----------------- creating the database -------------------- #installing PostgreSQL the Debian way apt-get install postgresql su postgres #in template1 psql template1 #at the prompt write: CREATE DATABASE webgo ; #now create user who is allowed to administrate this database #user and password should be changed;> CREATE USER name PASSWORD 'password'; #now make a super user out of this user: #TODO:tighter rights for user, this should be unsecure ALTER USER name CREATEUSER; #now change the user and password variables in the script #default values at beginning of psql.py: #webgouser #webgopassword ----------------- configuring apache2 ----------------------- Steps to do to get a runnable version: 1. apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-python 2. create /etc/apache2/conf.d/webgo.conf with content: Alias /webgo /home/mtsrc/daten/projekte/webgo/ <DirectoryMatch /home/mtsrc/daten/projekte/webgo/> AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler main PythonDebug On </DirectoryMatch> You should replace the directory settings for optimal results ;> 3. set ownership of webgo directory to ownership of the web server -- since the use of mod_python this should not be needed? -------------------------------------------------------------- this should be all. try visiting http://localhost/webgo.main.py with a web browser. Errors get written to /tmp/cgi_errors.log and to the webpage.