
291 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable file

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 sw=2 :
# A script for converting MoinMoin version 1.3+ wiki data to DokuWiki format.
# Call with the name of the directory containing the MoinMoin pages and that
# of the directory to receive the DokuWiki pages on the command line:
# You need to run this on host where MoinMoin is configured and DokuWiki is
# configured, it will use current configuration from both wikis.
# python ./moin/data/pages/
# set ownership: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/dokuwiki/pages/*
# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/dokuwiki/media/*
# This script doesn't do all the work, and some of the work it does is
# wrong. For instance attachment links end up with the trailing "|}}"
# on the line following the link. This works, but doesn't look good.
# The script interprets a "/" in a pagename as a namespace delimiter and
# creates and fills namespace subdirectories accordingly.
# version 0.1 02.2010 Slim Gaillard, based on the "extended python"
# script here:
# version 0.2 Elan Ruusamäe, moved to github, track history there
import sys, os, os.path, re
import getopt
from shutil import copyfile, copystat
from os import listdir
from os.path import isdir, basename
from doku import DokuWiki
def check_dirs(moin_pages_dir, output_dir):
if not isdir(moin_pages_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, "MoinMoin pages directory doesn't exist!"
if not isdir(output_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, "Output directory doesn't exist!"
def get_path_names(moin_pages_dir):
items = listdir(moin_pages_dir)
pathnames = []
for item in items:
item = os.path.join(moin_pages_dir, item)
if isdir(item):
return pathnames
def readfile(filename):
return file(filename, 'r').readlines()
def writefile(filename, content, overwrite=False):
dir = os.path.split(filename)[0]
if not isdir(dir):
if os.path.exists(filename) and overwrite == False:
raise OSError, 'File already exists: %s' % filename
f = file(filename, 'w')
f.writelines([it.rstrip() + '\n' for it in content if it])
def get_current_revision(pagedir):
rev_dir = os.path.join(pagedir, 'revisions')
# try "current" file first
f = os.path.join(pagedir, 'current')
if os.path.exists(f):
rev = readfile(f)[0].rstrip()
except ValueError, e:
raise OSError, 'corrupted: %s: %s' % (f, rev)
if not isdir(rev_dir):
return None
revisions = listdir(rev_dir)
rev = revisions[-1]
print "%s rev: %s" % (pagedir, rev)
f = os.path.join(rev_dir, rev)
if not os.path.exists(f):
# deleted pages have '00000002' in current, and no existing file
return None
return f
# pagedir = MoinMoin page dir
# ns = DokuWiki namespace where attachments to copy
def copy_attachments(pagedir, ns):
dir = os.path.join(pagedir, 'attachments')
if not isdir(dir):
attachment_dir = dw.mediaFn(ns)
if not isdir(attachment_dir):
attachments = listdir(dir)
for attachment in attachments:
src = os.path.join(dir, attachment)
dst = dw.mediaFn(dw.cleanID("%s/%s" % (ns, attachment)))
copyfile(src, dst)
copystat(src, dst)
# convert page markup
# pagename: name of current page (MoinMoin name)
# content: page content (MoinMoin markup)
def convert_markup(pagename, content):
convert page markup
namespace = ':'
# for i in range(0, len(filename) - 1):
# namespace += filename[i] + ':'
regexp = (
('\[\[TableOfContents.*\]\]', ''), # remove
('\[\[BR\]\]$', ''), # newline at end of line - remove
('\[\[BR\]\]', '\n'), # newline
('#pragma section-numbers off', ''), # remove
('^##.*?\\n', ''), # comments: remove
('^#(pragma|format|redirect|refresh|language|acl)(.*?)\n', ''), # remove all
('^#deprecated(.*)\n', '<note warning>This page is deprecated<note>\n'), # deprecated
# Other elements
# break
('(<<BR>>)|(\[\[BR]])', '\\\\ '),
# horizontal line
('^\s*-{4,}\s*$', '----\n'),
# Macros and another foolish - simply remove
# macros
('<<.+?>>', ''),
('\[\[Anchor\(\w+\)\]\]', ''),
('\[\[(PageCount|RandomPage)\]\]', ''),
# ('\["', '[['), # internal link open
# ('"\]', ']]'), # internal link close
# internal links
('\[:(.+)\]', '[[\\1]]'),
# TODO: handle more depths
('\[\[(.*)/(.*)\]\]', 'B[[\\1:\\2]]'),
# wiki:xxx
('\[wiki:([^\s]+)\s+(.+)]', '[[\\1|\\2]]'),
('wiki:([^\s]+)\s+(.+)', '[[\\1|\\2]]'),
('wiki:([^\s]+)', '[[\\1]]'),
('(\[\[.+\]\]).*\]', '\\1'),
# web link without title
('\[((?:http|https|file)[^\s]+)\]', '[[\\1]]'),
# web link with title
('\[((?:http|https|file)[^\s]+)\s+(.+?)\]', '[[\\1|\\2]]'),
# ('\["/(.*)"\]', '[['+filename[-1]+':\\1]]'),
# code blocks
# open and language
('\{{3}#!(python|php)', '<'+'code \\1>'),
# code open
('\{{3}', '<'+'code>'),
# close
('\}{3}', '<'+'/code>'),
('^\s\s\s\s\*', ' *'),
('^\s\s\s\*', ' *'),
('^\s\s\*', ' *'),
('^\s\*', ' *'), # lists must have 2 whitespaces before the asterisk
('^\s\s\s\s1\.', ' -'),
('^\s\s1\.', ' -'),
('^\s1\.', ' -'),
('^\s*=====\s*(.*)\s*=====\s*$', '=-=- \\1 =-=-'), # heading 5
('^\s*====\s*(.*)\s*====\s*$', '=-=-=- \\1 =-=-=-'), # heading 4
('^\s*===\s*(.*)\s*===\s*$', '=-=-=-=- \\1 =-=-=-=-'), # heading 3
('^\s*==\s*(.*)\s*==\s*$', '=-=-=-=-=- \\1 =-=-=-=-=-'), # heading 2
('^\s*=\s*(.*)\s=\s*$', '=-=-=-=-=-=- \\1 =-=-=-=-=-=-'), # heading 1
('=-', '='),
('\|{2}', '|'), # table separator
('\'{5}(.*)\'{5}', '**//\\1//**'), # bold and italic
('\'{3}(.*)\'{3}', '**\\1**'), # bold
('\'{2}(.*)\'{2}', '//\\1//'), # italic
('`(.*?)`', "''\\1''"), # monospaced
('(?<!\[)(\b[A-Z]+[a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*\b)','[[\\1]]'), # CamelCase, dont change if CamelCase is in InternalLink
('\[\[Date\(([\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}T[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}Z)\)\]\]', '\\1'), # Date value
for i in range(len(content)):
line = content[i]
for item in regexp:
line = re.sub(item[0], item[1], line)
content[i] = line
return content
def print_help():
print "Usage: <moinmoin pages directory> <output directory>"
print "Convert MoinMoin pages to DokuWiki."
print "Options:"
print "-o - overwrite output files"
print "-f FILE - convert signle file"
# return unicode encoded wikiname
# input is a dir from moinmoin pages/ dir
def wikiname(filename):
from MoinMoin import wikiutil
return wikiutil.unquoteWikiname(basename(filename))
def convertfile(pagedir, overwrite = False):
pagedir = os.path.abspath(pagedir)
print "-> %s" % pagedir
curr_rev = get_current_revision(pagedir)
if curr_rev == None:
print "SKIP %s: no current revision" % pagedir
if not os.path.exists(curr_rev):
print "SKIP %s: filename missing" % curr_rev
pagename = wikiname(pagedir)
print "pagename: [%s]" % pagename
if pagename.count('MoinEditorBackup') > 0:
print "SKIP %s: skip backups" % pagedir
content = readfile(curr_rev)
content = convert_markup(pagename, content)
out_file = dw.wikiFn(pagename)
print "dokuname: [%s]" % out_file
writefile(out_file, content, overwrite = overwrite)
ns = dw.getNS(dw.cleanID(pagename))
copy_attachments(pagedir, ns)
return 1
# "main" starts here
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hof:', [ "help" ])
except getopt.GetoptError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Incorrect parameters! Use --help switch to learn more.: %s' % e
overwrite = False
inputfile = None
for o, a in opts:
if o == "--help" or o == "-h":
if o == "-o":
overwrite = True
if o == "-f":
inputfile = a
if len(args) != 2:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Incorrect parameters! Use --help switch to learn more.'
(moin_pages_dir, output_dir) = args
check_dirs(moin_pages_dir, output_dir)
print 'Input dir is: %s.' % moin_pages_dir
print 'Output dir is: %s.' % output_dir
dw = DokuWiki()
if inputfile != None:
res = convertfile(inputfile, overwrite = overwrite)
pathnames = get_path_names(moin_pages_dir)
converted = 0
for pathname in pathnames:
res = convertfile(pathname, overwrite = overwrite)
if res != None:
converted += 1
print "Processed %d files, converted %d" % (len(pathnames), converted)