Robert Kaussow 5c5e2d59cb
refactor: replace gulp by webpack and npm scripts ()
BREAKING CHANGE: We have replaced `gulp` with `webpack` and `npm scripts` to build this theme. If you build it on your own or use build commands during the deployment, you may have to adjust your setup.

BREAKING CHANGE: The `GeekblogIcons` font is using the icon name as Unicode now. As a consequence, you have to replace all references to Icons from this font if you have customized the theme.

BREAKING CHANGE: We have refactored the search integration to split Hugo templates from JavaScript code. To get it working again, you need to adjust the `outputFormats` and `outputs` in your Hugo configuration file, as [documented](
2022-01-06 13:58:10 +01:00

57 lines
2.5 KiB

{{ $geekdocRepo := default (default false .Site.Params.GeekdocRepo) .Page.Params.GeekdocRepo }}
{{ $geekdocEditPath := default (default false .Site.Params.GeekdocEditPath) .Page.Params.GeekdocEditPath }}
{{ if .File }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "geekdocFilePath" (default .File.Path .Page.Params.GeekdocFilePath) }}
{{ else }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "geekdocFilePath" false }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "breadcrumb" }}
{{ $parent := .page.Parent }}
{{ if $parent }}
{{ $name := (partial "title" $parent) }}
{{ $position := (sub .position 1) }}
{{ $value := (printf "<li itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''><a itemscope itemtype='' itemprop='item' itemid='%s' href='%s'><span itemprop='name'>%s</span></a><meta itemprop='position' content='%d' /></li><li> / </li>%s" $parent.RelPermalink $parent.RelPermalink $name $position .value) }}
{{ template "breadcrumb" dict "page" $parent "value" $value "position" $position }}
{{ else }}
{{ .value | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $showBreadcrumb := (and (default true .Page.Params.GeekdocBreadcrumb) (default true .Site.Params.GeekdocBreadcrumb)) }}
{{ $showEdit := (and ($.Scratch.Get "geekdocFilePath") $geekdocRepo $geekdocEditPath) }}
class="gdoc-page__header flex flex-wrap
{{ if $showBreadcrumb }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not $showEdit }}hidden-mobile{{ end }}
{{ if (and (not $showBreadcrumb) (not $showEdit)) }}hidden{{ end }}"
{{ if $showBreadcrumb }}
<svg class="icon gdoc_path hidden-mobile"><use xlink:href="#gdoc_path"></use></svg>
<ol class="breadcrumb" itemscope itemtype="">
{{ $position := sub (len (split .RelPermalink "/")) 1 }}
{{ $name := (partial "title" .) }}
{{ $value := (printf "<li itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''><span itemprop='name'>%s</span><meta itemprop='position' content='%d' /></li>" $name $position ) }}
{{ template "breadcrumb" dict "page" . "value" $value "position" $position }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $showEdit }}
<span class="editpage">
<svg class="icon gdoc_code"><use xlink:href="#gdoc_code"></use></svg>
href="{{ $geekdocRepo }}/{{ path.Join $geekdocEditPath ($.Scratch.Get "geekdocFilePath") }}"
Edit this page
{{ end }}