{{- $name := .Get "name" -}} {{- $sort := .Get "sort" -}} {{- $order := default "asc" (.Get "order") -}} {{- $showAnchor := (and (default true .Page.Params.geekdocAnchor) (default true .Page.Site.Params.geekdocAnchor)) -}} {{- if .Site.Data.properties }} <dl class="gdoc-props"> {{- with (index .Site.Data.properties (split $name ".")) }} {{- $properties := .properties }} {{- with $sort }} {{- $properties = (sort $properties . $order) }} {{- end }} {{- range $properties }} {{- $uniqueAnchor := anchorize (printf "%s-%s" $name .name) | safeHTML }} <dt class="flex flex-wrap align-center gdoc-props__meta"{{ if $showAnchor }} id="{{ $uniqueAnchor }}"{{ end }}> <span class="gdoc-props__title">{{ .name }}</span> {{- if .required }} <span class="gdoc-props__tag warning">{{ i18n "propertylist_required" | lower }}</span> {{- else }} <span class="gdoc-props__tag tip">{{ i18n "propertylist_optional" | lower }}</span> {{- end }} {{- with .type }} <span class="gdoc-props__tag note">{{ . }}</span> {{- end }} {{- with .tags }} {{- $tags := . }} {{- if reflect.IsMap $tags }} {{- $tags = (index $tags $.Site.Language.Lang) }} {{- end }} {{- range $tags }} <span class="gdoc-props__tag">{{ . }}</span> {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if $showAnchor }} <a data-clipboard-text="{{ .Page.Permalink }}#{{ $uniqueAnchor }}" class="gdoc-page__anchor clip flex align-center" title="{{ i18n "title_anchor_prefix" }} {{ .name | safeHTML }}" aria-label="{{ i18n "title_anchor_prefix" }} {{ .name | safeHTML }}" href="#{{ $uniqueAnchor }}"> <svg class="gdoc-icon gdoc_link"><use xlink:href="#gdoc_link"></use></svg> </a> {{- end }} </dt> <dd> <div class="gdoc-props__description"> {{- with .description }} {{- $desc := . }} {{- if reflect.IsMap $desc }} {{- $desc = (index $desc $.Site.Language.Lang) }} {{- end }} {{ $desc | $.Page.RenderString }} {{- end }} </div> <div class="gdoc-props__default"> {{- with default "none" (.defaultValue | string) }} <span>{{ i18n "propertylist_default" | title }}:</span> <span>{{ . }}</span> {{- end }} </div> </dd> {{- end }} {{- end }} </dl> {{- end }}