
124 lines
3.8 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: CryptoNAS-Server 0.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08-17 16:47+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-11-26 11:15+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Lai-Qing-Long(Jones) <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: zh_HK\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 1.2.0-rc1\n"
#: Name
msgid "Open and close volumes"
msgstr "開關磁區"
#: Link
msgid "Activation"
msgstr "啟用"
#: Title.Umount
msgid "Deactivation"
msgstr "關閉"
#: Text.EnterCurrentPassword
msgid "Volume's encryption password"
msgstr "磁區的加密用密碼"
#: Button.Mount
msgid "Open this volume"
msgstr "打開這個磁區"
#: Button.Umount
msgid "Close this volume"
msgstr "關閉這個磁區"
#: Help.Open
msgid ""
"This volume is currently closed. If you open the volume, then you will be "
"able to access the data of this volume. Just search in your network "
"environment for the server and browse through its shares. In case the volume "
"is encrypted you have to enter the corresponding password first."
msgstr "這磁區目前是關閉的,打開這磁區才可以存取資料。搜尋你的網路環境中的伺服器且透過分享瀏覽它。如果這磁區是加過密的,要先輸入正確的密碼才可存取。"
#: Help.Close
msgid ""
"This volume is currently open. All files are accessible for everyone who has "
"access to your local network. Just search in your network environment for "
"the server and browse through its shares. Before you close the volume you "
"should quit all programs with open files on it."
msgstr ""
#: SuccessMessage.MountDone.Title
msgid "Volume opened"
msgstr "磁區打開了"
#: SuccessMessage.MountDone.Text
msgid "The content of this volume is available now."
msgstr "這磁區內容可以使用。"
#: SuccessMessage.UmountDone.Title
msgid "Volume closed"
msgstr "磁區關閉了"
#: SuccessMessage.UmountDone.Text
msgid "The content of this volume is protected from access now."
msgstr "這磁區內容現在受到保護。"
#: WarningMessage.MountFailed.Title
msgid "Opening failed"
msgstr "開啟失敗"
#: WarningMessage.MountFailed.Text
msgid "The volume could not be opened for some reason. Sorry!"
msgstr "不好意思,基於某些原因打不開!"
#: WarningMessage.MountFailed.Link.Text
msgid "View event log"
msgstr "觀看事件日誌"
#: WarningMessage.MountCryptoFailed.Text
msgid "Maybe you entered a wrong password?"
msgstr "你密碼打錯了吧?"
#: WarningMessage.InvalidContainerType.Title
msgid "Unknown format"
msgstr "未知格式"
#: WarningMessage.InvalidContainerType.Text
msgid ""
"The type of this volume is not known. Maybe you want to initialize it first?"
msgstr "未知的磁區格式,也許你要先初始化它?"
#: WarningMessage.InvalidContainerType.Link.Text
msgid "Format volume"
msgstr "格式化磁區"
#: WarningMessage.UmountFailed.Title
msgid "Closing failed"
msgstr "關閉失敗"
#: WarningMessage.UmountFailed.Text
msgid "The volume could not be closed. Probably some files are still in use."
msgstr "這磁區關不掉,有可能是有些檔案還在使用。"
#: WarningMessage.IsAlreadyMounted.Title
msgid "Already open"
msgstr "已經開了"
#: WarningMessage.IsAlreadyMounted.Text
msgid "The volume is already open."
msgstr "這磁區已經被開了。"
#: WarningMessage.IsNotMounted.Title
msgid "Already closed"
msgstr "已經關了"
#: WarningMessage.IsNotMounted.Text
msgid "The volume is already closed."
msgstr "這磁區已經被關了。"