[uwsgi] # basic uwsgi configuration plugin = python3 plugin = router_redirect master = True workers = 4 threads = 2 vacuum = True # python app configuration chdir = /var/lib/userausfall pythonpath = /etc/userausfall touch-reload = /etc/userausfall/settings.py for-readline = /etc/default/userausfall env = %(_) endfor = module = userausfall.wsgi:application # runtime configuration uid = _userausfall # socket configuration chown-socket = www-data:www-data chmod-socket = 640 # maintenance mode touch-reload = /etc/userausfall/maintenance_mode if-exists = /etc/userausfall/maintenance_mode route = .* break:503 endif = # Logging will catch a lot of OSErrors if clients prematurely close # connections before a response was sent. This is not something we want # to know about. ignore-sigpipe = true ignore-write-errors = true disable-write-exception = true