mails, but they have the same rights, as normal subscribers. Usually the allow list will contain mail aliases of subscribers."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Člani seznama \"dovoljeni\" ne bodo prejeli izhodnih sporočil, imajo pa enake pravice kot ostali prijavljeni. Navadno ta seznam vsebuje vzdevke, ki jih prijavljeni uporabljajo za svoj poštni naslov. "
#: Lang.Introduction.DenyList
msgid "If you want to prevent specific mail addresses from using this list (subscription, posting, ...), then you should add them to the deny list and activate it. This can be useful for annoying people and even for notorious vacation reply users. But since it is fairly easy to fake an mail address, this will not really improve security."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Če želite določenim poštnim naslovom preprečiti, da bi uporabljali ta seznam ali se vpisali, ali, da bi objavljali, potem jih dodajte na seznam \"zavrni\" in naslove aktivirajte. Uporabno, kadar se želite znebiti zateženih uporabnikov, ali(notorious vacation reply) uporabnikov. Ker pa ni ravno težko ponarediti poštnega naslova, vam to ne bo pomagalo izboljšati varnosti. "
#: Lang.Introduction.DigestList
msgid "Some users of your mailing list may prefer to receive a regular digest instead of all mailing list messages. They will usually not take part in discussions, but aret somehow interested anyway."
@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: Lang.Introduction.ModList
msgid "Moderators (for posting or subscription) and remote administrators can be allowed to manage the most important parts of mailing list administration: moderating subscription and posting, changing filtering rules, and managing users. Moderators may even be configured to be the only ones, who are allowed to send mails to the mailing list."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Moderatorjem (za objave in prijave) in skrbnikom na daljavo je dovoljeno upravljanje z najpomembnejšimi deli administracije poštnega seznama; moderiranje vpisovanja in objav, spreminjanje in določanje pravil filtriranja in upravljanje uporabnikov. Moderatorji so lahko tudi edini, ki jim je dovoljeno pošiljanje pošte na poštne sezname. "
#: Lang.Introduction.SubscriberList
msgid "Subscribers of a mailing list will receive all outgoing message of the list. They may also be allowed to post messages directly or moderated. Usually anonymous users are able to subscribe and unsubscribe without the help of an administrator - but of course, you may configure this to suit your needs."