import helper import pgdb,sys dbusername="webgouser" dbpassword="webgopassword" dbname="webgo" #pgdb.connect(connect_string) -> connection #connect_string = 'host:database:user:password:opt:tty' connect_string='localhost:'+dbname+':'+dbusername+':'+dbpassword db=pgdb.connect(connect_string) def create_table(name,layout=""): """ create_table(name:string, layout:string) returns name if successfull, None if not. simple function to create a table. the function itself would just create an empty table with the command 'CREATE TABLE ();'. The real layout is given to the function as an argument of type string. This string contains all column declarations in SQL syntax: "var1 real, var2 int" name is the name of the table """ executestring = "CREATE TABLE %s ( %s );" % (name,layout) sql_one_liner(executestring) def insert_into_table(table, content): """ gets the name of a table and a content string. executes INSERT INTO name VALUES content; """ executestring = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES %s" % (table,content) sql_one_liner(executestring) def drop_table(name): """ gets: name of table. executes DROP TABLE """ executestring = "DROP TABLE %s;" % (name) sql_one_liner(executestring) def sql_one_liner(data): """ gets:SQL statement creates a cursor, executes , closes cursor. """ cursor=db.cursor() cursor.execute(data) # Commit the changes db.commit() cursor.close() def create_goban_table(size): """ gets:size of goban. creates postgresql table containing goban data. returns: name of created table. """ tablename="test" data="line varchar(15)" for i in range(1,size+1): if data != "": data += ", " data += "x"+str(i) + ' varchar(15)' create_table(tablename,data) #table created, now fill the table for i in range(1,size+1): tmplist=[] tmplist.append("y"+str(i)) for k in range(1,size+1): tmplist.append(0) insert_into_table(tablename,str(tuple(tmplist))) #ok, goban itself has been created and filled, #now insert additional variables tmplist=[] tmplist.append("turn_number") tmplist.append("1") insert_into_table(tablename,str(tuple(tmplist))) #size of goban tmplist=[] tmplist.append("size") tmplist.append(size) insert_into_table(tablename,str(tuple(tmplist))) #name of goban (=name of table in database) tmplist=[] tmplist.append("name") tmplist.append(tablename) insert_into_table(tablename,str(tuple(tmplist))) return tablename def create_user_table(): """ creates a table named users with following columns: name - name of user password - passsword of user game1 - the 10 game slots of this user contain names ... of goban tables game10 sessionid - id of current session timeout - when does session time out? """ data = "username varchar(15)" data += ", password varchar(15)" for i in range(1,11): data += ", game"+str(i)+" varchar(15)" data += ", sessionid text" data += ", timeout int" create_table("users",data) def read_table(table): """ gets the name of a table, does a SELECT * FROM table; returns output. """ cursor=db.cursor() data="SELECT * FROM %s;" % (table) cursor.execute(data) # Commit the changes db.commit() ret = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return ret def get_user_game_list(name): """ gets a username, returns the list of games for user. """ cursor=db.cursor() ret = [] for x in range(1,11): data="SELECT game%s FROM users WHERE username = '%s'" % (x,name) try: cursor.execute(data) # Commit the changes db.commit() ret.append(cursor.fetchone()[0]) #[0], because return is a list except: ret = "could not get info of all games -- table corrupt?" return ret cursor.close() return ret def get_user_info(name,infotype): """ gets the name of a user and the type of requested info. returns info from database. """ cursor=db.cursor() if infotype in ("password","sessionid","timeout"): data="SELECT %s FROM users WHERE username = '%s'" % (infotype,name) try: cursor.execute(data) # Commit the changes db.commit() ret = cursor.fetchone()[0] #[0], because return is a list except: ret = "no such user" cursor.close() else: ret = "Are your sure about the infotype?" return ret def set_user_sessionid(username,sessionid): """ gets username and sessionid, writes sessid into database """ executestring ="UPDATE users SET sessionid = '%s' WHERE username = '%s'" %(sessionid, username) sql_one_liner(executestring) def set_user_timeout(username): """ gets username, sets timeout to time.time + 30min """ import time timeout = int(time.time()) + 1800 #current time in seconds + seconds for session executestring ="UPDATE users SET timeout = '%s' WHERE username = '%s'" %(timeout, username) sql_one_liner(executestring) def update_database_field(table,column,line,data): """ gets: table name, column name, line name, new content for field. executes an SQL UPDATE statement for line. """ #TODO:schreiben executestring ="UPDATE %s SET %s = '%s' WHERE line = '%s'" %(table,column,data,line) sql_one_liner(executestring) def update_goban_field(table,x,y,content): """ gets: goban dictionary, x,y coordinates, new content for field. modifies goban in database. """ update_database_field(table,"x"+str(x),"y"+str(y),content) def update_turn_number(table,new_number): """ gets: name of table,new turn number modifies 'turn_number' in table """ update_database_field(table,"x1","turn_number",new_number) def add_webgo_user(name,password): """ adds a database entry for a user. gets: username and password """ #size of goban tmplist=[] tmplist.append(name) tmplist.append(password) insert_into_table("users",str(tuple(tmplist))) def fetchall_list_to_goban_dict(list): """ gets the output from read_table (a list), returns a goban dictionary. """ #create dictionary ret = {} #get size of goban for item in list: if item[0] == "size": size=int(item[1]) ret["size"] = size #populate dictionary with goban field for item in list: if item[0][0] == "y": #goban fields #get current y coordinate y = int(item[0][1:]) #fill dictionary for current y coordinate for x in range(1,size+1): ret[(x,y)]=helper.check_for_int(item[x]) else: #other variables ret[item[0]]=helper.check_for_int(item[1]) return ret def test(): #create_table("test") drop_table("test") create_goban_table(9) update_database_field("test","x1","turn_number",4) list = read_table("test") print list dict = fetchall_list_to_goban_dict(list) print dict print dict["turn_number"] print dict["name"] print type(dict["turn_number"]) #test()