Robert Kaussow 5c22ce57dc
feat: add multilingual mode support ()
BREAKING CHANGE:  Layout file renamed ´layouts/partials/page-footer.html → layouts/partials/menu-nextprev.html`. If you use overrides, you might need to change the filenames as well.
2022-01-23 13:21:44 +01:00

21 lines
912 B

{{- $showAnchor := (and (default true .Page.Params.GeekdocAnchor) (default true .Page.Site.Params.GeekdocAnchor)) -}}
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
{{- if $showAnchor -}}
<div class="gdoc-page__anchorwrap">
<h{{ .Level }} id="{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}">
{{ .Text | safeHTML }}
<a data-clipboard-text="{{ .Page.Permalink }}#{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}" class="gdoc-page__anchor gdoc-page__anchor--right clip" title="{{ i18n "title_anchor_prefix" }} {{ .Text | safeHTML }}" aria-label="{{ i18n "title_anchor_prefix" }} {{ .Text | safeHTML }}" href="#{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}">
<svg class="icon gdoc_link"><use xlink:href="#gdoc_link"></use></svg>
</h{{ .Level }}>
{{- else -}}
<div class="gdoc-page__anchorwrap">
<h{{ .Level }} id="{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}">
{{ .Text | safeHTML }}
</h{{ .Level }}>
{{- end -}}
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->