# Geekdoc [](https://drone.thegeeklab.de/thegeeklab/hugo-geekdoc) [](https://gohugo.io) [](https://github.com/thegeeklab/hugo-geekdoc/releases/latest) [](https://github.com/thegeeklab/hugo-geekdoc/graphs/contributors) [](https://github.com/thegeeklab/hugo-geekdoc/blob/main/LICENSE) Geekdoc is a simple Hugo theme for documentations. It is intentionally designed as a fast and lean theme and may not fit the requirements of complex projects. If a more feature-complete theme is required there are a lot of good alternatives out there. You can find a demo and the full documentation at [https://geekdocs.de](https://geekdocs.de).  ## Build and release process This theme is subject to a CI driven build and release process common for software development. During the release build, all necessary assets are automatically built by [webpack](https://webpack.js.org/) and bundled in a release tarball. You can download the latest release from the GitHub [release page](https://github.com/thegeeklab/hugo-geekdoc/releases). Due to the fact that `webpack` and `npm scripts` are used as pre-processors, the theme cannot be used from the main branch by default. If you want to use the theme from a cloned branch instead of a release tarball you'll need to install `webpack` locally and run the build script once to create all required assets. ```Shell # install required packages from package.json npm install # run the build script to build required assets npm run build ``` See the [Getting Started Guide](https://geekdocs.de/usage/getting-started/) for details about the different setup options. ## Contributors Special thanks goes to all [contributors](https://github.com/thegeeklab/hugo-geekdoc/graphs/contributors). If you would like to contribute, please see the [instructions](https://github.com/thegeeklab/hugo-geekdoc/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md). Geekdoc is inspired and partially based on the [hugo-book](https://github.com/alex-shpak/hugo-book) theme, thanks [Alex Shpak](https://github.com/alex-shpak/) for your work. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/thegeeklab/hugo-geekdoc/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details. The used SVG icons and generated icon fonts are licensed under the license of the respective icon pack: - Font Awesome: [CC BY 4.0 License](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#license) - IcoMoon Free Pack: [GPL/CC BY 4.0](https://icomoon.io/#icons-icomoon) - Material Icons: [Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/main/LICENSE)