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<p>The CryptoBox is a Debian/Linux based live-cd. This CD boots
up, starting a secure fileserver. Even non-technical users are
able to store their data on its encrypted harddisk. There is no
special knowledge about cryptography or servers required at
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<p>Fetch the latest release of the <a href="dowload.html">CryptoBox-server Debian
package v0.3.0</a>.</p>
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<h2>foo bar</h2>
<p>today is the day</p>
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<h2>NEWS: Cryptobox-server 0.3.0 release</h2>
<p class="date">15/12/02006</p>
<p>Here it comes, the earliest x-mas present 02006, the
CryptoBox-server 0.3.0 package ready for Debian/sid and
Ubuntu/edgy_eft. It is not a live-cd, but a software package that you can just install on your linux system.
Take a look at the screenshots. It was a long ride and this is the
first milestone reached. Be prepared fo another 1000 miles of code.
The live-CD with the new version will appear in February 02007.</p>
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<h2>NEWS: Python rewrite progress</h2>
<p class="date">19/08/02006</p>
<p>Finally the cryptobox-python-rewrite-process is in progress.
From now on you can follow discussions and participate at the
development mailinglist via gmane.</p>
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<h2>NEWS: Download interception</h2>
<p class="date">14/04/02006</p>
<p>Sorry folks, is temporarly down. Update: it's up
and running again. Fetch the latest version here</p>
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<h2>NEWS: CryptoBox code splitting</h2>
<p class="date">07/03/02006</p>
<p>We're currently splitting the CryptoBox up in the
CryptoBox-server and the Cryptobox-CD. This will let you use
the CryptoBox-server in your favourite Linux Installation.
stay tuned..</p>
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<h2>NEWS: CryptoBox code splitting</h2>
<p class="date">30/10/02005</p>
<p>The new CryptoBox version 0.2.1 is available at!</p>
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