Fetch the latest CryptoBox-server
package while it's hot!
Live-CD 0.3
Sorry, v0.3.x is not available as live-CD yet.
It's tested
The package installs fine on:
Debian, Ubuntu (cryptobox-server)
With the cryptobox-server package you recieve the newest
version without downloading the hole CD.
First add the following to your "/etc/apt/sources.list"
"deb http://systemausfall.org/toolforge/debian unstable main"
Then run: apt-get install cryptobox-server
This package may also be installable in other Debian based
distributions, maybe not without some dependency trouble.
Go with the sources
Use svn for access the latest source code of the CryptoBox. Trac provides a read-only webinterface for the svn repository.
Full svn access is possible via commandline or your favorite
tool. For commandline the following command creates a dir
"cryptobox" and downloads the latest code. To stay bleeding edge,
just repeat the second command everytime before you start browsing
the code (once a day should be enough).
- svn checkout https://svn.systemausfall.org/svn/ cryptobox
- svn up
Get the live-CD
Get the newest live-CD by following this link.
We'd like to thank codecoop.org for
providing bandwidth.
You could buy a Live-CD at OpenSoft.nl for 5.95 european bugs. Note: this is an unpaid advertisement link. So if you ask us kindly, we might send you a CD for a better price. ;)