- name: "lstu | Ermittle aktuellen Tag" ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: curl -s "{{ lstu_api_url }}" | jq '.[]' | jq -r '.name' | head -1 warn: false changed_when: false register: latest_tag - name: "lstu | Erstelle Verzeichnisse" ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ lstu.path }}" state: directory owner: "{{ lstu_user }}" group: "{{ lstu_user }}" mode: 0755 recurse: true - name: "lstu | Klone Git" ansible.builtin.git: repo: "{{ lstu_git_url }}" dest: "{{ lstu.path }}" force: true version: "{{ latest_tag.stdout }}" - name: "lstu | Kopiere Konfiguration" ansible.builtin.copy: src: "{{ lstu.path }}/lstu.conf.template" dest: "{{ lstu.path }}/lstu.conf" mode: 0640 remote_src: true force: false register: configuration - name: "lstu | Installiere Abhängigkeiten" ansible.builtin.shell: #cmd: carton install --deployment --without=test --without=sqlite --without=postgresql --without=ldap --without=htpasswd --without=cache cmd: carton install --without=test --without=sqlite --without=postgresql --without=ldap --without=htpasswd --without=cache chdir: "{{ lstu.path }}" when: configuration.changed - name: "lstu | set ownership" ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ lstu.path }}" owner: "{{ lstu_user }}" group: "{{ lstu_user }}" recurse: true - name: "lstu | edit config" ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path="{{ lstu.path }}/lstu.conf" regexp="{{ item.regexp }}" line="{{ item.line }}" state=present backup=no backrefs=no loop: - { regexp: '^\s*#contact.*$', line: " contact => '{{ lstu.contact }}'," } - { regexp: '^\s*#dbtype.*$', line: " dbtype => 'mysql'," } - { regexp: '^\s*listen\s*=>.*$', line: " listen => ['']," } - { regexp: '^\s*#proxy\s*=>.*$', line: " proxy => 1," } - { regexp: '^\s*#really_delete_urls\s*=>.*$', line: " really_delete_urls => 1," } - { regexp: '^\s*#secret\s*=>.*$', line: " secret => ['{{ lstu_cookie_secret }}']," } - { regexp: '^\s*#adminpwd\s*=>.*$', line: " adminpwd => '{{ lstu.admin_passwd }}'," } tags: lstu_conf - name: "lstu | edit config (db)" ansible.builtin.blockinfile: path: "{{ lstu.path }}/lstu.conf" insertbefore: '^\s*#mysqldb.*$' block: | mysqldb => { database => '{{ lstu_db }}', host => '{{ database_host }}', # optional, default is 3306 #port => 3306, user => '{{ lstu_db_user }}', pwd => '{{ lstu_db_password }}', # optional, default is 5 (set to 0 to disable persistent connections) #max_connections => 5, }, - name: "lstu | Kopiere systemd-Unit" ansible.builtin.template: src: lstu.service.j2 dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ lstu_service }}" mode: 0644 notify: restart lstu - name: "lstu | Prüfe Theme-Verzeichnis" ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ lstu.path }}/themes/{{ lstu_theme }}" register: theme # - name: "lstu | Kopiere Update-Skript" # ansible.builtin.template: # src: lstu-updater.j2 # dest: "/usr/local/bin/lstu-updater" # mode: 0755 # - name: "lstu | Cron für Auto-Updates" # ansible.builtin.cron: # name: lstu Aktualisierungen # hour: "3" # minute: "3" # job: "chronic /usr/local/bin/lstu-updater" - name: "lstu | Monit-Überwachung" ansible.builtin.template: src: monit.j2 dest: /etc/monit/conf-enabled/lstu mode: 0644 notify: reload monit