#!/usr/bin/python import sys,string import cgi import pickle import psql,helper picklefile = "goban.pickledump" ############################################################################### def display_goban(goban,req,form): """ gets: dictionary containing the layout of the used goban. returns: string containing the HTML code for a clickable goban. """ data = "" hoshis19x19 = [(4,4),(4,10),(4,16),(10,4),(10,10),(10,16),(16,4),(16,10),(16,16)] hoshis13x13 = [(4,4),(4,10),(7,7),(10,4),(10,10)] hoshis9x9 = [(3,3),(3,7),(5,5),(7,3),(7,7)] data += '
' data += """ """ % (form["sessionid"],form["username"],form["game"]) try: size = goban["size"] except: #TODO: proper error management raise "[EE] display_goban: got broken goban dictionary." sys.exit(1) for x in range(1,size+1): for y in range(1,size+1): # check for white or black stone if goban[(x,y)] == 1: stone = "_white" elif goban[(x,y)] == 2: stone = "_black" else: stone = "" sx = str(x) sy = str(y) # check position: if (x == 1) and (y == 1): # upper left data += '' elif (x == 1) and (y == size): # upper right data += '
' elif (x == size) and (y == size): # lower right data += '
' elif (x == size) and (y == 1): # lower left data += '' elif (y == 1): #left line data += '' elif (x == 1): # top line data += '' elif (y == size): # right line data += '
' elif (x == size): #bottom line data += '' else: # hoshi or empty inner field defaultfield = '' #too lazy to make special images for hoshi fields with stones: if goban[(x,y)] == 1: hoshifield = '' elif goban[(x,y)] == 2: hoshifield = '' else: #empty hoshi hoshifield = '' if size == 19: # 9 hoshis if (x,y) in hoshis19x19: data += hoshifield else: data += defaultfield elif size == 13: if (x,y) in hoshis13x13: data += hoshifield else: data += defaultfield elif size == 9: if (x,y) in hoshis9x9: data += hoshifield else: data += defaultfield data += '\n' data += '\n
' return data def process_form(req,form,goban): """ gets a goban dictionary. reads out the returned CGI form. if the goban has been clicked, return a (x,y) tuple of the position. """ #if form == empty (which means if page is displayed for the first time): if form.keys() != []: #cut out the name of the clicked button for item in form.keys(): if string.find(item,").x")>0: namestring = string.split(item,".x")[0] position = helper.string_to_tuple(namestring) ret = set_stone(goban, position) if (type(ret) == type("")): return (goban,ret) #return old goban and error string else: goban = ret return (goban,"") # return new goban and empty string def set_stone(goban, position): """gets a goban dictionary and a (x,y)-tuple. Returns a modified goban.""" turn = goban["turn_number"] if (goban[position] == 0): #empty field goban[position] = (turn % 2) + 1 #even turn: white stone (1), else black stone(2) goban["turn_number"] += 1 #now write changed values to database psql.update_goban_field(goban["name"],position[0],position[1],(turn % 2) + 1) psql.update_turn_number(goban["name"],goban["turn_number"]) return goban else: return "Could not make move: Field not empty." ############################################################################### def main(gamename): # Print the required header that tells the browser how to render the text. #(currently done by error logger) #print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" #do stuff data = helper.header() #read goban table from database tmplist = psql.read_table(gamename) #make a dictionary out of the list goban = psql.fetchall_list_to_goban_dict(tmplist) #print goban (goban,retstring) = process_form(goban) data += "

Turn number: %s, %s Player's Move.

" % (goban["turn_number"],("White","Black")[goban["turn_number"] % 2]) #eleet ;> data += display_goban(goban) if retstring != "": data +="\n


\n" data += helper.footer() print data