Robert Kaussow 6eb576575e
refactor: move profile size from img to degicated avatar shortcode ()
BREAKING CHANGE: The `size=profile` option was removed from the `img` shortcode. To create avatar images the new `avatar` shortcode can be used.
2024-04-07 21:54:12 +02:00

57 lines
2.1 KiB

{{- $source := ($.Page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch (printf "%s" (.Get "name")) }}
{{- $customAlt := .Get "alt" }}
{{- $customSize := .Get "size" | lower }}
{{- $customAnchor := default "smart" (.Get "anchor") | title }}
{{- $data := newScratch }}
{{- with $source }}
{{- $caption := default .Title $customAlt }}
{{- $isSVG := (eq .MediaType.SubType "svg") }}
{{- $origin := . -}}
{{- if $isSVG }}
{{- $data.SetInMap "size" "tiny" "160" }}
{{- $data.SetInMap "size" "small" "300" }}
{{- $data.SetInMap "size" "medium" "600" }}
{{- $data.SetInMap "size" "large" "900" }}
{{- else }}
{{- $data.SetInMap "size" "tiny" (printf "160x160 %s" $customAnchor) }}
{{- $data.SetInMap "size" "small" (printf "300x300 %s" $customAnchor) }}
{{- $data.SetInMap "size" "medium" (printf "600x600 %s" $customAnchor) }}
{{- $data.SetInMap "size" "large" (printf "900x900 %s" $customAnchor) }}
{{- end -}}
<div class="flex justify-center">
class="gdoc-markdown__figure gdoc-markdown__figure--round">
<a class="gdoc-markdown__link--raw" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
{{- $size := $data.Get "size" }}
{{- if not $isSVG }}
{{- if ne $customSize "origin" }}
{{- if $customSize }}
srcset="{{ ($origin.Fill (index $size $customSize)).Permalink }}"
{{- else }}
srcset="{{ ($origin.Fill (index $size "small")).Permalink }} 600w, {{ ($origin.Fill (index $size "medium")).Permalink }} 1200w" sizes="100vw"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $isSVG }}
src="{{ $origin.Permalink }}" width="{{ index $size (default "medium" $customSize) }}"
{{- else }}
{{- if eq $customSize "origin" }}
src="{{ $origin.Permalink }}"
{{- else }}
src="{{ ($origin.Fill (index $size "large")).Permalink }}"
{{- end }}
alt="{{ $caption }}"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}