@echo off REM -- no setlocal in this script! REM make a copy of this file and adjust the paths set PHP_HOME=c:\Program Files\php set PYTHON_HOME=c:\Python27 REM -- MoinMoin settings set MOIN_HOME=c:\wwwroot\wiki\moin set MOIN_CONFIG=%MOIN_HOME%\wiki\config REM set MOIN_CONFIG=c:\wwwroot\moinfarmdata\config set MOIN_DATA_HOME=%MOIN_HOME%\wiki\data REM set MOIN_CONFIG=c:\wwwroot\moinfarmdata\ REM -- DokuWiki settings set DOKU_HOME=c:\wwwroot\wiki\dokuwiki set DOKU_ANIMALS_HOME=%DOKU_HOME% REM set DOKU_ANIMALS_HOME=c:\wwwroot\dokufarmdata REM set animal= REM comment this in to do a full converstion REM set DOKU_FULL_HISTORY=-a REM -- path to your php.ini used by your webserver REM set PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=c:\Program Files\ApacheHttpd\conf\ REM -- set this to your "production" dokuwiki if you want to update only. REM set OUTDIR=%DOKU_ANIMALS_HOME%\%animal%\data REM ----8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<---- REM -- remove everything beyond the line from your copy chcp 1252 if exist "%~dpn0.local.cmd" call "%~dpn0.local.cmd" REM -- %animal% must be lowercase! ( set animal= set animal=%animal% ) set PATH=%PATH%;%PYTHON_HOME%;%PHP_HOME% set PYTHONPATH=. set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%MOIN_HOME% set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%MOIN_HOME%\MoinMoin\support set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%MOIN_CONFIG% set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;