moving around

This commit is contained in:
lars 2006-05-12 16:56:15 +00:00
parent e73d969053
commit 4142e11913
255 changed files with 0 additions and 3474 deletions

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@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <>
# License: This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
# of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# this script does EVERYTHING
# all other scripts are only frontends :)
# called by:
# - some rc-scripts
# - the web frontend cgi
# TODO: check permissions and owners of config files, directories and scripts before
# running
set -eu
# define reasonable defaults
# read the default setting file, if it exists
[ -e /etc/default/cryptobox ] && . /etc/default/cryptobox
# parse config file
# check for writable log file
[ -w "$LOG_FILE" ] || LOG_FILE=/tmp/$(basename "$LOG_FILE")
## configuration
######## stuff ##########
ALL_PARTITIONS=$(cat /proc/partitions | sed '1,2d; s/ */ /g; s/^ *//' | cut -d " " -f 4)
function log_msg()
# the log file is not writable during boot - try before writing ...
[ -w "$LOG_FILE" ] || return 0
echo >>"$LOG_FILE"
echo "##### `date` #####" >>"$LOG_FILE"
echo "$1" >>"$LOG_FILE"
function error_msg()
# parameters: ExitCode ErrorMessage
echo "[`date`] - $2" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" >&2
# print the execution stack - not usable with busybox
# caller | sed 's/^/\t/' >&2
exit "$1"
function config_set_value()
# parameters: SettingName [SettingValue]
# read from stdin if SettingValue is not defined
[ "$USE_SEPERATE_CONFIG_PARTITION" = "1" ] && sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" remount_config rw
if [ $# -gt 1 ]
then echo -n "$2" > "$CONFIG_DIR/$1"
else cat - >"$CONFIG_DIR/$1"
[ "$USE_SEPERATE_CONFIG_PARTITION" = "1" ] && sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" remount_config ro
function config_get_value()
# parameters: SettingName
# use mounted config, if it exists - otherwise use defaults
local conf_dir
if is_config_active
then conf_dir=$CONFIG_DIR
else conf_dir=$CONFIG_DEFAULTS_DIR
[ -z "$1" ] && error_msg 1 "empty setting name"
# check for existence - maybe use default values (for old releases without this setting)
if [ ! -e "$conf_dir/$1" ]
then case "$1" in
# you may place default values for older versions here
# for compatibility
* )
error_msg 2 "unknown configuration value ($1)"
# empty output
else echo -n $(cat "$conf_dir/$1")
# this removes the trailing line break
# always return without error
function create_config()
# Parameter: device
local device=$1
# create the new configuration filesystem if it is not static
then log_msg "Using static configuration ..."
else log_msg "Creating config filesystem ..."
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" create_config "$device"
log_msg "Mounting config partition ..."
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" mount_config "$device"
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" remount_config rw
log_msg "Copying configuration defaults ..."
log_msg "Copying temporary certificate file to config filesystem ..."
# beware: the temp file should always be there - even after reboot - see "load_config"
[ "$USE_STUNNEL" = 1 ] && cp -p "$CERT_TEMP" "$CERT_FILE"
log_msg "Setting inital values ..."
# beware: config_set_value remounts the config partition read-only
config_set_value "ip" "$(get_current_ip)"
# create database of readable names
config_set_value "names.db" ""
# create a marker to recognize a cryptobox partition
# this should be the last step, to prevent a half-initialized state
config_set_value "$CONFIG_MARKER" "$(date -I)"
function get_current_ip()
# not necessarily the same as configured (necessary for validation)
# filter the output of ifconfig and remove trailing line break
echo -n $("$IFCONFIG" "$NET_IFACE" | grep "inet" | cut -d ":" -f2 | cut -d " " -f1)
function list_partitions_of_type()
# parameter: { config | crypto | plaindata | unused }
local config=
local crypto=
local plaindata=
local unused=
do if sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" is_crypto_partition "/dev/$a"
then crypto="$crypto /dev/$a"
elif sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" is_config_partition "/dev/$a"
then config="$config /dev/$a"
elif sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" is_plaindata_partition "/dev/$a"
then plaindata="$plaindata /dev/$a"
else unused="$unused /dev/$a"
case "$1" in
config | crypto | plaindata | unused )
# dirty hack, but it works
eval "echo \$$1"
* )
errot_msg "wrong parameter ($1) for list_partition_types in $(basename $0)"
esac | tr " " "\n" | grep -v '^$'
function get_crypto_uuid()
# Parameter: DEVICE
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" get_device_name "$1"
function get_crypto_name()
# Parameter: DEVICE
# return the readable name of the crypto container, it it is already defined
# if undefined - return the uuid
local uuid=$(get_crypto_uuid "$1")
local dbname=$(config_get_value "names.db" | grep "^$uuid:" | cut -d ":" -f 2-)
if [ -z "$dbname" ]
then echo -n "$uuid"
else echo -n "$dbname"
function set_crypto_name()
# TODO: the implementation is quite ugly, but it works (tm)
# Parameter: DEVICE NAME
local uuid=$(get_crypto_uuid "$1")
# remove the old setting for this device and every possible entry with the same name
(config_get_value 'names.db' | sed "/^$uuid:/d; /^[^:]*:$2$/d"; echo "$uuid:$2") | config_set_value 'names.db'
function does_crypto_name_exist()
# Parameter: NAME
config_get_value 'names.db' | grep -q "^[^:]*:$1$"
function create_crypto()
# keyfile is necessary, to allow background execution via 'at'
# TODO: check if the keyfile is still necessary for sudo -b
local device=$1
local name=$2
local keyfile=$3
# otherwise the web interface will hang
# passphrase may be passed via command line
local key=$(<"$keyfile")
# remove the passphrase-file as soon as possible
dd if=/dev/zero of="$keyfile" bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null
rm "$keyfile"
log_msg "Creating crypto partition with the cipher $DEFAULT_CIPHER on $device"
echo "$key" | sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" create_crypto "$device"
set_crypto_name "$device" "$name"
function is_config_active()
function is_crypto_mounted()
# Parameter: DEVICE
local name=$(get_crypto_uuid "$1")
[ -n "$name" ] && mountpoint -q "$MNT_PARENT/$name"
function is_init_running()
check_at_command_queue " init"
# check if a specified command is in an at-queue
# Parameter: a regular expression of the commandline
# Return: the command is part of an at-queue (0) or not (1)
function check_at_command_queue()
# 1) get the available job numbers
# 2) remove empty lines (especially the last one)
# 3) check every associated command for the regexp
at -l | cut -f 1 | while read jobnum
do at -c $jobnum | sed '/^$/d' | tail -1
done | grep -q "$1"
function find_harddisk()
# look for the harddisk to be partitioned
local device=$(get_available_disks | head -1)
if [ -z "$device" ] ; then
log_msg "no valid harddisk for initialisation found!"
cat /proc/partitions >>"$LOG_FILE"
# do not return with an error, to avoid a failing of the script ('break on error')
# the caller of this function should handle an empty return string
echo -n "$device"
function get_available_disks()
# looks which allowed disks are at the moment connected with the cbox
for scan in $SCAN_DEVICES
do for avail in $ALL_PARTITIONS
do [ "$scan" = "$avail" ] && echo "/dev/$avail"
function load_config()
local status=0
# look for a configuration partition
list_partitions_of_type config | while read part && [ "$status" = 0 ]
do log_msg "Trying to load configuration from /dev/$part ..."
if sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" is_config_partition "/dev/$part"
then log_msg "configuraton found on $part"
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" mount_config "/dev/$part"
if is_config_active
then # copy certificate to /tmp in case of re-initialization
# /tmp should be writable, so tmpfs has to be mounted before (/etc/rcS.d)
[ "$USE_STUNNEL" = 1 ] && cp "$CERT_FILE" "$CERT_TEMP"
else log_msg "failed to locate config partition"
return 1
function unload_config()
is_config_active || return
# only try to unmount, if it is not static (the config of a live-cd is always dynamic)
then sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" umount_config
else true
function mount_crypto()
# Parameter: DEVICE
local device=$1
[ -z "$device" ] && error_msg 4 'No valid harddisk found!' && return 1
is_crypto_mounted "$device" && echo "The crypto filesystem is already active!" && return
# passphrase is read from stdin
log_msg "Mounting a crypto partition from $device"
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" mount "$device" >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1
function umount_crypto()
# Parameter: DEVICE
local device=$1
local uuid=$(get_crypto_uuid $device)
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" umount "$uuid"
function box_purge()
# removing just the first bytes from the harddisk should be enough
# every harddisk will be overriden!
# TODO: not ALL harddisks, please!
get_available_disks | while read a
do log_msg "Purging $a ..."
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" trash_device "$a"
function init_cryptobox()
# this is only the first part of initialisation that takes no time - good for a smooth web interface
local device=$(find_harddisk)
[ -z "$device" ] && log_msg 'No valid harddisk found!' && return 1
unload_config || true
log_msg "Partitioning the device ($device) ..."
sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" partition_disk "$device" "0,1,L \n,,L\n"
log_msg "Initializing config partition on ${device}1 ..."
# TODO: this should not be hard-coded
create_config "${device}1"
function turn_off_all_crypto()
list_crypto_containers | while read a
do is_crypto_mounted "$a" && umount_crypto "$a"
### main ###
# set PATH because thttpd removes /sbin and /usr/sbin for cgis
export PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
[ $# -gt 0 ] && ACTION=$1 && shift
case "$ACTION" in
config-up )
if load_config
then echo "Cryptobox configuration successfully loaded"
else error_msg 0 "Could not find a configuration partition!"
config-down )
unload_config || error_msg 4 "Could not unmount configuration partition"
network-up )
if [ "$SKIP_NETWORK_CONFIG" != 1 ]
then conf_ip=$(config_get_value "ip")
log_msg "Configuring $NET_IFACE for $conf_ip ..."
echo "Configuring network interface for $NET_IFACE: $conf_ip"
"$IFCONFIG" "$NET_IFACE" "$conf_ip"
then log_msg "Starting the firewall ..."
if [ "$USE_STUNNEL" = 1 ]
then # start stunnel
if [ -f "$CERT_FILE" ]
# TODO: this could be dangerous - right?
# this is necessary, to allow www-data to copy the certificate
chown "$WEB_USER" "$CERT_TEMP"
log_msg "Starting stunnel ..."
stunnel -p "$USE_CERT" -r localhost:80 -d 443 \
|| echo "$USE_CERT not found - not starting stunnel"
network-down )
then log_msg "Stopping the firewall ..."
if [ "$USE_STUNNEL" = 1 ]
then log_msg "Stopping stunnel ..."
# TODO: what about a pid?
killall stunnel 2>/dev/null || true
if [ "$SKIP_NETWORK_CONFIG" != 1 ]
then log_msg "Shutting the network interface down ..."
services-up )
# the mount point has to be writeable
# this action is called as root - so we are allowed to umount
# TODO: do this only for ro-filesystem
# TODO: this way of mounting is evil
if mountpoint -q "$MNT_PARENT"
then true
else mount -t tmpfs tmpfs "$MNT_PARENT"
services-down )
# this action is called as root - so we are allowed to umount
mountpoint -q "$MNT_PARENT" && umount "$MNT_PARENT"
# TODO: we should not depend on samba and thttpd
# /etc/init.d/samba stop || true
# /etc/init.d/thttpd stop || true
crypto-up )
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg "invalid number of parameters for 'crypto-up'"
mount_crypto "$1"
crypto-down )
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg "invalid number of parameters for 'crypto-down'"
umount_crypto "$1"
init )
init_cryptobox </dev/null >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1
crypto-create )
# Parameter: DEVICE NAME
[ $# -ne 2 ] && error_msg "invalid number of parameters for 'crypto-create'"
# do it in the background to provide a smoother web interface
# messages and errors get written to $LOG_FILE
keyfile=/tmp/$(basename "$0")-passphrase-$(basename "$1")
# read the password
cat - >"$keyfile"
# execute it in the background
echo "'$0' crypto-create-bg '$1' '$2' '$keyfile' </dev/null >>'$LOG_FILE' 2>&1" | at now
crypto-create-bg )
create_crypto "$@"
crypto-list )
list_partitions_of_type crypto
crypto-list-unused )
list_partitions_of_type unused
crypto-name )
# Parameter: DEVICE
get_crypto_name "$1"
is_crypto_mounted )
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 10 "invalid number of parameters for 'is_crypto_mounted'"
is_crypto_mounted "$1"
is_config_mounted )
is_init_running )
is_harddisk_available )
[ -z "$(find_harddisk)" ] && exit 1
exit 0
update_ip_address )
# reconfigure the network interface to a new IP address
# wait for 5 seconds to finish present http requests
if [ "$SKIP_NETWORK_CONFIG" != 1 ]
then echo -n "sleep 5; sudo $ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT update_network" | at now
get_available_disks )
get_current_ip )
set_config )
[ $# -ne 2 ] && error_msg 7 "'set_config' requires two parameters"
config_set_value "$1" "$2"
get_config )
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 6 "'get_config' requires exactly one parameter"
config_get_value "$1"
diskinfo )
get_available_disks | while read a
do sudo "$ROOT_PERM_SCRIPT" diskinfo "$a"
box-purge )
log_msg "Cleaning the CryptoBox ..."
"$0" config-down
box_purge >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1
poweroff )
log_msg "Turning off the CryptoBox ..."
echo "poweroff" | at now
reboot )
log_msg "Rebooting the CryptoBox ..."
echo "reboot" | at now
* )
echo "Syntax: `basename $0` ACTION [PARAMS]"
echo " config-up - scan for configuration partition and mount it"
echo " config-down - unmount configuration partition"
echo " network-up - enable network interface"
echo " network-down - disable network interface"
echo " services-up - run some cryptobox specific daemons"
echo " services-down - stop some cryptobox specific daemons"
echo " crypto-up - mount crypto partition"
echo " crypto-down - unmount crypto partition"
echo " box-init - initialize cryptobox (ALL data is LOST)"
echo " box-init-fg - the first part of initialization"
echo " box-init-bg - the last part of initialization (background)"
echo " is_crypto_mounted - check, if crypto partition is mounted"
echo " is_config_mounted - check, if configuration partition is mounted"
echo " is_init_running - check, if initialization is ongoing"
echo " is_harddisk_available - check, if there is a usable harddisk"
echo " get_available_disks - shows all connected and allowed disks"
echo " get_current_ip - get the current IP of the network interface"
echo " update_ip_address - update the network interface after reconfiguration"
echo " set_config NAME VALUE - change a configuration setting"
echo " get_config NAME - retrieve a configuration setting"
echo " diskinfo - show the partition table of the harddisk"
echo " box-purge - destroy partitiontable of all harddisks (delete everything)"
echo " poweroff - shutdown the cryptobox"
echo " reboot - reboot the cryptobox"
exit 0

View file

@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <>
# License: This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
# of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# this script is responsible for all dangerous actions, that require root privileges
# every action should be checked at least TWICE a day for open holes :)
# usually will get call via sudo
# called by:
# -
set -eu
[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ] && echo "$(basename $0) - only root may call this script" >&2 && exit 100
# read the default setting file, if it exists
[ -e /etc/default/cryptobox ] && . /etc/default/cryptobox
# set CONF_FILE to default value, if not configured in /etc/default/cryptobox
# parse config file
############ some useful functions ###############
# check if the given device is part of the SCAN_DEVICE list
# every entry in SCAN_DEVICES is matched as "^/dev/${SCAN_DEVICE}[0-9]*$" against
# the given device
# other devices may not be touched
function is_device_allowed()
# parameter: device
for a in $SCAN_DEVICES
do [[ "$1" =~ "^/dev/${a}[0-9]*$" ]] && return 0
return 1
function get_device_name()
# return the uuid of the device
# if there is no uuid, then the device name is "flattened" and returned
# ignore volume-id as it may be non-unique
local UUID=
# check for luksUUID or ext2/3-uuid
if is_luks_device "$1"
then UUID=$("$CRYPTSETUP" luksUUID "$1")
else [ -n "$(which dumpe2fs)" ] && UUID=$(dumpe2fs -h "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep "UUID" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed "s/ *//g")
# if there is no valid UUUD, then take the flattened device name
is_uuid_valid "$UUID" || UUID=${1//\//_}
echo "$UUID"
function is_uuid_valid()
# every devmapper name should look like a UUID
local hex=[0-9a-f]
[[ "$1" =~ "^$hex\{8\}-$hex\{4\}-$hex\{4\}-$hex\{4\}-$hex\{12\}$" ]]
function error_msg()
# parameter ExitCode ErrorMessage
echo "CBOX-ERROR: [$(basename $0) - $ACTION] - $2" >&2
exit $1
function partition_device()
# parameter: device sfdisk_layout_setup
# e.g.: /dev/hda "0,1,L \n,,L\n"
# TODO: allow different layouts
# TODO: skip config partition if a configuration is already active
# sfdisk -n doesn't actually write (for testing purpose)
if echo -e "$2" | "$SFDISK" -n "$1"
then echo -e "$2" | "$SFDISK" "$1" || return 1
else return 2
function is_luks_device()
# parameter: device
"$CRYPTSETUP" isLuks "$1"
################ main ####################
[ $# -gt 0 ] && ACTION=$1 && shift
case "$ACTION" in
partition_disk )
[ $# -ne 2 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
partition_device "$1" "$2" || \
error_msg 2 "failed to create new partition table on device $1"
mount )
# parameters: device
# returns the relative name of the mointpoint for success
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
name=$(get_device_name "$1")
mountpoint -q "$MNT_PARENT/$name" && \
error_msg 5 "a device with the same name ($name) is already mounted"
mkdir -p "$MNT_PARENT/$name"
if is_luks_device "$1"
then "$CRYPTSETUP" luksOpen "$1" "$name" || \
error_msg 6 "could not open encrypted device $1"
if mount "$DEV_MAPPER_DIR/$name" "$MNT_PARENT/$name"
then true
else "$CRYPTSETUP" luksClose "$name" || true
error_msg 7 "wrong password for $1 supplied"
else mount "$1" "$MNT_PARENT/$name" || \
error_msg 8 "invalid filesystem on device $1"
# just in case, that there is no ext2/3 filesystem:
# set uid option (will fail silently for ext2/3)
mount -o remount,uid="$FILE_USER" "$MNT_PARENT/$name" 2>/dev/null || true
# adapt top-level permission to current setup - again: may fail silently
chown "$FILE_USER" "$MNT_PARENT/$name" 2>/dev/null || true
umount )
#parameter: name (relative mountpoint)
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_uuid_valid "$1" || [[ "$1" =~ "^[_a-z0-9]*$" ]] || \
error_msg 4 "invalid UUID ($1)"
mountpoint -q "$MNT_PARENT/$1" || \
error_msg 9 "the device with the UUID ($1) is not mounted"
# try to unmount - continue even on errors
umount "$MNT_PARENT/$1" || \
error_msg 0 "unmount of device $1 failed - device is busy"
# remove (if necessary) the dev mapping
[ -e "$DEV_MAPPER_DIR/$1" ] && "$CRYPTSETUP" luksClose "$1" || \
error_msg 11 "could not remove the device mapper for device $1"
# try to remove the mountpoint - a failure is not important
rmdir "$MNT_PARENT/$1" || true
# set exitcode
mountpoint -q "$MNT_PARENT/$1" && exit 1
exit 0
create_crypto )
# parameter: device
# the passphrase is expected on stdin
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
# read the passphrase from stdin
key=$(cat -)
# the iter-time is in milliseconds - keep it low for fast mounting
echo "$key" | \
"$CRYPTSETUP" --cipher "$DEFAULT_CIPHER" --iter-time 2000 luksFormat "$1" || \
error_msg 11 "failed to create the encrypted partition"
name=$(get_device_name "$1")
echo "$key" | "$CRYPTSETUP" luksOpen "$1" "$name" || \
error_msg 12 "failed to open the encrypted partition"
# silent output from mkfs.ext3
"$MKFS_DATA" -q "$DEV_MAPPER_DIR/$name" || \
error_msg 13 "failed to create the encrypted filesystem"
"$CRYPTSETUP" luksClose "$name" || \
error_msg 14 "failed to close the encrypted mapped device"
get_device_name )
# parameter: device
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
get_device_name "$1"
mount_config )
# parameter: device
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
[ "$USE_SEPERATE_CONFIG_DIR" != "1" ] && \
error_msg 19 "I am configured to work without a seperate config partition (see $CONF_FILE)"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
mountpoint -q "$CONFIG_DIR" && \
error_msg 0 "the configuration partition is already mounted"
"$MKFS_CONFIG" -q "$1" || \
error_msg 20 "failed to create config partition filesystem"
mount_config )
# parameter: device
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
[ "$USE_SEPERATE_CONFIG_DIR" != "1" ] && \
error_msg 19 "I am configured to work without a seperate config partition (see $CONF_FILE)"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
mountpoint -q "$CONFIG_DIR" && \
error_msg 0 "the configuration partition is already mounted"
mount "$1" "$CONFIG_DIR" || \
error_msg 16 "failed to mount configuration partition"
# chown to fix permissions - may fail for non-ext2/3 filesystems
chown -R "$WEB_USER" "$CONFIG_DIR" || true
mount -o remount,ro "$CONFIG_DIR" || \
error_msg 18 "failed to remount configuration partition"
remount_config )
# parameter: { ro | rw }
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
[ "$USE_SEPERATE_CONFIG_DIR" != "1" ] && \
error_msg 19 "I am configured to work without a seperate config partition (see $CONF_FILE)"
[[ "$1" =~ "^r[ow]$" ]] || error_msg 17 "only 'rw' and 'ro' are allowed"
mount -o "remount,$1" "$CONFIG_DIR" || \
error_msg 18 "failed to remount configuration partition"
umount_config )
# no parameters
[ $# -ne 0 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
[ "$USE_SEPERATE_CONFIG_DIR" != "1" ] && \
error_msg 19 "I am configured to work without a seperate config partition (see $CONF_FILE)"
mountpoint -q "$CONFIG_DIR" && umount "$CONFIG_DIR" || \
error_msg 18 "failed to unmount configuration partition"
is_config_partition )
# parameter: device
# returns exitcode 0 if the device contains a configuration
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
[ "$USE_SEPERATE_CONFIG_DIR" != "1" ] && \
error_msg 19 "I am configured to work without a seperate config partition (see $CONF_FILE)"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
tmp_dir=/tmp/$(basename $0)-$$-mnt
mkdir -p "$tmp_dir"
# error means "no config partition"
if mount "$1" "$CONFIG_DIR"
then [ -e "$CONFIG_DIR/$CONFIG_MARKER" ] && is_config=1
umount "$CONFIG_DIR" || \
error_msg 14 "unable to unmount configation partition after probing"
rmdir "$tmp_dir" || true
# return 0 if $device is a config partition
[ "$is_config" -eq 1 ] && exit 0
exit 1
is_crypto_partition )
# parameter: device
# returns exitcode 0 if the device contains a luks header
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
is_luks_device "$1"
is_data_partition )
# parameter: device
# returns exitcode 0 if the device contains a readable filesystem
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
tmp_dir=/tmp/$(basename $0)-$$-mnt
mkdir -p "$tmp_dir"
if mount "$1" "$tmp_dir"
then [ ! -e "$tmp_dir/$CONFIG_MARKER" ] && status=1
umount "$tmp_dir"
rmdir "$tmp_dir" || true
[ "$status" -eq 1 ] && exit 0
exit 1
trash_device )
# parameter: device
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
dd if=/dev/urandom of="$1" bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null
diskinfo )
# parameter: device
[ $# -ne 1 ] && error_msg 1 "wrong number of parameters"
is_device_allowed "$1" || \
error_msg 3 "this device ($1) is not listed in SCAN_DEVICES (see $CONF_FILE)"
"$SFDISK" -L -q -l "$1"
update_network )
# parameter: none
# TODO: can we avoid to hard-code the filename ($CONFIG_DIR/ip) here?
[ -e "$CONFIG_DIR/ip" ] && ip=$(<"$CONFIG_DIR/ip")
[ -n "$z" ] && ifconfig "$NET_IFACE" "$ip"
* )
echo "Syntax: $(basename $0) ACTION PARAMETERS"
echo ' partition_disk $device $disk_layout'
echo ' get_device_name $device'
echo ' create_crypto $device'
echo ' mount $device'
echo ' umount $name'
echo ' create_config $device'
echo ' mount_config $device'
echo ' remount_config { ro | rw }'
echo ' umount_config'
echo ' is_config_partition $device'
echo ' is_plaindata_partition $device'
echo ' is_crypto_partition $device'
echo ' trash_device $device'
echo ' diskinfo $device'
echo ' update_network'
echo ' help'
[ "$ACTION" == "help" ] && exit 0
# return error for any unknown/unspecified action
exit 1

View file

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <>
# License: This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
# of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# a simple script to check, if there was no smb traffic for the specified
# number of minutes - then it unmounts the crypto partition
# you may want to adjust the function "filter_ipt_rules" according to
# your setup
# any Parameter are ignored
# this script has to run as root - as it invokes iptables
# the iptables rules to detect smb traffic could look like the following:
# iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT
# called by:
# - cron (/etc/cron.d/cryptobox)
set -eu
# read the default setting file, if it exists
[ -e /etc/default/cryptobox ] && . /etc/default/cryptobox
# set CONF_FILE to default value, if not configured in /etc/default/cryptobox
# parse config file
############# some functions ##################
# get the input rules for smb datagram traffic
"$IPTABLES" -L INPUT -vnx | grep -E "udp dpt:138|tcp dpt:139"
function check_for_traffic()
local traffic_yes=0
# fallback if no rules were found
# extract the number of packets and calculate the sum
filter_ipt_rules | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d " " -f 3 | while read a
do [ "$a" -gt 0 ] && echo "$a"
done | grep -q "" && traffic_yes=1
[ "$traffic_yes" = "1" ]
################### main ######################
# TODO: migrate to multi-container-setup
exit 0
# break, if crypto partition is not mounted
"$CB_SCRIPT" is_crypto_mounted || exit 0
# break, if idle timer is turned off
MAX_IDLE_COUNTER=$("$CB_SCRIPT" get_config timeout)
[ "$MAX_IDLE_COUNTER" -eq 0 ] && exit 0
# config test
[ -z "$(filter_ipt_rules)" ] && echo "[`basename $0`]: Could not find a matching iptables rule!" >>"$LOG_FILE" && exit 1
# read current idle counter
if [ -e "$IDLE_COUNTER_FILE" ]
then current_count=$(<$IDLE_COUNTER_FILE)
else current_count=0
# update counter
if check_for_traffic
then echo 0
else echo $((current_count + 1))
# unmount crypto partition, if the threshold was reached
then "$CB_SCRIPT" crypto-down >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1
echo "0" >"$IDLE_COUNTER_FILE"

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <>
# License: This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
# of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# this script is used to prepare a chroot session for testing or configuring
# called by:
# -
# parameter: [commandline]
# if "commandline" is empty, "bash" will be used
set -eu
# the directory /tmp/ can not be used, as it is still a broken link, too
TMP_DIR="/tmp-`basename $0`-$$"
cp -a "$MNT_SRC/." "$TMP_DIR"
mount -n --bind "$TMP_DIR" "$MNT_DST"
[ ! -e /dev/null ] && mknod "/dev/null" c 1 3 && chmod 666 "/dev/null"
[ ! -e /dev/urandom ] && mknod "/dev/urandom" c 1 9 && chmod 444 "/dev/urandom"
[ ! -e /dev/console ] && mknod "/dev/console" c 1 5 && chmod 660 "/dev/console"
# remember, if proc was mounted before (e.g. because of a running chroot)
mount -n -t proc proc /proc 2>/dev/null || PROC_WAS_MOUNTED=yes
# default language setting - prevents dpkg error messages
export LANG=C
# set default terminal (good if you are running in a screen session)
export TERM=linux
# execute parameters as commandline
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
then "$@"
else bash
umount -n "$MNT_DST"
[ "$PROC_WAS_MOUNTED" = "no" ] && umount -n proc
rm -r "$TMP_DIR"

View file

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <>
# License: This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
# of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# this script is part of the building process of the cryptobox
# the "normal" action is necessary for every cryptobox (development & release)
# the "secure" action is mandatory for every release CD
# called by:
# - after copying custom files and before creating the iso image
set -eu
# read the default setting file, if it exists
[ -e /etc/default/cryptobox ] && . /etc/default/cryptobox
# set CONF_FILE to default value, if not configured in /etc/default/cryptobox
# parse config file
nvi nano vim vim-common
unzip tar zip gzip bzip2
aptitude tasksel
ssh elinks curl wget netkit-inetd telnet
exim4-daemon-light exim4-config exim4-base
ppp pppconfig pppoe pppoeconf"
# remove rc symlinks for these services
SERVICES_OFF="ssh samba setserial nviboot mountnfs ntpdate"
function configure_normal()
# the usual stuff - not optimized for security
##### cryptobox settings ######
sed -i '/^NO_START=.*$/NO_START=0/'
sed -i '/^USE_STUNNEL=.*$/USE_STUNNEL=1/'
########### boot up ###########
# turn off creation of "/etc/nologin" (read-only fs)
sed -i '/^DELAYLOGIN=/s/^DELAYLOGIN=.*$/DELAYLOGIN=no/' /etc/default/rcS
# turn off modifying /etc/motd (read-only fs)
sed -i '/^EDITMOTD=/s/^EDITMOTD=.*$/EDITMOTD=no/' /etc/default/rcS
######### devices ##########
# create tun device for running under qemu
if [ ! -e "$TUNDEV" ]
then mkdir -p `dirname "$TUNDEV"`
mknod "$TUNDEV" c 10 200
######### thttpd ###########
# change thttpd's config from 'chroot' to 'nochroot' - otherwise no perl script will run
sed -i "s/^chroot$/nochroot/" /etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf
# change thttpd-user from www-data to root (permissions for mount, cryptsetup, ...)
sed -i "s/^user=.*/user=root/" /etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf
# the thttpd documentations says "nosymlinkcheck" instead of
# "nosymlink" - TODO: "nosymlink" breaks "/cryptobox" URL!!!
#sed -i "/symlink/d" /etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf
#echo "nosymlink" >>/etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf
########## sshd ############
if [ -e "/etc/ssh" ]; then
# allow empty passwords for ssh
# the daemon is NOT started automatically, so you have to start it
# manually in case of need - as the root pw is empty and passwd is ro, you
# have to allow empty passwords for this rare case
sed -i 's/^PermitEmptyPass.*$/PermitEmptyPasswords yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# turn off PAM for ssh, as it prevents the use of empty passwords (stange behaviour)
sed -i 's/^UsePAM.*$/UsePAM no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# allow nput of password
sed -i 's/^PasswordAuthentication.*$/PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# remove symlinks for unwanted services
for a in $SERVICES_OFF; do
# echo "Turning off service $a ..."
find /etc/rc?.d/ -type l -name "[SK][0-9][0-9]$a" | while read b
do rm "$b"
return 0
function configure_secure()
# remove everything that could weaken security
# configure_normal should be called too!
# disable keyboard login
sed -i '/getty/d' /etc/inittab
# remove unnecessary packages
dpkg --force-all -P $REMOVE_PACKAGES 2>&1 | grep -v "which isn't installed." || true
# remove the development features script
# maybe an authorized_keys file was created - but it is not dangerous,
# as the openssh package was removed anyway
[ -d /root/.ssh ] && rm -rf /root/.ssh
############## clean up ################
# remove deb-files, that were left by dfsbuild
test -d /opt/packages && rm -r /opt/packages
# remove packages and package lists
rm -fr /var/cache/apt/
return 0
################ main ####################
[ $# -gt 0 ] && ACTION=$1
case "$ACTION" in
normal )
secure )
* )
echo "Syntax: `basename $0` { normal | secure }"

View file

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <>
# License: This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
# of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# set up the firewall of the cryptobox
# called by:
# - during network-up
set -u
# read the default setting file, if it exists
[ -e /etc/default/cryptobox ] && . /etc/default/cryptobox
# set CONF_FILE to default value, if not configured in /etc/default/cryptobox
# parse config file
[ $# -gt 0 ] && ACTION=$1
case "$ACTION" in
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
[ -e "$OFILE" ] && echo 1 >"$OFILE"
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -Z
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
do iptables -A INPUT -i $NET_IFACE -p tcp --dport $a -j ACCEPT
do iptables -A INPUT -i $NET_IFACE -p udp --dport $a -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $NET_IFACE -p icmp -j ACCEPT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -Z
echo "usage $0 start | stop"

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 02005 sense.lab <>
# License: This script is distributed under the terms of version 2
# of the GNU GPL. See the LICENSE file included with the package.
# $Id$
# this script creates the stunnel certificate for https
# parameter: "destination file"
# called by:
# - during network-up if no certificate was found on the config partition
set -eu
# read the default setting file, if it exists
[ -e /etc/default/cryptobox ] && . /etc/default/cryptobox
# set CONF_FILE to default value, if not configured in /etc/default/cryptobox
# parse config file
# vcert values are in OPENSSL_CONF_FILE
[ ! -f "$OPENSSL_CONF_FILE" ] && echo "`basename $0`: $OPENSSL_CONF_FILE not found" && exit 2
# this command creates the certificate
# this is required, because the certbuilding asks for 5 returns
echo -ne "\n\n\n\n\n" | openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -config "$OPENSSL_CONF_FILE" -out "$CERTFILE" -keyout "$CERTFILE"
chmod 600 "$CERTFILE"
# next step needs a lot of randomdata
dd if=/dev/urandom of="$TMP_FILE" bs=1024 count=1024
openssl dhparam -rand "$TMP_FILE" 512 >> "$CERTFILE"
rm "$TMP_FILE"
#ln -sf ${CERTPATH}stunnel.pem ${CERTPATH}`openssl x509 -noout -hash < "${CERTPATH}stunnel.pem"`.0
## print out cert values
#openssl x509 -subject -dates -fingerprint -in stunnel.pem