added a script to check language files
README updated fatal error behaviour improved failure behaviour for non-existing listdir changed disable webusers textfield if the file does not exist reduced list per column to 15
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 178 additions and 125 deletions
@ -123,40 +123,53 @@ ezmlm-web v3.0) from
IV. Files
In this distribution you should find eight files;
In this distribution you should find the following files;
README This file. Provides some background information.
Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
README (optional) This file. Provides some background information.
INSTALL Notes on installation. Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
INSTALL (optional) Notes on installation.
CHANGES The change history. Not needed to run ezmlm-web
INSTALL.clearsilver (optional) Notes on the installation of clearsilver.
TODO This file is a list of things I intend doing in future
versions of ezmlm-web. Not needed to run ezmlm-web.
CHANGES (optional) The change history.
ezmlm-web.cgi The ezmlm-web script proper. This program requires that
you have perl5 installed on your machine and that your web
server is capable of running CGI scripts.
UPGRADING (optional) Notes on upgrading ezmlm-web from a previous version.
index.c A C wrapper to allow ezmlm-web.cgi to run suid. Not
strictly necessary if your setup allows perl scripts to
run suid, but I prefer using wrappers anyway. It needs to
be edited and compiled to suit your system. Not needed to
run ezmlm-web.
TODO (optional) This file is a list of things I intend doing in future
versions of ezmlm-web.
ezmlmwebrc This is the configuration file for ezmlm-web. All options
are explained in this example file. You will need this
file to run ezmlm-web.
ezmlm-web.cgi (required) The ezmlm-web cgi script in perl. You will need it :)
htaccess.sample A sample Apache .htaccess file for controlling access to
the mailing lists. If you use another web server, you will
have to work this bit out for yourself.
index.c (recommended) A C wrapper to allow ezmlm-web.cgi to run
suid. Not strictly necessary if your setup allows perl scripts
to run suid, but I prefer using wrappers anyway. It needs to
be edited and compiled to suit your system. Not needed to
run ezmlm-web.
webusers.sample A sample webusers file for multi-level access control.
ezmlmwebrc (required) This is the configuration file for ezmlm-web.
All options are explained in this example file. You will need
this file to run ezmlm-web.
The directory "lang" contains the language files. You will need at least the
one, that you have choosen in "ezmlmwebrc" by the option "HTML_LANGUAGE".
htaccess.sample (recommended) A sample Apache .htaccess file for controlling access to
the mailing lists. If you use another web server, you will
have to work this bit out for yourself.
webusers.sample (recommended) A sample webusers file for multi-level access control.
lang (directory, required) It contains the language files. You will need
at least the one, that you have choosen in "ezmlmwebrc" by
the option "HTML_LANGUAGE".
css (directory, recommended) Here you find available css stylesheet files.
Pick the one you like (for now, there is only one choice :)) and
set it up by pointing the "HTML_CSS_FILE" setting in your
"ezmlmwebrc" to an appropriate URL.
template (directory, required) The clearsilver template files in this
directory defined the layout of the web interface. You should be able
to adapt them to your needs, if you like.
spec (directory, optional) Some development specific information.
V. Notes
@ -188,30 +201,27 @@ of constraints come into place.
- The webusers file is scanned for either the list name (case insensitive) or
an ALL (case sensitive) entry.
- The list entry (or ALL) is scanned for the current user (as set in
$REMOTE_USER) or an ALL entry.
$REMOTE_USER) or an ALL (user) entry.
- If any valid match is made, then the user is allowed to edit the list.
Otherwise the user is politely told to go away ;-)
If list creation is allowed and the webusers file exists, then the person who
creates the list is the default owner. As of yet there is no way to create users
through the web interface, but I intend to do this eventually.
creates the list is the default owner. There is no way to create users
through the web interface, as this depends on your authentication system.
The format of a webusers file is as follows;
list1: user1, user2, user3
ALL: user1, user2
list1: user1 user2 user3
ALL: user1 user2
list2: ALL
ie; listname colon (:) and a comma (,) separated list of users. Spaces are
ignored but each list must appear on a new line.
Once this file exists, the ezmlm-web script will allow the list users to
configure their access lists along with any other options.
You can permit some users to create lists by adding a line similar to the
following to your webusers file:
ALLOW_CREATE: user2, user3
ALLOW_CREATE: user2 user3
If there is no line starting with "ALLOW_CREATE:" in the webusers file, then
no one will be allowed to create lists. This behaviour is new for ezmlm-web
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if(defined($opt_C)) {
} elsif(-e "/etc/ezmlm/ezmlmwebrc") {
require "/etc/ezmlm/ezmlmwebrc"; # System
} else {
die "Unable to read config file";
&fatal_error("Unable to read config file");
# Allow suid wrapper to over-ride default list directory ...
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ if (defined($MAIL_DOMAIN) && ($MAIL_DOMAIN ne '')) {
} else {
# Work out default domain name from qmail (for David Summers)
open (GETHOST, "<$QMAIL_BASE/defaultdomain") || open (GETHOST, "<$QMAIL_BASE/me") || die "Unable to read $QMAIL_BASE/me: $!";
open (GETHOST, "<$QMAIL_BASE/defaultdomain") || open (GETHOST, "<$QMAIL_BASE/me") || &fatal_error("Unable to read $QMAIL_BASE/me: $!");
close GETHOST;
@ -267,9 +267,15 @@ elsif ($action eq '' || $action eq 'list_select') {
$error = 'UnknownAction';
# read the current state
# read the current state (after the changes are done)
# set default action, if there is no list available and the user is
# allowed to create a new one
if (($action eq '') && (&webauth_create_allowed()) && ($pagedata->getValue('Data.Lists.0','') eq '')) {
$pagename = 'list_create';
# Print page and exit :) ...
@ -284,7 +290,9 @@ sub load_hdf {
$hdf->readFile($LANGUAGE_DIR . '/' . $HTML_LANGUAGE . '.hdf');
# TODO: check for existence
&fatal_error("Template dir ($TEMPLATE_DIR) not found!") unless (-e $TEMPLATE_DIR);
$hdf->setValue("TemplateDir", "$TEMPLATE_DIR/");
&fatal_error("Language data dir ($LANGUAGE_DIR) not found!") unless (-e $LANGUAGE_DIR);
$hdf->setValue("LanguageDir", "$LANGUAGE_DIR/");
$hdf->setValue("ScriptName", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'});
$hdf->setValue("Stylesheet", "$HTML_CSS_FILE");
@ -306,8 +314,8 @@ sub output_page {
$pagedata->setValue('Data.Action', "$pagename");
my $pagefile = $TEMPLATE_DIR . "/main.cs";
die "main template ($pagefile) not found!" unless (-e "$pagefile");
die "sub template ($TEMPLATE_DIR/$pagename.cs) not found!" unless (-e "$TEMPLATE_DIR/$pagename.cs");
&fatal_error("main template ($pagefile) not found!") unless (-e "$pagefile");
&fatal_error("sub template ($TEMPLATE_DIR/$pagename.cs) not found!") unless (-e "$TEMPLATE_DIR/$pagename.cs");
# print http header
print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
@ -319,80 +327,86 @@ sub output_page {
print $cs->render();
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub set_pagedata_list_of_lists()
my (@files, $i, $num);
# Read the list directory for mailing lists.
return (0==0) unless (opendir DIR, $LIST_DIR);
@files = sort grep !/^\./, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
$num = 0;
# Check that they actually are lists and add good ones to pagedata ...
foreach $i (0 .. $#files) {
if ((-e "$LIST_DIR/$files[$i]/lock") && (&webauth($files[$i]))) {
$pagedata->setValue("Data.Lists." . $num, "$files[$i]");
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub set_pagedata()
my (@lists, @files, $i, $item);
my ($hostname, $username);
# Read the list directory for mailing lists.
unless (opendir DIR, $LIST_DIR) {
$warning = 'ListDirAccessDenied';
return (1==0);
# read available list of lists
# username and hostname
# Work out if this user has a virtual host and set input accordingly ...
if(-e "$QMAIL_BASE/virtualdomains") {
open(VD, "<$QMAIL_BASE/virtualdomains") || warn "Can't read virtual domains file: $!";
while(<VD>) {
last if(($hostname) = /(.+?):$USER/);
close VD;
@files = sort grep !/^\./, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
# Check that they actually are lists and add good ones to pagedata ...
my $num = 0;
foreach $i (0 .. $#files) {
if ((-e "$LIST_DIR/$files[$i]/lock") && (&webauth($files[$i]))) {
$pagedata->setValue("Data.Lists." . $num, "$files[$i]");
# list specific configuration
if ($q->param('list') ne '' )
} else {
if(!defined($hostname)) {
$username = "$USER-" if ($USER ne $ALIAS_USER);
$hostname = $DEFAULT_HOST;
$pagedata->setValue("Data.UserName", "$username");
$pagedata->setValue("Data.HostName", "$hostname");
# username and hostname
my ($hostname, $username);
# Work out if this user has a virtual host and set input accordingly ...
if(-e "$QMAIL_BASE/virtualdomains") {
open(VD, "<$QMAIL_BASE/virtualdomains") || warn "Can't read virtual domains file: $!";
while(<VD>) {
last if(($hostname) = /(.+?):$USER/);
close VD;
if(!defined($hostname)) {
$username = "$USER-" if ($USER ne $ALIAS_USER);
$hostname = $DEFAULT_HOST;
$pagedata->setValue("Data.UserName", "$username");
$pagedata->setValue("Data.HostName", "$hostname");
# modules
# TODO: someone should test, if the mysql support works
$pagedata->setValue("Data.Modules.MySQL", ($Mail::Ezmlm::MYSQL_BASE)? 1 : 0);
# modules
# TODO: someone should test, if the mysql support works
$pagedata->setValue("Data.Modules.MySQL", ($Mail::Ezmlm::MYSQL_BASE)? 1 : 0);
# permissions
$pagedata->setValue("Data.Permissions.Create", (&webauth_create_allowed)? 1 : 0 );
$pagedata->setValue("Data.Permissions.FileUpload", ($FILE_UPLOAD)? 1 : 0);
# permissions
$pagedata->setValue("Data.Permissions.Create", (&webauth_create_allowed)? 1 : 0 );
$pagedata->setValue("Data.Permissions.FileUpload", ($FILE_UPLOAD)? 1 : 0);
# display webuser textfield?
$pagedata->setValue("", (-e "$WEBUSERS_FILE")? 1 : 0);
# default username for webuser file
$pagedata->setValue("Data.WebUser.UserName", $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}||'ALL');
# display webuser textfield?
$pagedata->setValue("", (-e "$WEBUSERS_FILE")? 1 : 0);
# default username for webuser file
$pagedata->setValue("Data.WebUser.UserName", $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}||'ALL');
# list specific configuration
if ($q->param('list') ne '' )
} else {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub set_pagedata4list
my $part_type = shift;
my ($list, $listname, $webusers);
my ($i, $item, @files);
my ($address, $addr_name, %pretty);
$listname = $q->param('list');
@ -406,14 +420,11 @@ sub set_pagedata4list
$pagedata->setValue("Data.List.Name", "$listname");
$pagedata->setValue("Data.List.Address", &this_listaddress);
&set_pagedata4part_list($part_type) if ($part_type ne '');
$i = 0;
my $address;
my $addr_name;
my %pretty;
tie %pretty, "DB_File", "$LIST_DIR/$listname/webnames" if ($PRETTY_NAMES);
# TODO: use "pretty" output style for visible mail address
foreach $address (sort $list->subscribers($part_type)) {
if ($address ne '') {
$pagedata->setValue("Data.List.Subscribers." . $i . '.address', "$address");
@ -468,20 +479,17 @@ sub set_pagedata4list
if (opendir DIR, "$listDir/text") {
@files = grep !/^\./, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
$i = 0;
foreach $item (@files) {
$pagedata->setValue("Data.List.Files." . $i, "$item");
} else {
$warning = 'TextDirAccessDenied' if ($warning eq '')
$i = 0;
my $item;
foreach $item (@files) {
$pagedata->setValue("Data.List.Files." . $i, "$item");
# text file specified?
if ($q->param('file') ne '')
if (($q->param('file') ne '') && ($q->param('file') =~ m/^[\w-]*$/)) {
my ($content);
$content = $list->getpart("text/" . $q->param('file'));
from_to($content,$TEXT_ENCODE,'utf8'); # by ooyama for multibyte
@ -623,7 +631,7 @@ sub delete_list {
$warning = 'UnsafeRemoveListDirFailed';
return (1==0);
opendir(DIR, "$HOME_DIR") or die "Unable to get directory listing: $!";
opendir(DIR, "$HOME_DIR") or &fatal_error("Unable to get directory listing: $!");
my @files = map { "$HOME_DIR/$1" if m{^(\.qmail.+)$} } grep { /^\.qmail-$listaddress/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
if (unlink(@files) <= 0) {
@ -832,7 +840,7 @@ sub create_list {
# Check if the list directory exists and create if necessary ...
unless ((-e $LIST_DIR) || (mkdir $LIST_DIR, 0700)) {
warn "Unable to create directory ($LIST_DIR): $!";
$error = 'ListDirUnavailable';
$warning = 'ListDirAccessDenied';
return (1==0);
@ -1111,7 +1119,6 @@ sub save_text {
my ($list) = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/" . $q->param('list'));
my ($content) = $q->param('content');
# TODO: is "utf8" instead of "utf-8" correct?
from_to($content,'utf8',$TEXT_ENCODE); # by ooyama for multibyte
unless ($list->setpart("text/" . $q->param('file'), $content)) {
$warning = 'SaveFile';
@ -1211,6 +1218,19 @@ sub rmtree {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub fatal_error() {
my $text = shift;
print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
print "<html><head>\n";
print "<title>ezmlm-web</title></head>\n";
print "<body><h1>a fatal error occoured!</h1>\n";
print "<p><strong><big>$text</big></strong></p>\n";
print "<p>check the error log of your web server for details</p>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
die "$text";
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End of ezmlm-web.cgi v2.3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
#$Id: htaccess.sample,v 1.1 2000/01/29 11:35:40 guy Exp $
#order deny,allow
#deny from all
#allow from
AuthName "EZ Mailing List Manager
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/ezmlm/.htusers
require valid-user
AuthName "EZ Mailing List Manager"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/ezmlm/.htusers
require valid-user
@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ Lang {
ErrorMessage {
UnknownAction = Diese Aktion ist undefiniert!
ParameterMissing = Diese Aktion benätigt weitere Parameter!
Forbidden = Fehler: dir fehlen die notwendigen Rechte für diese Aktion
ListDirUnavailable = Fehler beim Zugriff auf das Hauptverzeichnis der Listen!
Forbidden = Fehler: dir fehlen die notwendigen Rechte für diese Aktion
InvalidFileName = Der Dateiname ist nicht zulässig.
UnknownConfigPage = Die gähle Konfigurations-Seite existiert nicht!
@ -166,6 +165,7 @@ Lang {
AcceptanceAddress = die Zustimmungsadresse
RejectionAddress = die Ablehnungsadresse
SuggestDefaultPath = Ansonsten musst du diese Mitglieder per Hand verwalten.
PostModPathWarn = Die Nachrichten-ModeratorInnen werden nicht an ihrem üblichen Ort gespeichert.
SubModPathWarn = Die Einschreibe-ModeratorInnen werden nicht an ihrem üblichen Ort gespeichert.
RemoteAdminPathWarn = Die Fern-AdministratorInnen werden nicht an ihrem üblichen Ort gespeichert.
@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ Lang {
ErrorMessage {
UnknownAction = this action is undefined
ParameterMissing = this action needs one or more parameters
Forbidden = Error: you are not allowed to do this!
ListDirUnavailable = Could not create the list directory!
Forbidden = Error: you are not allowed to do this!
InvalidFileName = The name of the file is invalid!
UnknownConfigPage = The chosen config page is invalid!
@ -78,9 +77,9 @@ Lang {
ListNameAlreadyExists = There is already a list with this name!
ListAddressAlreadyExists = There is already a list with this address!
ListDoesNotExist = A list with this name does not exist!
ListDirAccessDenied = Unable to access the list's directory:
TextDirAccessDenied = Unable to access the list's directory of text files:
SafeRemoveRenameDirFailed = Unable to rename list for safe removal:
ListDirAccessDenied = Unable to access the list's directory
TextDirAccessDenied = Unable to access the list's directory of text files
SafeRemoveRenameDirFailed = Unable to rename list for safe removal
DotQmailDirAccessDenied = Unable to read the mail user's home directory for .qmail files
SafeRemoveMoveDotQmailFailed = Unable to move .qmail files
UnsafeRemoveListDirFailed = Unable to delete list
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ Lang {
ListAddress = List Address
ListOptions = Basic List Options
AllowedToEdit = Users allowed to edit this list via web interface:
HeaderRemove = Headers to strip from all outgoing mail
HeaderRemove = Headers to strip from every outgoing mail
HeaderAdd = Headers to add to all outgoing mail
MimeRemove = Mime types to strip from all outgoing mail
MimeReject = Messages containing any of these mime type will be rejected
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# compare the defined fields of a language file with the english translation
# nice for finding unavailable definitions
# Parameter: LANGUAGE
# (e.g. "de")
set -u
LANG_DIR=$(dirname $0)/../lang
TMP_FILE1=/tmp/$(basename $0)-$$-1
TMP_FILE2=/tmp/$(basename $0)-$$-2
[ $# -ne 1 ] && echo -e "Syntax: $(basename $0) LANGUAGE\n" >&2 && exit 1
grep "=" "$LANG_DIR/${DEFAULT_LANG}.hdf" | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*#" | cut -f 1 -d "=" >"$TMP_FILE1"
grep "=" "$LANG_DIR/${1}.hdf" | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*#" | cut -f 1 -d "=" >"$TMP_FILE2"
diff -wu "$TMP_FILE1" "$TMP_FILE2"
rm "$TMP_FILE1" "$TMP_FILE2"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
comm: guy, arb
comm: guy arb
users: arb
members: ALL
ALL: root
ALLOW_CREATE: root, guy
ALLOW_CREATE: root guy
Add table
Reference in a new issue