The theme supports two different kinds of menus. File-tree menu is the default one and does not require further configuration to work. If you want full control about your menu the bundle menu is a powerful option to accomplish it. {{< toc >}} ## File-tree menu As the name already suggests, the file tree menu builds a menu from the file system structure of the content folder. By default, areas and subareas are sorted alphabetically by the title of the pages. To manipulate the order the `weight` parameter in a page [front matter]( can be used. To structure your content folder you have to use [page bundles](, single files are **not** supported. Hugo will render build single files in the content folder just fine but it will not be added to the menu. **Example:** File system structure: ```plain content/ ├── level-1 │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   └── level-1-3 │   ├── │   └── └── level-2 ├── ├── └── ``` [![Example file-tree menu](/media/file-tree.png)](/media/file-tree.png) ## Bundle menu This type of navigation needs to be enabled first by setting `geekdocMenuBundle` to `true` in your [site configuration](/usage/configuration/#site-configuration). After you have activated the bundle menu, you start with an empty navigation. This is intentional because bundle menus have to be defined manually in a data file. While this increases the effort it also offers maximum flexibility in the design. The data file needs to be written in YAML and placed at `data/menu/main.yml`. **Example:** ```YAML --- main: - name: Level 1 ref: "/level-1" icon: "notification" sub: - name: Level 1.1 ref: "/level-1/level-1-1" - name: Level 1.2 ref: "/level-1/level-1-2" - name: Level 1.3 ref: "/level-1/level-1-3" sub: - name: Level 1.3.1 ref: "/level-1/level-1-3/level-1-3-1" - name: Level 2 ref: "/level-2" sub: - name: Level 2.1 ref: "/level-2/level-2-1" - name: Level 2.2 ref: "/level-2/level-2-2" ``` As an advantage you can add [icons](/usage/icons/) to your menu entries e.g. `icon: "notification"`. [![Example bundle menu](/media/bundle-menu.png)](/media/bundle-menu.png) ### More menu {{< hint ok >}} **Tip**\ The more menu is special type of the bundle menu and can be combined with the default file-tree menu. {{< /hint >}} As this is a special type of the bundle menu it is basically working in the same way. To enable it just add a data file to `data/menu/more.yml`. The more menu will also work with the file-tree menu and therefor **don't need to be enabled** by the `geekdocMenuBundle` parameter. **Example:** ```YAML --- more: - name: News ref: "/#" icon: "notification" - name: Releases ref: "" external: true icon: "download" - name: "View Source" ref: "" external: true icon: "github" ``` [![Example bundle menu](/media/more-menu.png)](/media/more-menu.png)