User Documentation

The following pages are describing the basic usage of the CryptoBox live-CD.

The online version of this manual is a wiki, which means you can help improving the pages. If you have a question regarding the documentation, please post it on the bottom of the relevant page. The developers will answer your questions and update the manual as fast as possible.

Documentation for 0.3.x releases

  1. CryptoBoxUserGettingStarted -- first steps to get the Cryptobox up and running
  2. CryptoBoxUserDailyUse -- how to access your encrypted data

At the moment there is no automatic way of using an encrypted disk of the 0.2 series in a !Cryptobox running the 0.3 series. That's because we did a major redesign of the CryptoBox functionality within the last year. We're sorry for the unconveniance!

Frequently Asked Questions