
293 lines
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2008-04-08 01:08:43 +02:00
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: CryptoBox-Server 0.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-18 00:48+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-14 22:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: clavdia <>\n"
2008-04-08 01:08:43 +02:00
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: sl\n"
2008-04-08 01:08:43 +02:00
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 1.2.0-rc1\n"
2008-04-08 01:08:43 +02:00
#: Name
msgid "Partition manager"
msgstr "Upravnik particije (porazdelitve)"
#: Link
msgid "Partitions"
msgstr "Particije (porazdelitve)"
#: Title
msgid "Manage partitions"
msgstr "Upravljanje porazdelitev"
#: Button.SelectDevice
msgid "Partition manually"
msgstr "Ročna porazdelitev"
#: Button.EasySetup
msgid "Automatic setup"
msgstr "Samodejna nastavitev"
#: Button.AddPartition
msgid "Add partition"
msgstr "Dodaj razdelitev"
#: Button.DelPartition
msgid "Remove partition"
msgstr "Odstrani razdelitev"
#: Button.SavePartitions
msgid "Write new partition table"
msgstr "Napiši novo porazdelitev"
#: Button.AbortPartitions
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Razveljavi"
#: Text.Confirm
msgid "Yes, I know what I am doing!"
msgstr "Da, vem kaj počnem!"
#: Text.FS.Type
msgid "Filesystem type"
msgstr "Tip datotečnega sistema"
#: Text.FS.Fat
msgid "FAT (Windows)"
msgstr "FAT (Windows)"
#: Text.FS.Ext2
msgid "Ext2"
msgstr "Ext2"
#: Text.FS.Ext3
msgid "Ext3"
msgstr "Ext3"
#: Text.FS.Reiser
msgid "Reiser"
msgstr "Reiser"
#: Text.PartNum
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Id"
#: Text.PartType
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tip"
#: Text.Size
msgid "Size (MB)"
msgstr "Velikost (MB)"
#: Text.SelectDevice
msgid "Choose a disk for partitioning"
msgstr "Izberi disk, ki ga nameravaš razdeliti "
#: Text.ProgressInfo
msgid "Progress of formatting:"
msgstr "Potek formatiranja"
#: Text.CreateConfigPartition
msgid "Automatically creating a configuration partition."
msgstr "Samodejna konfiguracija razdelitve"
#: Text.RemovalContainers
msgid "These volumes will be removed:"
msgstr "Te vsebine bodo odstranjene"
#: Text.SpecifyPartitions
msgid "Add partitions"
msgstr "Dodaj razdelitev"
#: Help.Partitioning
msgid ""
"You can split every disk into one ore more parts, which are called "
"'partitions'. This is useful if you want to separate your data or if you "
"want to encrypt only a part of your disk."
msgstr ""
"Vsak disk lahko razdelite na več delov, imenovanih \"deli\". Razdelitev diska "
"je koristna, kadar želite ločiti podatke, ali kadar želite zakodirati le del "
"vašega diska"
#: Help.SelectDevice
msgid ""
"Choose one of the disks given in the list. Be aware that you lose all data "
"on the partitions of this disk."
msgstr ""
"Izberite enega izmed diskov, podanih spodaj. Vedite, da boste izgubili vse "
"podatke, ko boste disk porazdelili. "
#: Help.PartMode
msgid ""
"You may choose between 'automatic' and 'manual' partitioning. Automatic "
"partitioning creates only one partition for the whole disk. With manual "
"partition you can split the disk into multiple parts of different size."
msgstr ""
"Lahko izbirate med \"samodejno\" (Avtomatično) ali \"ročno\" porazdelitvijo. "
"Samodejna razdelitev ustvari le eno porazdelitev za celoten disk. Z ročno "
"porazdelitvijo lahko razdelite disk na več manjših enot, različnih "
"velikosti "
#: Help.ConfigPartition
msgid ""
"This CryptoNAS is configured to store its runtime settings on a separate "
"disk partition. It will be created automatically if necessary. This reduces "
"the available size of the disk by 5 megabyte."
msgstr ""
"CryptoNAS je konfiguriran tako, da spravi nastavitve na ločen del "
2008-04-08 01:08:43 +02:00
"razdeljenega diska. Če je potrebno, bo ustvarjen avtomatično, kar zmanjša "
"velikost dika za 5 megabytov. "
#: Help.RemoveExistingContainers
msgid ""
"Whenever you change the partition table of a disk, you will loose all "
"volumes that were previously defined inside of it."
msgstr ""
"Kadarkoli spremenite porazdelitev diska, izgubite vse prejšnje enote diska."
#: Help.PartitionList
msgid ""
"Choose the size for a new partition and add it to the list by clicking on "
"'Add partition'. Nothing will get written to your disk until you click on "
"'Write new partition table' below. Be very careful: you will erase all data "
"on this disk."
msgstr ""
"Iberite velikost posamezne enote diska, in jo dodajte s klikom na \"Dodaj\". "
"Dokler ne kliknete na \"Ustvari novo porazdelitev\", na disk ne bo nič "
"zapisano.Bodite zelo previdni: Izbrisali boste vse podatke na tem disku. "
#: AdviceMessage.DeviceDataIsLost.Text
msgid ""
"If you continue, you will destroy all data on the choosen disk. Please be "
"VERY careful!"
msgstr ""
"Če boste nadaljevali, boste izbrisali vse podatke na izbranem disku. "
"Prosimo, bodite ZELO previdni! "
#: EnvironmentWarning.ReadOnlyConfig.Text
msgid ""
"Read-only setup detected - probably you should create a configuration "
msgstr ""
"Zaznana je nastavitev \"samo za branje\". Verjetno morate ustvariti "
"konfiguracijo particije - porazdelitve. "
#: EnvironmentWarning.ReadOnlyConfig.Link.Text
msgid "Initialize partition"
msgstr "Inicializirajte porazdelitev"
#: EnvironmentWarning.MissingProgramSfdisk.Title
msgid "Missing program"
msgstr "Manjka program"
#: EnvironmentWarning.MissingProgramSfdisk.Text
msgid ""
"The program 'sfdisk' is not installed. Please ask the administrator of the "
"CryptoNAS to configure it properly."
msgstr ""
"Program \"sfdisk\" ni nameščen. Prosite administratorja CryptoNAS strežnika "
2008-04-08 01:08:43 +02:00
"naj pravilno namesti program"
#: EnvironmentWarning.MissingProgramMkfs.Text
msgid ""
"The program 'mkfs' is not installed. Please ask the administrator of the "
"CryptoNAS to configure it properly."
msgstr ""
"Program \"mkfs\" ni nameščen. Prosite administratorja CryptoNAS strežnika naj "
2008-04-08 01:08:43 +02:00
"pravilno namesti program"
#: EnvironmentWarning.MissingProgramE2label.Text
msgid ""
"The program 'e2label' is not installed. Please ask the administrator of the "
"CryptoNAS to configure it properly."
msgstr ""
"Program \"e2label\" ni nameščen. Prosite administratorja CryptoNAS strežnika "
2008-04-08 01:08:43 +02:00
"naj pravilno namesti program"
#: SuccessMessage.Partitioned.Title
msgid "Partitioning complete"
msgstr "Razdelitev končana"
#: SuccessMessage.Partitioned.Text
msgid "The disk was partitioned successfully."
msgstr "Disk je uspešno razdeljen."
#: SuccessMessage.EasySetup.Title
msgid "Initialization completed"
msgstr "Inicializacija končana"
#: SuccessMessage.EasySetup.Text
msgid "Automatic initialization was finished successfully."
msgstr "Avtomatična inicializacija je uspešno zaključena"
#: WarningMessage.FormatNotConfirmed.Title
msgid "Confirmation missing"
msgstr "Manjka potrditev"
#: WarningMessage.FormatNotConfirmed.Text
msgid "You did not confirm this action by activating the checkbox."
msgstr "Niste potrdili akcije s klikom na potrdilno polje"
#: WarningMessage.NoDisksAvailable.Title
msgid "No disks found"
msgstr "Ne najdem nobenega diska"
#: WarningMessage.NoDisksAvailable.Text
msgid ""
"No suitable disks found - please check your configuration and hardware "
msgstr ""
"Ne najdem primernega diska - Prosim, preverite konfiguracijo in nastavitve "
"programske opreme"
#: WarningMessage.PartitioningFailed.Title
msgid "Partitioning failed"
msgstr "Razdelitev ni uspela"
#: WarningMessage.PartitioningFailed.Text
msgid "The partitioning of the device failed for some reason - sorry!"
msgstr "Razdelitev diska zaradi (ne)znanega razloga ni uspela - žal."
#: WarningMessage.PartitioningFailed.Link.Text
msgid "Show log messages"
msgstr "Prikaži log - sporočila"
#: WarningMessage.FormattingFailed.Title
msgid "Formatting failed"
msgstr "Formatiranje ni uspelo"
#: WarningMessage.FormattingFailed.Text
msgid "Formatting of at least one volume failed - sorry!"
msgstr "Formatiranje vsaj ene enote, žal ni uspelo."
#: WarningMessage.DiskIsBusy.Title
msgid "This disk is busy"
msgstr "Disk je zaposlen/aktiven"
#: WarningMessage.DiskIsBusy.Text
msgid "Please close all volumes of this disk before partitioning."
msgstr "Prosim, zaprite vse enote diska pred razdelitvijo diska"
#: WarningMessage.DiskIsBusy.Link.Text
msgid "Show all disks"
msgstr "Prikaži vse diske"
#: WarningMessage.PartitionTooBig.Title
msgid "Invalid size"
msgstr "Neustrezna velikost"
#: WarningMessage.PartitionTooBig.Text
msgid "The volume size you entered exceeded the available size of the disk."
msgstr "Velikost enote, ki ste jo vpisali, presega razpoložljivo velikost diska"
#: WarningMessage.PartitionTooSmall.Text
msgid "The minimum size of a volume is 10 megabytes."
msgstr "Minimalna velikost diska je 10 megabytov."