
227 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable file

# A script for converting MoinMoin version 1.3+ wiki data to DokuWiki format.
# Call with the name of the directory containing the MoinMoin pages and that
# of the directory to receive the DokuWiki pages on the command line:
# python ./moin/data/pages/ ./doku/
# then move the doku pages to e.g. /var/www/MyWikiName/data/pages/,
# move the media files to e.g. /var/www/MyWikiName/data/media/,
# set ownership: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/MyWikiName/data/pages/*
# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/MyWikiName/data/media/*
# This script doesn't do all the work, and some of the work it does is
# wrong. For instance attachment links end up with the trailing "|}}"
# on the line following the link. This works, but doesn't look good.
# The script interprets a "/" in a pagename as a namespace delimiter and
# creates and fills namespace subdirectories accordingly.
# version 0.1 02.2010 Slim Gaillard, based on the "extended python"
# script here:
import sys, os, os.path, re, pdb
from os import listdir
from os.path import isdir, basename
def check_dirs(moin_pages_dir, output_dir):
if not isdir(moin_pages_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, "MoinMoin pages directory doesn't exist!"
if not isdir(output_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, "Output directory doesn't exist!"
def get_path_names(moin_pages_dir):
items = listdir(moin_pages_dir)
pathnames = []
for item in items:
item = os.path.join(moin_pages_dir, item)
if isdir(item):
return pathnames
def get_current_revision(page_dir):
rev_dir = os.path.join(page_dir, 'revisions')
if isdir(rev_dir):
revisions = listdir(rev_dir)
return os.path.join(rev_dir, revisions[-1])
return ''
def copy_attachments(page_dir, attachment_dir):
dir = os.path.join(page_dir,'attachments')
if isdir(dir):
attachments = listdir(dir)
for attachment in attachments:
cmd_string = 'cp "' + dir +'/' + attachment + '" "' + attachment_dir + attachment.lower() + '"'
os.system ( cmd_string )
def convert_page(page, file):
namespace = ':'
for i in range(0, len(file) - 1):
namespace += file[i] + ':'
regexp = (
('\[\[TableOfContents.*\]\]', ''), # remove
('\[\[BR\]\]$', ''), # newline at end of line - remove
('\[\[BR\]\]', '\n'), # newline
('#pragma section-numbers off', ''), # remove
('^##.*?\\n', ''), # remove
('\["', '[['), # internal link open
('"\]', ']]'), # internal link close
#('\[:(.*):', '[[\\1]] '), # original internal link expressions
#('\[\[(.*)/(.*)\]\]', '[[\\1:\\2]]'),
#('(\[\[.*\]\]).*\]', '\\1'),
('\[(http.*) .*\]', '[[\\1]]'), # web link
('\["/(.*)"\]', '[['+file[-1]+':\\1]]'),
('\{{3}', '<'+'code>'), # code open
('\}{3}', '<'+'/code>'), # code close
('^\s\s\s\s\*', ' *'),
('^\s\s\s\*', ' *'),
('^\s\s\*', ' *'),
('^\s\*', ' *'), # lists must have 2 whitespaces before the asterisk
('^\s\s\s\s1\.', ' -'),
('^\s\s1\.', ' -'),
('^\s1\.', ' -'),
('^\s*=====\s*(.*)\s*=====\s*$', '=-=- \\1 =-=-'), # heading 5
('^\s*====\s*(.*)\s*====\s*$', '=-=-=- \\1 =-=-=-'), # heading 4
('^\s*===\s*(.*)\s*===\s*$', '=-=-=-=- \\1 =-=-=-=-'), # heading 3
('^\s*==\s*(.*)\s*==\s*$', '=-=-=-=-=- \\1 =-=-=-=-=-'), # heading 2
('^\s*=\s*(.*)\s=\s*$', '=-=-=-=-=-=- \\1 =-=-=-=-=-=-'), # heading 1
('=-', '='),
('\|{2}', '|'), # table separator
('\'{5}(.*)\'{5}', '**//\\1//**'), # bold and italic
('\'{3}(.*)\'{3}', '**\\1**'), # bold
('\'{2}(.*)\'{2}', '//\\1//'), # italic
('(?<!\[)(\b[A-Z]+[a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*\b)','[[\\1]]'), # CamelCase, dont change if CamelCase is in InternalLink
('\[\[Date\(([\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}T[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}Z)\)\]\]', '\\1'), # Date value
for i in range(len(page)):
line = page[i]
for item in regexp:
line = re.sub(item[0], item[1], line)
page[i] = line
return page
def print_help():
print "Usage: <moinmoin pages directory> <output directory>"
print "Convert MoinMoin pages to DokuWiki."
def print_parameter_error():
print >> sys.stderr, 'Incorrect parameters! Use --help switch to learn more.'
def fix_name( filename ):
filename = filename.lower()
filename = filename.replace('(2d)', '-') # hyphen
filename = filename.replace('(20)', '_') # space->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(2e)', '_') # decimal point->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(29)', '_') # )->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(28)', '_') # (->underscore
filename = filename.replace('.', '_') # decimal point->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(2c20)', '_') # comma + space->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(2028)', '_') # space + (->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(2920)', '_') # ) + space->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(2220)', 'inch_') # " + space->inch + underscore
filename = filename.replace('(3a20)', '_') # : + space->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(202827)', '_') # space+(+'->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(2720)', '_') # '+ space->underscore
filename = filename.replace('(c3bc)', 'ue') # umlaut
filename = filename.replace('(c384)', 'Ae') # umlaut
filename = filename.replace('(c3a4)', 'ae') # umlaut
filename = filename.replace('(c3b6)', 'oe') # umlaut
return filename
# "main" starts here
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'):
elif len(sys.argv) > 2:
moin_pages_dir = sys.argv[1]
output_dir = sys.argv[2]
check_dirs(moin_pages_dir, output_dir)
print 'Input dir is: %s.' % moin_pages_dir
print 'Output dir is: %s.' % output_dir
pathnames = get_path_names(moin_pages_dir)
for pathname in pathnames:
#pdb.set_trace() # start debugging here
curr_rev = get_current_revision( pathname )
if not os.path.exists( curr_rev ) : continue
page_name = basename(pathname)
if page_name.count('MoinEditorBackup') > 0 : continue # don't convert backups
curr_rev_desc = file(curr_rev, 'r')
curr_rev_content = curr_rev_desc.readlines()
page_name = fix_name( page_name )
split = page_name.split('(2f)') # namespaces
count = len(split)
dateiname = split[-1]
dir = output_dir
# changed from attachment_dir = output_dir + '../media/':
attachment_dir = output_dir + 'media/'
if not isdir (attachment_dir):
if count == 1:
dir += 'unsorted'
if not isdir (dir):
attachment_dir += 'unsorted/'
if not isdir (attachment_dir):
for i in range(0, count - 1):
dir += split[i] + '/'
if not isdir (dir):
attachment_dir += split[i] + '/'
if not isdir (attachment_dir):
if count == 1:
str = 'unsorted/' + page_name
split = str.split('/')
curr_rev_content = convert_page(curr_rev_content, split)
curr_rev_content = convert_page(curr_rev_content, split)
out_file = os.path.join(dir, dateiname + '.txt')
out_desc = file(out_file, 'w')
out_desc.writelines([it.rstrip() + '\n' for it in curr_rev_content if it])
# pdb.set_trace() # start debugging here
copy_attachments(pathname, attachment_dir)