#!/bin/sh set -eu APP_NAME=userausfall APP_USER=_$APP_NAME APP_HOME=/var/lib/$APP_NAME APP_ETC=/etc/$APP_NAME APP_SETTINGS=$APP_ETC/settings.py APP_PID=/var/run/uwsgi/app/$APP_NAME/pid APP_UWSGI_CONFIG=/etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/$APP_NAME.ini APP_BACKUPS=/var/backups/$APP_NAME APP_MEDIA=$APP_HOME/media APP_CTL_SCRIPT="$APP_NAME"ctl if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then if ! getent passwd "$APP_USER" >/dev/null; then # adduser still recognizes usernames with leading underscores as bad name # even though the current debian packaging guidelines enforces this. adduser --quiet --system --group --disabled-password --force-badname \ --home "$APP_HOME" "$APP_USER" fi if [ -f "$APP_UWSGI_CONFIG" ]; then if "$APP_CTL_SCRIPT" migrate --no-input >/dev/null; then rm -f "$APP_ETC/maintenance_mode" else echo "error while executing $APP_USER migrations. maintenance mode still active" >&2 fi fi if [ -f "$APP_SETTINGS" ]; then chown "$APP_USER:" "$APP_SETTINGS" fi # create secure user dirs install -d -o "$APP_USER" -g nogroup -m 700 "$APP_BACKUPS" install -d -o "$APP_USER" -g "$APP_USER" -m 755 "$APP_MEDIA" "$APP_CTL_SCRIPT" collectstatic --no-input --clear if [ -f "$APP_PID" ]; then printf "reloading $APP_USER app server... " kill -HUP "$(cat "$APP_PID")" 2>/dev/null && echo "ok" || echo "failed" fi fi if [ "$1" = "triggered" ]; then "$APP_CTL_SCRIPT" collectstatic --no-input --clear fi set +eu # dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically # generated by other debhelper scripts. #DEBHELPER# exit 0