Using your sftp/ssh-account on Eduforge
Quick reference

user directory
project directory

First steps

To connect to the server you have to import your public ssh-key to your account.

    * your public ssh-key is usually located at /.ssh/ (dsa instead of rsa is also ok)

      if it does not exist, then you can create one:
          o ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
          o now you have a rsa-key with 2048 bits (4096 bits could cause problems with eduforge)
    * now login to your account on the eduforge-website
    * choose my account in the navigation bar at the left
    * click on edit keys at the bottom of this page
    * copy and paste the content of your public-key-file into the formular (only one line!)
    * submit
    * the keys are activated by a cronjob, so this could take some time ...

Login with ssh

This should not be necessary, because the ssh-environment is quite restricted. It is mainly used for cvs.

But if you want, you can login with

Login with sftp

If you want to use a graphical sftp-client, you could try gftp (add your recommondations, if you know alternatives).

In a console you could use

One advantage of the console-client (at least compared to gftp) is the ability to change the group of files. This could be necessary, if you want to upload files for a project.
How can I use uploaded files?

Usually you will upload files to your project's homepage. Everything you upload to /home/groups/PROJECTNAME/htdocs/ will be available at
Ownership and permissions for multi-user projects

You should be aware, that by default other members of your project will not be able to replace or remove the files you uploaded. You have to change the group of these files to your project's group-id.

You can get your project's group-id by looking at the attributes of your project's htdocs directory.

You should also set group-write permissions for your uploaded files and directories.

For daily use it is possible to give sftp a batchfile
    sftp -b foo
Put the the actions in the "foo" file where xxxx is your group-id
    chgrp xxxx /home/groups/my_project/htdocs -R