{{ $current := . }} {{ template "tree-nav" dict "sect" .Site.Home.Sections "current" $current }} <!-- templates --> {{ define "tree-nav" }} {{ $current := .current }} <ul class="gdoc-nav__list"> {{ range .sect.GroupBy "Weight" }} {{ range .ByTitle }} {{ if not .Params.GeekdocHidden }} {{ $numberOfPages := (add (len .Pages) (len .Sections)) }} {{ $isParent := and (ne $numberOfPages 0) (not .Params.GeekdocFlatSection) }} {{ $isCurrent := eq $current . }} {{ $isAncestor := .IsAncestor $current }} {{ $id := substr (sha1 .Permalink) 0 8 }} {{ $hasCollapse := and $isParent .Params.GeekdocCollapseSection }} <li> {{ if $hasCollapse }} <input type="checkbox" id="{{ printf "navtree-%s" $id }}" class="gdoc-nav__toggle" {{ if or $isCurrent $isAncestor }}checked{{ end }}> <label for="{{ printf "navtree-%s" $id }}" class="flex justify-between"> {{ end }} {{ if or .Content .Params.GeekdocFlatSection }} <span class="flex"> <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" class="gdoc-nav__entry {{ if eq $current . }}is-active{{ end }}"> {{ partial "title" . }} </a> </span> {{ else }} <span class="flex">{{ partial "title" . }}</span> {{ end }} {{ if $hasCollapse }} <svg class="icon keyborad_arrow_left"><use xlink:href="#keyborad_arrow_left"></use></svg> <svg class="icon keyborad_arrow_down hidden"><use xlink:href="#keyborad_arrow_down"></use></svg> </label> {{ end }} {{ if $isParent }} {{ template "tree-nav" dict "sect" .Pages "current" $current}} {{ end }} </li> {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} </ul> {{ end }}