Complete MoinMoin to DokuWiki converter ======================================= Uses native MoinMoin modules to handle converting and translating paths. Converts also page history and edit-log. Tested with MoinMoin 1.9.9 and DokuWiki 2018-04-22 releases under Windows 7 You need to run this on host where both MoinMoin and DokuWiki are configured, it uses current configuration from both wikis. Edit `doku.php` if your DokuWiki installation is other than `/usr/share/dokuwiki` To convert moinmoin all pages with history, invoke: ``` $ ./ -a -d /var/lib/dokuwiki ``` To convert single page (FrontPage): ``` $ ./ -F moinmoin/data/pages/FrontPage -d out ``` You should invoke `bin/indexer.php` after conversion to make all pages are indexed. and ensure ownership of files is correct: (`www-data:www-data` being your uid/gid webserver runs): ``` # chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/dokuwiki/pages/* # chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/dokuwiki/media/* ``` additionally, depending on your configuration, you may need to gzip the attic pages. Hints for Windows Users ----------------------- The Batchfiles (`*.cmd`) should help to do the conversation under Windows. You should create a copy of the `settings.cmd` and call it `settings.local.cmd` to set your own local paths. Call `moin2doku.cmd` to convert the full MoinMoin Wiki. All DokuWiki pages will be written to an `out` folder in the current directory. This will convert a single page: ``` D:\moin2doku\> moin2doku.cmd MyMoinPage ``` Set `%OUTDIR%` to an alternativ output folder. This should not be the dokuwiki `data` folder if you want to do a full conversation. The `reindex.cmd` will call the `bin/indexer.php`-Skript. History ======= version 0.1 (2010-02) ------------------- Slim Gaillard, based on the "extended python" script here: version 0.2 (2011) ---------------- Elan Ruusamäe, moved to github, track history there version 1.0 (2012) ---------------- Complete moinmoin to dokuwiki converter, uses native moinmoin code to handle converting and translating paths. Converts also page history and edit-log. This marks the project "done", I will no longer develop it or support it, as I got my conversion done. However, I do accept patches (pull requests) to sane amount. I put repo online so others have better starting point than I did. version 1.1 (2015) ---------------- Modifed the script to work with newer Moin versions and API changes. version 1.2 (2019-01) ---------------- Some modifications to work with current DokuWiki and added more formattings. Search GitHub Forks for newer versions of this project.